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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing systemically-oriented secondary care mental health services

Burbach, Frank Robert January 2013 (has links)
Research has indicated that offering support and services for people who experience mental health problems and their families is a complex and contested area. Despite the controversies surrounding therapeutic interventions with families, it has now been recognised that relatives and other supporters of people with mental health problems should be included in their care. Whole- family interventions and partnership working with carers and families is now central to secondary care UK mental health policies and clinical practice guidelines. However, for many families/ carers this remains an aspiration rather than a reality. The way in which we successfully developed family focused mental health practice, as well as specialist family interventions (FI) for people who have been given a diagnosis of psychosis, has therefore aroused considerable interest. The Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has adopted a Strategy to Enhance Working Partnerships with Carers and Families, developed best practice guidance and has established two complementary workforce development projects - the development of specialist family intervention services and the widespread training of mental health staff to create a ‘triangle of care’ with service users and their families. This has resulted in widespread adoption of systemically informed, ‘whole-family’ practice. In response to the widespread difficulties experienced following other staff- training initiatives we developed specialist family interventions (FI) services by means of an innovative one-year course delivered in partnership with Plymouth University. This training initiative has been widely acknowledged for its novel integration of psycho-educational and systemic approaches and the effective in-situ, multi-disciplinary service development model. An advantage of this approach is that by the end of the course a local FI Service has been established and staff experience fewer difficulties in applying their new skills than people trained in other programmes. We then ensure the continued development of clinical skills by means of a service structure that emphasises on-going supervision. Regular audits of the service and in-depth research studies clearly indicate that the service is effective and highly valued by users. Our ‘cognitive-interactional’ approach, which integrates systemic therapy with psychosocial interventions (individual- and family-CBT) within a collaborative therapeutic relationship, enables us to meet the needs of families in a flexible, tailored manner. The FI teams are able to deliver early interventions for people with first episode psychosis, as well as meeting the NICE guidelines for people with longstanding symptoms. Recognising that many families do not require formal family interventions/ therapy, we also have been designing ‘stepped-care’ family intervention services. We have developed, and extensively evaluated, short training packages to enhance working partnerships with families throughout our mental health services. We have used this three-day package to train a range of community and inpatient teams. We have also encouraged family- inclusive practice with the establishment of a trustwide steering group, practice guidelines and the establishment of ‘family liaison’ posts to facilitate family meetings on inpatient units, as part of the assessment process. Both training initiatives explicitly focus on developing systemic thinking, by integrating CBT and systemic therapy. The involvement of families/ carers in the design and delivery of both training initiatives is also crucial.

Augmentation de l'effet de la psychothérapie par Amorçage Préconscient dans la phobie sociale et l’anxiété généralisée

