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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Estratégia de Saúde da Família e sua proposta de (re)estruturação do modelo assistencial do SUS: a perspectiva de quem molda sua operacionalização / Family Health Care Strategy and its proposal to (re)structure the SUS care model: the perspective of those who shape its operacionalization

Estela Marcia Saraiva Campos 20 April 2007 (has links)
O olhar reflexivo sobre a implementação de programas/projetos de saúde pressupõe a elucidação dos modos pelos quais ocorrem as conexões entre a formulação e suas diretrizes e a operacionalização nos serviços de saúde. Portanto, o presente estudo centra seu olhar investigativo em questões da dimensão avaliativa voltadas para o planejamento e gestão de sistema local de saúde, assim como para a produção de tecnologias de planejamento e avaliação em saúde. Centrado na Atenção Básica, especialmente no Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF), o estudo buscou analisar tal estratégia levando em consideração as quatro grandes dimensões de reestruturação preestabelecidas pelo MS: (re)estruturação do modelo assistencial do SUS; (re)estruturação da demanda para os outros níveis do sistema; (re)estruturação dos processos de trabalho e das práticas em saúde, e (re)estruturação dos gastos no modelo assistencial do SUS. O trabalho define as dimensões de (re)estruturação do modelo assistencial e dos processos de trabalho e das práticas em saúde como objeto de estudo. Para tanto, propõe, inicialmente, compreender o contexto que molda a operacionalização do PSF, para perceber a dinâmica que se coloca, reprodução ou reestruturação da estrutura. Tomando como referencial o modelo de Estratificação do Agente de Giddens (1984), buscamos através de entrevistas com os profissionais das equipes de Saúde da Família perceber a compreensão teórica e a narrativa das práticas sobre alguns pressupostos básicos apontados pelo MS como potencializadores da capacidade de reestruturação do PSF e que são por eles operacionalizados no cotidiano de suas práticas. Os profissionais das equipes estudadas se identificam como agentes de mudança. E sendo agentes deste processo de reestruturação sofrem influencia da estrutura social (PSF e seus princípios) como também a influenciam, enquanto sujeitos que nela operam. Foi possível mapear um cenário de implantação e um universo bastante significativo de necessidades que chamamos de necessidades cognitivas, aspectos que se interagem influenciando na capacidade ou não de reestruturação do PSF. Em relação à capacidade de (re)estruturação do modelo assistencial do SUS, o momento é de transição entre modelos assistenciais, iniciando um processo, ainda que tímido, de mudança de enfoque, da abordagem curativa para uma abordagem que tende, ainda que fragmentada, a propiciar uma assistência integral, incorporando à oferta de ações curativas, ações programáticas em construção. Barreiras estruturais que se localizam no espaço da cultura institucional de organização dos serviços e consequentemente, dos Sistemas Locais de Saúde também dificultam a reestruturação sob a perspectiva do modelo assistencial. A capacidade de reestruturação dos processos de trabalho e das práticas em saúde parece ser incipiente, no contexto das equipes estudadas. A cultura organizacional dos serviços, a experiência acumulada dos profissionais em unidades organizadas de forma tradicional, associada a processos incipientes de educação permanente, dificultam a apreensão de novas práticas potencializadoras de um processo de trabalho que conjuguem o desenvolvimento compartilhado de projetos terapêuticos integrais, assim como de mecanismos gerenciais ordenados sob o enfoque do planejamento estratégico situacional. Mesmo cientes da complexidade que envolve os processos de reestruturação de modelos assistenciais em saúde, partimos da premissa de que a capacidade de reestruturação proposta pela Saúde da Família é possível, porque visa a mudança no modelo de produção da saúde, o qual é definido pelos mecanismos de gestão, mas também pelo modo com os profissionais de saúde operam no cotidiano seus processos de trabalho. Partindo desse pressuposto, o presente estudo optou em tomar como objeto de análise o cotidiano dos processos de trabalho dos profissionais das equipes de Saúde da Família. Num primeiro momento, o estudo buscou compreender o contexto que molda e condiciona a produção da saúde identificando a compreensão teórica e a narrativa da prática dos sujeitos que operam no PSF no cotidiano. O segundo momento do estudo resultou do primeiro, quando foi evidenciada a ausência, nos processos de trabalho das equipes, de um raciocínio programático que as orientasse na organização da oferta de ações de saúde às suas populações adscritas, direcionando para a abordagem das necessidades em saúde, contribuindo no reordenamento das práticas, conjugando as capacidades de trabalho potencial e real das equipes. Sendo assim, foi desenvolvida uma proposta de programação em saúde, ancorada no pressuposto central da programação, ou seja, no cotidiano das equipes de Saúde da Família. Ordenada pelas operações diagnóstica e normativa a proposta trabalhou