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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Malmö måste sluta vara generösare med försörjningsstöd" : En kritisk diskursanalys som synen på försörjningsstöd och bidragstagare i svenska tidningar / "Malmö needs to stop being more generous with financial aid" : A critical discourse analysis of the preception of financial aid and recipients in swedish newspapers

Al-Salih, Sana, Lindbom, Maja January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna c-uppsats är att belysa den diskurs som finns kring ekonomiskt bistånd och individer som erhåller försörjningsstöd i Svenska tidningar. Vidare är det av intresse att undersöka vad diskursen kan få för konsekvenser för individerna i fråga. Metoden som användes för att besvara syftet är kritisk diskursanalys. Efter genomläsning av artiklarna kunde tre teman identifieras och analysen delades därmed upp enligt dessa teman; att Malmö är en generös stad som betalar ut höga bistånd, kopplingar till arbetslöshet och arbetsmarknadsprogram samt slutligen kopplingar till utrikesfödda. Temana analyserades enligt Faircloughs tredimensionella modell. Det som arbetet resulterade i är att bidragstagare stigmatiseras. Diskussionen kring vilka begränsningar och möjligheter bidragstagare har är bristande i svenska nyhetstidningar. Detta eftersom artiklarna använder statistik och rapporter för att snarare rikta kritik mot lokalpolitiken, biståndshandläggare eller individerna som erhåller försörjningsstöd. / The purpose of this paper is to examine the discourse in Swedish newspapers  around financial aid and financial aid recipients. Furthermore it is of interest to examine what consequences this discourse could mean for the individuals in question. The method used to answer the purpose of this paper is critical discourse analysis. After reading the newspaper articles three themes were identified. The analysis was split up into three themes which were that Malmö is a generous city, referencing the amount they pay out in financial aid, that the discourse revolved around unemployment and unemployment programs and mentions of foreign-born individuals. Each theme was analyzed with Fairclough’s three dimensional model. The results show that financial aid recipients are stigmatized. There is limited discussion in Swedish newspapers about the limitations and opportunities that financial aid seekers face. This is because the articles in the newspaper are using statistics and official reports to criticize politicians, socialworkes as well as the financial aid recipients.

Loneliness and lack of belonging as paramount theme in identity descriptions of Children Born of War

Mitreuter, Saskia, Glaesmer, Heide, Kuwert, Philipp, Kaiser, Marie 20 November 2023 (has links)
Objective: Children Born of War (CBOW) are an international and timeless phenomenon that exists in every country involved in war or armed conflict. Nevertheless, little is known on a systematic level about those children, who are typically fathered by a foreign or enemy soldier and born to a local mother. In particular, the identity issues that CBOW often report have remained largely uninvestigated. In the current qualitative study we began filling this gap in the scientific literature by asking how CBOW construct their identity in self-descriptions. Method: We utilized thematic content analysis of N = 122 German CBOWs' answers to an open-ended questionnaire item asking how they see themselves and their identity in the context of being a CBOW. Results: We identified five key themes in CBOW' identity accounts. Loneliness and lack of belonging appeared as a paramount aspect of their self-descriptions next to narratives about belonging and positive relationship. On a less interpersonal basis, we found fighting and surviving and searching for truth and completion overarching aspects of their identities. There were also few accounts growing up unaffected by the fact of being born a CBOW. Although all themes portray different perspectives, they all (but the last one) clearly indicate the impeded circumstances under which CBOW had to grow up. Conclusions: Integrating our findings with existing interdisciplinary literature regarding identity, we discuss implications for future research and clinical and political practice.

