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Les pratiques de collaboration entre l'enseignant et l'orthopédagogue dans un contexte d'implantation du modèle Réponse à l'interventionAllard, Magali January 2016 (has links)
Depuis 2010, le modèle Réponse à l'intervention (RàI) est de plus en plus prescrit dans les cadres de référence en orthopédagogie des commissions scolaires du Québec (Boudreau et Allard, 2015). D'abord, pour identifier les élèves susceptibles de présenter un trouble d'apprentissage et, parallèlement, pour organiser des services adaptés aux besoins des élèves en difficulté d'apprentissage incluant ceux intégrés à la classe ordinaire. Ce modèle, validé par la recherche s’opérationnalise, entre autres, par l'approche résolution de problème et celle par protocole standardisé (Fuchs et Fuchs, 2007; Marshall, 2010). Ces approches permettent de préciser la pratique pédagogique et orthopédagogique en déterminant puis hiérarchisant les modalités d'intervention et d'évaluation auprès des élèves ciblés en intensification. Or, ce modèle ne définit pas, à l’heure actuelle, la structure collaborative devant être déployée entre l’orthopédagogue et l’enseignant, deux acteurs importants impliqués dans ce modèle d’identification des troubles d'apprentissage (Barnes et Harlacher, 2008), ce qui nous amène à nous intéresser aux pratiques de collaboration entre l'enseignant et l'orthopédagogue dans un contexte d'implantation du modèle RàI. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous visons ainsi à mieux documenter et définir les pratiques de collaboration entre l'enseignant et l'orthopédagogue dans un tel contexte. Pour ce faire, des entretiens semi-dirigés ont été menés afin d'identifier les pratiques de collaboration utilisées, et dégager celles considérées comme exclusives, communes ou conflictuelles. Au total, 30 thèmes ont été identifiés et 85 pratiques sont réparties dans les différents niveaux du modèle RàI.
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Organisational change management for the implementation of collaboration environmentsErdogan, Bilge January 2008 (has links)
Although emerging technologies offer the construction industry many opportunities for IT-enabled collaboration environments, the companies adopting these technologies usually fail. in achieving the full benefits from their implementations. The reason for this is found as focusing too much on the technical factors and ignoring or underestimating the factors related to change, implementation, human and organizational factors, and the roles of the management and end-users. Each new information technology implementation involves some change for the organization and the employees, and is therefore a source of resistance and confusion unless special attention is paid to managing this change. This research aims to find how to introduce collaboration environments to construction organizations and how to manage the changes required in order to obtain the full benefits from their implementation. In order to achieve this aim, the theoretical concepts and previous work on collaboration environment implementations in construction industry, and change management with a focus on organizational change management are reviewed. The perspective of the construction organizations on the implementation of collaboration environments are investigated conducting case studies. Based on the findings from the literature review and the case studies, an organizational change management framework is developed for implementing collaboration environments. A computer based prototype is also developed in order to automate the framework. The framework and the prototype are evaluated by the industry professionals.
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Samverkansprojekt, och sen då? : en uppföljande studie av samverkansprocessen kring barn och unga som far illa eller riskerar att fara illaEnglund, Ulrika January 2017 (has links)
Satisfactory collaboration regarding children and youth in need of a comprehensive support is particularly important. Despite extensive research on collaborative work, knowledge of long term development of the collaboration process is lacking. The present thesis concerns inter-organizational collaboration within the framework of a former Swedish policy effort – focusing collaboration between schools, social services, police and the child and youth psychiatry – for the benefit of children and young people in distress or at risk. Applying a critical realist perspective, the overall aim of the thesis is to describe how former collaboration projects develop over time, and to identify significant mechanisms within this development. Through three questionnaire studies, the collaborative process development within the same collaborative settings is described (n=66) over a period of close to seven years. Estimations of 58 collaboration quality indicators within three categories *rules and regulations, *structural aspects and *shared perspectives/ consensus were collected at baseline in 2008, after one year at the final project stage in 2009, as well as five years after the project period (and the policy effort) ended, in 2014 (n=38). Two developmental trends occur: I) an overall positive trend and II) a negative trend on a comprehensive level. I) Collaboration on the target group has increased over time, are mainly incorporated into permanent organizational structures and is judged to have worked well/very well over time. II) Overall deteriorations of high estimates of the 58 quality indicators for collaborations is seen over the five year period, following the project period. However, less dramatic changes is noted on quality indicators concerning shared perspectives/consensus than on matters regarding rules and regulations and structural aspects. Five mechanisms of particular importance for the collaboration development are identified: anchoring, holistic perspectives, engagement, knowledge and clarity.
