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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito pr?-operat?rio da dexametasona e da metilprednisolona no controle da dor, edema e trismo ap?s cirurgia de terceiro molar: um ensaio cl?nico randomizado, triplo-cego, boca dividida. / Preemptive effect of dexamethasone and methilprednisolone on pain, swelling and trismus?after third molar surgery: a split-mouth randomized triple-blind clinical trial

Alc?ntara, Carlos Eduardo Pinto de January 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2015-01-23T16:14:42Z No. of bitstreams: 5 carlos.pdf: 1077384 bytes, checksum: 83eb6b248c6848161b2017a683c19682 (MD5) license_url: 52 bytes, checksum: 3d480ae6c91e310daba2020f8787d6f9 (MD5) license_text: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) license.txt: 2109 bytes, checksum: aa477231e840f304454a16eb85a9235f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2015-02-10T11:09:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 5 carlos.pdf: 1077384 bytes, checksum: 83eb6b248c6848161b2017a683c19682 (MD5) license_url: 52 bytes, checksum: 3d480ae6c91e310daba2020f8787d6f9 (MD5) license_text: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) license.txt: 2109 bytes, checksum: aa477231e840f304454a16eb85a9235f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-10T11:09:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 5 carlos.pdf: 1077384 bytes, checksum: 83eb6b248c6848161b2017a683c19682 (MD5) license_url: 52 bytes, checksum: 3d480ae6c91e310daba2020f8787d6f9 (MD5) license_text: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) license.txt: 2109 bytes, checksum: aa477231e840f304454a16eb85a9235f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar uma avalia??o comparativa do efeito da dexametasona e da metilprednisolona no controle da dor, edema e limita??o da abertura bucal ap?s a extra??o de terceiros molares impactados. Dezesseis pacientes saud?veis (3 homens e 13 mulheres) com m?dia de 20,3 (DP= 1,25) anos de idade foram submetidos ? extra??o bilateral dos terceiros molares com intervalo de tr?s a quatro semanas entre as duas cirurgias. Uma hora antes de cada procedimento cir?rgico foi administrada em dose ?nica, por via oral, dexametasona 8 mg ou metilprednisolona 40 mg. Durante os intervalos p?s-operat?rios de 24, 48 e 72 horas e sete dias, o edema linear foi determinado utilizando medidas na face e o trismo atrav?s da abertura bucal m?xima. A dor p?s-operat?ria foi auto-registrada pelo paciente utilizando escala anal?gica visual durante as 72 horas iniciais, em intervalos de oito horas. A an?lise estat?stica envolveu an?lise descritiva, teste McNemar, Teste T pareado e Wilcoxon (p<0,05). A dexametasona apresentou melhor controle do edema em todos os per?odos p?s-operat?rios (p <0,02) e da abertura bucal dois dias ap?s a cirurgia (p = 0,029). Com rela??o ? dor n?o foi observada diferen?a estatisticamente significativa entre os medicamentos. A administra??o pr?-perat?ria de 8 mg de dexametasona apresentou melhor controle do edema e da limita??o da abertura bucal do que a metilprednisolona na dose de 40 mg, muito embora os medicamentos n?o diferiram no controle da dor. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Odontologia, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2012. / ABSTRACT The?aim of this study?was to make a comparative assessment of the effect of?dexamethasone and methylprednisolone?to control pain, swelling?and limitation?of mouth opening after extraction of?impacted third molars.?Sixteen healthy patients (3 men and 13 women)?with a mean age?of 20.3 (SD = 1,25) years underwent bilateral extraction?of?third molars with na interval of three to four weeks between the two surgeries. One hour?before each?surgical procedure?a single oral dose?of?dexamethasone 8?mg or methylprednisolone?40?mg was administered.?During the postoperative?intervals?of 24,?48?and 72?hours and?seven days, the swelling was determined using?linear?measures?in the?face and trismus?by?maximum mouth opening. The?postoperative pain?was self-recorded?by the patient using?visual analogue scale?in?72 hours with an interval of eight hours. Statistical analysis involved descriptive analysis, McNemar test, Wilcoxon?and paired T test (p?<0.05). Dexamethasone showed better control of swelling in all?postoperative periods (p?<0.02) and of mouth opening two days after surgery (p = 0.029). Regarding pain there was no statistically significant difference between the drugs. Preemptive dexamethasone?8 mg showed better control of swelling?and limitation?of mouth opening than methylprednisolone 40 mg, but there was no difference?in pain control.

Comportamento de cuidado parental na popula??o de Sotalia guianensis na Ba?a de Sepetiba, RJ. / Behavior of parental care in Sotalia guianensis population in Sepetiba Bay, RJ.

