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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organisational boundaries and determinants of behaviour in organisations : a situational analysis : a conceptual and empirical inquiry into the determinants of behaviour of organisational members having direct contact with an organisation's exterior, emphasising the perception of situations which occur in work routines

Butcher, David Julian January 1982 (has links)
This study is concerned with furthering an understanding of the behaviour of organisational boundary personnel, or more exactly, with how boundaries act as psychological environments. The study has two complementary aims: to describe the psychological environment encountered by boundary personnel and to offer a theoretical model of the organisation as a psychological environment, the latter being a prerequisite of the former. It is held that a social psychological perspective is needed which can deal adequately with organisations as antecedent conditions of behaviour, and that situational analysis offers a useful social psychological framework for this purpose. The empirical investigation is an initial descriptive study of the psychological environment encountered by boundary personnel. It is argued that initial descriptive studies are necessary when dealing with largely unstudied phenomena, and that this stage in the scientific process has often been undervalued by social psychologists. A diary analysis followed by interviews were used to elicit a range of situations encountered by boundary personnel having direct and frequent contact with customers and clients. Four organisations were studied, each having a different primary task. A self-completion questionnaire was administered to elicit judgemental data, using the situations as stimuli. Multidimensional scaling was applied to analyse the data, treated as four sub-sets. This yielded the dimensions underlying each data set and the representation of situations according to these dimensions in each case. The results suggest that three common dimensions (formality, anxiety and socio-emotionality) underlie the cognitive representations of boundary personnel, and that the psychological environment encountered is complex. A taxonomy of situations is constructed and several important hypotheses relating to the psychological environment of boundary personnel formulated. Implications for future research are discussed.

The sovereignty of islands: a contemporary methodology for the determination of rights over natural maritime resources

Katter, Dominic Henley January 2003 (has links)
ABSTRACT " Once it was said that the law followed the flag. Now, international law is everywhere. Its influence increases. " Sovereignty is no longer an intra-national concept within International Law. It now involves a greater consideration of issues concerning the global community. This thesis develops a practical methodology for the determination of sovereignty over maritime natural resources. Customary international law regarding the use of resources within the maritime zones of islands on the high seas is rapidly developing. Traditional tests, such as the discovery and occupation of islands, are no longer the primary focus of the determination of sovereignty. The methodology expressed in this thesis is an application and adaptation of the current state of the international laws regarding islands within the high seas. This argument has its foundation in the new international treaties, recent decisions of the International Court of Justice, the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. It unifies the latest determinations and theoretical legal perspectives of these bodies to produce a single methodology. This work provides an original and substantial contribution to the knowledge and understanding of sovereignty issues within International Law. The Chapters of this thesis and their sub-headings progressively illuminate the individual elements of a distinctive formula for determining the sovereignty of islands within the high seas. The Chapters form a template for this methodology, which is applied to the Falkland Islands. Thus, each chapter is a step towards the determination of sovereignty. This modus operandi can be applied to new disputes in this realm, such as those filed with the International Court of Justice. Since 1982, the definitive ownership of the Falkland Islands proper has been determined, if not by International Law, then by warfare. However, conflict over the use of natural resources in the maritime zones continues.

Mathematical and physical modelling of crack growth near free boundaries in compression

Pant, Sudeep Raj January 2005 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The fracture of brittle materials in uniaxial compression is a complex process with the development of cracks generated from initial defects. The fracture mechanism and pattern of crack growth can be altered considerably by the presence of a free surface. In proximity of a free surface, initially stable cracks that require an increase in the load to maintain the crack growth can become unstable such that the crack growth maintains itself without requiring further increase in the load. This leads to a sudden relief of accumulated energy and, in some cases, to catastrophic failures. In the cases of rock and rock mass fracturing, this mechanism manifests itself as skin rockbursts and borehole breakouts or as various non-catastrophic forms of failure, e.g. spalling. Hence, the study of crack-boundary interaction is important in further understanding of such failures especially for the purpose of applications to resource engineering. Two major factors control the effect of the free boundary: the distance from the crack and the boundary shape. Both these factors as well as the effect of the initial defect and the material structure are investigated in this thesis. Three types of boundary shapes - rectilinear, convex and concave - are considered. Two types of initial defects - a circular pore and inclined shear cracks are investigated in homogeneous casting resin, microheterogeneous cement mixes and specially fabricated granulate material. The preexisting defects are artificially introduced in the physical model by the method of inclusion and are found to successfully replicate the feature of pre-existing defects in terms of load-deformation response to the applied external load. It is observed that the possibility of crack growth and the onset of unstable crack growth are affected by the type of initial defect, inclination of the initial crack, the boundary shape and the location of the initial defect with respect to the boundary. The initial defects are located at either the centre or edge of the sample. The stresses required for the wing crack initiation and the onset of unstable crack growth is highest for the initial cracks inclined at 35° to the compression axis, lowest at 45° and subsequently increases towards 60° for all the boundary shapes and crack locations. In the case of convex boundary, the stress of wing crack initiation and the stress of unstable crack growth are lower than for the case of rectilinear and concave boundary for all the crack inclinations and crack locations. The crack growth from a pre-existing crack in a sample with concave boundary is stable, requiring stress increase for each increment of crack growth. The stress of unstable crack growth for the crack situated at the edge of the boundary is lower than the crack located at the centre of the sample for all the crack inclinations and boundary shapes.