Utrikesfödda föräldrars upplevelser av primärvården med fokus på barnhälsovården : Litteraturöversikt

Blad, Jeanette, Skog, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: En stor del av Sveriges befolkning är utrikesfödda, en faktor som innebär en ökad risk för sämre hälsa för individen. Många av barnen inskrivna i barnhälsovården har minst en utrikesfödd förälder. Detta ställer höga krav på BHV-sjuksköterskors kompetens. Forskning visar att BHV-sjuksköterskor upplever svårigheter med kommunikation med utrikesfödda föräldrar, vilket ger en oro för barnens hälsa. De utrikesfödda föräldrarna å sin sida upplever brister i bemötandet med sjukvården. För att säkerställa en jämlik vård är det av stort värde att få en bild av kunskapsläget kring utrikesfödda föräldrars upplevelser av barnhälsovården.  Syfte: Att beskriva utrikesfödda föräldrars upplevelser av primärvården med fokus på barnhälsovården.   Metod: Litteraturöversikt med 16 kvalitativa intervjustudier från olika länder. Deduktiv ansats med fem teman utifrån Madeleine Leiningers konsensusbegrepp miljö, hälsa, omsorg, människa och begreppet livsvärld.  Resultat: Huvudfynden utgjordes av rädsla för myndigheter, upplevelser av diskriminering och fördomar, upplevelser av dåligt bemötande kopplat till ursprung och svårigheter att navigera i sjukvårdssystemet, språkbarriärer och svårigheter med tolkanvändning. Särskilt rädslan för att barnet skall omhändertas av myndigheterna var stark och spridd över länderna i översikten. Dåligt bemötande kopplade ofta föräldrarna till sitt ursprung. Negativa upplevelser ledde ibland till att föräldrarna undvek hälso- och sjukvården om de kunde.   Slutsats: Gott bemötande är grundläggande för tilliten till vårdpersonal inom BHV. Detta belyser vikten av att lagar och policys som understryker likabehandling och gott bemötande efterlevs. Resultatet av denna litteraturöversikt kan användas som reflektions- och diskussionsunderlag inom de verksamheter som möter denna patientgrupp. / Background: A large part of the population in Sweden is foreign-born, a factor increases the risk of poorer health for the individual. Many children enrolled in child health care (CHC) have foreign-born parents. This places high demands on the competence of CHC-nurses. Research shows that CHC-nurses experience communication difficulties with foreign-born parents, which causes concerns for the childrens' health. The foreign-born parents experience shortcomings in treatment from healthcare staff. To ensure equality in care, it is important to explore the state of knowledge regarding foreign-born parents' experiences of CHC.  Aim: To describe foreign-born parents' experiences of primary care with focus on CHC.  Method: Literature review with 16 qualitative interview studies from different countries. Deductive approach with five themes based on Madeleine Leininger's concept of environment, health, care, human and the construct of worldview.  Results: The main findings consisted of fear of authorities, experiences of discrimination and prejudice, experiences of poor treatment and difficulties in navigating the healthcare system, with language barriers and interpreters. Fear that the child will be taken into care by the authorities was strong and widespread. Parents often linked poor treatment to their ethnicity. Negative experiences sometimes led parents to avoid health care.  Conclusion: Kind treatment is fundamental for trust in healthcare personnel within CHC. This highlights the importance of complying with laws and policies that emphasize equal and kind treatment. The results of this literature review can be used as a basis for reflection and discussion within the units attending to this group.

Best Practices in Digital Asset Management for Electronic Texts in Academic Research Libraries

Cleland, William A. 28 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Extraction of Weak Target Features from Radar Tomographic Imagery

Almutiry, Muhannad Salem S. 09 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

How Parents Plan for the Future of Their Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders – A Comparison between Asian Immigrant population and American Born population

Liu, Chang 25 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

High unemployment among foreign-born individuals / Hög arbetslöshet bland utrikesfödda