com a análise das coberturas de produção Ideal (normativa), Real (quantitativo de procedimentos realizados pelo profissional durante um determinado espaço de tempo, oficialmente informada) e Potencial (Semana Típica de produção planejada). / Reflecting on the implementation of health care programs/projects implies clarifying what the connections are between their formulation and guidelines and their operationalization in health care services. Therefore, this study concentrated its investigation on assessing the planning and management of local health care systems, as well as on the production of planning and health care assessment technologies. Centered on Basic Care, especially the Family Health Program (PSF), the study sought to analyze this strategy by taking into consideration the four main dimensions of restructuring that were pre-established by the Ministry of Health (MS): (re) structuring of the SUS care model; (re)structuring of demand for other levels in the system; (re)structuring of the work processes and health care practices, and (re)structuring of expenses of the SUS care model. The study defines the dimensions of (re)structuring of the care model and work processes and health care practices like those of the object under study. For this purpose, it first examines the context that shapes and conditions the operationalization of the PSF, to understand the dynamics that are presented, reproduction or restructuring of the structure. Taking Giddens Stratification Model of the Agent (1984) as a reference, we sought, through interviews with professionals from the Family Health teams, to understand the theoretical and narrative comprehension of practices about some basic suppositions identified by the MS as potentializers of the ability to restructure the PSF, and which are operationalized by them in their day-to-day practice. The professionals in the teams studied see themselves as agents of change. And being agents of this restructuring process, they are influenced by the social structure (PSF and its principles), as well as influencing it, since they are subjects acting therein. It was possible to map out a scenario of implementation and a meaningful universe of needs that we call cognitive needs; aspects that interact influencing the capacity or lack thereof to restructure the PSF. In relation to the capacity to (re)structure the SUS model of care, this is a time of transition between care models, in which a process, albeit a timid one, is arising to remove the center of attention from a curative approach towards an approach that seeks, albeit in a fragmented manner, to provide integral care, incorporating programmatic actions being constructed to the still predominant curative actions provided. Structural barriers located in the institutional culture of the organization of services, and consequently, of the Local Health Care Systems also hinder restructuring from the perspective of the care model. The capacity to restructure the work processes and the health care practices appears to be more incipient and less visible in the context of the teams studied. The organizational culture of the services and the accumulated experience of professionals in units organized in a traditional manner, associated with incipient processes of permanent education, make it difficult to understand new practices that potentialize a work process that presents shared development of integral therapeutic projects, as well as management mechanisms arranged using strategicsituational planning. Even being aware of the complexity involving the processes of restructuring health care models, we begin with the assumption that the capacity for restructuring as proposed by Family Health is possible because it seeks to change the health care production model, which is defined by the management methods, but also by the way health professionals perform their day-to-day work processes. Starting with this assumption, this study chose to analyze the dayto-day work processes of the Family Health team professionals. At first, the study sought to understand the context that shapes and conditions the production of health, identifying theoretical comprehension and the narrative of the practice of subjects that work in the Family Health Program on a day-today basis. The second part of the study resulted from the first, when it became clear that there was an absence of programmatic thinking in the teams work processes that would guide them in the organization of health care actions provided to their covered populations. This thinking would be directed towards dealing with health needs, contributing to reorder the practices, joining the potential and real work abilities of the teams. Thus, for health care programming proposal was developed. This proposal is anchored in the central assumption of programming; that is, in the day-to-day work of the Family Health teams. Ordered by diagnostic and normative operations, the proposal worked with the analysis of coverage of Ideal production (normative), and Real production (quantity of procedures carried out by the professional during a given period of time, officially informed) and Potential production (Typical Week of planned production).