Zidani, Melha 08 1900 (has links)
Deux articles ont été publiés suite à ce mémoire de maîtrise. Un prix pour la meilleure affiche faite par un étudiant du département de psychiatrie de l'Universtité de Montréal a été obtenu suite à la présentation de résultats préliminaires à la Journée annuelle du Centre de recherche de l’Institut Universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal. Un support financier et des bourses ont été également accordés. Par exemple: Bourse d’excellence pour la recherche en psychiatrie, bourse du Cinquantenaire, Faculté de médecine, Département de psychiatrie, Université de Montréal; Bourse d’excellence du directeur de recherche, Centre d’études sur les troubles obsessionnels compulsifs et les tics- CETOCT; Centre recherche de l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal; Bourse de Dépannage de la Faculté de médecine ainsi qu'une bourse de rédaction, Faculté de médecine de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal (QC). / Les troubles anxieux représentent les problèmes de santé mentale les plus répandus. Ils affectent 12% de la population, causent un handicap léger à grave et peuvent représenter un lourd fardeau pour les patients et leurs proches. Ils entrainent un impact économique majeur pour la société en termes d’utilisation accrue des services de santé tant psychiatriques que non psychiatriques, de diminution de productivité au travail, d’absentéisme et du chômage. Cette étude de type série de cas, décrit une stratégie d’augmentation ou de facilitation du changement en psychothérapie basée sur l’amorçage (priming) préconscient et son utilisation dans le traitement de huit patients souffrant de troubles anxieux. Les patients avaient manifesté une réponse symptomatique partielle à la thérapie cognitive-comportementale (TCC) malgré une bonne adhésion au traitement. La démarche d’augmentation de la psychothérapie par amorçage préconscient (APAP) comporte six étapes permettant d’établir des formulations cognitives adaptées à la problématique résiduelle personnelle du patient. Ces formulations sont enregistrées et masquées par une musique relaxante. Les patients ont écouté cet enregistrement dans un état d’inattention pendant 20 minutes deux fois par jour durant huit semaines. L’effet de cette stratégie a été évalué par des mesures de type quantitatif et qualitatif, des mesures auto rapportées par les patients par rapport aux changements cognitifs idiosyncratiques ainsi que par un questionnaire sur la qualité de vie. Les résultats élaborés par une analyse descriptive incluant une exploration de la signification statistique et clinique des effets observés montrent, que la stratégie d’amorçage préconscient est associée à des changements cognitifs favorables, à une diminution du discours intérieur négatif et problématique chez sept patients sur huit. Ces bienfaits ont été également maintenus à la 24ème semaine. Une nette amélioration clinique des symptômes anxieux et du fonctionnement global a été observée chez deux patients qui souffraient uniquement d’un trouble anxieux versus les six autres qui présentent une comorbidité additionnelle à leur diagnostic primaire. Ces derniers ont quand même vu une amélioration de leur qualité de vie comparativement à leur état avant de recevoir la stratégie APAP. L’émergence de pensées et d’attitudes positives et la diminution des pensées dysfonctionnelles observées chez la majorité des patients à la suite du traitement par APAP, suggère un impact favorable de l’intervention. La démarche APAP qui est accessible par Internet pourrait constituer un ajout au traitement par TCC en facilitant ou en augmentant le changement cognitif et symptomatique. / Anxiety disorders represent some of the most common mental health problems. These disorders affect up to 12% of the population causing mild to severe impairment and a potentially heavy burden for patients and their families. In addition, these disorders have a major economic impact on society in terms of increased use of health services both psychiatric and non- psychiatric, lower work productivity, absenteeism and unemployment. The current paper is a case series describing a new method for facilitating change based on Psychotherapy Augmentation through Preconscious Priming (APAP) and its use in the treatment of eight patients suffering from an anxiety disorder. Previously, the patients had shown only a partial response to CBT despite good adherence to treatment. Following this treatment, the patients completed the APAP process, which consisted of six steps during which alternative, more functional thoughts and beliefs were formulated, relevant to the idiosyncratic difficulties experienced by the patients. Subsequently, these formulations were recorded and mixed with masking relaxing music, following which the patient listened to the recordings in a passive state twice daily for 20 minutes for a period of 8 weeks. The effect of this strategy was evaluated by quantitative and qualitative measures administered before treatment with the APAP program, at 8 weeks, 16 weeks and 24 weeks. In addition, idiosyncratic ratings of dysfunctional thoughts, symptoms of anxiety, global functioning and quality of life were assessed at baseline and at 24 weeks. Results showed a significant reduction in dysfunctional thoughts reported by most patients treated with this method. There was substantial clinical improvement in anxiety symptoms both for patients who presented with and without co-morbid psychological disorders. Those with co-morbid psychological disorders who did not have a good quality of life at the start of treatment reported an increase in quality of life following treatment with APAP. In addition, a descriptive analysis of the results supported the notion that a preconscious priming strategy is associated with positive cognitive change with a reduction in negative thoughts in 7 out of 8 patients, which were maintained in the longer term. Further, this descriptive analysis suggested that patients who suffered from an anxiety disorder without co-morbidity showed more clinically significant improvement in anxiety symptoms and improved global functioning in comparison to those who presented with a co-morbid disorder. Overall, results suggested that the APAP intervention had a positive impact on the patients. Results showed that APAP led to positive cognitive changes in all patients and clinically significant improvement in anxiety symptoms and global functioning in patients without additional comorbidities. APAP could be a valuable addition to CBT by facilitating or enhancing cognitive and symptom change.

