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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chataření v okrese Hodonín (vývoj, územní rozložení a typologie) / Cabin recreation in the district of Hodonín (development, territorial dislocation and typology)

ZOUHAR, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
This diploma work analyses recreation in the cabins, gardening, working on personal plots and wine making in the district of Hodonín. First of all, it deals with cabin typology and properties in the gardens, private plots and vineyards, which are not used for staying in (arbours). These investigated properties used for recreation form summer settlements {--} used for staying in or other purpose {--} arboured or both, settlements of different types. These typologies we apply to territorial charting of cabins, arbours and their settlements in Hodonín district. (There have been charted 5 376 cabins and 4 939 arbours). The diploma work contains the summary of enviromental problems and those connected with territorial planning and other activities mentioned above.

Estudo experimental da influência de sistema de ventilação personalizada instalado na poltrona na dispersão de partículas expiratórias em cabine de aeronave. / Experimental study about the influence of personalized ventilation system installed on armchair in the dispersion of expiratory particles in aircraft cabin.

Paulo Rogério Celline 28 April 2017 (has links)
Cabines de aeronaves vêm sendo desenvolvidas de modo a tornar o ambiente a bordo mais aceitável e confortável para os seus usuários. No presente trabalho, a influência de sistema de ventilação personalizada instalado na poltrona na dispersão de partículas expiratórias foi estudada em um mock-up de 12 lugares, que reproduz o interior de uma aeronave comercial com quatro poltronas por fileira. Os ensaios foram realizados com temperatura do ar insuflado na cabine a 18°C, correspondendo a uma leve sensação de frio, e temperatura do ar insuflado pelo sistema personalizado a 24°C com vazão de 3,0 l/s. As partículas simulando uma pessoa espirrando foram injetadas em dois pontos no fundo da cabine, respectivamente, na poltrona próxima da fuselagem e naquela perto do corredor, a 1,10m do piso, que corresponde à região de respiração. A contagem de partículas foi realizada nos assentos da fileira imediatamente à frente do ponto de injeção das partículas, ou seja, na fileira do meio do mock-up, onde se encontra instalado o sistema de ventilação personalizada, respectivamente, na poltrona próxima da fuselagem e naquela perto do corredor. Medições para o mapeamento dos perfis de temperaturas e de velocidades do ar também foram realizadas. Os resultados mostraram que a dispersão de partículas sofre forte influência do sistema de ventilação personalizada e do ponto de injeção de partículas. A quantidade de partículas expiratórias na cabine sempre foi maior quando a injeção foi feita pelo assento junto ao corredor. Isto ocorre devido ao sistema de ventilação por mistura da cabine, com exaustão do ar pela parte inferior próximo da fuselagem. O sistema personalizado avaliado no assento próximo da fuselagem e junto do corredor foi capaz de reduzir, respectivamente, em 40% e 65% a quantidade de partículas expiratórias na zona de respiração dos ocupantes destas poltronas. Adicionalmente, quando o sistema personalizado está funcionando junto ao corredor, a redução das partículas em toda a fileira é de quase 60% em comparação ao sistema personalizado desligado. / Aircraft cabins have been developed in order to make the onboard environment more acceptable and comfortable for their users. In the present work, the influence of a personalized ventilation system installed on the armchair in the dispersion of expiratory particles was studied in a 12-seat mock-up, which reproduces the interior of a commercial aircraft with four seats per row. The tests were performed with inlet air temperature into the cabin at 18°C, corresponding to a slight cold sensation, and inlet air temperature of the customized system at 24°C with a flow rate of 3.0 l/s. Particles simulating a person sneezing were injected at two points in the bottom of the cabin, respectively, in the seat near the fuselage and in the one near the corridor, 1.10m from the floor, which corresponds to the breathing zone. Particle counting was carried out in the row seats immediately in front of the particles\' injection point, i.e. in the middle row of the mock-up, where the custom ventilation system is installed, respectively, in the seat near the fuselage and in that one near the aisle. Measurements for the mapping of temperature and air velocities profiles were also performed. The results showed that the particle dispersion is strongly influenced by the custom ventilation system and the particle injection point. The amount of expiratory particles in the cabin was always greater when the injection was done by the seat near the aisle. This occurs due to the mixing ventilation system of cabin, with air exhaust located nearby the fuselage low part. The personalized ventilation evaluated on the fuselage seat and the aisle seat was able to reduce by 40% and 65%, respectively, the amount of expiratory particles in the breathing zone in these seats. Moreover, when the custom system is working along the corridor, the particle reduction across the row is nearly 60% less compared to the custom system, when it is off.

