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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Never let a good crisis go to waste : En intervjustudie om hur budgetens roll påverkats under Covid-19 / Never let a good crisis go to waste : An interview study on how the role of the budget was affected during Covid-19

Ljung, Johan, Selskog, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
Problem discussion: Budgeting is about different assessments of the future and is based onthe premises that are considered when the budget is drawn up. When these assumptions turnout to be incorrect, the forecast can be misleading. This means that when organizations needa tool they can rely on the most, the budget will be the least helpful. Covid-19 has brought abig change in conditions for the hotel industry. The industry lost around 4 million guestnights between 2019 and 2020 in Sweden. Some research on how Covid-19 has affectedgovernment budgeting already exists, but when it comes to research regarding how Covid-19and economic crisis have affected budgeting in the private sector, previous research isrelatively limited. This study therefore intends to further contribute to observing how the roleof budgeting has been affected during the economic crisis. This with a focus on the privatesector, by examining how the role of budgeting in hotels has been affected as a result ofCovid-19. Research Questions: How has the role of the budget in Swedish hotels been affected byCovid-19? What was the role of the budget in the hotel before the pandemic? What role hasthe budget played in the hotel during the pandemic? Which part of the budget now has a moreor less prominent role than before? What are the underlying factors for the changes? Purpose: The initial purpose of this thesis was to, through a selection of hotels, examine howthe role of budgeting has been affected during Covid-19 in Sweden, as well as the underlyingfactors behind the changes. Due to absence of some respondents, a shift in the work processoccurred, to instead specifically examine the Elite Hotels Group, but the examined topic inthe essay remained the same. Method: The method used in this study is a qualitative interview study. The study is basedon secondary as well as primary data. Primary data has been collected from two semistructured interviews with different respondents from the Elite Hotels Group. One of theseinterviews was conducted over Microsoft Teams and the other was conducted over the phone,as personal meetings could not be conducted during Covid-19. Conclusion: Prior to the Covid-19 break out in Sweden, the budget played a central role inElite Hotels management system. They used a fixed annual budget which was supplemented 3by short-term forecasts and similar complements. During the pandemic Elite Hotels budgetlost its applicability, which, apart from a budget-like forecast led them to a completelybudget-free management and a shift in focus towards cost reductions and finding revenueswherever they could. Complements such as forecast and other management tools such asfocus on key figures, comparisons with the competition, communication and a generally moreefficient way of working were given a more prominent role. The underlying factors that madethe budget lose its applicability have mainly been people's behavior during the Covid-19pandemic, which arose as a result of the advice and restrictions issued by the authorities.These constrictions also contributed to major restrictions on the hotels operations as well as asteep fall in demand for guest nights / Problemformulering: Budgetering handlar om diverse olika framtidsbedömningar ochbygger på de premisser som beaktas när budgeten upprättas. När dessa antaganden visar sigvara felaktiga, kan prognosen bli missvisande. Detta leder till att när organisationer behöverett styrmedel de kan förlita sig på som mest, är då budgeten kommer att vara minst hjälpsam.Covid-19 har fört med sig kraftigt förändrade förutsättningar för hotellbranschen. Branschentappade omkring 4 miljoner gästnätter mellan 2019 och 2020 i Sverige. En del forskningkring hur Covid-19 påverkat statlig budgetering finns redan, men när det kommer tillforskning om hur Covid-19 och ekonomisk kris påverkat budgeteringen inom den privatasektorn är tidigare forskning relativt begränsad. Denna studie ämnar därför att ytterligarebidra till att observera hur budgeteringens roll påverkats under ekonomisk kris. Detta medfokus på den privata sektorn, genom att undersöka hur budgeteringens roll i Hotell påverkatstill följd av Covid-19. Frågeställningar: Hur har budgetens roll i svenska Hotell påverkats under Covid-19? Vadhade budgeten för roll i hotellet innan pandemin? Vad har budgeten haft för roll i hotelletunder pandemin? Vilken del av budgeten får nu en mer respektive mindre framträdande rollän tidigare? Vilka är de bakomliggande faktorerna till förändringarna? Syfte: Det initiala syftet med denna uppsats var att genom ett urval av hotell undersöka hurbudgeteringens roll har påverkats under Covid-19 i Sverige, samt de faktorer som legatbakom förändringen. På grund av bortfall av respondenter skiftade arbetsprocessens till attspecifikt undersöka Elite Hotels koncernen, men det undersökta ämnet i uppsatsen bestoddensamma. Metod: Metoden som använts i denna studie är en kvalitativ intervjustudie. Studien ärbaserad på både sekundär- och primärdata. Primärdata har samlats från två semistruktureradeintervjuer med olika respondenter från Elite Hotels koncernen. En av dessa intervjuergenomfördes över Microsoft Teams och den andra var en telefonintervju, då personligamöten ej gick att genomföra under Covid-19. Slutsats: Innan Covid-19 bröt ut i Sverige hade budgeten en central roll som styrmedel i EliteHotels. De använde sig av en fast årsbudget som kompletterades med kortsiktiga prognoser och liknande komplement. Under pandemin tappade Elite Hotels budget sin tillämplighet,vilket ledde till att de bortsett från en budgetliknande kostnadsprognos, övergick till en heltbudgetlös styrning med fokus på kostnadsreduceringar och att skrapa intäkter där de kundehittas. Komplement såsom prognoser fick en centralare och mer framträdande roll. Ävenandra styrmedel som fokus på nyckeltal, jämförelser mot konkurrensen, kommunikation ochett allmänt mer effektiviserat arbetssätt fick ett större fokus. De bakomliggande faktorerna tillatt budgeten tappat sin tillämplighet har huvudsakligen varit folks beteende under covid-19som uppstod till följd av de råd och restriktioner som myndigheterna gav ut, som även bidrogmed stora inskränkningar mot hotellets verksamhet och att efterfrågan på gästnätter minskadedrastiskt.

