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影響網路團購之顧客滿意度與忠誠度及其前置因素之研究 / Effect of customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and relative antecedents on group purchasing

楊雅婷 Unknown Date (has links)
網路團購已是目前台灣電子商務重要趨勢之一,不僅消費者積極參與、供應商也希望能尋求新的獲利來源,連接兩者提供交易平台的團購網站,更有國內外廠商均積極投入、競爭。之前的文獻研究中,大多是針對網路團購模式建立的探討,包含定價策略、營運模式…等,由消費者角度出發,針對網路團購行為之研究較少。 本研究係以曾參與網路團購之消費者作為研究對象,探討「知覺風險」、「品牌知名度」、「網站服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」及「顧客忠誠度」彼此的關係與影響因素,並以研究結論為基礎,提供網路團購業者後續行銷策略之建議。 本研究採量化之「問卷調查」與質化之「深度訪談」方式進行研究。量化調查方面,共取得303 份有效問卷,運用敘述性統計、t 檢定、ANOVA檢定、Pearson 相關分析法、迴歸分析法,將資料進行統計分析與假設驗證;質化研究方面,透過深度訪談國內三家知名團購網站經營者,了解網路團購之經營模式與現況,並藉由他們的觀察,洞悉主要消費族群之輪廓及意向,最後,並探討團購網站未來可能的挑戰與機會。 本研究的研究結果如下: 1.性別、年齡、學歷、職業、婚姻狀態與收入不同的消費者,對網路團購之知覺風險、品牌知名度、網站服務品質、顧客滿意度與忠誠度,確實存有差異性。 2.知覺風險與顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度間具顯著相關性。 3.品牌知名度與顧客滿意度具顯著相關性,與顧客忠誠度則無相關。 4.網站服務品質與顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度間具顯著相關性。 5.顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度具顯著正向關係。 網路團購行銷策略建議: 1.知覺風險構面:持續加強隱私安全保障機制,並優化商品呈現方式,避免消費者購買到與網頁呈現不符之商品,降低消費者認知的隱私濫用與品質績效風險,提升顧客滿意度與忠誠度。 2.品牌知名度構面:持續開發具有高知名度的商品或服務,運用行銷合作方式說服更多高知名度廠商參與網路團購,以提升顧客滿意度。 3.網站服務品質構面:網站必須持續優化其網頁視覺與動線設計,並提供多元化的商品選擇,以提升顧客滿意度與忠誠度。 / Online group purchasing grows very fast and has become a trend of e-commerce in Taiwan. Not only the consumers are very interested in but also the supplers would like to start the business and create more profit from the new modle. The competition between group-purchasing sites is strong, too. But the previous studies were more focus on pricing strategy, business modle, and lacked of the study of sonsumer behaviors of online group purchasing. The consumers who have participated online group purchasing are taken as the object of the research. The purpose of this research is to define the relationship and influence between the perceived risk, brand awareness, website service quality, consumer satisfaction and loyalty, and to provide the suggestions of marketing strategy for online group purchasing industry base on the results and findings. This research adopts both quantitative and qualitative approaches. In terms of quantitative approach, 303 effective questionnaires are obtained for statistical analysis includes descriptive statistic, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, regression are utilized to verify the hypothesis and assumptions. As to qualitative approach, there are three experts from the management level of the well-known group-purchasing sites in Taiwan shared the business modle, status, consumer insights and purchasing intention, challenge and opportunities therough in-depth interviewing The result of this research includes: 1.Interviewees with different sex, age, education, profession, married status and income show significant differences. 2.Perceived risk has a dramatic correlation with customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. 3.Brand awareness has a dramatic correlation with customer satisfaction, but shows no correlation with customer loyalty. 4.Website service quality has a dramatic correlation with customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. 5.Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty have a positive relationship. The suggestions of marketing strategy for online group purchasing are as below: 1.In perceived risk aspect: Keep enhancing the security system and optimizing the instruction of product to alleviate perceived risk. It is helpful to improve the customer satisfaction and loyalty. 2.In brand awareness aspect: Provide the products or services which are popular and famous to the customer to improve the customer satisfaction. 3.In website service quality aspect: Keep optimizing the visual and process of the website, and providing customers with various product choices to improve the customer satisfaction and loyalty.

