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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett före och ett efter? En studie om riskhantering i en värld präglad av Covid-19 / Before and after? A study about Risk Management in a Covid-19 world

Sundqvist, Joakim, Aspegren, Isak January 2022 (has links)
Ämnet riskhantering inom försörjningskedjor syftar till att skapa förutsättningar för kontinuitet genom verktyg, processer och samarbeten mellan försörjningskedjans aktörer. Ämnet har seglat upp som högintressant på grund av Covid-19 pandemin och dess omfattande påverkan på försörjningskedjor. I den här studien undersöktes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer hur fem organisationer inom både offentlig och privat sektor har till följd av arbetet med riskhantering i försörjningskedjor före och under pandemin, samt hur de planerar för framtiden. Studiens resultat visar att riskhantering i försörjningskedjor före pandemin inte tillämpats i hög utsträckning, med begränsad lagerhållning och leverantörsberoende. Under pandemin har organisationerna vidtagit flera åtgärder, tydligast syns en ökad lagerhållning och ett ökat antal leverantörer. Även användandet av riskhanteringsverktyg, kommunikation och samarbete har underlättat situationen under pandemin. Resultatet tyder på att samtliga respondenter inte kommer återgå till hur det var innan pandemin, utan kommer behålla stora delar av den riskhantering de utvecklat under pandemin, där ökad lagerhållning och användandet av fler leverantörer än tidigare är det som sticker ut. / Supply Chain Risk Management aims to create prerequisites for continuity through tools, processes and collaboration between different actors in each supply chain. The subject has become increasingly relevant due to significant supply chain disruptions brought on by the Covid-19. In this study, the Supply Chain Risk Management applications of five different actors, from both private and public sectors, have been studied through the use of semi-structured interviews, in regards to before and during Covid-19 and how these actors plan to manage Supply Chain risks in the future. The results from the study show a limited Supply Chain Risk Management application before Covid-19. During the pandemic, the actors have taken multiple courses of action. Most prominent are increased safety stock and the use of multiple suppliers. The use of Supply Chain Risk Management tools, increased communication, and collaboration have also mitigated the effects of the pandemic on supply chains. The results show that in future, the actors in the study will not return to the pre-pandemic status quo and will instead continue to use many parts of the Supply Chain Risk Management tools they have developed during the pandemic, where increased safety stock and multiple suppliers seem to be the most prominent course of action.

Innovation & Remote Work: A window of opportunity or an inevitable compromise? : An identification and evaluation of innovation aspects in remote work conditions

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been wide adoption of remote work while major companies have started introducing permanent flexible work arrangements. This dramatic shift in the workplace has raised questions regarding the effect this will have on innovation as it is critical for a future company’s success. Based on the literature review we managed to identify six key aspects to the innovative workplace: communication, collaboration, trust, knowledge transfer, company culture and management. We were able to evaluate the impact of remote work on these aspects by using both theoretical findings and empirical data gathered through semi-structured interviews conducted within a Swedish telecommunications company. Our results indicate that despite some advantageous features, communication, trust and knowledge transfer suffered. In management there has been a slightly positive shift. The results in collaboration and company culture appear inconclusive with significant advantages and disadvantages. In order to avoid an overall decrease in innovation we propose the adoption of a hybrid work model to combine the best aspects of these opposite arrangements. / Som en följd av Covid-19-pandemin har distansarbete blivit betydligt vanligare, stora företag har redan infört sådana permanenta arrangemang. Denna dramatiska förändring på arbetsplatsen har väckt frågor angående effekten på innovation eftersom det anses avgörande för ett företags framtida framgång och konkurrenskraft. Baserat på en genomgång av forskningslitteraturen har vi identifierat sex viktiga förutsättningar för företagens innovationskapacitet: kommunikation, samarbete, förtroende, kunskapsöverföring, företagskultur och ledning. Med utgångspunkt i tidigare teoretiska och empiriska forskningsresultat har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med ett svenskt telekommunikationsföretag för att analysera effekten distansarbete på innovation. Våra resultat indikerar att en del positiva effekter kan uppstå men att tyngdpunkten återfinns i den negativa vågskålen. Således verkar ledningsfunktionen påverkas positivt medan andra faktorer viktiga för innovation som kommunikation, förtroende och kunskapsöverföring har försvagats. Vad gäller samarbete och företagskulturen förefaller både positiva och negativa effekter uppstå. För att undvika en generell försvagning av innovationskapaciteten bör en hybrid modell användas som kombinerar de bästa aspekterna av distansarbetet med platsbundet arbete.