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Virtual Collaboration – The Paradigm of Modern Work Environment : Cohesion and Challenges in Distributed TeamsAndersson, Emmy January 2017 (has links)
This Master thesis is an exploratory study that had the initial aim to research leadership in distributed teams, but, which ended up changing the focus as a result of unexpected findings. Therefore, the study refocused on collaboration in distributed teams with the purpose to explore the work environment of distributed teams from a collaborative perspective, with the aim of trying to develop an in‐depth understanding of the factors that contribute and challenge the cohesion in these teams. Furthermore, our aim was to present our findings in a model, which would describe the collaborative environment in distributed teams. Our research design was a single case study with embedded cases, overall 13 interviews were conducted representing leaders and members of hybrid distributed teams, which gave rich and descriptive data of their collaborative environment. Our empirical findings showed that structure has a significant impact on collaboration. This led to another finding, which states that management skills are more relevant than leadership skills in the virtual context. Furthermore, we could also identify several challenges, which were not explicitly approached in previous literature. Limitations/Implications: Our research is limited to a single case study, therefore future investigations including several cases or companies from different industries would be advised to strengthen the findings. Our research project contributes to the existing literature, by extending the research field of collaboration in distributed teams, while also having implications for companies, which have employees across the world and thus, consider developing or implementing this specific work unit.
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L'interface multi-utilisateur pour le travail collaboratif avec les multiples représentations de la maquette numérique / Multi-user interface and its use for collaborative work with multiple representations of Digital Mock-UpLi, Bo 19 December 2017 (has links)
Les outils actuels de gestion industrielle s'appuient généralement sur l'ingénierie concourante, qui implique la réalisation des étapes de gestion du cycle de vie des produits en parallèle et l'intégration des données techniques pour le partage entre les différents experts. Divers experts utilisent des logiciels spécifiques à leur domaine pour produire diverses données compilées via une maquette numérique. Ces experts multidisciplinaires ont tendance à travailler en collaboration pendant le développement de produits. Au cours d'activités de conception collaborative synchrones, telles que les revues de projet et la prise de décisions, les experts de différents domaines doivent dialoguer, négocier et choisir pour résoudre les différences multidisciplinaires. De nombreux domaines tels que la conception collaborative et de l’évaluation des produits avec multiples experts, ont une grande demande de nouveaux outils d'aide à la collaboration. Avec le développement des technologies de l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM), il est possible de concevoir des outils et des méthodes plus intuitifs pour améliorer la collaboration co-localisée entre les experts.Dans cette thèse, afin d'améliorer la collaboration avec des experts de différents domaines et communiquer via la maquette numérique, une IHM multi-utilisateurs avec des représentations différentes lors d'un travail collaboratif a été pris en considération et son influence sur la collaboration multidisciplinaire co-localisée est étudiée. Un schéma de la méthodologie d'évaluation de la contribution à un système multi-utilisateurs et des expérimentations sont proposées. Les résultats des expériences des résultats significatifs concernant l’efficacité de la réalisation de la tâche, l'utilisabilité de l'Interaction Homme-Machine et la performance de la collaboration lors de l'utilisation de l'interface multi-utilisateurs dans les scénarios de collaboration multidisciplinaires. Les contributions et apports de cette interface sont discutés. / The current industrial management tools generally rely on Concurrent Engineering, which involves conducting Product Lifecycle Management stages in parallel and integrating technical data for sharing across different experts. Various experts use domain-specific software to produce various data into Digital mock-up. These multidisciplinary experts have trends to work collaboratively during product development. During co-located synchronous collaborative design activities, such as project review and decision-making, experts from different domains must discuss, negotiate, and compromise to solve multidisciplinary differences. Many areas, such as early collaborative design and multi-expert product evaluation, have a great demand for new collaborative support tools. With the development of Human Computer Interaction, it is possible to devise more intuitive tools to enhance co-located collaboration across experts.In this thesis, to enhance the collaboration with experts on different domains to communicate with DMU, a multi-user interface across users with different representations during a collaborative work has been taken into consideration and its influence on co-located multidisciplinary collaboration is investigated. A schema of the methodology for evaluating the contribution to a multi-user system and the multiple users’ experiences is proposed. Results of experiments show the significances of the efficiency of task, the usability of interface, and the performance of collaboration during the use of multi-user CHI in multidisciplinary collaborative scenarios. The contributions of what multi-user interface brings to the design criteria of multi-user interface and multi-user co-located collaboration are discussed.