Análise experimental da influência do sistema de ventilação e distribuição de ar no conforto térmico e na dispersão e remoção de partí­culas expiratórias em cabine de aeronave. / Experimental analysis of the influence of the ventilation and air distribution system in the thermal comfort and in the dispersion and removal of expiratory particles in the aircraft cabin.

Douglas Fabichak Junior 21 September 2018 (has links)
O conforto térmico e a dispersão e remoção de partículas em cabine de aeronave são função, fundamentalmente, do seu sistema de ventilação e distribuição de ar. Juntamente com a análise da influência do sistema de ventilação por mistura (MV), atualmente utilizado em aviões comerciais, no presente trabalho são propostos e analisados dois novos sistemas, o sistema de distribuição de ar pelo piso (UFAD) e o sistema de ventilação por deslocamento (DV). A análise experimental de condições de desconforto térmico local e de dispersão e remoção de partículas expiratórias foi realizada em um mock-up de uma aeronave comercial com 12 assentos, com 4 assentos por fileira. Os resultados mostram forte influência da temperatura do ar insuflado na cabine, de 18 °C e 22 °C, do ponto de geração de partículas na cabine, em assento junto à fuselagem e junto ao corredor, e da faixa de tamanhos de partículas, principalmente nas faixas de 2,0 a 3,0 µm e de 3,0 a 5,0 µm, de maior interesse no presente trabalho. Por fim, os resultados mostram que o sistema UFAD apresentou o melhor desempenho, tanto quanto ao desconforto térmico devido a correntes de ar, com valores abaixo de 20 % preconizado pelas normas ISO 7730 (2005) e ASHRAE 55 (2013), quanto à menor dispersão de partículas e maior eficiência na remoção de partículas na região de respiração, com eficiência na remoção de partículas maior em até 18,8 % em relação ao sistema DV e em até 41,6 % em relação ao sistema MV. O sistema DV apresentou resultados intermediários com relação ao desconforto térmico local, com pior resultado na região dos pés com média do desconforto térmico local de 22,7 % e muito boa eficiência na remoção de partículas em relação ao sistema convencional MV maior em até 32,0 %. O sistema MV apresentou as piores condições com relação ao desconforto térmico para a região da cabeça e dos pés, com média de pessoas insatisfeitas de até 25,7 %. O sistema MV também apresentou as piores condições com relação à eficiência de remoção de partículas com a maior quantidade total de partículas na região de respiração ao longo da aeronave. / Thermal comfort and particles dispersion and removal in an aircraft cabin depend, essentially, on its ventilation and air distribution system. Together with the analysis of the influence of the mixing ventilation system (MV), used in commercial aircrafts, in the present work two new systems are proposed and analyzed, the underfloor air distribution system (UFAD) and the displacement ventilation system (DV). Experimental analysis of local thermal discomfort conditions and dispersion and removal of expiratory particles was performed in a mock-up of a commercial 12 seat aircraft with 4 seats per row. The results show a strong influence of the temperature ot the air inflated into the cabin, of 18°C and 22°C, of the point of generation of particles in the cabin, at the seat next to the fuselage and near the corridor, and of the particle size range, mainly in the bands of 2.0 to 3.0 µm and 3.0 to 5.0 µm, of greater interest in the present study. Finally, the results show that the UFAD system presented the best performance, as well as the thermal discomfort due to drafts, with values below 20% recommended by ISO 7730 (2005) and ASHRAE 55 (2013), as well as the lower dispersion of particles and greater efficiency in the removal of particles in the respiratory region, with particle removal 18.8% in relation to the DV system and by up to 41.6% in relation to the MV system. The DV system presented intermediate results in relation to the local thermal discomfort, with worse results in the feet region with a mean of the local thermal discomfort of 22.7% and very good particle removal efficiency in relation to the conventional MV system of up to 32, 0%. The MV system presented the worst conditions in relation to the thermal discomfort for the head and feet region, with an unsatisfied average of up to 25.7%. The MV system also presented the worst conditions with respect to the removal efficiency of particles with the highest total amount of particles in the breathing region along the aircraft.