Correa, N?taly Fernandes 16 February 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2017-05-30T13:10:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - N?taly Fernandes Corr?a.pdf: 684932 bytes, checksum: 7c9c015d84225dfd92d1f81dd4614fb7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-30T13:10:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - N?taly Fernandes Corr?a.pdf: 684932 bytes, checksum: 7c9c015d84225dfd92d1f81dd4614fb7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior- CAPES / Previous studies in Sepetiba Bay, RJ, recorded calves and juveniles of Guiana dolphin through all seasons. However few is know about the behaviors of parental care for this species. The main objective of this work was to investigate the behavior of parental care in Sotalia guianensis population of Sepetiba Bay. The film clips used in this study were recorded in 30 boat trips conducted in the bay from December 2000 to August 2001. The evaluation of the parental care degree was conducted using two measures: longitudinal care and transversal care. When the mother located itself longitudinally ahead of its offspring (longitudinal position 1) or when it was between the boat and the offspring (transversal position 1) the parental care were registered. However, there was not care when the mother located itself behind its offspring (longitudinal position 2) or when the mother left its offspring to be between the boat and it (transversal position 2). The influence of three variables was tested: group size, behavior state of the group (feeding and traveling) and age class (calve and juvenile). From the total of 39,840 second of observation, 946 mother-calf dyads were recorded, and the results of the analyses of the kinds of care conducted separately revealed that the longitudinal care was present in 84.7% of the time and the transversal care in 57.7%. The time spent by the offspring on each longitudinal position (1 and 2) was statistically different (U=58,033.50; p=0.02), receiving care during the median of 37 seconds. About the transversal care, there was not significant difference in the time that offspring received care. The group size was statistically different when the mother located itself longitudinally ahead of its offspring or not (U=151,525.50; p<0.01), the median of group size for position 1 was 15 individuals, while for position 2 was 12. In relation to the mother position between the boat or not, there was also significant variation (U=97,074.00; p=0.03), the median of group size for transversal position 1 was 15 individuals and for position 2 was 14 animals. Was identified significant influence of the behavior state of the group on longitudinal care, and that care is intensely performed at feeding (N= 946; H3=17.60; p<0.01). The immatures of Sepetiba Bay population have benefited from intense parental care, mainly during the feeding activities and in large groups. The care is similarly offered to calves and juveniles, longitudinally and transversally, suggesting a parent-offspring conflict of interest. / Estudos anteriores na Ba?a de Sepetiba, RJ, registraram a presen?a de filhotes e juvenis de botos-cinzas (S. guianensis) durante todas as esta??es do ano, no entanto, pouco ? conhecido sobre o comportamento de cuidado aos imaturos da esp?cie. Este trabalho objetivou investigar o comportamento de cuidado parental da popula??o de botos-cinzas na Ba?a de Sepetiba. Foram utilizados clipes das filmagens gravadas em 30 expedi??es conduzidas na ba?a entre dezembro de 2000 e agosto de 2001. A avalia??o do grau de cuidado parental foi conduzida utilizando duas medidas: cuidado longitudinal e cuidado transversal. Quando a m?e se posicionava longitudinalmente ? frente da prole (posi??o longitudinal 1) ou entre o barco e a prole (posi??o transversal 1) foi registrado o cuidado parental. Entretanto, n?o havia cuidado quando a m?e se localizava atr?s do imaturo (posi??o longitudinal 2) ou deixando o imaturo entre ela e a embarca??o (posi??o transversal 2). Foi testada a influ?ncia de tr?s vari?veis no grau de cuidado parental: tamanho de grupo, estado comportamental do grupo (pesca e deslocamento) e classe et?ria da prole (filhote e juvenil). De um total 39.840 segundos de observa??o, foram registrados 946 pares de m?e e imaturo, e os resultados das an?lises dos tipos de cuidados conduzidas separadamente revelaram que o cuidado longitudinal esteve presente em 84,7% do tempo e o cuidado transversal em 57,7%. O tempo em que a prole esteve em cada posi??o longitudinal (1 e 2) foi estatisticamente diferente (U=58033,50; p=0,02), recendo cuidado da m?e durante a mediana de 37 segundos. Em rela??o ao cuidado transversal, n?o houve diferen?a significativa no tempo em que a prole recebia cuidado. O tamanho do grupo foi estatisticamente diferente quando a m?e se posicionou longitudinalmente ? frente da prole ou n?o (U=151525,50; p<0,01), a mediana para a posi??o 1 foi de 15 indiv?duos, enquanto na posi??o 2 de 12 indiv?duos. Houve tamb?m varia??o significativa em rela??o ao posicionamento da m?e entre o barco ou n?o (U=97074,00; p=0,03), a mediana na posi??o transversal 1 foi de 15 indiv?duos e na posi??o 2 de 14 indiv?duos. Foi encontrada influ?ncia significativa do estado comportamental do grupo apenas sobre o cuidado longitudinal e tal cuidado ? intensamente realizado na pesca (N= 946; H3=17,60; p<0,01). Na popula??o da Ba?a de Sepetiba, os imaturos se beneficiam de intenso cuidado parental, principalmente durante as atividades de pesca e em grupos numerosos. O cuidado ? investido de maneira similar aos filhotes e juvenis, tanto longitudinal quanto transversalmente, sugerindo um conflito de interesses entre os pais e a prole.

Caracteriza??o do metabolismo aer?bio e anaer?bio de Biomphalaria glabrata (Say, 1818) experimentalmente infectada por Echinostoma paraensei (Lie e Basch, 1967) / Metabolism characterization Aerobic and Anaerobic Biomphalaria glabrata Say, 1818 (Pulmonata, Planorbidae) Experimentally Infected With Different Doses of Miracidiais Echinostoma paraensei Lie and Basch, 1967

Alves, Victor Menezes Tunholi 14 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-05-31T11:58:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Victor Menezes Tunholi Alves.pdf: 1068543 bytes, checksum: f36d6e4d78a70514a148e30e4249805b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-31T11:58:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Victor Menezes Tunholi Alves.pdf: 1068543 bytes, checksum: f36d6e4d78a70514a148e30e4249805b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-14 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / Parasites belonging to the Echinostoma genus are characterized by having a complex biological cycle, with two intermediate hosts and a final habitat restricted to the intestinal lumen of the definitive hosts. These hosts include aquatic birds, mammals (including humans) and occasionally some reptile and fish species. Their first intermediate hosts are freshwater snails, into which the miracidia actively penetrate for development of the next three stages (sporocysts, rediae and cercariae). Freshwater crustaceans, amphibians, fish and snails act as the second intermediate hosts, enabling the formation of metacercariae, the infective larval stage to the definitive host. In this work, Biomphalaria glabrata specimens were experimentally infected with different doses (5 or 50) of E. paraensei miracidia. The snails were dissected one, two, three and four weeks after infection to collect the hemolymph, shells and tissues (gonad-digestive gland complex- GDG). In the hemolymph were quantified glucose concentrations and carboxylic acids (succinic, pyruvic, lactic and oxalic acids), as well as the activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). The storage of tissues was measured glycogen content and oxygen consumption (O2). Changes were observed in glycemia of the snails, in both situations parasitism, with significant increase in glucose levels observed from the third week post infection when compared to the control group. Changes have also been described in relation to the activity of lactate dehydrogenase and are characterized by the increase of its activity in the later periods of infection. In parallel, there was a decrease in glycogen content in storage tissues, being such greater reduction in the digestive gland (larval development site) in comparison to the cephalopedal mass. In addition, the infection by both miracidiais doses resulted in increased levels of oxalic acid and lactic acid, as well as a decline in the content of pyruvic and succinic acids in B. glabrata. The prepatent infection by this equinostomatideo still significantly suppressed the phosphorylation state (state 3 respiration) and basal oxygen consumption (state 1 and 2) in B. glabrata, demonstrating that infection by E. paraensei decreases the capacity of the intermediate host in performing aerobic oxidative reactions. These results demonstrate the reduction in oxidative decarboxylation rate of the reactions that are part of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and acceleration of the process of anaerobic degradation of carbohydrates in the infected snails by lactic acid fermentation, it is essential to ensure the obtaining of energy and the success of the infection. Thus, the results observed in this study demonstrate that infection with five or 50 miracidia of E. paraensei caused significant metabolic changes in B. glabrata snails being exposed to the largest load miracidial showed the greatest damage, featuring a dose-dependent response / Parasitos pertencentes ao g?nero Echinostoma caracterizam por apresentar um ciclo biol?gico complexo, com dois hospedeiros intermedi?rios e s?tio final de infec??o restrito ao l?men intestinal de seus hospedeiros definitivos. Estes hospedeiros s?o representados principalmente por aves aqu?ticas e semi-aqu?ticas, mam?feros, incluindo o homem, e ocasionalmente algumas esp?cies de r?pteis e peixes. Possuem como primeiros hospedeiros intermedi?rios moluscos l?mnicos, onde os mirac?dios penetram ativamente e desenvolvem at? os est?gios de esporocistos, r?dias e cerc?rias. Por sua vez, crust?ceos, anf?bios, peixes e moluscos l?mnicos atuam como segundos hospedeiros intermedi?rios onde ocorre a forma??o de metacerc?rias, est?gios infectantes ao hospedeiro definitivo. Neste estudo, Biomphalaria glabrata foi experimentalmente infectada com diferentes doses miracidiais (5 ou 50) de E. paraensei. Os moluscos foram dissecados ap?s uma, duas, tr?s e quatro semanas de infec??o para a coleta da hemolinfa e tecidos (complexo g?nada-gl?ndula digestiva- GGD e massa cefalopediosa). Na hemolinfa foram quantificadas as concentra??es de glicose e de ?cidos carbox?licos (succ?nico, pir?vico, l?tico e ox?lico), bem como a atividade da lactato desidrogenase (LDH). Nos tecidos de estocagem foram mensurados os conte?dos de glicog?nio e consumo de oxig?nio (O2). Altera??es foram observadas na glicemia dos moluscos, em ambas as situa??es de parasitismo, com significativo aumento dos n?veis de glicose verificado a partir da terceira semana de infec??o quando comparado ao grupo controle. Mudan?as foram tamb?m descritas em rela??o ? atividade da lactato desidrogenase, sendo caracterizadas pelo aumento de sua atividade nos per?odos mais tardios da infec??o. Em paralelo, verificou-se um decr?scimo nos conte?dos de glicog?nio em tecidos de armazenamento, sendo tal redu??o maior na gl?ndula digestiva (s?tio de desenvolvimento larval), em compara??o ? massa cefalopediosa. A infec??o por ambas as doses miracidiais ainda resultou em um aumento dos n?veis de ?cidos ox?lico e l?tico, bem como em um decl?nio nos conte?dos de ?cidos pir?vico e succ?nico em B. glabrata. Significativa supress?o no estado fosforilativo (estado 3 respirat?rio) e no consumo basal de oxig?nio (estado 1 e 2) em B. glabrata infectada por E. paraensei foi demonstrada, indicando que a infec??o por este equinostomat?deo diminui a capacidade do hospedeiro intermedi?rio em realizar rea??es oxidativas aer?bias. Varia??es relevantes relacionadas ao estado mitocondrial desacoplado (estado 3u) de B. glabrata infectada por tal tremat?deo foram tamb?m descritas. Tais resultados demonstram redu??o na taxa de descarboxila??o oxidativa das rea??es que integram o ciclo do ?cido tricarbox?lico e acelera??o do processo de degrada??o anaer?bia de carboidratos nos moluscos infectados, atrav?s da fermenta??o l?tica, essencial para garantir a obten??o de energia e o sucesso da infec??o. Assim, os resultados observados neste estudo demonstram que a infec??o com cinco ou 50 mirac?dios de E. paraensei provocou consider?veis altera??es metab?licas em B. glabrata, sendo que os moluscos expostos a maior carga miracidial apresentaram os maiores danos, caracterizando uma resposta dosedependente.