互動電視(IPTV)加值服務之滿意度與忠誠度之關係研究:以中華電信MOD「心靈開運網」算命服務為例 / The effect of IPTV value-added service on customer satisfaction and loyalty: The case of Chunghwa Telecom MOD "Superfate" service

李宜安 Unknown Date (has links)
中華電信MOD是台灣目前最具規模的互動電視(IPTV)平台,全台已有68萬用戶,除了提供影片隨選(Video on demad)的服務之外,也積極發展其他類型的加值服務,本研究以中華電信MOD之「心靈開運網」算命服務為例,從中探討該服務使用族群的「使用動機」、「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」、「顧客忠誠度」之間的相互關係,並研究使用動機與服務品質等因子中,何者影響使用族群的滿意度?希望這樣的研究結果日後可提供其他互動電視加值服務開發廠商參考。 本研究經量化研究的統計分析方法與質化研究的深度訪談法,對中華電信MOD加值服務「心靈開運網」算命服務使用族群發放電視問卷,以分析用戶的基本資料與使用行為,同時輔以深度訪談,綜合用戶調查資料、同業建議、MOD平台經營者等各方看法,對本算命服務發現與建議如下: 一.每個年齡層對算命內容的需求有明顯差異,可根據用戶常算的算命分類紀錄,提供客製化的首頁,以方便用戶選擇。 二.從用戶的算命記錄可看出用戶目前的需求,可以針對用戶的需求尋找異業結盟或廣告交換,如理財、婚顧、養生、交友等服務,以提高用戶滿意度。 三.人口統計變項(性別、年齡、教育、職業、收入)對於中華電信MOD加值服務「心靈開運網」之使用動機、服務品質、忠誠度、滿意度,除了學歷之外,並無顯著差異,可能表示不同人口統計變項,對於算命的喜好差異不大。 四.服務品質與滿意度的關連性,較使用動機與滿意度的關連性強,服務品質愈好,滿意度愈高。 五.服務品質對滿意度的影響很大,其中產品可靠度,也就是算命的準確度,將影響整個服務品質構面給用戶的感覺。 六.本算命服務對於個人隱私愈保護,用戶的再度使用意願會愈高,同時算命內容若讓用戶感覺能趨吉避凶,感覺安心,推薦給他人的機會就愈高。 關鍵詞:互動電視、IPTV、MOD、加值服務、心靈開運網、使用動機、資訊來源、服務品質、滿意度、忠誠度、電視問卷 / Abstract Chunghwa Telecom MOD is the most popular IPTV provider in Taiwan, which now has around 680,000 subscribers. In addition to providing video on demand services, Chunghwa Telecom MOD is also aggressively expanding other value-added-services (VAS). Using Chunghwa Telecom MOD's "Superfate" service as an example, this study tried to examine the relationships between “usage motivation”, “service quality”, “customer satisfaction”, and “customer loyalty”. Furthermore, we tried to investigate which of the following factors (e.g., usage motivation and service quality) has the greatest impact on “customer satisfaction”. We hope that the research outcome could provide some directions for other VAS developers of IPTV industry. Using both quantitative statistical analysis and qualitative in-depth interviews. We extensively surveyed different consumer groups of Chunghwa Telecom MOD's "Superfate" service in order to understand consumer profile and user behavior. At the same time, we also conducted in-depth interviews Based upon research outcomes from consumer surveys and key industry players interviews, we provide several recommendations to the "Superfate" service as follow: 1.Different age groups have different demands on fortune telling content. To make this service more user-friendly, we should customize the front page according to the record of the customers' most-frequently-visit fortune-telling categories. 2.Based on the usage records of each user, we can easily identify the associated services each customer might need. We can effectively increase customer satisfaction level by forming strategic alliance with other value-added-services, e.g. personal finance, match-making, wedding-planning, and health care related services. 3.Demographic variables (e.g., age, gender, occupation, and income) do not have a significantly different impact on usage motivation, service quality, customer loyalty, and satisfaction. Educational level is the exception. Our results imply that demographic differences do not significantly influence customers' preference on fortune-telling. 4.Service quality has a stronger influence on satisfaction level than usage motivation. The better the service quality, the more satisfied the users are. 5.Service quality has a strong influence on the level of customer satisfaction. Moreover, the reliability of the service, or the accuracy of the fortune-telling result, can greatly impact customers' perception of service quality. 6.Users are more willing to reuse this service when they feel their privacy is protected. Meanwhile, the user is more willing to recommend this service to others when they feel the fortune-telling results could help them approach the positive luck and avoid the negative fate. Keywords:Multimedia On Demand(MOD)、IPTV、value-added-services、Superfate、usage motivation、service quality、customer satisfaction、customer loyalty、TV questionnaire survey

