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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stress e raiva em mulheres com alopecia androgen?tica / Stress and anger in women with androgenic alopecia

Kleinhans, Andr?ia Cristina dos Santos 24 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andreia Cristina dos Santos Kleinhans.pdf: 1304307 bytes, checksum: b48ee8803ae01d7e3e971161a1351010 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-24 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / A Androgenic Alopecia (AA) is characterized by progressive hair loss and thinning and it may start at any age. It is identified as a genetically determine case, in which androgenic steroid hormones play a role. The objective of this study was to verify the existence of its possible association between stress and feelings of anger, in a sample of 20 diagnosed with AA, patients at a dermatology clinic in Curitiba. The instruments utilized for data collections were: identification sheet; Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), which had the function of verifying the level of discomfort to the problem; Lipp s Stress Symptoms Inventory for Adults (LSSI); and State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI). Data analysis was both quantitative and qualitative. For responses obtained from LSSI and STAXI, the tables and norms from their respective manuals were utilized. The analysis of the answers obtained from the question was performed according to Bardin. The results show that 85% of individuals in the sample, (n=17), presented stress. Most women with stress were in the resistance phase 55% (n=11) whereas, 15% (n= 3) were at the almost exhaustion stage, 10% (n=2) where at the exhaustion phase and only 5% (n=1) was at the alert phase, in accordance with the LSSI. In agreement with STAXI, a higher score was observed for the internal anger factor, with an average percentage of 56 (standard deviation of 18), whereas for the external anger factor, such percentage was 18 (standard deviation of 21). An important association between anger expression and the presence of stress was found (p= 0.03). There was no association between the analogue visual scale and stress. Considering the number of participants with stress and the tendency of directing anger outwardly, in addition to a high percentage for internal anger in participants of this research, there is a necessity of further studies involving psychological treatment for stress and an adequate anger management. / A Alopecia Androgen?tica (AA) ? caracterizada pela perda e afinamento progressivo dos cabelos e, pode surgir em qualquer idade. ? identificada como um quadro geneticamente determinado com a participa??o dos horm?nios ester?ides andr?genos. O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar a exist?ncia de poss?veis associa??es entre o stress e o sentimento de raiva, de uma amostra de 20 mulheres com diagn?stico m?dico para (AA), pacientes de uma cl?nica de Dermatologia em Curitiba. Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta de dados foram: ficha de identifica??o; Escala Anal?gica Visual (EVA), cuja fun??o, foi verificar o n?vel de desconforto frente ao problema; Invent?rio de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp (ISSL); Invent?rio de Express?o de Raiva como Estado e Tra?o (STAXI). A an?lise dos dados foi quantitativa e qualitativa. Para respostas obtidas a partir do ISSL e do STAXI utilizaram-se as tabelas e normas dos respectivos manuais. A an?lise das respostas obtidas a partir da pergunta foi realizada de acordo com Bardin. Os resultados apontaram que 85% do total da amostra, (n=17), apresentaram stress. A maioria das mulheres com stress estavam na fase de resist?ncia 55% (n=11) enquanto, 15% (n= 3) encontravam-se em quase exaust?o, 10% (n=2) na fase de exaust?o e apenas 5% (n=1) apresentou-se na fase de alerta segundo o ISSL. De acordo com o STAXI observou-se um escore superior para o fator de raiva para dentro com percentil m?dio de 56 para o fator (desvio-padr?o de 18), ao passo que para o fator raiva para fora, o percentil m?dio foi 18 (desvio-padr?o 21). Uma importante associa??o entre a express?o da raiva para fora e a presen?a de stress foi encontrada (p= 0.03). N?o houve associa??o entre a escala anal?gica visual e stress. Levando-se em considera??o o n?mero de participantes com stress e tend?ncia em direcionar a raiva para fora, al?m do alto percentil de raiva para dentro das participantes dessa pesquisa, atenta-se para a necessidade de outros estudos que envolvam o tratamento psicol?gico para o stress e o adequado manejo da raiva.

