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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A arbitragem e a resolução de litígios no âmbito desportivo : estrutura, procedimento e consequências da atuação do Tribunal Arbitral do Esporte

Sordi, Paula de Castro Moreira January 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a resolução de litígios no âmbito desportivo por meio das arbitragens realizadas pelo Tribunal Arbitral do Esporte (TAS-CAS), examinando-se a estrutura do referido órgão e determinados aspectos vinculados à sua atuação. Assim, procurou-se contextualizar a utilização do processo arbitral para a solução de controvérsias relacionadas à prática desportiva e a criação do Tribunal Arbitral do Esporte, para posteriormente identificar as principais particularidades de seus procedimentos, comparando-os com as disposições da Lei Modelo da UNCITRAL e das regras da Câmara de Comércio Internacional e da Associação Americana de Arbitragem, que também regulam arbitragens internacionais. No tocante à atuação do tribunal, abordou-se a existência de um corpo normativo especificamente relacionado ao desporto, denominado lex sportiva, cuja formação tem sido fortemente influenciada pelas decisões do TAS-CAS. Apresentaram-se, nesse contexto, alguns dos princípios que compõem a lex sportiva e que foram elaborados com a participação do tribunal. Por fim, utilizando-se dos conceitos proporcionados pela Análise Econômica do Direito, buscou-se identificar elementos que podem aumentar ou reduzir os custos de transação nos procedimentos arbitrais que tramitam perante o TAS-CAS, a partir das normas que os regulam, dispostas no seu Code of Sports-related Arbitration. / This work aims to study the dispute resolution within sports, through the arbitrations performed by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (TAS-CAS), by examining the structure of said body, as well as certain aspects linked to its acting. Thus, it has been made a contextualization of the use of arbitration proceedings to the settlement of conflicts related to the practice of sports and the creation of the Court of Arbitration for Sport, to identify, later, the main peculiarities of its proceedings, comparing them to the provisions of the UNCITRAL Model Law and of the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce and the American Arbitration Association, which also regulate international arbitrations. Regarding the activity of the court, it was addressed the existence of a regulatory body specifically related to sports, called lex sportiva, whose formation has been heavily influenced by the decisions of TAS-CAS. Within this context, it were presented some of the principles which compose lex sportiva and which have been developed with the participation of the tribunal. Finally, using the concepts provided by the Economic Analysis of Law, it was sought to identify factors that can increase or reduce the transaction costs in arbitration proceedings before the TAS-CAS, as from the rules which govern it, disposed in its Code of Sports-related Arbitration.

Substituição gênica ortotópica de porco para humano baseada em CRISPR/Cas9 e recombinases para xenotransplante / CRISPR/Cas9 and recombinase based pig-to-human orthotopic gene exchange for xenotransplantation

Rafael Miyashiro Nunes dos Santos 11 August 2017 (has links)
Modelos humanizados de porco são muito importantes para pesquisa biomédica e desenvolvimento de novas drogas e tratamentos. Além de ser um melhor modelo para doenças humanas do que animais de menor porte devido sua maior semelhança fisiológica, anatômica, de metabolismo e tempo de vida, o modelo suíno ainda permite suprimento ilimitado de órgãos para transplante. Apesar dessas vantagens, a expressão gênica inconsistente de animais transgênicos tornam a criação e avaliação desses animais muito dispendiosas, imprevisível e não permite a comparação de resultados de animais diferentes de maneira apropriada. Nesse estudo descrevemos uma nova técnica utilizando o promoter endógeno para a geração de um protocolo de substituição de genes com padrão clonal (transplante clonal de genes) sem clonagem de células, preservando a expressão genética e sua regulação intactas. Esse protocolo é reprodutível e pode ser aplicado para mais de um alvo genético, permitindo geração rápida de linhas transgênicas de animais (14-20 dias) com potencial de se tornar o novo padrão para geração de animais transgênicos de grande porte Suínos / Humanized pig models are very important for biomedical research, and drugs and treatment development. Not only it is a better model for diseases than smaller animals because of its closer physiology, anatomy, metabolism and life span, it also may provide unlimited organs for transplantation. In spite of all this advantages, inconsistent gene expression in transgenic animals make its generation and evaluation expensive, unpredictable and do not allow proper outcome comparison between different animals. In this report we describe a reproducible technique utilizing the endogenous promoter for generation of a clonal pattern gene replacement protocol (clonal gene transplant) without cell cloning, maintaining the normal gene expression and its regulation. This protocol is reproducible and applicable to more than one gene target, allowing fast generation of transgenic animals cell lines (as low as 14-20 days) and could become the new standard for transgenic large animal generation

