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The town, the prison, and the collection: the case for a criminological modernismGoodale-Sussen, Gemma 01 May 2019 (has links)
Drawing on criminological history, visual studies, modernist scholarship, sociological treatises, and theories of archives and collection, this study proposes that literary texts of the early twentieth century approached the problem of knowing and representing others through collections. Inspired by the supposed divide between the city and the small town, modernist writers depict—but also resist—a vision of the group and the individual as inscrutable. The criminological apparatus of the turn of the century attends to both urban and provincial modes of existence, promising the small circles, close study of individuals, and knowability of the small town while also acceding to the urban vision of people in vast unknowable quantities and a perpetual psychic distance from others. Criminology was positioned, and positioned itself, as decidedly modern in its data-driven approach to managing the presumed unknowability of the individual and the group.
The texts in this study continually grapple with accessing individual identity amidst the masses of modern humanity, and articulate this struggle through representation of small groups, circles, and coteries. It is through the enclosed set of people that Sherwood Anderson, Gertrude Stein, and Carl Van Vechten demonstrate a fixation on both the individual and the group, and the relationship between the two. Their literary output and personal associations—which center on observation, portraiture, and collection—are fundamentally criminological in their efforts to negotiate the distance and intimacy of modern life.
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Dramatic Conflict and Historical Reality in Carl Zuckmayer's Hauptmann von KopenickSmith, Craig O. 02 August 1996 (has links)
Carl Zuckmayer drafted his drama, Der Hauptmann von Kiipenick, as an intended contribution to the Heidelberger Festspiele in late 1930. He chose Wilhelm Voigt' s 1906 seizure of the Rathaus in Kopenick as the theme best suited for the realization of his twofold intention - the combination of an Eulenspiegel figure and criticism of contemporary events. The following thesis analyzes the relationship between theatrical and historic event through an examination of the composition of the Hauptmann von Kopenick's generic elements. Through an evaluation of Zuckmayer's drama in terms of form, technical composition, and socio-political environment, this study intends to arrive at a complete understanding of the thematic construction of the play' s central dramatic conflict. The central conflict of the Hauptmann von Kopenick is analyzed in terms of its relation to history and society. This study evaluates the Hauptmann von Kopenick in terms of structure and genre. It presents the composition of the drama's plot as fully symmetrical. then considers the way in which the varying composition of each act brings that symmetry about. This study examines the significance of the play's structural numerical relationships and their connection to fairy tale. An examination of the drama's fairy tale elements and their impact on the drama's central conflict follows. The Volksstiick acts as the ideal genre for a consolidated attack against National Socialism. The genres of Expressionism and Neue Sachlichkeir bring Voigt's subjective struggle for identity against the objective powers of military bureaucracy to full contrast. The dramatic conflict of the Hauptmann von KiJpenick is examined next in terms of its relevance to contemporary events, an aspect that brings Zuckmayer's drama into consideration as Zeitstiick. The analysis of the Hauptmann von KiJpenick concludes that Zuckmayer, by drawing upon the widest possible range of elements, formulated his dramatic conflict into an objective attack against subjective conceptions of struggle supported by the NSDAP.
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The Contribution of Carl Czerny to Piano Pedagogy in the Early Nineteenth Century.Wong, Ki Tak Katherine, School of English, Media & Performing Arts, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Carl Czerny (1791-1857), whose works number over one thousand opuses, had an active career a composer, pianist, exponent of Beethoven, piano teacher, and theorist. He has received lots of criticism both during his lifetime and ever since. Even nowadays, though many of his piano exercises are popular items for many teachers and pupils ranging from beginners to virtuosi, Czerny is still rated as a master of mechanical works that focus mainly on the right hand. This study will argue that Czerny is much underrated, particularly as a pedagogue, and aims to find out what are the underlying principles that Czerny embedded in his piano pedagogical works, what made them indispensable in the teaching of piano playing and to what degree they present other musical elements which are not purely mechanical in order to reassess Czerny?s achievements in the field of piano pedagogy. The discussion is based on the original English edition of Czerny?s Opus 500 Complete Theoretical and Practical Piano Forte School (1839), its Supplement, as well as Czerny?s other pedagogical works, such as Op. 139, Op. 299, Op. 365, Op. 755 and Op. 821. In addition, other selected pedagogical works and representative keyboard method books and exercises (excluding works for the organ) by other authors up to Czerny?s time are discussed for enriching the discussion. Through a detailed analysis of Czerny?s Opus 500, this study identifies fifteen parameters in his teaching sequences that range from beginner to virtuoso and the findings are clarified and contextualized within the field of 19th century piano pedagogy. These fifteen parameters are also exemplified in four selected opuses of Czerny, and through the ?Exam Pieces? of The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. These are used to justify the applicability of the parameters in the learning sequences intrinsic to the graded piano qualifying examinations nowadays. It is argued that in view of the rich pedagogical content of Czerny?s work both technically and stylistically, together with the systematic teaching sequences that he presented in his piano pedagogical works, Czerny?s contribution to the art of keyboard playing should be well acknowledged.
