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På distans, mest teori och dans. : En studie av idrottslärares IT-kunskaper och undervisningsformer under pandemin. / at a distance, mostly theory and danceWendel, Alex, Malin Meyer Norén, Malin January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to visualize examined physical education teachers' IT skills and implementation of IT in homeschooling during the pandemic. The studies ambition is also to visualize if the physical education teachers' IT skills were good enough to conduct the teaching according to the school's curriculum. The survey wants to highlight the reality that physical education teachers experienced during these periods of distance education. The methods are a mixed methods based on an interpretivist approach, which means it stands between the hard data of positivism and the interpretations and understanding of hermeneutics in text. The essay is based on an already existing theoretical framework which the collected empirical evidence is presented against. The empirics were collected through online survey in Facebook groups and through emails to PE teachers. The total number of intermediaries is 50 PE teachers. The theoretical framework is based on the frame factor theory, developed by Dahllöf & Lundgren (2014) The results of the study show that the physical education teachers largely had sufficient IT knowledge to conduct homeschooling. IT support from the school was available to most of the teachers and if they had problems, it was mostly with group division, internet connection, screen sharing and the audio. Most teachers had to change their lesson planning and several parts of the curriculum suffered, mostly movement and friluftsliv. The teaching was more theoretically based with focus on health and lifestyle. If movement was taught, it was mostly dance and individualized training based on strength and conditioning. This type of teaching often took place through platforms such as Youtube and Runkeeper. The conclusion is that many teachers without ICT education have completed homeschooling on their own through their own ability. The teaching has suffered from the pandemic and teachers consider that they lost assessment data and student contact.
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Hållbara företags uthållighet under Covid-19-kraschen : En kvantitativ studie om hållbarhets värde vid obligatorisk rapporteringFernum, Felix, Svedberg, Tim January 2022 (has links)
Covid-19-pandemin och efterföljande marknadskrasch skapar en unik möjlighet att analysera det finansiella värdet av hållbarhet. Denna studie undersöker uthållighet hos hållbara företag på den svenska aktiemarknaden under Covid-19-kraschen. Tidigare litteratur är tvetydig gällande värdet av hållbarhet men indikerar att det kan agera som en “hedge” under kristid. Däremot saknas forskning om detta samband på marknader där hållbarhetsrapportering är obligatoriskt. Denna studie analyserar Covid-19-kraschen med hjälp av en eventstudiemetod. Genom tvärsnitts- och difference-in-differences regression analyserar vi avvikelseavkastning för hållbara företag på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Efter kontroller för företags- och dagsfasta effekter finner vi att de mest hållbara svenska företagen fick en daglig avvikelseavkastning på 0,526 procent från 24 februari 2020 till 31 mars 2020. Dock hade samma företag en daglig avvikelseavkastning på -0,518 procent efter den 16 mars 2020, då Sveriges regering och riksbank presenterade krispaket för att stimulera den svenska ekonomin. Detta resultat indikerar att hållbarhet hade en positiv påverkan på företags uthållighet på aktiemarknaden under Covid-19-kraschen. Resultatet är statistiskt signifikant och går i linje med tidigare studier på marknader som inte omfattas av obligatorisk hållbarhetsrapportering. / The Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent market crash provides a unique opportunity to analyze the financial value of environmental and social (ES) sustainability. This study examines the resiliency of sustainable companies in the Swedish stock market during the crisis. Previous literature is ambiguous about the value of sustainability but indicates that it can act as a hedge in times of crisis. However, research on this subject is lacking in markets where sustainability reporting is mandatory. This study uses an event study design to analyze the Covid-19 crash. We analyze abnormal returns for sustainable companies in Sweden through cross-sectional and difference-in-differences regression. Following controls for day and firm fixed effects we find that the Swedish companies within the highest quartile of sustainability score received a daily abnormal return of 0,526 percent from 24 February 2020 to 31 March 2020. However, the same companies had a daily abnormal return of -0,518 percent after 16 March 2020, when the Swedish Government and the Swedish Riksbank presented crisis packages to stimulate the Swedish economy. The results indicate that sustainability positively affected stock resilience during the Covid-19-crisis. Our results are statistically significant and align with similar studies in markets where sustainability reporting is not mandatory.