Adaptiv styrning under osäkerhet : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan osäker miljö och adaptiva styrprinciper

Lundin, Axel, Panelius, Althea, Pappiland, Diana January 2022 (has links)
Adaptiva styrprinciper har framhållits som potentiell lösning till en rad strategiskt kostsamma nackdelar kopplade till den traditionella årsbudgeten. Denna studie syftar till att studerasambandet mellan dessa adaptiva styrprinciper och osäker miljö. Teoribildningen som ligger till grund för det analytiska ramverket har tematiserats i fyra kategorier av adaptiva styrprinciper som visats återkommande i den tidigare forskningen rörande beyond budgeting och dess besläktade hybrider: decentralisering, adaptiv planering och resursallokering, adaptiv målsättning och prestationsmätning samt adaptiva incitamentspraktiker. Denna tidigare forskning har emellertid inte undersökt mindre företags benägenhet att implementera dessa praktiker, och hur detta förhåller sig under perioder av generell osäkerhet. Covid-19-pandemin utgör en unik möjlighet på så sätt att andra typer av osäkerhet tidigare har tagit formen av specifika attribut (exempelvis konkurrensutsättning), medan pandemin får anses vara generellt utan motstycke under de i övrigt rådande omständigheterna. Forskningsfrågan definieras därmed som: Har mindre svenska tillverkningsföretag anammat adaptiva styrprinciper i större utsträckning under pandemin? För att undersöka huruvida dessa styrprinciper har ett samband med osäker miljö på det sätt som antyds utifrån teori användes en kvantitativ metod. En enkät skickades till 616 svenska tillverkningsföretag med 10-199 anställda, varav 88 användbara svar samlades in. Även om respondenterna uppvisade bred tendens till anammande (såsom teorin skulle förutse) var inte denna förändringsgrad under pandemin statistiskt signifikant utifrån linjär sannolikhetsmodell. / Adaptive management practices have been touted as being the solution to a number of strategically costly problems connected to the traditional yearly budget. The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between adaptive management practices and an uncertain environment. The underlying theory of the analytical framework specifically concerns four adaptive management practices that have proven to be recurring in the beyond budgeting literature and its adjacent hybrids: decentralization, adaptive planning and resource allocation, adaptive goal and performance measurements and adaptive incentives. Prior research has overlooked the aspect of smaller companies and their willingness to change and adapt their management practices during times of general uncertainty. The Covid-19 pandemic during 2020-2021 constituted a rare opportunity in the sense that other types of uncertainty have tended to be specific (e.g. increased competition), whereas the pandemic is taken to be generally unprecedented in relation to all other aspects of the current business environment. The research question was therefore formulated as: Have Swedish small scale manufacturing companies adopted adaptive management practices to a larger extent during the pandemic? To examine whether the adoption of these tools relate to uncertain environments, in the manner in which the theory suggests, a quantitative approach was utilized. A survey was sent to 616 Swedish manufacturing companies with 10-199 employees, out of which 88 useful answers were gathered. Although the respondents showed tendencies of adoption across the board (as the theory would predict) the changes made during the pandemic did not reach statistical significance in the linear probability model.