Criatividade e resili?ncia na vida de Nise da Silveira / Creativity and resilience in Nise da Silveira's life

Oliveira, Maria Antonia de 23 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Antonia de Oliveira.pdf: 809399 bytes, checksum: 8b7f9b44df7b25d6938b1d73ae680ff8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-23 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / Creativity is a topic that has been shown historically complex and broad. In this study, this construct will be studied in relation to resilience, given the importance of both to face the challenges imposed on (today?s world). This relationship was investigated in the history life of a highly creative Brazilian, who faced adverse situations: Nise da Silveira. For this analysis a number of documentary sources was performed, aiming to identify the presence of creative and resilient characteristics described in the scientific literature, from a script analysis developed by the researcher. In the investigation of creativity and the screenplay was inspired primarily by the model proposed by Gardner (1996), focusing on its expression at the individual field and domain. The aspects investigated resilient characteristics based on studies of Munist et al (1998) and also Ojeda (1997). The existence of various aspects of the typical creative person could be observed. Coinciding with the characteristic profile of the subject resilient in the history life of the character studied in order to be able to affirm the existence of several indicators of a good development of these two aspects. Given the paucity of studies involving this issue, it is suggested that empirical research be done using these two themes, in order that their results can provide new understandings on the strengthening and expansion of coping strategies of the conditions not always favorable, we are subject, as well as the creative use of resources as a way of overcoming adversity. / Criatividade ? um tema que tem se mostrado, historicamente, complexo e amplo. No presente trabalho, esse construto ser? estudado na sua rela??o com a resili?ncia, dada a import?ncia de ambos para o enfrentamento dos desafios que se imp?em no mundo atual. Tal rela??o foi investigada na hist?ria de vida de uma brasileira eminentemente criativa, Nise da Silveira, a qual enfrentou situa??es adversas. Para isso uma an?lise de diversas fontes documentais foi realizada, buscando-se identificar a presen?a de caracter?sticas criativas e resilientes descritas na literatura cient?fica, a partir de um roteiro de an?lise desenvolvido pela pesquisadora. Na investiga??o da criatividade, o roteiro foi inspirado principalmente no modelo proposto por Gardner (1996), enfocando sua express?o nos n?veis individual dom?nio e campo. Quanto aos aspectos resilientes, foram investigadas caracter?sticas baseadas em estudos de Munist et al (1998) e tamb?m de Ojeda (1997). O que se pode observar foi a exist?ncia de v?rios aspectos t?picos da pessoa criativa coincidindo com o perfil t?pico do sujeito resiliente, na hist?ria de vida da personagem estudada, de forma a se poder afirmar a exist?ncia de v?rios indicadores de um bom desenvolvimento desses dois aspectos. Dada a escassez de estudos envolvendo essa quest?o, sugere-se que pesquisas emp?ricas sejam feitas utilizando essas duas tem?ticas, com o objetivo de que seus resultados possam trazer novos entendimentos sobre o fortalecimento e amplia??o de estrat?gias de enfrentamento das condi??es, nem sempre favor?veis, a que estamos sujeitos, assim como a utiliza??o de recursos criativos como forma de supera??o das adversidades.

