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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrating a girl-child orphaned by aids in a reconstituted family: pastoral and other challenges

Mutasa, Gertrude Pazvichainda Stembile 01 1900 (has links)
Five years ago at the age of 14, Rutendo Chaibva was double-orphaned by AIDS. A "Family Post Bereavement Property and Responsibilities Disbursement Committee" assigned her uncle Eric Gara as "replacement parent". Rutendo and her " replacement mother" Gerlinda were co-participants in the Participatory Action Research Study. It started in a therapeutic relationship after the family experienced some difficulties in integrating Rutendo into the reconstituted family. Both the therapy and research conversations explored and identified several pastoral and other challenges that militated against the integration process. Rutendo and Gerlinda's road was littered with, among others, minefields of silence and tears, secrecy, multiple losses, unresolved bereavement, unfinished business, anger, fear, and groping for Christian fellowship. It was concluded that personal, family, pastoral and other challenges, and, HIV/AIDS related complexities had militated against the integration process. At the end, Rutendo and Gerlinda acknowledged that therapy and the research processes had impacted positively on the integration process that improved significantly. / Practical Theology / M. Div. (Pastoral therapy)

Socio-economic outcomes for the beneficiaries of the Expanded Child Survival Initiative in Uganda

Odongpiny, Ajok Florence 11 1900 (has links)
A quantitative study was conducted to determine the socio-economic outcomes for the beneficiaries of the Expanded Child Survival Initiative in Uganda. The population comprised of all orphans and vulnerable children who were trained under the Expanded Child Survival Initiative of which a sample of 102 respondents were included in the structured data collection process. The outcomes that were explored were employment, income, assets and family support to siblings and other dependants by the primary beneficiaries. The findings show that the outcomes of the Expanded Child Survival Initiative were positive and benefited socio economic lives of the respondents and their family members. The majority of the respondents were using the skills obtained from the training and were employed. The employment provided a source of income and the income earned facilitates the respondents in providing the basic needs of the family members. They were able to provide adequately for most of their basic needs. The findings also show that the respondents had accumulated some assets. A number of factors influenced the utilisation of the newly acquired skills including having tool kits, start-up capital and business management skills. It is recommended that training providers should provide start-up support to the apprentices in order to facilitate them to utilise the skills obtained from apprenticeship trainings. / Public Health / Thesis (M.A. (Public Health))

An exploration of the roots of resilience among HIV and AIDS-orphaned children

Machenjedze, Nyika 13 January 2015 (has links)
South Africa is grappling with the AIDS pandemic that increases the numbers of vulnerable orphans, whose resilience is threatened. Little is known about the processes that enable resilience among these orphans. This qualitative study explored the roots of resilience among 23 AIDS-orphans. The Draw-and-write technique was used to collect data. The participants were asked to make drawings of what enabled them to cope resiliently and to write short narratives explaining their drawings. The drawings were grouped according to the dominant themes. A content analysis of the drawings and narratives was done. Eight themes relating to the roots of resilience among the participants emerged, namely, the participants had active support systems, participants received religious and/or spiritual support, participants had access to social services, books and school attendance changed the participants’ lives, having access to safe a home enhanced resilience, receiving inspiration, having a positive self-image and personal dreams, and physical activity was used to achieve catharsis. These findings have implications for theory and practice / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Corporate social responsibility towards AIDS orphans in South Africa : trends in the motor manufacturing sector and guidelines for corporate action

