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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cell Wall Carbohydrate Modifications during Flooding-Induced Aerenchyma Formation in Fabaceae Roots

Pegg, Timothy Joseph 19 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.


2015 September 1900 (has links)
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) was recently introduced to the Canadian prairies, a region which has a short growing season in which crop maturation often occurs under cool and wet conditions. To improve the yield of chickpea, crop duration must closely match the available growing season. The objectives of this study were to: i) examine the days to flowering of diverse chickpea accessions grown in either long or short-days; ii) examine the days to flowering of selected chickpea accessions grown in a range of thermal regimes combined with either long or short days and to examine the interaction between photoperiod and day and night temperatures on crop duration; iii) determine the timing and duration of the photoperiod-sensitive phase in selected chickpea accessions, and vi) determine the genetic basis of the association between flowering time and reaction to ascochyta blight in chickpea. A wide variation was observed in chickpea accessions for their response to flowering under long (16/8 hours day /night) and short days (10/14 hours day/night). Earlier flowering was observed under long photoperiod regimes compared with the short photoperiod regimes. Variability was detected among chickpea accessions for their flowering responses when different temperatures were combined with different photoperiods. Earlier flowering was observed under long days (16/8 hours day/night) coupled with high to moderate temperature regimes (24/16 ºC and 20/12 ºC, day and night respectively) compared to short-days (10/14 hours day and night) and moderate to low temperature regimes (20/12 ºC and 16/8 ºC day and night, respectively). Those chickpea accessions such as ICC 6821 and ICCV 96029 which originated from the lower latitudes of Ethiopia and India, respectively, flowered earlier compared to accessions such as CDC Corinne and CDC Frontier which originated from the higher latitudes and cooler temperate environments of western Canada. Photoperiod sensitivity phases were detected in chickpea accessions adapted to the cold environments of western Canada, whereas no photoperiod sensitivity phase was identified in the extra-early flowering cultivar ICCV 96029. The duration of the photoperiod sensitive phase in the chickpea accessions was longer under short days compared to long days. Field and growth chamber evaluation of a chickpea RIL population (CP-RIL-1) revealed the presence of variability among the lines and the two parents for their days to flowering and level of resistance to ascochyta blight. Broad sense heritability across different site-years for days to flower 0.45 to 0.78, plant height 0.48 to 0.78, ascochyta blight resistance 0.14 to 0.68, days to maturity 0.26, photoperiod sensitivity 0.83 and nodes number of first flowering 0.37 to 0.75 were estimated. Days to flower and photoperiod sensitivity were significantly r = -0.21 to -0.58 (P ≤ 0.05 to 0.001) and -0.28 to -0.41 (P ≤ 0.01 to 0.001), respectively and negatively correlated with ascochyta blight resistance in the CP-RIL-1 population. A genetic linkage map consisting of eight linkage groups was developed using 349 SNP markers. Seven QTLs were identified for days to flowering under growth chamber and field conditions on chromosomes 3, 5, 6 and 8 each and 3 QTLs on chromosome 4. The total phenotypic variation explained by QTLs for days to flowering ranged from 7 to 44%. Two QTLs for days to maturity were identified on chromosomes 3 and 8. Three QTLs, one each on chromosomes 3, 4 and 5 were identified for photoperiod sensitivity. The total phenotypic variation explained by each QTL for photoperiod sensitivity ranged from 7 to 41%. A total of three QTL for node of first flowering, one on chromosomes 3 and 8 each, and two on chromosome 4 were identified. The two QTL on chromosome 4 explained total phenotypic variations of 11 and 32%, respectively. Ten QTLs distributed across all chromosomes, except chromosomes 2 and 5, were identified for ascochyta blight resistance. The phenotypic variability explained by each QTL for ascochyta blight resistance ranged from 7 to 17%. The molecular markers associated with these QTLs have potential for use in chickpea breeding.