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Bildt VS Schulman - En diskursanalys av två av Sveriges största bloggarBergsten, Emelie January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syfte: Att göra en diskursanalys av två olika bloggar (politikerblogg respektive ”kändis”blogg) för att se vilken interaktivitet som uppstår i bloggen mellan läsarna och även bloggaren själv. Jag vill komma fram till vilka slags åsikter som förs fram i diskussionen och om och i så fall på vilket sätt bloggaren är delaktig i diskussionen i kommentarsfältet.</p><p>Teori: Studiens främsta teoretiska utgångspunkt har varit den offentliga sfären. </p><p>Metod: I studien har diskursanalys använts som metod med tyngdpunkt på Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys. </p><p>Slutsatser: Analysen har kommit fram till att offentlighet och offentliga personer inte alltid innebär att personens åsikter är offentliga, att gränserna mellan offentligt och privat syns tydligare hos bloggaren än hos kommentatorerna samt att gränserna mellan offentligt och privat skiljer sig beroende på vem det är som driver bloggen. </p><p>Nyckelord: Blogg, Offentligt/Privat, Diskursanalys, Carl Bildt, Katrin Schulman</p>
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Att gå mot rött : en studie i spelarbeteendenHorned, Carl January 2010 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats handlar om en undersökning jag gjorde där 39 personer gickigenom en virtuell miljö jag byggt i Unreal Editor 3.Den virtuella miljön bestod av 5 korsningar där spelaren gjorde ett val omvilket håll han skulle gå.Baserat på statistik och intervjusvar från de 39 personerna har jag sedandragit en slutsats i form av en rangordning av beteenden som styr enspelare genom en nivå i ett dataspel.</p> / <p>This paper concerns a study I did in which 39 people went through a virtual environment I built in Unreal Editor 3.The virtual environment consisted of five intersections where the playermade a choice about which direction he should go. Based on statistics and interview responses from the 39 people I have since come to a conclusion in the form of a hierarchy of behaviours that control a player through a level in a computer game.</p>
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Myter i "Battlestar Galactica"Liedström, Ulf, Dovgan, Maria January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Titel: Myter som sanning i ”Battlestar Galactica”</p><p>Författare: Ulf Liedström och Maria Dovgan</p><p>Handledare: Malin Nilsson</p><p>Examinator: Veronica Stoehrel</p><p>Typ av arbete: C-uppsats i Medie- och Kommunikationsvetenskap, 15 hp HT-07</p><p>Plats: Högskolan i Halmstad</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med studien är att ta reda på vilka myter som finns i TV-serien ”Battlestar Galactica” och hur de används för att säga något om vår kontemporära syn på vetenskap, politik och religion.</p><p>Metod: Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ semiotisk metod med djuppsykologiska teorier av C. G. Jung</p><p>Resultat: Vi har kommit fram till att myter i högsta grad används i serien och att de används för att få tittaren till att reflektera över det nutida samhällets brister och därmed är serien också väldigt samhällskritisk till sin karaktär.</p><p>Nyckelord: Battlestar Galactica, Science Fiction, Semiotik, Roland Barthes, Carl Gustav Jung</p>
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Carl Schmitt, l'Europe et la démocratie universelle. La question d'une Europe schmittienne et son impact sur le débat français actuel autour de la construction européenne.Storme, Tristan TSJR 10 May 2011 (has links)
Dans notre thèse de doctorat, nous avons cherché à tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’enjeu européen constituerait, en France, l’épicentre d’une « actualisation » — pour partie assumée, pour partie occultée — de la pensée du juriste allemand Carl Schmitt. Les réflexions politico-philosophiques de Schmitt représentent en soi un assemblage rhétorique et systématique puissant, aisément mobilisable dans le cadre des débats théoriques sur la construction européenne, afin de battre en brèche les affirmations néo-cosmopolitiques, que l’on soit de droite ou de gauche. Il s’est agi, pour nous, de vérifier jusqu’à quel point la pensée politique du juriste se retrouvait « recyclée » dans le débat français contemporain relatif à l’idée d’Europe. Était ainsi ouverte l’opportunité d’évaluer, de manière systématique, la facticité ou la pertinence d’une antinomie : une Europe schmittienne contre une Europe kantienne. Dans un premier temps, nous avons tâché de reconstruire ce que fut la position schmittienne concernant la gestion de l’espace européen, avant d’évaluer, dans un second temps, l’impact causé par une telle pensée sur les réflexions qui animent le débat français contemporain.