Beyond Budgeting, en framgångsfaktor? : En studie på om BeyondBudgeting utmärker sig som en framgångsfaktor när det kommer till lönsamhet bland de 30 största bolagen på stockholmsbörsen. / Beyond Budgeting, a success factor? : A study about if Beyond Budgeting stands out as a success factor when it comes to profitability among the 30 biggest companieson the Stockholm stock market.

Kärki, Kim, Rasanayagam, Robin January 2021 (has links)
Förmågan att kunna anpassa sig efter rådande omständigheter har aldrig varit mer påtagligt än idag. När Coronapandemin lamslog hela världen 2020 var det mycket i det vardagliga livet som förändrades. Det gick inte att gå ut och äta, träffa sina nära och kära eller planera nästa semester på samma sätt som tidigare. Men det va inte bara enskilda individer som drabbades, många företag fick stänga igen och gick i konkurs. Majoriteten av företagen idag använder sig ett traditionellt sätt för att budgetera och planera för framtiden, man gör budgetar för kommande period och förhåller sig sedan till dessa. Detta sätt att planera och budgetera lyfts fram som kostsamt, tidskrävande och att det försvårar möjligheterna att anpassa sig efter ändrade omständigheter. Men på senare tid har ett alternativ planerings- och budgeteringssätt vuxit fram. Beyond Budgeting är ett alternativ till det traditionella sättet och innebär att man avskaffar dessa traditionella budgetar och använder sig istället av rullande prognoser, benchmarking och balanced scorecard för att bara nämna några styrmedel. Förespråkarna för Beyond Budgeting menar att detta nya sätt att planera och budgetera skulle eliminera de negativa delar som de traditionella metoderna för med sig och att det skulle leda till ökad lönsamhet. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur företag på OMXS30 Nasdaq Stockholm som använder Beyond Budgeting och företag som inte använder Beyond Budgeting skiljer sig åt i lönsamhet, genom att undersöka fem nyckeltal. Nyckeltalen som undersöks är vinstmarginal, likviditet, soliditet, kapitalomsättningshastighet och räntabilitet på totalt kapital. I denna studie har en kvantitativ metod tillämpats där sekundärdata i form av årsredovisningar för åren 2017, 2018 och 2019 hämtats för företagen listade på OMXS30 Nasdaq Stockholm. Nyckeltalen vinstmarginal, likviditet, soliditet, kapitalomsättningshastighet och räntabilitet på totalt kapital har sedan valts ut som representativt för lönsamhet. Resultatet för denna studien påvisar att det inte finns någon statistiskt signifikant skillnad i lönsamhet mellan de företag som använder Beyond Budgeting och de företag som inte använder Beyond Budgeting. Studien visar således att det inte finns något samband mellan Beyond Budgeting och lönsamhet. / The ability to adapt to prevailing circumstances has never been more evident than today. When the Corona Pandemic paralyzed the whole world in 2020, much of everyday life changed. It was no longer possible to go out to eat, meet loved ones or plan the next vacation in the same way as before. But it was not just individuals who were affected, many companies had to close and went bankrupt. The majority of companies today use a traditional way of budgeting and planning for the future, they make budgets for the up coming period and then relate to these. This way of planning and budget is often highlighted as costly, time consuming and that it makes it more difficult to adapt to changing circumstances. But recently, an alternative planning and budgeting method has emerged. Beyond Budgeting is an alternative to the traditional way and means that you abolish these traditional budgets and instead use rolling forecasts, benchmarking and balanced scorecard to name just a few instruments. Proponents of Beyond Budgeting believe that this new way of planning and budgeting would eliminate the negative elements that traditional methods bring with them and that it would lead to increased profitability. The purpose of this study is to investigate how companies on OMXS30 Nasdaq Stockholm that use Beyond Budgeting and companies that do not use Beyond Budgeting differ in profitability, by examining five key figures. The key figures examined are profit margin, liquidity, equity / assets ratio, capital turnover rate and return on total capital. In this study, a quantitative method has been applied where secondary data in the form of annual reports for the years 2017, 2018 and 2019 have been retrieved for the companies listed on the OMXS30 Nasdaq Stockholm. The key ratios of profit margin, liquidity, equity ratio, capital turnover rate and return on total capital have then been selected as representative of profitability. The results of this study show that there is no statistically significant difference in profitability between the companies that use Beyond Budgeting and the companies that do not use Beyond Budgeting. The study thus shows that there is no connection between Beyond Budgeting and profitability.