A Estratégia de Saúde da Família e sua proposta de (re)estruturação do modelo assistencial do SUS: a perspectiva de quem molda sua operacionalização / Family Health Care Strategy and its proposal to (re)structure the SUS care model: the perspective of those who shape its operacionalization

Estela Marcia Saraiva Campos 20 April 2007 (has links)
O olhar reflexivo sobre a implementação de programas/projetos de saúde pressupõe a elucidação dos modos pelos quais ocorrem as conexões entre a formulação e suas diretrizes e a operacionalização nos serviços de saúde. Portanto, o presente estudo centra seu olhar investigativo em questões da dimensão avaliativa voltadas para o planejamento e gestão de sistema local de saúde, assim como para a produção de tecnologias de planejamento e avaliação em saúde. Centrado na Atenção Básica, especialmente no Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF), o estudo buscou analisar tal estratégia levando em consideração as quatro grandes dimensões de reestruturação preestabelecidas pelo MS: (re)estruturação do modelo assistencial do SUS; (re)estruturação da demanda para os outros níveis do sistema; (re)estruturação dos processos de trabalho e das práticas em saúde, e (re)estruturação dos gastos no modelo assistencial do SUS. O trabalho define as dimensões de (re)estruturação do modelo assistencial e dos processos de trabalho e das práticas em saúde como objeto de estudo. Para tanto, propõe, inicialmente, compreender o contexto que molda a operacionalização do PSF, para perceber a dinâmica que se coloca, reprodução ou reestruturação da estrutura. Tomando como referencial o modelo de Estratificação do Agente de Giddens (1984), buscamos através de entrevistas com os profissionais das equipes de Saúde da Família perceber a compreensão teórica e a narrativa das práticas sobre alguns pressupostos básicos apontados pelo MS como potencializadores da capacidade de reestruturação do PSF e que são por eles operacionalizados no cotidiano de suas práticas. Os profissionais das equipes estudadas se identificam como agentes de mudança. E sendo agentes deste processo de reestruturação sofrem influencia da estrutura social (PSF e seus princípios) como também a influenciam, enquanto sujeitos que nela operam. Foi possível mapear um cenário de implantação e um universo bastante significativo de necessidades que chamamos de necessidades cognitivas, aspectos que se interagem influenciando na capacidade ou não de reestruturação do PSF. Em relação à capacidade de (re)estruturação do modelo assistencial do SUS, o momento é de transição entre modelos assistenciais, iniciando um processo, ainda que tímido, de mudança de enfoque, da abordagem curativa para uma abordagem que tende, ainda que fragmentada, a propiciar uma assistência integral, incorporando à oferta de ações curativas, ações programáticas em construção. Barreiras estruturais que se localizam no espaço da cultura institucional de organização dos serviços e consequentemente, dos Sistemas Locais de Saúde também dificultam a reestruturação sob a perspectiva do modelo assistencial. A capacidade de reestruturação dos processos de trabalho e das práticas em saúde parece ser incipiente, no contexto das equipes estudadas. A cultura organizacional dos serviços, a experiência acumulada dos profissionais em unidades organizadas de forma tradicional, associada a processos incipientes de educação permanente, dificultam a apreensão de novas práticas potencializadoras de um processo de trabalho que conjuguem o desenvolvimento compartilhado de projetos terapêuticos integrais, assim como de mecanismos gerenciais ordenados sob o enfoque do planejamento estratégico situacional. Mesmo cientes da complexidade que envolve os processos de reestruturação de modelos assistenciais em saúde, partimos da premissa de que a capacidade de reestruturação proposta pela Saúde da Família é possível, porque visa a mudança no modelo de produção da saúde, o qual é definido pelos mecanismos de gestão, mas também pelo modo com os profissionais de saúde operam no cotidiano seus processos de trabalho. Partindo desse pressuposto, o presente estudo optou em tomar como objeto de análise o cotidiano dos processos de trabalho dos profissionais das equipes de Saúde da Família. Num primeiro momento, o estudo buscou compreender o contexto que molda e condiciona a produção da saúde identificando a compreensão teórica e a narrativa da prática dos sujeitos que operam no PSF no cotidiano. O segundo momento do estudo resultou do primeiro, quando foi evidenciada a ausência, nos processos de trabalho das equipes, de um raciocínio programático que as orientasse na organização da oferta de ações de saúde às suas populações adscritas, direcionando para a abordagem das necessidades em saúde, contribuindo no reordenamento das práticas, conjugando as capacidades de trabalho potencial e real das equipes. Sendo assim, foi desenvolvida uma proposta de programação em saúde, ancorada no pressuposto central da programação, ou seja, no cotidiano das equipes de Saúde da Família. Ordenada pelas operações diagnóstica e normativa a proposta trabalhou com a análise das coberturas de produção Ideal (normativa), Real (quantitativo de procedimentos realizados pelo profissional durante um determinado espaço de tempo, oficialmente informada) e Potencial (Semana Típica de produção planejada). / Reflecting on the implementation of health care programs/projects implies clarifying what the connections are between their formulation and guidelines and their operationalization in health care services. Therefore, this study concentrated its investigation on assessing the planning and management of local health care systems, as well as on the production of planning and health care assessment technologies. Centered on Basic Care, especially the Family Health Program (PSF), the study sought to analyze this strategy by taking into consideration the four main dimensions of restructuring that were pre-established by the Ministry of Health (MS): (re) structuring of the SUS care model; (re)structuring of demand for other levels in the system; (re)structuring of the work processes and health care practices, and (re)structuring of expenses of the SUS care model. The study defines the dimensions of (re)structuring of the care model and work processes and health care practices like those of the object under study. For this purpose, it first examines the context that shapes and conditions the operationalization of the PSF, to understand the dynamics that are presented, reproduction or restructuring of the structure. Taking Giddens Stratification Model of the Agent (1984) as a reference, we sought, through interviews with professionals from the Family Health teams, to understand the theoretical and narrative comprehension of practices about some basic suppositions identified by the MS as potentializers of the ability to restructure the PSF, and which are operationalized by them in their day-to-day practice. The professionals in the teams studied see themselves as agents of change. And being agents of this restructuring process, they are influenced by the social structure (PSF and its principles), as well as influencing it, since they are subjects acting therein. It was possible to map out a scenario of implementation and a meaningful universe of needs that we call cognitive needs; aspects that interact influencing the capacity or lack thereof to restructure the PSF. In relation to the capacity to (re)structure the SUS model of care, this is a time of transition between care models, in which a process, albeit a timid one, is arising to remove the center of attention from a curative approach towards an approach that seeks, albeit in a fragmented manner, to provide integral care, incorporating programmatic actions being constructed to the still predominant curative actions provided. Structural barriers located in the institutional culture of the organization of services, and consequently, of the Local Health Care Systems also hinder restructuring from the perspective of the care model. The capacity to restructure the work processes and the health care practices appears to be more incipient and less visible in the context of the teams studied. The organizational culture of the services and the accumulated experience of professionals in units organized in a traditional manner, associated with incipient processes of permanent education, make it difficult to understand new practices that potentialize a work process that presents shared development of integral therapeutic projects, as well as management mechanisms arranged using strategicsituational planning. Even being aware of the complexity involving the processes of restructuring health care models, we begin with the assumption that the capacity for restructuring as proposed by Family Health is possible because it seeks to change the health care production model, which is defined by the management methods, but also by the way health professionals perform their day-to-day work processes. Starting with this assumption, this study chose to analyze the dayto-day work processes of the Family Health team professionals. At first, the study sought to understand the context that shapes and conditions the production of health, identifying theoretical comprehension and the narrative of the practice of subjects that work in the Family Health Program on a day-today basis. The second part of the study resulted from the first, when it became clear that there was an absence of programmatic thinking in the teams work processes that would guide them in the organization of health care actions provided to their covered populations. This thinking would be directed towards dealing with health needs, contributing to reorder the practices, joining the potential and real work abilities of the teams. Thus, for health care programming proposal was developed. This proposal is anchored in the central assumption of programming; that is, in the day-to-day work of the Family Health teams. Ordered by diagnostic and normative operations, the proposal worked with the analysis of coverage of Ideal production (normative), and Real production (quantity of procedures carried out by the professional during a given period of time, officially informed) and Potential production (Typical Week of planned production).

