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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ghanaian teacher students’ view on using outdoor pedagogy when teaching natural science

Elvstam, Anna, Fleischer, Sara January 2018 (has links)
The aim of our study is to investigate what possibilities and challenges Ghanaian teacher students express regarding outdoor pedagogy, in order to find out their view on using it as a method when teaching natural science in primary school. The teacher education in Ghana has not yet a course in outdoor pedagogy to offer their students. The view of outdoor pedagogy that is presented in this paper shows a learning situation where the learning context is moved to the natural landscape, which opens up for practical learning and the interaction between the senses of the pupils and the environment. Furthermore, reflection and concrete experiences in authentic situations are highlighted. The research took place at the University of Education, Winneba and the method consisted of qualitative interviews and a workshop with 20 teacher students of the department of basic education. We gathered our data before, during and after the workshop, therefore our result is divided as such. The results of the analysis show three main themes of the teacher students’ view on outdoor pedagogy; the learning context, teacher’s and student’s role. In the results section, each of these themes are categorized in possibilities and challenges expressed by the teacher students.Possibilities that can be found in the results is the fact that the learning will become practical and hands-on, it will involve the senses and therefore lead to deeper memories. Furthermore, the teacher students express a possibility for the pupils as they get an opportunity to take control of their own learning when sharing their knowledge with their peers. This affects the teacher's role which becomes more guiding than authoritarian.Difficulties the students expressed includes issues on behalf of the teacher in keeping control of the class due to the great number of pupils in the classes and the safety aspect with dangerous animals. Another category that recurred was the challenge with placebound prerequisites; to find a safe place suitable for the topic to teach. A difficulty on behalf of the students might be a fear of contributing to the teaching due to the lack of experience in sharing and talking in the classroom environment.

Genrepedagogik och grammatisk metaforik Flerspråkiga elever - en beskrivning av en pedagogisk modell och skolspråkande

Wall, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Sex- och samlevnadsundervisning Lärarstudenters och nyutexaminerade lärares tankar kring sin yrkesroll och lärarutbildningen

Mehmeti, Mergim, Jeppsson, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Under vår tid på lärarutbildningen finner vi en problematik med att sex- och samlevnadsämnet berörs ytterst lite och att vi i liten grad fått undervisning kring kulturella perspektiv på ämnet. Forskning som använts i det självständiga arbetet på grundnivå visade på en brist av kunskaper bland lärare kring ämnet sex och samlevnad, men även att ämnet är tabubelagt i ett flertal länder. Syftet med denna undersökning är att analysera hur lärarstudenter och nyexaminerade lärare tänker kring sin profession som mellanstadielärare i sex- och samlevnad, med bland annat ett fokus på ett mångkulturellt perspektiv.Det teoretiska perspektiv som använts är en tematisk analys. I åtta kvalitativa intervjuer med hälften lärarstudenter och hälften nyexaminerade lärare har vi använt oss av metoder som semistrukturerade intervjuguider, samt vinjettfrågor. Resultatet har framställts utifrån det teoretiska perspektivet i olika teman och huvudresultatet är att deltagarna anser sig ha föga kunskaper om både sex och samlevnad och om olika kulturers syn på ämnet

Visualisering i biologiundervisning Ett lärarperspektiv på användningen av visualiseringar i undervisning om människokroppen

Hiam Awkal, Sali El Chaar, Awkal, Hiam January 2018 (has links)
Visualiseringar kan vara ett viktigt sätt att stödja elevers lärande inom många ämnen vilket har påvisats genom forskning. Biologin är ett av de ämnena där fokus ligger på läran om livet och livsprocesser vilka är komplexa detaljer som förklaras med hjälp av abstrakta begrepp. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på lärarnas erfarenheter kring användning av visualiseringar i biologiundervisningen. Det sociokulturella perspektivet om medierande redskap genomsyrar arbetet. Fyra lärare intervjuades och delade med sig av sina tidigare erfarenheter kring användning av visualiseringar med tanke på begreppsförståelse och ämnesspecifika språk. Genom en fenomenografisk analysmetod framhävdes variationen i lärarnas erfarenheter kring användning av visualiseringar. Studiens resultat visade att visuella representationer är viktiga redskap för elevernas inlärning av begrepp och ämnesspecifika språk.