Neethling, Marcha 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The HIV/AIDS pandemic is destroying young adults in the prime of their lives. Children not only become orphans, but also gain instant “adult” status – becoming heads of households, breadwinners and customers. Children who fill such roles must be recognised as important stakeholders with regard to business. As limited available estimations suggest that South Africa is home to 800 000 orphans, corporations must realise that it will make good business sense to invest in the country’s AIDS orphans1 today, as these children will constitute both their future clients and employees. This study examines trends in the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives of five major corporations in the South African motor manufacturing sector. AIDS orphans were also involved in the study through participation in three focus group discussions. The evidence reveals that corporations do not recognise AIDS orphans as important stakeholders to business, nor do they see it as their responsibility to carry the burden of care for such children. Orphans felt that corporations in this business sector do not care about their needs and well-being. They regarded companies who were involved in CSR projects in their communities as “caring” and this resulted in the children hosting positive feelings towards involved companies. They even expressed the desire to purchase their brand of motor vehicle, as opposed to competitor’s brands that were not involved (through CSR) in their community, in future. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die MIV/VIGS pandemie is besig om die lewens van jongmense te verwoes. Kinders word nie alleenlik wees gelaat nie, maar word ook oornag volwassenes. Hulle word die hoof van huishoudings, broodwinners en kliënte vir besighede. Kinders wat hierdie rolle vervul moet daarom as belangrike aandeelhouers in die besigheidswêreld erken word. Beperkte skattings veronderstel dat Suid-Afrika tans ongeveer 800 000 weeskinders huisves. Besighede moet, in die lig hiervan, besef dat dit goeie besigheidssin maak om in VIGSWeeskinders1 te belê, aangesien hierdie kinders hul toekomstige kliënte en werknemers is. Hierdie studie ondersoek tendense in besighede se sosiale verwantwoordelikheidsinitiatiewe (“Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives”), binne die motorvervaardigingsbedryf van Suid- Afrika. VIGS-Weeskinders was ook nouliks by die studie betrokke, deur middel van deelname aan drie fokusgroepbesprekings. Die studie het bewys dat besighede nie VIGSWeeskinders as belangrike aandeelhouers erken nie, en dat dit ook nie as hul plig gesien word om na weeskinders om te sien nie. Weeskinders, daarenteen, was van die opinie dat besighede in dié bepaalde bedryf nie omsien na hul welstand, of probeer om in hul behoeftes te voorsien nie. Kinders het wel besighede wat betrokke is by sosiale verwantwoordelikheidsinitiatiewe in hul gemeenskappe, beskryf as “liefdevol”, en dit het daartoe gelei dat kinders positiewe houdings jeens sulke besighede gehuldig het. Kinders het selfs die behoefte uitgespreek om, eendag eerder handelsmerke se voertuie te koop wat wel sosiale verwantwoordelikheidsinitiatiewe in hul gemeenskappe bedryf, as dié wat niks doen om hul lot te verlig nie.

Care, caring and coping: attitudes of children orphaned by HIV/AIDS and their caregivers towards schooling in a South African Township.

Joseph, Vanessa Belinda. January 2007 (has links)
<p>In many countries, the scale of poverty, and the alarming number of children now being orphaned by HIV and AIDS, has increased the roles and responsibilities of grandparents as caregivers in their grandchildren's lives. Not only do grandparents have to care for their grandchildren on a daily basis but they also carry the burden of seeing them through school, possibly with the fear that they might not be able to see them achieve all their dreams. This study examined the complex issues surrounding school attendance for orphaned children in Mbekweni, a township in the Western Province, in South Africa. The study explored the relationship between the attitudes of orphaned learners and their caregivers towards education and schooling itself, uncovering the struggles and the strengths of caregivers and orphaned children that directly relate to success or faiolure in school.</p>

An investigation of living conditions of children living with terminally ill parents due to HIV and AIDS : a case study in Havana informal settlement – Windhoek, Namibia

