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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Люминесцентный контроль радиационных полей с использованием двуокиси циркония : выпускная квалификационная работа специалиста / Radiation Fields Luminescence Control with the use of zirconium oxide

Казанцева, М. Г., Kazantseva, M. G. January 2015 (has links)
Цель работы – изучение люминесцентных свойств двуокиси циркония при различных видах облучения, и оценка возможности его использования для высокодозной дозиметрии электронных пучков. В результате исследования образцов получен комплекс параметров, характеризующих их фотолюминесцентные и термолюминесцентные свойства, проведено сравнение найденных параметров с известными литературными данными. Обнаружена сублинейная дозовая зависимость интенсивности термолюминесценции моноклинного ZrO2 от дозы облучения, что подтверждает возможность его использования для дозиметрии электронных пучков. Проведен анализ экологических рисков и соблюдения правил безопасности жизнедеятельности при экспериментальных исследованиях. / The purpose of this work is the study of luminescent properties of zirconia excited by different types of radiation, and to assess the possibility of its use for high-current electron beams dosimetry. Obtained set of parameters characterizing their photoluminescence and thermoluminescence properties was compared with the parameters found in literature. Sublinear dose dependence of thermoluminescence intensity of monoclinic ZrO2 confirms the possibility of its use for dosimetry of electron beams. Ecological risks and compliance with the rules of life safety during experimental investigations were analyzed.

Native Point Defect Measurement and Manipulation in ZnO Nanostructures

Brillson, Leonard, Cox, Jonathan, Gao, Hantian, Foster, Geoffrey, Ruane, William, Jarjour, Alexander, Allen, Martin, Look, David, von Wenckstern, Holger, Grundmann, Marius 06 April 2023 (has links)
This review presents recent research advances in measuring native point defects in ZnO nanostructures, establishing how these defects affect nanoscale electronic properties, and developing new techniques to manipulate these defects to control nano- and micro- wire electronic properties. From spatially-resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy, we now know that electrically-active native point defects are present inside, as well as at the surfaces of, ZnO and other semiconductor nanostructures. These defects within nanowires and at their metal interfaces can dominate electrical contact properties, yet they are sensitive to manipulation by chemical interactions, energy beams, as well as applied electrical fields. Non-uniform defect distributions are common among semiconductors, and their effects are magnified in semiconductor nanostructures so that their electronic effects are significant. The ability to measure native point defects directly on a nanoscale and manipulate their spatial distributions by multiple techniques presents exciting possibilities for future ZnO nanoscale electronics.

Nanoscale Characterization of Defects in Complex Oxides and Germanane

Asel, Thaddeus J. 13 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The Mechanisms of Luminescence from ZnO Under Electron Irradiation

Todd, Devin Marlin James 09 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy studies of aluminum gallium nitride and silicon device structures as a function of irradiation and processing

White, Brad D. 15 March 2006 (has links)
No description available.

The role of defects on Schottky and Ohmic contact characteristics for GaN and AlGaN/GaN high-electron mobility transistors

Walker, Dennis Eugene, Jr. 15 March 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Electronically Active Defects Near Surfaces and Interfaces of Conducting 2D Systems

Noesges, Brenton Alan 30 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Development of InGaN/GaN nanostructures

Oppo, Carla Ivana 31 January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Fundamental and sedimentological controls on luminescence behaviour in quartz and feldspar