Stress e estilo parental materno no transtorno de d?ficit de aten??o e hiperatividade / Stress and maternal parental style in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Bargas, Joseana Azevedo e 24 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Joseana Azevedo Bargas-1.pdf: 518651 bytes, checksum: 65ce5b4b148162c51e0e6b74ee2fc811 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-24 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / This study aimed at evaluating the relationship between stress and maternal parental style in the stress of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The participants 25 mothers and their children, with a mean age of 9.4 years, most of the participating children were boys. The children were assessed by the Child Stress Scale and mothers by Lipp Stress Symptoms Inventory for Adults and Parental Styles Inventory. The results indicated a high level of stress in this sample, since 72% of mothers and children also exhibited symptoms of excessive stress. Among mothers with stress, 60% were in the resistance stage with the prevalence of 72% of psychological symptoms. With regard to children, 36% were in the resistance stage of which 47% presented predominance of psychological symptoms. Regarding the classification of parental style, there was a predominance of at-risk style followed by regular, good and optimum styles, being that 81% of mothers who had at-risk parental style also showed symptoms of stress. This result is independent of the subtype of ADHD. The largest number of children with symptoms of stress is from the combined subtype, followed by hyperactive children, while stress seems to reach fewer children of the inattentive subtype. A significant association was found between subtype of ADHD and type of symptoms of maternal stress (p=0009) indicating that the inattention condition is less stressful for mothers who have fewer stress symptoms. It was found that mothers of inattentive children had more psychological than physical symptoms. The opposite occurred with mothers of hyperactive children in that they showed symptoms of stress with the predominance of physical symptoms. The results indicate a difference in symptoms of maternal stress as a function of subtype of ADHD. Another important result refers to the intensity of the symptoms of children stress in that stress seems to enhance the symptoms of attentional difficulties. It was concluded that this population has a high level of stress, the prevalent parental style can be classified as at-risk, and that the symptomatology of maternal stress is related to the subtype of ADHD. Another conclusion is that symptoms of inattention are potentiated by excessive tension. Thus it is believed that programs that enable mothers and children to manage stress can bring great benefits to their quality of life, by minimizing the symptoms of inattention and increase the use of positive parental practices. / Este estudo avaliou a rela??o entre stress e estilo parental materno no stress dos filhos com Transtorno de D?ficit de Aten??o e Hiperatividade (TDAH). Participaram desta pesquisa 25 m?es e seus respectivos filhos, com m?dia de idade de 9.4 anos, sendo que maioria das crian?as participantes foram meninos. As crian?as foram avaliadas pela Escala de Stress Infantil e as m?es pelo Invent?rio de Sintomas de Stress para Adulto e Invent?rio de Estilos Parentais. Os resultados indicaram um alto ?ndice de stress nesta amostra, pois 72% das m?es e tamb?m das crian?as apresentaram sintomas de tens?o excessiva. Entre as m?es com stress, 60% estavam na fase de resist?ncia com a preval?ncia de 72% de sintomas psicol?gicos. No que se refere ?s crian?as, 36% estavam na fase de resist?ncia sendo que 47% apresentavam predomin?ncia dos sintomas psicol?gicos. Quanto ? classifica??o do estilo parental, houve predom?nio do estilo parental de risco seguido pelos estilos regular, bom e ?timo, sendo que 81% das m?es que possu?am estilo parental de risco tamb?m apresentaram sintomas de stress. Este resultado independe do subtipo de TDAH. O maior n?mero de crian?as com sintomas de stress ? do subtipo combinado, seguido pelas crian?as hiperativas, enquanto o stress parece atingir menos as crian?as do subtipo desatento. Encontrou-se uma associa??o significativa entre subtipo de TDAH e tipo de sintoma de stress materno (p=0009) indicando que a desaten??o ? uma condi??o menos estressante para as m?es com filhos desatentos as quais apresentavam um n?mero menor de sintomas de stress e de natureza psicol?gica. J? com as m?es de crian?as hiperativas, ocorria o oposto, todas as m?es apresentaram sintomas de stress com predomin?ncia dos sintomas f?sicos. Deste modo os resultados indicam uma diferencia??o nos sintomas do stress materno em fun??o do subtipo do TDAH. Outro resultado importante refere-se ? intensidade dos sintomas do stress infantil. Observou-se um dado significativo (p= 0.001) de que o stress potencializa os sintomas de dificuldades atencionais. Conclui-se que esta popula??o apresenta alto n?vel de stress, estilo parental classificado como de risco, que a sintomatologia do stress materno tem rela??o com o subtipo de TDAH e que e os sintomas de desaten??o s?o potencializados pela tens?o excessiva. Deste modo acredita-se que programas que instrumentalizem as m?es e as crian?as a lidarem com o stress possam trazer grandes benef?cios para a qualidade de vida destas pessoas, atrav?s da minimiza??o dos sintomas de desaten??o e aumento da utiliza??o de pr?ticas parentais positivas.

Estudo do funcionamento diferencial do item em um instrumento de avalia??o da personalidade / Study of differential item functioning in a personality assessment instrument