Diversité des champignons endophytes mycorhiziens et de classe II chez le pois chiche, et influence du génotype de la plante

Ellouz, Oualid 04 1900 (has links)
réalisé en cotutelle avec la Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Université Tunis El Manar. / Le pois chiche (Cicer arietinum L.) a l’avantage de pouvoir assimiler l'azote atmosphérique grâce à son association symbiotique avec des bactéries du genre Mesorhizobium. Malgré cet effet bénéfique sur les systèmes culturaux, le pois chiche réduit parfois la productivité du blé qui la suit. Cet effet négatif du pois chiche pourrait provenir d’une réaction allélopathique à ses exsudats racinaires ou résidus, ou de changements inopportuns dans la communauté microbienne du sol induits par la plante. L'amélioration des interactions symbiotiques du pois chiche pourrait améliorer la performance économique et environnementale des systèmes culturaux basés sur le blé. L’objectif à long terme de ce travail est d'améliorer l’influence du pois chiches sur son environnement biologique et sur la productivité du système cultural. À court terme, nous voulons 1) vérifier l'effet des champignons endophytes sur la performance de cultivars de pois chiche de type desi et kabuli, particulièrement en conditions de stress hydrique, ainsi que sur celle d’une culture subséquente de blé dur, 2) identifier des cultivars de pois chiche capables d’améliorer la qualité biologique de sols cultivés, 3) vérifier que des composés biologiquement actifs sont présents dans les racines des différents cultivars de pois chiches et 4) définir la nature de l’activité (stimulation ou inhibition) des ces composés sur les champignons endomycorhiziens à arbuscules (CMA), qui sont des microorganismes bénéfiques du sol reconnus. L’inoculation du pois chiche avec des champignons endophytes indigènes en serre a augmenté la tolérance à la sécheresse du cultivar de type kabuli à feuille simple CDC Xena et amélioré la nutrition azotée et phosphatée d’un cultivar de type desi, cv. CDC Nika, cultivé en conditions de stress hydrique. La germination des graines de blé dur fut meilleure lorsque celles-ci étaient semées dans les débris de pois chiche inoculé de type kabuli. Le sol dans lequel le génotype de pois chiche à feuille simple CDC Xena fut cultivé mais duquel tout le matériel végétal de pois chiche fut retiré a fortement inhibé la germination des semences de blé dur, ce qui suggère un effet des exsudats racinaires sur la communauté microbienne du sol associée à cette variété de pois chiche. En champ, les cultivars de pois chiche ont influencé différemment la composition des communautés de champignons de la rhizosphère. Les espèces de champignons pathogènes étaient infréquentes et les espèces saprotrophiques et de CMA étaient fréquentes dans la zone des racines du cultivar de type desi CDC Anna. L’effet des composés contenus dans les fractions séparées par HPLC et solubles en solution de méthanol à 25% et 50% de l’extrait racinaire de ce cultivar sur la germination de spores de CMA a été testé in vitro. Les deux espèces de CMA utilisées ont répondu différemment à l’exposition aux composés testés, révélant un mécanisme impliqué dans l’association préférentielle entre les plantes hôtes et les CMA qui leurs sont associés. Nous concluons que le génotype de pois chiche influence la composition de la communauté microbienne qui lui est associée et que cette influence est reliée au moins en partie aux molécules bioactives produites par les racines de la plante. D’autre part, la productivité du pois chiche et de la culture subséquente pourrait être favorisée par la manipulation de leurs champignons endophytes par inoculation. / Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) has the ability to bring free N into cropping systems, but is only a fair rotation crop, leading to lower yield in following wheat crops, as compared to medic, vetch or lentil. The negative effects of a chickpea plant on the following wheat crops could come from chickpea root exudates, their residues or their influence on the soil microbial community. The identification of chickpea cultivars best able to promote soil biological quality and the growth of a subsequent crop in rotation will help farmers in selecting better crop rotations and, thus, will improve crop management in soil zone growing chickpea. The global objective of this research is to improve the fitness of chickpea crops to their biological environment and to improve the ability of the plant to enhance soil biological quality. The specific objectives were (1) to verify that the productivity of chickpea and subsequent crops could be promoted through the inoculation by some indigenous endophytic fungi particularly under drought stress conditions (2) to verify the existence of variation in the rhizospheric associations of field-grown chickpea, as it is a necessary condition for the selection of genotypes with improved compatibility with beneficial microorganisms. (3) to identify the biologically active compounds present in the root extracts of chickpea cultivars with contrasting phenotypes, and assess their effect on beneficial and pathogenic soil microorganisms. The greenhouse experiments show that inoculation with indigenous endophytes increased drought tolerance of the unifoliate Kabuli chickpea CDC Xena and the N and P nutrition of the drought stressed Desi chickpea CDC Nika. Inoculation of both Kabuli chickpea varieties with indigenous endophytes improved wheat seeds germination in tissues amended soil. Residue-free soil previously growing the unifoliate Kabuli chickpea CDC Xena strongly inhibited durum seed germination suggesting an effect of root exudates on the soil microbial community, with this Kabuli chickpea variety. In a field experiment, the fungal diversity in cultivated Prairie dryland appeared to host a large array of fungal groups known to reduced plant nutrient, water and biotic stresses, and chickpea genotypes influenced differently the composition and biomass of the soil microbial community. The Desi chickpea CDC Anna was associated with high diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and culturable fungi, favored the proliferation of soil bacteria and fungal genus hosting biocontrol agents, and developed high AM root colonization level, as compared to the three Kabuli genotypes examined. The HPLC fractions of the roots of chickpea cultivar CDC Anna were recovered and the effects of these fractions on AM fungal spore germination were assayed in multi-well plates. Root extract fractions affect in a different ways the percentage of spores’ germination of Glomus etunicatum and Gigaspora Rosea. We concluded that the genotype of chickpea plants influences the composition of the associated microbial community, and this influence may be related to molecular signals produced by the plants. Furthermore, the productivity of chickpea and subsequent crops could be promoted through the inoculation with indigenous endophytic fungi.