A spatial approach to edge effect modelling for plantation forestry

Wise, Andre 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the major objectives in plantation forestry is to achieve a high level of homogeneity of distribution and dimension of trees within the stand. Precise planting geometries, intensive silviculture and genetic selection are used to achieve this homogeneity. However, a natural variability is still introduced by micro-­‐site conditions and disturbances. A substantial source of variation is caused by edge effects of neighbouring stands or other land use forms. The edge effect causes trees at the stand edge to develop differently from trees in the interior of the stand. The overarching objective of this study is to simulate the edge effect based on average stand interior variables as typically received from an enumeration and spatial information on the current and historic stand neighbourhood. With re-­‐introducing this natural variance as well as its spatial pattern, we expect to derive improved planning information. A major aim is thus separating the effect of the edge interaction from the other factors contributing to stand variance and quantifying the result in terms of stand output. A methodology is introduced for quantifying interaction at stand edges between a given stand and its neighbouring stands over its lifetime. Transferring the edge interaction value from the edges to all the trees within the stand is then done by applying inverse distance weighting interpolation from the edges to the tree position within the stand. Once an edge interaction value has been calculated for each point, the extent of the edge effect is quantified. The spatial extent of the edge effect is derived empirically from an existing fully spatially mapped stand by means of breakpoint regression. The expected variance as a result of edge influence is then quantified by producing a set of models, which can reproduce the effect of the edge interaction on tree height, diameter and volume. The edge effect is treated as a dynamic interaction for which the temporal aspect needs to be considered, because the current spatial structure of a stand is influenced by its current neighbourhood, but also by the historic development of the neighbourhood in relation to the stand in question. Each stand therefore undergoes an edge effect which is completely unique to that stand, within a given time period. For this reason the presented methodology is a spatial-­‐temporal one, aimed at providing a way in which growth and yield forest modelling can be augmented by the inclusion of the edge effect in a practical way. To explicitly quantify edge effects, the natural variance had to be separated into a component explained by edge effect and a second component introduced by other factors such as micro site conditions and disturbance. The second component is treated as an unexplained residual variance. In order to provide a realistic simulation of a stand output at a finer, tree level, this second stand variance needs nonetheless to be quantified. The variance attributable to factors other than the edge effect is mimicked by generating a random number by means of a parameterised stochastic process based on the variance of the inner stand region, which is beyond the reach of the edge effect. In this way, a realistic spatial pattern of a plantation forest stand, taking into account the edge effect and combining it with the natural stand variance is achieved. This study, within the field of plantation forest management, aspires to land use optimization both in terms of productive capacity estimation and for the provision of information for effective land use management planning. It makes use of open source software resources namely the R framework and QGIS and explores aerial stereophotogrammetry as an option for data collection. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van die hoofdoelwitte in plantasie bosbou praktyk is hoё vlakke van homogeniteit met betrekking tot die verspreiding en die dimensies van die bome in die plantasie opstand. Simetriese aanplantings, intensiewe bosboupraktyk en genetiese seleksie word gebruik om hierdie homogeniteit te verkry. Natuurlike verskille word egter nog steeds gevind as gevolg van groeiplek mikro toestande en ander versteurings in die opstand. Een van die hoofbronne van hierdie variasie is die randeffekte van buurplantasies en ander gebruike van grond. Hierdie randeffekte veroorsaak dat bome aan die rand van die opstand anders ontwikkel as die bome binne in die opstand. Die oorhoofse doelwit met hierdie navorsing is om die randeffekte te simuleer. Hierdie randeffekte is gegrond op die gemiddelde binneopstand boom veranderlikes soos afgelei uit die opmeting en uit ruimtelike inligting oor die huidige en geskiedkundige toestande in die omgewing. As hierdie natuurlike variasies asook die ruimtelike patrone weer in berekening gebring word, verwag ons om beter beplanningsinligting te bekom. ’n Belangrike doelwit tydens hierdie navorsing is dus om die effek van die rand-­‐interaksie te skei van die effek van ander faktore wat bydra tot variasies binne-­‐in die opstand en om die resultaat in terme van plantasie produksie te kwantifiseer. ’n Metodiek word voorgestel vir die kwantifisering van die interaksie op die rande tussen die opstand en die buuropstande tydens die leeftyd van die opstand. Die oorplasing van die rand interaksie waarde van die rand af na al die bome in die plantasie word dan gedoen deur om geweegde inverse afstand interpolasie vanaf die rand tot by die ligging van die boom, toe te pas. As die rand interaksie waarde vir elke punt bereken is, kan die omvang van die randeffek gekwantifiseer word. Die ruimtelike omvang van die rand effek is, met die gebruik van breekpunt regressie, empiries afgelei van ’n bestaande ten volle karteerde plantasie. Die verwagte variasie as gevolg van die randeffek word dan met die gebruik van ’n stel modelle gekwantifiseer, wat dan die effek van die rand interaksie op boomhoogte, deursnit en volume kan weergee. Die randeffek word as ’n dinamiese interaksie beskou waarvan die tydsaspek in ag geneem moet word, want die huidige ruimtelike struktuur van die plantasie word beïnvloed deur die huidige omgewing asook deur die historiese ontwikkeling van die omgewing met betrekking tot die opstand onder bespreking. Elke opstand ondergaan ’n randeffek wat uniek is aan daardie plantasie op die gegewe tydstip. Die doelwit is om ’n wyse te vind waarvolgens groei-­‐en-­‐opbrengs plantasie modellering deur die insluiting van randeffek op ’n praktiese wyse, aangevul kan word. Om hierdie rede is die aanbevole metodiek ruimtelik-­‐tydelik en gerig daarop om ’n wyse te vind waarvolgens groei-­‐en-­‐opbrengs modellering deur die insluiting van die randeffek, op ’n praktiese wyse aangevul kan word. Om randeffek eksplisiet te kwantifiseer, moes die natuurlike afwyking gedeel word in die komponent wat die gevolg is van die randeffek, en ’n tweede komponent wat die gevolg is van ander faktore soos mikroligging toestande en versteurings. Die tweede komponent word behandel as ’n onverklaarde oorblywende afwyking. Hierdie tweede plantasie afwyking moet nogtans kwantifiseer word om sodoende ’n realistiese simulasie van plantasie opbrengs op ’n fyner boom vlak te verkry. Die afwyking wat toegeskryf kan word aan faktore buiten die randeffek, word nageboots deur om ’n lukrake nommer (wat gebaseer word op die afwyking van die binne-­‐plantasie gebied wat buite die strekwydte van die randeffek is) deur middel van ‘n geparameteriseerde stogastiese proses te genereer. Sodoende word ’n realistiese ruimtelike patroon van ’n plantasie opstand verkry, wat die randeffek in ag neem en dit kombineer met die natuurlike plantasie afwyking.

