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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Založení, vznik a neplatnost obchodní společnosti / Formation, incorporation and invalidity of business company

Vlk, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to analyze process of formation and incorporation of business company. It is a procedure composed of several phases, which results in the establishment of a new company, a legal person different from its members, separate legal entity. My thesis also deals with the invalidity of business company. My thesis focuses on formation and incorporation of business company under Czech legislation. It concerns with unlimited liability company, limited partnership company, limited liability company and joint-stock company. It does not concern with Societas Europaea and European Economic Interest Grouping. The thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter one is introductory and it concerns with companies in general. The chapter presents individual types of companies under the Czech legislation and it describes their characteristics. Chapter Two, Three and Four describes the process of formation and incorporation of business company, each of them dealing with different phase. Chapter Two deals with the formation of business company. It is a phase, during which a memorandum of association is concluded. This chapter describes obligatory content of this memorandum and also presents who is entitled to be a founder of business company. Last part of this chapter describes the process of...

Založení, vznik a neplatnost obchodní společnosti / Formation, incorporation and invalidity of business company

Habáňová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
The title of this master thesis is "Formation, incorporation and invalidity of business company". The study is based on the Czech law contained mainly in the Commercial Code. The first part of the thesis describes the entire constitution process of a new business company. The second part focuses on issues related to invalidity of a business company. The Czech Commercial Code distinguishes six forms of business companies - general commercial partnership (unlimited partnership), limited partnership company, limited liability company, joint-stock company, European company and European economic interest grouping. Constitution process of a new business company can be divided into two phases - establishment of a business company and creation of a business company. Each of these phases contains specific issues that are analysed in particular chapters of the study. The thesis is composed of seven chapters. Chapter One provides general characteristics of a business company including its legal regulation. Chapter Two deals with establishment of a business company. It describes business company's founder and focuses on issues related to the founder's deed including its substantial requirements. Chapter Three examines legal position of a business company prior to its creation. It addresses issues related to...

Založení, vznik a neplatnost obchodní společnosti / Formation, incorporation and invalidity of business company

Habáňová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
The title of this master thesis is "Formation, incorporation and invalidity of business company". The study is based on the Czech law contained mainly in the Commercial Code. The first part of the thesis describes the entire constitution process of a new business company. The second part focuses on issues related to invalidity of a business company. The Czech Commercial Code distinguishes six forms of business companies - general commercial partnership (unlimited partnership), limited partnership company, limited liability company, joint-stock company, European company and European economic interest grouping. Constitution process of a new business company can be divided into two phases - establishment of a business company and creation of a business company. Each of these phases contains specific issues that are analysed in particular chapters of the study. The thesis is composed of seven chapters. Chapter One provides general characteristics of a business company including its legal regulation. Chapter Two deals with establishment of a business company. It describes business company's founder and focuses on issues related to the founder's deed including its substantial requirements. Chapter Three examines legal position of a business company prior to its creation. It addresses issues related to...

Rozvoj obchodních aktivit pro vybranou společnost / Development of Business Activities for Selected Company

Horvátová, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
This master´s thesis is focused on the development of business activities of the subsidiary company Rhenus Logistics, s.r.o., which operates on the market of logistics services. The company concentrates on its own development, consolidating its position on the market and acquiring new customers. Based on theoretical knowledge, analyzes will be carried out in this thesis to access the current market and given company´s situation. The result of the thesis will provide proposals for development of business activities of the company.

Likvidace obchodní společnosti / Liquidation of Business Company

Orletová, Jana January 2008 (has links)
This Master's thesis describe process of liquidation which precluding disappearance of the enterprise. As a result is to show this action in reality. The practical part of this thesis contains activities of liquidator in the joint-stock company. The thesis refers to possibility of bankruptcy the company and the liquidator's procedure in this situation. The goal of this thesis is describing the procedure of liquidation, direct the attention to mentioned problems that could occur during liquidation and trying to find some solutions.

Využití Lean Six Sigma projektové metodologie v oblasti financí v mezinárodní společnosti / Lean Six Sigma Project Approach in Finance Department of Multinational Company

Hudáková, Lucia January 2013 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou využití projektové metodologie Lean Six Sigma na finančním oddělení ve vybrané mezinárodní společnosti a návrhem postupu na jeho zlepšení. Jsou zde obsaženy teoretické poznatky týkající se metody Lean Six Sigma jako i praktická ukázka použití dané metody v praxi. Na základě údajů a zkoumání použití metody je provedená analýza efektivního využití. Následně je popsané zhodnocení dané analýzy a navržen postup pro zlepšení situace do budoucna.