Silva, Izabella Brito 23 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Izabella Brito Silva.pdf: 2978268 bytes, checksum: 42a14f689272301bde47bd494dc6b321 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-23 / Studies relating personality traits and intelligence (from the psychometric point of view) are quite new and have been expanding due to the fact that the intelligence may interfere on the way people respond to personality tests (and vice-versa). This research wanted to verify, based on DIF estimates, the influence of intelligence levels, sex, and education on the responses to a personality self-portrait instrument. The sample was composed of 161 high-school and college students from both genders, who answered a BFP and two subtests of BPR-5 (abstract and verbal). For the DIF estimates, it is required to work with 2 groups; therefore the division of groups was according to gender and education. And for the intelligence level, the participants were separated into two groups: low and high average. The estimates of each group s difficulties in the 126 items that form the personality instrument were calculated and compared in order to check whether DIF was present or not. Two DIF measurement criteria were applied. The results with Mantel-Hanzel?s (contrast higher than 0.42) showed that none of the items presented DIF. However, taking into consideration Probability Difference Indices (lower than 0.05), we found that out of 126 items, DIF was present in the groups as follows: 11 for the intelligence level; 17 for education; and 22 for gender. Thus, it is possible to verify that a small amount of items were influenced by the intelligence level of the participants. Gender and the Aperture factor influenced DIF the most. / Estudos que relacionam tra?os de personalidade e intelig?ncia (do ponto de vista psicom?trico) s?o bastante recentes e v?m se ampliando devido ? constata??o de que a intelig?ncia pode exercer influ?ncia no modo como as pessoas respondem a testes de personalidade (e vice-versa). Assim, a presente pesquisa buscou verificar, com o uso da estimativa do funcionamento diferencial do item (DIF), a influ?ncia do n?vel de intelig?ncia, sexo e escolaridade nas respostas a um instrumento de auto-relato da personalidade. A amostra foi composta por 161 estudantes, de Ensino M?dio e Superior, de ambos os sexos, os quais responderam ? Bateria Fatorial de Personalidade e dois subtestes da Bateria de Provas de Racioc?nio (racioc?nio abstrato e verbal). Para a estimativa do DIF existe a exig?ncia de se trabalhar com 2 grupos, de forma que o procedimento de divis?o dos grupos foi a divis?o natural para sexo e escolaridade e para o n?vel de intelig?ncia, os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos: m?dia baixa e m?dia alta. A estimativa da dificuldade de cada grupo em cada um dos 126 itens que comp?em o instrumento de personalidade foi calculada, sendo posteriormente comparadas com o objetivo de identificar a presen?a ou n?o de DIF. Os resultados demonstraram que, usando dois crit?rios de medidas de DIF, vemos que, de acordo com o crit?rio de Mantel-Haenzel (contraste maior que 0,42) nenhum dos itens apresentou DIF, entretanto, considerando-se os ?ndices de diferen?a de probabilidade (menor que 0,05) vemos que para n?vel de intelig?ncia 11 dos 126 itens apresentaram funcionamento diferencial para os grupos, para escolaridade 17 dos 126 itens apresentaram DIF, e por fim, para sexo 22 dos 126 itens apresentaram funcionamento diferencial para os grupos. Dessa forma pode-se verificar que uma propor??o pequena de itens mostraram-se influenciados pelo n?vel de intelig?ncia do respondente, sendo que a maior parte dos itens que apresentaram DIF pertencem a vari?vel sexo e ao fator Abertura.

Processo de recoloca??o profissional de executivos: intera??o entre stress e habilidades sociais

Bottcher, Andrea Gualberto de Macedo 24 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andrea Gualberto de Macedo Bottcher.pdf: 1924275 bytes, checksum: 2bd70a4959c12f1106d010104b9c0d53 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-24 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / The literature about labor market comprehends increasingly the concern about the well-being of company s professional. Also is increasing the study about the wealth of people who are available to work, in other words, who are unemployed. The business world develops a demand that requires the capacity to adapt even faster and in a distinguished way. A great deal of psychological disturbs have an important component about the difficulties on communication and personal relationships. This research aimed to identify, describe and relate stress, social skills and personal differences in men who are in process of professional outplacement to a manager position. The sample included fifteen men between 35 and 55 years old, that were entailed with the outplacement service (career counseling) of two different human resources consultancy placed in Curitiba-PR. The instruments apllied were the Inventory of Stress Symptoms from Lipp (ISSL), Inventory of Social Skills from A. Del Prette and Z. Del Prette and a customized Identification Questionnaire especially developed for this job. The main results were: 1) The longer it takes in search for employment, the worse is the perception of social skills; 2) The younger is the professional, the worse is the perception about his own social skills; 3) The higher is the payment, the better is the avaliation of social skills. It was noticed that the men understand the conceptc of social skills as a synonym for a "good network". The conclusion was that the individuals use strategies focused on problem solving for outplacement, emphasizing the importance of the networking and the cognitive aspects (recycling or updating training and language courses, for example). They rarely pay attention to the general health and the social skills as a whole. When the individuals understand their performance, the context and the strategies of coping for stress management and of development of social skills, they will go through this transition with a better quality of life. / A literatura sobre o mercado de trabalho aborda cada vez mais a preocupa??o com o bem-estar dos profissionais nas organiza??es. Tamb?m est? crescente o estudo sobre a sa?de dos indiv?duos dispon?veis para o mercado de trabalho, isto ?, desempregados. O mundo corporativo cria demandas que exigem das pessoas uma capacidade de adapta??o cada vez mais ?gil e diferenciada. Grande parte dos transtornos psicol?gicos tem um importante componente na dificuldade de comunica??o e nas rela??es interpessoais. O presente estudo buscou identificar, descrever e relacionar stress, habilidades sociais e vari?veis pessoais em homens em processo de recoloca??o profissional para cargos de ger?ncia. A amostra incluiu quinze sujeitos entre 35 e 55 anos de idade, que se encontravam vinculados ao servi?o de outplacement (aconselhamento de carreira) de duas consultorias de recursos humanos localizadas em Curitiba-PR. Os instrumentos aplicados foram o Invent?rio de Sintomas de Stress de Lipp (ISSL), o Invent?rio de Habilidades Sociais (IHS), de A. Del Prette e Z. Del Prette, e o Question?rio de identifica??o elaborado para esta pesquisa. Os principais resultados encontrados mostraram que: 1) Quanto mais tempo de busca de emprego, pior ? a percep??o das habilidades sociais; 2) Quanto mais novo o profissional, pior a avalia??o que ele faz de suas habilidades sociais; 3) Quanto maior a remunera??o, melhor ? avalia??o das habilidades sociais. Foi percebido que os sujeitos usam o conceito de habilidades sociais como sin?nimo de um bom network . Concluiu-se que os sujeitos utilizam estrat?gias focadas na resolu??o do problema para a recoloca??o profissional, enfatizando a import?ncia da rede social e dos aspectos cognitivos (cursos de atualiza??o e idiomas, por exemplo), muitas vezes n?o cuidando da sa?de de forma integral. Acredita-se que com maior clareza de seu funcionamento, do contexto e de estrat?gias de controle do stress e de desenvolvimento das habilidades sociais, os indiv?duos passar?o por esta fase de transi??o com maior qualidade de vida.

