Spelling suggestions: "subject:"test binterest"" "subject:"test cinterest""
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”Att sätta barnen före sig själv”? : En argumentationsanalys på Tingsrättens avgöranden i mål om vårdnad / “To put the children first”? : An argumentation analysis of the District Court’srulings in matters of child custodyRågmark, Helena January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine the District Court´s argumentations about the children´s best interests in rulings regarding custody of children, and to analyse the argumentation from a gender perspective. Rulings from the District Court from 2012 have been the basis for this study and a qualitative method has been used, argumentations analysis. The study shows that cooperative problems between the parents are the main reason why the District Court finds joint custody to be excluded. There are also argumentation regarding parent´s ability to ensure the children’s safety. The presumption of joint custody is known to be emphatic in Swedish law and in those cases the District Court finds it in the best interest of the child for the joint custody to remain, the parents still have problems cooperating but not sufficiently to repeal the importance of both parents in the child´s life. In the rulings leading up to both joint and sole custody conceptions of female and male attributes can be found, and differences regarding what´s considered good and bad attributes. The study shows differences in how we expect women and men to be parents. Conceptions of class- and ethnicity however, are rarer. The analysis also shows views of parenthood as being gender complementary, where the father´s presence is seen as a complement to the mother´s main caring responsibility. Finally, the study shows a guiding from the District Court to the fathers about getting them more involved in their children´s life, and of the importance of the Social Services Custody Report regarding the verdict.
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Mellan tvång & frivillighet : Förebyggande insatser i LVUOlsson Quist, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to determine the established law and make researches into non-institutional compulsory care (“mellantvång”) paragraph 22 The Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act (from now on called LVU) and examine whether the administration of the law is in harmony with the best interests of the child. This paper combines two methods : traditional judicial method and a social science method. In the juridical part the sources of law have been studied and in the social sciences part semi-structured interviews have been conducted with five respondents. The theoretical framework consists of ideas and theories about the best interests of the child, a concept which is one of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child's core principles. This study shows that the legislator has identified a problem and an existing need and found a solution to this by introducing a non-institutional compulsory care, paragraph 22 LVU. The problem is that Social Services do not make use of the restraint. Only 30 decisions under § 22 LVU are taken annually in Sweden. For the legal rights of the individual and the best interests of the child, the Social Services are required to make decisions under this article instead of the current use of the informal threat of non-institutional compulsory care.
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Blir det till barnets bästa? : En kvalitativ och komparativ studie om diskussionen kring barnets bästa i Gävle tingsrätts domar i vårdnads-, boende- och umgängestvisterÅberg, Linda, Knudsen Wahlbom, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
Barnets bästa beskrivs av forskare som ett svårdefinierat begrepp. Trots detta är begreppet lagstadgat och ska vara avgörande för alla beslut kring vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka Gävle tingsrätts diskussion av barnets bästa i vårdnads-, boende- och umgängesdomar under åren 1992, 2002 och 2012 samt om det skett någon förändring över tid. En form av textanalys användes för att analysera empirin som sedan studerades med socialkonstruktionistisk och rättssociologisk teori. Det mest framträdande resultatet var att tingsrättens diskussion kring barnets bästa oftast skett indirekt, där ingen direkt motivering har gjorts huruvida en viss situation är till barnets bästa eller inte. Emellertid har direkta referenser till begreppet barnets bästa ökat, främst i domarna från år 2012. Resultatet kan antas härröra ur de reformer som gjorts i föräldrabalken år 2006. En annan viktig slutsats vi kommit fram till rör hur barnets bästa alltid verkar vara situationsbundet. / The child's best interest is described by researchers as elusive. Despite this, the concept is statutory and should be essential to decisions regarding custody, residence and contact. The purpose of this study was to inquire Gävle district court's discussion of the child's best interest in custody, residence and contact judgments in 1992, 2002 and 2012, and to study whether the arguing changed over time. Text analysis was applied to analyze data which then was studied by perspectives of socialconstructionism and sociology of law. A prominent result was that the district court's discussion of the child’s best interest is usually made indirectly. However, direct references to the concept of the child’s best interest increased, mainly in the judgments from 2012. This result might derive from the reforms made in the Swedish Parental Code in 2006. Another important conclusion we have come to concern is that the child’s best interest seem to be inconstant.
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Basic education in the language of choice : a contextual interpretation / Johan Christiaan BornmanBornman, Johan Christiaan January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores the constitutional right to receive basic education in the
language of choice. This fundamental human right imposes a duty on the state to
provide children with education in the language of their choice whenever
reasonably practicable. It is not a matter of whether the state has to fulfil section
29(2) of the Constitution, but rather how to give effect to this provision.