Lines across the land : a biography of the linear earthwork landscapes of the later Prehistoric Yorkshire Wolds

Fioccoprile, Emily Ann January 2015 (has links)
During the first millennium BC, the people of the chalk landscapes of the Yorkshire Wolds began carving up their world with monumental linear earthworks. This project explores the meanings of the later prehistoric boundary systems of the Yorkshire Wolds. It writes a biography of the linear earthwork landscapes of the north-central Wolds, using geographic information systems (GIS), original fieldwork and theories of agency and memory. Tracing the construction, use and modification of particular linear earthworks, it examines how these monuments would have related to other features in the landscape, and how they could have exercised agency within networks of interconnected people, animals, objects and other places. Finally, the project attempts to situate these boundary systems within the larger context of Late Bronze Age and Iron Age society in order to understand how the later prehistoric people of East Yorkshire would have experienced their world. Taking a biographical approach to landscape and allowing linear earthworks to become the protagonists of this narrative, the project charts the life histories of the earthworks at Wetwang-Garton Slack and Huggate Dykes and investigates the collective authorship of the wider landscape. To understand the rural, monumental landscapes of the Wolds, we must consider the agency of not only people, but also of animals and of monuments themselves. By focussing on the relationships which bound together linear earthworks and other agents, we can begin to understand the ways in which monumentalised landscapes both reflected and generated the cosmologies of prehistoric communities.