Ultrassonografia abdominal em peixe-boi amaz?nico (Trichechus inunguis): padroniza??o da t?cnica e achados ultrassonogr?ficos / Abdominal ultrasound in Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis): standardized technique and sonographic findings

Barreto, Uiara Hanna Ara?jo 22 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-06-07T11:15:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Uiara Hanna Ara?jo Barreto.pdf: 2769988 bytes, checksum: cebc9db54d83f27429944a782944b7d6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-07T11:15:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Uiara Hanna Ara?jo Barreto.pdf: 2769988 bytes, checksum: cebc9db54d83f27429944a782944b7d6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-22 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The study of the wildlife has increased because many species find themselves threatened with extinction, the Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) is classified as vulnerable. The main factors that aggravate this situation is the slow reproduction of these animals, as well as poaching, which still occurs in the Amazon region, increased the need for preservation. The study of this kind is crucial to generate knowledge about the same, contributing in an attempt to reverse your current frame. Research on diagnostic imaging for manatees are rare, especially when directed ultrasound, it is an excellent technique to be carried out in wild animals, for not being invasive and provide real time information of each body. This abdominal ultrasound research will generate normal data, in the future we can diagnose diseases. The aim of this study was to standardize the examination technique and describe the abdominal ultrasound findings in inunguis Trichechus bred in captivity, increasing knowledge about the species and consequently aid in the diagnosis of diseases. The survey was conducted with 18 animals to describe the normal sonographic anatomy in the abdominal cavity of Amazonian manatee. During abdominal scan was viewed homogeneous liver, hyperechoic contoured edges and regular; the gallbladder showed anechoic content with regular and thin wall; stomach was present gas content, hypoechoic and thin wall. In the caudal abdomen visibilizou urinary bladder in piriformis format, bit full, hyperechoic wall and content ranging from anechoic and hypoechoic. Evaluated the subcutaneous tissue, which can differentiate the layer of skin, fat, muscle and peritoneum. The ultrasound examination obtained satisfactory results in this study, concluding that an efficient technique for evaluation in Amazonian manatee / O estudo com a fauna silvestre vem crescendo devido muitas esp?cies encontrarem-se amea?adas a extin??o, como o peixe-boi amaz?nico (Trichechus inunguis) que est? classificado como vulner?vel. Os principais fatores que agravam esse quadro ? a reprodu??o lenta destes animais, al?m da ca?a predat?ria, que ainda ocorre na regi?o amaz?nica, aumentando a necessidade de preserva??o. O estudo desta esp?cie ? fundamental para gerar conhecimento sobre a mesma, contribuindo na tentativa de reverter o seu quadro atual. Pesquisas sobre diagn?stico em imagem em peixe-boi s?o raras, principalmente quando direcionada a ultrassonografia, trata-se de uma excelente t?cnica para ser realizada em animais silvestres, por n?o ser invasiva e fornecer informa??es em tempo real de cada ?rg?o. Esta pesquisa de ultrassonografia abdominal ir? gerar dados de normalidade, para no futuro conseguirmos diagnosticar patologias. O objetivo do presente estudo foi padronizar a t?cnica de exame e descrever os achados de ultrassonografia abdominal em Trichechus inunguis criados em cativeiro, aumentando o conhecimento sobre a esp?cie e como consequ?ncia auxiliar no diagn?stico de patologias. A pesquisa foi realizada com 18 animais para descri??o da anatomia ultrassonogr?fica normal em cavidade abdominal de peixe-boi amaz?nico. Durante varredura abdominal foi visualizado f?gado homog?neo, hiperec?ico com contornos e bordos regulares; a ves?cula biliar apresentou conte?do anec?ico com parede regular e fina; no est?mago estava presente conte?do gasoso, parede hipoec?ica e fina. No abd?men caudal visibilizou a ves?cula urin?ria em formato piriforme, pouco repleta, parede hiperec?ica e conte?do variando entre anec?ico e hipoec?ico. Avaliou-se o tecido subcut?neo, onde pode-se diferenciar a camada de pele, gordura, muscular e perit?nio. O exame de ultrassonografia obteve resultados satisfat?rios neste estudo, concluindo ser uma t?cnica eficiente para avalia??o em peixe-boi amaz?nico

Freq??ncia populacional de Dermatobia hominis (Linneaus Jr., 1781) (D?ptera: Cuterebridae) e sua correla??o com vari?veis clim?ticas em duas propriedades rurais no sudeste do Brasil / Frequency of population Dermatobia hominis and its correlation with variable climate in two rural properties in southeastern Brazil