Enkomponentsbehandling bestående av sömnrestriktion-sömnkomprimering jämfört med multikomponent KBT för insomni : En benchmark, non-inferiority studie / One-component Treatment Consisting of Sleep Restriction-Sleep Compression Compared to Multicomponent CBT for Insomnia : A Benchmark, Non-inferiority Study

Rilöv, Sara, Brunosson, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Insomni är ett vanligt problem och det finns behov av ökad tillgänglighet till kostnadseffektiva behandlingar. Syftet var att undersöka om en enkomponentsbehandling (EK), bestående av sömnrestriktion/sömnkomprimering, var non-inferior till en multikomponent (MK) KBT- behandling vid insomni och om det fanns en skillnad i symtomreduktion. Gränsvärden för non- inferiority var d = 0.8, utifrån tidigare forskning, respektive en strängare gräns d = 0.4. Data från en forskningsstudie där deltagarna erhöll EK (n = 193) jämfördes mot en riktlinje i form av en KBT-behandling i reguljärvården, MK (n = 289). Båda grupper erhöll behandling via samma internetplattform, och Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) användes som utfallsmått. Resultaten visade att EK inte kunde bekräftas som non-inferior till MK direkt efter behandling eller vid 1-årsuppföljning när en sträng gräns användes. När en liberal gräns användes kunde EK bekräftas som non-inferior direkt efter behandling men inte ett år senare. Direkt efter behandling och vid 1-årsuppföljningen visade båda grupperna en signifikant minskning av insomnisymtom, men vid 1-årsuppföljningen visade MK en större minskning. Ett stort bortfall vid 1-årsuppföljning och mer terapeutstöd för MK kan ha påverkat resultaten. Fler RCT-studier med långtidsuppföljningar behövs inom området, och även studier på andra populationer. MK är att föredra, men vid begränsade resurser kan EK erbjudas med god effekt på både kort och lång sikt. / Insomnia is a common problem and there is a need for increased accessibility to cost-effective treatments. The purpose was to examine if an one-component treatment (EK), consisting of sleep-restriction/sleep-compression, were non-inferior to a multi-component (MK) CBT treatment for insomnia and if there was a difference in symptom reduction. The prestated margins for non-inferiority were d = 0.8, based on previous research, and a stricter margin of d = 0.4. Data from a research study where participants received EK (n = 193) was compared to a benchmark consisting of a CBT treatment in regular health care (MK) (n = 289). Both groups received treatment at the same Internet platform, and Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) was used as outcome measurement. The results showed that EK could not be confirmed as non-inferior to MK directly after treatment or at the one-year follow up when using a strict limit. When a liberal limit was used, EK could be confirmed as non-inferior directly after treatment but not one year later. Directly after treatment and at the one-year follow up both groups showed a significant symptom reduction, but at the one-year follow up MK showed a greater reduction. A large number of missing data at the one-year follow up and more therapeutic support in MK may have affected the results. More RCT-studies with longterm follow ups are needed in the area, and also studies of other populations. MK is preferable, but with limited resources EK can be offered with good effect both short term and long term.

Jogo terapêutico computadorizado na terapia com crianças / Therapeutic computerized game in therapy with children