蘋果咬一口:科技產品行銷通路之服務創新與體驗行銷策略研究 / A bitten apple –The research of service innovation and experiential marketing in dealers of technology products

郭家伶, Kuo, Chia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
2001年,消聲已久的蘋果公司推出iPod,改寫了音樂產業的風貌,造成全球搶購的熱潮,自此之後,蘋果公司陸續推出許多產品,在全世界屢獲好評,在台灣亦如是。然而,台灣目前沒有Apple Store,因此欲於實體店面購買蘋果產品的消費者,會至蘋果在台的各大經銷商購買,而目前在台灣有四大優質經銷商,分別是Youth、德誼、Studio A和i Store,此四家的業績近乎佔盡台灣蘋果銷售市場。因此,本研究以蘋果公司最重要的兩項元素「服務創新」及「體驗行銷」作為本研究內涵,以此檢視台灣蘋果四大優質經銷商在「顧客滿意度」與「顧客忠誠度」上是否獲得消費者的認同。   本研究以調查法為主,於2011年4月9日至2011年5月7日間透過網路平台發放問卷,總計填答者471位,剔除無效問卷31份,有效問卷共440份,有效回收率為93.4 %,並以深度訪談為輔,訪問台灣蘋果四大優質經銷商於台北旗艦店之店經理與副店經理。   透過量化與質化的研究結果可得以下四大結論,第一,服務場景與流程創新是讓消費者辨別經銷商之關鍵;其二,消費者感受到的五感體驗將烙印於消費者心中;其三,顧客滿意度由服務創新與體驗行銷共同決定;最後,顧客忠誠度的表現是為企業獲利指標。另外,透過本研究長期觀察與實證結果,提出下列幾點建議予台灣蘋果公司參考:爭取優先上市權、舉辦活動並增加露出、播送電視廣告、提高服務品質、遵守蘋果總公司服務條款、建立專門蒐集消費者意見之管道。 / In 2001, the Apple Inc. which had been quiet for a long time announced their product – iPod, and soon rewrote the style of global music industry. The representing product – iPod also raised up shopping rush all over the world. Henceforward, Apple Inc. brought lots of products and became popular around the world, so did Taiwan. Even though, Apple Inc. didn’t institute any Apple Stores in Taiwan, the only way to buy Apple’s products personally is to visit dealers which acquire authorization. In addition, there are four APRs (Apple Premium Reseller) in Taiwan, include Youth, Dataexpress, Studio A, and istore, they also hold overwhelming majority of Apple products selling in Taiwan. As a result, this research is based on service innovation and experiential marketing that two factors the Apple Inc. emphasize most, and examine whether those four APRs had obtain identification from consumers in customer satisfaction degree and customer loyalty or not.  This research used survey procedure to gather feedbacks from consumers during 9th April to 7th May in 2011 by uploading internet survey platform. There were 471 answer sheets on the platform above, 31 of them were invalid and 440 were valid, achieve the scale at 93.4%. We also used depth interview and had interviews with shop managers and vice-shop managers of those four APRs.  Combining the two dimensions, this research had four main conclusions. First, Services cape and Procedures innovations are key points for consumers to recognize resellers. Second, five source of sense experience that consumers truly experience will make deep impressions in their mind. Third, customer satisfaction degree depends on service innovation and experiential marketing. The last but not least, the certain appearance of customer loyalty is as the index of company’s profit. According to long term observation and the conclusions of empirical research, we recommend few suggestions for the branch in Taiwan of Apple Inc. as follow. First, try to fight for the position of debut product, try to hold more selling activities and increase exposure, try to broadcast more TV commercials, try to raise service quality, try to obey service principles and guidelines established by Apple Inc., and try to set up a special channel to collect opinions from consumers.