Idrottsföreningars kamp med driftkostnader och driftbidrag i Kristianstad kommun

Englesson, Robin January 2018 (has links)
SammanfattningInom Kristianstad kommun finns det ett problem gällande driften och driftkostnaden för idrottsföreningar med egna idrottsanläggningar. Det driftbidrag som kommunen har möjlighet att ge ut har en låg kostnadstäckning gällande driftkostnaderna. Syftet med undersökningen var att granska problem som idrottsföreningar i Kristianstad kommun har kopplat till driftkostnader och driftbidrag av driften av sina egna idrottsanläggningar ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv. Frågeställningarna i undersökningen var:-Vilka driftkostnader har idrottsföreningarna och är driftkostnaderna hållbara?-Vilka driftsförhållanden finns för idrottsföreningar i Kristianstad kommun? -Vilka möjligheter finns det för hållbar utveckling gällande drift och driftförhållanden?Med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer, dokumentanalys och en enkätundersökning samlades empiri in från olika idrottsföreningar i Kristianstad. Det genomfördes två semistrukturerade intervjuer, en med en idrottsförening som har en egen idrottsanläggning och en med en idrottsförening som hyr idrottsanläggning från Kristianstad kommun, för att få olika perspektiv på frågan. En enkätundersökning genomfördes med 11 olika idrottsföreningar i Kristianstad och dokument från Kristianstad kommun och från en av idrottsföreningarna i intervjuerna analyserades. Resultatet från intervjuerna, enkätundersökningen och dokumentanalysen analyserades primärt utifrån de teoretiska begreppen hållbar utveckling samt driftsförhållanden.I resultatet framkom det att de största driftkostnaderna för majoriteten utav idrottsföreningarna som deltog i undersökningen var personalkostnader samt kostnader för el/värme. Dessa kostnader hade för de flesta av idrottsföreningarna ökat under de senaste åren samt att deras totala driftkostnader hade ökat. De primära driftförhållanden som påverkar idrottsföreningarna är arbetskraften, de ökande kostnaderna samt det bristande samarbetet med kommunen. Driftbidragen hade för flera idrottsföreningar en låg kostnadstäckning. Mindre initiativ som en maskinpool och arbetspool samt ett ökat samarbete mellan kommun och idrottsföreningar med problem med drift framkom som förutsättningar för att successivt skapa en hållbar utveckling för driftkostnader och drift av idrottsanläggningar. Detta framstod som den mest realistiska inriktningen framför kortsiktiga och mindre realistiska förslag som att bara öka driftbidragen eller förvänta sig förändring. / AbstractWithin the municipality of Kristianstad there is a problem regarding the operation and operating costs of sports associations with their own sports facilities. The operating contribution that the municipality are able to issue has a low-cost coverage for the operating costs. The purpose of the survey was to investigate problems that sports clubs in Kristianstad municipality have linked to operating costs and operating contributions from the operation of their own sports facilities from a sustainability perspective. The questions in the survey were:- What operating costs do sports clubs have and operating costs are sustainable?- What operating conditions exist for sports clubs in Kristianstad municipality?- What opportunities are there for sustainable development regarding operating and operating conditions?With the help of semi-structured interviews, document analysis and a survey, empirical evidence was gathered from various sports clubs in Kristianstad. Two semi-structured interviews were conducted, one with a sports association that has its own sports facility and one with a sports club that rents a sports facility from Kristianstad municipality, with the purpose of getting different perspectives on the issue. A survey was conducted with 11 different sports clubs in Kristianstad and documents from Kristianstad municipality and from one of the sports clubs in the interviews were analyzed. The results of the interviews, questionnaire and document analysis were analyzed primarily from the theoretical concepts of sustainability and operating conditions.The results showed that the largest operating expenses for most of the sports clubs participating in the survey were personnel costs and electricity/heat costs. These costs had increased for most of the sports clubs in recent years and their total operating costs had also increased. The primary operating conditions that is affecting sports clubs are the labor force, the rising expenses and the lack of cooperation with the municipality. The operating grants had a low-cost coverage for several sports clubs. Minor initiatives such as a machine pool and labor pool as well as increased cooperation between the municipality and the sports clubs with operational problems have emerged as a prerequisite for progressively creating sustainable development regarding operating costs and the operation of sports facilities. This proved to be the most realistic approach instead of short term and less realistic proposals, such as just increasing operating surcharges or just expecting things to change.