Medeiros, William Soares 31 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-06-13T13:31:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - William Soares Medeiros.pdf: 2112015 bytes, checksum: 79b821090426baeb106b29b980b2ad18 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-13T13:31:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - William Soares Medeiros.pdf: 2112015 bytes, checksum: 79b821090426baeb106b29b980b2ad18 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-31 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Dermatobia hominis (Linneaus Jr., 1781) (Diptera, Cuterebridae), popularly known in English as the Human Botfly or Warble fly, the only species of this genus and endemic to the neotropical region, is a holometabolous insect with an independent phase of life in its adult form and an obligatory parasitic phase in its larval form. In its parasitic phase, the larva is the cause of furuncular myiasis occurring in a large variety of endothermic animals, with most frequent occurrence in cattle, dogs and humans. The lack of information concerning dermatobiosis creates difficulties in its diagnosis. By means of a systematic review of the literature on the subject, it can be verified that this fly shows versatility in its phoresis and has a vast list of phoretic records. Field studies are restricted to observation of its larval form, because its adult form is difficult to observe, making this a rare event. With the intention of evaluating and comparing fluctuation in the population of D. hominis, searching for correlations between the incidence of Botfly larval infestations and climatic factors and their distribution on the body surface of cattle, two areas of study were selected, in which field collections were carried out twice monthly for counting the number of larvae in the herds. Discrepancies were discovered in the average number of larval nodes in cattle between these areas of study. These nodules showed variation in their bodily distribution on the cattle, with a higher incidence in the anterior region, compromising the quality of the animals? skins for economic purposes. In one of the areas, there was a correlation between the average number of larvae and the temperature and precipitation. These climatic factors are related to edaphic characteristics, influencing the penetration of the L3 larvae and the pupal period. For a greater understanding of the dynamics and fluctuations in the population of D. hominis in these areas, ample monitoring is needed to determine if the results encountered in this study are atypical or influenced by local characteristics. Currently, the demand for research is for methods of controlling the dermatobiosis, with emphasis on integrated plague management. Other deficiencies include following the Botfly?s complete life cycle in the laboratory and understanding certain peculiar adaptations, such as atrophied oral apparatus / A Dermatobia hominis (Linneaus Jr., 1781) (Diptera, Cuterebridae), popularmente conhecida como mosca do berne, ?nica esp?cie do g?nero e end?mica da regi?o Neotropical, ? um inseto holomet?bolo com uma fase de vida livre na sua forma adulta e uma fase parasit?ria obrigat?ria em sua forma larval. Em sua fase parasit?ria, a larva ? causadora da mi?ase furuncular ocorrendo em uma grande variedade de animais endot?rmicos, com ocorr?ncia mais frequente em bovinos, c?es e no homem. A falta de informa??o sobre a dermatobiose gera dificuldade em seu diagn?stico. Atrav?s de uma revis?o sistem?tica da literatura sobre o assunto, verifica-se que a mosca apresenta versatilidade para a foresia e conta com vasta lista de registros de for?ticos. Os estudos em campo se restringem a observa??es sobre sua forma larval, pois sua forma adulta ? de dif?cil observa??o tornando este evento raro. Visando avaliar e comparar a frequ?ncia populacional de D. hominis, buscando correla??o entre a incid?ncia do berne e fatores clim?ticos e a sua distribui??o na superf?cie corporal de bovinos, foram selecionadas duas ?reas de estudo, as quais foram realizadas coleta de campo quinzenalmente para o levantamento do n?mero de bernes no rebanho. Foram encontradas diverg?ncias no n?mero m?dio de n?dulos de berne em bovinos entre as ?reas de estudo. Os n?dulos apresentaram varia??o na distribui??o corporal dos bovinos, tendo maior incid?ncia na regi?o anterior, comprometendo a qualidade da pele do animal para fins econ?micos. Em uma das ?reas houve correla??o entre o n?mero m?dio de bernes e a temperatura e precipita??o. Esses fatores clim?ticos est?o relacionados ?s caracter?sticas ed?ficas, influenciando a penetra??o das larvas L3 e o per?odo pupal. Para o maior entendimento da din?mica e frequ?ncia populacional da D. hominis nessas ?reas, h? necessidade de amplo monitoramento para averiguar se os resultados encontrados neste estudo s?o at?picos ou influenciados por caracter?sticas locais. Atualmente a demanda de pesquisa est? em m?todos para controle da dermatobiose, com destaque para o manejo integrado de pragas. Outras lacunas est?o na realiza??o de seu ciclo completo em laborat?rio e compreens?o de adapta??es peculiares, tais como aparelho bucal atrofiado.

Mecanismos envolvidos com as atividades antinociceptiva, antiedematog?nica e antiinflamat?ria do flavonoide majorit?rio das infloresc?ncias de Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers. (folha da fortuna) / Mechanisms underlying the antinociceptive, antiedematogenic, and anti-inflammatory activity of the main flavonoid from Kalanchoe pinnata flowers (Lam.) Pers. (fortune sheet)

Ferreira, Raquel Teixeira 30 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-06-21T11:22:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Raquel Teixeira Ferreira.pdf: 4123117 bytes, checksum: d2271c63e8c851f1e25afd9a0bd8cf91 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-21T11:22:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Raquel Teixeira Ferreira.pdf: 4123117 bytes, checksum: d2271c63e8c851f1e25afd9a0bd8cf91 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-30 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Kalanchoe pinnata (KP) is popularly used for treating inflammatory diseases. This study investigated the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory potential of the KP flower aqueous extract (KPFE), the ethyl acetate (EtOAcF), butanol (BuOHF) and aqueous (AqF) fractions and the main flavonoid [quercetin 3-O-?-L-arabinopyranosyl (1??) ?-L-rhamnopyranoside] (KPFV) of KP, as well as possible mechanisms of action. Swiss albino mice, male (25-35g) were pretreated with KPFE (30-300 mg/kg, s.c.) producing dose-related inhibition of acetic acid-induced writhing (ID50 164.8 mg/kg), and the subcutaneous administration of KPFE (300 mg/kg), EtOAcF (12 mg/kg), BuOHF (15 mg/kg) or AqF (210 mg/kg) reduced leukocyte migration on carrageenan-induced pleurisy in mice at 56.1%, 47.3%, 39.6% and 43.1%, respectively. At doses of up to 240 times smaller than KPFE, KPFV (0.3-3.0 mg/kg, s.c.), also inhibited leukocyte migration (ID50 1.78 mg/kg). In croton oil-induced ear edema in mice, KPFE (3-30 mg/kg, s.c.) and KPFV (0.3-3.0 mg/kg, s.c.) presented dose-related antiedematogenic activity (KPFE - ID50 4.3 mg/kg, KPFV - ID50 0.76 mg/kg). Treatment with KPFE reduced the MPO and TNF-? concentration in the pleural exudates on carrageenaninduced pleurisy test, while KPFV inhibited both isoforms of cyclooxygenase (COX), with IC50 3.8 x 10-5 M (22.1 ?g/mL) for COX-1 and a maximum COX-2 inhibition of 43.5% (IC50 >8.4 x10-5M or 50 ?g/mL). The selectivity index (COX-1 IC50/COX-2 IC50) was <0.44. These results indicate that KPFE and KPFV produced anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activity through the COX inhibition and TNF-? reduction. This study reveals that the main flavonoid in KP flowers and leaves plays an important role in the ethnomedicinal use of this species for healing inflammatory processes / Kalanchoe pinnata (KP) ? popularmente utilizada para tratamento de doen?as inflamat?rias. Este estudo investigou o potencial antinociceptivo e anti-inflamat?rio do extrato aquoso das infloresc?ncias de KP (EAFL), a fra??o acetato de etila (FAcOEt), a fra??o butan?lica (FBuOH), a fra??o aquosa (FAq) e o flavonoide majorit?rio [quercetina 3-O-?-Larabinopiranosil (1??) ?-L-ramnopiranos?deo] (KPFV) de KP, assim como poss?veis mecanismos de a??o. Camundongos albinos, machos (25-35g) foram pr?-tratados com EAFL (30-300 mg/kg, s.c.), produzindo inibi??o dose dependente das contor??es induzidas por ?cido ac?tico (DI50 164,8 mg/kg), e a administra??o subcut?nea de EAFL (300 mg/kg), FAcOEt (12 mg/kg) ou FBuOH (15 mg/kg) reduziu a migra??o leucocit?ria na pleurisia induzida por carragenina em camundongos em 56,1%, 47,3%, 39,6% e 43,1%, respectivamente. Em doses at? 240 vezes menores que o EAFL, KPFV (0,3-3,0 mg/kg, s.c.), tamb?m foi capaz de inibir a migra??o leucocit?ria (DI50 1,78 mg/kg). No teste do edema de orelha induzido por ?leo de cr?ton em camundongos, EAFL (3-30 mg/kg, s.c.) e KPFV (0,3-3,0 mg/kg, s.c.) apresentaram atividade antiedematog?nica dose dependente (EAFL - DI50 4,3 mg/kg, KPFV - DI50 0,76 mg/kg). O tratamento com EAFL reduziu a concentra??o de MPO e de TNF-? no exsudato pleural obtido do teste da pleurisia induzida por carragenina, enquanto o KPFV inibiu ambas as isoformas de cicloxigenase (COX), com CI50 3,8 x 10-5M (22,1 ?g/mL) para COX-1 e um m?ximo de inibi??o da COX-2 de 43,5% (CI50 >8,4 x10-5M ou 50 ?g/mL). O ?ndice de seletividade (COX-1 CI50/COX-2 CI50) foi < 0,44. Estes resultados indicam que EAFL e KPFV produziram atividade anti-inflamat?ria e antinociceptiva envolvendo a inibi??o da COX e a redu??o de TNF-?. Este estudo revela que o principal flavonoide presente nas infloresc?ncias e folhas de KP possui papel importante no uso etnomedicinal desta esp?cie nos processos de natureza inflamat?ria