A implementação da Estratégia de Saúde da Família no município de Tanguá/RJ / The implementation of the Family Health Strategy in the municipality of Tanguá / RJ

Lesley Batista de Figueiredo 27 March 2008 (has links)
Este estudo se insere numa reflexão sobre a proposta de reorganização de modelo assistencial, tendo em vista a Estratégia Saúde da Família. Segundo o Ministério da Saúde, esta estratégia contribuiria para a efetivação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), num modelo pensado para concentrar a atenção na família e comunidade, como sujeitos do processo saúde-doença, visando à vigilância em saúde. Esta dissertação consiste em um estudo com base numa abordagem qualitativa, utilizando como princípio metodológico o estudo de caso, discute a implantação do Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF) do Município de Tanguá, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, um município de pequeno porte com 28.325 habitantes, localizado na região metropolitana II do Estado. De fato, ora o PSF e entendido e implementado como um programa focalizado, ora como uma estratégia de mudança na organização da rede básica visando à universalização do acesso da população a esses serviços, ou ainda, como uma estratégia de mudança do modelo de atenção á saúde baseada na integralidade do cuidado. Considerando a importância de se aprofundar o debate sobre o tema, esse estudo tem por objetivo identificar a realidade da implantação do PSF no Município, suas dificuldades e o que isso acarretou na vida da população residente. Buscou-se evidenciar as potencialidades e as dificuldades no processo de implementação da Estratégia de Saúde da Família. / This study is a piece of a reflection about of reorganization of the care model proposes, regarding the Family Health Strategy. According Health Ministry, this Strategy would contribute to the Brazilian Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS) be effective, in a model planed to concentrate the attention on the family and e community, as players of health-disease process, aiming the health vigilance. This work consist in a study funded on a qualitative approach, using the principle the case study as a methodology, discuss the implementation of The Family Health Program (FHP) in Tanguá, Rio de Janeiro/ Brazil. A small district with 28.325 inhabitants, in the metropolitan region of the state. In fact, sometimes the FHP is understood and implemented as a program focused, sometimes as a strategy of change in the primary health care organization aiming the universalization of population access to these services or also with a strategy of change on health care model with bases on integrality of care. Regarding the importance of go deeper in the debate about this subject, this study aims identify the reality of FHP implementation in Tanguá, its difficulties and the result in inhabitants life. It tried to show the potentialities and the difficulties on implementation process of the Family Health Strategy.

A implementação da Estratégia de Saúde da Família no município de Tanguá/RJ / The implementation of the Family Health Strategy in the municipality of Tanguá / RJ

Lesley Batista de Figueiredo 27 March 2008 (has links)
Este estudo se insere numa reflexão sobre a proposta de reorganização de modelo assistencial, tendo em vista a Estratégia Saúde da Família. Segundo o Ministério da Saúde, esta estratégia contribuiria para a efetivação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), num modelo pensado para concentrar a atenção na família e comunidade, como sujeitos do processo saúde-doença, visando à vigilância em saúde. Esta dissertação consiste em um estudo com base numa abordagem qualitativa, utilizando como princípio metodológico o estudo de caso, discute a implantação do Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF) do Município de Tanguá, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, um município de pequeno porte com 28.325 habitantes, localizado na região metropolitana II do Estado. De fato, ora o PSF e entendido e implementado como um programa focalizado, ora como uma estratégia de mudança na organização da rede básica visando à universalização do acesso da população a esses serviços, ou ainda, como uma estratégia de mudança do modelo de atenção á saúde baseada na integralidade do cuidado. Considerando a importância de se aprofundar o debate sobre o tema, esse estudo tem por objetivo identificar a realidade da implantação do PSF no Município, suas dificuldades e o que isso acarretou na vida da população residente. Buscou-se evidenciar as potencialidades e as dificuldades no processo de implementação da Estratégia de Saúde da Família. / This study is a piece of a reflection about of reorganization of the care model proposes, regarding the Family Health Strategy. According Health Ministry, this Strategy would contribute to the Brazilian Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS) be effective, in a model planed to concentrate the attention on the family and e community, as players of health-disease process, aiming the health vigilance. This work consist in a study funded on a qualitative approach, using the principle the case study as a methodology, discuss the implementation of The Family Health Program (FHP) in Tanguá, Rio de Janeiro/ Brazil. A small district with 28.325 inhabitants, in the metropolitan region of the state. In fact, sometimes the FHP is understood and implemented as a program focused, sometimes as a strategy of change in the primary health care organization aiming the universalization of population access to these services or also with a strategy of change on health care model with bases on integrality of care. Regarding the importance of go deeper in the debate about this subject, this study aims identify the reality of FHP implementation in Tanguá, its difficulties and the result in inhabitants life. It tried to show the potentialities and the difficulties on implementation process of the Family Health Strategy.

