Spelling suggestions: "subject:"certainty"" "subject:"ertainty""
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Le sérieux et le manifeste en droit judiciaire privé : contribution à une étude de la certitude en droit / Serious argument and obviousness of the case in procedural lawCallet, Clovis 04 December 2015 (has links)
Le moyen sérieux et l’appréciation manifeste sont des notions bien connues des processualistes qui suscitent toujours la défiance et la circonspection. Elles connaissent pourtant un succès législatif spectaculaire et interviennent dans l’application d’un grand nombre de textes dont l’importance pratique et juridique n’est plus à démontrer. Encore considérées comme la clé la plus insaisissable des dispositifs dans lesquelles elles sont intégrées, ces notions appellent une étude synthétique. Faisant le lien entre des analyses doctrinales éparses qui ne s’intéressent à ces notions qu’au sein d’une procédure identifiée, la thèse tente d’en dégager une définition généralement et globalement opérante. Un examen attentif de la jurisprudence conduit à rejeter la définition classique fondée sur l’évidence et à lui substituer une définition fondée sur le concept plus large de certitude.La réflexion glisse alors imperceptiblement vers la théorie du droit et se tourne vers la question de la vérité en droit. Une connaissance objective des règles de droit est-elle possible ?A la recherche d’une définition succède naturellement une recherche des fonctions des notions. Véritables facteurs de rationalisation du droit processuel, elles y occupent une place essentielle. En dégageant les fonctions pratiques et juridiques des notions, la thèse est amenée à sortir des hypothèses consacrées et à rechercher si les conditions du recours à ces notions ne sont pas déjà réunies dans des dispositifs où il n’y est pourtant pas expressément fait référence. Elle quitte même le terrain du droit positif pour interroger la rationalité des mécanismes dont la mise en œuvre dépend des notions étudiées / An increasing number of statutes relies on the concepts of serious argument and obvious evaluation for their application. Yet no satisfying definition of these concepts has still been found. For if it is usually assumed that these concepts depend on the obviousness of the Law and of the disputed facts, a careful examination of the case law shows well enough that this view is false : one often judges an evaluation obvious only after having demonstrated its truth through a complex argumentation and a long reasoning.Thus, the thesis argues that the concepts refer not to the obviousness of the Law and the disputed events but to the certainty of these. Here the Law refers to a question of jurisprudence : is the case easy or hard ? This new definition leads to the discussion of skepticism regarding the Law. Once a definition that fits the case law has been built, it is necessary to identify the reasons, both legal and pratical, for the use of the concepts in procedural law.From this it becomes possible to a build critical look on the statutes that use the concepts of serious argument and obvious evaluation for their application : is this use justified or should the statutes be changed ? It will also be possible to consider that the appplication of statutes that do not refer to these concepts actually depends on them, or at least should depend on them
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Capital Asset Prices Modelling - Concept VAPM / Capital Asset Price Modelling: Concept VAPMKuklik, Robert G. January 2008 (has links)
The key objective of this thesis is the outline of an alternative capital market modeling framework, the Volatility Asset Pricing Model, VAPM, inspired by the innovative dual approach of Mandelbrot and Hudson using the method based on synthesis of two seemingly antagonistic factors -- the volatility of market prices and their serial dependence determining the capital markets' dynamics. The pilot tests of this model in various periods using the market index as well as a portfolio of selected securities delivered generally satisfactory results. Firstly, the work delivers a brief recapitulation regarding the concepts of a consumer/investor choice under general conditions of hypothetical certainty. Secondly, this outline is then followed by a description of the "classical" methodologies in the risky environment of uncertainty, with assessment of their corresponding key models, i.e. the CAPM, SIM, MIM, APTM, etc., notwithstanding results of the related testing approaches. Thirdly, this assessment is based on evaluation of the underlying doctrine of Efficient Market Hypothesis in relation to the so called Random Walk Model. Fourthly, in this context the work also offers a brief exposure to a few selected tests of these contraversial concepts. Fifthly, the main points of conteporary approaches such as the Fractal Dimension and the Hurst Exponent in the dynamic framework of information entropy are subsequently described as the theoretical tools leading to development of the abovementioned model VAPM. The major contribution of this thesis is considered its attempt to apply the abovementioned concepts in practice, with the intention to possibly inspire a further analytical research.