Canopy Architecture and Plant Density Effect in Short-Season Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

Vanderpuye, Archibald W. 22 September 2010
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) production on the semi-arid Canadian Prairies is challenging due to a short growing season and low and variable moisture. The current recommended chickpea population density of 44 plants m-2 is based on preliminary studies and a narrow range of 20 to 50 plants m-2. The aims of this study were to i) determine optimum population density of varying chickpea canopy types, i.e., leaf type and growth habit, by investigating seed yield responses at 30 to 85 plants m-2 and ii) identify desirable parental traits for breeding programs by assessing growth and yield parameter responses to varying leaf types and growth habits at a range of population densities. Field experiments were conducted from 2002 to 2005. Canopy measurements and calculated variables included light interception, biomass, growth rate, seed yield, harvest index, ascochyta blight severity and radiation- and water use efficiencies. The plant density which produced the highest seed yield when averaged over years for each location for each treatment revealed that a plant density of at least 55 plants m-2 produced a 23% to 49% seed yield increase above that of the currently recommended plant density. This indicates that a higher seed yield average over the long term in spite of periodic low seed yield episodes will be more profitable to producers. Increasing plant density increased lowest pod height significantly in all except one location-year but did not explicitly increase ascochyta blight severity or decrease individual seed size. This suggests that increasing the recommended chickpea plant density on the Canadian Prairies will increase seed yield but would neither negatively impact individual seed size nor ascochyta blight severity, especially, when combined with good agronomic practices. Fern-leaved cultivars had significantly higher maximum intercepted light (62 to 91%), seed yield (136 to 369 g m-2), harvest index (0.33 to 0.53), yield-based water use efficiency (0.56 to 1.06 g m-2 mm-1) and lower ascochyta blight severity (3 to 27%) than the unifoliate cultivars in all location-years. The fern-leaved cultivars also tended to show significantly higher cumulative intercepted radiation (221 to 419 MJ m-2) and biomass (306 to 824 g m-2) but leaf type showed no consistent effect on radiation use efficiency. Cultivars with bushy growth habit generally performed better regarding maximum intercepted light (62 to 90%), cumulative intercepted radiation (233 to 421 MJ m-2), biomass (314 to 854 MJ m-2), seed yield (120 to 370 g m-2), harvest index (0.37 to 0.50), yield-based water use efficiency (0.56 to 1.06 g m-2 mm-1) and ascochyta blight severity (7 to 36%) than the erect cultivars. The overall performance of the spreading cultivar was generally intermediate between the bushy and erect cultivars except for ascochyta blight severity where the spreading cultivar exhibited significantly lower disease severity (3 to 36%). Radiation use efficiency was generally not influenced by growth habit. Increasing plant population density generally increased intercepted light, biomass and cumulative intercepted radiation on each sampling day after seeding resulting in a general increase in seed yield. Harvest index, however, remained constant and ascochyta blight severity was generally stable but radiation use efficiency decreased with increasing population density. Chickpea cultivars with fern leaves and bushy growth habit at higher than currently recommended population densities would best utilize the limited resources of the short-season Canadian prairie environment to maximize and stabilize seed yield.