Val av uppehållsplats hos betande gäss under häckning i jordbrukslandskapet vid sjön Tåkern : betydelsen av avstånd till vatten, träd, vägar och bebyggelse

Svensson, Filip January 2020 (has links)
There are a number of species of geese in Sweden that can be found in large flocks during spring migration, but are also relatively numerous during breeding. The accumulation of geese can cause damage to growing crops, something that costs farmers and the state a large amount annually. In this study, nesting geese were counted in fields in the vicinity of Lake Tåkern, Southern Sweden, during six days in the spring in the year 2015. Their location on the fields was noted to investigate any preferences regarding distances to the lake, buildings, trees and roads. The conclusion is that proximity to water was the factor that had the greatest importance in field selection, but it also showed that they avoid trees but not settlements and roads.

Brushanen (Calidris pugnax) i Sverige : Hur populationen förändrats de senaste 20 åren och orsakerna till detta, samt hur turism kring brushanen skulle kunna utvecklas

Ransgart, Emmy January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to determine how the population of the ruff in Sweden has changed over the past 20 years and which reasons for the changes, if any, there are. The study also includes how the tourism regarding the ruff in Sweden is today and how it could be developed. The study is based on non-fiction literature, reports, diagrams and interviews. The population of the ruff in Europe has declined over the past years. In Sweden, the breed is classified as vulnerable on the IUCN Red list of threatened species due to the fast decline. The results show that the population of the ruff has changed in the whole country of Sweden. Today almost 99% of the population lives on tundra and wetlands in northern Sweden. Most of the decline has occurred in the south of Sweden where the population almost is extinct. In northern Sweden, the population also has declined but not as much as in the south. Nowadays the ruff only breeds in 8 out of 22 counties it used to occur in. Reasons of the decline are primarily changes in habitats, drainage of watercourses and wetlands, urbanization, agriculture and forestry. The decline also depends on changes along the migration routes and in northwest Africa where the breed winters. Also, climate change and higher predation are reasons for the decline. No tourism with focus on the ruff exists in Sweden today. There is a potential in developing a specific tourism focused on the ruff lek.

Strömaterials påverkan på mängden luftburna partiklar i häststall

Johansson, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Att leva upp till förväntningarna - Kommunalt miljömålsarbete ur ett nyinstitutionellt organisationsteoretiskt perspektiv