Transitional Care of Elderly Frequent Emergency Department Users

Stickney, Remington Bigelow, Stickney, Remington Bigelow January 2017 (has links)
Background: Frequent ED users are generally over the age of 65 years, Medicare beneficiaries, sicker and have more health issues than non-frequent users. Elderly patients suffer a 20% mortality rate upon admission and a 30% decrease in activities of daily living (ADL) after discharge. Transitional care programs (TCP) decrease ED visits and readmission rates, improves ADLs, and increases event-free survival. Purpose: To evaluate the need of an ED TCP in the ED. Aims are to assess ED providers’, nurses’ and managers’ perceptions of elderly frequent ED users’ discharge needs, resources, and potential role of a TCP. Methods: Conducted within one community based ED in Tucson, Arizona. Survey content determined by a review of the literature focused upon elderly transitional care. Recruitment of nurses, providers, and managers following verbal consent. Inclusion criteria: willingness to participate in a 10-minute survey and work two shifts a month minimum within the ED. The survey is comprised of 19 questions focused on patient needs, current resources and the role of a TCP. Surveys were followed by a 5-minute post-survey session to review questions regarding content. Questions structured using a Likert scale format and categorical answers. Data analyzed using descriptive statistics. A needs assessment (NA) executive summary was presented to the ED staff and management. Results: One hundred providers, nurses, and managers completed the survey of which 79% were female, 73% registered nurses, 14% physicians, and 10% advanced practice providers. The majority of respondents believed elderly patients are discharged unsafely, additional resources were needed, more time was spend caring for elderly patients, and TCPs were a viable supportive option. “What is a transitional care team (TCT)?” was the most asked question during question and answer session. Implications: This NA revealed providers’, nurses’, and managers’ perceptions of elderly frequent ED user needs and the role of a TCP. Concerns identified are consistent with the literature. This NA provided information about ED staff perceptions of elderly frequent users and addressed transitional care while laying the groundwork for the potential future implementation of a TCP initiated in the ED.

Epidemiological study of Tuberculosis in Macassar camp

Mohammed, Ashraf January 1995 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Medical Bioscience) - MSc(MBS) / The aim of this study was to determine and evaluate the prevalence of TB infection, active TB cases and the risk factors associated with TB infection in Macassar Camp in Macassar (about 40 km from Cape Town on the False Bay coast, with a population of 369). The study design of this epidemiological study was a cross sectional study with a descriptive and an analytic component A comparison between the Mantoux, TB ELISA and X-ray screening tests was performed first. A description of the origin, discovery, characteristics and pathology associated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis as well as the development of the TB epidemic on a global, national and local level, is given. TB was first described to give a South African perspective of the TB epidemic and both the "Virgin Soil" and "Non-Virgin Soil" theory of TB was reviewed. Secondly, ~he TB infection rate in Macassar Camp and the risk factors as well as the determinants of TB infection with regards to overcrowding, ventilation, primary food subsistence level rating (PFSL), social class and employment status were evaluated The third aspect of the study compares prevalence/incidence rates of TB to clinical diagnosis with regards to the symptomatology, radiographs, sputum microscopy, bacteriology and Mantoux test. Lastly the Mantoux test was compared with the TB ELISA test with regards to diagnosis of infection, in new and past confirmed TB cases. The first part of the survey involved the measurement of openable window area and the floor area of each Camp dwelling (to determine if ventilation was within required limits), during the administration of a household questionnaire which was designed to determine the number of occupants, rooms, income, food expenditure per household in the Camp. A personal questionnaire was administered to all Macassar Camp residents to elicit information on demography, knowledge and attitudes to TB, history of past TB, TB contacts, alcohol intake and smoking habits, occupation and BCG status. The Mantoux test were performed on consenting Camp residents in addition to the collection of 5 ml of blood for the TB ELISA tests. The Camp residents heights and weights were recorded prior to the miniature mass chest radiographs being taken. The 'TB suspects' sputa were collected for the microscopy and bacteriological examination. A review of the clinical records of TB patients in the Macassar/Stellenbosch area was also undertaken. The response rate to the household questionnaire was 60 from 63 (95,2%) dwelling units. Whereas the response rate to the personal questionnaire was 296 (80,2%). As for the Mantoux and TB ELISA tests the response rate was 209 (56,6%). Of the 60 dwelling units, 43 (71,7%) were calculated (according to . Batsons Index) to be crowded and 16 (26,7%) dwelling units had an overall ventilation of less than 5% (below the required regulation). There were significantly (p<0,005) more male than female smokers and only 78 (34,2%) of the residents regarded themselves as non-smokers. A similar trend was noted with regards to the alcohol intake of the residents, where only 86 (37,7%) regarded themselves as teetotallers, with significantly more (p=0,003) male than female alcohol consumers. Females sc6red significantly (p=0,002) better than the males with regards to TB knowledge and awareness. Only 199 (67,2%), residents indicated that they had had BeG vaccination. Of the 296 residents responding to the survey, there were 83 children aged 14 years or less. And only 74 of these children were confirmed to have been vaccinated with BeG, resulting in a 89,2% BeG coverage. Two (4,7%) of the 43 children aged 14 years or less were determined to be malnourished on the basis of Z-scores (below -2SD) taking into account height for age as well as weight for height.