Rossi, Maria Lucia 23 February 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A psicoterapia infantil mediada com o computador pode tornar os pacientes mais colaborativos e motivados, diminuir o estigma de ir à terapia, aproximar e melhorar a relação com o terapeuta, facilitar a compreensão de conceitos terapêuticos fundamentais dentro da abordagem cognitivo-comportamental, melhorando suas habilidades de resolução de problemas além de estruturar as sessões de terapia. Objetivo: Criar um protocolo computadorizado para tratamento psicoterápico de crianças denominado Projeto Transformador. Avaliar o projeto para saber de sua viabilidade e utilidade como instrumento terapêutico. Método: Foram realizados dois estudos, um com as crianças e outro com os terapeutas. Os dois estudos foram abertos e utilizaram métodos quantitativos e qualitativos. O primeiro ensaio (A), foi realizado com 10 crianças com transtornos de ansiedade, que responderam a escalas de avaliação e a questionários. No segundo estudo (B), 12 terapeutas usaram o Projeto Transformador em sua prática clínica e sua experiência foi ouvida e analisada. Resultados: Os dados coletados mostraram que as crianças e os terapeutas ficaram satisfeitos com o programa computadorizado Projeto Transformador e este mostrou-se útil motivando a execução de um ensaio clínico randomizado / Introduction: Computer-mediated child psychotherapy can make patients more collaborative and motivated, decrease the stigma of going to therapy, closen and improve the relationship with the therapist, facilitate the understanding of fundamental therapeutic concepts within the cognitive-behavioral approach, improving their problem solving skills, as well as structure therapy sessions. Objective: To create a computerized protocol for psychotherapeutic treatment of children called Projeto Transformador. To assess the project\'s feasibility and usefulness as a therapeutic instrument. Method: Two studies were performed, one with children and one with therapists. Both studies were open and used quantitative and qualitative methods. The first study (A) was conducted with ten children with anxiety disorders who responded to evaluation scales and questionnaires. In the second study (B), twelve therapists used Projeto Transformador in their clinical practice and their experiences were heard and analyzed. Results: The data collected showed that both children and therapists were satisfied with the computerized program Projeto Transformador and that the program proved to be useful, motivating the implementation of randomized clinical tests

Erstellung einer computerbasierten Lernumgebung zum Thema „Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland“

Gläßer, Jana 31 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die Bachelorarbeit dokumentiert die Entwicklung eines computerbasierten Lernangebots zum Thema „Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland“, welches als Untersuchungsmaterial in einer experimentellen Studie eingesetzt werden soll. Das Lernziel der Probanden ist, so viel wie möglich über Gesetze und Bestimmungen der Gesundheitsreform herauszufinden, um die Aufgabenbearbeitung und Lernzielerreichung erfolgreich zu absolvieren. Der erste Teil stellt die pädagogisch-psychologisch fundierte theoretische Konzeption eines computerbasierten Lernangebots dar. Dabei werden zunächst theoretische Grundlagen zum E-Learning, Instruktionsdesign, selbstgesteuerten Lernen und unterstützenden Lernaktivitäten gelegt. Danach erfolgt die Vorstellung von Lern- und Testaufgaben als eine Möglichkeit der Selbstregulation. Dabei wird besonders auf die formalen Aspekte von Aufgaben, das Generieren von Lehrzielen sowie die Konstruktion von fehlerbasiertem Feedback eingegangen. Im zweiten Teil erfolgt die darauf aufbauende praktische Umsetzung: Auf Basis des konzipierten Instruktionsdesigns erfolgt die Erarbeitung von Lernaktivitäten, welche von den Versuchspersonen zur Selbststeuerung ihrer Lernprozesse genutzt werden können. Dafür werden insbesondere Lernaufgaben zur fakultativen selbstständigen Wissensüberprüfung sowie Testaufgaben zur Erfassung des Wissenszuwachses konstruiert. Im Anhang sind die zum Thema „Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland“ entwickelten Lehrziele, konstruierten Aufgaben und dazugehöriges Feedback enthalten.