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Étude de la conception collaborative de ressources numériques mathématiques au sein d’une communauté d’intérêt / The study of the collaborative design of mathematical and digital resources within a community of interestKocijancic Essonnier, Nataly 13 April 2018 (has links)
Notre étude porte sur la créativité sociale qui se produit lors de la conception collaborative de ressources numériques favorisant la pensée mathématique créative, dans le cadre du projet européen MC Squared (http://www.mc2-project.eu/) visant à développer un environnement socio-technologique pour la conception de ressources. Nous nous concentrons sur deux aspects. D'une part, nous explorons les facteurs qui déclenchent ou entravent la créativité sociale chez les concepteurs. D'autre part, nous étudions les relations entre les systèmes de ressources des concepteurs et les connaissances professionnelles et les choix qu'ils font dans la conception des ressources numériques. Nous nous appuyons sur la théorie de l'activité et la théorie du franchissement de frontières pour étudier l'activité de conception collaborative de ces ressources par une communauté d’intérêt, et sur l'approche documentaire du didactique pour étudier la genèse documentaire liée à la conception collaborative des ressources. Notre méthodologie s'appuie sur deux études de cas, à savoir la conception de deux ressources différentes visant à enseigner et à apprendre l'algèbre élémentaire et la modélisation mathématique respectivement / Our study bring to the fore social creativity that occurs during the collaborative design of digital resources fostering creative mathematical thinking elaborated within the framework of the MC Squared European project (http://www.mc2-project.eu/) aiming at developing a socio-technological environment for design. We focus on two aspects. On the one hand, we explore factors that trigger, or hinder, social creativity among the designers. On the other hand, we investigate the relations between the designers’ resource systems and professional knowledge and the choices they make in the design of digital resources. We draw on activity theory and the theory of boundary crossing to study the activity of the resource design by community of interest, and on the documentational approach to didactics to investigate the documentational genesis related to the resource design. Our methodology relies on two case studies, namely the design of two different resources aiming at teaching and learning elementary algebra and mathematical modelling respectively
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Évaluation de la confiance dans la collaboration à large échelle / Trust assessment in large-scale collaborative systemsDang, Quang Vinh 22 January 2018 (has links)
Les systèmes collaboratifs à large échelle, où un grand nombre d’utilisateurs collaborent pour réaliser une tâche partagée, attirent beaucoup l’attention des milieux industriels et académiques. Bien que la confiance soit un facteur primordial pour le succès d’une telle collaboration, il est difficile pour les utilisateurs finaux d’évaluer manuellement le niveau de confiance envers chaque partenaire. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions le problème de l’évaluation de la confiance et cherchons à concevoir un modèle de confiance informatique dédiés aux systèmes collaboratifs. Nos travaux s’organisent autour des trois questions de recherche suivantes. 1. Quel est l’effet du déploiement d’un modèle de confiance et de la représentation aux utilisateurs des scores obtenus pour chaque partenaire ? Nous avons conçu et organisé une expérience utilisateur basée sur le jeu de confiance qui est un protocole d’échange d’argent en environnement contrôlé dans lequel nous avons introduit des notes de confiance pour les utilisateurs. L’analyse détaillée du comportement des utilisateurs montre que: (i) la présentation d’un score de confiance aux utilisateurs encourage la collaboration entre eux de manière significative, et ce, à un niveau similaire à celui de l’affichage du surnom des participants, et (ii) les utilisateurs se conforment au score de confiance dans leur prise de décision concernant l’échange monétaire. Les résultats suggèrent donc qu’un modèle de confiance peut être déployé dans les systèmes collaboratifs afin d’assister les utilisateurs. 