The right to receive basic education in the language of your choice is however,
qualified by the specific internal limitation that provides that the right is subject to
the condition that provision of education in the preferred language has to be
reasonably practicable. Section 36, the limitation clause, is also a measure that
can be used to limit this right.
The aim of this paper is to contextually interpret the fundamental right to receive
education in the language of one’s choice and to weigh up the intent of the
provision to the provision’s actual result. All relevant factors will be taken into
consideration to examine the possibility of limiting the right to receive instruction
in the language of choice to comply with the purpose of education and the best
interests of the child. / Thesis (LL.M. (Comparative Child Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.
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Basic education in the language of choice : a contextual interpretation / Johan Christiaan BornmanBornman, Johan Christiaan January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores the constitutional right to receive basic education in the
language of choice. This fundamental human right imposes a duty on the state to
provide children with education in the language of their choice whenever
reasonably practicable. It is not a matter of whether the state has to fulfil section
29(2) of the Constitution, but rather how to give effect to this provision.
The right to receive basic education in the language of your choice is however,
qualified by the specific internal limitation that provides that the right is subject to
the condition that provision of education in the preferred language has to be
reasonably practicable. Section 36, the limitation clause, is also a measure that
can be used to limit this right.
The aim of this paper is to contextually interpret the fundamental right to receive
education in the language of one’s choice and to weigh up the intent of the
provision to the provision’s actual result. All relevant factors will be taken into
consideration to examine the possibility of limiting the right to receive instruction
in the language of choice to comply with the purpose of education and the best
interests of the child. / Thesis (LL.M. (Comparative Child Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.
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Les opérateurs "faiseurs de parenté" face aux mutations et aux risque de l'adoption internationale depuis 2005 / The accredited bodies « relationship makes » confronted with mutations and risks of intercountry adoption from 2005Mahéo, Clémence 24 April 2018 (has links)
Les opérateurs de l’adoption internationale en France, c’est-à- dire les Organismes Autorisés pour l’Adoption (OAA) et l’AFA (Agence Française de l’adoption), occupent une place majeure dans le processus de l’adoption internationale. Ils détiennent le pouvoir de donner à un enfant une famille, ils sont des « faiseurs de parentés ». Les mutations de l’adoption internationale confortent l’importance de leur rôle tant dans leur responsabilité à choisir les postulants que dans leur légitimité à les accompagner tout au long de la procédure. Dans un contexte de déclin l’espace dans lequel évoluent les opérateurs, en interaction avec les différents acteurs de l’adoption internationale, devient de plus en plus concurrentiel alors que l’intérêt de l’enfant demeure le but affirmé par tous. À l’interface entre pays d’accueil et pays d’origine, entre postulants à l’adoption et enfants adoptés, les opérateurs sont pris de fait entre les logiques propres à chaque catégorie d’acteurs en présence dans un champ politique et social en constante mutation. Leur système de fonctionnement fait donc l’objet de questionnements notamment sur leurs capacités à s’adapter. Ces réflexions conduisent à s’interroger sur l’efficience des opérateurs, à redéfinir leur rôle et leur place dans leur mission d’accompagnement des adoptants et des adoptés, à réaffirmer leur responsabilité. / The accredited bodies of international adoption in France, that means Authorized Organizations for Adoption (AOA) and FAA (French Agency for Adoption) occupy a prominent place in the international adoption process. They hold the power to give to a child a family. To this end, they are “relationsmakers”. The mutations of the international adoption emphasize their place concerning their responsibility to choose applicants and their legitimate to accompany them throughout the procedure.In the context of international adoption’s decline, the space in which accredited bodies, in interaction with the different actors of the international adoption, becomes more competitive even if the stated purpose and defended by all is the best interest. Between host countries and countries of origin and between applicants and adopted children, the accredited bodies are confronted to appropriate logics for each actor who are in political field and social field which are inconstant change. Their operating system is subjected to questioning including their ability to adapt. These thoughts led to wonder about the accredited bodies’ effectiveness to redefine their role and place in thei rmonitoring mission for adopters and adopted and more specifically their responsibility.