活動服務品質、體驗行銷與顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度關係研究-以慈濟靜思書軒心靈講座為例 / The study of the service quality, experiential marketing, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty–a case study of Jing Si Books & Café

李佩玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討「慈濟靜思書軒心靈講座」活動,透過不同的服務品質與體驗行銷,獲得民眾對靜思書軒的滿意度,進而提升對慈濟與靜思書軒之忠誠度。本研究質化與量化方法同時進行,提出對提升「慈濟靜思書軒心靈講座」活動之行銷策略與改善建議。質性調查採用深度訪談法,蒐集心靈講座活動之主管、員工與顧客對講座舉辦概況、滿意度與整體評價等進行瞭解,提出對心靈講座未來舉辦活動之策略與建議。量化部分則透過靜思書軒19門店之協助,針對參與心靈講座之民眾進行問卷填寫與資料蒐集。本研究問卷調查採用隨機抽樣法,針對發放期間有舉辦的14間門市進行問卷發放。共發放420份問卷,有效問卷為300份。發放時間為2011年8月1日至9月30日。本文研究目的包括: 1.探討「活動服務品質」及「體驗行銷」與「顧客滿意度」、「顧客忠誠度」之意涵。 2.檢定「活動服務品質」及「體驗行銷」與「顧客滿意度」「顧客忠誠度」等構面之關係。 3.「人口統計變項」對「活動服務品質」、「體驗行銷」、「顧客滿意度」、「顧客忠誠度」是否有顯著差異化。 依據本研究所獲得的結果,受訪者以女性、年齡以45歲~54歲以上、職業家管、薪水在40,001~50,000、居住地區則在台北市最多。服務品質對顧客滿意度有顯著影響、體驗行銷對顧客滿意度有顯著影響、顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度有顯著影響。本研究依其問卷與訪談結論,建議靜思書軒應事前規畫每場服務人員的比例與配置,會場的佈置、民眾活動的動線與活動行程,加強情感部分與促使會眾參與度提升,提供客製化之講座,提高會眾參與度及擴大目標市場與增加客源,達到「淨化人心」的目標。 / This paper discusses the activities of “Mind Talk” held in Jing Si Books & Café, through various service quality and experiential marketing to increase the satisfy and customer loyalty in Jing Si Books & Café and expect to enhance and modify the activities of “Mind Talk”. In this study, qualitative and quantitive methods are used at the same time. 420 questionnaires were collected from 14 Jing Si Books & Cafés, and 300 questionnaires are valid. The samples are selected randomly from August 1st to Novernment 30th, 2011. The purposes of this study are included: 1.To discuss the meanings of “service quality in activities”, “experiential marketing”, “customer satisfaction”, and “customer loytalty”. 2.To examine the dimensions of “service quality in activities”, “experiential marketing”, “customer satisfaction”, and “customer loytalty”. 3.To test the significances on “demographic variables”, “service quality in activities”, “experiential marketing”, “customer satisfaction”, and “customer loytalty”. Based on the results, the most respondents were female, ages from 45 to 54, housewives, wages between 40,001 and 50,000, and living areas are in Taipei city. Service quality has a significant impact on customer satisfaction and experiential marketing has impacted on customer satisfaction and customer loytalty. According to the conclusions, Jing Si Books & Café need to plan the preoportionof each service and configurations, organize the activities of the moving line and travel activities before each activity of “Mind Talk” are important. Strengthening the emotional to increase the participation and customized seminars will expand the target market and expect to achieve “Cleaning hearts” as the final target.