Intensification of care in the diabetic patient by the nurse practitioner:Using the Chronic Care Model

Moser, Phillip G. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

An Evidence-Based Educational Intervention to Improve Nursing Staff's Critical Thinking and Decision-Making Skills

Barron-Kagan, Rene Norene 01 January 2016 (has links)
An Evidence-Based Educational Intervention to Improve Nursing Staff's Critical Thinking and Decision-Making Skills by Rene N. Kagan MSN, University of New Mexico, 2009 BS, University of Phoenix, 2000 Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Nursing Practice Walden University September 2016 Hospitalized patients in acute care settings are at a high risk of developing health complications that can eventually lead to failure to rescue (FTR) situations. The aim of this project was to deliver a structured comprehensive medical-surgical competency plan for acute care nurses to detect deterioration in a patient's condition through the triad of assessment model to promote clinical reasoning among acute care nurses. Data were collected using pretest surveys, a demographic sheet, and an evaluation survey. A convenient sample of between 22 and 29 nursing staff was recruited from three medical-surgical inpatient units at a VA Hospital. The pretest survey, administered simultaneously with the educational modules, assessed participants' baseline knowledge on components of the triad of assessment model and the processes involved in the prevention of FTR. The pretest scores for modules 1 to 6 were 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, and 3 respectively. The posttests scores for modules 1 to 6 were 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, and 5 respectively. The nurse's aides also recorded posttest scores of 4.6 for both Pulse Oximetry and orthostatic hypotension modules. The t-test (p<0.00) showed a significant difference between the pre and posttests scores, thus, indicating an improvement in nursing staff's knowledge regarding the triad of assessment model. Thus, it is important to adopt a comprehensive medical-surgical plan for acute care nurses institutional-wide. This project contributes to social change through identification of a medical-surgical intervention that improves nurses' critical thinking skills, thereby promoting patient satisfaction and safety. Because nurses play a significant role at the bedside, improved critical thinking skills will facilitate a significant reduction in FTR rates, heighten patient satisfaction, and enhance the nurse-patient relationship.

Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Sport-Focused Mental Health Service Delivery Model Within a Canadian Centre for Mental Health and Sport