Kizza, Margaret 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Industrial Psychology. Centre for HIV/AIDS Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was conducted as an inquiry into the living conditions of children living with terminally ill parents due to HIV and AIDS. It examined possible support systems that such children can access from general communities in which they live. The study was also purposed to identify specific needs related to the fact of living with terminally ill parents due to HIV and AIDS. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were employed in conducting the study. These included interviews, focus group discussions and questionnaires. Social workers, class teachers and parents were the main respondents in the study. The study revealed that children living with terminally ill parents suffer multidimensional effects that are social, economic and psychological. Children assume adult responsibilities at a very early stage including that of fending for the family. In an effort to meet family needs, older children resort to a host of activities in an attempt to earn money for self and family survival from temporary paid labor, sex work to rudimentary trade. In effect, children become prone to abuse, exploitation and are exposed to crime. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie was gedoen om inligting te verkry oor die lewensstandard van kinders wat saam met hul ouers woon wat terminal siek is weens MIV/VIGS. Die beskikbare ondersteunings sisteme in hul gemeenskap was ondersoek. Die novorsingsstudie het ook daarop gefokus om die kinders wat as gevolg van MIV/VIGS saam met hul terminale siek ouers woon se spesifieke behoettes te identifiseer. Tydens die norsingsstudie was kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetodes gevolg. Onderhoud focus groep besprekings en vraelyste was benut. Maatsplike werkers, onderwysers en terminal siek ouers was die hoof respondenete in die navorsingdstudie. Die navorsingsstudie het bewys dat kinders wat saam met hul terminale siek ouers woon, multidimensionele gevolge ervaar waat sosiaal-ekonomies en psigologies van aard is. Kinders neem ouers se verantwoordelikhede op „n vroeë ouderdom aan. Om vir die gesin te voorsien, gaan die ouer kinders tot die ekstreem en raak betrokke in seks werk en smous vir „n tydelike inkomste. Die gevolg is dat die kinders blootgestel word aan mishandeling, en moontlike misdaad. Die addisionele verantwoordlikhede dwing hulle om te oorleef deur gebruik te maak van misdaad, prostitusie en kinderarbeid. Al die kondisies dra by daartoe dat kinders blootgestel word.

To investigate factors preventing the care-givers from accessing the social grants and other benefits entitled to the orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) under their care

Tshikongo, Aktofel Ndetshipanda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the consequences of HIV/AIDS is the large number of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). Most OVC care givers in African communities are elders. The elders use their meagre pension hand out to support their OVC grandchildren. The Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Well Fare (MGECW) has responded to the financial burden of the OVC care-givers by issuing different social grants to the OVC. Due to preventing factors not all OVC are receiving these grants. The Namibian Government has formulated different policies protecting the rights of OVC. However, not all stakeholders are implementing these policies which lead to the OVC`s rights being compromised. This study was conducted in Omusati Region in Namibia to determine the factors that prevent some of the OVC care-givers from accessing the social grants and other benefits entitled to the OVC under their care. Data for this study have been obtained from four sources, using four different data collection methods. In depth interview have been used to collect data from twelve Community Childcare Workers (CCW) in the (MGECW) administering the OVC`s grants applications at twelve Constituencies. Some information was obtained using structured questionnaire from twenty four teachers dealing with OVC at twelve schools in twelve Constituencies. The officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration (MHAI) have been engaged in focus group discussion to provide valuable information to this study. Literature has also been reviewed to shed more light on the subject under investigation. This study discovered that there are various impediments preventing the care-givers from obtain the OVC social grants. Lack of documents, transport costs and long distances coupled with cumbersome process of processing grants applications and issuing national documents are among the preventing factors. This project has been concluded with recommendations which if implemented will smoothen the process of grants accessibility. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van die gevolge van MIV/Vigs is die groot aantal weeskinders en kwesbare kinders (OVC). OVC sorg gewers in Afrika-gemeenskappe is die ouderlinge. Die oudstes gebruik hul karige pensioen hand uit hul OVC kleinkinders te ondersteun. Die Ministerie van Geslagsgelykheid en Kinderwelsyn Wel Fare (MGECW) het gereageer op die finansiële las van die OVC versorgers deur die uitreiking van verskillende maatskaplike toelaes aan die OVC. As gevolg van die voorkoming van faktore nie alle OVC hierdie toekennings ontvang. Die Namibiese regering het verskillende beleide wat die beskerming van die regte van die OVC geformuleer. Egter nie alle belanghebbendes die implementering van hierdie beleid wat lei tot die OVC se regte word gekompromitteer. Hierdie studie is uitgevoer in die Omusati-streek in Namibië om die faktore wat verhoed dat sommige van die OVC versorgers van toegang tot die maatskaplike toelaes en ander voordele geregtig op die OVC onder hul sorg te bepaal. Data vir hierdie studie is verkry uit vier bronne, deur gebruik te maak van vier verskillende data-insamelingsmetodes. In diepte onderhoud is gebruik om data van twaalf Gemeenskap Kindersorg Werkers (CCW) te versamel in die (MGECW) die administrasie van die OVC se toelaes aansoeke op twaalf Kiesafdelings. Sommige inligting is verkry met behulp van gestruktureerde vraelys uit 24 onderwysers die hantering van OVC by twaalf skole in twaalf Kiesafdelings. Die amptenare van die Ministerie van Binnelandse Sake en Immigrasie (MHAI) is besig met die fokusgroepbespreking om waardevolle inligting te verskaf aan hierdie studie. Literatuur is ook hersien om meer lig te werp op die onderwerp wat ondersoek word. Hierdie studie het ontdek dat daar verskeie struikelblokke wat verhoed dat die versorgers van die OVC maatskaplike toelaes te verkry. Gebrek van dokumente, vervoerkoste en lang afstande, tesame met 'n omslagtige proses van die verwerking van toelaes aansoeke en die uitreiking van nasionale dokumente is onder die voorkoming van faktore. Hierdie projek is afgesluit met aanbevelings wat, indien dit geïmplementeer word, die toegang to toelaes sal verbeter.