Efeito do fluazuron sobre ovos, larvas e f?meas ingurgitadas de Rhipicephalus microplus / Efeito do fluazuron sobre ovos, larvas e f?meas ingurgitadas de Rhipicephalus microplus.

Gaud?ncio, Fabr?cio Nascimento 22 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-06-21T16:48:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Fabr?cio Nascimento Gaud?ncio.pdf: 2705400 bytes, checksum: 84083c56a169de3a2c732060527db477 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-21T16:48:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Fabr?cio Nascimento Gaud?ncio.pdf: 2705400 bytes, checksum: 84083c56a169de3a2c732060527db477 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-22 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the arthropod growth regulator fluazuron in the energetic metabolism of Rhipicephalus microplus. 6 stabled cattle divided into control and treated groups containing three animals each. A commercial formulation containing the active compound fluazuron was administered topically in the treated group. The engorged female ticks were collected from some days before (day 0) and after treatment of animals (4, 8, and 15 days). After collecting the engorged females, the following biological parameters were analyzed: weight of the engorged female, weight of the female after oviposition, laying period, laying weight, egg production rate, reproductive efficiency index, percentage of hatching and nutritional index. It was also evaluated the metabolic profile: in the hemolymph (concentration of glucose, total protein and organic acids - oxalic, pyruvic and lactic, enzymatic activity of LDH, ALT and AST); in the fat body (glycogen concentration and percentage of variation of neutral lipids); in eggs (concentration of glucose and total protein content, percentage change of neutral lipids and enzymatic activities of ALT and AST); and in the cuticle of engorged female ticks (percentage change of neutral lipids). Secondly, female immersion test was conducted to assess the activities of carboxylesterases enzymes, monooxygenases (MFO) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in sensitive strain of eggs and larvae (Porto Alegre, RS) compared with resistant strain (Jaguar, RS). It also assessed the detoxification enzymes in the fat body of engorged females of sensitive strain. The results showed that all the biological parameters showed lower results when compared to the control group after the exposure to fluazuron, except the weight of the female after oviposition. Although an increase was observed in the concentration of glucose in hemolymph on the 8th day and glycogen in the fat body in 15th day, there was no significant difference in the comparison of means between control and treated day-to-day. The concentration of lactic acid gradually increased in the treated group over time due to treatment, indicating increased anaerobic metabolism. There was no significant difference in the percentage change of neutral lipids in fat body, cuticle and eggs in any of the time intervals. No significant difference was observed in the activity of transaminases in the hemolymph, but it was observed in eggs after the treatment on the 8th day. The activity of MFO was higher in the comparison between the resistant and sensitive strains in eggs, but in larvae, the increase was observed in carboxylesterases in the resistant strain. In females, MFO showed high activity in the fat body as a function of fluazuron exposure, especially on day 4 in the treated group. Increases in transaminase activity and detoxification enzymes in females and eggs were associated with possible cell damage and trying to metabolism of active principle-tested. For the first time, a research about the metabolic effects of fluazuron has been conducted, focusing on different biochemical aspects, demonstrating that its effectiveness is related to a number of metabolic changes, leading to a parasite homeostasis breaking. / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar os perfis metab?lico-energ?tico de carrapatos Rhipicephalus microplus expostos ao fluazuron. 6 bovinos foram estabulados e divididos em grupos controle e tratado, contendo 3 animais cada. Uma formula??o comercial contendo o princ?pio-ativo fluazuron foi administrada por via t?pica nos animais do grupo tratado. F?meas ingurgitadas foram coletadas em dias determinados: antes (dia 0) e ap?s o tratamento dos animais (4, 8 e 15 dias). Ap?s a coleta das f?meas ingurgitadas, foram analisados os seguintes par?metros biol?gicos: peso da f?mea ingurgitada, peso da quen?gina, per?odo de postura, peso da postura, ?ndice de produ??o de ovos, efici?ncia reprodutiva, percentual de eclos?o e ?ndice nutricional. Foi avaliado tamb?m o perfil metab?lico: na hemolinfa (concentra??o de glicose, prote?nas totais e ?cidos org?nicos - ox?lico, pir?vico e l?tico, atividade enzim?tica de LDH, ALT e AST), no corpo gorduroso (concentra??o de glicog?nio e percentual de varia??o de lip?dios neutros), nos ovos (concentra??o de glicose, prote?nas totais, percentual varia??o de lip?dios neutros e atividade enzim?tica de ALT e AST), e na cut?cula das f?meas ingurgitadas (percentual de varia??o de lip?dios neutros). Num segundo momento, realizou-se teste de imers?o de f?meas ingurgitadas para posterior avalia??o das atividades das enzimas carboxilesterases, monooxigenases (MFO) e glutationa-S-transferase (GST) em ovos e larvas de diferentes cepas: sens?vel (Porto Alegre, RS) e cepa resistente (Jaguar, RS) ao fluazuron. Avaliou-se tamb?m as enzimas de detoxifica??o no corpo gorduroso de f?meas ingurgitadas de cepa sens?vel. Na an?lise dos resultados, todos os par?metros apresentaram resultados inferiores, quando comparados ao grupo controle, em fun??o da exposi??o ao fluazuron, exceto o peso da quen?gina. Embora tenha sido observado um aumento na concentra??o de glicose hemolinf?tica no 8? dia e glicog?nio no corpo gorduroso no 15?dia, n?o houve diferen?a significativa na compara??o das m?dias entre controle e tratado dia-a-dia. A concentra??o do ?cido l?tico apresentou aumento progressivo significativo no grupo tratado ao longo do tempo em fun??o do tratamento, indicando aumento do metabolismo anaer?bio. N?o houve diferen?a significativa para as varia??es percentuais de lip?dios neutros no corpo gorduroso, cut?cula e ovos em nenhum dos dias de avalia??o. Embora n?o tenha sido observada diferen?a significativa nas atividades das transaminases na hemolinfa, observou-se aumento significativo nos ovos ap?s o tratamento no 8?dia. A atividade da MFO foi maior, na compara??o entre as cepas resistente e sens?vel, nos ovos, e com rela??o ?s larvas; o aumento observado foi nas carboxilesterases da cepa resistente. Nas f?meas, a MFO apresentou atividade elevada no corpo gorduroso em fun??o da exposi??o ao fluazuron, principalmente no 4?dia no grupo tratado. Os aumentos na atividade das transaminases e das enzimas de detoxifica??o nas f?meas ingurgitadas e nos ovos foram associados a poss?veis danos celulares e ? tentativa de metaboliza??o do princ?pio-ativo testado. Pela primeira vez, foi realizado um estudo acerca dos efeitos metab?licos do fluazuron, enfocando diferentes aspectos bioqu?micos, evidenciando que a sua efic?cia est? relacionada a diversas altera??es metab?licas, levando a uma quebra da homeostase do carrapato