The Future of Office Space - Post the Covid-19 Pandemic : How Will the Current Pandemic Change Trends for Office Space? A Study Based on the Principal Actors Within the Industry / Framtidens kontor - efter Covid-19 pandemin : Hur kommer den pågående pandemin att förändra trenderna på kontorsmarknaden? En studie baserad på branschens huvudaktörer

David, Jasmin January 2021 (has links)
During the last year and a half, the current Covid-19 pandemic has changed many aspects ofour lives, and while we cannot yet for sure say what changes are here to stay, we do knowthat we might expect a new everyday-normal. This study aims to investigate the future ofoffice space and whether we can expect a change in demand for the required space needed,and in addition, discover what trends are on the rise. The study is based on qualitative data in the form of scenario-based interviews with principalactors within the industry, including real estate companies and tenants active within different sectors. By grounding my research and scenarios on scientific theories, such as behavior aleconomics, the rational expectations theory, symbolic interactionism and the familiar theory of demand and supply, well-grounded reasoning for future office demand and trends has been made. The results of this study suggest that a significant change in terms of the required office space needed is unlikely. A majority of the interviewees believes that we will bounce back tobusiness as usual and that the office space required decreases with no more than five percent. Organizations and real estate companies will base their decision on rational expectations, inaccordance with the rational expectations theory. Furthermore, the study highlights five main trends in the future. The first being a redesign of the office layout with additional smaller meeting rooms dedicated for focus-oriented work. The second one, elevated experience/services where full-services buildings will have to offer its tenants elevated and enhanced experiences in order to attract employees back to the office. The third the meidentified is increased expectations of employers which employees will put on their employers where flexible working policies will be demanded. The fourth is named change of purpose where the office will transform from solely being a place to get things done to becoming an even more social place and an important attractor for new talent. And lastly, time, shedding light on the importance of letting some time pass after returning back to “normal” in order for organizations to avoid making poor and costly judgment calls. / Under drygt ett år har många aspekter av våra liv förändrats till följd av den pågående Covid19 pandemin. Medan det inte är klarlagt vilka förändringar som är här för att stanna, är det säkert att säga att ett nytt normalläge är att vänta sig. Denna studie syftar till att undersökaframtidens kontorsbehov och huruvida vi kan förvänta oss en förändring i efterfråga på kontorsyta, samt till att belysa framtida kontorstrender. Studien baseras på kvalitativ data i form av scenariobaserade intervjuer med principiella aktörer verksamma inom branschen. Dessa inkluderar fastighetsbolag, projektutvecklare samt hyresgäster inom olika sektorer. Genom att grunda scenarierna på vetenskapliga teorier,såsom beteendeekonomi, teorin om rationella förväntningar, symbolisk interaktionism ochden bekanta teorin om utbud och efterfråga, har välgrundade resonemang om framtidens kontors efterfråga förts. Resultaten tyder på att det är osannolikt att en signifikant förändring i efterfråga på kontorsyta kommer att äga rum. Majoroiteten av intervjupersonerna tror att vi eller mindre kommer att återgå till våra kontor utan en större förändring sett till kontorsyta. I det fall kontorsytan minskar, minskar den inte med mer än fem procent. Vidare baserar företag deras beslut pår ationella förväntningar, i enlighet med teorin om rationella förväntningar. Därutöver identifierar studien fem framtida kontorstrender. Första trenden är en omfördelning av kontorsyta med fler, mindre mötesrum avsedda för fokuserat arbete. Den andra trenden ären förhöjd kontorsupplevelse med fullservicekontorsfastigheter där hyresgäster erbjuds en förhöjd jobbupplevelse för att locka tillbaka anställda till kontoret. Tredje trenden är ökade förväntningar på arbetsgivare där arbetstagare kommer att efterfråga en mer flexibel och dynamisk jobbpolicy. Förändrat kontorssyfte utgör den fjärde trenden där framtidens kontor blir mer än enbart en plats att arbeta på, utan även en plats för social interaktion och för att attrahera nya talanger. Sist men inte minst, tid, i syfte att belysa vikten av att låta en viss essentiell tid passera efter man återgått till en mer normal vardag, detta för att undvika kostsamma och icke-fördelaktiga affärsbeslut.