Arquiteturas de distribuição de ar em cabines de aeronaves: análise experimental da dispersão de partículas expiratórias. / Air distribution architectures in aircraft cabins: experimental analysis of expiratory particles dispersion.

Douglas Fabichak Junior 13 December 2013 (has links)
O sistema de distribuição de ar comumente utilizado em cabines de aeronaves consiste no insuflamento de ar na parte superior e retorno na parte inferior, com mistura do ar na cabine. Devido à sua característica de mistura, este sistema pode dispersar doenças infecciosas pelo ar na cabine. A eclosão mundial do vírus SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) em 2003 demonstrou que a disseminação de contaminantes aéreos ainda é um evento não controlável, uma vez que foi rapidamente difundido mundo afora, principalmente porque pessoas infectadas viajaram de avião para cidades distantes. Fatos como esses têm motivado governos, empresas e instituições de pesquisa a investirem fortemente em pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Novos sistemas de ventilação e distribuição de ar em aeronaves, baseados em sistemas de ventilação por deslocamento e de distribuição de ar pelo piso, estão começando a ser testados. Neste contexto, no presente trabalho foi realizada análise experimental da dispersão de partículas expiratórias em cabine de aeronave, considerando diferentes arquiteturas de distribuição de ar, em mock-up de 12 lugares, utilizando gerador e contadores de partículas. Os ensaios foram realizados para três arquiteturas de distribuição de ar: sistema de ventilação por mistura (MV), sistema de distribuição de ar pelo piso (UFAD) e sistema pelo piso modificado (UFAD modificado), com a mesma vazão de ar de insuflamento em duas condições de temperatura do ar insuflado na cabine: 18 e 22°C. E com geração de partículas em dois pontos da cabine: perto da fuselagem e perto do corredor. As partículas foram geradas e medidas na altura da zona de respiração, a 1,10 m do piso. Os resultados mostram que o ponto de geração de partículas, bem como a temperatura do ar insuflado na cabine, tem grande influência na dispersão e na concentração de partículas ao longo da cabine. Uma menor temperatura do ar na cabine favorece a formação de plumas térmicas junto aos passageiros, aumentando a eficiência na remoção de partículas da cabine. O sistema UFAD apresentou a menor dispersão e a maior eficiência na remoção de partículas expiratórias da cabine, mostrando-se promissor para utilização também em cabines de aeronaves. O aumento na remoção de partículas expiratórias de 3 a 5 m, do sistema UFAD com relação ao sistema convencional MV, foi de até 63,4%. / The air distribution system commonly used in aircraft cabins consists the air insufflations at the top of the cabin with return of the air at the bottom, with mixing air within the cabin. Due to this mixing characteristic, this system can disperse infectious diseases through the cabin air. The global outbreak of SARS virus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) in 2003 showed that the spread of airborne contaminants is still an uncontrollable event, since it was quickly spread around the world, mainly because infected people who traveled by plane to distant cities. Facts like these have motivated governments, companies and research institutions to invest heavily in research and development. New ventilation systems and air distribution aircraft based on displacement ventilation systems and underfloor air distribution are beginning to be tested. In this context, the present work was made an experimental analysis of the expiratory particles dispersion in aircraft cabins considering different air distribution architectures in a mock- up containing 12 seats, using a generator and a particle counter. The experiments were performed in three architectures air distribution: mixing ventilation system (MV), underfloor air distribution (UFAD) and the underfloor air distribution modified (UFAD modified), all of them with the same air supply rate, considering two air supply temperature conditions: 18 and 22°C. And particle generation at two points of the cabin: near the fuselage and near the aisle. The particles were generated and measured in the breathing zone, 1,10 m from the floor. The results show that the point of generation of particles, and the air supply temperature, have great influence on the dispersion and particle concentration throughout the cabin. A lower air temperature in the cab favors the formation of thermal plumes within the passengers, increasing the efficiency in removing particles from the cabin. The UFAD system had the lowest dispersion and greater efficiency in removing expiratory particles from the cabin, being promising also for its use in aircraft cabins. The increase in expiratory removal of particles from 3 to 5 microns UFAD system with respect to conventional MV was up to 63.4%.