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NEDSKRIVNING AV GOODWILL UNDER COVID-19 PANDEMIN : En kvantitativ studie om redovisningen av goodwill i svenska börsnoterade bolagSandberg, Malin, Björn, Anna, Rzayev, Mahir January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund och problem:Införandet av de nya internationella redovisningsstandarderna, som bland annat IFRS 3,innebär att de systematiska avskrivningar av goodwill ersattes med en årlig prövning avnedskrivningsbehovet. Den tidigare forskningen har visat på att goodwillposterna ökat ochnedskrivningarna har minskat efter införande av IFRS. En lågkonjunktur till följd avCovid-19 borde indikera på ett ökat nedskrivningsbehov av goodwill bland vissa företag,eftersom goodwills verkliga värde prövas utifrån rådande marknad. En kombination av dettaovannämnda föranledde studien till dess syfte. Syfte:Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur nedskrivningarna skiljer sig, före och under Covid-19pandemin för de svenska börsnoterade företagen. Metod:I studien har en utvärderingsmetodik använts i kombination med en kvantitativ strategi. Databestår av information från företagens räkenskaper som har hämtats från databasen ORBIS ochföretagens årsredovisningar. Studiens hypoteser har testats med varians- ochregressionsanalyser. Resultat och slutsats:Det som denna studie har testat var om det fanns skillnad i goodwillnedskrivningar mellanåren och mellan branscher. Därefter testades om nedskrivning kunde ha ett samband medaktiekursen som har påverkats betydande under tidigare finanskriser. Resultatet i studienvisade inga skillnader i totala goodwillnedskrivning mellan åren 2019, 2020 och 2021.Däremot fann studien skillnader i nedskrivningar mellan branscher under 2019 och 2021.Vidare visade resultatet inget signifikant samband mellan nedskrivning och aktiekurs. Förslag till fortsatt forskning:Denna studie undersökte på kort sikt, hur nedskrivningar skiljer sig mellan åren för svenskabörsnoterade företag med anledning av Covid-19. Förslag till fortsatt forskning på ämnet äratt inkludera fler år och fler länder, för att kunna se de långsiktiga effekterna pågoodwillposten under, men även efter pandemin.Nyckelord:Goodwill, IAS 36, nedskrivning, Covid-19, IFRS
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[pt] A pesquisa documentada nesta dissertação apresenta o mapeamento de algumas das modelagens das fantasias de Bate-Bolas do Rio de Janeiro, estabelecendo uma relação entre o design e a manifestação cultural para realizar uma análise das possibilidades de representação da fantasia em diferentes escalas. A pesquisa se baseia na noção de sustentabilidade comunicacional que visa a recortar no estudo de um festejo a sua dimensão sustentável quanto a aspectos simbólicos e a produção de sentidos no entorno de sua difusão. O problema da escala aparece na pesquisa ao ser proposto souvenires que possam disseminar a cultura dos Bate-Bolas de forma positiva e lúdica. Utilizando o design participativo, realizamos uma pesquisa intervenção que inclui líderes de turmas e brincantes que fazem parte do setor produtivo bate-boleiro. Como metodologia, realizamos entrevistas com pessoas envolvidas na produção das fantasias, registros de processos em visita a barracões, observação participante em saídas das turmas, projetos online e dinâmicas de produção colaborativas. A presente pesquisa integra o projeto Motirô, uma parceria com o Museu da Pessoa, que registra festejos representantes da cultura popular e relata o impacto que sofreram com o distanciamento social provocado pela pandemia da COVID-19 – dentre deles, os Bate-Bolas. O estudo propicia um diálogo entre o design participativo e o conceito de linguagem pedagógica das coisas, do autor Pier Paolo Pasolini (1990) que descreve a importância da materialidade na memória individual e coletiva. O resultado final foi a participação dos brincantes na construção dos souvenires com o foco na representação simbólica do festejo e que utilizam materiais utilizadas nas fantasias, reciclando sobras desses recursos da produção. / [en] The dissertation presents the mapping of some of the modeling of Rio de Janeiro s Bate-Bolas fantasies, establishing a relationship between design and cultural manifestation to carry out an analysis of the possibilities of representing fantasy at different scales. The research is based on the notion of communicational sustainability, which aims to focus on the study of a celebration its sustainable dimension in terms of symbolic aspects and the production of meanings around its diffusion. The scale problem appears in the research when souvenirs are proposed that can disseminate the culture of Bate-Bolas in a positive and playful way. Using participatory design, we conducted an intervention research that includes class and play leaders who are part of the productive sector. As a methodology, we conducted interviews with people involved in the production of costumes, records of processes visiting sheds, participant observation in class exits, online projects and collaborative production dynamics. This dissertation is part of the Motirô project, a partnership with the Museu da Pessoa, which records celebrations representing popular culture and reports the impact they suffered from the social distance caused by the epidemic of COVID-19 among them, Bate-Bolas. The study provides a dialogue between participatory design and the concept of pedagogical language of things by the author Pier Paolo Pasolini, which describes the importance of materiality in individual and collective memory. The end result was the participation of those who played in the construction of the souvenirs, with a focus on the symbolic representation of the celebration and using materials used in costumes, recycling leftovers from these production resources.