Arbetspendlingens roll i begränsningen av klimatförändringen : En backcastingstudie i skuggan av covid-19 / The importance of work commuting to limit climate change : A backcasting-study in the shadow of covid-19

Carlberg, Jacob, Törnqvist, Adam January 2021 (has links)
I dagens samhälle är klimatet och påverkan på miljön en av de viktigaste frågorna som bör ställas. Transportsektorn står för en stor del av de utsläpp som påverkar miljön och genom att minska utsläppen från transportsektorn kan frågor om klimatet adresseras. Arbetspendling är en del av transportsektorn och har använts som fokusområde för rapporten på grund av dess möjligheter till förändring som kommit i ljuset under Covid-19 pandemin. Syftet med rapporten är således att undersöka hur klimatpåverkan från arbetspendling kan reduceras. För detta har Järfälla kommun valts som fokusområde.  För att svara på syftet har en scenario- och litteraturstudie genomförts för att ge svar på vilka förändringar i resvanor som skett i samband med pandemin samt på vilket sätt en reducering av utsläppen relaterade till arbetspendlande kan ske. Scenariostudien utformades som en backcastingstudie vilken resulterade i fyra scenarier där samtliga beskriver sätt att nå målet om en reducering av klimatpåverkan från arbetspendling. Resultatet av studien presenteras i form av scenarier som alla ger ett svar på syftet, ‘hur kan klimatpåverkan från arbetspendling reduceras’ genom att visa effekterna av åtgärder såsom att arbeta från hemmet och begränsa möjligheten till parkering vid arbetsplatsen.  Genom att göra en scenariostudie har syftet kunnat besvaras. Däremot har flera antaganden behövts göras som påverkar resultatet. Slutsatsen som kan dras av arbetet är således att klimatpåverkan från arbetspendling kan minska genom att tillämpa åtgärder såsom hemarbete och en begränsning av antalet parkeringsplatser, men ytterligare studier bör genomföras på energianvändningens skifte från arbetsplatsen till hemmet, digitala mötens effekt på transportbehovet, arbetspendlingens klimatpåverkan utöver CO2-utsläpp och hur anställdas hälsa påverkas av hemarbetet. / In today's society, the climate and the impact on the environment is one of the most important questions that should be asked. The transport sector accounts for a large part of the emissions that affect the environment, and by reducing emissions from the transport sector, such questions about the climate can be addressed. Work commuting is part of the transport sector and has been used as a focus area for this study due to the potential for change that came to light during the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate how the climate impact from commuting can be reduced. For this Järfälla in Stockholm has been chosen as the area of study.  To answer the purpose, a scenario and literature study has been conducted to provide answers to what changes in travel habits have occurred due to the pandemic and in what ways a reduction in emissions related to commuting can happen. The scenario study was designed as a backcasting study which resulted in four scenarios where all describe ways to achieve the goal of reducing the climate impact from commuting. The results of the study are therefore presented in the form of scenarios that all provide an answer to the purpose, ‘how can the climate impact from commuting be reduced’ by showing the effects of measures such as working from home and limiting the possibility of parking at the workplace.  By doing a scenario study, the purpose of the study has been answered. However, several assumptions have had to be made that affected the result. The conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that the climate impact from commuting can be reduced by applying measures such as working from home and a limitation of the number of parking spaces available, but further studies needs to be carried out regarding the shift in energy usage from the workplace to the home, the effect of digital meetings on the need for transport, the climate impact of commuting in addition to CO2 emissions and how employees' health is affected by working from home.

