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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genomic approaches to determine genes that regulate breast cancer metastatic dormancy and relapse

Elkholi, Islam 06 1900 (has links)
Les cellules cancéreuses du sein se disséminent du site primaire aux organes secondaires, où elles restent dormantes pendant des mois, voire des années. Cette période de dormance se traduit par une latence clinique entre la résection chirurgicale des tumeurs mammaires primitives et le diagnostic d'une rechute métastatique chez environ 30 % des patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein. Les mécanismes de survie et de croissance ultérieure de ces cellules tumorales disséminées (CTD) dormantes restent largement inconnus, ce qui entrave la prise en charge clinique des patientes concernés. Des facteurs intrinsèques et extrinsèques dictent le destin et le comportement des DTC dans les organes secondaires. Notre travail dans les chapitres deux et trois visait à révéler les gènes et les voies de signalisation contribuant au devenir du DTC en ce qui concerne les deux catégories de facteurs. Dans le chapitre deux, nous avons exploité les sous-lignées de cancer du sein murin 4T07 et 4T1 qui modélisent les deux destins de rester dormant ou de se transformer en métastases visibles, respectivement, après dissémination spontanée à partir de la tumeur mammaire primaire. Nous avons appliqué un pipeline de criblage CRISPR à l'échelle du génome pour explorer les dépendances génétiques différentielles des deux lignées, c’est à dire leur réseau de signalisation intrinsèquement différent. En comparaison avec les cellules sujettes à la dormance, les cellules métastatiques démontrent une activité PI3K de classe I élevée. Contre-intuitivement, les cellules sujettes à la dormance affichent une activité mTORC1 plus élevée qui pourrait être attribuée à un positionnement lysosomal périphérique constant. Le blocage de ce positionnement périphérique a réduit la charge des DTC dans les poumons et l'incidence des métastases visibles, ce qui suggère qu'il pourrait s'agir d'un mécanisme de survie médicamenteux pour les DTC du sein. Dans le chapitre trois, nous avons effectué un criblage CRISPR in vivo à l'échelle du génome dans des cellules sujettes à la dormance, ce qui a mené à l’identification du gène non caractérisé Mob3c comme un régulateur potentiel de la dormance. Le niveau d'expression de Mob3c dans les modèles de dormance par rapport à ses homologues prolifératifs a soutenu la prédiction du criblage selon laquelle Mob3c pourrait être un suppresseur de métastases. Des cribles basés sur la protéomique et des tests d'interactions protéine-protéine ont suggéré que MOB3C interagit avec le complexe endonucléase RNase P, qui catalyse différentes fonctions cellulaires essentielles, y compris la maturation de l'ARNt. Les analyses cliniques axées sur les rechutes métastatiques (c'est-à-dire la survie sans métastases à distance et sans progression) chez les patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein ont validé les résultats précliniques décrits dans les deux chapitres, soutenant une signification et un impact potentiels des connaissances moléculaires révélées. / Breast cancer cells disseminate from the primary site to secondary organs, where they remain dormant for months to years. This dormancy period is reflected in a clinical latency between the surgical resection of the primary breast tumors and diagnosing a metastatic relapse in about 30% of breast cancer patients. Mechanisms of survival and subsequent outgrowth of these dormant disseminated tumor cells (DTCs) remain largely unknown, hence hindering clinical management of affected patients. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors dictate the fate and behavior of DTCs in secondary organs. Our work in chapters two and three aimed at revealing genes and pathways contributing to the DTC fate with respect to the two categories of factors. In chapter two, we leveraged the 4T07 and 4T1 murine breast cancer sublines that model the two fates of either remaining dormant or outgrowing into visible metastases, respectively, after spontaneous dissemination from the primary mammary tumor. We applied a genome wide CRISPR screening pipeline to explore the differential genetic dependencies of the two lines, hence their intrinsically different signaling wiring. In comparison to the dormancy-prone cells, metastatic cells display high class I PI3K activity. Counterintuitively, dormancy-prone cells display higher mTORC1 activity that could be attributed to a constant peripheral lysosomal positioning. Blocking this peripheral positioning reduced the DTC burden in the lungs and the incidence of visible metastases, suggesting that this might be a druggable survival mechanism for breast DTCs. In chapter three, we carried out an in vivo genome-wide knockout CRISPR screen in dormancy-prone cells, that put forward the uncharacterized gene, Mob3c, as a potential pro-dormancy gene. Mob3c expression level in models of dormancy in comparison with proliferative counterparts, supported the screen prediction of Mob3c potentially being a metastasis suppressor. Proteomics-based screens and protein-protein interaction assays suggested that MOB3C interacts with the endonuclease RNase P complex, that catalyzes different essential cellular functions including tRNA maturation. Metastatic relapse-focused clinical analyses (i.e., distant metastasis- and progression-free survival) in breast cancer patients validated the outlined preclinical findings in the two chapters, supporting a potential significance and impact of the revealed molecular insights.

