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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A longitudinal study of the occupational aspirations and perceptions of nine to twelve year-old South African children

Crause, Ewald January 2006 (has links)
Despite the acknowledgement of the developmental nature of careers, little attention has been focused on identifying shaping influences during childhood. This noticeable deficiency in the literature marked the start of the current longitudinal study which was designed to provide information on the career development of nine to twelve-year old South African children. In South Africa research focusing on preadolescent career development is limited with existing research indicating the need to further explore how children’s career choice process initially develops. The study aimed to explore and describe the changes that occur, if any, over a four-year period in terms of occupational interest typology, occupational status levels, occupational gender stereotypes and occupational gender traditionality. Both developmental and career developmental theories were used to provide a context for exploring this process of preadolescent career development. It was decided that quantitative research methods would provide the necessary structure needed to conduct the research. Although semistructured interviews and biographical questionnaires were used to record the verbal data, the data obtained was transposed into nominal data for analysis. Participants responded to questions within a semi-structured interview that focused on four broad areas of questioning. These questions explored participants’ occupational aspirations, how many occupations they knew about, how much they knew about the identified occupation, and the extent to which they held gender-role stereotypes about certain occupations. After the data was iv Key words: career development, children, longitudinal research, occupational aspirations captured it was coded according to Holland's (1985) classification system of occupational interest types. The occupational aspirations expressed by the participants were also coded in terms of their status levels. The coded data was then further analysed using descriptive statistics in the form of frequency counts and percentages. Results from the study support both child and career development theory which view childhood as a time of rapid growth with critical development in various competency areas (including occupational aspirations and perceptions). Although the current study found that most children aspired to Social occupations, the popularity of this typology decreased with increasing age as more children aspired to Investigative, Artistic, and to a lesser extent, Realistic typologies at age twelve. Furthermore, it appears that children, like adults, are aware of status differentials among occupations and that this awareness subsequently influences occupational aspirations. Lastly, the findings broadly provide support for both national and international research in that it was established that an increase in age reflects a decrease in gender-stereotypical perceptions of occupations. The present study gained valuable insight into how the process of career development occurs in preadolescent children. It is clear that there exists a need for the implementation of credible and sustainable career education programs in schools across South Africa in order to encourage and facilitate career exploration during the developmental stage of childhood.

South African children's understandings and perceptions of 'rich' and 'poor' : a sociocultural perspective.

Du Toit, Megan. January 2012 (has links)
Given the focus on cognitive-developmental trends in how children understand rich and poor, many researchers have developed a concern that research has ignored the influences of children's contexts. For this reason this study aimed to build on previous research (particularly that by Leahy, 1981, and by Bonn et al.,1999) by combining the cognitive-developmental model with the need to recognize contextual influences inherent in children's understandings of social constructs, while relating this to a theoretical framework which can provide a more thorough picture of the way in which children understand rich and poor. This was done using a qualitative interpretive design. Specifically this involved a combination of focus groups and drawing activities with a group of 20 South African children from a local government, former model C, primary school located in a relatively lower socioeconomic area in Pietermaritzburg, in which their perspectives and understandings of socioeconomic status were explored. In applying the sociocultural approach in data analysis, Rogoff's (1995, 1998) notion of the sociocultural three planes of analysis were used to examine how the children's accounts reflect the personal, interpersonal, and contextual factors. Within each of these planes, the principles and methods of a sociocultural discourse analysis using interpretive repertoires was applied, with a focus on the respective level. Results revealed that while the trends in the children's ideas were consistent with Leahy's (1981) cognitive developmental trends, the particular ideas expressed by the children were embedded and predominantly informed by the social and cultural context of the interpersonal group, their everyday lives, and South African society. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.