King, Georgina January 2012 (has links)
The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) characteristics of a suite of quartz and feldspar samples from a range of modern glaciofluvial sediments have been explored to determine the use of OSL as a depositional pathway tracer. Paraglacial and subglacial source material and various glaciofluvial deposits have been analysed from the glacial catchments of Bergsetbreen, Fåbergstølsbreen, and Nigardsbreen as well as the Fåbergstølsgrandane sandur, Jostedalen, Norway. The OSL distribution signatures have been characterised through exploration of sample skewness, kurtosis and overdispersion, and dose distributions of the different depositional settings and source materials are distinct for both quartz and feldspar. Residual ages are greatest for feldspar, indicating significant potential age overestimation where feldspar is used to date glaciofluvial deposits. Sample dose distributions and overdispersion characteristics are driven by source sediment properties, whereas residual ages are controlled by transport and depositional processes. Those transport and depositional processes which result in significant light exposure, also influence dose distributions, and processes that sort sediments least effectively have the highest residual doses. Sample OSL characteristics, transport distance and grain size distributions have been investigated using factor analysis, as a means of predicting sediment source, facies, depositional process and deposit type. Although the depositional processes of the quartz samples can be clearly differentiated based upon OSL characteristics, factor analyses of feldspar and grain size characteristics are inconclusive. The application of quartz OSL to the Norwegian samples was limited by its very poor luminescence sensitivity. Quartz is the preferred mineral for OSL, however, despite the plethora of successful quartz OSL applications, the precise origin of the UV/blue luminescence emission, measured during OSL, remains unclear. The origins of this emission and controls on its intensity were explored using a variety of spectroscopic techniques including photoluminescence, cathodoluminescence, radioluminescence (RL), ionoluminescence (IL) and x-ray excited optical luminescence (XEOL). Exciting sample luminescence at a range of energies enables exploration of the different donor centres responsible for the luminescence emission. Cathodoluminescence and RL emission spectra are similar, comprising broad emissions at 1.5, 2.0 and 2.7 eV (detection in the UV part of the spectrum was not possible for these experiments). Ionoluminescence emission spectra were dominated by the ~ 3.3 eV emission, which is a component of the signal conventionally monitored during OSL. This emission depleted as a function of dose, to the benefit of the red emission (1.8-2.0 eV) for all samples throughout IL, and similar observations were made for the 3.4 eV emission observed from the XEOL emission spectra. The XEOL spectra are dominated by an emission at ~ 3.8 eV, not widely reported for quartz, which has tentatively been attributed to peroxy linkages. Differences between the IL and XEOL emission spectra are interpreted as evidence for the presence of multiple excited states.

Installation et évolution de la plate-forme urgonienne (Hauterivien à Bédoulien) du Jura méridional aux chaînes subalpines (Ain, Savoie, Haute-Savoie) Sédimentologie, minéralogie,stratigraphie et paléogéographie et deuxième sujet : Dolomitisation,fracturation et porosité au voisinage d'une faille majeure (Urgonien du massif subalpin du Vercors)

Viéban, Florence 19 January 1983 (has links) (PDF)
L'étude de l' Hauterivien et du Barrémo-Bédoulien a permis de définir et de dater les grandes étapes de l'installation et de l'évolution de la plate-forme carbonatée urgonienne entre le Jura méridional et les massifs subalpins. L'étude sédimentologique a permis de proposer un modèle de plate-forme carbonatée qui comprend 4 domaines paléogéographiques: le bassin, le talus externe, la bordure et le domaine interne de la plate-forme. Chacun de ces ensembles est caractérisé par des groupes de faciès renfermant des associations biologiques et une microfaune typiques. L'étude minéralogique a porté sur l'identification des divers minéraux (argiles, quartz et goethite) contenus dans les sédiments, sur la comparaison entre classes de minéralofaciès et groupes de microfaciès et sur une caractérisation originale des milieux de dépôt et de leur évolution . Elle a permis de mettre en évidence une relation entre la nature des sédiments et les associations minéralogiques, un parallélisme entre évolution minéralogique et évolution séquentielle, des variations du contexte paléogéographique par apparition ou disparition non synchrone de minéraux d'une coupe à l' autre , des précisions d'ordre stratigraphique avec notamment l'apparition d'anomalies au niveau des limites. L'étude stratigraphique a permis , du point de vue paléontologique, de situer avec précision les limites Valanginien-Hauterivien et Hauterivien inf. Hauterivien sup. et de dater les assises sommitales du Barrémien sup. Du point de vue séquentiel, la série étudiée, représentée par une mégaséquence régressive a été découpée en huit séquences principales limitées par des horizons de discontinuité majeurs. Du point de vue des corrélations, il a été possible de replacer les résultats obtenus dans un cadre régional et de définir des correspondances précises avec les coupes du Vercors et du Jura. Paléogéographiquement, quatre grandes étapes ont pu être définies dans l' évolution de la plate-forme: plusieurs tentatives d'installation au cours de l'Hauterivien, sur une morphologie héritée de l' ancienne plate-forme valanginienne, léger recul lors du Barrémien inférieur, accroissement maximal (apparition des milieux protégés) et stabilité lors du Barrémien supérieur, recul important lors du passage Barrémien supérieur-Bédoulien. DEUXIEME SUJET: L'étude de la dolomitisation structurale de l' Urgonien au voisinage d'une faille dans le massif du Vercors a permis de décrire: une dolomitisation précoce synsédimentaire et une dolomitisation structurale liée à une fracturation ancienne, une ca1citisation liée à des systèmes de fracturation plus récents, des mécanismes de dissolution induisant une porosité intracristalline ( liée à la dédolomitisation) , intercristalline ou de microfissures.

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