Epitaxie en phase vapeur aux organométalliques et caractérisation de semi-conducteur III-As sur substrat silicium dans une plateforme microélectronique / Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy and characterization of III-As semiconductors on silicon substrate in a microelectronic platform

Cipro, Romain 29 June 2016 (has links)
Les dispositifs microélectroniques réalisés en technologie silicium possèdent des limitations intrinsèques liées à ce matériau et ses dérivés (Si, SiO2, SiGe…). Une des solutions pour proposer à l’avenir des performances accrues passe par l’introduction de nouveaux matériaux en technologie silicium. De bons candidats pour le remplacement du silicium en tant que canal de conduction sont les semi-conducteurs III-V à base d’arséniures (III-As) pour bénéficier de leurs propriétés de transport électronique exceptionnelles. Cependant, en préliminaire à la réalisation de tels dispositifs, il faut obtenir des couches de III-As de bonne qualité cristalline sur des substrats de silicium. Ces deux matériaux montrent en effet des différences de propriétés que l’on se propose de surmonter au cours de ces travaux par des stratégies de croissance cristalline.Ces travaux de thèse portent sur l’étude en détail des croissances de couches de matériaux GaAs et InGaAs, sur des substrats de silicium de 300 mm de diamètres et par épitaxie en phase vapeur aux organométalliques. Dans un premier temps, des efforts seront menés afin d’éliminer un des défauts cristallins les plus rédhibitoires pour l’utilisation de ces matériaux, à savoir les parois d’antiphase. Puis, la réalisation d’hétérostructures quantiques III-As permettra, via des analyses d’émissions optiques (photo- et cathodoluminescence), de rendre compte de la qualité globale ainsi que locale des couches ainsi épitaxiées. Enfin, des croissances localisées dans des motifs décananométriques préalablement réalisés sur les substrats de silicium seront conduites dans le but de comprendre les mécanismes de réduction des défauts pour ces géométries. / The microelectronic devices designed in the silicon technology field are intrinsically limited due to the nature of this material and its derivatives (Si, SiO2, SiGe…). One of the solutions to further reach enhanced performances lies in the introduction of new materials within silicon technology. Good candidates for silicon replacement as a conduction channel are the arsenide-based III-V semiconductors (III-As), in order to benefit from their outstanding electronic transfer properties. However, as a preliminary for the achievement of such devices, III-As films with good crystalline quality have to be obtained on silicon substrates. Indeed, those two materials display properties differences this work intends to overcome by following crystalline growth strategies.This PhD work deeply study the growth of GaAs and InGaAs films on 300 mm-diameter silicon substrates by metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy. In the first instance, efforts will be put on the elimination of one of the crystalline defects being the most prohibitive for the use of such materials: antiphase boundaries. Then, the achievement of III-As quantum heterostructures will enable, by optical emission analysis (photo- and cathodoluminescence), to reflect the global and local quality of the resultant epitaxial films. Finally, localised growth, in decananometric designs, preliminary performed on silicon substrates, will be carried out, with the aim of understanding the defects reduction mechanisms for those geometries.

The systems psycho-dynamic manifestations in a self-managing corporate group

Hammond, Valerie Jean 30 June 2003 (has links)
This research explored the systems psycho-dynamics or group dynamics manifesting in meetings of a self-managed group within a bank. It also investigated the influence of these dynamics on the group's intra- and intergroup relationships.. The literature review explored the dynamics manifesting in groups in general, and reviewed relevant research that has been conducted. A qualitative study explored how these dynamics are manifesting in this group and how they are influencing the intra- and intergroup relationships. The results indicate that there are complex system psycho-dynamics manifesting in this self-managed group. They are influencing its intra- and intergroup relationships and rendering the group less effective in terms of its achieving its primary task. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / MA (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Marketing de relacionamento e cultura organizacional : uma perspectiva interorganizacional