Taxonomia dos Metazo?rios Ectoparasitos do Caparari Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (LINNAEUS, 1766) (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae) do alto rio Xingu, Estado do Par?, Brasil / Taxonomy of the Metazoan Ectoparasites of Caparari Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (LINNAEUS, 1766) (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae) from high Xingu river, Par? State, North Brazil

Albuquerque, F?bio Edir Amaral 29 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-07-06T11:45:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - F?bio Edir Amaral Albuquerque.pdf: 3688203 bytes, checksum: deb77d79b3f829b640e9e7f0e18de1aa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-06T11:45:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - F?bio Edir Amaral Albuquerque.pdf: 3688203 bytes, checksum: deb77d79b3f829b640e9e7f0e18de1aa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / A total of 25 specimens Caparari Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum were collected in four points of the high Xingu river sector, between April 2010 and July 2011. Two new locality records of Argulidae crustaceans are presented for Argulus pestifer and Dolops discoidalis. A new monogenetic specie was proposed, registered and studied in details. Demidospermus n. sp. differs from the other congenerics, because the anchors exhibit folds, variable forms, and deep roots not defined. Demidospermus sp. n. also exhibits a thickened ventral bar, straight or slightly curved anteriorly, with the extended Extremities, and with the Presence or Absence of an above-median keel. The dorsal bar is variable in form, straight and slender, with Presence or Absence of an above-median depression and tapered Extremities. The hooks are different in size and form, the first and second pairs have the tip and the shaft lightly curved, protuberant and truncated thumb, and the rod is dilated and tapered in proximal region. Hooks different in size and shape, 1-2 pairs: blade point and slightly curved or curved, thumb protruding, truncate, dilated or slender rod, tapered proximally, showing or not bulbs at the proximal end; the pairs 3-4-6-7: point slightly bent, curved or straight blade almost straight or moderately curved, thumb truncated or depressed, moderately dilated or slender rod, presented a bulb at the proximal end; The male copulatory organ (MCO) is variable in shape, with a convolute tube in the counterclockwise, and flaps that connect themselves on a sclerotized edge. Male copulatory organ (MCO), with variable shape, like a coiled tube, varying the number of rings in a counterclockwise direction, with tabs that connect to a margin esclerotizada or G-shaped, with a ring in order counterclockwise, showing a dilated base margin esclerotizada developed, from which protrudes a flap. The accessory piece, with variable shape, slightly concave or concave, the distal tapered, curved or slightly curved, serving as a guide to the MCO, the presence or absence of spines on the proximal end. The vagina has a bag-shaped vestibule connected or not to the vaginal channel through an annulated narrow. The study will can contribute to future research, in order to improve our knowledge about the parasite fauna of aquatic organisms in the Amazon region. / Um total de 25 esp?cimes de Caparari P. fasciatum foram coletados no alto rio Xingu, entre Abril de 2010 ? Julho de 2011. Foram apresentados dois novos registros de localidade de crust?ceos parasitos da fam?lia Argulidae, foram registrados, Argulus pestifer e Dolops discoidalis, e uma esp?cie de monogen?tico foi proposta como nova, examinada, registrada e comentada em detalhes. Demidospermus sp. n. difere dos seus cong?neres por apresentar ?ncoras em formas vari?veis, ra?zes profundas n?o definidas, apresentando uma dobra. Barra ventral em forma vari?vel, grossa, levemente curvada para a regi?o anterior, extremidades alargadas, com presen?a ou n?o de uma quilha na parte antero-medial. Barra dorsal, em forma vari?vel, reta e delgada, apresentando ou n?o uma depress?o antero-medial com extremidades afiladas. Ganchos diferentes em tamanho e forma, pares 1-2: ponta e l?mina levemente curva ou curvada, polegar protuberante, truncado, haste dilatada ou delgada, afilada proximalmente, apresentando ou n?o bulbos na extremidade proximal; pares 3-4-6-7: ponta levemente curvada, curva ou reta, l?mina quase retas ou moderadamente curvadas, polegar truncado ou deprimido, haste moderadamente dilatada ou delgada, apresentado um bulbo na extremidade proximal; par 5: ponta e l?mina retas, polegar achatado, haste alongada e fina, apresentando um bulbo na regi?o proximal. ?rg?o copulat?rio masculino (OCM), apresentando forma vari?vel, como um tubo enrolado, variando no n?mero de an?is no sentido anti-hor?rio, apresentando abas que se conectam a uma margem esclerotizada ou em forma de G ao contr?rio, com um anel em sentido anti-hor?rio, base dilatada apresentando uma margem esclerotizada desenvolvida, de onde se projeta um flap. Pe?a acess?ria, apresentando forma vari?vel, ligeiramente c?ncava ou c?ncava, parte distal afilada, curvada ou pouco curva, servindo de guia para o OCM, presen?a ou n?o de espinhos na extremidade proximal. Vagina apresentando um vest?bulo saculiforme, ligado ao canal vaginal atrav?s de um estreitamento anelado presente ou n?o. O presente estudo poder? colaborar com futuras pesquisas, com o prop?sito de melhorar o nosso conhecimento sobre a fauna dos organismos aqu?ticos da regi?o Amaz?nica

Caracteriza??o fenogenot?pica da resist?ncia antimicrobiana em Staphylococcus spp. isolados de mastites cl?nicas e subcl?nicas em unidades leiteiras de munic?pios do Rio de Janeiro como subs?dio para implementa??o de medidas de controle / Fenogenot?pica Characterization of antimicrobial resistance in Staphylococcus spp. isolated from clinical or subclinical mastitis in dairy units of municipalities of Rio de Janeiro as a subsidy for implementation of control measures.