Information Technology Application on Customer Relationship Management for Steel Industry, an example of Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd.

Huang, Nelson 18 April 2001 (has links)
The procedures of the study are mainly through the review on the relevant reference documents related to the subject of those have been published domestically and internationally, meanwhile to get a better understanding on the most recent development on Information Technology and its associated models which are being applied to the customer relationship management by the organizations and/or business units in the world. Then, through the investigation and review on steel industries to understand the real situations domestically and internationally, specifically to focus on the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. As an example, for which to plan the implementation of Extranet System for the improvement of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) by using Information Technology, what problems it will be faced and how is the best strategyfor this implementation. Then after the completion of the study, to make a constructive recommendation to the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd as an useful reference when the Extranet system to be planned and implementedfor. In Chapter-1 ¡©Introduction¡ª¡Ato descibe the backgroud, purposes, procedures and the limitation related to the study¡Fin Chapter-2, the major is concentrate on the review and understand on the relevant documents of the subject related¡Fin Chapter-3, specifically to focus on the existing situations of the steel industries and the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. how it is the current situation to the subject issue¡Fin Chapter-4, to have further investigation on recent situations for the use of Information Technology in Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. to make a recommendation for their reference whn they plan for the implementation of Extranet System for the improvement of Customer Relationship Management¡Fand finally, in Chapter-5, to describe the findings and issues for whicht to be expected to have further study in the future to come up a generalized model for which can be applied to all companies not only for steel industies but also to all conventional enpterprises as an important and valuable reference guideline.

從認知、滿意到顧客忠誠─整合性架構之探究 / An integrative study of customer satisfaction and loyalty

吳政諺, Wu, Jheng Yan Unknown Date (has links)
過往顧客滿意架構多集中在購前因素分析或購後行為探討,甚少連結前因後果之整合性架構,故本研究從認知、態度、行為三個面向予以探究,並以關係階段與替代性吸引力雙變數作為調節變項。 本研究針對上海速食業者德克士之消費客群為抽樣對象,共收集有效問卷329份,並利用結構方程模式檢驗研究假說。研究結果歸納如下: 1. 品牌聲望對知覺價值與顧客滿意度皆有正向影響,且知覺價值亦對顧客滿意度有顯著的正向關係。 2. 慣性行為對於顧客滿意到顧客忠誠的路徑具有部分中介效果,結果顯示慣性亦是形成忠誠度的前驅因子之一。 3. 顧客滿意到口碑傳播的路徑並不顯著,但顧客忠誠到口碑傳播卻有顯著的正向關係,代表客群如果只有滿意還不足以衍生口碑行為,需要透過忠誠機制才有足夠強度驅動口碑。 4. 關係階段會顯著調節「顧客滿意到顧客忠誠」以及「顧客滿意到慣性行為」之關係,其他路徑則不顯著。替代性吸引力則對所有路徑的調節效果皆不顯著,此結果可能源於實證對象與競爭企業在消費者的認知中並沒有太大差異或偏好。 / Past researches of customer satisfaction focus on analysis of pre-pruchasing factors or post-buying behaviors. Nevertheless, few studies have adapted integrative structures of combining whole causal connection. The study investigates into three dimensions of cognition, attitude and behavior, taking relationship stage and alternative attractiveness as moderating variables. The study collected 329 valid questionnaires from fast food chain stores, Dicos, in Shanghai and took advantage of SEM to verify research hypotheses. Results and discussions are concluded below: 1. Brand Reputation has positive influence in Perceived Value and Customer Satisfaction. Perceived Value also has significantly positive influence in Customer Satisfaction. 2. Inertia Behavior has mediation effect towards the path of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Lotalty. The result indicates inertia is one of the pre-exponential factors of Customer Loyalty. 3. Customer Satisfaction to Word of Mouth isn’t significant, but Customer Loyalty to Word of Mouth is significantly positive. The result reveals satisfaction is not enough to motivate WOM spreading. Loyalty mechanism is needed to drive WOM behaviors. 4. Relationship stage moderates “Customer Satisfaction to Customer Lotalty” and “Customer Satisfaction to Inertia Behavior” significantly and other hypotheses aren’t significant. Alternative attractiveness doesn’t significantly moderate all of the hypotheses. It may indicate there is no difference or preference to cognition of customers towards Dicos and their competitors.