Larentis, Fabiano January 2010 (has links)
Relacionamentos interorganizacionais são complexos e multifacetados, por sua natureza não apenas econômica, mas social e cultural. Por sua vez, estratégias de Marketing de Relacionamento não apenas possibilitam vantagens competitivas sustentáveis, mas podem interferir nos sistemas de símbolos e significados de organizações diferentes, através da frequência e qualidade das interações e pela existência de confiança, comprometimento, cooperação e aprendizados comuns. Considerando os fundamentos e práticas do Marketing de Relacionamento, o Marketing como área de fronteira dentro das organizações e as características e processos atinentes à Cultura Organizacional, este estudo teve como propósito analisar a contribuição dos relacionamentos interorganizacionais, especificamente entre fornecedores e clientes, nas suas transformações culturais organizacionais. Assim, tendo uma revisão literária na qual se abordaram a Cultura Organizacional, o Marketing de Relacionamento e as fronteiras organizacionais, foi efetuado um estudo qualitativo de casos múltiplos. Participaram da pesquisa funcionários e intermediários de canais de marketing de uma empresa moveleira (intitulada Empresa M) e de uma empresa de prestação de serviços financeiros (intitulada Empresa S). Foram realizadas quarenta e seis entrevistas em profundidade e uma observação, em quatro fases de pesquisa: a primeira e a terceira fases na Empresa M (vinte e seis entrevistas e uma observação), e a segunda e quarta na Empresa S (vinte entrevistas). A análise de dados utilizada foi a baseada na grounded theory. Os resultados indicam a importância da confiança, do comprometimento, da cooperação e dos processos de aprendizagem nas transformações das culturas organizacionais envolvidas; a importância destas dimensões na continuidade dos relacionamentos e na redução dos conflitos de papel dos interfaceadores; o papel da rotatividade e dos símbolos e significados não compartilhados em enfraquecer essas dimensões e respectivas relações. Por fim, evidenciam a existência de uma cultura interorganizacional, um sistema de símbolos e significados partilhados, por grupos ou indivíduos de organizações diferentes, de forma transitória ou específica a determinadas questões (perspectiva cultural da fragmentação). / Interorganizational relationships are complex and multifaceted, by its nature not only economic but social and cultural. In turn, Relationship Marketing strategies not only allow sustainable competitive advantages, but can influence the systems of symbols and meanings of different organizations, through the frequency and quality of interactions and the existence of trust, commitment, cooperation and learning processes. Considering the fundamental practices of Relationship Marketing, the boundary characteristics of Marketing in organizations and the characteristics and processes related to organizational culture, this study aimed to analyze the contribution of interorganizational relationships, specifically suppliers and customers, to the changes in organizational cultures. Therefore, considering a literature review in which was addressed Organizational Culture, Relationship Marketing and organizational boundaries, it was made a qualitative multiple-case study. The participants were employees and marketing channels intermediaries of a furniture company (called Company M) and a financial services company (called Company S). Forty-six in-depth interviews and one observation were made, at four phases of research, the first and third phases in Company M, with twenty-six interviews and the observation, and the second and fourth in the Company S, with twenty interviews. The data analysis used was based on grounded theory. The results indicate the importance of trust, commitment, cooperation and learning processes in the changes of organizational cultures considered, the importance of these dimensions in the relationships continuity and boundary spanners’ role conflicts reduction and the role of turnover unshared symbols and meanings in weakening these dimensions and their relations. Finally, demonstrate the existence of interorganizational culture, a system of symbols and meanings shared by groups or individuals from different organizations, on a temporary way or specific to certain issues (culture perspective of fragmentation).

Vývoj farní sítě v kontextu dějin osídlení / The development of parish network in the context of the history settlement

Gája, Robert January 2016 (has links)
Dissertation deals with the example of several areas of model development and reconstruction parochial parish boundaries in the Middle Ages. The research is based on medieval sources and retrospective projection of early modern sources. From the area archdeaconry Kouřimský selected two model areas on the territory of colonization was largely up during the Middle Ages colonization in the 13th century. This is an area of medieval deanery Havlíčkobrodský and territories Černokostelecko. For these areas were used except few medieval sources, particularly sources of the 17th and 18th centuries. As the last model was selected area Prague's Old Town, where you can watch unlike the previous two model areas dense network of church and its development since the early Middle Ages. The main reason for choosing Old Town is unusually rich source base, which may be used for the reconstruction of the parish network use to bridge basic source hiatus, with which science is usually encountered in the pre-season in attempts to reconstruct the parish boundaries in an area in the surface scale. An important contribution represents a completely new methodological approach to the reconstruction of parish boundaries combining parish registers and parish jurisdiction of individual individual houses. The result is...

Hydrogen absorption property of nanocrystalline-magnesium films

Uchida, Helmut Takahiro 27 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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