"Adaptation of the Marginal Budgeting for Bottlenecks model for planning, costing and budgeting in the educational sector".

Duehring, Momo E. 14 May 2015 (has links)
Already in its Education Strategy, adopted by the Executive Board in 2007, UNICEF fully obligates to the international commitment to universal education and defines its contribution to national efforts to fulfil children’s right to education. In September 2010, UNICEF further published a special report on a study showing that an equity-focused approach to child survival and development is the most practical and cost-effective way of meeting the health MDGs for children. For the modelling process of the research a simulation was run employing the Marginal Budgeting for Bottlenecks (MBB) model, jointly developed by the World Bank and UNICEF. This model has been widely used in international public health research to design and test development strategies. In its consistency with the human-right based approach, the MBB model addresses bottlenecks in the capacity of duty-bearers to fulfil human-rights as well as barriers of the capacity of right-holders to claim their rights. Using the MBB model, policymakers and researchers can simulate varying configurations of service delivery modes to expand access of coverage and measures to encourage usage. For each strategy, the model generates the predicted impact on intervention coverage and outcomes, overall cost and cost-effectiveness. UNICEF’s global refocus on equity and the most disadvantaged children makes it necessary to introduce improved planning and monitoring instruments. In this context, the MBB model is used as a budgeting and simulation tool for UNICEF interventions in health and nutrition. UNICEF aims to use harmonized tools across different sectors to reduce transaction costs and to improve comparison and sharing of lessons learned between the different sectors. However, it is also important to adapt and develop instruments based on the diverse needs of different sectors to ensure best results. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to find an answer to following question: Can, and if so, how can the Marginal Budgeting for Bottlenecks model, developed for the health sector, be adapted for planning, costing and budgeting allocations in the education sector? An adapted Marginal Budgeting for Bottleneck model for education could be applied for a comprehensive sector analysis, comparing intervention alternatives and setting policy goals and strategies. It could further be used to monitor the implementation of major sector reforms with regard to the comparison of potential versus actual impact of interventions on learning achievements. Applying two production functions, the MBB model applies the basic principle of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, comparing the costs of education interventions with the corresponding expected impact on increased service coverage. However, detailed inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts and the corresponding correlations would need to be defined for an Service Production Function (inputoutput) and an Education Production Function (output-outcome/impact). Further, a selection of globally proved remedial actions to overcome sector bottlenecks need to be specified. Education interventions largely depend on the country context and different countries and regions apply different remedial actions. Since the relationship of input and impact is not as linear as the illness-treatment relationship in health, international research and comparison of effective interventions would need to be conducted. The MBB model is applying service coverage determinants of both, supply and demand side. Therefore the approach could be a helpful instrument in the context of the Human Rights-based Approach as used within programming of the United Nations and UNICEF. However, applying further analysis on humanitarian aspects of programming always depends on the availability of disaggregated information. Based on the outline of the Service Coverage Concept and the Marginal Budgeting for Bottlenecks model and the conceptual adaptation of the MBB model for its use in education, following suggestions can be made for the Service Delivery Modes and Service Coverage Determinants: Overall, an MBB model in education could have added value for education planning, budgeting and impact simulation. However, it has to be considered that applying the model requires extensive data input for all six Service Coverage Determinants for each of the five Service Deliver Modes. Although, the MBB model could be adjusted to only cover a certain sub-sector within Quality Education for All. Five Service Delivery Modes Ten Sub-Packages 1. Pre-School Education 1.1 Public Early Childhood Education 1.2 Private Early Childhood Education 2. Formal Basic Education 2.1 Public Formal Basic Education 2.2 Private Basic Education 3. Non-Formal Basic Education 3.1 Public Non-Formal Basic Education 3.2 Private Non-Formal Basic Education 4. (Lower) Secondary Education 4.1 Public Secondary Education 4.2 Private Secondary Education 5. Adult Literacy, Continuing Education 5.1 Youth and Adult Literacy Interventions 5.2 Continuing Education Six Service Coverage Determinants Indicator Supply side 1. Availability of essential commodities Pupil-Classroom Ratio by grade Pupil-Textbook Ratio 2. Availability of human resources Pupil-Teacher Ratio (or Pupilqualified Teacher Ratio) by grade 3. Geographic and financial accessibility School-Distance School-Costs by grade Demand side 4. Initial Utilization Net-Enrolment Ratio (or Gross- Enrolment Ratio) by grade 5. Continuous Utilization Survival Rate by grade 6. Effective Utilization Graduation Ratio Graduation Test Scores Overall, an MBB model in education could have added value for education planning, budgeting and impact simulation. However, it has to be considered that applying the model requires extensive data input for all six Service Coverage Determinants for each of the five Service Deliver Modes. Although, the MBB model could be adjusted to only cover a certain sub-sector within Quality Education for All.