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Princípio do melhor interesse da criança: construção teórica e aplicação prática no direito brasileiro / The principle of the best interest of the child: theoretical construction and practical usage in Brazilian law.Camila Fernanda Pinsinato Colucci 21 May 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa objetivou estudar o princípio do melhor interesse da criança tanto em seu viés teórico quanto prático, na tentativa de se concluir se é possível ou não adotar-se critérios predeterminados para serem seguidos na tomada de decisões em questões envolvendo crianças e adolescentes. Na primeira parte, teórica, estudou-se o conteúdo do melhor interesse, e se poderia ele ser entendido como regra de interpretação, direito fundamental ou princípio. Já a segunda parte, prática, buscou analisar como os tribunais vêm decidindo algumas questões que resvalam no melhor interesse. Para tal, alguns institutos foram selecionados (guarda, adoção, parto anônimo, visitas e educação). A análise da guarda passou pela sua diferenciação entre colocação em família substituta e atribuição a um dos pais em caso de separação. Discutiu-se a possibilidade de atribuição a terceira pessoa e de imposição da modalidade compartilhada. Estudou-se o direito de visitas para o caso de a guarda ter sido atribuída a somente um dos pais. Estendeu-se a pesquisa para a hipótese de garantir-se esse direito a amigos, padrastos, madrastas e padrinhos. A adoção foi estudada nas modalidades à brasileira, intuitu personae e internacional. Ainda, analisou-se a possibilidade de adoção por casal homoafetivo. Embora inexistente no direito brasileiro, o parto anônimo foi analisado para se observar se viável e necessário em nosso ordenamento. Por fim, estudou-se o direito à educação, realçando-se alguns aspectos como a possibilidade de o ensino ser realizado fora de estabelecimentos oficiais, transporte de crianças até suas escolas e a possibilidade de exigirem-se vagas em creches. / This research aimed to study the principle of the best interest of the child, both in theory and in practice, in an attempt to conclude whether it is possible or not to adopt predetermined criteria to be followed in making decisions on issues involving children and adolescents. In the first part, theoretical, the content of the best interest was studied, as well as the possibility of understanding it as a rule of interpretation, fundamental right or principle. The second part, practical, sought to analyze how the courts have been deciding issues involving the best interest. In doing so, some institutes were selected (guardianship, adoption, anonymous childbirth, visits and education). The analysis of the guardianship passed by differentiating between placement in foster family and its assignment to one of the parents in case of separation. The possibility of assigning it to a third person and the imposition of shared custody were discussed. The visitation rights in case when the custody has been awarded to only one parent was studied. The research was extended to the hypothesis of granting this right to friends, stepfathers, stepmothers and godfathers or godmothers. The research studied Brazilian, intuitu personae and international adoptions, as well as the possibility of adoption by homosexual couples. Although non-existing under Brazilian law, the anonymous childbirth was analyzed to observe if it is viable and needed in our system. Finally, the right of education was studied, and aspects such as the possibility of homeschooling, transportation of children to their schools and the requiring of vacancies in childcare facilities were highlighted.
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Ochrana dětí v mezinárodním uprchlickém právu / Compensation of victims in the context of peace operations of international organizationsBártová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the protection of children in international refugee law. The status of a person seeking international protection under international law is primarily regulated by the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. However, this Convention does not expressly address the specific situation of the child asylum seeker. By adopting a binding Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the broad catalogue of basic civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of children has been confirmed. It includes the right of a child seeking international protection to obtain the necessary protection and humanitarian assistance when the child wants to exercise its rights under the CRC or other conventions of international law of human rights. CRC includes, inter alia, four fundamental principles, the elimination of discrimination, the right to life, survival and development, respect for the child's position and the principle of the best interests of the child. The goal of this thesis is to determine whether and how the position of the child seeking international protection under the international refugee law has been influenced by the CRC and by the principle of the best interests of the child. The thesis is divided into four chapters, the first two chapters deal with the historical...