2. Comment calculer le score de confiance entre des utilisateurs qui ont déjà collaboré ? Nous avons conçu un modèle de confiance pour les jeux de confiance répétés qui calcule les scores de confiance des utilisateurs en fonction de leur comportement passé. Nous avons validé notre modèle de confiance en relativement à: (i) des données simulées, (ii) de l’opinion humaine et (iii) des données expérimentales réelles. Nous avons appliqué notre modèle de confiance à Wikipédia en utilisant la qualité des articles de Wikipédia comme mesure de contribution. Nous avons proposé trois algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique pour évaluer la qualité des articles de Wikipédia: l’un est basé sur une forêt d’arbres décisionnels tandis que les deux autres sont basés sur des méthodes d’apprentissage profond. 3. Comment prédire la relation de confiance entre des utilisateurs qui n’ont pas encore interagi ? Etant donné un réseau dans lequel les liens représentent les relations de confiance/défiance entre utilisateurs, nous cherchons à prévoir les relations futures. Nous avons proposé un algorithme qui prend en compte les informations temporelles relatives à l’établissement des liens dans le réseau pour prédire la relation future de confiance/défiance des utilisateurs. L’algorithme proposé surpasse les approches de la littérature pour des jeux de données réels provenant de réseaux sociaux dirigés et signés / Large-scale collaborative systems wherein a large number of users collaborate to perform a shared task attract a lot of attention from both academic and industry. Trust is an important factor for the success of a large-scale collaboration. It is difficult for end-users to manually assess the trust level of each partner in this collaboration. We study the trust assessment problem and aim to design a computational trust model for collaborative systems. We focused on three research questions. 1. What is the effect of deploying a trust model and showing trust scores of partners to users? We designed and organized a user-experiment based on trust game, a well-known money-exchange lab-control protocol, wherein we introduced user trust scores. Our comprehensive analysis on user behavior proved that: (i) showing trust score to users encourages collaboration between them significantly at a similar level with showing nick- name, and (ii) users follow the trust score in decision-making. The results suggest that a trust model can be deployed in collaborative systems to assist users. 2. How to calculate trust score between users that experienced a collaboration? We designed a trust model for repeated trust game that computes user trust scores based on their past behavior. We validated our trust model against: (i) simulated data, (ii) human opinion, and (iii) real-world experimental data. We extended our trust model to Wikipedia based on user contributions to the quality of the edited Wikipedia articles. We proposed three machine learning approaches to assess the quality of Wikipedia articles: the first one based on random forest with manually-designed features while the other two ones based on deep learning methods. 3. How to predict trust relation between users that did not interact in the past? Given a network in which the links represent the trust/distrust relations between users, we aim to predict future relations. We proposed an algorithm that takes into account the established time information of the links in the network to predict future user trust/distrust relationships. Our algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art approaches on real-world signed directed social network datasets
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Exploitation et partage de données hétérogènes et dynamiques / Operation and sharing of heterogeneous and dynamic dataArnaud, Bérenger 11 April 2013 (has links)