La première partie de la thèse visait à rendre compte de la vision schmittienne de l’Europe. Schmitt a pensé la décision politique en des termes statonationaux : l’ordre juridique étatique serait modelé sur la base de la nature axiologique et culturelle de l’amitié politique, de la communauté des citoyens soudés par un seul et même critère d’appartenance, souvent religieux ; critère qui précéderait la nationalité et la réalisation « politique ». Il s’ensuit que l’ordre mondial ne peut se présenter que sous la forme d’un pluriversum d’États, animés dans leurs relations mutuelles par la dynamique de l’ami et de l’ennemi. Le libéralisme et le pluralisme provoqueraient des regroupements fonctionnels, dont le pan-européisme serait l’une des manifestations les plus visibles, à l’origine d’un sapement du politique et de l’unité souveraine de l’État. Quatre points analytiques permettent d’expliquer l’appréhension schmittienne de la gestion juridico-politique du Vieux Continent : l’indissociabilité du couple conceptuel État-politique, l’idée que la nation demeure l’horizon indépassable de la démocratie, la critique de la notion d’humanité et de toute morale universelle, et l’idée que le droit serait nécessairement d’origine politique, donc particulariste.
En France, l’intérêt pour l’œuvre de Schmitt s’est largement accru ces dernières années. Le débat théorique actuel autour du problème de la construction européenne offre d’ailleurs une place particulière à la réactivation de l’argumentaire schmittien statocentré, antilibéral et culturaliste. À gauche comme à droite de l’échiquier politique, intellectuels et philosophes mobilisent raisonnements et schémas discursifs, tantôt réclamés de Schmitt, tantôt très proches des arguments du juriste de Plettenberg. En passant en revue les réflexions d’auteurs aussi différents qu’Étienne Balibar et Pierre Manent, Alain de Benoist et Marcel Gauchet, Daniel Bensaïd et Pierre-André Taguieff, nous avons tenté d’approcher et de rendre compte de la pluralité des emprunts à la pensée de Schmitt et à son appréhension de l’ordre européen, dans le cadre des discussions françaises relatives à l’intégration régionale européenne. Chez certains de ces auteurs, la construction européenne apparaît comme la manifestation avancée d’un phénomène général de dilution du politique. Autrement dit, elle incarnerait un idéal de société qui ramène le politique au niveau du marché. Pour d’autres, Carl Schmitt aurait diagnostiqué mieux que quiconque la mort du droit des gens européen et les travers de l’universalisme abstrait que brandirait l’Union européenne en expansion. Par ailleurs, la théorisation schmittienne de la souveraineté constituerait une référence incontournable pour éclairer les thématiques actuelles relatives à une mutation des niveaux de pouvoir.
