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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Non-Benthamite influences of the English law of evidence : 1828 - 1898

Allen, Christopher John Wallace January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

Sobre o governo em Jeremy Bentham: o risco das partes e o traçado do todo / Sobre o governo em Jeremy Bentham: o risco das partes e o traçado do todo

Picoli, Rogério Antonio 28 February 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho é sobre idéia de governo no pensamento político do filósofo moral e do direito, radical político e teórico constitucional inglês Jeremy Bentham (1748- 1832). Após uma breve exposição dos principais temas e questões exploradas, bem como, dos respectivos momentos da sua vida intelectual, argumento a favor de que é possível extrair da crítica política e jurídica de Bentham a Blackstone alguns elementos da sua concepção de governo e visão sobre a política. Argumenta-se a favor de certa convergência entre as posições de Bacon e de Bentham com relação aos projetos de reforma penal, concepção de governo, métodos de investigação e ontologia da política. Também, é explorada a sugestão de que tal convergência pode ser explicada em virtude dos princípios filosóficos similares adotados por ambos. A principal conclusão é a de que a linha de interpretação discutida pode fornecer uma melhor compreensão sobre as conexões entre a variedade de assuntos explorados nos escritos jurídicos-políticos de Bentham. / This work is about the idea of the government in the political thought of the English utilitarian moral and legal philosopher, political radical and constitutional theorist Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832). After a brief exposition of the main themes and questions explored by him and the respective moments of his intellectual life, give evidence it is possible to extract from Bentham´s political and juridical criticism to the Blackstone some elements of his government conception and vision about politics. It is argued in favor of some convergence between Bacon´s and Bentham´s positions concerning legal reform projects, government conception, investigation methods, and political ontology; also, the suggestion that it can be explained by their similar philosophical principles is explored. The main conclusion is that the line of the interpretation discussed can provide a better understanding about the connections among the variety of the issues concerning the government theme explored in the Bentham´s juridical-political works.

A Foucauldian Analysis of NCLB: Student Data as Panoptic Surveillance

King, Chris 20 December 2012 (has links)
ABSTRACT A FOUCAULDIAN ANALYSIS OF NCLB: STUDENT DATA AS PANOPTIC SURVEILLANCE by Chris King The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB; Public Law 107-110) reauthorizes and expands the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to require large amounts of student data for the purpose of academic surveillance. This study investigates the historical and philosophical components of Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon as a model of surveillance to identify similarities between panopticism and the rubric of collecting student data required by NCLB. All public school districts are evaluated annually for adequate yearly progress (AYP). Under the auspices of this evaluation, all students must be tested, and all results must be included in each district’s AYP calculation. All African American, Hispanic, White, economically disadvantaged, special education, and limited English proficient (LEP) students must meet the same performance and participation standards. States individually develop minimum size criteria for evaluation of student groups. High schools must meet a graduation rate standard set by the state. NCLB’s comprehensive data compilation and student tracking initiatives are consistent with previous federal education policies to conduct data surveillance on students and teachers. Similar to Jeremy Bentham’s 18th century Panopticon model of penal supervision and rehabilitation, NCLB is transforming the schoolhouse into a correction house by unveiling technologies of surveillance and power. By using Benthamian and Foucauldian philosophical analyses, this dissertation examines NCLB’s worldview of student data and tracking, specifically from student subgroups, and their effects of panoptic surveillance. This dissertation proceeds with a review of the historical context of Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon and Michel Foucault’s panopticism. This study recognizes various American educational reform movements from 1776 to 2002 in identifying the following panoptic disciplines: constant surveillance, hierarchical observation and categorization, and panoptic power. It considers the NCLB doctrine of data collection for student and teacher tracking purposes and presents an anticolonial analysis of NCLB’s methods of compiling and tracking student subgroup data using the works of anticolonial scholars Frantz Fanon, Sylvia Wynter, and Carter Woodson. The dissertation concludes with a synthesis of the questions and the problems presented by NCLB and the implications of this analysis for students and teachers.