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[pt] A pandemia da COVID-19 infectou uma grande quantidade de indivíduos e provocou elevado número de óbitos no mundo. No Brasil, reforçou disparidades regionais no sistema de saúde e provocou elevada mortalidade hospitalar. Isto chamou a atenção para um estresse no sistema de saúde e levantou a hipótese de que o acesso desigual poderia afetar a mortalidade hospitalar na pandemia. Assim, este estudo utilizou a metodologia da Design Science Research (DSR) junto ao ciclo de vida de Ciência de Dados para identificar como o acesso ao sistema de saúde impacta na mortalidade hospitalar. O acesso ao sistema de saúde é um conceito complexo e carente de uma definição consensual, o que motivou a elaboração de uma descrição que englobasse suas múltiplas características. Uma análise qualitativa da interação entre as camadas do acesso apontou a acessibilidade como esfera central. Portanto, este trabalho utilizou dados públicos do Sistema Integrado de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Gripe (SIVEP-Gripe) para entender como a acessibilidade impactou na mortalidade hospitalar por COVID-19 no Brasil no ano epidemiológico de 2020 ao avaliar as diferenças entre aqueles que foram internados em seus municípios de residência e os que tiveram que se deslocar para outras cidades. Os resultados mostraram que 26 por cento dos pacientes hospitalizados neste período foram internados em um município diferente do que residem. Além disso, existiu um grande deslocamento de municípios da periferia das capitais em direção às capitais. Estas periferias apresentavam elevada mortalidade hospitalar e baixo nível de recursos no sistema de saúde, o que pode ter motivado a evasão. Além disso, a partir de um modelo de regressão logística de efeitos mistos, verificou-se que aqueles que deixaram seus municípios de moradia apresentaram maior chance de óbito do que aqueles que ficaram. Isto mostrou que uma deficiência na acessibilidade impactou a mortalidade hospitalar de forma negativa. / [en] The COVID-19 pandemic infected many individuals and caused a high number of deaths around the world. In Brazil, it highlighted the regional healthcare disparities and caused high in-hospital mortality. This drew attention to the system s burden and raised the question that uneven access could affect in-hospital mortality during the pandemic. Therefore, this study used the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology paired with the Data Science life cycle to identify how the healthcare access affects in-hospital mortality. Access is a complex concept, lacking a consensual definition, which motivated us to create a conceptualization that encompasses its multiple characteristics. A qualitative analysis of the interaction among the layers of this new definition pointed to accessibility as the main issue. Thus, this work used public data from the Sistema Integrado de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Gripe (SIVEP-Gripe) to better understand how it affected the in-hospital mortality among COVID-19 inpatients in Brazil during the epidemiological year of 2020. This was conducted by evaluating the differences between those hospitalized in their city of residence and those that had to go to other cities. Results showed that, in this period, 26 per cent of inpatients were not hospitalized in their city of residence. Also, there was a noticeable flux of patients from towns on the periphery of the state capitals to the capitals. These peripheries presented higher in-hospital mortality and a lower level of healthcare resources, which may have motivated the movement. Besides, the development of a mixed effects logistic regression model evidenced that inpatients that left their cities of residence had a higher chance of death than those that stayed. This showed that a deficiency in accessibility caused a negative impact in in-hospital mortality.