Care, caring and coping: attitudes of children orphaned by HIV/AIDS and their caregivers towards schooling in a South African Township.

Joseph, Vanessa Belinda. January 2007 (has links)
<p>In many countries, the scale of poverty, and the alarming number of children now being orphaned by HIV and AIDS, has increased the roles and responsibilities of grandparents as caregivers in their grandchildren's lives. Not only do grandparents have to care for their grandchildren on a daily basis but they also carry the burden of seeing them through school, possibly with the fear that they might not be able to see them achieve all their dreams. This study examined the complex issues surrounding school attendance for orphaned children in Mbekweni, a township in the Western Province, in South Africa. The study explored the relationship between the attitudes of orphaned learners and their caregivers towards education and schooling itself, uncovering the struggles and the strengths of caregivers and orphaned children that directly relate to success or faiolure in school.</p>

Integrating a girl-child orphaned by aids in a reconstituted family: pastoral and other challenges

Mutasa, Gertrude Pazvichainda Stembile 01 1900 (has links)
Five years ago at the age of 14, Rutendo Chaibva was double-orphaned by AIDS. A "Family Post Bereavement Property and Responsibilities Disbursement Committee" assigned her uncle Eric Gara as "replacement parent". Rutendo and her " replacement mother" Gerlinda were co-participants in the Participatory Action Research Study. It started in a therapeutic relationship after the family experienced some difficulties in integrating Rutendo into the reconstituted family. Both the therapy and research conversations explored and identified several pastoral and other challenges that militated against the integration process. Rutendo and Gerlinda's road was littered with, among others, minefields of silence and tears, secrecy, multiple losses, unresolved bereavement, unfinished business, anger, fear, and groping for Christian fellowship. It was concluded that personal, family, pastoral and other challenges, and, HIV/AIDS related complexities had militated against the integration process. At the end, Rutendo and Gerlinda acknowledged that therapy and the research processes had impacted positively on the integration process that improved significantly. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Div. (Pastoral therapy)

Socio-economic outcomes for the beneficiaries of the Expanded Child Survival Initiative in Uganda

Odongpiny, Ajok Florence 11 1900 (has links)
A quantitative study was conducted to determine the socio-economic outcomes for the beneficiaries of the Expanded Child Survival Initiative in Uganda. The population comprised of all orphans and vulnerable children who were trained under the Expanded Child Survival Initiative of which a sample of 102 respondents were included in the structured data collection process. The outcomes that were explored were employment, income, assets and family support to siblings and other dependants by the primary beneficiaries. The findings show that the outcomes of the Expanded Child Survival Initiative were positive and benefited socio economic lives of the respondents and their family members. The majority of the respondents were using the skills obtained from the training and were employed. The employment provided a source of income and the income earned facilitates the respondents in providing the basic needs of the family members. They were able to provide adequately for most of their basic needs. The findings also show that the respondents had accumulated some assets. A number of factors influenced the utilisation of the newly acquired skills including having tool kits, start-up capital and business management skills. It is recommended that training providers should provide start-up support to the apprentices in order to facilitate them to utilise the skills obtained from apprenticeship trainings. / Public Health / Thesis (M.A. (Public Health))

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