A longitudinal study of the occupational aspirations and perceptions of twelve to fourteen year-old South African children

Hunter, Carrie January 2009 (has links)
While career development has been acknowledged as a lifelong process, little research attention has been given to the developmental stage of childhood. In addition, there has been a lack of longitudinal research into career development despite consistent calls for research of this nature. The lack of research and theory pertaining to childhood career development prompted the initiation of the current longitudinal project of which the present study forms a part. The longitudinal project was designed to provide information about the occupational aspirations and perceptions of a cohort of South African children from six years of age onwards, with the present studying examining the occupational aspiration development of 12 to 14 year old South African children. South African career research to date has focused primarily on adolescent and adult career development. The present longitudinal study aimed to explore and describe possible changes over a three year period in the interest typology, occupational status level and occupational gender stereotypes of the 44 participants. In addition, the study aimed to explore and describe the sample’s reflections on their own occupational aspiration development. The results of this study will provide much needed baseline information on the development of South African children’s occupational aspirations and will provide useful recommendations for the development of career education programmes. The present study was contextualised within both child and career development theories. This study was quantitative in nature as it made use of semi-structured interviews and biographical questionnaires to record verbal data which was transposed into nominal data for analysis. The semi-structured interview consisted of four broad areas that included the participants’ occupational aspirations, how many occupations they knew about, how much they knew about the identified occupations xiii and the extent to which they held gender stereotypes regarding fourteen different occupations. The data captured was coded according to Holland’s (1985) classification system of interest types. The occupational aspirations identified by participants were also coded according to their status levels. The coded data was then analysed using descriptive statistics in the form of frequency counts and percentages. In addition, content analysis was performed on the participants’ reflections on their own career development in order to elicit themes. Results from the study supported child and career development theories, emphasising childhood as a critical phase of career development. The study found that the majority of children aspired to Social type occupations across all three years of the study and most children consistently aspired to high status occupations. Furthermore, occupational gender stereotyping decreased over time. Lastly, it was found that most children were able to reflect on their career development with the majority attributing changes in their occupational aspirations to changes in their interests. The present study has provided valuable insight into the occupational aspiration development of a group of South African children, which can be used as a foundation on which to base further research and on which to develop career education programmes.

Occupational aspirations and gender stereotyping of Xhosa-speaking senior primary learners

Els, Catherine January 2004 (has links)
International research highlights conflicting results regarding factors that could play a role in the development of occupational aspirations and occupational gender stereotyping of primary school children. Some of the variables that have been identified are age, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and societal influences. There has been some research emphasis on the career development of South Africans. However, studies that have been conducted have focused mainly on adolescents and adults. Furthermore, the majority of this research has focused on programme intervention and not on acquiring baseline information. There has been no research to date on the career development of South African Xhosa-speaking senior primary school children. The lack of career research on South African Xhosa-speaking children indicates the need for the present research. This study aims to describe and compare the occupational aspirations and occupational gender stereotyping (in terms of Holland’s occupational and status level typology) of male and female Xhosa-speaking senior primary school learners. The study also describes the possible gender stereotypical perceptions preadolescent children hold regarding certain occupations. A non-probability sample of 274 Xhosa-speaking children between the ages of 10 and 14 years was drawn from two primary schools in townships in the Nelson Mandela Metropole. An exploratory and descriptive research framework was utilised, with descriptive statistical procedures employed to summarise and report the data in a meaningful manner. The major findings of the present study indicate that Xhosa-speaking senior primary school children’s favourite occupational aspirations fit into Holland’s Investigative typology and high status level. Some gender differences were evident, with slightly more boys aspiring to Investigative occupations than girls. Both boys and girls demonstrated gender stereotypical perceptions regarding xiii which occupations were suitable for both genders, with boys more willing to accept girls into traditional male occupations than girls willing to accept boys into traditional female occupations. The results of the present study emphasise the need for further exploration of the occupational aspirations and occupational ge nder stereotyping of Xhosa-speaking senior primary school children. Future research needs to include other cultural and age groups in order to explore how personal and situational variables may differentially influence children’s occupational aspirations and occupational gender stereotyping.