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Den auktoriserade revisorns professionella identitet under Covid-19 pandemin : Upprätthållande av revisionskvalitet och profession vid distansarbete / The professional identity of the certified Auditor during the Covid-19 pandemic : Maintaining audit quality and professionalism in teleworkingRaudmets, Johanna, Einerskog, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion. Den globala Covid-19 pandemin har påverkat många, både personligt och professionellt. Företag och organisationer tvingades att bedriva verksamheten från distans och via digitala kanaler i ett försök att minska smittspridningen, där revisionsbyråer var en av de yrkesgrupper där detta var genomförbart. Revisorers yrkesroll är förknippad med en professionell identitet där både positiva och negativa förändringar har inflytande på denna identitet. För att säkerställa att klienter upplever fortsatt nytta med den tjänst revisorerna tillhandahåller bör dessa professionsutövare, även under oförutsedda situationer, kunna upprätthålla kvalitet och professionalitet i sitt arbete. Syfte. Studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskap och ökad förståelse kring den effekt Covid-19 pandemin haft på kvaliteten i revisionsprocessen i Sverige, för att sedan undersöka om detta medfört en förändring i de auktoriserade revisorernas professionella identitet. Studien avser även att bidra med kunskap kring huruvida revisorer upplever distansarbete som ett lämpligt tillvägagångssätt för arbetsprocessen samt i vilken utsträckning den professionella identiteten kan upprätthållas under dessa förutsättningar. Teori. Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av professionsteorin, där studien huvudsakligen utgår från den professionella identiteten. Den professionella identiteten innefattas av flertalet faktorer vilka alla har en påverkan på professionsutövarens identitet. Denna studie utgår från tre huvudsakliga aspekter från denna teori; social förmåga, kognitiv förmåga och personlig kunskap. Dessa aspekter är alla centrala i analysen av de auktoriserade revisorernas professionella identitet. Metod. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med auktoriserade revisorer för att fylla studiens syfte. Intervjuerna med revisorerna avser att undersöka huruvida dessa upplever att omställningen till distansarbete och förändrade kommunikationskanaler påverkat kvaliteten i arbetsprocessen kring revisionsarbetet. Vidare tillämpas en abduktiv ansats då denna anses vara mest lämpad för studier där observationer av verkligheten kan kopplas samman med den teoretiska referensramen. Studiens resultat. Trots att arbetsprocessen har förändrats för de auktoriserade revisorerna upplever respondenterna i denna studie att det varit möjligt att upprätthålla kvaliteten i arbetet och revisionen. Kvalitet och professionell identitet anses vara starkt sammankopplade vilket innebär att de auktoriserade revisorernas professionella identitet kan antas vara oförändrad då kvaliteten inte försämrats. / Background. The global Covid-19 pandemic has affected a lot of people, both personally and professionally. Companies and organizations were forced to conduct their business by teleworking and digital in an attempt to reduce the spread of the infection. Audit firms had to take this into consideration and adapt to this new way of working. The professional role of auditors is associated with a professional identity where both positive and negative changes have the power to influence this identity. To ensure that clients continue to benefit from the service provided by the auditors, these professionals should be able to maintain quality and professionalism in their work, even in unforeseen situations. The purpose of the study. The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge and increase the understanding of the effect the Covid-19 pandemic has had on the quality of the audit process in Sweden. This in order to investigate whether this has led to any changes in the professional identity of the certified auditor. Furthermore, the study aims to contribute knowledge about whether auditors perceive telework as a suitable approach to the work process and to what extent the professional identity can be maintained under these conditions. Theoretical framework. The theoretical framework consists of the professional theory where the study is mainly based on the professional identity. The professional identity consists of several different factors which all have a direct impact on the professional identity of the professional. This study is based on three main aspects of this theory; social ability, cognitive ability and personal knowledge. These aspects are all important to the analysis