A arbitragem e a resolução de litígios no âmbito desportivo : estrutura, procedimento e consequências da atuação do Tribunal Arbitral do Esporte

Sordi, Paula de Castro Moreira January 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a resolução de litígios no âmbito desportivo por meio das arbitragens realizadas pelo Tribunal Arbitral do Esporte (TAS-CAS), examinando-se a estrutura do referido órgão e determinados aspectos vinculados à sua atuação. Assim, procurou-se contextualizar a utilização do processo arbitral para a solução de controvérsias relacionadas à prática desportiva e a criação do Tribunal Arbitral do Esporte, para posteriormente identificar as principais particularidades de seus procedimentos, comparando-os com as disposições da Lei Modelo da UNCITRAL e das regras da Câmara de Comércio Internacional e da Associação Americana de Arbitragem, que também regulam arbitragens internacionais. No tocante à atuação do tribunal, abordou-se a existência de um corpo normativo especificamente relacionado ao desporto, denominado lex sportiva, cuja formação tem sido fortemente influenciada pelas decisões do TAS-CAS. Apresentaram-se, nesse contexto, alguns dos princípios que compõem a lex sportiva e que foram elaborados com a participação do tribunal. Por fim, utilizando-se dos conceitos proporcionados pela Análise Econômica do Direito, buscou-se identificar elementos que podem aumentar ou reduzir os custos de transação nos procedimentos arbitrais que tramitam perante o TAS-CAS, a partir das normas que os regulam, dispostas no seu Code of Sports-related Arbitration. / This work aims to study the dispute resolution within sports, through the arbitrations performed by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (TAS-CAS), by examining the structure of said body, as well as certain aspects linked to its acting. Thus, it has been made a contextualization of the use of arbitration proceedings to the settlement of conflicts related to the practice of sports and the creation of the Court of Arbitration for Sport, to identify, later, the main peculiarities of its proceedings, comparing them to the provisions of the UNCITRAL Model Law and of the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce and the American Arbitration Association, which also regulate international arbitrations. Regarding the activity of the court, it was addressed the existence of a regulatory body specifically related to sports, called lex sportiva, whose formation has been heavily influenced by the decisions of TAS-CAS. Within this context, it were presented some of the principles which compose lex sportiva and which have been developed with the participation of the tribunal. Finally, using the concepts provided by the Economic Analysis of Law, it was sought to identify factors that can increase or reduce the transaction costs in arbitration proceedings before the TAS-CAS, as from the rules which govern it, disposed in its Code of Sports-related Arbitration.

Relação entre o bem-estar subjetivo de pais e filhos adolescentes a partir de diferentes medidas de avaliação