Dans un contexte de données industrielles et numériques, le développement d'un outil sur mesure pour une tâche particulière est couteux par de nombreux aspects. À l'inverse, l'adaptation d'outils génériques l'est également en particularisation (personnalisation, adaptation, extension, …), pour les développeurs comme pour les utilisateurs finaux. Nos approches visent à considérer les différents niveaux d'interactions pour améliorer l'exploitation des données fournies ou générées en collaboration.Les définitions et problématiques liées aux données dépendent le plus souvent des domaines dans lesquelles elles sont traitées. Pour ce travail, nous avons opté pour une approche holistique considérant ensemble des perspectives différentes. Le résultat est une synthèse des concepts émergeant montrant les équivalences d'un domaine à l'autre. La première contribution consiste à améliorer le marquage collaboratif de documents. Deux améliorations sont proposées par notre outil Coviz. (1) L'étiquetage des ressources est propre à chaque utilisateur qui organise ses vocables par une poly-hiérarchie nominative. Chacun peut considérer les concepts des autres par une relation de partage. Le système fournit également du contenu connexe via un moissonnage des archives ouvertes. (2) L'outil applique le concept de facette des données à l'interface puis les combine avec une recherche par mot-clé. Ce dernier point est commun à tous les utilisateurs, le système considère chacune des actions individuelles comme celles d'un groupe.La contribution majeure, confidentielle, est un framework baptisé DIP pour Data Interaction and Presentation. Son but est d'augmenter la liberté d'expression de l'utilisateur sur l'interaction et l'accès aux données. Il diminue les contraintes machines et logicielles en adjoignant une nouvelle voix d'accès direct entre l'utilisateur et les données disponibles, ainsi que des points d'« articulation » génériques. D'un point de vue final, l'utilisateur gagne en expression de filtrage, en partage, en maintien de l'état de sa navigation, en automatisation de ses tâches courantes, etc.Il a été testé en condition réelle de stress, de ressources et d'utilisation avec le logiciel KeePlace. Ce dernier a d'ailleurs été l'initiateur de cette thèse. / In the context of numeric data, the software development costs entail a number of cost factors. In contrast, adapting generic tools has its own set of costs, requiring developer's integration and final user's adaptation. The aim of our approach is to consider the different points of interaction with the data to improve the exploitation of data, whether provided or generated from collaboration.The definitions and problems related to data are dependent upon the domain from which the data come and the treatment that have been applied to them. In this work we have opted for a holistic approach where we consider the range of angles. The result is a summary of the emergent concepts and domain equivalences.The first contribution consists of improving collaborative document mark-up. Two improvements are proposed by out tool – Coviz –. 1) Resource tagging which is unique to each user, who organises their own labels according to their personal poly-hierarchy. Each user may take into consideration other users approaches through sharing of tags. The system supplies additional context through a harvesting of documents in open archives. 2) The tool applies the concept of facets to the interface and then combines them to provide a search by keyword or characteristic selection. This point is shared by all users and the actions of an individual user impact the whole group.The major contribution, which is confidential, is a framework christened DIP for Data Interaction and Presentation. Its goal is to increase the freedom of expression of the user over the interaction and access to data. It reduces the hardware and software constrains by adding a new access point between the user and the raw data as well as generic pivots. From a final point of view the user gains in expression of filtering, in sharing, in state persistence of the navigator, in automation of day-to-day tasks, etc.DIP has been stress tested under real-life conditions of users and limited resources with the software KeePlace. Acknowledgement is given to KeePlace who initiated this thesis.