A Foucauldian Analysis of NCLB: Student Data as Panoptic Surveillance

King, Chris 20 December 2012 (has links)
ABSTRACT A FOUCAULDIAN ANALYSIS OF NCLB: STUDENT DATA AS PANOPTIC SURVEILLANCE by Chris King The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB; Public Law 107-110) reauthorizes and expands the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to require large amounts of student data for the purpose of academic surveillance. This study investigates the historical and philosophical components of Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon as a model of surveillance to identify similarities between panopticism and the rubric of collecting student data required by NCLB. All public school districts are evaluated annually for adequate yearly progress (AYP). Under the auspices of this evaluation, all students must be tested, and all results must be included in each district’s AYP calculation. All African American, Hispanic, White, economically disadvantaged, special education, and limited English proficient (LEP) students must meet the same performance and participation standards. States individually develop minimum size criteria for evaluation of student groups. High schools must meet a graduation rate standard set by the state. NCLB’s comprehensive data compilation and student tracking initiatives are consistent with previous federal education policies to conduct data surveillance on students and teachers. Similar to Jeremy Bentham’s 18th century Panopticon model of penal supervision and rehabilitation, NCLB is transforming the schoolhouse into a correction house by unveiling technologies of surveillance and power. By using Benthamian and Foucauldian philosophical analyses, this dissertation examines NCLB’s worldview of student data and tracking, specifically from student subgroups, and their effects of panoptic surveillance. This dissertation proceeds with a review of the historical context of Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon and Michel Foucault’s panopticism. This study recognizes various American educational reform movements from 1776 to 2002 in identifying the following panoptic disciplines: constant surveillance, hierarchical observation and categorization, and panoptic power. It considers the NCLB doctrine of data collection for student and teacher tracking purposes and presents an anticolonial analysis of NCLB’s methods of compiling and tracking student subgroup data using the works of anticolonial scholars Frantz Fanon, Sylvia Wynter, and Carter Woodson. The dissertation concludes with a synthesis of the questions and the problems presented by NCLB and the implications of this analysis for students and teachers.

Sobre o governo em Jeremy Bentham: o risco das partes e o traçado do todo / Sobre o governo em Jeremy Bentham: o risco das partes e o traçado do todo

Rogério Antonio Picoli 28 February 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho é sobre idéia de governo no pensamento político do filósofo moral e do direito, radical político e teórico constitucional inglês Jeremy Bentham (1748- 1832). Após uma breve exposição dos principais temas e questões exploradas, bem como, dos respectivos momentos da sua vida intelectual, argumento a favor de que é possível extrair da crítica política e jurídica de Bentham a Blackstone alguns elementos da sua concepção de governo e visão sobre a política. Argumenta-se a favor de certa convergência entre as posições de Bacon e de Bentham com relação aos projetos de reforma penal, concepção de governo, métodos de investigação e ontologia da política. Também, é explorada a sugestão de que tal convergência pode ser explicada em virtude dos princípios filosóficos similares adotados por ambos. A principal conclusão é a de que a linha de interpretação discutida pode fornecer uma melhor compreensão sobre as conexões entre a variedade de assuntos explorados nos escritos jurídicos-políticos de Bentham. / This work is about the idea of the government in the political thought of the English utilitarian moral and legal philosopher, political radical and constitutional theorist Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832). After a brief exposition of the main themes and questions explored by him and the respective moments of his intellectual life, give evidence it is possible to extract from Bentham´s political and juridical criticism to the Blackstone some elements of his government conception and vision about politics. It is argued in favor of some convergence between Bacon´s and Bentham´s positions concerning legal reform projects, government conception, investigation methods, and political ontology; also, the suggestion that it can be explained by their similar philosophical principles is explored. The main conclusion is that the line of the interpretation discussed can provide a better understanding about the connections among the variety of the issues concerning the government theme explored in the Bentham´s juridical-political works.

A ampliação do espaço da moral no utilitarismo de John Stuart Mill: uma comparação com a moral do utilitarismo de Bentham / The ampliation of morality place on John Stuart Mill\'s utilitarianism: a comparison with Bentham\'s utilitarian morality