of the professional identity of the certified auditors during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method. This study is based on a qualitative method. To fulfill the purpose of the study semi-structured interviews with certified auditors were conducted. The purpose of these interviews is to examine whether the auditors experienced that the transition to telework and the change in communication has had a negative effect on the quality of the audit process. Furthermore, an abductive approach is applied as this approach is considered to be most suitable in studies where observations of reality can be linked to the theoretical framework. Results of the study. Despite the fact that the audit process has changed for the certified auditors, the respondents in this study all agree that it has been possible to maintain the quality in the audit. Quality and professional identity are considered to be strongly interconnected. This indicates that the professional identity of the certified auditors can be assumed to be unchanged as the quality has not deteriorated
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Hur har ledarskapet påverkats av en påtvingad förändring till distansledarskap? : En kvalitativ studie om ledarskapets förändring på grund av distansarbeteEriksson, Jennifer January 2022 (has links)
Organisationer genomgår ständiga förändringar av olika anledningar. En förändring till följd av covid-19 är att distansarbete har haft en snabb ökning då rekommendationerna för arbetsplatser var att ställa om för att begränsa smittspridning. Att arbeta på distans kan medföra många utmaningar som ställer krav på ledare att förändra eller anpassa sitt ledarskap för att hantera omställningen effektivt. Studier om effektivt ledarskapsbeteende i en snabb och oförutsägbar organisationsförändring som under covid-19 pandemin finns det färre av. Syftet med denna studie är att få en djupare förståelse hur ledarskap har påverkats av en påtvingad förändring till distansledarskap till följd av covid-19 samt hur ledare upplever förändringen. För att genomföra studien och få en djupare förståelse har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod använts. För att samla in data har åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts. Genom en kvalitativ studie med intervjuer visar resultatet att ledarskapets främsta utmaningar var att fånga upp medarbetarnas välmående, avsaknaden av den sociala distansen och spontana möten. Studiens reslutat visar att relationer som tidigare funnits i hög grad fortsätter fungera bra även vid distansledarskap. Kommunikationen har utvecklas med digital hjälp och på grund av digitaliseringen och distansarbete funnits som substitut till fysiska möten. För att behålla den sociala kontakten har kommunikationen ökats för att kunna ha regelbundna möten och avstämningar. Denna studie drar slutsatsen att det finns egenskaper ledare upplever som viktiga i deras ledarskap under distansarbete. Kommunikation, närvara och bygga relationer samt välmående anses som viktiga under distansarbete. / Organizations are undergoing constant changes for various reasons and one change as a result of covid-19 is that teleworking has had a rapid, increase as the recommendations for workplaces were to change to limit the spread of infection. Working remotely can lead to many challenges that require leaders to change or adapt their leadership to handle the transition effectively. Studying effective leadership behavior in a rapid and unpredictable organizational change the during the covid-19 pandemic has been less studied. The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how leadership has been affected by a forced change to distance leadership as a result of covid-19 and how leaders experience the change. A qualitative research method has been used to conduct studies and gain a deeper understanding. To collect data, eight semi-structured interview were conducted. Through a qualitative study and interviews and theory, the results show that the main challenges of leadership were to capture the well-being of employees, the lack of social distance and spontaneous meetings. The results of the study show that relationships that previously existed to a large extent continue to work well even with distance leadership. Communication has been developed with digital help and has been a substitute for physical meetings. In order to maintain social contact, communication has increased in order to have regular meetings and reconciliations. This study concludes that there are other qualities that leaders perceive as important in their leadership during teleworking. Communication, presence and building relationships as well as well-being are considered important during telework.