The Credibility of Government Budget: The Case of Sierra Leone

Conteh, Patrick Saidu 01 January 2016 (has links)
Fiscal reports have, since 2010, documented weak budget credibility in Sierra Leone public financial management noting that the government budget does not constitute a dependable framework for the planning, allocation and efficient use of the nation's resources. The purpose of this study was to develop a budgetary reform agenda and the research question that guided the study related to the reasons for the high monetary variances between the approved budget and the year-end financial reports. Government budgets and financial reports were reviewed for 2010-2014 and senior government officials were interviewed regarding the main stages of the annual budgetary process. The new public management model constituted the overarching conceptual foundation based on a qualitative case study of 7 government ministries and the House of Parliament. The baseline criteria for efficient government budgeting developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development served as the analytical framework from which four themes were established to analyze the planning, preparation, approval and the execution of the annual budget. The main finding was that the government's budget exhibited a lack of credibility given the significant variances between the budget and the actual outcomes; and the ineffective role of the legislature. As part of the financial management reforms needed, the government would have to rewrite the budget law and recruit experienced staff to strengthen the legislative budgetary function. These changes could contribute to the enhancement of value in the government's use of taxpayers' monies, causing improved economic and financial reporting and thereby promoting positive social change for the people of Sierra Leone.


Algharabali, Barrak Ghanim 01 January 2019 (has links)
I contribute to the literature by providing additional factors that could affect the incremental budgeting theory and punctuated equilibrium theory (PET) within a budgetary context. Because of the fluctuation in the price of natural resources, I argue that dependence on natural resources could lead to less stable budgets than ones not dependent on natural resources. I also argue that democracy is another source that leads to stability in the budget, relative to countries that are not democratic. I theorize that countries with no democracy and heavy dependence on natural resources will have budgets with more volatility than the rest of the countries. Most of the extant literature focuses on countries that are democratic and not dependent on natural resources. My theory expects these to have the most stable budgets. I extend the literature by comparing the Kuwaiti National Budget (dependent on natural resources and not democratic) to the U.S. Federal Budget (democratic and not dependent on natural resources). The results of all tests are consistent with the expectations of the theory that countries with no democracy and heavy dependence on natural resources have less incremental budgets than nations that are democratic and not dependent on natural resources.

Ekonomisk styrning i banksektorn : En jämförelse av två storbanker i Sverige med fokus på flexibla styrmedel.