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För barnets bästa : Förskollärarens upplevelser när barnets bästa beaktas i förskolan / For the best interests of the child : Preschool teachers´ experiences when the best interests of the child are taken into account in preschoolSandh, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to make preschool teachers’ experiences of the preschool's activities in relation to the best interests of the child visible. The study is based on the method of semi-structured interviews of a total of five preschool teachers. The results of the study show how the preschool teachers express the experience that the child should experience safety when they come to and stay in preschool. The preschool teachers describe how the attitude and sensitivity affect the child's opportunities for participation and influence. They express the importance of being present for the child to have influence, to be involved but also to have the opportunity to develop. At the same time, the results show how the preschool teachers expresses that it can be challenging to be sensitive to the child's expressions and feelings and not what the guardian thinks is the child's best interest in preschool. Furthermore, the results show how the reflection time varied among the preschool teachers and their experiences of more and less reflection time. What is prominent in the result is the preschool teachers' attitude towards the youngest preschool children. Some of the preschool teachers express the experience of working in a young children's department and how it includes that the youngest children have a harder time expressing themselves and having their own opinion. / Studiens syfte är att synliggöra förskollärarens upplevelser kring förskolans verksamhet i förhållande till barnets bästa. Till grund för studien ligger metoden semistrukturerade intervjuer av totalt fem förskollärare. Studiens resultat visar hur förskollärarna uttrycker upplevelser av att barnet ska uppleva tryggheten när de kommer till och vistas i förskolan. Förskollärarna beskriver hur förhållningssättet och lyhördheten påverkar barnets möjligheter till delaktighet och inflytande. De uttrycker vikten av att vara närvarande för att barnet ska få inflytande, vara delaktig men också för att få möjlighet att utvecklas. Samtidigt visar resultatet hur förskollärarna uttrycker att det kan vara utmanande att vara lyhörd för barnets uttryck och känslor och inte vad vårdnadshavaren menar är barnets bästa i förskolan. Vidare visar resultatet hur reflektionstiden varierade bland förskollärarna och deras erfarenheter av mer eller mindre reflektionstid. Det som är framträdande i resultatet är förskollärarnas förhållningssätt till de yngsta förskolebarnen. Enstaka förskollärare uttrycker erfarenheten av att arbeta på yngrebarnsavdelning och hur det innefattar att de yngsta barnen har svårare att uttrycka sig och ha en egen åsikt.
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In the Best Interest of the Child: Food Choices and Body Mass Index of Adult and Children Living in Urban Peripheral Townships in Cape TownBelebema, Michael Nguatem January 2020 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The increase in overweight and obesity worldwide is described as a global health epidemic. A great proportion of this epidemic is now found in low- and middle-income countries with higher levels of prevalence, particularly in emerging economies. In sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa ranks high in the prevalence of obesity at all levels. Since the inception of democracy in 1994, the government is yet to overcome the burden of poverty and inequality routed in its apartheid past. Apartheid systematically and unjustly disintegrated and segregated black Africans and people of Colour, denying them access to economic opportunity, thus leaving them on a dependency status. Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain are the relics of apartheid policies. Obesity and associated diseases are highly correlated with gender dynamics, economic conditions, nutritional status, poverty, and urbanisation. It is increasingly evident that poor urban dwellers, especially women and children are at risk of obesity-related factors such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart diseases. The increasing incidence of obesity especially amongst children is concerning. The prevalence of child poverty is in South Africa is a cause for concern. Over 18.5million children are in South Africa, 64% of which are dependent on CSG. With poverty and inequality affecting millions of households, access to food and quality food has reached crises level. Yet, it is a basic human right that has received little empirical response amongst policymaker in South Africa. The South African food system is complex, poverty is endemic and poor households are most vulnerable to unhealthy eating habits. This research critically analysis the link between food choices, overweight and obesity in adults and children living in urban peripheral communities in Cape Town. The study was designed to interrogate the kinds of food eaten by urban peripheral dwellers, their socioeconomic status and how the policy of the BIC addresses the problem of child obesity in South Africa. This research aimed to empirically explore the relationship between BMI and food choices of adults and children living in urban peripheries in Cape Town. The study also aimed at evaluating the BIC in urban townships in Cape Town in the context of child obesity, to understand the views of the children and to understand how poor households are ensuring the BIC in relation food access, food availability and child protection from obesity. The study further aimed at comparing the and contrasting the socioeconomic dynamics of the two population to understand the progress and gaps in their economic and health status. Empirical data were collected from households in Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain using a two-stage sampling technic to identify clusters and households. A sample of about 4300 individuals in 1052 households was sampled. A 24H dietary recall was used to capture food types of the population. The World Health Organisation guidelines for BMI adults and children were applied through the study. A BIC Index was developed to assess the right to food from the views of the child. First, the study found significant differences in the socioeconomic and demographic profiles of the population. Poverty and the risk of falling into poverty were higher in Khayelitsha than in Mitchells Plain. Two-third of the population (65%) of adults we found to be overweight and obese. Overweight and obesity amongst children was 29% and 68% of children reported that they buy food at school or on their way to school. Over 83% children stated that their parents give them money to take to school. There was a significant association between children buying food and parents giving money at X2 91.4643, P<= 0.000. Carbohydrate represents 40% and sugar 35% of food types children eat away from home. In terms of the BIC, 43% of the children
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