Har svenska nyhetsmedier privilegierat Apple Inc? : Undersökning av hur svenska nyhetsmedier publicerar artiklar kopplade till innovationer och företag

Rosrell, Cecilia Anna, Grunander, Joakim January 2014 (has links)
Sverige anses vara en av världens mest avancerade IT-nationer, där användningen av IT ökar inom både den offentliga och privata sektorn. Företag inom IT branschen expanderar i en starkt föränderlig bransch. En rad olika faktorer har varit grunden till Sveriges position som IT-nation, bland annat en ingenjörs- och innovationstradition över en lång tid, även faktorer som den utbreda användningen av IT i samhället och en snabbhet att implementera nya innovationer. IT-branschen i Sverige utgör 4 % av de sysselsatta i Sverige där omsättning, såväl som antalet anställda, faktiskt ökat även under konjunktursvackor. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om svenska nyhetsmedier i större utsträckning publicerat nyheter om Apple än om deras konkurrenter på smartphone marknaden. For att lättare kunna genomföra studien ska dessa frågeställningar besvaras: Hur har Apple lyckats bygga upp en hajp kring sitt varumärke i Sverige? Har Apple exponerats mer i svenska nyhetsmedier än konkurrenterna på smartphone marknaden? På vilket sätt påverkar svensk nyhetsmedia bilden av Apple? De teorier som används i studien är innovationsteorin, dagordningsteorin samt konsumentbeteendeteorin. Inledningsvis sker en fallstudie där det via sökmotorn på DN och SvD nätupplagor har summerats ihop antalet ordträffar på utvalda ord. Baserat på resultaten av ordanalys utvecklas en semistrukturerad telefonintervju som genomförs med DN. Parallellt sker en semistrukturerad intervju med en anställd på en reklambyrå inriktat mot hur specifikt Apple har gått tillväga för att skapa hajp. Utifrån vår undersökning och analys kom vi fram till att svenska nyhetsmedier inte styrs av bakomliggande faktorer när de offentliggör nyheter om företag. Publiceringar sker baserat på deras uppfattning om hur det allmänintresset ser ut hos läsarna. Apple är väldigt selektiva med att släppa ut information gällande företaget och runt deras produkter, detta resulterar i ett intresse från pressen att först publicera information från Apple, motiverat utifrån ett allmänintresse i samhället.