Contribui??es de D. W. Winnicott para o campo da nosografia psicanal?tica / Contributions of D. W. Winnicott to the field of Psychoanalytic Nosography

Busnardo, Jo?o Orlando Mccaffrey 29 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Joao Orlando McCaffrey Busnardo.pdf: 576637 bytes, checksum: 9fc1296c397f72df0a3c9855380a018c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-29 / The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the contributions of D. W. Winnicott to the field of psychoanalytic nosography. Nosography here is understood to be the classification and description of illnesses. This study takes for granted that the comprehension, characterization and visualization of diverse pathological manifestations, when related to diagnostics, are fundamental instruments for clinical practice. Initially, a brief historical review of the nosographic aspects associated with mental illness in psychiatry (Ellenberger, Ey and Foucault) and psychoanalysis (Freud and Klein) will be carried out. In the field of psychiatry, it can be shown that the grouping of symptoms is the basic principle for the classification of illnesses, whereas in the psychoanalyses of Freud, the same role is attributed to the dynamics of objectal relations in the management of sexuality. Further on, the principle proposals of Winnicott for the reformulation of the psychoanalytic theory of affective development and maturation are highlighted. Based on that theory, the diverse re-descriptions and additions to psychoanalytic nosography proposed by Winnicott will be described. Two different moments can be discerned: Winnicott when commenting and expanding aspects associated with traditional psychoanalytical nosography based on his own theories and Winnicott when annunciating new nosographic aspects with are complementary to that nosography. These two moments reveal his conception of human psychic suffering in aspects such as: relative integration and maturation, distortions in the environmental provisions, the false-self and its gradations, the feeling of being alive and real, relations of dependency and the consideration of persons that were environmentally provided for and persons that suffered environmental privation and deprivation. / O objetivo desta disserta??o ? explicitar as contribui??es de D. W. Winnicott para o campo da nosografia psicanal?tica, entendendo-se por nosografia a classifica??o e a descri??o das doen?as. Inicialmente, a compreens?o, caracteriza??o e visualiza??o das diversas manifesta??es patol?gicas ps?quicas relacionadas ao diagn?stico apresentam-se como ferramenta fundamental para a pr?tica cl?nica psicoter?pica, sendo esta constata??o a fundamenta??o inicial do conte?do aqui exposto. Para isso, faz-se uma breve revis?o hist?rica sobre os aspectos nosogr?ficos associados ? doen?a mental na psiquiatria (Ellenberger, Ey e Foucault) e na psican?lise (Freud e Klein). No campo da psiquiatria, percebe-se que o agrupamento de sintomas ? o acorde principal para a classifica??o das doen?as; enquanto que, na psican?lise de Freud, o mesmo papel ? atribu?do ?s din?micas das rela??es objetais no contexto da teoria da sexualidade. Em seguida, s?o destacadas as principais propostas de Winnicott, na sua reformula??o da teoria psicanal?tica do desenvolvimento - ou amadurecimento - afetivo. Fundamentando-se em tal teoria, espera-se colocar em destaque as diversas redescri??es e acr?scimos propostos por Winnicott na compreens?o da nosografia psicanal?tica. Evidenciam-se, ent?o, dois diferentes momentos: Winnicott comentando e expandindo, a partir de seu corpo te?rico, aspectos associados ? nosografia psicanal?tica tradicional e Winnicott enunciando novos aspectos nosogr?ficos complementares ?quela - revelando, deste modo, sua concep??o do sofrimento ps?quico humano. Dentre os aspectos acrescentados por Winnicott, est?o: a integra??o e a matura??o relativas, as distor??es na provis?o ambiental, o falso-self e suas grada??es, o sentir-se vivo e real, as rela??es de depend?ncia e a considera??o de pessoas que foram providas, privadas e/ou deprivadas.