Bedin, Lívia Maria January 2013 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objetivos verificar as propriedades psicométricas dos instrumentos de bem-estar: Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI), Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), Brief Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale (BMSLSS) e Core Affects Scale (CAS); apresentar o bem-estar nos grupos de pais e filhos adolescentes; e verificar a relação entre o bem-estar subjetivo de pais e seus filhos adolescentes a partir de diferentes medidas de avaliação. Foram realizados três estudos, com 543 adolescentes com idades entre 12 e 16 anos (68,3% meninas) e seus respectivos pais, com idade média aproximada de 44 anos. Os resultados apontam que o PWI e as escalas SWLS, BMSLSS e CAS apresentam, no geral, bons índices de ajuste quando da realização da análise fatorial (exploratória e confirmatória) para a amostra de adolescentes e para a de pais. Verificam-se diferenças significativas entre as médias de diferentes domínios de bem-estar, sendo as médias mais altas para os adolescentes do que para os pais. Com relação às diferenças por sexo, para as medidas de bem-estar globais observa-se que tanto as meninas como as mães apresentam médias mais baixas do que os meninos e os pais. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas por idade para os adolescentes e para os pais, apesar de haver uma diminuição nas médias de diversas medidas para os adolescentes com o aumento dos 12 aos 16 anos. Houve diferenças para classe social, sendo as médias de bem-estar mais baixas para os participantes de classe média baixa. Especificamente, há diferenças entre a interação de classe social e sexo, e as participantes do sexo feminino de classe média baixa apresentam as menores médias de bem-estar. Finalmente, a relação entre o bem-estar de pais e filhos foi analisada, chegando-se a 5 itens que apresentam correlação de 0,41 entre pais e filhos: a satisfação com a família, com o lugar onde vive, com as condições onde vive, com o nível de vida e com a segurança, formando uma dimensão denominada de satisfação com o microssistema. Os resultados para os modelos de interdependência ator-parceiro (APIM) apresentam efeitos significativos entre a satisfação e a felicidade global com a vida dos pais e o bem-estar dos filhos adolescentes, apesar de pequenos. / This thesis aims to examine the psychometric properties of the well-being instruments: Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI), Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), Brief Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale (BMSLSS) and Core Affects Scale (CAS); to present the well-being in the groups of parents and children, and to verify the relation of the subjective well-being of parents and their adolescent children using different assessment measures. Three studies were conducted with 543 adolescents aged between 12 and 16 years (68.3% girls) and their respective parents with an average age of approximately 44 years. The main results show that the scales SWLS, PWI, BMSLSS and CAS have good overall fit indices when performing factor analysis (exploratory and confirmatory) for the sample of adolescents and parents. There are significant differences between the averages of different well-being domains and the averages are higher for teenagers than for parents mostly. With respect to gender differences, for some of the measures of well-being it is observed that girls as mothers present lower average than boys and parents. Considering age, in general there were no significant differences found for adolescents and parents, despite a decrease in the mean for several measures for adolescents when increasing age. There were differences in social class, and the means of well-being are lower for participants from lower middle class. Specifically, there are differences between the interaction of social class and gender, and female participants from lower middle class have lower average well-being. Finally, the relationship between the well-being of parents and children was analyzed, reaching up to 5 items that show a correlation of 0.41 between parents and children: satisfaction with family, where you live, with the conditions of where you live, with the standard of living and security, forming a dimension called satisfaction with the microsystem. The results for the actor-partner interdependence model (APIM) show significant effects between the overall satisfaction and happiness with life of parents and the well-being of adolescent children, though small.

Structure, fonctionnement et évolution des équipes entrepreneuriales : une modélisation systémique dans une perspective d'accompagnement à la création d'entreprise / Structure, functioning and evolution of entrepreneurial Teams : a systemic modeling in entrepreneurial training perspective for business creation

Miliani, Nesrine 10 December 2015 (has links)
La littérature, s’est beaucoup intéressée à l’entrepreneur solitaire, notamment à ses origines, à son profil et à ses actions. Certains auteurs le considèrent comme un mythe et un héros capable de se dépasser dans les situations les plus complexes. L’émergence des entreprises de nouvelles technologies ont fait connaître une nouvelle forme d’entrepreneuriat de plus en plus fréquente, qui se présente sous forme d’équipe entrepreneuriale. Etant donné, la réserve des réflexions académiques concernant ce champ d’étude, il est utile d’apporter quelques éclairages à ce sujet. Cette recherche se veut donc une contribution théorique et pratique à la compréhension de la notion de l’équipe entrepreneuriale et ses spécificités.L’équipe entrepreneuriale étant une entité dynamique devant être traitée en sa globalité irréductible, une analyse analytique nous semble réductrice. Par conséquent, nous proposons un cadrage théorique au moyen de la théorie systémique. / Literature has been deeply interested in the solitary entrepreneur, mainly in his origins, profile and actions. Some authors consider him as a myth and a hero capable to exceed himself in the most complex situations. The emergence of new technology companies introduced a new form of entrepreneurship more and more frequent, which comes in the shape of entrepreneurial team. Since there is a reservation on the topic of academic thoughts in this field of study, it is useful to provide some insight on this. This research is intended for a theoretical and practical contribution to the understanding of the entrepreneurial team concept. Following a literary review on entrepreneurial teams, we propose a theoretical framework based on systemic approach. In fact, the entrepreneurial team is a dynamic entity; an analytical analysis seems to reduce the complexity in its elementary components whereas it should be treated in its irreducible globalism.