Någon inne? : En kvalitativ studie över coronapandemins inverkan på kontorsmarknaden i Stockholm / Anyone Here? : A Study of the Impact of the Corona Pandemic on the Officemarket in Stockholm

Karnebäck, Erik January 2021 (has links)
I över ett år har vi levt med en pandemi orsakad av coronaviruset SARS-CoV-2. Till följd av kraftig smittspridning har folkhälsomyndigheten rekommenderat hemarbete för alla som har möjlighet till det. Studien har gjorts mitt i pandemin med pågående vaccinationsprogram med syftet att ge en bild över coronapandemins påverkan på kontorsmarknaden i Stockholm. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats där semistrukturerade intervjuer har hållits med fastighetsägare och hyresgästrepresentanter för att undersöka dels vilka utmaningar pandemin skapat för fastighetsägare, dels hur efterfrågan på kontorsyta och flexibla avtal sett ut men även hur pandemin påverkat avtalsförhandlingen mellan hyresvärd och hyresgäst. Den tydligaste slutsatsen som kan dras är att pandemin och distansarbetet den medfört har skapat osäkerhet hos företag om det framtidakontorsbehovet där många företag fortfarande håller på att utreda behovet. Under pandemin har man upplevt en lägre efterfrågan på vakanta lokaler än innan pandemin. Hur den framtida efterfrågan kommer se ut är mer osäker och beror på flera olika faktorer. Under pandemin har det förekommit kortsiktiga lösningar exempelvis avtalsförlängningar på ett år på grund av osäkerhet inför framtiden. Avtalsförhandlingar har präglats av ett pragmatiskt förhållningssätt där man i större utsträckning än tidigare arbetat tillsammans för att hitta en lösning. I studien framkommer att pandemin har medfört flera utmaningar för fastighetsägarna främst av ekonomisk och organisatorisk karaktär. / For over a year we have been living with a pandemic caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. As a result of the widespread infection, the public health authority has recommended remote work for everyone that has the opportunity to do so. The study was conducted in the middle of the pandemic with the aim of providing a picture of the impact of the corona pandemic on the office market in Stockholm. The study has a qualitative approach where semi-structured interviews have been held with property owners and tenant representatives to examine what challenges the pandemic has created for property owners, and how the demand for office space and flexible leases looked like, but also how the pandemic affected the contract negotiation between landlord and tenant. One conclusion that can be drawn is that the pandemic has created uncertainty among companies about their future office space needs and many companies are still investigating that. During the pandemic, there has been a lower demand for vacant office space than before the pandemic. What the future demand will look like is more uncertain and depends on several different factors. During the pandemic, there have been short-term solutions, such as lease extensions of one year due to uncertainty about the future. Contract negotiations have been characterized by a pragmatic approach where they have worked together to a greater extent than before to find a solution. The study show that the pandemic has brought several challenges for property owners, mainly of an economic and organizational nature.

Características epidemiológicas y clínico quirúrgicas de pacientes con COVID-19 operados de emergencia en un hospital nivel III de Lambayeque, 2020

