Spelling suggestions: "subject:"carsharing"" "subject:"forsharing""
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Předpoklady vývoje a úspěchu vybrané carsharingové společnosti. / Assumptions development and success of selected carsharing companyZamrazil, Václav January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is focused on carsharing. Firstly, the concept of carsharing is defined , followed by specifications of different types of this business, as well as its developments and both customer and social advantages . The thesis also evaluates the developments of Czech carsharing market with main focus on the leading company on the Czech carsharing market. Regarding the history of carsharing in the developed market economies, the thesis has been evaluating strengths and weaknesses of the respective company. The thesis also tries to make the comparison of the price competitiveness of the leading Czech company compared to its direct and indirect competitors. Recommendations of the steps how to develop this particular company and how to strengthen its market position are subject to the final part of the thesis.
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Comparative analysis of the usage of free-floating carsharing between Berlin and CalgarySchnieder, Maren 28 September 2018 (has links)
Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to investigate possible reasons, based on economic and city characteristics, for the different usage of free-floating carsharing between a car-dependent city (Calgary) and one non-car-dependent city (Berlin). This paper identifies factors that help a free-floating carsharing system to be successful in a city that scores poorly on com-monly known success factors of carsharing.
Methods: Various factors were evaluated, namely, geographic and demographic market char-acteristics, the available transport systems and the costs and household spending of both cities. A dataset which describes the usage of free-floating carsharing in Berlin and Calgary from Au-gust 2016 to November 2016 was analyzed in this study.
Results: Calgary’s car2go system has fewer rentals and fewer members than Berlin. Possible reasons lie in the different city characteristics and different cost structures. Both 85th percentile of the travel distance is approximately as long as the radius of the respective home area in both cities. Thus, the median travel distance and the median reservation/rental duration is shorter in Calgary than in Berlin. The fact that more than 70 % of rentals in Calgary arrive in, depart from or travel within areas with active parking management could be due to the fact that free-floating carsharing users do not need to pay extra for parking fees. The carsharing bookings in Calgary peak at midnight when the public transportation service shuts down. The peak could also be the result of the high number of 3-minute long rentals at this time. Neither the high number of 3-minute bookings, the midnight peak, nor the public transport service close down during night, can be observed in Berlin. Given that employees in downtown Calgary may prefer to use free-floating carsharing to run errands during lunchbreak, the carsharing bookings do not plummet during midday, in contrast to Berlin, which only has a limited number of short distance rentals and where the free-floating carsharing bookings follow a similar pattern to the two-humped car traffic volume graph.
Conclusion: Given the focus of the departures and arrivals in Calgary in areas where parking fees are charged, active parking management could be a success factor for free-floating car-sharing in car-dependent cities. However, it is not advisable to solely enforce parking fees within select parts of the home area as individuals generally prefer to use the less expensive mode of transport; which is free-floating carsharing to travel from and to areas with active parking man-agement and their own car for any other trip. As a result, the city would not gain the benefits free-floating carsharing could provide.
Recommendations: Based on the results of this study, it is advisable to investigate whether home area wide or city wide parking management and surcharges for trips to downtown could encourage Calgary’s members in to use the car2go in a way that it provides the most benefits from a city perspective.
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Wie bist Du in der Stadt unterwegs?: Mobilität junger Menschen in eigenen Bildern und eigenen Worten – Ergebnisse einer ExplorationsstudieDeibel, Inga, Schelewsky, Marc, Schönduwe, Robert 14 January 2020 (has links)
Seit einigen Jahren wird spekuliert, dass eine neue Generation
heranwächst, die das eigene Auto nicht mehr unhinterfragt als
Grundausstattung des modernen Menschen versteht, sondern
ihre Mobilität effektiver und nachhaltiger gestaltet. Steuern wir
also auf eine schöne neue Mobilitätswelt zu? Diese Schlussfolgerung
zu ziehen wäre angesichts der Vorläufigkeit der Befunde
und der unsicheren empirischen Basis der Aussagen voreilig.
Um die Debatten zur Mobilität junger Menschen zu versachlichen
und Einblick in die Komplexität der Wirkungszusammenhänge
zu gewinnen, führte das InnoZ im Jahr 2012 eine empirisch-qualitative
Explorationsstudie durch. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie
sind in Form eines Werkstattberichts im vorliegenden Baustein
Trotz vieler offener Fragen belegen die Ergebnisse der Studie,
dass ein Wandel von Mobilitätsmustern junger Menschen möglich
ist, aber kein Selbstläufer sein wird. Die Schüler nutzen die
zur Verfügung stehenden Verkehrsmittel bedürfnisorientiert
und sind dabei offen für die Kombination unterschiedlicher Verkehrsmittel.