Založení, vznik a neplatnost obchodní společnosti / Formation, Incorporation and Invalidity of the Business Company

Bažant, David January 2015 (has links)
The topic of the thesis "Formation, Incorporation and Invalidity of the Business Company" has been chosen by the author due to its permanent topicality. The goal is to analyse process of formation and incorporation of business companies according to the Czech legislation. The incorporation of new juridical person consists of two-stage process of establishment. This thesis is primarily based on the analysis of definitions of laws, expert publications and on examples of judicial decisions. It shows risk of insufficient or incorrect formulation in the Articles of Association. With the detection of serious drawbacks in founding legal action, the existing company is threatened with resolution of its invalidity. The thesis is divided into seven parts including introduction and conclusion. The second chapter, most comprehensive, deals with the essentials of form and content of Articles of Association. The part dealing with content essentials is furthermore divided into five subchapters depending on figures, which the Articles of Association must contain so that a company can be properly incorporated. The third chapter describes a process how to get an entrepreneurship authorization aimed on Trade Certificate. The fourth chapter analyses the form of power of attorney, which is required when an associate is...

Právní úprava likvidace obchodní společnosti / Legal regulation of liquidation of business company

Jonák, Michal January 2012 (has links)
1 LEGAL REGULATIONS OF LIQUIDATION OF A BUSINESS COMPANY ABSTRACT The liquidation of a business company is a legally regulated process of settling the assets of this company out of court, unless the company has not a general legal successor. If the company is going into liquidation, the active commercial activity of this company shall be stopped. All of the activities aim to finish the business of the liquidated company and to find and to settle its property. The liquidation of a business company in the law of The Czech Republic is regulated in the Act No. 513/1991 Coll., The Commercial Code, as amended. The liquidation means a lot of legal and economic problems. This work is centred only on the legal aspects of the liquidation. It is necessary in case of liquidation to distinguish between two terms: dissolution and ending of a business company. A company enters into the process of liquidation as of the day of its dissolution. In this context is necessary to file a motion for entry the liquidation into the Commercial register. A company have to use the addendum "in liquidation", during a liquidation. The liquidation is finished by selling the property of the liquidated company and by settlement of its liabilities. After finishing the liquidation, the liquidator files a motion for deletion of the company...

Společníci v jednotlivých formách obchodních společností / Members of individual types of Business Company

Flachsová, Liběna January 2013 (has links)
Members of Individual Types of Business Companies The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the differences between the regulation of members of individual types of business companies in the current Commercial Code and in the Business Corporations Act (hereinafter the "BCA"). The reason for my research is the fact that the BCA will become effective on 1 January 2014. Therefore, it is in the best interest of shareholders to become sufficiently familiar with the new regulation. The thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter One is introductory and defines the basic terminology used in the thesis. The chapter is subdivided into three parts. Part One defines a business company, Part Two defines a member and Part Three deals with the transition to the new act. Chapter Two focuses on General Commercial Partnership (Unlimited Partnership). This chapter addresses the major changes, e.g. more precise definition of the Partnership, (non)transferability of the share, and the very interesting possibility to pay one's business contribution by performance of work or provision of services. Chapter Three is aimed at members of a Limited Partnership. The primary upcoming change is basically a shift back to the principals of partnership, especially by the subsidiarity of provisions governing a General Commercial...

Public relations 1. FK Příbram / Public relations 1. FK Příbram

Bauerová, Eva January 2015 (has links)
Title: Public relations 1. FK Příbram Objectives: The objective is analysis and assessment tools and activities Public Relations, which football club 1. FK Pribram uses, both in communication with fans and interact with their partners. Based on the analysis tool will suggest scheme so that communication by Public relations have been effective and successful. Methods: To acheave goals was chosen the case study method, which helped to get detail information. Data collection was performed using the analysis of texts, documents and informal interview. Resulst: Results of the work are summarized in the practical part. Based on the knowledge I have developed references and recommendations to improve the quality of communication with fans and media representatives Keywords: public relations, business company, media relations

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