Van Slingerland, Krista 06 October 2021 (has links)
The overall aim of this Participatory Action Research (PAR; Chevalier & Buckles, 2013; Lewin, 1946) project was to design, implement, and evaluate a specialized sport-focused mental health service delivery model for competitive and high-performance athletes, integrated within a broader Canadian Centre for Mental Health and Sport (CCMHS). A transformative mixed methods research design (Cresswell, 2014) guided by the PAR approach was employed across three phases during which (a) a sport-specific mental health service delivery model for competitive and high-performance athletes was collaboratively designed by stakeholders (Design Phase [Study 1]), (b) the model was pilot-tested within the CCMHS (Implementation Phase [Study 2]), and (c) the model was evaluated to understand whether practitioners and service-users perceived the care delivered / received within the model to be acceptable and appropriate (Evaluation Phase [Study 3]). Design Phase (Study 1). The purpose of study 1 was to (a) perform an environmental scan of the Canadian mental health care and sport contexts, and (b) design a sport-focused mental health service delivery model for competitive and high-performance athletes within a broader CCMHS. To meet these objectives, 20 stakeholders from the sport and mental health sectors explored (a) the availability and effectiveness of mental health care for competitive and high-performance Canadian athletes, and (b) the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with creating a CCMHS, via two iterations of stakeholder-led focus groups (Rio-Roberts, 2011). The resulting data informed a subsequent Group Concept Mapping (GCM; Burke et al., 2005; Kane & Trochim, 2007; Rosas & Kane, 2012) activity undertaken by stakeholders, which produced an actionable framework (i.e., concept map) organized into six clusters that visually represented the elements (e.g., services, personnel, organizational structures) that stakeholders deemed important to include in the sport-focused mental health care model (e.g., bilingual services, a triage system, sport-specialized practitioners). In addition, the results revealed that misconceptions about the competitive and high-performance population’s mental health and experience of mental illness were widespread and required clarification before significant advances could be made. This led the group to develop six principles designed to establish a common language and understanding upon which to build effective models of mental health care, improved programming, and strategic education for Canada’s competitive and high-performance athletes, coaches, and organizations (Article 1). The framework that emerged from the GCM activity served to guide the remainder of the project, and supported actions (e.g., develop eligibility criteria to access services, hire a team of mental health practitioners with sport competencies [i.e., CCMHS Care Team]) to build the CCMHS and test the model during the Implementation Phase (Article 2). Implementation Phase (Study 2). The purpose of study 2 was to pilot test the mental health service delivery model designed during the first phase of the research project. To do so, an illustrative case study (Keegan et al., 2017; Stake, 1995, 2005) was carried out to demonstrate how (i.e., intake, referral, and service delivery processes) the CCMHS Care Team provided mental health care to a high-performance athlete, and what outcomes resulted from this process. Data to inform the case study was gathered through a review of the service-user’s clinical documents (e.g., intake summary, session notes), and qualitative interviews (n = 2) with the athlete’s Collaborative Care Team lead and the CCMHS Care Coordinator. Document analysis (Bowen, 2009) was used to organize the details of the case found within clinical documents under the categories of the case study framework (i.e., intake and referral process, service-user description, integrated care plan, and outcomes), while a conventional descriptive content analysis (Hsieh & Shannon, 2005) served to extract salient data from the interviews to further build out the case study. Results revealed that sport significantly influenced the onset and experience of mental illness for the athlete service-user. The lead practitioner’s sport-specific knowledge played a significant role in the diagnosis, treatment and recovery of this athlete given the nature of the athlete’s concerns and high athletic identity. Findings support the notion that specialized mental health care models and teams are necessary to address sport-related factors that can pose unique threats to the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness in athletes (Article 3). Implementation Phase (Study 3). The purpose of study 3 was to evaluate the acceptability and appropriateness of the mental health service delivery model designed during Phase 1 and implemented during Phase 2. Qualitative data from three sources (CCMHS practitioners, CCMHS service-users, and CCMHS stakeholders) were collected and analyzed using a multi-step, multi-method process, including16 one-on-one semi-structured interviews with CCMHS practitioners (n = 10) and service-users (n = 6), and a meeting with CCMHS stakeholders (captured via meeting minutes). In addition, 47 documents (e.g., clinical, procedural) created during the implementation phase of the project by CCMHS team members (i.e., practitioners, stakeholders, members of the board of directors) were used to triangulate the other data (Carter, Bryant-Lukosius, DiCenso, Blythe, and Neville, 2014). The Framework Method (Gale et al., 2013; Ritchie and Spencer, 1994) was used to analyze, synthesize, integrate, and interpret the dataset. The deductive data analysis approach taken was guided by the seven components of acceptability developed by Sekhon and colleagues (2017), and the Canadian Medical Association’s definition of appropriate care. Findings showed that the care provided and received within the CCMHS service delivery model was perceived to be acceptable and appropriate, and each component of the model uniquely contributed to practitioner and service-user experiences. For example, the collaborative interdisciplinary approach contributed to the ethicality of the model, promoted the professional development of team members, and enabled Pan-Canadian service provision. The sport-centered nature of care was perceived to enhance the ethicality of services delivered, effectiveness of care, and affective experience of service-users. Implications for further research and practice were discussed in light of areas of the model that emerged as needing improvement (e.g., prohibitive cost of care, practitioner burden from collaborative processes and procedures). Overall, the findings of the research project demonstrate that collaborative approaches to inquiry and practice can be successfully applied in sport to guide stakeholders in developing and testing novel models to improve the health outcomes of sport participants. The research also shows that an interdisciplinary team of practitioners can successfully deliver sport-focused mental health care that is acceptable and appropriate to service-users. Lastly, the project provides data on the first known empirical project to design, implement and evaluate a specialized mental health service delivery model applied nationwide in person and virtually with competitive and high-performance athletes experiencing mental health challenges and symptoms of mental illness.

Managing Diabetes Within the Context of Poverty

Clough, Lynn 17 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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