Le contexte comme élément distinctif entre les intrusions normales et les intrusions anormales

Audet, Jean-Sébastien 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Jogo terapêutico computadorizado na terapia com crianças / Therapeutic computerized game in therapy with children

Maria Lucia Rossi 23 February 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A psicoterapia infantil mediada com o computador pode tornar os pacientes mais colaborativos e motivados, diminuir o estigma de ir à terapia, aproximar e melhorar a relação com o terapeuta, facilitar a compreensão de conceitos terapêuticos fundamentais dentro da abordagem cognitivo-comportamental, melhorando suas habilidades de resolução de problemas além de estruturar as sessões de terapia. Objetivo: Criar um protocolo computadorizado para tratamento psicoterápico de crianças denominado Projeto Transformador. Avaliar o projeto para saber de sua viabilidade e utilidade como instrumento terapêutico. Método: Foram realizados dois estudos, um com as crianças e outro com os terapeutas. Os dois estudos foram abertos e utilizaram métodos quantitativos e qualitativos. O primeiro ensaio (A), foi realizado com 10 crianças com transtornos de ansiedade, que responderam a escalas de avaliação e a questionários. No segundo estudo (B), 12 terapeutas usaram o Projeto Transformador em sua prática clínica e sua experiência foi ouvida e analisada. Resultados: Os dados coletados mostraram que as crianças e os terapeutas ficaram satisfeitos com o programa computadorizado Projeto Transformador e este mostrou-se útil motivando a execução de um ensaio clínico randomizado / Introduction: Computer-mediated child psychotherapy can make patients more collaborative and motivated, decrease the stigma of going to therapy, closen and improve the relationship with the therapist, facilitate the understanding of fundamental therapeutic concepts within the cognitive-behavioral approach, improving their problem solving skills, as well as structure therapy sessions. Objective: To create a computerized protocol for psychotherapeutic treatment of children called Projeto Transformador. To assess the project\'s feasibility and usefulness as a therapeutic instrument. Method: Two studies were performed, one with children and one with therapists. Both studies were open and used quantitative and qualitative methods. The first study (A) was conducted with ten children with anxiety disorders who responded to evaluation scales and questionnaires. In the second study (B), twelve therapists used Projeto Transformador in their clinical practice and their experiences were heard and analyzed. Results: The data collected showed that both children and therapists were satisfied with the computerized program Projeto Transformador and that the program proved to be useful, motivating the implementation of randomized clinical tests