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Health Communication on TikTok : A Qualitative Study of Credibility on A Humorous Platform / Hälsokommunikation på TikTok : En kvalitativ studie av trovärdighet på en humoristisk plattformLid Rosenholm, Isabelle January 2022 (has links)
The video-sharing platform TikTok has gained popularity over the last few years. During the recent Covid-19 pandemic, TikTok was implemented in health communication strategies to target a younger audience. The platform's humorous and entertaining jargon is somewhat contradictory to the intentions of health communication. The purpose of this study was to provide insights into how TikTok has functioned as a forum for health communication during the Covid-19 pandemic, and whether the humorous jargon has affected users’ trust. The intention is that the results will be useful guidance for health communicators if similar occurrences are to happen in the future. To fulfil the purpose, the main question “How is the perceived credibility of health communication affected by the humorous jargon on TikTok?” was formulated. Two sub-questions were added to provide a further understanding of how the platform has functioned as a forum for health communication, and how it can be refined; “What do users think of the platform as a forum for health communication?” and “How can health communication on TikTok be improved?”. The theoretical framework consisted of two related theories which are vital in the evaluation of reliability in communication. Firstly, the theory of source credibility concerns the audience’s trust in a communicator. Secondly, message credibility refers to the audience’s trust in a message. Qualitative interviews were considered a suitable method to apply to arrive at answers to the research questions. The method allowed to gather material on TikTok users’ experiences and motives concerning the subject of study. The results from eight interviews with Swedish users aged between 19-25 revealed that the humorous jargon on TikTok lessens the perceived credibility in health communication which is presented in a serious way. However, credibility is heightened when humour is used in health communication on the platform. Moreover, the study showed that TikTok is a valuable platform to implement in health communication strategies, especially to target younger people. Additionally, the potential for improvement concerning TikTok as a forum for health communication involves a greater presence of expert sources, further implementation of humour, and platform-tailored presentation of information. / Den videobaserade sociala medieplattformen TikTok har ökat i popularitet under de senaste åren. Under coronapandemin användes TikTok i hälsokommunikationsstrategier för att nå ut till en yngre publik. Den humoristiska och underhållande jargongen på plattformen kan ses som något motsägande i relation till syftet med hälsokommunikation. Denna studie syftade till att bidra med insikter till hur TikTok har fungerat som en plattform för hälsokommunikation under coronapandemin, samt hur den humoristiska jargongen har påverkat användares tillit till informationen. Förhoppningen är att hälsokommunikatörer kommer kunna använda resultaten som guidning om liknande händelser skulle inträffa i framtiden. Till hjälp för att uppfylla studiens syfte användes forskningsfrågan ”Hur påverkas den upplevda trovärdigheten i hälsokommunikation av den humoristiska jargongen på TikTok?”. För att bidra till ökad förståelse för hur TikTok fungerat som ett forum för hälsokommunikation, och för att ta reda på vad som kan förbättras, formulerades ytterligare två forskningsfrågor; ”Vad tycker användare om plattformen som ett forum för hälsokommunikation?” och ”Hur kan hälsokommunikation på TikTok förbättras?”. Det teoretiska ramverket bestod av två relaterade teorier som anses vara viktiga i bedömningen av trovärdighet i kommunikation. Den första teorin innefattar källtrovärdighet, och handlar om publikens förtroende till källor så som kommunikatörer eller avsändare. Den andra teorin innefattar även den trovärdighet, men handlar i stället om publikens förtroende till meddelanden eller information. Den metod som ansågs mest lämplig för att kunna besvara forskningsfrågorna var kvalitativa intervjuer. Metoden tillät att samla in TikTok-användares uppfattningar och motiv gällande det studerade ämnet. Resultaten från åtta intervjuer med svenska användare mellan 19–25 år visade att den humoristiska jargongen på TikTok minskar den uppfattade trovärdigheten gällande hälsokommunikation som är presenterad på ett seriöst sätt. Vidare visade det sig dock att trovärdigheten ökar när humor är involverat i själva hälsokommunikationen. Utifrån studiens resultat kan slutsatsen dras att TikTok är en värdefull plattform att dela hälsokommunikation på, i synnerhet när det gäller att nå en ung publik. Slutligen finns en del förbättringspotential gällande TikTok som forum för hälsokommunikation. Detta innefattar större närvaro av källor som besitter expertis, mer användning av humor, samt plattformsanpassad framställning av information.