The occupational aspirations and gender stereotypes of South African and Australian senior primary school learners

Geyer, Tracy Colleen January 2010 (has links)
Increasingly, developmental psychology has emphasized that childhood career development should be viewed as holistic and comprise all aspects of a child’s maturation. This would include an emphasis on the career development of children which is considered vital to the complete education of the child (Brown, 2002). Career development refers to the process of developing beliefs, values, skills, aptitudes, interests, personality characteristics and knowledge of work (Zunker, 2006). Research has indicated that early societal factors and personal preferences associated with gender influence the child’s later occupational aspirations (Stockard & McGee, 1990). There are many ways in which individuals learn about gender roles and acquire “gender-appropriate” behaviour during childhood, some of which manifest in the occupational aspirations of children. As children grow up they learn, through reinforcement and modeling, that society has different expectations and standards for the behaviour of males and females. While family and friends are often the most important agents of socialization in young children, television and other popular media have also played a vital role in gender stereotyping, resulting in children forming perceptions regarding which occupations “belong” to which gender (Taylor, Peplau, & Sears, 2006). The present research aims to explore, describe and compare the occupational aspirations and the occupational gender stereotyping of male and female South African and Australian senior primary school learners. The research approach for the study was descriptive and exploratory in nature and was conducted within a quantitative framework. A survey-type questionnaire, the Career Awareness Survey xiii (McMahon & Watson, 2001), was used as the data collection measure as part of a larger international study. The sample comprised of 511 South African and 372 Australian participants from Grades 6 and 7. Responses to the occupational aspirations questions were coded according to Holland’s (1985) interest typology and status level coding for occupations. For descriptive purposes, frequency counts were computed for the coded typology, status level and occupational gender stereotyping data. The z-test and chi-square test for independence were computed in order to test whether gender groups differed in terms of their occupational aspirations and occupational stereotyping. The chi-square test was also used to compare the occupational aspirations and gender stereotyping of South African and Australian senior primary school learners. The results of the present research indicate that male and female South African and Australian female children tend to aspire towards more Investigative and Social type occupations in the high status level category. The Australian male children, however, tend to aspire towards more Social and Realistic type occupations in the high status level category. Across nation and gender, the majority of the children believed that both males and females could perform certain occupations, with senior primary school children tending to limit the range of occupations which they believe to be predominantly suited to either male or female. Cross-national comparative results yielded interesting findings with few significant differences emerging on occupational aspiration typology, status level and the occupational gender stereotyping of occupations. The results of the present research emphasise the need for further cross-national comparative studies on the occupational aspirations and occupational gender stereotyping of senior primary school children.

The occupational aspirations and gender stereotypes of rural Xhosa-speaking senior primary children

Longe, Paul Gavin January 2008 (has links)
South Africa provides a rich and challenging socio-political context in which to conduct career development research. South African children face a unique range of social, cultural and economic challenges such as poverty and the impact of HIV/AIDS on the family system which influence their career development. Internationally there has been a call for research that explores children’s career development as the majority of extant career research focuses its attention on the career development of adolescents and adults. The focus in South Africa is no different and despite the introduction of career education into the most recent school curriculum (Curriculum 21), there remains a void in South African child career development research. As such children’s career education and guidance has not been guided by local research findings. The findings of the present research will provide important baseline information relating to the career development of rural Xhosa-speaking senior primary school children. With this in mind, the present research aimed to explore and describe the occupational aspirations of male and female rural Xhosa-speaking senior primary school children. The present research also aimed to explore and describe the ways in which children assign gender-based stereotypes to different occupations. In order to provide a rich theoretical foundation for the present research, child developmental theories and developmental theories of career development as well as post-modern constructivist theories of career development have been used. The present research is quantitative in nature and makes use of the Revised Career Awareness Survey, a self-report questionnaire, which was originally designed to explore children’s knowledge and understanding of the world of work and to gain insight into the way in which they form gender-based occupational stereotypes. Three rural schools in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa were selected using a non-probability, purposive sampling method. From these schools, a non probability, convenience sample of 292 grade 6 and 7 learners was asked to complete the measure. The information gathered was then coded into nominal categories and analysed using descriptive statistics. Results from the present research indicate that rural Xhosa-speaking senior primary school children tend to aspire towards more Social and Investigative type occupations in the high status level category. The findings showed that rural Xhosa speaking senior primary school children tend to limit the range of occupations which they believe men and women can do. Here it was found that Social type jobs and household chores were most frequently named as jobs that women can do. The children in the present research listed Realistic type occupations most frequently as jobs that men can do, and least often as being jobs that women can do. It was also established that housework activities and other ‘domestic’ jobs are not seen by the participants as jobs that men can do. The results of the present research should not only inform the field of child career development in South Africa, but can also be meaningfully applied to the development of future career education programs at the primary school level in South Africa.