Dias, Maria Cristina Longo Cardoso 18 August 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo provar que há mais espaço para elaboração de regras morais no utilitarismo de Mill quando comparado ao utilitarismo de Bentham. Para que esta tese seja provada é necessário comprovar que a concepção de natureza humana do indivíduo teórico de Mill é mais complexa do que a concepção de natureza humana de Bentham, pois é a ciência da natureza humana que constitui o fundamento das prescrições da moralidade. Esta tese provará que a natureza humana do indivíduo teórico de Bentham resume-se a uma natureza humana dotada, principalmente, de uma razão capaz de formular cálculos complexos entre prazer e dor (que inclui a intensidade, proximidade, longinquidade, etc) para decidir sobre a melhor ação (aquela que aponta para o prazer, no cômputo geral do balanço). Em outras palavras, um apelo ao primeiro princípio, ao princípio de utilidade é efetuado a cada ação, questionando as regras do costume e reduzindo o espaço da moral a apenas ao princípio de utilidade. Para Mill, ao contrário, a natureza humana é mais complexa. Ela é composta, de leis da mente ou leis psicológicas, da tese hedonista (que significa que os indivíduos buscam prazer e evitam a dor, assim como para Bentham) e subteses da tese hedonista, como o fato de que os indivíduos, por natureza, agem por hábito, possuem faculdades elevadas das quais derivam prazeres de qualidade superior e possuem a capacidade de se transformar ao longo do tempo. Essas características da natureza humana do indivíduo teórico de Mill permitem converter um princípio de utilidade mais complexo que prescreve que é correto buscar o prazer e fugir da dor como característica central, mas que ressalta que mais elementos precisam ser aventados para que se compreenda a busca do prazer ou a busca da felicidade. É precisamente quando a formulação do princípio de utilidade de Mill abre espaço para que mais elementos precisem ser expostos para que se entenda a busca do prazer ou a maximização da felicidade, que surge a possibilidade de elaboração de regras morais, preceitos ou princípios secundários que permitem que o agente guie-se no mundo prático. Em outras palavras, a natureza mais complexa do indivíduo teórico de Mill admite a elaboração de um princípio de utilidade mais complexo que dá margem à elaboração de uma moralidade também mais complexa, com mais regras morais (ainda que inicialmente embasadas em um cálculo de prazer) relativamente à moral de Bentham. / This work aims to prove that there is more place for the elaboration of moral rules in Mills utilitarianism when compared to Benthams utilitarianism. To prove this thesis it is necessary that Mills conception of human nature be more complex than Benthams conception of human nature, given the fact that it is science of human nature which holds the foundation of morality. This thesis will prove that human nature of Benthams individuals is resumed to a human nature which main feature is an instrumental reason, able to formulate complex calculations between pleasure and pain (which includes intensity, proximity, duration, etc of the pleasures and pains) to decide about the best action (the one which decides for pleasure, once made the balance). In other words, an appeal to the first principle, to the principle of utility is done in each action, questioning customary rules and reducing morality to the principle of utility. For Mill, on the contrary, human nature is more complex. It consists of laws of mind or psychological laws, of hedonistic thesis (which means that individuals look for pleasure and avoid pain in the same sense as Benthams individuals) and sub-thesis of hedonistic thesis, such as the fact that individuals act by habit, they have elevated faculties which derive pleasures of higher qualities and they hold the capacity of transforming themselves through time. Those human nature features of Mills individuals permits to formulate a more complex principle of utility which determines that it is right to look for pleasure and right to avoid pain as the main feature, but many more elements need to be sustained in order to achieve a better understanding of happiness. It is precisely when the formulation of Mills principle of utility opens room for more elements to explain the search of pleasure and the avoidance of pain or the maximization of happiness, that the possibility of formulation of moral rules becomes plausible. Secondary principles are necessary in Mills system to be formulated, so the agent can guide himself in the practical world without an appeal to the first principle in each action. In other words, Mills more complex individuals nature permits the elaboration of a more complex principle of utility which opens place for the elaboration of a more complex morality with more moral rules (even if, initially, those moral rules are grounded on a calculation between pleasure and pain) when compared to Benthams morality.

Uma reconstrução racional da concepção utilitarista de Bentham / A rational reconstruction of the Bentham\'s utilitarianism conception

Dias, Maria Cristina Longo Cardoso 06 February 2007 (has links)
O Objetivo deste trabalho é estabelecer os limites entre a ética e a legislação, a partir da concepção teórica de Jeremy Bentham. Para atingir este objetivo, será efetuada uma reconstrução racional de seu sistema teórico, utilizando a Metodologia da Teoria da Ciência [MTC] e a Metodologia dos Programas de Pesquisa Científicos. Uma vez feita a reconstrução racional da concepção teórica de Bentham, tencionase demonstrar, por meio de elementos de sua sistemática, que o próprio princípio da utilidade estabelece a linha divisória entre ambos os campos. Ou seja, é o princípio da utilidade que ditará o raio de ação da lei e da ética, bem como seus limites. Será possível compreender que estabelecer as fronteiras entre a ética e a legislação, a partir do princípio de utilidade, significa, em última instância, fazer uma análise do balanço envolvendo prazer e dor. Em linguagem atual, pode-se dizer que este exame será aquele em termos de custo e benefício, pois, em muitos casos, a elaboração de legislação e aplicação de punição a determinadas transgressões tendem a gerar custos sociais mais elevados do que o benefício auferido. Em outras palavras, para alguns tipos de transgressão a legislação não deverá ser aplicada, mas apenas as regras da ética. / The aim of this work is to determine the limits between ethics and legislation through the theoretical conception of Jeremy Bentham. In order to achieve this aim, it will be done a rational reconstruction of his theoretical system, using The Methodology of Science Theory [MTC] and The Methodological of Scientific Research Programmes. Once done the Rational Reconstruction of the Bentham\'s Theoretical Conception, it will be demonstrated (through elements of his system) that the principle of utility indicates the limits between these fields. It means that, this principle will dictate the scope and the limits between the legislation and ethics. It will be possible to comprehend that establishing boundaries between ethics and legislation, through the principle of utility, means setting a balance analysis involving pleasure and pain. In contemporary language, it can be said that this examination will be done in terms of cost and benefit. The elaboration of legislation and the application of punishment to certain transgressions tend to generate social costs more elevated than the created benefit. In other words, the legislation shall not be applied to some kinds of transgressions, but only the rules of ethics.