Karlevid, Christine, Sandell, David January 2010 (has links)
A more complex and turbulent world market puts pressure on flexibility and the ability to adjust its business to the market changes. The rapid and unpredictable change is hade to analyze and forecast which demands more short-term forecasting. The issue for this dissertation is based upon the demand of more flexible ways of doing business in the bank sector in Sweden, which is a turbulent and unpredictable market. Handelsbanken is a company that uses the so called Beyond budgeting concept and the dissertation is about this company’s ability to solve the economic governance without the traditional budgeting process. The purpose of the study is to compare this organisation with another bank, Swedbank, who also operates on the Swedish market. The study aims to point at differences and similarities between the bank with the Beyond budgeting concept and the other who still is holding on to the traditional budgeting process. Important concepts within the study are; rolling forecasts, KPI and benchmarking. The data was gathered through telephone interviews and secondary data. The authors have been in contact with one regional control in each of the banks to get an understanding about the economic governance in the banks. The findings are that both of the banks are widely decentralised even though Swedbank still holds on to the fact that the traditional budgeting process is important for the company. Both of the companies are using a similar company structure, where local decision power is emphasised and the internal competition is crucial to be able to create motivated employees to be competitive on the market. The banks are also both very interested in not just the financial results but the non-financial, such as customers. / I en allt mer komplicerad och turbulent värld, ställs nya krav på företags flexibilitet och förmåga att ändra sig efter marknaden. Eftersom marknaden ändrar sig väldigt snabbt och ofta, är det svårt att förutse vad som kommer hända i framtiden, och därför behövs mer kortsiktiga framtidsprognoser. Uppsatsens problemformulering grundar sig i kravet på allt mer flexibla styrinstrument i denna globaliserade värld. Handelsbanken är ett företag som använder sig av så kallad budgetlös styrning och uppsatsens problematisering berör bankens sätt att lösa den ekonomiska styrningen med avsaknad av budget. Syftet med studien är att jämföra Handelsbankens ekonomistyrning med Swedbanks, en bank som fortfarande använder sig av traditionell budgetering. I studien beskrivs skillnaderna mellan en bank som har budgetlös styrning och en som är mer budgetstyrd, vad som behövs för att skapa en fungerande budgetlös styrning och vilka fördelar respektive nackdelar det finns med dessa styrningar. Viktiga begrepp inom budgetlös styrning är rullande prognoser, nyckeltal och benchmarking. Insamling av data har skett genom telefonintervjuer och insamling av sekundär data. Man har vart i kontakt med en controller på regionnivå i respektive bank för att få en förståelse för hur det ekonomiska arbetet fungerar i bankerna. Vad som är framgår i studien är att båda företagen är decentraliserade men Swedbank använder en traditionell budget för hela företag dock främst fokuserad till kostnadssidan. Båda företagen har liknande struktur, med en decentraliserad organisation och där de lokala kontoren har stor beslutskraft dessutom använder båda bankerna intern konkurrens för att motivera sina anställda och för att kunna övervaka resultatet. De förlitar sig inte bara på finansiella resultat utan de icke-finansiella resultaten har en väldigt viktigt roll i båda företagen.

Investeringsprocesser i ett divisionaliserat företag : -En fallstudie inom Södra Skogsägarna

Arvidsson, Oskar, Johannesson, Emil, Johansson, Pierre January 2012 (has links)
I denna uppsats studeras investeringsprocesser i det divisionaliserade företaget Södra Skogsägarna ekonomisk förening. Studiens syfte är att beskriva och förklara företagets investeringsprocesser och i vilken utsträckning dessa processer är standardiserade. I studien analyseras dessa investeringsprocesser utifrån befintlig teori. Studien visar att investeringsprocesser initieras i den operativa verksamheten för att sedan drivas fram i den operativa verksamheten och i ledningen på enhetsnivå. Beslut fattas på alla nivåer i företaget efter investeringars storlek. Vidare visar studien att det både finns stora likheter och skillnader mellan divisionernas investeringsprocesser. Likheter har ofta sin grund i företagets investeringsinstruktioner medan skillnader ofta har sin grund i divisionernas olika egenskaper och förutsättningar. / This essay studies the capital resource allocation process in the divisionalized company Södra Skogsägarna ekonomisk förening. The study aims to describe and explain the company's capital resource allocation processes and to describe and explain to what extent these processes are standardized. The study analyzes these processes using existing theory on the subject. The study shows that the capital resource allocation process is initiated by the operational levels of the firm and then integrated by the operational levels and the business unit management. Decisions are made at all levels of the company based on the capital expenditure. The study also shows that there are both major similarities and differences between the divisions’ capital resource allocation processes. The similarities are often a result of the company's capital budgeting manual while the differences often due to the different characteristics and environments of the divisions.