Linguistiche analysis van neurogeen stotteren

Bijleveld, Henny January 1999 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Essays on Economics of political Behavior

Noury, Abdul Ghafar January 2001 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

La dyslexie du développement: étude du caractère unique ou multiple de son étiologie à l'aide d'une approche comparative et longitudinale

Genard, Nathalie January 2000 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences psychologiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Contribution à une étude du concept d'implication et de ses manifestations en psychologie économique: une analyse en termes d'élaboration d'échelles et de questionnaires appliqués à des signifiés-produits et à des signifiés-publicités

Boogaerts, Laurence January 1999 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences psychologiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Occupational risk factors for pancreatic cancer in Montreal

Manthorp, Emily 06 1900 (has links)
Problématique. L’étiologie du cancer pancréatique est encore peu caractérisée, notamment quant au rôle des expositions environnementales modifiables. L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner si les expositions chimiques dans les milieux de travail sont des facteurs de risques pour ce cancer le plus souvent mortel. Méthodes. Une étude cas-témoin populationnelle à Montréal incluant 19 types de cancer a été réalisée entre 1979 et 1985. Pour chaque participant, un historique de travail détaillé a été obtenu ainsi que des données sur des variables sociodémographiques et des habitudes de vie. Les antécédents de travail ont été examinés par des chimistes et hygiénistes de travail afin de déterminer le statut d’exposition de chaque participant pour environ 300 substances d’intérêt. Pour ce rapport, les 116 cas participants de cancer pancréatique ont été comparés avec les autres cas de cancers et des témoins populationnelles. Des analyses préliminaires ont été effectuées pour repérer les substances qui démontraient des indices d’association avec le cancer du pancréas. Celles-ci, en plus des substances qui sont réputées être associées avec le cancer du pancréas dans la littérature, ont été retenues pour des analyses statistiques plus approfondies. Pour chaque substance, deux catégories d’exposition ont été établies : « exposé » et « substantiellement exposé ». Les ratios de cotes entre le cancer pancréatique et chaque substance ont été estimés par régression logistique tout en contrôlant pour des facteurs de confusion possibles. Des analyses semblables ont été réalisées pour des catégories industrielles et occupationnelles. Résultats. Parmi toutes les expositions étudiées, la majorité d’entre eux n’ont pas démontré une association avec le cancer du pancréas. Cependant, des associations positives ont été repérées pour quelques substances, notamment pour les produits de combustion du charbon (RC 2,6, IC 95 % [1,3- 5,3]), la suie (RC 3,4, IC 95 % [1,3-8,6]), les cires et agents de polissage (RC 2,7, 95 % [1,1-4,1]), les produits de nettoyage (RC 1,9, IC 95 % [1,1-3,2]) et pour la catégorie des concierges et nettoyeurs (RC 2,8, IC 95 % [1,5-5,1]). Conclusion. Malgré que plusieurs des associations observées dans cette étude ne sont pas suffisamment appuyées directement par la littérature existante, nos résultats représentent une ressource utile pour diriger les futurs projets de recherche et notamment pour les éventuelles méta- analyses. / Background. Pancreatic cancer is a fatal disease in most cases. Unfortunately, little is known about the etiology of pancreatic cancer and whether modifiable environmental chemical exposures may play an important role. The purpose of this study is to explore whether chemical exposures in the workplace may be risk factors for pancreatic cancer. Methods. A population-based case-control study including 19 types of cancer was conducted in Montreal between 1979 and 1985. Detailed occupational histories were obtained from all subjects as well as information on several socio-demographic and lifestyle variables. Occupational histories were assessed by industrial hygienists and chemists to determine whether exposure had occurred to any of nearly 300 substances from a checklist. For this report, the participating 116 pancreatic cancer cases were compared with other cancer controls and population controls. Preliminary analyses were conducted to identify agents from the checklist showing evidence of an association with pancreatic cancer. These were selected for more in-depth statistical analyses together with agents reported in the literature as being potentially associated with pancreatic cancer. For each agent, “any” and “substantial” exposure metrics were defined. Unconditional logistic regression methods were used to estimate odds ratios between pancreatic cancer and each of the selected exposures while controlling for potential confounders. Similar analyses were conducted for occupation and industry groups. Results. Of all the exposures assessed, the majority did not reveal an association with pancreatic cancer. However, suggestive positive associations were found for several agents including coal combustion products (OR 2.6, 95% CI [1.3-5.3]), soot (OR 3.4, 95% [1.3-8.6]), waxes and polishes (OR 2.7, 95% [1.1-4.1]), cleaning agents (OR 1.9, 95% [1.1-3.2]) and for the occupational category “janitors and cleaners” (OR 2.8, 95% CI [1.5-5.1]). Conclusion. For most of the agents revealing an association with pancreatic cancer in our study, there is a paucity of direct evidence published by other authors to corroborate our findings. However, parallels can be made with previously observed excesses in occupational groups making our findings useful for guiding future research efforts, notably for meta-analyses, to uncover the specific chemical exposures that may account for these excesses.

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