2013 June 1900 (has links)
Differences in pea (Pisum sativum L.) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) microbial compatibility and/ or their associated farming practices may influence root fungi of the following crop and affect the yield. The main objective of this research was to explain the difference in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) yield the year after pea and chickpea crops through changes in the functional diversity of wheat root fungi. The effect of fungicides used on chickpea on the root fungi of a following durum wheat crop was studied using plate culture and pyrosequencing. Pyrosequencing detected more Fusarium spp. in the roots of durum wheat after fungicide-treated chickpea than in non-fungicide treated chickpea. Plate culture revealed that the functional groups of fungi responded differently to fungicide use in the field but the effect on total community was non-significant. Highly virulent pathogens were not affected, but antagonists were suppressed. More fungal antagonists were detected after the chickpea CDC Luna than CDC Vanguard. Fungal species responded differently to the use of fungicides in vitro, but the aggregate inhibition effect on antagonists and highly virulent pathogens was similar. The effect of chickpea vs. pea previous crop and different chickpea termination times on root fungi of a following durum wheat crop was studied. The abundance of Fusarium spp. increased after cultivation of both cultivars of chickpea as compared to pea according to pyrosequencing and was negatively correlated with durum yield. Plate culture analysis revealed that fungal antagonists were more prevalent after pea than both cultivars of chickpea and chickpea CDC Vanguard increased the abundance of highly virulent pathogens. The abundance of highly virulent pathogens in durum wheat roots was negatively correlated to durum yield. Early termination of chickpea did not change the community of culturable fungi in the roots of a following durum crop. It is noteworthy that Fusarium redolens was identified for the first time in Saskatchewan and its pathogenicity was confirmed on durum wheat, pea and chickpea. The classical method of root disease diagnostics in cereals is based on the examination of the subcrown internode. I evaluated the method by comparing the fungal communities associated with different subterranean organs of durum wheat. The fungal community of the subcrown internode was different from that of roots and crown, suggesting cautious use of this method.

Canopy Architecture and Plant Density Effect in Short-Season Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