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The Road Forward From a Pandemic : A qualitative study of small business owners in the tourist industry on Phuket Island / Vägen framåt efter en pandemi : en kvalitativ studie av småföretagare inom turismindustrin på PhuketEriksson, Elin, Dahlberg, Annie January 2022 (has links)
Given the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the world and researchers prospecting more events like this to happen in the future it is important to shed light on the impact which it have had on those especially vulnerable to these sorts of risks and disasters. Furthermore, the tourism industry is known for its vulnerability and volatility in the eye of global events. Thus, this paper aims to give a voice to those working on a grassroot level – with focus on Phuket, Thailand, also known as the Andaman pearl, in the tourism industry, and also look at how they have managed the effects of the pandemic. The study is qualitative and uses semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis. Relevant theoretical frameworks have been applied to understand the results of the interviews. It will also look at the prospects the respondents see for themselves and the tourism industry in Phuket in relation to the aftermath of the pandemic, and the war between Ukraine and Russia as a possible threat to the return of tourists to Phuket.
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Att rationalisera en kris : en kvalitativ studie om hur event managers skapat mening under Covid-19 / To Rationalize a Crisis : a qualitative study on how Event Managers made sense during Covid-19Persson, Michaela, Löfman, Cecilia, Fleige, Antonia Charlotte January 2022 (has links)
I början av 2020 påverkade Covid-19-pandemin hela vårt samhälle och satte flertalet branscher i svåra situationer. Folkhälsomyndigheten införde tillsammans med regeringen olika begränsningar för offentliga och privata sammankomster i Sverige, vilket drabbade eventbranschen särskilt hårt. Åtgärderna tvingade svenska eventorganisationer att skjuta upp, ställa in eller tänka om utförandet av dess event vilket resulterade i en stor förändring och påverkan av branschen. Men under början av 2022 kom beslutet att häva de flesta restriktionerna i samhället och de event managers som fortfarande arbetade inom branschen fick möjlighet att reflektera över de upplevelser de varit med om under denna kris. Studien syftar till att studerar hur event managers rationaliserat sina upplevelser under Covid-19-pandemin. Upplevelserna analyseras genom ramverket av Weicks teori om sensemaking, som beskrivs som en process av sju ”egenskaper”. Dessa om hur individer förstår och skapar mening av komplexa samt osäkra situationer, för att finna positiva effekter av pandemin. Genom 14 semistrukturerade intervjuer med verksamma individer inom eventbranschen ger studien en djupgående bild över dess upplevelser under Covid-19. Slutsatsen som dras i studien är att event managers har rationaliserat sina upplevelser under Covid-19 genom Weicks teori om sensemaking och genom denna process har de funnit positiva effekter av krisen. Vidare visas att alla delar av processen är viktiga för att kunna skapa mening i en osäker situation som Covid-19-krisen var. Studien ger dessutom ett nytt positivt perspektiv på Covid-19-pandemins effekter och bidrar med reflektion kring hur eventbranschen påverkats. Studien är skriven på svenska. / In early 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic took over our entire society and put most industries in a difficult position. The Swedish Public Health Agency, together with the government, introduced various restrictions on public and private gatherings in Sweden, which particularly affected the event industry. The measures forced Swedish event organizations to postpone, cancel planned events or think about new ways to create value, which resulted in a major change and impact on the industry. However, in the beginning of 2022, a decision was made to have most of the restrictions removed in the society and the event managers who worked in the industry had the opportunity to reflect back on the experiences they had during this crisis. This essay studies how event managers rationalized their experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic. The experiences are analyzed through the framework of Weick's theory of sensemaking, which is described as a process of seven “properties” around how individuals understand and create meaning of complex and uncertain situations, this to find positive effects of the pandemic. The study provides an in-depth picture of event managers' experiences of Covid-19 as a crisis through 14 semi-structured interviews with individuals working in the event industry. The conclusion drawn in this study is that event managers have rationalized their experiences during Covid-19 through Weick's theory of sensemaking and through this process they have found positive effects of the crisis. Furthermore, the study shows that all parts of the process are important in order to be able to create meaning in an uncertain situation such as the Covid-19 crisis. The study also provides a new positive perspective on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and contributes with reflection on how the event industry has been affected. The study is written in Swedish.
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