Barrantes Fernandez, Lorena Patricia January 2024 (has links)
Objetivo: Determinar las características epidemiológicas, clínicas y quirúrgicas de pacientes con COVID-19 operados de emergencia en el Hospital Regional Lambayeque durante el año 2020. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, retrospectivo y observacional. Se recolectaron las historias clínicas físicas de pacientes con COVID-19 que fueron operados de emergencia por el Servicio de Cirugía General durante el año 2020 del Hospital Regional Lambayeque. Los datos obtenidos fueron ingresados desde una ficha de recolección de datos a una hoja de Excel (Microsoft 365 versión 2205) y posteriormente al SPSS (versión 21.0) para su análisis, donde se analizaron las características epidemiológicas clínicas y quirúrgicas con sus respectivas dimensiones como sexo, comorbilidades, riesgo quirúrgico cardiológico, grado de insuficiencia respiratoria, patología quirúrgica, intervención quirúrgica, etc. Resultados: Se incluyeron 88 pacientes, con una mediana de 26,5 años, la mayoría varones (61%). El 25% de los casos presentaron alguna comorbilidad, las principales fueron hipertensión arterial (8%) y obesidad (7%). Los riesgos quirúrgicos cardiológicos más frecuentes fueron RQ I (50%) y RQ II (45,5%). La mayoría de pacientes no presentaron ningún grado de insuficiencia respiratoria (94,3%). La mediana de vacío terapéutico fue de 94,13 horas. El 90,9% no requirió oxigeno postoperatorio inmediato. La patología quirúrgica más frecuente fue apendicitis (76,1%), así mismo la intervención quirúrgica principal fue la apendicectomía (76,1%). La mediana de tiempo de estancia hospitalaria postquirúrgica fue 3 días. Conclusión: Las características de mayor frecuencia en pacientes operados de emergencia con COVID-19 fueron el sexo masculino, la edad de 16 a 48 años, sin comorbilidades y la operación más realizada fue la apendicectomía. / Objective: To determine the epidemiological, clinical, and surgical characteristics of patients with COVID-19 undergoing emergency surgery at the Lambayeque Regional Hospital in 2020. Materials and methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective, and observational study. All the physical medical records of COVID-19 patients who underwent emergency surgery by the general surgery service in 2020 at the Lambayeque Regional Hospital were collected. The data obtained were entered from a data collection sheet to an Excel sheet (Microsoft 365 version 2205) and then to the SPSS (version 21.0) for analysis, where the clinical and surgical epidemiological characteristics were analyzed with their respective dimensions such as sex, comorbidities, surgical risk, degree of respiratory failure, surgical pathology, surgical intervention, etc. Results: It included 88 patients, with a median age of 26.5 years, mostly men (61%). 25% of the cases had some comorbidity but the main ones were arterial hypertension (8%) and obesity (7%). The most frequent cardiac surgical risks were SR I (50%) and SR II (45.5%). Most patients did not present respiratory failure (94.3%). The median time elapsed from the beginning of complaints to admission to the emergency department was 94.13 hours. The 90.9% of patients didn’t require immediate postoperative oxygen. The most frequent surgical pathology was acute appendicitis (76.1%), likewise, the primary surgical intervention was appendectomy (76.1%). The median postoperative hospital stay time was 3 days. Conclusion: The most common characteristics of patients with COVID-19 operated in the emergency were male sex, ages between 16 and 48 years, without comorbidity, and the most common operation was appendectomy.

Neuropsychiatric phenotype of post COVID-19 syndrome in non-hospitalized patients

Lier, Julia, Stoll, Kristin, Obrig, Hellmuth, Baum, Paul, Deterding, Lea, Bernsdorff, Nora, Hermsdorf, Franz, Kunis, Ines, Bräsecke, Andrea, Herzig, Sabine, Schroeter, Matthias L, Thöne-Otto, Angelika, Riedel-Heller, Steffi G, Laufs, Ulrich, Wirtz, Hubert, Classen, Joseph, Saur, Dorothee 21 March 2024 (has links)
The post COVID-19 syndrome (PCS) is an emerging phenomenon worldwide with enormous socioeconomic impact. While many patients describe neuropsychiatric deficits, the symptoms are yet to be assessed and defined systematically. In this prospective cohort study, we report on the results of a neuropsychiatric consultation implemented in May 2021. A cohort of 105 consecutive patients with merely mild acute course of disease was identified by its high symptom load 6 months post infection using a standardized neurocognitive and psychiatric-psychosomatic assessment. In this cohort, we found a strong correlation between higher scores in questionnaires for fatigue (MFI-20), somatization (PHQ15) and depression (PHQ9) and worse functional outcome as measured by the post COVID functional scale (PCFS). In contrast, neurocognitive scales correlated with age, but not with PCFS. Standard laboratory and cardiopulmonary biomarkers did not differ between the group of patients with predominant neuropsychiatric symptoms and a control group of neuropsychiatrically unaffected PCS patients. Our study delineates a phenotype of PCS dominated by symptoms of fatigue, somatisation and depression. The strong association of psychiatric and psychosomatic symptoms with the PCFS warrants a systematic evaluation of psychosocial side effects of the pandemic itself and psychiatric comorbidities on the long-term outcome of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The Unfolding Pandemic on College and University Campuses in Hong Kong, Johannesburg, and New York City: Institutional Response to the Covid-19 Outbreak