Os desafios do trabalho na vida cotidiana de mulheres transexuais / The challenges of work in the daily life of transsexual women

Souza, Heloisa Aparecida de 14 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Heloisa Aparecida de Souza.pdf: 615402 bytes, checksum: 9b59e643987d8065791d3bf173b4a413 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-14 / This study aimed at comprehending how transsexual women are being included in the formal and informal labor market, attempting to identify the main challenges and impacts of the labor activity on their daily lives. Based on the Social Psychology perspective, it was sought to avoid the pathologizing and prejudiced view which is predominant in the "transsexuality" theme, while the theme "work" was approached as a main element on the subject constitution, but full of contradictions. The theme-field methodology was adopted, as it allows approaching the topic in the different areas which it manifests. For that, initially, an approximation with the theme was made based on scientific literature, fiction and also reports. Then, it was sought a direct contact with transsexual people, the participation in groups which discuss the topic and the conversation via internet. Thirteen contacts whose professional experiences were considered more significant for a deeper analysis were selected. It was noticed that, besides the difficulties regarding the acceptance of their relatives, most part of the female transsexuals are usually victim of discrimination since the earlier years of formal education. Furthermore, the exclusion on the educational context is closely related to the difficulties in entering the labor market In order to understand the transsexual's professional experience. Three specifics work contexts were chosen for discussing: telemarketing, beauty parlor and prostitution. These contexts were cited several times along the research and were considered patterns for the analysis of the different aspects which involves everyday negotiations the transsexuals need to perform with the social norms. It was verified that the transsexuals are not passive victims of the prejudices. To deal with it, they seek on their daily life a constant approximation with norms that allow a greater social inclusion, including in the work field. At the teleservice sector, it was noticed that for the transsexuals, a formal employment have a great importance and to maintain that, they are willing to conform to the severe rules and precariousness of this area. In addition, they find more easiness to work in the beauty area, identifying themselves with the activity and reporting greater satisfaction and social recognition. On the other hand, the transsexuals that work with prostitution see this occupation as something transitional and necessary for their survival, living a daily life of vulnerability and exposing the desire of having a more socially valued profession. The study is concluded with a reflection about the role which the psychology, as a science and profession, has been performing in regards to the theme approached and also about the possible contributions it can offer for the social awareness and fight prejudice against transsexual people. / Este estudo buscou compreender como se d? a inser??o de mulheres transexuais no mercado de trabalho formal e informal, procurando identificar os principais desafios enfrentados e os impactos da atividade laboral sobre a vida cotidiana dessas pessoas. Utilizando o enfoque da Psicologia Social, buscouse fugir da vis?o patologizante e preconceituosa que ? predominante diante do tema transexualidade , enquanto o tema trabalho foi abordado como um elemento fundamental na constitui??o do sujeito, por?m repleto de contradi??es. Adotou-se como metodologia a proposi??o de Campo-tema , que permite acessar o assunto nos mais diversos espa?os que ele se manifeste. Para isso, inicialmente, foi realizada uma aproxima??o com o tema a partir da literatura cient?fica, de obras de fic??o e reportagens. Depois, buscouse a rela??o direta com pessoas transexuais, a participa??o em grupos que discutem o assunto e contatos via internet. Desses contatos foram selecionadas treze, cujos relatos das viv?ncias profissionais foram considerados significativos para uma an?lise mais aprofundada. Foi poss?vel observar que a maioria das transexuais femininas, al?m das dificuldades de aceita??o por parte dos familiares, costuma ser v?tima de discrimina??es desde os primeiros anos da educa??o formal e que a exclus?o no contexto escolar est? intimamente relacionada ?s dificuldades para o ingresso no mercado de trabalho. Para a compreens?o da experi?ncia profissional optou-se por discutir a viv?ncia cotidiana de transexuais em tr?s contextos espec?ficos de trabalho: teleatendimento, sal?es de belezas e prostitui??o. Al?m de terem sido bastante citados ao longo da pesquisa, considerou-se que s?o exemplares para a an?lise dos diferentes aspectos que envolvem as constantes negocia??es cotidianas que as transexuais precisam realizar com as normas sociais. Verificou-se que as transexuais n?o s?o v?timas passivas dos preconceitos. Para lidar com eles buscam em seu cotidiano uma constante aproxima??o com as normas que permitem maior inser??o social, inclusive no campo do trabalho. No setor de teleatendimento, percebeu-se que as transexuais valorizam muito o v?nculo empregat?cio formal e, para manter-se empregadas, est?o dispostas a se submeter ? precariza??o e ?s severas regras que envolvem a ?rea. Encontram maior facilidade para trabalharem na ?rea da beleza, identificandose com a atividade e relatando maior satisfa??o e reconhecimento social. J? as profissionais do sexo encaram a ocupa??o como algo transit?rio e necess?rio para a sua sobreviv?ncia, vivendo um cotidiano de vulnerabilidade e expondo o desejo de ter uma profiss?o mais valorizada socialmente. Finaliza-se com uma reflex?o sobre o papel que a psicologia, enquanto ci?ncia e profiss?o, vem desempenhando com rela??o ao tema estudado e sobre as poss?veis contribui??es que pode oferecer para conscientiza??o social e o combate ao preconceito contra as pessoas transexuais.