陳禹成, Chen, Yu-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀是講求通路效率及服務的年代,半導體材料及設備通路商在產業中所扮演的角色越趨重要,加上網際網路與資訊科技的蓬勃發展,對於企業而言,如何應用資訊科技技術以改善對顧客的服務並增加顧客的滿意度,已經成為每個成長中的企業所重視的課題,而介於半導體上游原物料及設備製造商與下游相關半導體製造商間的通路商,主要即在取得原廠的銷售代理權並整合銷售及售後服務等工作,將代理的產品透過服務達到加值,使得上游製造商可以專注於材料及設備的研發與製造,而通路商本身則透過對下游半導體製造業提供良好的服務品質,以創造下游顧客的滿意度,進而提高顧客的忠誠度。因此,如何透過資訊科技的應用及優越的服務品質,來提升顧客的滿意度,進而使顧客具有忠誠度,已經成為以強化整體銷售服務來創造競爭力的通路商所必須重視的課題。 本研究即在探討半導體材料及設備通路產業之資訊科技應用對於服務品質及顧客滿意度之影響,更進一步探討服務品質對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度的影響。因此,本研究以國內半導體材料及設備通路商為研究對象,對其資訊科技應用、服務品質、顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度做一整合驗證性的研究,並利用線性結構相關模式(LISREL)來探討四個構面間的關係,在半導體材料及設備通路產業中,所得到的結論如下: 一、資訊科技應用對服務品質有顯著的正向關係。 二、資訊科技應用對顧客滿意度不具顯著的正向關係。 三、服務品質對顧客滿意度有顯著的正向關係。 四、服務品質對顧客忠誠度不具顯著的正向關係。 五、顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度有顯著的正向關係。 / 21 Century is the time for the emphasis on the channel efficiency and services and the roles of the semiconductor distributors in semiconductor material and equipments industry have become more and more important as a result. Due to the flourish developments in the internet and information technology, how to make good use of the information technology in order to improve the service for the customers and further increase the customers’ satisfaction is the crucial issue to any growing enterprises. The semiconductor distributors mainly act as the sale agents of the semiconductor material and equipments industry and provide the function to integrate the sale and after-sale services. By doing so, it has increased the value of the products through these services. In addition, it makes the manufacturers of the upstream in the semiconductor material and equipments industry concentrate on the R&D and manufacture field. On the other hand, the semiconductor distributors themselves have focally developed the customers’ satisfaction and further enhanced the customers’ loyalty by providing great service quality. Therefore, how to elevate the customers’ satisfaction and own the customers’ loyalty through the application of information technology and excellent service has become a must for the semiconductor distributors that would like to reinforce their aggregate sale services in order to have competition advantages. This paper addresses the influences of the information technology application on the service quality and the customers’ satisfaction of the semiconductor distributors in the material and equipments industry. Moreover, it further investigates the influences of the service quality on the customers’ satisfaction and the customers’ loyalty. This paper uses the semiconductor distributors in Taiwan as the research targets and makes a completed discussion on the information technology application, service quality, customers’ satisfaction and customers’ loyalty. Besides, there are following conclusions by using the linear structural model to exam the correlations among four aspects. 1.There is a significant positive correlation between information technology application and service quality. 2.There is an insignificant positive correlation between information technology application and customers’ satisfaction. 3.There is a significant positive correlation between service quality and customers’ satisfaction. 4.There is an insignificant positive correlation between service quality and customers’ satisfaction. 5.There is a significant positive correlation between customers’ satisfaction and customers’ loyalty.

食譜粉絲團行銷策略之研究-以 Facebook 之 icook 為例 / The marketing strategies for a recipe community:An example of iCook on Facebook