Vznik a počáteční vývoj meziválečného letoviska Pikovice / Origin and initial development of the interwar resort Pikovice

Keprta, Štěpán January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with recreational activities at the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century. Theoretical part focuses on society that is going through significant changes in the process of industrialization. The middle class of society is trying to demonstrate their social status by leisure time activities. Many people are becoming members of sports and touristic clubs. They also take interest in their local environment and cultural events generally. These activities are also frequently followed by raising nationalism. Important chapter is devoted to landscape ecology. At the end of the theoretical part there's also analysis of historical novel mentioning this topic. The empirical research describes origins and development of Pikovice summer resort which served to Prague citizens mainly. First there's a description of environment and geography of the region followed by local history. The key chapter is explaining in detail the development of private recreational houses and then it analyzes social status of their owners and of the construction companies that were involved. Also a discussion is given about the changes in landscape caused by extended construction works. Key words: Pikovice, Recreation, Villas, Cabins, Tramping, Industrialization, Countryside

Optimering av energisystem för fjällstugor utanför elnätet : En fallstudie av fyra stugor i Abiskoområdet / Optimization of energy system for mountain cabins outside the power grid

Bengtson, Mattias January 2020 (has links)
The Swedish Tourist Association, STF, is an organization which strives to make the Swedish nature more accessible to people. Since its founding, STF has been a key player in the development of the tourism in the Swedish mountain regions. Today the organization have 44 mountain cabins along the Swedish mountain range, and a majority of the huts are completely off-grid with no other connection to them but hiking trails. To accommodate for the needs of hikers and skiers throughout the year, the huts need electricity for lighting and in many cases cash registers and satellite modems to run small shops selling simple commodities. Many of the huts use solar energy combined with lead acid batteries, but not all of them can make it through the year without the use of a backup gasoline generator. This master thesis analyzes the different energy systems of four huts run by STF and using solar radiance data from PVGIS to calculate whether or not they are self-sufficient throughout the year using only solar energy. In the cases where the huts were found not to be self-sufficient, suggestions on actions that STF could implement to optimize the systems were found. For two out of the four huts, the thesis found that they were not self-sufficient, but after optimizing the energy systems with new energy saving appliances as well as tilting the solar panels between the winter and summer seasons, all four huts were found to be able to reach self-sufficiency.

Příroda jako mýtus / Nature as Myth

Charvát, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
What exactly do we mean by "nature"? What do people expect from "nature"? And how has our understanding of it changed? The M.A. thesis "Nature as Myth", using Barthe's two-tiered system of signs and myths as a methodological tool, attempts to answer these questions through an examination of various historical and literary sources. The thesis has a chronological structure, consisting of four parts: 19th century, 1918-1938, 1938-1989, and from 1989 until the present. It focuses on fiction, memoir, and the history of "back to nature" movements. It also deals with environmental and aesthetic issues. The last section touches on the representation of nature in advertisement. The thesis will demonstrate that in all four of the time periods the most common depiction of nature is as a place of escape - both literally and figuratively. key words: nature, hiking, tramping, scouting, woodcraft, recreation in the cabins and cottages, ecology

Birkett log house and addition

Williams, Warren L. January 1991 (has links)
The thrust of this project is twofold. The first is to create an addition to a reconstructed two-story log house. The second is to locate this structure upon the site in such a manner as to enhance the experience of its presence during approach. The first goal is addressed by connecting two appendage structures to the rear facade of the log house by means of a narrow transitional space. The intent is to maintain this transitional space as an architectural connection between the greater masses without allowing it to become a dominant element. The arrangement of the addition massing respects the prominence of the original log structure and compliments its dog-trot configuration. The shapes of the addition masses, freestanding studio/utilities building, deck area and pool also respond to the vehicular path which culminates in a circle. The second goal, the positioning of this structure within the boundaries of the selected site, was greatly facilitated by the site's numerous attributes. These range from the historical precedent of a previous log dwelling built upon the grassy knoll of choice to the natural enclosure of the site. A U-shaped, deciduously forested valley of dramatic slope along the three enclosing sides, the site provides a seasonally changing backdrop within which the entire structure can be experienced. Further enclosing this valley along the fourth side is a small, treelined river whose woody screen is permeated only in one small spot by a ford, which had been the site's previous access. / Master of Architecture