Varför ska vi straffa? En tolkning, värdering och analys av de moraliska rättfärdigandena för straff / Why should we punish? An interpretation, valuation and analysis of the moral justifications for punishment

Wegman, Joachim January 2013 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen behandlar det delområde inom rättsfilosofin som benämns straffteori och i det här fallet vad som rättfärdigar straff utifrån frågan om varför vi ska straffa. Frågan behandlas genom särskiljandet av juridiskt- och moraliskt straff samt straffteoretisk tolkning, värdering och analys. Utgångspunkten är de av Gertrude Ezorsky tre givna straffteoretiska kategorierna till rättfärdigande av straff: teleologisk-, retributivistisk- och teleologiskt retributivistisk straffteori. Här kommer Jeremy Bentham att representera den teleologiska kategorin, Immanuel Kant den retributivistiska och H. L. A. Hart den teleologiskt retributivistiska. Uppsatsen avslutas med en argumentation för åtminstone delar av innehållet hos en rimligen moraliskt rättfärdigad och intuitivt tillfredställande straffteori.

Benthamite reviewing the first twelve years of the Westminster review, 1824-1836,

Nesbitt, George Lyman, January 1900 (has links)
Originally presented as the author's thesis, Columbia University, 1934. / "Identification of authorship": p. [177]-183. "Notes": p. [185]-195. Bibliography: p. [197]-201.

Uma reconstrução racional da concepção utilitarista de Bentham / A rational reconstruction of the Bentham\'s utilitarianism conception

Maria Cristina Longo Cardoso Dias 06 February 2007 (has links)
O Objetivo deste trabalho é estabelecer os limites entre a ética e a legislação, a partir da concepção teórica de Jeremy Bentham. Para atingir este objetivo, será efetuada uma reconstrução racional de seu sistema teórico, utilizando a Metodologia da Teoria da Ciência [MTC] e a Metodologia dos Programas de Pesquisa Científicos. Uma vez feita a reconstrução racional da concepção teórica de Bentham, tencionase demonstrar, por meio de elementos de sua sistemática, que o próprio princípio da utilidade estabelece a linha divisória entre ambos os campos. Ou seja, é o princípio da utilidade que ditará o raio de ação da lei e da ética, bem como seus limites. Será possível compreender que estabelecer as fronteiras entre a ética e a legislação, a partir do princípio de utilidade, significa, em última instância, fazer uma análise do balanço envolvendo prazer e dor. Em linguagem atual, pode-se dizer que este exame será aquele em termos de custo e benefício, pois, em muitos casos, a elaboração de legislação e aplicação de punição a determinadas transgressões tendem a gerar custos sociais mais elevados do que o benefício auferido. Em outras palavras, para alguns tipos de transgressão a legislação não deverá ser aplicada, mas apenas as regras da ética. / The aim of this work is to determine the limits between ethics and legislation through the theoretical conception of Jeremy Bentham. In order to achieve this aim, it will be done a rational reconstruction of his theoretical system, using The Methodology of Science Theory [MTC] and The Methodological of Scientific Research Programmes. Once done the Rational Reconstruction of the Bentham\'s Theoretical Conception, it will be demonstrated (through elements of his system) that the principle of utility indicates the limits between these fields. It means that, this principle will dictate the scope and the limits between the legislation and ethics. It will be possible to comprehend that establishing boundaries between ethics and legislation, through the principle of utility, means setting a balance analysis involving pleasure and pain. In contemporary language, it can be said that this examination will be done in terms of cost and benefit. The elaboration of legislation and the application of punishment to certain transgressions tend to generate social costs more elevated than the created benefit. In other words, the legislation shall not be applied to some kinds of transgressions, but only the rules of ethics.

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