A longitudinal study of the occupational aspirations and perceptions of fifteen to sixteen year-old South African adolescents

Marshall, Joanne January 2010 (has links)
While career development is viewed as a lifelong process, there are numerous limitations regarding existing career theories and research pertaining to the adolescent population. Further, insufficient longitudinal research represents one of the major obstacles for a more holistic understanding of career development across the lifespan. Thus, the present longitudinal project of which the current study forms a part was initiated to address the lack of research and theory concerning adolescent career development. The larger longitudinal project intended to make information available regarding the occupational aspirations and perceptions of a sample of South African children and adolescents, from early childhood into their adolescent years. The current study investigates the occupational aspiration development of 15 to 16 year old South African adolescents. It is argued that the South African knowledge base on career development behaviour still requires extensive development, especially with regards to adolescent career development. The current longitudinal study aimed to explore and describe possible developments and changes over a two year period in the interest typology, occupational status level and occupational gender stereotypes of the 43 adolescents. Additionally, the study aimed to explore and describe the adolescents' reflections on their own occupational aspiration development. The findings of this study will provide necessary baseline information on the development of South African adolescents' occupational aspirations and will offer valuable recommendations for the future development of adolescent career education programmes. Adolescent and career development theories were used to provide a context for the current study. Semi-structured interviews and biographical questionnaires were utilized to record verbal data which was transposed into nominal data for analysis. Thus, the current study was quantitative in nature. The semi-structured interview comprised four general aspects that included: the adolescents' occupational aspirations, the number of occupations they knew about, how much they knew about the expressed occupations, and the extent to which they held gender stereotypes concerning fourteen different occupations. The data gained was coded according to Holland's (1985) classification system of interest typologies. Also, the adolescents' occupational aspirations were coded according to their status levels. The coded data was subsequently analysed using both descriptive statistics in the form of frequency counts and percentages as well as inferential statistics in the form of chi-square analysis. Content analysis was also conducted on the adolescents' reflections on their own career development as a means to extract themes. The results indicated that adolescence was an important phase of career development and the findings supported adolescent and career development theories. The results of the study also indicated that the majority of adolescents aspired to Investigative type occupations across both years of the study and most adolescents consistently aspired to high status occupations. In addition, adolescents do not appear to gender stereotype in terms of occupations. Lastly, it was found that most adolescents could reflect on their career development, predominantly attributing changes in their occupational aspirations to changes in their interests. The present study has made available important information regarding the occupational aspiration development of a group of South African adolescents, which can be utilized in further research and as a foundation on which to develop career education programmes.