Eines ist jedoch auch deutlich geworden: Junge
Menschen kennen die neuen Alternativen noch zu wenig. In den
Gesprächen rund um neue Angebotsformen wie Carsharing und
Elektromobilität wurde deutlich, dass sich junge Menschen erst
dann mit den Optionen auseinandersetzen, wenn diese für die
eigene Mobilitätsbewältigung in Betracht kommen.
Zwei Ergebnisse der Explorationsstudie sollten zukünftig stärker
beachtet werden. Erstens existieren bei den meisten Befragten
weder Vorbehalte gegenüber Alternativen zum privaten Pkw noch
monomodale Fixierungen. Wichtig ist den jungen Menschen
nicht der eigene Pkw, sondern vielmehr Unabhängigkeit und
Flexibilität. Wenn dies mittels geteilter Nutzung von Pkw oder
anderer alternativer Verkehrsmittel realisiert werden kann, so
spielt das Auto in den Augen nahezu aller Teilnehmer keine exklusive
Rolle mehr. Wenn es keine entsprechenden Alternativen
gibt, ist das eigene Auto jedoch nach wie vor das Maß aller Dinge.
Junge Menschen sind grundsätzlich offen für alle zur Verfügung
stehenden Angebote − dies zeigt die Explorationsstudie deutlich.
Sie müssen nur bekannt, einfach zu nutzen, schnell, flexibel und
kostengünstig sein. Das Smartphone scheint dabei eine wichtige
Funktion zur Organisation der eigenen Mobilität einzunehmen.
Zweitens wurde deutlich, dass junge Menschen in der Begründung
ihrer Verkehrsmittelwahl primär auf begrenzte Budgets verweisen.
Ein Verkehrsmittel sollte folglich nicht nur Unabhängigkeit
und Flexibilität gewährleisten, sondern es sollte in den Augen der
jungen Menschen vor allem nicht allzu viel Kosten verursachen.
Es sollten folglich nicht nur neue Mobilitätsangebote entwickelt
werden, sondern auch attraktive Tarifsysteme, die es erlauben,
die Zahlungsbereitschaft der jungen Menschen möglichst optimal
zu adressieren. / Young people’s mobility patterns are changing. They no longer
regard the private car as a basic need of the modern human
being. This hypothesis has been the subject of debate for several
years. Following this argument, it seems that the young generation
is moving along a more sustainable path. Are we heading for a
brave new world of transport? Drawing this conclusion would be
too hastily. The empirical basis is too shallow and findings are
still preliminary. In 2012, the InnoZ conducted an explorative
study on youth mobility to display the complexity of the topic and
channel the debate. Results of this study are documented in this
working paper.
Despite many unanswered questions, the study shows that although
a change of mobility patterns of young people is possible it will be
anything but self-propelled. Young people use available transport
modes according to their needs and are open towards an
efficient combination of different means of transport. However,
the study additionally showed that young people are still not
sufficiently aware of new alternatives. Discussions with teenagers
uncovered that new mobility services like carsharing and electric
vehicles only become a relevant issue if regarded as practical
options for their everyday mobility.
Two results of the explorative study should be considered in future
research. Firstly, most interviewees neither expressed reservations
about alternatives to the private car nor demonstrated a
fixed orientation towards a single mode type. It isn’t the private
car that is important to young people but rather independence
and flexibility. If alternative mobility services provide those
attributes, the private car and its alternatives are not mutually
exclusive. Basically, young people are open to all accessible
options – this can be derived quite clearly from our study. Nevertheless,
car ownership still constitutes the measure of all things
if there’s a lack of alternatives. Our study also revealed that the
smartphone seems to play an important role for the organisation
of young people’s individual mobility. Secondly, young people
tend to decide on their means of transport in context of their −
usually limited − budgets. Consequently, new mobility services
should ensure not only independence and flexibility, but above
all have to be affordable. When developing new mobility services,
young people’s willingness to pay should be addressed by
implementing attractive fares and charging systems.