Criatividade na obra de D. W. Winnicott / Creativity in the works of D. W. Winnicott

Ciccone, Soraia Dias 19 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Soraia Dias Ciccone.pdf: 1480002 bytes, checksum: 75a48619428b512247c9979c6daa271f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-19 / Creativity appears in the works of W. D. Winnicott as the fundament of healthy existence, differing from the classic psychoanalytical theories about creativity that refer to the theory of sublimation. Thus, it paves the way to a new perspective in understanding the fundaments of human nature from the point of view of psychoanalysis. Creation and living are fundamental themes in Winnicott s theory, in which creativity is close to and inter-related with the feeling of being alive and the perception of one s own existence, as well as the perception that it is through the creative gesture that we can feel and express our true identity. It is intended to show that creativity to Winnicott is associated with the continuity of being, the expression of true self, with the spontaneous gesture and play, and even, in a sense, the foundation of these phenomena. In this direction, we can highlight the difference between several types of creativity, being it either the type that permeates the ordinary man s life, or the artist s life. / A criatividade surge na obra de Winnicott como fundamento da exist?ncia saud?vel, diferindo das teorias psicanal?ticas cl?ssicas sobre a criatividade referidas ? teoria da sublima??o. Desta forma, abre caminho para uma nova perspectiva de compreens?o dos fundamentos da natureza humana do ponto de vista da psican?lise. Criar e viver s?o temas fundamentais na teoria winnicottiana, sendo que nesta a criatividade se aproxima e se inter-relaciona com o sentimento de estar vivo e ? percep??o da pr?pria exist?ncia, assim como a percep??o de que ? atrav?s do gesto criativo que podemos sentir e expressar nossa verdadeira identidade. Pretende-se mostrar que a criatividade est? para Winnicott associada diretamente com a continuidade de ser, com a express?o do verdadeiro self, o gesto espont?neo e a atividade do brincar, sendo, at? mesmo, em certo sentido, o fundamento destes fen?menos. Nessa dire??o, poderemos abordar a diferen?a entre os diversos tipos de criatividade, seja a que permeia a vida do homem comum, seja a do artista.

Ser professor: um estudo psicanal?tico / Being a teacher: a psychoanalytic study

Pinho, Francine Dela Torre Camargo 05 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Francine Dela Torre Camargo Pinho.pdf: 785693 bytes, checksum: 0fe5fa24f361a471d760dc843903e0ec (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-05 / This research presented a study on the teacher be based on theoretical psychoanalysis. The interest for this study arose from the practice of the researcher as a teacher. Aimed to understand what being a teacher, and the teacher-student relationship in kindergarten, contributing significantly to the teaching practice and the teaching-learning process. In Brazil, recent public policies for education, point to the importance of collective work for teachers and students. In this sense, this research located in the area of Human Sciences, relied on studies of major theorists in the field of groupality such as Rivi?re (1986), Bion (1975), Anzieu (1993) and Ka?s (1997), to understand be the teacher within a psychoanalytic perspective group. From the interface between Psychoanalysis and Education, was proposed through this theoretical reflection, thinking about the possible use of psychoanalysis in schools, as well as the challenges and prospects of this profession. We conclude that the possible path includes a practice that allows profisssional spaces and moments to share experiences and knowledge free movement of teachers across operating groups. / Esta pesquisa apresentou um estudo sobre o ser professor com base no referencial te?rico psicanal?tico. O interesse por este estudo surgiu a partir da pr?tica da pesquisadora como docente. Teve como prop?sito compreender o ser professor, bem como a rela??o professor aluno na Educa??o Infantil, contribuindo de forma significativa para a pr?tica pedag?gica e o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. No Brasil, as recentes pol?ticas p?blicas para a Educa??o, apontam para a import?ncia do trabalho coletivo para professores e alunos. Neste sentido, esta pesquisa inserida na ?rea das Ci?ncias Humanas, apoiou-se nos estudos de importantes te?ricos no campo da grupalidade, tais como: Pichon-Rivi?re (1986), Bion (1975), Anzieu (1993) e Ka?s (1997), para compreender o ser professor dentro de uma ?tica psicanal?tica de grupo. A partir da interface entre Psican?lise e Educa??o, foi proposto por meio desta reflex?o te?rica, pensar no uso possivel da psican?lise nas escolas, bem como, dos desafios e perspectivas desta profiss?o. Conclui-se que o caminho possivel contempla uma pr?tica profisssional que possibilite espa?os e momentos de compartilhar de experi?ncias e livre circula??o do saber dos professores atrav?s de grupos operativos.