A longitudinal study of the occupational aspirations and perceptions of nine to thirteen year-old South African children

Hargreaves, Robyn Leigh January 2006 (has links)
While the field of career psychology has shifted its attention to the study of career development, the developmental stage of childhood has often been neglected. Similarly, there is an absence of career research of a longitudinal nature, despite consistent calls to focus more on longitudinal methods when studying career development. The present study forms part of an existing longitudinal project which investigates the career development of South African children. This study, initiated in 1998, attempts to explore the occupational aspirations and gender stereotypes of a group of 39 children in the Nelson Mandela Metropole. The results from this study will provide much needed baseline information on how South African children become aware of careers, as well as provide useful suggestions on how to develop career education syllabi, particularly within the Life Orientation curriculum. The present study aims to explore and describe the changes that may occur in the participants’ occupational aspiration interest typology, status levels, and gender stereotypes over a five year period. Both developmental and career developmental theories were used to provide a theoretical context from which the participants’ career development could be explored. The study is quantitative in nature as it made use of semi-structured interviews and a biographical questionnaire in order to quantitatively transcribe the data. The questionnaire consisted of four broad questions which asked for information regarding the participants’ occupational aspirations, how much information the participants had about the chosen occupation, the number of occupations the participants knew about, and the extent to which the participants held gender stereotypes regarding fourteen different occupations. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the findings of the data which had been coded according to Holland’s typology of occupations. In addition, content analysis was performed to elicit themes regarding the participants’ own reflections on their career development. Results from the data analysis revealed that the majority of participants aspired to Social type occupations throughout the five years under study. Furthermore, most participants consistently aspired to high status occupations throughout the five years. Similar results were found for girls and boys. The results also demonstrated that the participants’ gender stereotypes tended to decrease over time, particularly as their occupational information increased. Lastly, most children were able to reflect on their career development and attributed changes in their occupational aspirations to changes in their interests. The results from this study offer insight into the development of occupational aspirations and perceptions of South African children which can be used as a foundation for future research and which should be valuable in the development of relevant career education programmes for South African schools.

The experiences of parents living with mental health care users smoking cannabis

11 February 2015 (has links)
M.Cur. (Psychiatric Nursing) / In local communities, young people use different substances for reasons known to them alone. This research study is about young people who are aged between 18 and 30 years, who smoke cannabis and are mentally ill. Mostly the parents of these young people, as well as other members of the family, the neighbours and the community at large experience many challenges resulting from cannabis smoking. The objectives of this study were to explore and describe the experiences of parents living with mental health care users smoking cannabis and to issue guidelines for the advanced psychiatric nurse practitioner to facilitate the mental health of parents living with mental health care users smoking cannabis in the context under study. A qualitative research design that was exploratory, descriptive and contextual was followed to achieve the aim and objectives of the study. Purposive sampling was used for sample selection based on inclusion criteria. The number of participants selected for this study was guided by data saturation. The total number of participants selected for this study was seven. The data collection methods used were phenomenological interviews, observation and field notes. In the phenomenological interview, the participant was asked: “How is it for you living with a mental health care user smoking cannabis?” The phenomenological interviews were audiotaped and transcribed. The researcher and an independent coder analysed the transcribed phenomenological interviews and field notes. The researcher used Tesch’s method of data analysis (Creswell, 2007:157) in analysing the data. The measures to ensure trustworthiness in this study include credibility, dependability, confirmability, transferability and authenticity. The seven ethical principles of competence of the researcher, right to self-determination, right to privacy, right to autonomy and confidentiality, right to protection from exploitation and obtaining informed consent guided this study ...

A qualitative analysis of the construction of fatherhood through the voices of children.

Smith, Wendy. January 2006 (has links)
This study investigated the construction of fatherhood through the 'voices of children' from a selection of schools in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. An open, exploratory qualitative research design was employed. The results suggest that children's constructions are primarily contemporary in nature, as opposed to traditional stereotypical notions of fathers as providers only. Fathers were cast in a 'new father' role as loving, caring, supportive and involved. Despite contemporary constructions, children also acknowledge a wide range of father imperfections. Differences in constructions were evident between children from different socio-economic backgrounds. Increased research efforts could focus on exploring gender and socio-economic differences in greater detail. It is hoped that these findings will provide the impetus for practitioners and researchers to be more inclusive of fathers and children in research. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.

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