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Redes de cooperação das multinacionais brasileiras: um mapeamento a partir das patentes / Brazilian multinational collaboration networks: a patent mappingBazzo, Karina de Cillo 30 September 2010 (has links)
À medida que a inovação se torna um ponto fundamental para a agregação de valor das empresas, o seu gerenciamento torna-se uma ferramenta essencial para garantir a competitividade das organizações no mercado. Neste contexto, a cooperação universidade-empresa surge como uma alternativa externa às empresas para o desenvolvimento de suas aptidões inovadoras. Considerando a importância destas cooperações para o desenvolvimento econômico, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo o mapeamento das redes de relacionamentos a partir dos projetos de desenvolvimento tecnológico desenvolvidos entre as empresas multinacionais brasileiras, suas subsidiárias e universidades ou institutos de pesquisas, por meio das concessões de patentes, que abrangem os modelos de invenção, de modelo de utilidade, depositados em bancos nacional e internacional. O estudo é uma pesquisa qualitativa, com abordagem descritiva, utilizando o método de levantamento de dados secundários dos bancos de pedidos de patentes nacional (Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial - INPI) e internacional (Escritório Europeu de Patentes - EPO). O universo da pesquisa abrange quatro empresas multinacionais brasileiras, do setor de extração ou de transformação de recursos naturais, que desenvolvem atividades de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em processos de cooperação tecnológica. As patentes concedidas para estas empresas foram analisadas com o intuito de se verificar quais destes documentos envolviam projetos de cooperação tecnológica; e a partir do uso da análise de redes sociais examinou-se e mapeou-se as estruturas das redes de relacionamentos, destas organizações com suas subsidiarias e universidades ou institutos de pesquisa. Esta pesquisa demonstra o processo de cooperação tecnológica no Brasil e sua dinâmica, enfatizando a importância do envolvimento em redes de cooperação para o fortalecimento da inovação tecnológica nas organizações. / As innovation becomes a fundamental issue to aggregate value to companies, its management is an essential tool to guarantee market competitiveness among organizations. In this context, university-industry collaboration appears as an external alternative for companies to develop their innovation aptitudes. Considering the importance of these collaborations for economic growth, the present research aims at mapping relationships networks among Brazilian multinational companies, their subsidiaries and research institutes or universities through patent concessions, registered in national and international databases. This is a descriptive qualitative study based on secondary data methodology research from national and international patent databases (INPI National Institute for Industrial Property and EPO European Patent Office). The research includes four Brazilian multinational companies from the natural resource extraction and transformation industry involved in research and development collaboration with other organizations. Their patents have been analyzed in order to verify which documents are involved in technology cooperation projects; thereafter, the social network analysis has been used to study relationship structures and map their collaboration networks. This research demonstrates the collaboration process and its dynamics in Brazil and shows the importance of being involved in collaboration networks that will strengthen technological innovation in organizations.
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Toward Enabling Safe & Efficient Human-Robot Manipulation in Shared WorkspacesHayne, Rafi 01 September 2016 (has links)
"When humans interact, there are many avenues of physical communication available ranging from vocal to physical gestures. In our past observations, when humans collaborate on manipulation tasks in shared workspaces there is often minimal to no verbal or physical communication, yet the collaboration is still fluid with minimal interferences between partners. However, when humans perform similar tasks in the presence of a robot collaborator, manipulation can be clumsy, disconnected, or simply not human-like. The focus of this work is to leverage our observations of human-human interaction in a robot's motion planner in order to facilitate more safe, efficient, and human-like collaborative manipulation in shared workspaces. We first present an approach to formulating the cost function for a motion planner intended for human-robot collaboration such that robot motions are both safe and efficient. To achieve this, we propose two factors to consider in the cost function for the robot's motion planner: (1) Avoidance of the workspace previously-occupied by the human, so robot motion is safe as possible, and (2) Consistency of the robot's motion, so that the motion is predictable as possible for the human and they can perform their task without focusing undue attention on the robot. Our experiments in simulation and a human-robot workspace sharing study compare a cost function that uses only the first factor and a combined cost that uses both factors vs. a baseline method that is perfectly consistent but does not account for the human's previous motion. We find using either cost function we outperform the baseline method in terms of task success rate without degrading the task completion time. The best task success rate is achieved with the cost function that includes both the avoidance and consistency terms. Next, we present an approach to human-attention aware robot motion generation which attempts to convey intent of the robot's task to its collaborator. We capture human attention through the combined use of a wearable eye-tracker and motion capture system. Since human attention isn't static, we present a method of generating a motion policy that can be queried online. Finally, we show preliminary tests of this method."
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