Συγκριτική επισκόπηση συστημάτων υποστήριξης της μάθησης

Ζαφειρόπουλος, Διονύσιος 07 June 2013 (has links)
Τα σύγχρονα πληροφοριακά συστήματα μάθησης τα οποία υποστηρίζουν εξ’ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση, επιτρέπουν τη συστηματική διαχείριση του εκπαιδευτικού υλικού και υποστηρίζουν τις εκπαιδευτικές διαδικασίες των μαθημάτων. Τα συστήματα αυτά έχουν λειτουργικότητες όπως: η ανάρτηση ψηφιακού υλικού, η διεξαγωγή συζητήσεων, η ανάρτηση ασκήσεων-εργασιών, η πραγματοποίηση εξετάσεων και πολλές άλλες. Στόχος της συγκεκριμένης εργασίας είναι η διερεύνηση του χώρου των συστημάτων μάθησης τα οποία υποστηρίζουν εξ’ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση καθώς επίσης και η παρουσίαση και η εφαρμογή μεθόδου αξιολόγησης τους, αξιολογώντας τα συστήματα σύμφωνα με μια λίστα λειτουργικών απαιτήσεων. Στο 1ο κεφάλαιο της διπλωματικής εργασίας γίνεται μια περιγραφή των βασικών εννοιών της εξ’αποστάσεως εκπαίδευσης καθώς επίσης και έννοιες που αφορούν τα συστήματα υποστήριξης μάθησης όπως:CBT, VLE, LMS, LCMS, CMS, Mobile Learning. Στο 2ο κεφάλαιο γίνεται μια επισκόπηση του χώρου των Συστημάτων Μάθησης Learning Course Management Systems (LCMS). Συγκεκριμένα γίνεται μία καταγραφή των χαρακτηριστικών των πιο δημοφιλών συστημάτων τόσο των εμπορικών όσο και των συστημάτων ανοικτού κώδικα με τη χρήση ενός κοινού template όπου καταγράφονται τα εξής στοιχεία: Κατασκευαστής, Σύντομη περιγραφή Λογισμικού, Πλεονεκτήματα (Δυνατά Σημεία ), Μειονεκτήματα (Αδυναμίες, Ελλείψεις), Πελατολόγιο, Τρέχουσα Έκδοση έτσι ώστε να μπορεί κάποιος εύκολα να τα συγκρίνει και να τα αξιολογήσει. Στο 3ο κεφάλαιο πραγματοποιείται ανάλυση απαιτήσεων ενός σύγχρονου συστήματος μάθησης έτσι ώστε να μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί η μεθοδολογία αξιολόγησης σε μια λίστα από χαρακτηριστικά-απαιτήσεις για τα συστήματα που παρουσιάζονται στο κεφάλαιο 2. Στο 4ο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται η μεθοδολογία Αξιολόγησης των συστημάτων μάθησης η οποία στηρίζεται στη θεωρία της ασαφούς λογικής. Η συγκεκριμένη μεθοδολογία εφαρμόστηκε σαν μελέτη περίπτωσης για την αξιολόγηση συστημάτων εκπαιδευτικών δραστηριοτήτων προκειμένου να βρεθεί το πλέον κατάλληλο σύστημα για τις ανάγκες του Ελληνικού Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου. Τέλος στο κεφάλαιο 5 πραγματοποιείται η εφαρμογή της μεθοδολογίας αξιολόγησης μεταξύ των συστημάτων μάθησης και παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα- συμπεράσματα που εξάγονται από την εφαρμογή της μεθόδου ενώ στο τελευταίο κεφάλαιο (6ο ) παρουσιάζονται τα συμπεράσματα της εργασίας. / Modern learning information systems are designed to support distance education and have many features to support learning sequence such as: management of educational material, tools for uploading projects in several kinds (documents, multimedia files), many kinds of quizzes, grades management, forums, reports wiz and many others. The aim of this master thesis is the investigation of available learning course management systems(LCMS), requirements analysis for LCMS and presentation and implementation of an evaluation methodology for LCMS based on a requirements list. In the first chapter of this thesis, we describe the basic concepts and definitions of e-Learning, as well as concepts relating to learning support systems such as: CBT(Computer Based Training), VLE(Virtual Learning Environment), LMS(Learning Management Systems), LCMS(Learning Course Management Systems), CMS (Course Management Systems), Mobile Learning etc. The second chapter contains an investigation in the area of Learning Course Management Systems (LCMS). We used a common template in order to describe the features of the most popular LCMS (either Open Source or Commercial). The template contains features like: Small Description of any LCMS (Software Manufacturer and History, Active Users and Installations, Database Requirements, Web Server, Manufacturer Clients, Current Stable Version), Strengths of the Software, Weaknesses of the Software, Available Mobile Version. This features have been chosen in order to become easy the comparison and after that the evaluation of the systems. The third chapter contains requirements analysis of a modern learning course management system so that the evaluation methodology can be applied to a specified list of features-requirements for the systems presented in chapter 2. In the fourth chapter there is the presentation of the evaluation methodology which uses a multicriteria technical analysis which belongs to the field of methods of Multi-Criteria Group-based Decision Making Techniques, while uses methods of (intuitionistic) fuzzy logic. This method exports the results using a technique TOPSIS(Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution). In this chapter there is the theoretical description of the methodology which has been implemented as a case study for evaluating learning management systems in order to find the most suitable system for the needs of the Hellenic Open University(HOU). In Chapter 5 we will find the implementation steps of the methodology in order to exclude the most suitable LCMS for HOU and the final results(list of Systems). We will also find the conclusions of the implementation of this method. Finally the last chapter (6th) presents the final conclusions of the whole thesis and the added value this thesis offers in this field of research .