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La sécurisation des permis de construire contre les recours abusifs / To strengthen legal security of building permits against the excessive proceedingsBoussemart, Déborah 09 July 2015 (has links)
La présente thèse s'intéresse à la systématisation des menaces d'annulation des permis de construire. Elle a pour objet d'analyser la réalité des recours abusifs devant le juge administratif français. Le phénomène de multiplication des recours abusifs pose le problème de l'instrumentalisation du juge par des requérants malveillants. Cette instrumentalisation transforme le prétoire en une sorte de marché juridictionnel et se traduit en pratique par des coûts contentieux et transactionnels de plus en plus lourds pour les bénéficiaires d'autorisation d'urbanisme. Des instruments de régulation procédurale existent mais sont apparus insuffisants jusqu'à la réforme du contentieux d'urbanisme de 2013. Cette réforme apporte des solutions innovantes. L'optimisme pousse à croire que ces mesures seront efficaces, mais un brin de pessimisme conduit à l'analyse d'autres solutions. Ainsi, le but de cette thèse est, d'une part, d'analyser les écueils actuels qui ont conduit à l'insécurité des bénéficiaires d'autorisation d'urbanisme et, d'autre part, d'analyser la pertinence des instruments juridiques régissant le droit de l'urbanisme avec un focus particulier sur les apports de la réforme des procédures contentieuses en urbanisme de 2013. / The present dissertation is interested in the systematization of the threats of construction authorizations cancellation. This discussion examines the reality of overuses of the right of individual recourse in order to examine issues which could enhance the legal certainty of construction authorizations. The rapid growth of the overused recourses number leads to the manipulation of the law and of the judge. This transforms the courtroom in an odd market where the judge is the tool of a bad regulation. The result is significant. The reason for that is very simple: litigation is quite expensive and amicable settlements too. However, regulatory measures exist but they are not effective. The 2013 reform brought several innovative changes. Optimism leads us to believe these changes will be effective. But a more pessimistic viewpoint leads to highlight the other solutions. Hence, the purpose of this thesis work is to analyze the obstacles and limits of the existing tools which have led to insecure construction authorizations. Furthermore, it aims to analyze the relevance of existing legal instruments in urban planning law.
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ATT VITTNA ELLER INTE VITTNA, DET ÄR FRÅGAN. En kvalitativ studie som undersöker hur individer ur civilsamhället och anställda inom rättsväsendet ser på anonyma vittnenKarlsson, Jenny, Sempert, Ulf January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att med kvalitativ forskningsmetod undersöka vilka tankar och attityder individer ur civilsamhället som varit utsatta för eller bevittnat ett brott och sakkunniga inom rättsväsendet har kring fenomenet anonyma vittnen. Vi ämnade även undersöka om en tillämpning av anonyma vittnen i svenska domstolar skulle förändra respondenternas syn på sin egen benägenhet att vittna. Slutligen undersökte studien om respondenterna upplevde att rättssäkerheten skulle komma att påverkas om det svenska rättsväsendet skulle tillåta anonyma vittnen. Tio personer intervjuades, varav hälften var anställda av rättsväsendet och hälften var civila utanför rättsväsendet. Intervjudatan analyserades med tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att respondenterna från civilsamhället i stort var positiva till att fullfölja sin vittnesplikt så länge det inte fanns någon hotbild. Förekom det en hotbild skulle de endast kunna tänka sig att vittna anonymt. Resultatet visade vidare att majoriteten av respondenterna från rättsväsendet ansåg att rättssystemet var eftersatt när det kom till att bekämpa den grova och organiserade brottsligheten. Några respondenter menade att anonyma vittnen kunde vara en väg att gå för att göra samhället mer rättssäkert då vittnesplikten i vissa fall spelat ut sin roll. Resultatet visade även att både respondenter från civilsamhället och rättsväsendet ansåg att det fanns utmaningar i praktiken med en tillämpning av anonyma vittnen. Båda grupperna kunde peka på både rättspsykologiska och juridiska fördelar och nackdelar med anonyma vittnen.Slutsatsen är att anonyma vittnen kan göra att benägenheten att