Abbasov, Abbas January 2024 (has links)
Higher education institutions (HEIs) have faced unprecedented challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic. This dissertation draws on the comparative case study design to examine the institutional response to the Covid-19 pandemic across seventeen HEIs in three urban contexts: Hong Kong, Johannesburg, and New York. Due to the limited knowledge base about the novel coronavirus and its rapid spread, the institutional response to the Covid-19 pandemic was premised on uncertainty and presented a unique challenge to decision-makers. This study is informed by the systems approach in the three strands of literature I draw from – disaster studies, sociology of risk, and higher education governance. The evidence from this study supports the conceptualization of the Covid-19 response as a by-product of social design and socially constructed events. I take a qualitative approach to study the institutional response through semi-structured interviews, documents, and recruitment survey responses. Guided by organized risk sensemaking, I put forth the following research questions: (1) What policies, if any, have been adopted to mitigate the risk of Covid-19? (2) What decision-making structures, if any, have been mobilized to mitigate the risk of Covid-19? (3) How, if at all, institutional managers have rationalized the decisions adopted in response to the Covid-19 pandemic? and (4) How, if at all, has the external environment impacted the institutional response to Covid-19? In the first findings chapter, I examine the Covid-19 policies adopted during the pandemic and conclude that the measures taken to mitigate risks associated with the pandemic have counter-intuitive consequences. The Covid-19 response has strengthened HEIs’ place-based identity and underscored the role universities and colleges play in their immediate communities as anchor institutions. The second analytical chapter shows how decision-making structures were established and mobilized during the Covid-19 pandemic within different HEIs. It typifies decision making structures by their focus (general vs. specific) and temporality (permanent vs. temporary). This chapter discusses the challenges and benefits of different decision-making approaches, including the involvement of faculty and staff, the elimination of organizational silos, and the funneling of decisions to higher levels of authority. Furthermore, I interrogate the institutional managers’ rationalizations of challenges and ethical dilemmas brought on by the pandemic. In this chapter, I present the four emerging attitudes toward the Covid-19 pandemic as a sensemaking framework, illuminating the institutional response as a temporally dynamic phenomenon. Lastly, I focus on the external environment and specifically, the non-state sectoral actors that have played a crucial role in informing and shaping HEIs' responses. The relationships with these actors serve advisory, brokerage, coordination, data collection, material support, lobbying, and translation functions for HEIs. The study contributes to the literature on comparative education by providing empirical evidence on the role of non-state sectoral actors, the decision-making processes of HEIs, and the impact of Covid-19 on higher education. It also highlights the importance of universities and colleges as anchor institutions within their communities.

Restaurangbranschen på aktiemarknaden : En empirisk studie av den negativa abnormala avkastningen

Maturana, Stefanie Alexandra, Tohme, Marie January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det förekommer abnormal avkastning påaktiemarknaden hos de tio största amerikanska företagen inom restaurangbranschen isamband med Covid-19. I studien tillämpas teorierna Behavioral finance och den effektivamarknadshypotesen för att få en djupare förståelse kring restaurangbranschens aktiemarknadunder pandemin. En kvantitativ metod tillämpas i studien. En anpassad form av eventstudieanvänds innefattande marknadsmodellen för att räkna fram förväntad avkastning utifrånhistorisk statistik vilket sedan jämförs med den faktiska avkastningen under det så kalladeeventfönstret. Resultatet har visat att alla restaurangföretag utom ett som studerats i dennauppsats har påvisat en abnormal negativ avkastning under perioden 11 februari – 8 april år 2020 där Covid-19 var en framträdande nyhet i USA och resten av världen. / The purpose of the study is to investigate weather abnormal returns occurs in the stock marketamong the ten largest American companies in the restaurant industry in the timeline whereCovid-19 became a pandemic. The study applies theories from Behavioral finance and theEfficient market hypothesis to gain a deeper understanding of the restaurant industry’s stockmarket during the pandemic. A quantitative methodology is employed in this study. Anadapted form of event study is utilized, incorporating the market model to calculate expectedreturns based on historical data which is then compared to returns during the specified eventwindow. The results indicate that all restaurant companies, except one, examined exhibitedabnormal negative returns during the period from February 11 – April 8 the year 2020, when Covid-19 was a significant news story in the United States and globally.