陳婉姿, Chen, Wan Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
全球第一大社群網站 Facebook,在 2007 年推出的 Facebook 粉絲專頁(Fan Page),是一個公開的介面,集合了娛樂、社交、資訊尋求三項商業行銷功能。根據 Facebook 官方統計,目前共有 118 萬個粉絲專頁,由一百多萬個公司團體開立,更吸引了超過 5 億 3,000 萬人次粉絲。近年來,台灣食譜 Facebook 粉絲團備受關注,本研究將探討網友對 iCook 愛料理粉絲團的使用動機。 其次,本研究目的,在探討 iCook 食譜粉絲團之「使用動機」、「資訊來源」、「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」和「顧客忠誠度」之意涵。探討人口統計變相對「使用動機」、「資訊來源」、「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」和「顧客忠誠度」的顯著差異性。檢定「使用動機」、「資訊來源」、「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」和「顧客忠誠度」具有顯著關係。經由量化分析與質化訪談之相關研究,針對iCook食譜粉絲團提出行銷策略建議。 本研究以 馬斯洛《需求層級理論》,探討 Facebook 粉絲團的閱聽眾使用動機,針對經常瀏覽 iCook 粉絲團的常用使用者為研究對象,本研究利用「問卷調查法」與「深度訪談法」進行研究,兼顧量化及質化兩種研究途徑。透過網路問卷抽樣調查方式,回收有效問卷 506 份,並針對 iCook 愛料理網站創辦人、美食部落客、粉絲團會員重度使用者進行深度訪談。 研究結果顯示, iCook 食譜粉絲團以女性家庭主婦和上班族為主,年齡層以26-45 歲居多,教育程度以大學為最多,居住地區以北部為主。在使用動機、資訊來源及服務品質對於顧客滿意度有顯著正相關;使用動機、資訊來源及服務品質及顧客忠誠度有顯著正相關;顧客滿意度與忠誠度有顯著正相關。 經質化與量化分析,本研究對於 iCook 食譜粉絲團之行銷策略建議如下: 1. 提供豐富多樣的食譜資訊,讓使用者感覺有其價值性 2. 善用社群口碑行銷傳播,以內容取代廣告創造利基 3. 優化服務與開拓異業結盟機會,有助品牌知名度與滿意度   綜合上述,以鞏固其品牌忠誠度,朝長久經營之路邁進。 / Facebook, the biggest social network site in the world, launched the Page service in 2007. It is a public platform including entertainment, social contact and information seeking functions for business and marketing. According to the official statistics from Facebook, there are currently 1.18 million Facebook Pages created by more than 1 million organizations, attracting more than 530 million users. In recent years, the cookbook’s Facebook Pages in Taiwan attract more attention than before therefore the research is going to discuss the motivation of fans using iCook Facebook Page. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to explore using motivation, sources, service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty for iCook Facebook Page. To analyze the demographic variables differences on using motivation, information sources, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty differences. Also to test the relation between using motivation, information sources, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty. Through quantitative and qualitative research methods, provide marketing strategy recommendation. The study is based on “Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory” and investigates Facebook Page audiences’ usage motivation. The target research group is the user who visits iCook Facebook Page frequently. In order to give consideration to both quantitative and qualitative approach, this study adopts questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews for research methods. There are 506 effective questionnaires from the Internet survey and conducts the in-depth interviews to iCook founder, Cuisine Bloggers and heavy users. The result indicates that the users of iCook Facebook Page are mainly female, housewife and office worker by occupations, the age between 26 and 45, education background is college and above, living around the northern Taiwan. The using motivation, information sources and service quality have a significant positive correlation with customer satisfaction, as well as customer loyalty. Therefore the service quality and customer loyalty are positive correlation. Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis, this study suggests that iCook Facebook Page should apply more Social Media Marketing strategies and several recommendations as follows: 1. Providing various recipe for readers to let users feel valuable. 2. To leverage the power of Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) and to replace the advertisement to content in order to create the niche. 3. Optimizing the web services and features to expand cross-industry strategic alliance opportunities, it helps to promote the brand image and reputation.

A comprehensive measure of business performance : a study of the commercial banking industry in Ethiopia

Assefa Worede Tesfay 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to identify a comprehensive measure of performance by assessing the relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction on the profitability of the commercial banking industry in Ethiopia. The study adopted unidimensional path models, multivariate approach and factor analysis in predicting the dependent variable, determining the independent variables and the sample size and justifying the objectives of the sturdy. Primary data were obtained through structured questionnaires from valid sample responses of 180 employees and customers selected on convenient sampling method. Profitability (ROA & ROE) was measured based on the average data from the financial statements of 2007/8-2001/12 of the banks. Variant of empirical studies and theoretical frameworks, drawn from motivational, psychological and behavioural theories, were used to formulate the hypothesis and establish the relationship between internal service quality, employee satisfaction, customer service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and profitability. Results of the study indicated internal marketing influenced employee job satisfaction which in turn partially influenced customer service quality and customer satisfaction; customer service quality influenced customer satisfaction which then influenced customer loyalty. But, no relationship was observed between customer loyalty and profitability. However, due to the timing gap of the data on profitability and the data on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, the relationship is apparently realizable in the long run. Therefore, due emphasis is required by the management of the banks to exert the necessary strategic effort on employee satisfaction, customer service quality, and customer satisfaction because of their implicit effects on profitability. Finally, the relevance of the research to the literature on performance measurement is demonstrated by contextualizing comprehensive models in the context of commercial banking industry in Ethiopia. / Business Management / D.B.L.

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