vittna ökar från civilsamhällets sida. Det finns en möjlighet att anonyma vittnen kan göra samhället både mer rättssäkert och mindre rättssäkert. Det är ett ämne som bör undersökas mer noggrant genom att väga både fördelar och nackdelar. / With the help of a qualitative research method the purpose of the study was to analyze the thoughts and attitudes of the general public (who have been exposed to/or witnessed a crime) as well as experts in the judicial system, regarding the phenomenon of anonymous witnesses. We also intended to examine whether an application of ‘anonymous witnesses’ in Swedish courts would make the respondents more or less inclined to testify. Finally, the study would examine whether the respondents felt that legal certainty would be affected if the Swedish judicial system allowed anonymous witnesses. Ten people were interviewed, half of whom were employees of the judiciary and half were civilians outside the judiciary. The interview data was analyzed with thematic analysis. The result showed that the general public was positive to testify as long as there was no threat scenario. If there was a threat scenario, they would only consider testifying anonymously. The result also showed that the majority of respondents from the judiciary felt that the legal system was neglected when it came to fight the major and organized crime. Some argued that anonymous witnesses could be an approach to make society more legally certain as the obligation to testify in some cases no longer is needed. The results also showed that both respondents from the general public and the judiciary considered it to be a challenge when using anonymous witnesses in practice. Both groups could point to both psychological and legal benefits and disadvantages of anonymous witnesses.The conclusion is that anonymous witnesses can make the general public’s propensity to witness increase. There is a possibility that anonymous witnesses can make society both more legally certain and less legally certain and it should be subject to closer examination by weighing both advantages and disadvantages against each other.
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Genom nålsögat : En studie av rättssäkerhet i överklaganden av beslut om ekonomiskt bistånd till förvaltningsdomstolarna / Through the eye of a needle : A study of legal certainty in appeals to the Administrative courts concerning decisions about social assistanceJohansson, Jenny January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att granska rättssäkerheten i tillämpningen av mål om ekonomiskt bistånd enligt 4 kap. 1 § Socialtjänstlagen i förvaltningsdomstolarna, med fokus på Förvaltningsrätten i Stockholm. Studien visar att överklagandefrekvensen har ökat under åren 2013–2018 i alla förvaltningsrätter och att ändringsfrekvensen var 11 procent. Väldigt få mål fick prövningstillstånd i kammarrätterna och i Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen och under en procent av målen fick bifall.Till Förvaltningsrätten i Stockholm överklagades drygt två procent av socialtjänstens avslagsbeslut om ekonomiskt bistånd, vilket kan jämföras med andelen överklaganden av socialförsäkringsmål som var 43 procent. Av besluten som överklagades fick tre procent av de klagande bifall. En närmare granskning av 100 domar från Förvaltningsrätten i Stockholm år 2018 visade att störst chans att få bifall har de mål som handlar om vad som är ett behov enligt Socialtjänstlagen. De mål som rör att den klagande själv anses kunna tillgodose behovet eller inte anses medverka i utredningen hade minst chans att få bifall. Förekomst av bevis samvarierade med bifall för båda parter. Vilka de klagande är eller om barn finns i hushållet påverkade inte utfallet och barns behov belystes inte alls. Vilken enhet och domare hos Förvaltningsrätten som dömt i målet samvarierade också med utfallet.Analysen utifrån rättssäkerhet visar att den ur ett formellt perspektiv är hög. De flesta fick avslag och besluten var därmed förutsebara. Rättssäkerheten minskade dock genom utfallets samvariation med vilken enhet och domare som dömt. Ur ett materiellt perspektiv på rättssäkerhet innebar 71 procent av avslagen att den enskilde inte tillförsäkrades en skälig levnadsnivå. Krav ställdes på den klagande som gjorde att bedömningen kom att handla om vad den klagande kunde ha gjort för att tillgodose behovet själv, inte huruvida denne faktiskt kunde det. Detta tillsammans med att högre beviskrav eventuellt ställdes i dessa mål gör att rättssäkerheten ur ett materiellt perspektiv kan ifrågasättas.