Vanderpuye, Archibald W. 22 September 2010 (has links)
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) production on the semi-arid Canadian Prairies is challenging due to a short growing season and low and variable moisture. The current recommended chickpea population density of 44 plants m-2 is based on preliminary studies and a narrow range of 20 to 50 plants m-2. The aims of this study were to i) determine optimum population density of varying chickpea canopy types, i.e., leaf type and growth habit, by investigating seed yield responses at 30 to 85 plants m-2 and ii) identify desirable parental traits for breeding programs by assessing growth and yield parameter responses to varying leaf types and growth habits at a range of population densities. Field experiments were conducted from 2002 to 2005. Canopy measurements and calculated variables included light interception, biomass, growth rate, seed yield, harvest index, ascochyta blight severity and radiation- and water use efficiencies. The plant density which produced the highest seed yield when averaged over years for each location for each treatment revealed that a plant density of at least 55 plants m-2 produced a 23% to 49% seed yield increase above that of the currently recommended plant density. This indicates that a higher seed yield average over the long term in spite of periodic low seed yield episodes will be more profitable to producers. Increasing plant density increased lowest pod height significantly in all except one location-year but did not explicitly increase ascochyta blight severity or decrease individual seed size. This suggests that increasing the recommended chickpea plant density on the Canadian Prairies will increase seed yield but would neither negatively impact individual seed size nor ascochyta blight severity, especially, when combined with good agronomic practices. Fern-leaved cultivars had significantly higher maximum intercepted light (62 to 91%), seed yield (136 to 369 g m-2), harvest index (0.33 to 0.53), yield-based water use efficiency (0.56 to 1.06 g m-2 mm-1) and lower ascochyta blight severity (3 to 27%) than the unifoliate cultivars in all location-years. The fern-leaved cultivars also tended to show significantly higher cumulative intercepted radiation (221 to 419 MJ m-2) and biomass (306 to 824 g m-2) but leaf type showed no consistent effect on radiation use efficiency. Cultivars with bushy growth habit generally performed better regarding maximum intercepted light (62 to 90%), cumulative intercepted radiation (233 to 421 MJ m-2), biomass (314 to 854 MJ m-2), seed yield (120 to 370 g m-2), harvest index (0.37 to 0.50), yield-based water use efficiency (0.56 to 1.06 g m-2 mm-1) and ascochyta blight severity (7 to 36%) than the erect cultivars. The overall performance of the spreading cultivar was generally intermediate between the bushy and erect cultivars except for ascochyta blight severity where the spreading cultivar exhibited significantly lower disease severity (3 to 36%). Radiation use efficiency was generally not influenced by growth habit. Increasing plant population density generally increased intercepted light, biomass and cumulative intercepted radiation on each sampling day after seeding resulting in a general increase in seed yield. Harvest index, however, remained constant and ascochyta blight severity was generally stable but radiation use efficiency decreased with increasing population density. Chickpea cultivars with fern leaves and bushy growth habit at higher than currently recommended population densities would best utilize the limited resources of the short-season Canadian prairie environment to maximize and stabilize seed yield.

Diversité des champignons endophytes mycorhiziens et de classe II chez le pois chiche, et influence du génotype de la plante