Vlastními slovy studentů a podle výsledků estů: Smíšený výzkum porovnávající dva způsoby adminisrace testů / Vlastními slovy studentů a podle výsledků estů: Smíšený výzkum porovnávající dva způsoby adminisrace testů

Nepivodová, Linda January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Erstellung einer computerbasierten Lernumgebung zum Thema „Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland“: Pädagogisch-psychologisch fundierte Konzeption eines Lernangebots mit Schwerpunkt Selbststeuerung und Aufgabenkonstruktion

Gläßer, Jana 27 November 2007 (has links)
Die Bachelorarbeit dokumentiert die Entwicklung eines computerbasierten Lernangebots zum Thema „Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland“, welches als Untersuchungsmaterial in einer experimentellen Studie eingesetzt werden soll. Das Lernziel der Probanden ist, so viel wie möglich über Gesetze und Bestimmungen der Gesundheitsreform herauszufinden, um die Aufgabenbearbeitung und Lernzielerreichung erfolgreich zu absolvieren. Der erste Teil stellt die pädagogisch-psychologisch fundierte theoretische Konzeption eines computerbasierten Lernangebots dar. Dabei werden zunächst theoretische Grundlagen zum E-Learning, Instruktionsdesign, selbstgesteuerten Lernen und unterstützenden Lernaktivitäten gelegt. Danach erfolgt die Vorstellung von Lern- und Testaufgaben als eine Möglichkeit der Selbstregulation. Dabei wird besonders auf die formalen Aspekte von Aufgaben, das Generieren von Lehrzielen sowie die Konstruktion von fehlerbasiertem Feedback eingegangen. Im zweiten Teil erfolgt die darauf aufbauende praktische Umsetzung: Auf Basis des konzipierten Instruktionsdesigns erfolgt die Erarbeitung von Lernaktivitäten, welche von den Versuchspersonen zur Selbststeuerung ihrer Lernprozesse genutzt werden können. Dafür werden insbesondere Lernaufgaben zur fakultativen selbstständigen Wissensüberprüfung sowie Testaufgaben zur Erfassung des Wissenszuwachses konstruiert. Im Anhang sind die zum Thema „Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland“ entwickelten Lehrziele, konstruierten Aufgaben und dazugehöriges Feedback enthalten.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 3 Zusammenfassung 5 1 Einleitung 6 1.1 Motivation 6 1.2 Zielsetzung 6 1.3 Aufbau 7 2 Vorerklärungen 8 2.1 E-Learning 8 2.2 Lernen 8 2.3 Selbstgesteuertes Lernen 8 2.4 Lernumgebung, Lernangebot 9 2.5 Lehr- und Lernziele 9 I Theoretische Konzeption 10 3 Zu Grunde liegendes Instruktionsdesign 10 3.1 Ausgangsbedingungen 10 3.2 Didaktische Designentscheidungen 12 4 Selbststeuerung 15 4.1 Anforderungen an selbstgesteuertes Lernen 15 4.2 Lernaktivitäten zur Selbstregulation 18 5 Aufgaben als Aktivität der Selbststeuerung 21 5.1 Funktionen von Aufgaben 21 5.2 Testaufgaben 22 5.3 Lernaufgaben 23 6 Konstruktion von Lernaufgaben 25 6.1 Aufgabeninhalte und Lehrziele 25 6.2 Lehrziele 26 6.3 Formale Aspekte 32 6.4 Motivationale Aspekte 35 6.5 Fehlerbasiertes Feedback II Umsetzung der Konzeption 46 7 Selbststeuerung 46 7.1 Planung und Vorbereitung 46 7.2 Lernhandlungen 48 7.3 Kontrolle, Handlungsregulation, Rückmeldung und Bewertung 49 7.4 Motivation und Konzentration 51 8 Lern- und Testaufgaben 52 8.1 Aufgabeninhalte 52 8.2 Formale Aspekte 57 8.3 Motivationale Aspekte 62 8.4 Fehlerbasiertes Feedback 63 9 Schlussbemerkung und Ausblick 65 Abkürzungsverzeichnis 66 Literaturverzeichnis 67 Tabellenverzeichnis 75 Abbildungsverzeichnis 77 A Anhang 78 A.1 Lehrziele 79 A.2 Lehrziel-Matrizen 85 A.3 Testaufgaben 90 A.4 Lernaufgaben 104

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