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Eine Carsharing-Zielgruppenanalyse am Beispiel der Stadt DresdenHambrock, Jana-Christina 17 August 2015 (has links)
Carsharing erfreut sich immer größerer Beliebtheit. Doch spricht dieses Angebot eine be-stimmte Gruppe an oder ist es für alle eine gute Alternative? In dieser Arbeit wird ermittelt, durch welche soziodemografischen und sozioökonomischen Ausprägungen sich der „typi-sche“ Carsharing-Nutzer von dem Nicht-Nutzer unterscheidet. Dies geschieht mittels deskrip-tiver Analyse und einem Modell, welches die Personen unterschiedlichen Gruppen zuordnen kann. Die Ergebnisse aus anderen Studien, dass Männer im mittleren Alter, mit hoher Bildung und hohem Einkommen die Hauptnutzer von Carsharing-Angeboten sind, können mit dieser Arbeit bestätigt werden. In dem Modell stellt sich heraus, dass eine positive Einstellung zum öffentlichen Verkehr ein signifikantes Merkmal der Carsharing-Nutzer darstellt und daher eine Kooperation erstrebenswert ist. / A growing popularity in the use of carsharing can be noticed. For that the question to be fo-cused on is whether this offer is rather used by a specific group within the population or the general public. This paper deals with the differences between the users and non-users of car-sharing in sociodemographics as well as socioeconomics. A descriptive analysis is followed by an analytic model that is grading people into various target groups. This paper reaffirms the result of former papers that middle-aged men with a high level education as well as in-come are the main users of carsharing. The analytic model brings up that a positive attitude towards public transportation is one of the significant characteristics from carsharing-users. Unveiling that fact a cooperation of the parties is a goal worth aspiring to.
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The role of Carsharing in the Sustainable Mobility Puzzle : An analysis of Stockholm’s carsharing policy coordination, coherence, and administrative managementPlata, Alejandro January 2022 (has links)
Sustainability has consolidated as a global paradigm. Consequently, different sectors have adopted its principles to develop better practices for the environment and society. Within the transportation field, carsharing has emerged as a potential solution to reduce congestion and carbon emissions. In Stockholm, one of the world’s leading cities on the sustainability agenda, carsharing has been growing steadily, with more companies participating in the market and more users adopting it. Likewise, the local administration conceives it as a tool that could contribute to sustainability. However, the private and the public sector assert that carsharing is far from its potential. The conditions established by the local government could be a factor that explains this situation. Accordingly, this thesis aims to analyze Stockholm’s policy and administrative framework for carsharing, with a focus on its coordination and implementation. This was made by conducting interviews with public officers and carsharing companies and by analyzing Stockholm’s policy and administrative documents related to carsharing through the lens of policy integration and coordination. The illustrative example of charging stations and its implications for carsharing is used to analyze policy coherence, and to reveal the implementation divergences between the private carsharing sector and local public authorities.
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Eine CarSharing-Zielgruppenanalyse der großen SrV-VergleichsstädteHahn, Christoph January 2015 (has links)
Due to enormous growth rates during the last couple of years CarSharing has become an interesting field of research. This Master Thesis focuses on the analysis of CarSharing users. For this purpose more than 37.000 participants of the "Große SrV-Vergleichsstädte"-Survey were taken into account. After a short literature review and some general information about the statistical methods, the thesis tries to work out some major characteristics of the typical CarSharing user. It will be shown, that a high income and a young age are of central importance. Also when analysing other variables different user quotas are observed, but can mostly be explained with different age or income levels. At the end a binary logit model is sugested to differ between users and non users, by using the previous analysed observed characteristics as input.:Inhalt
Tabellenverzeichnis iii
Abbildungsverzeichnis v
1 Einleitung 1
2 Literaturüberblick 3
3 Methodische Grundlagen 7
3.1 Korrigierter Kontingenzkoeffizient nach Karl Pearson 7
3.2 Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Test 8
3.3 Logistische Regression 9
4 Vorbetrachtungen 12
4.1 Datenaufbereitung 12
4.2 Vergleich von tatsächlichen Nutzern und angemeldeten Personen 13
5 Der Typische CarSharing-Nutzer 17
5.1 Alter 17
5.2 Einkommen 22
5.3 Haushaltsgröße 27
5.4 PKW-Verfügbarkeit 36
5.6 Höchste Berufsausbildung 42
5.7 Zusammenfassung 45
6 Logistische Regression 46
7 Fazit 53