Ellouz, Oualid 04 1900 (has links)
Le pois chiche (Cicer arietinum L.) a l’avantage de pouvoir assimiler l'azote atmosphérique grâce à son association symbiotique avec des bactéries du genre Mesorhizobium. Malgré cet effet bénéfique sur les systèmes culturaux, le pois chiche réduit parfois la productivité du blé qui la suit. Cet effet négatif du pois chiche pourrait provenir d’une réaction allélopathique à ses exsudats racinaires ou résidus, ou de changements inopportuns dans la communauté microbienne du sol induits par la plante. L'amélioration des interactions symbiotiques du pois chiche pourrait améliorer la performance économique et environnementale des systèmes culturaux basés sur le blé. L’objectif à long terme de ce travail est d'améliorer l’influence du pois chiches sur son environnement biologique et sur la productivité du système cultural. À court terme, nous voulons 1) vérifier l'effet des champignons endophytes sur la performance de cultivars de pois chiche de type desi et kabuli, particulièrement en conditions de stress hydrique, ainsi que sur celle d’une culture subséquente de blé dur, 2) identifier des cultivars de pois chiche capables d’améliorer la qualité biologique de sols cultivés, 3) vérifier que des composés biologiquement actifs sont présents dans les racines des différents cultivars de pois chiches et 4) définir la nature de l’activité (stimulation ou inhibition) des ces composés sur les champignons endomycorhiziens à arbuscules (CMA), qui sont des microorganismes bénéfiques du sol reconnus. L’inoculation du pois chiche avec des champignons endophytes indigènes en serre a augmenté la tolérance à la sécheresse du cultivar de type kabuli à feuille simple CDC Xena et amélioré la nutrition azotée et phosphatée d’un cultivar de type desi, cv. CDC Nika, cultivé en conditions de stress hydrique. La germination des graines de blé dur fut meilleure lorsque celles-ci étaient semées dans les débris de pois chiche inoculé de type kabuli. Le sol dans lequel le génotype de pois chiche à feuille simple CDC Xena fut cultivé mais duquel tout le matériel végétal de pois chiche fut retiré a fortement inhibé la germination des semences de blé dur, ce qui suggère un effet des exsudats racinaires sur la communauté microbienne du sol associée à cette variété de pois chiche. En champ, les cultivars de pois chiche ont influencé différemment la composition des communautés de champignons de la rhizosphère. Les espèces de champignons pathogènes étaient infréquentes et les espèces saprotrophiques et de CMA étaient fréquentes dans la zone des racines du cultivar de type desi CDC Anna. L’effet des composés contenus dans les fractions séparées par HPLC et solubles en solution de méthanol à 25% et 50% de l’extrait racinaire de ce cultivar sur la germination de spores de CMA a été testé in vitro. Les deux espèces de CMA utilisées ont répondu différemment à l’exposition aux composés testés, révélant un mécanisme impliqué dans l’association préférentielle entre les plantes hôtes et les CMA qui leurs sont associés. Nous concluons que le génotype de pois chiche influence la composition de la communauté microbienne qui lui est associée et que cette influence est reliée au moins en partie aux molécules bioactives produites par les racines de la plante. D’autre part, la productivité du pois chiche et de la culture subséquente pourrait être favorisée par la manipulation de leurs champignons endophytes par inoculation. / Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) has the ability to bring free N into cropping systems, but is only a fair rotation crop, leading to lower yield in following wheat crops, as compared to medic, vetch or lentil. The negative effects of a chickpea plant on the following wheat crops could come from chickpea root exudates, their residues or their influence on the soil microbial community. The identification of chickpea cultivars best able to promote soil biological quality and the growth of a subsequent crop in rotation will help farmers in selecting better crop rotations and, thus, will improve crop management in soil zone growing chickpea. The global objective of this research is to improve the fitness of chickpea crops to their biological environment and to improve the ability of the plant to enhance soil biological quality. The specific objectives were (1) to verify that the productivity of chickpea and subsequent crops could be promoted through the inoculation by some indigenous endophytic fungi particularly under drought stress conditions (2) to verify the existence of variation in the rhizospheric associations of field-grown chickpea, as it is a necessary condition for the selection of genotypes with improved compatibility with beneficial microorganisms. (3) to identify the biologically active compounds present in the root extracts of chickpea cultivars with contrasting phenotypes, and assess their effect on beneficial and pathogenic soil microorganisms. The greenhouse experiments show that inoculation with indigenous endophytes increased drought tolerance of the unifoliate Kabuli chickpea CDC Xena and the N and P nutrition of the drought stressed Desi chickpea CDC Nika. Inoculation of both Kabuli chickpea varieties with indigenous endophytes improved wheat seeds germination in tissues amended soil. Residue-free soil previously growing the unifoliate Kabuli chickpea CDC Xena strongly inhibited durum seed germination suggesting an effect of root exudates on the soil microbial community, with this Kabuli chickpea variety. In a field experiment, the fungal diversity in cultivated Prairie dryland appeared to host a large array of fungal groups known to reduced plant nutrient, water and biotic stresses, and chickpea genotypes influenced differently the composition and biomass of the soil microbial community. The Desi chickpea CDC Anna was associated with high diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and culturable fungi, favored the proliferation of soil bacteria and fungal genus hosting biocontrol agents, and developed high AM root colonization level, as compared to the three Kabuli genotypes examined. The HPLC fractions of the roots of chickpea cultivar CDC Anna were recovered and the effects of these fractions on AM fungal spore germination were assayed in multi-well plates. Root extract fractions affect in a different ways the percentage of spores’ germination of Glomus etunicatum and Gigaspora Rosea. We concluded that the genotype of chickpea plants influences the composition of the associated microbial community, and this influence may be related to molecular signals produced by the plants. Furthermore, the productivity of chickpea and subsequent crops could be promoted through the inoculation with indigenous endophytic fungi. / réalisé en cotutelle avec la Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Université Tunis El Manar.

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