Abdulsalam, Alnuimat, Abdi, Abdullah January 2024 (has links)
This study has examined the main causes of high unemployment among foreign-born individuals by interviewing professionals within the field of practical social work. We have interviewed six supervisors within the labor market initiative Rusta & Matcha, an intervention for unemployed individuals carried out by private companies on behalf of the Swedish Public Employment Service. The results point to two main categories of causes for the high unemployment among foreign-born individuals: individual and structural/external factors. Individual factors include lack of language skills, low level of education, and limited work experience. Structural reasons include issues with validation and recognition of foreign qualifications, ethnic discrimination in the labor market, limited social networks, and cultural differences. Additionally, the results highlight how these causes affect different groups of foreign-born individuals. / Denna studie har undersökt de huvudsakliga orsakerna till den höga arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda genom att intervjua professionella inom det praktiska sociala arbetet. Vi har intervjuat sex handledare inom arbetsmarknadspolitiska insatsen Rusta & Matcha, en åtgärd för arbetslösa utförd av privata företag på uppdrag av Arbetsförmedlingen. Resultaten pekar på två huvudkategorier av orsaker till den höga arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda: individuella och strukturella/externa faktorer. Individuella faktorer inkluderar bristande språkkunskaper, låg utbildningsnivå och begränsad arbetslivserfarenhet. Strukturella orsaker omfattar problem med validering och värdering av utländska utbildningar, etnisk diskriminering på arbetsmarknaden, begränsade sociala nätverk och kulturella skillnader. Dessutom visar resultaten på hur dessa orsaker påverkar olika grupper av utrikesfödda

Språket är nyckeln till social integration. : En kvalitativ studie om språkets betydelse för analfabeta utrikesfödda kvinnors inlemmande i det svenska samhället / Language as the Key to Social Integration : A Qualitative Study on the Importance of Language for the Integration of Foreign-born Illiterate Women into Swedish Society

Ijaz, Sarwat January 2024 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ studie som fokuserar på de språkliga hinder somutrikesfödda kvinnor som är analfabeter möter när de försöker integrera sig idet svenska samhället. Genom litteraturgenomgång och empirisk forskningmed kvalitativa intervjuer med sex illitterata invandrare kvinnor, identifieras flera viktiga aspekter som påverkar dessa kvinnors förmåga att lära sig svenska.Studien identifierar dess hinder som inkluderar kulturella skillnader, brist påtidigare utbildningserfarenheter, och det sociala trycket från att anpassa sig tillett nytt språk och en ny kultur. Forskningen undersöker olika strategier för attövervinna dessa hinder. Resultaten pekar på att språket spelar en avgöranderoll för att kommunicera och delta i samhället.För att överkomma dessa hinder föreslår studien strategier som inkluderarsvensk undervisning via modersmålet, digital undervisning och att använda digitala verktyg som kan ökad tillgång till delaktighet i samhället. Slutsatsen betonar vikten av att utforma integrationsåtgärder som tar hänsyn till despecifika behov hos analfabeter och tar sikte på att främja språkkunskaper ochkulturell förståelse för en mer framgångsrik integration i det svenska samhället, vilket i sin tur kan öka deras möjligheter till sysselsättning och social delaktighet. / The qualitative study focuses on the linguistic obstacles that foreign-bornwomen who are illiterate face when they try to integrate into Swedish society.Through a literature review and empirical research with qualitative interviewswith six illiterate immigrant women, several important aspects are identifiedthat affect these women's ability to learn Swedish.The research also examines different strategies to overcome these barriers.The results indicate that language plays a decisive role for integration andparticipation in society. The study identifies these barriers that includecultural differences, lack of previous educational experiences, and the socialpressure of adapting to a new language and culture. To overcome theseobstacles, the study suggests strategies that include Swedish teaching via themother tongue, digital teaching to use digital tools that can increase access toparticipation in society. The results emphasize the importance of designingintegration measures that consider the specific needs of illiterate people andaim to promote language skills and cultural understanding for a moresuccessful integration into Swedish society, which in turn can increase theiropportunities for employment and social participation.