NATALIA PEREIRA LIMA 28 October 2022 (has links)
[pt] O estudo em tela integra o campo temático da gestão escolar tendo como foco de sua investigação a atuação da liderança escolar, representada na maioria das vezes, pelo(a) diretor(a), no contexto da pandemia do Covid-19. Buscou-se inicialmente identificar na literatura o conceito e as tipologias da liderança escolar e como estão associadas com a autonomia e com os resultados educacionais, tendo como referência principal os conceitos de Liderança instrucional e liderança distribuída (Leithwood e Sun, 2012; Spillane, 2005). Complementarmente foi feito um levantamento da produção nacional e internacional recente sobre a gestão escolar no contexto da pandemia. Por meio de um estudo de caso, de natureza qualitativa, foram investigadas as experiências da gestão de duas escolas públicas municipais de São José de Ribamar (MA) a fim de compreender como os gestores escolares mobilizaram diferentes recursos e desenvolveram ações para responder aos desafios gerados e intensificados pela pandemia no que diz respeito a garantia do direito à aprendizagem dos estudantes. Integra-se à pesquisa, a análise documental, entrevistas com supervisores da secretaria municipal de educação, diretoras e professoras, além de dados do Censo Escolar (2020) e dos questionários contextuais do professor e do diretor da Prova Brasil (2019). A análise foi construída a partir de três categorias: o contexto sociocultural, estrutura e organização de cada escola, percepções dos diretores e dos professores das escolas sobre o perfil e as ações desenvolvidas pela gestão escola e pela rede durante esse período. Os achados deste trabalho indicaram, inicialmente, uma considerável centralização das ações da secretaria com pouco espaço de orientação pedagógica para as escolas e diretores em contraste com a relevância do papel dos diretores para a reorganização da rotina escolar. Neste último aspecto, observou-se que o processo requereu a colaboração dos professores e apontou para uma liderança mais autônoma, distribuída e instrucional em um dos casos. No outro, indica uma escola dependente das orientações da secretaria e uma liderança focada nas questões mais administrativas. Pode-se perceber que, se de um lado os diretores desenvolvem diferentes ações e mobilizam recursos diversos conforme sua experiência, formação e conhecimento, de outro, a falta de formação e de apoio do órgão central se constitui em um dos maiores obstáculos para o desenvolvimento de sua autonomia e liderança. / [en] The study on screen integrates the thematic field of school management focusing its investigation on the performance of school leadership, represented in most cases by the principal, in the context of Covid-19 pandemic. Initially, we sought to identify in the literature the concept and typologies of school leadership and how they are associated with autonomy and educational outcomes, having as main reference the concepts of instructional leadership and distributed leadership (Leithwood e Sun, 2012; Spillane, 2005). In addition, a survey of recent national and international production on school management in the context of the pandemic was carried out. Through a case study of a qualitative nature, the experiences of managing two municipal public schools in São José de Ribamar (MA) were investigated to understand how school managers mobilized different resources and developed actions to respond to the challenges generated. and intensified by the pandemic regarding guaranteeing the right to learn for students. The research includes documentary analysis, interviews with supervisors of the municipal education department, principals, and teachers, as well as data from the School Census (2020) and the contextual questionnaires of the teacher and the director of Prova Brasil (2019). The analysis was built from three categories: the sociocultural context, structure and organization of each school, perceptions of school directors and teachers about the profile and actions developed by the school management and the network during this period. The findings of this work initially indicated a considerable centralization of actions in the secretariat with little space for pedagogical guidance for schools and principals, in contrast to the relevance of the role of principals for the reorganization of the school routine. In this last aspect, it was observed that the process required the collaboration of teachers and pointed to a more autonomous, distributed, and instructional leadership in one of the cases. In the other, it indicates a school dependent on the guidelines of the secretariat and a leadership focused on more administrative issues. If, on the one hand, directors develop different actions and mobilize different resources according to their experience, training, and knowledge, on the other hand, the lack of training and support from the central body constitutes one of the biggest obstacles to development of their autonomy and leadership.

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