Anhang I
Literaturverzeichnis III
Ehrenwörtliche Erklärung V
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[pt] A dissertação em questão aborda o tema de carsharing, relacionando as políticas públicas para estacionamento de veículos do sistema e as teorias de ocupação e uso do solo. O estudo aborda o histórico do sistema desde a sua aparição na Europa a partir do final da década de 1940 até à presenta data, contextualizando a sua inserção junto à antropologia do consumo e às teorias do planejamento ambiental e urbano. O objetivo do estudo é relacionar as boas práticas para a operação do sistema de carsharing, levando em consideração as diferentes teorias de uso e ocupação do solo e as diferentes políticas de estacionamento adotadas em diversas cidades. O trabalho baseia-se em variados estudos a respeito do tema de carsharing e nas práticas adotadas em municipalidades no Brasil e no exterior. Os dados apresentados neste estudo foram coletados em sites de municipalidades, artigos e publicações relacionadas ao tema. Os dados coletados são apresentados por meio de exemplos e tópicos com a ótica da mobilidade urbana sustentável. As conclusões apontam para as práticas ideais e as alternativas para a inserção do sistema de carsharing a rede de transportes públicos das cidades atuais. / [en] According to the IPCC report (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), 2004, 23 percent of greenhouse gas emissions effects related to energy were originated in the transport sector. More than half of these emissions were generated by the use of light vehicle ride and motorcycles, defined as individual motorized transport. Half of the energy consumed in the transport sector is intended for individual motorized transport. However, it is carrying less than 25 percent of the world s passengers. Despite this low number, traffic accidents are responsible for one million deaths annually and ten million injured people. This number is part of a list of the ten leading causes of death recorded and reported by health agencies around the world, a rate next to malaria and HIV. A survey conducted by the Ministry of Cities in Brazil in conjunction with the National Department (National Traffic Department) in the year of 2005 shows that the costs of traffic accidents in Brazilian roads reached the number of twenty-two billion reais, a figure that represented 12 percent of the Brazilian GDP, taking into account the loss of production associated with the death of individuals or the interruption of its activities, the costs for health care and care with vehicles.
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Varumärkeskommunikation och positionering med en begränsad marknadsföringsbudget : Marknadsföring med små medel i ett bilpoolsföretag / Branding and positioning with a limited marketing budget : Marketing with small resources in a carsharing companyDahl, Daniel, Nordström, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
This Thesis deals with the two concepts branding and position, more precisely how companies with a small marketing budget needs to work with these two concepts. The purpose of this thesis is to understand how these companies are able to assert a position on their specific market. The thesis treats theories and empirical data to be able to answer the purposes of the thesis and for the authors to be able to give recommendations of how companies in this situation can improve their marketing strategies. To be able to give these recommendations a more in depth study had been made of a carsharing company, Sunfleet. This to be able to se how a specific company works with branding and positioning as well as what can be improved. The authors have given recommendations on how improvements can be done. / Uppsatsen behandlar ämnet varumärkeskommunikation och positionering. Detta i relation till företag som befinner sig i en situation där marknadsföringsbudgeten är begränsad. Till uppsatsen har ett fallföretag valts för att få en djupare förståelse av hur det kan se ut i ett specifikt företag, till fallföretag valdes Sunfleet. Sunfleet är ett bilpoolsföretag som idag (2013) har ungefär 23 000 användare, dessa anvädare är både privat- och företagskunder. Sunfleet har ett varumärkeslöfte som lyder “Bil när bara du vill”. De arbetar för att sända ut budskapet “Ett bekymmersfritt bilägande”. Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur företag med lågpris varor och en liten marknadsföringsbudget, som bilpoolsföretaget Sunfleet, hävdar en position på marknaden. Samt lyckas med det. Uppsatsen tar upp teorier och empiriskdata som sammanställts för att visa vad dessa företag bör fokusera på för att lyckas på bästa sätt. Uppsatsen studerar mer ingående bilpoolsföretaget Sunfleet. Hur Sunfleet arbetar med marknadsföring i dagsläget och vad denna genererar till företaget. En intervju har genomfört med biträdande marknadsansvarig på Sunfleet för att få djupare förståelse för detta. För att ta reda på hur Sunfleets marknadsföring uppfattas av omgivningen har även en enkätundersökning utförts. Vidare har två andra intervjuer gjort för att öka förståelsen och kunskapen inom relevanta teorier och sätt att arbeta på inom det aktuella ämnet. De slutsatser som har dragits i denna uppsats, kring hur Sunfleet arbetar med positionering och varumärkeskommunikation, är att företaget har lyckats bra med detta i Sveriges tre storstadsregioner då företaget har växt mycket här under de senaste åren. Däremot krävs det arbete för att få upp vetskapen om företaget utanför dessa regioner. För att öka vetskapen krävs det att Sunfleet fortsätter att arbeta som de gör men i kombination med andra marknadsföringsstrategier ihop med word-ofmouth. Då författarna anser att enbart word-of-mouth inte är en tillräcklig strategi för att på ett så kostnadseffektivt sätt som möjligt öka vetskapen om företaget främst utanför storstadsregionerna. Behandlade teorier och empiriskdata har använts för att kunna arbeta fram rekommendationer på hur Sunfleet, och företag i samma situation, kan utveckla sin marknadsföringsstrategi. Detta för att få en så bra positionering och varumärkeskommunikation som möjligt. Författarna har arbetat fram rekommendationer på hur Sunfleet kan arbeta för att bättre hävda en position på marknaden. Författarnas rekommendationer är att, word-of-mouth kombineras med pop-up event, co-branding och buzz marketing. Detta främst utanför de städer där företaget redan expanderar men även i de expansiva zonerna för en ytterligare tillväxt.
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Compartilhamento de carros elétricos: análise de incertezas em iniciativas públicas de mobilidade urbana. / Electriccar sharing: uncertainly analysis in public initiatives of urban mobility.Barros, Lidyane Stephane da Silva 08 December 2017 (has links)
O objetivo da dissertação é entender como os gestores lidam com as incertezas presentes no projeto de implantação de serviços públicos de compartilhamento de carros elétricos (carsharing) no Brasil. Esta é uma iniciativa emergente no Brasil, também observada ao redor do mundo. Os projetos pesquisados têm uma natureza inovadora e, por isso, carregam consigo incertezas que impactam as atividades dos stakeholders associados ao carsharing. Deste modo, a partir de estudos de caso, uma pesquisa exploratória foi guiada com o intuito de contribuir com a literatura sobre a análise de incertezas, focando àquelas ambientais inseridas em projetos de políticas públicas. Para a prática, a contribuição desta pesquisa está no auxílio que a identificação de incertezas pode oferecer na dinâmica de desenvolvimento do serviço e de outras iniciativas semelhantes. A pesquisa empírica foi realizada por meio do mapeamento das incertezas e da análise dos modos como os gestores têm as considerando na gestão dos projetos públicos. Percebe-se que os gestores têm se apoiado em esforços de comunicação; desenvolvimento de estudos por meio de Procedimentos de Manifestação de Interesses (PMIs); alianças com outros atores envolvidos no desenvolvimento do sistema; e relações contratuais, ora rígidas, ora flexíveis. Ainda admite e discute, nesta dissertação, o fato dos planos serem construídos embasados em suposições por vezes não explícitos dentre os stakeholders. Por fim, aponta-se para as implicações que o reconhecimento das suposições e dos objetivos dos projetos podem trazer a progressão das iniciativas. / The dissertation goal is to understand how the managers deal with uncertainties related to the implementation of carsharing projects in three Brazilian cities. The electric carsharing is an emerging initiative in Brazil, as well as in other countries. The researched projects concern to innovation by essence, for this reason, there are uncertainties in them, what affects the activities of stakeholders engaged in the carsharing projects. Therefore, from case studies, an exploratory research has been conducted, in order to contribute to the literature on uncertainty analysis, focusing on uncertainties that are in the public policy environment. The practical contribution of this research consists in identify uncertainties, which may assist the development of carsharing services and other similar initiatives. It is perceived that managers have relied on communication efforts; on the development of studies by PMIs; on alliances with other actors involved in the development of the system and on contractual relations, which are sometimes rigid and sometimes soft. Furthermore, it is admitted and discussed that sometimes plans are built on assumptions that are not clear among stakeholders. Lastly, it is indicated implications that acknowledging the assumptions, together with the project objectives, can bring for the advancement of initiatives.
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Sustainability innovations : ecological and social entrepreneurship and the management of antagonistic assets /Hockerts, Kai N. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Hochschule St. Gallen für Wirtschafts-, Rechts- und Sozialwissenschaften, 2003.
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