Relationship between artificially sweetened and sugar-sweetened cola beverage consumption during pregnancy and preterm delivery in a multi-ethnic cohort: analysis of the Born in Bradford cohort study

Petherick, E.S., Goran, M.I., Wright, J. 14 November 2013 (has links)
No / The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the intake of sugar-sweetened (SS) and artificially sweetened (AS) cola beverages during pregnancy and the risk of preterm delivery (PTD). At baseline (2007–2010), 8914 pregnant women were recruited to the Born in Bradford birth cohort study at 24–28 weeks of pregnancy. Women completed a questionnaire describing their health and lifestyle behaviours, including their consumption of AS and SS cola beverages reported as cups per day, which were then linked to maternity records. The relationship between SS and AS cola beverage consumption was examined using logistic regression analyses. No relationship was observed between daily AS cola beverage consumption and PTD. Women who drank four cups per day of SS cola beverages had higher odds of a PTD when compared with women who did not consume these beverages daily. We conclude that high daily consumption of SS cola beverages during pregnancy is associated with increases in the rate of PTD.

Growing up in Bradford: Protocol for the age 7-11 follow up of the Born in Bradford birth cohort

Bird, P.K., McEachan, Rosemary, Mon-Williams, M., Small, Neil A., West, Jane, Whincup, P., Wright, J., Andrews, E., Barber, S.E., Hill, L.J.B., Lennon, L., Mason, D., Shire, K.A., Waiblinger, D., Waterman, A.H., Lawlor, D.A., Pickett, K.E. 30 November 2020 (has links)
Yes / Born in Bradford (BiB) is a prospective multi-ethnic pregnancy and birth cohort study that was established to examine determinants of health and development during childhood and, subsequently, adult life in a deprived multi-ethnic population in the north of England. Between 2007 and 2010, the BiB cohort recruited 12,453 women who experienced 13,776 pregnancies and 13,858 births, along with 3353 of their partners. Forty five percent of the cohort are of Pakistani origin. Now that children are at primary school, the first full follow-up of the cohort is taking place. The aims of the follow-up are to investigate the determinants of children's pre-pubertal health and development, including through understanding parents' health and wellbeing, and to obtain data on exposures in childhood that might influence future health. Methods: We are employing a multi-method approach across three data collection arms (community-based family visits, school based physical assessment, and whole classroom cognitive, motor function and wellbeing measures) to follow-up over 9000 BiB children aged 7-11 years and their families between 2017 and 2021. We are collecting detailed parent and child questionnaires, cognitive and sensorimotor assessments, blood pressure, anthropometry and blood samples from parents and children. Dual x-ray absorptiometry body scans, accelerometry and urine samples are collected on subsamples. Informed consent is collected for continued routine data linkage to health, social care and education records. A range of engagement activities are being used to raise the profile of BiB and to disseminate findings. Discussion: Our multi-method approach to recruitment and assessment provides an efficient method of collecting rich data on all family members. Data collected will enhance BiB as a resource for the international research community to study the interplay between ethnicity, socioeconomic circumstances and biology in relation to cardiometabolic health, mental health, education, cognitive and sensorimotor development and wellbeing. / BiB receives core infrastructure funding from the Wellcome Trust (WT101597MA) and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Collaboration for Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) for Yorkshire and Humber and Clinical Research Network (CRN) research delivery support. Further support for genome-wide and multiple ‘omics measurements is from the UK Medical Research Council (G0600705), National Institute of Health Research (NF-SI-0611-10196), US National Institute of Health (R01 DK10324), and the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) / ERC grant agreement no 669545. The follow-up of BiB participants, which is the focus of this paper, is funded by a joint grant from the UK Medical Research Council and UK Economic and Social Science Research Council (MR/N024397/1) and a grant from the British Heart Foundation (CS/16/4/32482.) D.A.L. works in a unit that receives UK Medical Research Council funding (MC_UU_00011/6) and is a UK National Institute of Health Research senior investigator (NF-SI-0611-10196).

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