A inibi??o como defesa: um estudo psicanal?tico do ponto de vista da obra de Winnicott / Inhibition as a defense: a psychoanalytic study Winnicott s point of view

Yamamoto, Bruna Praxedes 18 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruna Praxedes Yamamoto.pdf: 1114166 bytes, checksum: 921b9fccce6a71b605581f630188ea5c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-18 / Universidade Estadual Paulista J?lio de Mesquita Filho / The aim of this study is to clarify the dynamic, genesis and effects of inhibition as defense against anxiety in the individual s emotional development. It is a theoretical study with a conceptual and structural analysis of Winnicott s work, trying to show how he understood inhibition. We sought to clarify what was this defense to Winnicott, during his work, considering the psychoanalytic tradition described by Freud and Klein. This type of study contributes in theoretical and clinical terms, for example: currently, children who don t interact with each other, children who don t play at school or during a therapeutic session. In this study, we also could clarify different types of inhibition, for example: inhibition of play, inhibition of instincts, feeding inhibition, sex-inhibition and others. Also was possible point to some therapeutic care, individual or environmental, to treat these inhibitions. Although the operational aspects of clinical practice or clinical treatment weren t the objects of this research, the results showed a direction to treat these problems. In the conclusion, we emphasize that the beginnings of the individual s emotional development are the phases which are more susceptible for inhibition against anxiety to appear. Then, the environmental provisions (especially what the mother can provide to her baby) is of decisive importance. It is important that we note that the inhibition isn t always a pathology, because Winnicott believed that only a healthy child can organize defenses, such as inhibition, to deal the unconscious conflicts. / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo explicitar a din?mica, a g?nese e os efeitos da inibi??o como uma defesa contra a ang?stia, advinda das rela??es interhumanas no desenvolvimento do indiv?duo, no ?mbito da teoria do desenvolvimento afetivo, do ponto de vista da obra de Winnicott. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo te?rico, com uma an?lise conceitual e estrutural da obra de Winnicott, buscando mostrar como ele compreendeu a inibi??o. Tratou-se de explicitar o que o autor considera como sendo essa defesa, ao longo de sua obra, levando em considera??o a tradi??o psicanal?tica, especialmente as propostas por Freud e Klein. Este tipo de estudo torna poss?vel contribuir para abordar este problema, tanto em termos te?ricos, como cl?nicos, tal como, por exemplo, a presen?a desse fen?meno nas escolas, atualmente, em crian?as que n?o interagem com as outras, que n?o brincam na hora do recreio e t?m problemas de desenvolvimento cognitivo. Ainda que, os aspectos operativos da pr?tica cl?nica ou do tratamento cl?nico desses problemas n?o tenha sido objeto desta pesquisa, seus resultados apontam para uma orienta??o no trato dos problemas analisados. Neste estudo, tamb?m pudemos distinguir diversos tipos de inibi??o, tais como, a de brincar, a dos instintos, a da alimenta??o, da sexualidade, dentre outras. Al?m disso, alguns cuidados psicoterap?uticos foram distinguidos, sejam eles individual sejam do ambiente, necess?rios para que esse problema possa ser tratado. Nas considera??es finais, salientamos que as fases mais primitivas do desenvolvimento emocional s?o as mais suscet?veis ao uso da inibi??o como defesa contra a ang?stia, logo, a provis?o ambiental (especialmente aquilo que a m?e pode fornecer) tem uma import?ncia decisiva. ? importante ressaltar que nem sempre a inibi??o resulta numa patologia, uma vez que Winnicott acredita que somente uma crian?a saud?vel ? capaz de organizar defesas, inclusive a pr?pria inibi??o, para lidar pontualmente com os conflitos inconscientes.

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