Mendon?a, Elaine Concei??o Liporage de 16 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-07-26T14:34:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - Elaine Concei??o Liporage de Mendon?a.pdf: 3515906 bytes, checksum: ebf489151f2cd6961ddeeb292cd910a7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-26T14:34:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - Elaine Concei??o Liporage de Mendon?a.pdf: 3515906 bytes, checksum: ebf489151f2cd6961ddeeb292cd910a7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The use of antibiotic in the control of intramammary infections and in the elimination of its possible sources in dairy farms is an important control measure. However, the inappropriate use of antibiotics can result in the appearance of resistant strains and compromise the efficiency of the treatment. Besides Staphylococcus spp. are among the main pathogens of bovine mastitis, they are often resistant to antibiotics, especially beta-lactamics, mainly by two distinct mechanisms: the production of extracellular enzyme beta-lactamase, encoded by the blaZ gene, and production of PBP2a or PBP2 ' a penicillin-binding protein with low affinity, encoded by the mecA gene. The expression of mecA gene is constitutive or induced by beta-lactamic antibiotics, such as oxacillin and cefoxitin. The mecA gene is inserted into the chromosome through a staphylococcal mobile genetic element, called staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec). The present study evaluated the phenogenotypical resistance profile to betalactam antibiotics of 250 Staphylococcus spp. isolates, using oxacillin and cefoxitin as markers in order to produce data to the knowledge of resistance in dairy farms located in the South-Fluminense and the Metropolitan regions of the State of Rio de Janeiro to support the implementation of measures to control this disease. The assessment of resistance was made through 8 different phenotypic tests and yielded 54 profiles. Disk diffusion and agar screen with oxacillin were used as "gold standard" for the calculation of sensitivity, specificity and prediction once they are recommended by the CLSI veterinarian as standardized tests. Disk diffusion with cefoxitin achieved the best performance in the prediction of oxacillin resistance. Genotypic detection of mecA do not provided any positive isolate, otherwise mecI and mecRI genes were also detected in 11.6% (29/250) of the studied Staphylococcus spp. Four cassette mec types were detected (I, II, III and IV), being type I the most disseminated one. Gene blaZ was detected in 5.2% (13/250) isolates. From these 13 blaZ positive isolates, the whole system comprising blaR1-blaI-blaZ was detected in 23.1% (3/13) isolates / MENDON?A, Elaine Concei??o Liporage. Caracteriza??o fenogenot?pica da resist?ncia antimicrobiana em Staphylococcus spp. isolados de mastites cl?nicas e subcl?nicas em unidades leiteiras de munic?pios do Rio de Janeiro como subs?dio para implementa??o de medidas de controle. 89 p. Disserta??o (Mestrado em Ci?ncias Veterin?rias). Instituto de Veterin?ria, Departamento de Parasitologia Animal, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Serop?dica, RJ, 2012. A utiliza??o de antibi?ticos no controle das infec??es intramam?rias e na elimina??o de prov?veis fontes de infec??o nas fazendas leiteiras se constitui em importante medida de controle. No entanto, o uso inadequado de antibi?ticos no tratamento da doen?a pode gerar o aparecimento de cepas resistentes e comprometer a efici?ncia do tratamento. Bact?rias do g?nero Staphylococcus spp. est?o entre os principais agentes etiol?gicos da mastite bovina e s?o freq?entemente resistentes aos antimicrobianos, em especial aos beta-lact?micos, principalmente por dois mecanismos distintos: a produ??o da enzima extracelular beta-lactamase, codificada pelo gene blaZ, e a produ??o de PBP2a ou PBP2?, uma prote?na ligante de penicilina de baixa afinidade, codificada pelo gene mecA. A express?o do gene mecA ? constitutiva ou induzida por antibi?ticos betalact?micos, como a oxacilina e cefoxitina. O gene mecA est? inserido no cromossomo estafiloc?cico atrav?s de um elemento gen?tico m?vel, denominado cassete estafiloc?cico cromoss?mico mec (SCCmec). O presente estudo avaliou o perfil fenogenot?pico de resist?ncia aos beta-lact?micos em 250 isolados de Staphylococcus spp, utilizando os marcadores oxacilina e cefoxitina, de modo a produzir dados que possam contribuir para o conhecimento da resist?ncia antimicrobiana em algumas propriedades leiteiras das regi?es Sul-Fluminense e Metropolitana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro com o objetivo de subsidiar a implementa??o de medidas de controle dessa enfermidade. A avalia??o da resist?ncia foi feita a partir de 8 diferentes testes fenot?picos, sendo obtidos 54 perfis. Os testes de difus?o em disco simples e ?gar screen com oxacilina foram utilizados como ?padr?o ouro? para os c?lculos dos valores de sensibilidade, especificidade e predi??o por serem preconizados pelo CLSI veterin?rio. O teste de difus?o em disco simples com cefoxitina foi o de melhor desempenho na predi??o da resist?ncia a oxacilina. Na avalia??o genot?pica, n?o foi detectado qualquer isolado positivo para o gene mecA, j? os genes mecI e mecRI foram detectados igualmente em 11,6% (29/250) dos Staphylococcus spp avaliados. Foram detectados os quatro tipos de cassete mec analisados (I, II, III e IV), sendo o tipo I o que teve mais ampla distribui??o entre as regi?es estudadas. Gene blaZ foi detectado em 5,2% (13/250) dos isolados, sendo que nestes, todo o sistema blaZ-blaI- blaR1 foi detectado em 23,1% (3/13) dos isolados.

Estrutura das comunidades de endoparasitos de seis esp?cies de peixes do Pantanal Norte Matogrossense, Brasil