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Eu State Aid Rules And Corporate Direct Tax Arrangements : An Analysis of Article 107(1) TFEU and Recent case Developments with the principle of LegalityVärttö, Sharon Mame Sika January 2022 (has links)
The European Union was devised to promote competition in the international market environment and ensure balanced allocation of fiscal and political requirements of the Member States. Globalization has led to enabling tax environments through granting of tax benefits by EU Member jurisdictions intended to promote competition in attracting foreign investment, trade, and development. Multinational Corporations may often exploit these tax benefits through various tax arrangement provisions causing a loss of tax revenue. The European Commission is implored to oversee the tax ruling granted by the Member States that is distortionary to the internal market. The Notion of State aid rule Article 107(1) TFEU is adopted as part of the mechanism to combat distortions that leads to tax evasion and harmful tax competition. This research is intended to analyse the Commission and the General Court’s approach to demonstrate illegal or unlawful State aid through varied and adaptive methodology to tackle emerging complex tax arrangements provisions of Multinational Corporations, notably the Amazon and Engie recent cases. This paper also discusses the identification of potential conflict of laws between the relevant general system of legal rule of the domestic tax legislation and EU Law. Specifically with regards to the determination of whether a tax benefit confers a tax advantage and subsequently if that advantage is deemed selective in nature in a transfer of financial asset undertaking under a certain domestic law. The dynamics of potential abuse of law and aid recovery with the general tax principle of Legality will also be explored.
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Source-channel coding for closed-loop controlBao, Lei January 2006 (has links)
Networked embedded control systems are present almost everywhere. A recent trend is to introduce wireless sensor networks in these systems, to take advantage of the added mobility and flexibility offered by wireless solutions. In such networks, the sensor observations are typically quantized and transmitted over noisy links. Concerning the problem of closed-loop control over such non-ideal communication channels, relatively few works have appeared so far. This thesis contributes to this field, by studying some fundamentally important problems in the design of joint source--channel coding and optimal control. The main part of the thesis is devoted to joint design of the coding and control for scalar linear plants, whose state feedbacks are transmitted over binary symmetric channels. The performance is measured by a finite-horizon linear quadratic cost function. The certainty equivalence property of the studied systems is utilized, since it simplifies the overall design by separating the estimation and the control problems. An iterative optimization algorithm for training the encoder--decoder pairs, taking channel errors into account in the quantizer design, is proposed. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate promising improvements in performance compared to traditional approaches. Event-triggered control strategies are a promising solution to the problem of efficient utilization of communication resources. The basic idea is to let each control loop communicate only when necessary. Event-triggered and quantized control are combined for plants affected by rarely occurring disturbances. Numerical experiments show that it is possible to achieve good control performance with limited control actuation and sensor communication. / QC 20101109
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Doelbewuste gebruik van die element van onsekerheid van die terapeut in gesinsterapieVan der Westhuizen, Hedwig Ruth 30 November 2003 (has links)
This is a constructivistic, qualitative single case study of the reflections of a social work post-graduate student in a practical family therapy training situation, to illustrate the integration of person centered and systemic family therapy theory. The element of uncertainty of the therapist, is the focus of this study.
The element of uncertainty, being a part of both the therapist and the therapeutic process, especially if challenged to make paradigm shifts and master new theory and skills, is identified, described, redefined and contructively applied.