The mesenchymal-like phenotype of metastatic breast cancer is maintained by the transcription factor RUNX1

Ariffin, Nur Syamimi January 2017 (has links)
Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in women in the UK with over 50,000 new cases diagnosed each year. Almost all breast cancer deaths are due to metastatic disease. The RUNX1-CBFbeta transcription factor complex has been implicated in the development of human breast cancer and recent evidence from our laboratory indicated that it might have a role in metastasis. The aim of this project was therefore to determine the role of the RUNX1 transcription factor in breast cancer metastasis. Initial experiments to knockdown RUNX1 by shRNA also decreased the expression of RUNX2. Therefore, due to the off-target effect of shRUNX1, CRISPR-Cas9n was used to establish a RUNX1-negative cell line by targeting the first exon of the RUNX1 gene. Migration and invasion capacity of the cells decreased in the absence of RUNX1 and it was comparable to the absence of RUNX2 and CBFbeta respectively, which are known to play roles in migration and invasion of MDA-MB-231 cells. The cells also formed spherical clusters in 3D culture which was associated with the changes in cell morphology from stellate to round shape in the absence of RUNX1. The expression of the metastasis-related genes MMP13, MMP9, OPN and SLUG also decreased in parallel with the loss of the mesenchymal-like phenotype whilst the expression of the epithelial markers cytokeratin, desmoplakin and E-cadherin increased concomitantly. Importantly, re-expression of RUNX1 in the RUNX1-negative cell lines using an inducible expression system rescued migration and invasion. Therefore, RUNX1 is required to maintain the mesenchymal-like phenotype of MDA-MB-231 cells and hence is important for the epithelial to mesenchyme transition (EMT), a key characteristic of metastatic cells. The transcription factor SLUG is a known regulator of EMT. Data obtained shows that RUNX1 down-regulates the expression of SLUG. ChIP analysis demonstrated that RUNX1 was bound to the SLUG promoter and RUNX1 was subsequently shown to activate the promoter activity. Finally, experiments to inhibit the activity of the RUNX transcription factors pharmacologically showed changes in cell differentiation and also affected cell viability, possibly by off-target effects. Taken together, data presented in this work demonstrates that RUNX1 is required for EMT in the metastatic breast cancer cells and it is therefore a potential therapeutic target to prevent breast cancer metastasis.

The Effect of Particle Size and Shape on the In Vivo Journey of Nanoparticles

Toy, Randall 12 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Role Of Tumor Microenvironment in Breast Cancer Metastasis

Aparna B. Shinde (5930267) 10 June 2019 (has links)
<p>Metastasis of primary mammary tumors to vital secondary organs is the primary cause of breast cancer-associated death, with no effective treatment. Metastasis is a highly selective process that requires cancer cells to overcome multiple barriers to escape the primary tumor, survive in circulation, and eventually colonize distant secondary organs. One of the important aspects of metastatic cancers is the ability to undergo epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and the reverse process mesenchymal-epithelial transition (MET) process. Constant interconversion of tumor cells between these phenotypes creates epithelial-mesenchymal heterogeneity (EMH) and interaction between these tumor cell types and the stromal cell compartment is clearly important to metastasis. In healthy tissues, stromal cells maintain the composition and structure of the tissue through the production of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins and paracrine signaling with epithelial cells. However, little is known about how EMH promotes changes in the ECM to promote breast cancer progression and metastasis. Cancer cells also secret exosomes, nano-size extracellular vesicles, to establish intercellular communication with distant organs in order to induce metastasis. These exosomes contain a plethora of different proteins including extracellular matrix proteins and matrix crosslinking enzymes. Fibronectin, an important ECM protein, plays an active role in tumor progression and is often crosslinked by tissue transglutaminase 2 (TGM2) to promote fibrosis in cancer. Both FN and TGM2 exist in exosomes and are expressed by heterogenous breast tumors. Although FN and TGM2 have been reported to play essential roles in cancer, their involvement in metastasis remains unclear. This work utilizes a variety of approaches to investigate the role of tumor heterogeneity and ECM proteins in promoting breast cancer metastasis. In this dissertation, we establish that mesenchymal cells expressing intracellular FN are held in a stable non-metastatic mesenchymal phenotype and produce cellular fibrils containing functionalized FN capable of supporting the growth of metastatic competent epithelial cells. We introduce a novel 3D culture system consisting of a tessellated scaffold which is capable of recapitulating cellular and matrix phenotypes <i>in vivo. </i>Further, we also demonstrate breast tumor cells secrete exosomes containing TGM2 crosslinked FN fibrils to promote premetastatic niche formation and induction of metastasis.<i> </i>Using genetic approaches, we establish TGM2 is essential and sufficient to drive metastasis. Finally, we demonstrate pharmacological inhibition of TGM2 offers a potential therapeutic strategy to treat metastatic breast cancer. Altogether, our research provides insights into the mechanism through which TGM2 promotes metastatic breast cancer. This work will help in developing new drugs to target TGM2 aimed at reducing breast cancer metastasis.<br></p>

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