Kapitalbudgetering och ekonomisk styrning : En fallstudie av svenska skogsindustrin / Capital Budgeting and Management Control : A Case Study of the Swedish Forest Industry

Pilemalm, Robert, Thörnblad, Mattias January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Investeringsbeslut är ett av de viktigaste besluten som tas av chefer i företag. Besluten grundar sig på investeringskalkyler, som ryms inom begreppet kapitalbudgetering. I företagsekonomisk litteratur beskrivs sällan samband mellan kapitalbudgetering och annan ekonomisk styrning, vilket innebär att det finns ett tomrum inom forskningsområdet. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva hur företag inom den svenska skogsindustrin utformar och använder kapitalbudgetar som beslutsunderlag samt utreda och förklara sambandet mellan kapitalbudgetering och annan ekonomisk styrning. Metod: I studien har kvalitativ metod och fallstudier använts. Empirin grundas på datainsamling genom fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer av respondenter från fallföretagen SCA, Stora Enso, Holmen och Billerud. Slutsatser: Kapitalbudgetering som det beskrivs i företagsekonomisk litteratur är ingen adekvat definition. Kapitalbudgetering består i själva verket av två delprocesser, vilka är investeringsbudgetering och investeringsprocessen. Det finns tydliga samband mellan kapitalbudgetering och annan ekonomisk styrning genom att ”action controls”, ”results controls”, ”boundary systems” och ”diagnostic control systems” används. Kapitalbudgetering är ett ekonomiskt styrsystem för att skapa och upprätthålla målkongruens inom en organisation. / Background: Investment decisions are among the most important decisions made by managers in companies. These decisions are based upon investment appraisals that are a part of the capital budgeting concept. Within Business administration research relationships between capital budgeting and management control are rarely described and there is a gap in theory. Aim: The purpose of this thesis is to describe how companies within the Swedish Forest Industry perform and use their capital budgets and to investigate and explain relationships between capital budgeting and management control. Method: For this study qualitative method and case studies have been used. The empirical findings were based on four semi structured interviews with respondents from the cases SCA, Stora Enso, Holmen and Billerud. Conclusions: Capital budgeting as it is described in Business administration research is not an adequate definition. As a matter of fact, capital budgeting is divided to two partial processes, which are investment budgeting and the investment process. There exist obvious relationships between capital budgeting and management control in the sense that action controls, results controls, boundary systems and diagnostic control systems are used. Furthermore, capital budgeting is a management control system used in order to maintain goal congruence.

ORÇAMENTO PARTICIPATIVO: O Processo de Implementação em São Luís / Participatory Budgeting : the process of implementation in the city of São Luís

Cruz Neto, Nilo 17 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-18T18:55:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nilo Cruz Neto.pdf: 567863 bytes, checksum: 93cb4ea8bbcae5487ea1f19a28c33f3c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-17 / This work has as study object the process of implementation of the Participatory Budgeting (PB) in the city of São Luís, experience initiated in the year of 1997. The work presents the main characteristics of the PB, as for the format, to the coordination and the dynamics of the participatives instances, and tries to understand the determinative factors of its success/failure, being based on variable gifts in literature. The study sample that, not obstante the Participatory Budgeting in some cities has favored the participation of the citizens in the questions that involve its material conditions of life, in São Luís it did not arrive if to configure as a real instrument of deliberative democracy and cooperation between the municipal public power and the population. Diverse limitations, indicated throughout the text, had been determinative and made it difficult the process since its implementation, having disabled a transformation of the employee's stock sharing plan in action accomplish. For the accomplishment of the work bibliographical research and in documentary sources had been carried through, beyond accomplishment of interviews with participants of the process of implementation of the PB in São Luís. / Este trabalho tem como objeto de estudo o processo de implementação do Orçamento Participativo no município de São Luís, experiência iniciada no ano de 1997. O trabalho apresenta as principais características do OP, no que se refere ao formato, à coordenação e à dinâmica das instâncias participativas, e tenta compreender os fatores determinantes do seu sucesso/insucesso, baseando-se em variáveis explicativas presentes na literatura. O estudo mostra que, não obstante o Orçamento Participativo em alguns municípios tenha favorecido a participação dos cidadãos nas questões que envolvem suas condições materiais de vida, em São Luís não chegou a se configurar como um instrumento real de democracia deliberativa e de cooperação entre o poder público municipal e a população. Diversas limitações, indicadas ao longo do texto, foram determinantes e dificultaram o processo desde sua implementação, impossibilitando uma transformação no que concerne à sua ação efetiva. Para a realização do trabalho foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas e em fontes documentais, além de realização de entrevistas com participantes do processo de implementação do OP em São Luís.

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