The focus is to highlight the use of the reframed element of uncertainty in empowering the therapist in the therapeutic process of family therapy. It is outlined how uncertainty can also be of value to empower the therapist to evolve an own unique therapeutic style. / Social work / M.A. (Geestesgesondheid)
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Le silence de l'Etat comme manifestation de sa volonté / Silence as a manisfestation of the state's willMarie, Alexis 10 December 2013 (has links)
Lors des travaux de la Commission du droit international relatifs aux actes unilatéraux des États, le rapporteur spécial a nié que le silence puisse être qualifié de manifestation de la volonté étatique. Rien dans la théorie de l’acte juridique ne justifie pourtant cette position. L’étude de la pratique révèle en outre que, selon les cas, le silence étatique peut être qualifié de refus ou d’acquiescement et qu’il joue un rôle fondamental dans la formation, l’interprétation ou la modification des rapports de droit interétatiques. En effet, dans la mesure où, en droit international, il revient aux États d’apprécier le bien-fondé ou la légalité du comportement de leurs pairs, l’objectif de la sécurité juridique impose de retenir la pertinence légale de leur silence. Cet objectif, sous ses diverses facettes, constitue la raison d’être de l’attribution d’un effet légal au silence et permet ainsi une systématisation des hypothèses très variées où il pèse sur les États une « charge de réagir ». Selon la situation face à laquelle il est appréhendé, le silence permet ainsi d’assurer la détermination actuelle ou future des rapports de droit.L’étude des conditions nécessaires à la production de l’effet attribué au silence révèle par ailleurs que le droit positif consacre la possibilité théorique d’y voir un acte juridique. Pour que son silence produise des effets, le droit international exige toujours que l’État ait été libre de réagir et qu’il ait eu connaissance de la situation qui le rendait pertinent. En outre, les régimes de la preuve de la connaissance et de l’existence du silence ne justifient pas nécessairement la dénonciation du caractère honteusement fictif de l’explication volontariste des phénomènes en cause. Il n’y a, en toute hypothèse, aucune fiction juridique à qualifier le silence en tant qu’acte juridique / . During the work of the International Law Commission regarding Unilateral Acts of States, the Special Rapporteur denied that State’s silence could be qualified as a manifestation of its will. Nevertheless,no theoretical reason justifies this position. The study of the practice reveals more over that, as the casemay be, State’s silence can be qualified as refusal or as acquiescence and that it plays a fundamental role in the formation, the interpretation or the modification of legal interstate relations. Indeed, since it is the State’s prerogative to appreciate the legality of the behavior of others States, legal certainty imposes to hold the legal relevance of their silence. Under its diverse facets, this objective constitutes the raison d’être of the effect attributed to silence and thus allows a systematization of the various hypothesis in which it is taken into account. Depending on the situation to which it reacts, silence ensures the current or future determination of legal relations. Furthermore, the study of the conditions necessary for the production of the silence’s effects reveals that positive law consecrates the theoretical possibility of qualifying silence as a legal act. International law requires, in order toattribute an effect to silence, that the silent State was free to react and had knowledge of the situation that made his silence legally relevant. Moreover, the rules governing the proof of the knowledge and of the existence of silence do not necessarily justify the criticism towards the fictive character of the voluntarist explanation of the phenomena. There is, in any event, no legal fiction in qualifying silenceas a legal act.
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Lika rätt för barn : En studie av rättssäkerheten för barn i skyddat boende på ideella kvinnojourer. / Equal rights for children : A study about the legal rights for children in nonprofit sheltersHellmark Sörensen, Anna January 2012 (has links)
I föreliggande studie undersöks hur rättssäkerheten tillämpas och tolkas allmänt för barn som placeras utanför det egna hemmet av socialtjänsten samt hur rättssäkerheten tolkas och tillämpas när det rör barn som är placerade på ideella kvinnojourer. Studien är av rättssociologisk art. Metoden som används i studien är en kombination av rättsdogmatisk metod och samhällsvetenskaplig metod. Detta för att genom den rättsdogmatiska metoden studera lagstiftning och den samhällsvetenskapliga undersöka hur lagen tillämpas i praktiken. Materialet består av texter samt intervju. Teorier om rättssäkerhet används för att skapa en förståelse av materialet (Staaf; Petczenik) Studien visar att det finns brister i den formella rättssäkerheten samt att den materiella rättssäkerheten inte diskuteras över huvudtaget. Studiens resultat visar även att det finns ett glapp mellan rätten och dess tillämpning. / The present study examines how the rule of law is applied and interpreted for children placed outside their home by social services and how the rule of law are interpreted and applied in the case of children placed on non-profit refuges. The study has a sociology of law approach. Methods used in the study are a combination of legal dogmatic and social scientific method. The material consists of texts and one interview. Theories of the rule of law is used to create an understanding of the material (Staaf; Petczenik). The study shows that there are deficiencies in the formal legal rights as well as to the substantive legal rights, that will not be discussed at all. The results of the study shows that there is a gap between the law and its application.
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