Adequação do design de interiores de cabines-leito de caminhões semipesados e pesados no Brasil às necessidades relacionadas ao uso como habitações temporárias / Suitability of the interior design of light-heavy-duty truck cabins in Brazil to the needs related to the use as temporary dwellings

Mello, Ana Paula Scabello 03 August 2017 (has links)
A tese apresenta os aspectos relevantes que emergiram de pesquisa qualitativa e de abordagem fenomenológica e observacional a respeito da adequação do design de interiores de cabines-leito de caminhões semipesados e pesados aos usuários no Brasil, com enfoque nas atividades relacionadas ao habitar, com base na percepção de usuários, na observação da pesquisadora e na avaliação de especialistas. Aspectos socioculturais, comportamentais, necessidades e hábitos dos usuários brasileiros em relação às cabines-leito, bem como adaptações e customizações realizadas para adequá-las às atividades ali realizadas, foram levantados em campo, por meio de observação e registros de imagens de vinte e cinco cabines-leito em uso, bem como entrevistas semiestruturadas com seus usuários. Os levantamentos foram realizados em locais de parada e concentração de caminhões nos estados de São Paulo e Pernambuco e contemplaram caminhões provenientes das regiões Sudeste, Sul, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com seis especialistas de empresas fabricantes de caminhões, com o objetivo de investigar como é avaliada por eles a adequação de cabines-leito desenvolvidas para o mercado global ao contexto e aos usuários no Brasil, bem como os métodos de pesquisa com usuários utilizados no desenvolvimento de cabines-leito nas principais empresas. Foram entrevistados também dois profissionais de empresas que realizam adaptações e customizações dos interiores de cabines-leito. O objetivo geral desta tese é apresentar aspectos relevantes sobre o uso de interiores de cabines-leito de caminhões semipesados e pesados no Brasil como habitações temporárias. Pretende-se, assim, fornecer contribuições e parâmetros para o desenvolvimento de cabines-leito de caminhões que atendam às necessidades dos usuários no contexto brasileiro. / This thesis presents relevant aspects that emerged from qualitative research, with a phenomenological and observational approach, on the suitability of the interior design of sleeper cabins in semi-heavy and heavy trucks to users in Brazil, focusing on activities related to their living based on user perception, in observation of the researcher and expert evaluation. Socio-cultural and behavioral aspects, needs and habits of Brazilian users in relation to sleeper cabins, as well as adjustments and customizations made to suit the activities carried out by such users, were raised in the research field through observation and records of twenty-five sleeper cabins in use, as well as semistructured interviews with their users. The surveys were conducted at rest areas and truck stops in the States of São Paulo and Pernambuco and included trucks traveling from the Southeastern, Southern, Northeastern and Midwestern regions. Semistructured interviews were conducted with six truck manufacturer experts aiming at investigating how they evaluate the adequacy of sleeper cabins designed for the global market context and for users in Brazil, as well as the user research methods used in the development of sleeper cabins in major companies. Two professionals from companies that perform adjustments and customizations of the interior of sleeper cabins were also interviewed. The general objective of this thesis is to present relevant aspects on the use of sleeper cabin interiors in semi-heavy and heavy trucks in Brazil as temporary housing. Hence, it aims at providing contributions and parameters for the development of truck sleeper cabins that meet the needs of users in the Brazilian context.

Active control of sound in a small single engine aircraft cabin with virtual error sensors

Kestell, Colin D. (Colin David) January 2000 (has links)
Bibliography: p. 199-207. Electronic publication; full text available in PDF format; abstract in HTML format. Describes the basis of a theoretical and experimental project, directed at the design and evaluation of a practical active noise control system suitable for a single light engine aircraft. The performance of virtual sensors were evaluated both analytically and experimentally in progressively more complex environments to identify their capabilities and limitations. Electronic reproduction.[Australia] :Australian Digital Theses Program,2001.

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