SANTOS, S?nia Maria Cursino dos 06 October 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2016-08-05T12:49:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - Sonia Maria Cursino dos Santos.pdf: 1464196 bytes, checksum: c7ebc61346b0236e31bd681219da0196 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-05T12:49:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - Sonia Maria Cursino dos Santos.pdf: 1464196 bytes, checksum: c7ebc61346b0236e31bd681219da0196 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-06 / The Pantanal provides great biotic diversity, having different characteristics in times of flood and drought, hosting around 263 species of fish. The studies of the ecological host-parasite relationship in fishes of the Cuiab? River, North Pantanal (MT) are scarce. This study aimed to study quantitatively and qualitatively the endoparasite communities of migratory fish of commercial importance of this location, check the fluctuation patterns of these indices and their relation to the total length and the sex of host, and the cluster analysis of the similarity between the components communities of endoparasites from different hosts. The samples were taken during the years 2005 to 2009 on the River Cuiab? - Pantanal National Park (PARNA-Pantanal) at 17 ? 50 '48 "S 57 ? 24' 6" W in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, 376 specimens: Pseudoplatystoma corruscans - 50, P. fasciatum - 50, Piaractus mesopotamicus - 85, Prochilodus lineatus - 72; Zungaro zungaro-50 and Salminus brasiliensis - 87. Twenty-three species of endoparasites were identified: five digenean, eight cestodes, seven nematodes, two acanthocephalan and one pentastomid. We collected 10,418 specimens of endoparasites, of wich 6162 (59.15%) were collected from P. mesopotamicus, 1249 (11.99%) of P. fasciatum, 1173 (11.26%) of Z. zungaro, 1167 (11.2%) of P. corruscans. The pattern of aggregate distribution of parasites was observed for all species. The fishes from the family Pimelodidae analyzed showed the greatest diversity of species, although without the presence of any dominant species of endoparasites. The relationship of body length between the host parasite prevalence were positive for the parasitism of P. lineatus by N. (N.) curemai and by A. compactum, and of P. corruscans by S. oxycephala. On the other hand, parasitism of P. corruscans by Porrocaecum sp. showed a negative relationship between abundance and host growth. In Z. zungaro only the abundance of P. rugosa and Porrocaecum sp. showed positive relationship with the length of the fish. The sex of the host had influenced significantly the abundance of N. (N) curemai in P. lineatus, of S. spectatus in P. mesopotamicus and the prevalence of S. oxycephala in P. fasciatum, suggesting the existence of ecological and behavioral differences between male and female hosts. Cluster analysis of similarity between the compositions of endoparasites of migratory fish has resulted in two main groups well differentiated, with only 16.03% similarity between them. The first group was formed by piscivorous fish and the second by omnivores and detritivores. Among pimelodids the composition of their communities have 50% of similarity reaching to 87.5% of similarity between P. corruscans and P. fasciatum. The S. brasiliensis (Characidae) showed qualitative similarity of 39.68% compared to the internal group comprised of Pimelodidae. The other main group was composed by the omnivorous P. mesopotamicus (Characidae) and the detritivore P. lienatus (Prochilodontidae). Prochilodus lineatus showed 22.22% of similarity in the composition among their endoparasites. As the quantitative similarity, only a core group was formed. The similarity between the pimelodids was 50.35%, reaching to 67.29% between P. faciatum and P. corruscans. Salminus brasiliensis shared 30.46% of similarity between the quantitative pimelodids and 12.41% between P. mesopotamicus which, in turn, showed only 2.02% of quantitative similarity with P. lineatus. Among the migratory fish of commercial interest in Northern Pantanal of Mato Grosso, the similarity on the composition and structure of their endoparasite communities was strongly influenced by the phylogenetic relatedness hosts, as well as by the piscivorous feeding habits, coupled with the distribution of the fishes at the water?s column / O bioma Pantanal apresenta uma enorme diversidade bi?tica, possuindo diferentes caracter?sticas nas ?pocas de cheia e seca, albergando cerca de 263 esp?cies de peixes. Escassos s?o os estudos da rela??o ecol?gica parasito-hospedeiro em peixes do rio Cuiab?, ?rea do Pantanal Norte (MT). Este estudo teve como objetivos estudar quantitativamente e qualitativamente as comunidades de endoparasitos de peixes migradores de import?ncia comercial desta localidade, verificar os padr?es de flutua??o destes ?ndices e sua rela??o com o comprimento total e o sexo dos hospedeiros e analisar o agrupamento dos ?ndices de similaridade entre as comunidades componentes de endoparasitos em diferentes hospedeiros. Foram coletados durante os anos de 2005 a 2009 no rio Cuiab? ? Parque Nacional do Pantanal (PARNA-Pantanal) a 17? 50? 48? S e 57? 24? 6? W do estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil, 376 esp?cimes: Pseudoplatystoma corruscans ? 50, P. fasciatum ? 50, Piaractus mesopotamicus ? 85, Prochilodus lineatus ?72; Zungaro zungaro? 50 e Salminus brasiliensis ? 87. Vinte e tr?s esp?cies de endoparasitos foram identificadas: cinco digen?ticos, oito cest?ides, sete nemat?ides, dois acantoc?falos e um pentastom?deo. Foram coletados 10.418 esp?cimes de endoparasitos, sendo que 6162 (59,15%) foram coletados de P. mesopotamicus, 1249 (11,99%) de P. fasciatum, 1173 (11,26%) de Z. zungaro, 1167 (11,2%) de P. corruscans. O t?pico padr?o de distribui??o agregada foi observado para todas as esp?cies, onde os pimelodideos analisados foram os que apresentaram maior diversidade de esp?cies, embora sem a presen?a de nenhuma esp?cie de endoparasito dominante. As rela??es do comprimento do corpo do hospedeiro entre a preval?ncia e a abund?ncia parasit?ria foram positivas para o parasitismo de P. lineatus por N. (N.) curemai e A. compactum, e de P.corruscans por S. oxycephala. Por outro lado, o parasitismo de P. corruscans por Porrocaecum sp. apresentou rela??o negativa entre a abund?ncia e o crescimento do hospedeiro. Em Z. zungaro apenas a abund?ncia de P. rugosa e Porrocaecum sp. apresentaram rela??o positiva com o comprimento total do peixe. O sexo dos hospedeiros influenciou significativamente a abund?ncia de N. (N.) curemai em P. lineatus, de S. spectatus em P. mesopotamicus e a preval?ncia parasit?ria de S. oxycephala em P. fasciatum, sugerindo a exist?ncia de diferen?as ecol?gicas e comportamentais entre hospedeiros machos e f?meas. A an?lise de agrupamento da similaridade entre as composi??es de endoparasitos dos peixes migradores resultou em 2 grupos principais bem diferenciados, com apenas 16,03% de similaridade entre eles. O primeiro grupo foi formado pelos peixes pisc?voros e o segundo, por peixes on?voros e detrit?voros. Entre os pimelod?deos analisados, a composi??o de suas comunidades endoparasit?rias apresentaram similaridade qualitativa de 50%, chegando a 87,5% entre P. corruscans e P. fasciatum. O Characidae S. brasiliensis apresentou 39,68% de similaridade qualitativa em rela??o ao grupo interno formado por Pimelodidae. No outro grupo principal, o Characidae on?voro P. mesopotamicus e o Prochilodontidae detrit?voro P. lineatus apresentaram 22,22% de similaridade na composi??o entre suas comunidades endoparasit?rias. Quanto a similaridade quantitativa, apenas um grupo principal foi formado. A similaridade entre os pimelod?deos foi de 50,35%, chegando a 67,29% entre P. faciatum e P. corruscans. Salminus brasiliensis compartilhou 30,46% de similaridade quantitativa entre os pimelod?deos e 12,41% com P. mesopotamicus, que, por sua vez, apresentou apenas 2,02% de similaridade quantitativa com P. lineatus. Dentre os peixes migradores de interesse comercial do Pantanal Norte Mato- Grossense, a similaridade na composi??o e estrutura de suas comunidades endoparasit?rias foi fortemente influenciada pela proximidade filogen?tica dos hospedeiros, assim como pelo h?bito alimentar exclusivamente pisc?voro, associado ? disposi??o dos peixes na coluna d??gua.

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