Hansson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Genom att ta utgångspunkt i ett nyinstitutionellt organisationsteoretiskt perspektiv studeras de processer som det kommunala miljömålsarbetet består av. Studien utfördes som en fallstudie av miljömålsarbetet på en kommunal förvaltning och bygger på intervjuer med personer som på något sätt har eller har haft en nyckelroll i förvaltningens miljömålsarbete. Studien syftar till att undersöka: Vilka begränsningar och möjligheter finns för en förvaltning att uppfylla sin kommuns miljömålsprogram? Analysverktygen utgår från det nyinstitutionella organisationsteoretiska perspektivet och består av begreppen: översättning och materialisering, glokalisering, legitimitet, särkopplingar samt hyckleri. Studien visar att det finns en formell struktur i förvaltningen som återspeglar samhällets förväntningar och som upprätthåller förvaltningens legitimitet. Däremot uppstår det särkopplingar mellan den formella strukturen och översättningen och materialiseringen av miljömålen vilket begränsar miljömålsarbetet. Begränsningen döljs av den formella strukturen och ger upphov till hyckleri. Den formella strukturen skapar även möjligheter för att tillföra kunskap, tid och resurser i miljömålsarbetet och som på så vis minskar särkopplingarna mellan den formella strukturen och det faktiska handlandet. Hur miljömålen kan översättas och materialiseras på ett sätt som samtidigt uppfyller andra krav på en organisation är angelägna frågor för kommande studier eftersom det är på den lokala nivån som de globala miljöproblemen behöver lösas. Genom att utgå från det nyinstitutionella organisationsteoretiska ramverket tillför den här studien ett nytt perspektiv på det kommunala miljömålsarbetet inom fältet för miljövetenskap. / Based on a new institutional organizational theoretical perspective, the processes that comprise the municipal environmental goals work are studied. The study was conducted as a case study of the environmental goals work of a municipal administration and is based on interviews with people who in some way have or have had a key role in the administration's environmental goals work. The question that the study seeks to answer is: What are the limitations and opportunities for a municipal administration to fulfill its municipality's environmental goals program? The analysis tools are based on the new institutional organizational theory perspective and consist of the concepts: translation and materialization, glocalization, legitimacy, de-couplings, and hypocrisy. The study shows that there is a formal structure in the administration that reflects society's expectations, and which maintains the legitimacy of the administration. On the other hand, there are de-couplings between the formal structure and the translation and materialization of the environmental goals, which limits the environmental goal work. The restriction is hidden by the formal structure and gives rise to hypocrisy. The formal structure also creates opportunities to add knowledge, time, and resources in the environmental goal work, which in this way reduces the de-couplings between the formal structure and the actual action. How environmental goals can be translated and materialized in a way that simultaneously meets other requirements of an organization are important issues for future studies as it is at the local level that global environmental problems need to be solved. Based on the new institutional organizational theory framework, this study provides a new perspective on the environmental goal work in the field of environmental science.

Impact and Perception of the Human-Wildlife Conflict; a Spatial Case Study of Management and Strategies in Skåne County

Bastholm, Isabelle, Fransson, Victoria January 2019 (has links)
This study seeks to find the best strategies to be implemented to decrease the human-wildlife conflict (HWC). Other countries management practises and strategies to manage HWC was reviewed, in order to identify if Skåne county in Sweden could pursue improvements. To be able to tackle HWC, a greater understanding of people's ethical views were investigated and their perceptions of improvements were documented and researched. This study aims to provide quantitative data with web based surveys and spatial mapping of impacts from the HWC in Skåne county. It further aims to map the values that affects society caused by the HWC, and to answer the following questions; What are the optimal strategies in order to decrease HWC in Skåne? Where can cost effective improvements be implemented? This was both answered in the interviews conducted, and the gathered data. Optimal strategies that were detected where Skåne county can improve were; extensive implementations of ecoducts and passages for game, reducing the use of fencing, translocating, compensation actions, increase hunting opportunities and an installment of further game warning systems. Ethical views of different respondents’ towards the HWC were also analyzed. The online survey revealed that there were a difference in respondents views of HWC, based on if they were environmental science students, hunters or the general public. The gathered data and result, stated that the general public and the environmental students/workers were categorized in the ethical views of ecocentrism. The hunters ethical views could not be determined, due to the inconsistency of the answers of the questions. By showing differences and similarities in ethical views and how to manage HWC, strategies and incentives can more easily be adapted, to reach a better community base that can work together to reduce the HWC. Because of the different knowledge of the respondent groups and of their ethical views, there needs to be a broader incentive program that can maintain different interests of people and reduce conflicts, as well as preserve the biological state of ungulates in Skåne. In the online survey, all of the respondents agreed that the stakeholder, most suitable to handle and manage the problematics regarding HWC, is the government/county government. Other stakeholders that were believed suitable for managing HWC in Skåne, were organisations, for-profit companies and lastly, private self-acting individuals. Furthermore, the respondents beliefs on coexistence between humans and wildlife were also studied. The data showed that the general public and the hunters believed that future were to be positive, and the environmental students/workers believe the HWC would still be a problem in the future.

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