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Myter i "Battlestar Galactica"Liedström, Ulf, Dovgan, Maria January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Titel: Myter som sanning i ”Battlestar Galactica” Författare: Ulf Liedström och Maria Dovgan Handledare: Malin Nilsson Examinator: Veronica Stoehrel Typ av arbete: C-uppsats i Medie- och Kommunikationsvetenskap, 15 hp HT-07 Plats: Högskolan i Halmstad Syfte: Syftet med studien är att ta reda på vilka myter som finns i TV-serien ”Battlestar Galactica” och hur de används för att säga något om vår kontemporära syn på vetenskap, politik och religion. Metod: Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ semiotisk metod med djuppsykologiska teorier av C. G. Jung Resultat: Vi har kommit fram till att myter i högsta grad används i serien och att de används för att få tittaren till att reflektera över det nutida samhällets brister och därmed är serien också väldigt samhällskritisk till sin karaktär. Nyckelord: Battlestar Galactica, Science Fiction, Semiotik, Roland Barthes, Carl Gustav Jung
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Bildt VS Schulman - En diskursanalys av två av Sveriges största bloggarBergsten, Emelie January 2009 (has links)
Syfte: Att göra en diskursanalys av två olika bloggar (politikerblogg respektive ”kändis”blogg) för att se vilken interaktivitet som uppstår i bloggen mellan läsarna och även bloggaren själv. Jag vill komma fram till vilka slags åsikter som förs fram i diskussionen och om och i så fall på vilket sätt bloggaren är delaktig i diskussionen i kommentarsfältet. Teori: Studiens främsta teoretiska utgångspunkt har varit den offentliga sfären. Metod: I studien har diskursanalys använts som metod med tyngdpunkt på Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys. Slutsatser: Analysen har kommit fram till att offentlighet och offentliga personer inte alltid innebär att personens åsikter är offentliga, att gränserna mellan offentligt och privat syns tydligare hos bloggaren än hos kommentatorerna samt att gränserna mellan offentligt och privat skiljer sig beroende på vem det är som driver bloggen. Nyckelord: Blogg, Offentligt/Privat, Diskursanalys, Carl Bildt, Katrin Schulman
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Adapting Orff Schulwerk to the American elementary music program : a creative project / Title of accompanying manual: Orff instrument source book for making music your ownNichols, Elizabeth L. 03 June 2011 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to determine the composition and characteristics of employer and employee negotiating teams during initial stages of legislated collective bargaining for public schools in Indiana. Study participants included superintendents and trustees and 204 presidents of identified exclusive representatives of bargaining units of Indiana school systems.Participants responded relative to the number, race, sex, previous negotiating experience, and professional employment positions held by negotiating team members; positions held in professional employment, previous negotiating experience, race, and sex of negotiating team spokesmen; remuneration of negotiating team members and spokesmen; and extent of use, position held on negotiation teams, basis of selection, previous negotiating experience, amount and basis of remuneration of outside experts in negotiations.Findings of the study were:1. Teacher negotiating teams were larger than teams representing boards of education. Teachers' teams increased in number as pupil enrollment of school systems increased.2. Almost all negotiating teams had one individual identified as negotiating team spokesman.3. School board member participation on employer negotiating teams increased as pupil enrollment of school systems decreased.4. Slightly more than 25 per cent of all superintendents participated on employer negotiating teams. Only one superintendent served as spokesman in school districts serving 12,000 or more students.5. The number of principals serving as spokesman increased as the pupil enrollment of school systems decreased.6. The number of business managers serving as spokesmen increased as the pupil enrollment of school systems increased.7. Assistant Superintendents for Personnel and/or Directors of Employee Relations served as spokesman only in districts serving 6,000 or more pupils.8. Attorneys served as outside experts on one-half of employer negotiating teams.9. Negotiating team membership reflected all segments of employer and employee groups.10. Slightly less than one-half of team spokesmen reported they had no previous negotiating experience. Almost 100 per cent of team spokesmen for school systems with 6,000 or fewer students were inexperienced.11. The years of previous negotiating experience of outside experts increased as the pupil enrollment of school systems increased.12. Almost 100 per cent of employer negotiating team spokesmen outside experts and team members were white males.13. Slightly more than three-fourths of employee negotiating team spokesmen were males.14. Employee negotiating team membership was composed of about one-half white males and one-half white females.15. Almost 100 per cent of the outside experts and spokesmen for employee negotiating teams were white males.16. Remuneration of outside experts ranged from $23,000 to $500. Per diem compensation ranged from $300 to $100. Per hour compensation ranged from $55 to $20.17. Almost one-half of employer team outside experts were paid on a per hour basis plus expenses.18. Outside experts serving employee negotiating teams were reimbursed in salary by state and/or national teacher organizations.Size of school district is a major factor in determining the composition and characteristics of negotiating teams.The amount or basis of remuneration paid to outside experts, spokesmen, or team members is not positively related to size of school system.Large amounts of tax dollars are being expended to carry out mandated negotiations.Employer negotiations are conducted by white males. Employee negotiations spokesmen are predominately white males.As of 1975 the status of negotiations in Indiana is one of attempting to implement a process; therefore, the level of sophistication in negotiations is minimal.Management personnel have lacked adequate preparation for negotiations and consequently have turned to outside experts until competent in-house negotiators are developed.Teacher groups rely heavily upon assistance provided through national networks of teacher organizations.
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