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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In search of the carbon price : The european CO2 emission trading scheme : from ex ante and ex post analysis to the protection in 2020 / A la recherche du prix du carbone : Système européen d’échange de quotas de co2 : des analyses ex ante et ex post à la projection en 2020

Trotignon, Raphaël 17 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est une évaluation des deux premières phases du Système Communautaire d’Echange de Quotas d’Emission (SCEQE). Il s'articule autour de la construction progressive d'un modèle de simulation, ZEPHYR-Flex, qui vise à reproduire les évolutions du prix et des émissions observés entre 2005 et 2012, et à les projeter jusqu'en 2020 sous différentes séries d'hypothèses. L'analyse ex post des huit premières années du système révèle que, pour comprendre son évolution, il est nécessaire d'étudier en détail le rôle joué par trois mécanismes de flexibilité: les échanges de quotas, la flexibilité spatiale (crédits carbone), et la flexibilité temporelle (banking/borrowing). Dans un premier temps, nous construisons un cadre technico-économique servant de base au mécanisme simulant les échanges de quotas dans le modèle. Le rôle des crédits carbone est ensuite examiné et un scénario pour leur utilisation jusqu'en 2020 est calculé sur cette base. Ensuite, la flexibilité temporelle est introduite dans le modèle qui, une fois les trois mécanismes de flexibilité réunis, peut reproduire la trajectoire passée du prix et des émissions. Le modèle et les leçons tirées des deux premières phases sont ensuite utilisés dans différents scénarios prospectifs à l'horizon 2020. Parmi les scénarios testés, seul un renforcement du plafond d’émission en ligne avec l'objectif européen de 2050 est en mesure de restaurer la confiance et les anticipations associées au système, deux facteurs qui conditionnent l'efficacité du SCEQE à long terme. La nécessité d’articuler correctement le SCEQE avec les autres politiques climat-énergie est également soulignée / This thesis is an evaluation of the first two phases of the EU ETS. It is articulated around the progressive construction of a simulation model, ZEPHYR-Flex, which aims at being able to replicate the observed price and emissions trajectories between 2005 and 2012, and to project them until 2020 under different sets of assumptions. The ex post analysis of the first eight years of the system reveals that to understand its development, it is necessary to study in details the role played by three flexibility mechanisms: trading, spatial flexibility (offsets), and time flexibility (banking/borrowing). In a first stage, we build a technical-economic framework for the core trading mechanism of the model. The role of offsets is then scrutinized and a scenario for their use up to 2020 is calculated on this basis. Next, the time flexibility and the related banking and borrowing behavior are introduced into the model which can then replicate the past price and emission trajectory. The model and the lessons from the first two phases are then used in different prospective scenarios to 2020. Among the scenarios tested, only a strengthening of the cap in line with the 2050 European reduction target is able to restore confidence and anticipations, two factors needed for the efficiency of the EU ETS in the long term. The issue of correctly articulating the EU ETS with other climate-energy policies is also underlined

Business as usual? : instituting markets for carbon credits

Broderick, John Foreman January 2011 (has links)
Climate change mitigation necessitates substantial alterations to patterns of worldwide economic activity, be that reduction in demand, switches to new technology or 'end-of-pipe' abatement of greenhouse gases. There are profound political, economic and ethical questions surrounding the governance of the means, rate and location of change. Within advanced capitalist economies and internationally through the auspices of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change emissions trading systems have been introduced as part of the broader neoliberal attempts to 'correct market failure' through the definition of new property rights.This thesis investigates the development, constitution and consequences of institutions for the production, exchange and consumption of credits for emissions reductions. Such credits are financial instruments awarded to organisations for putative reductions in emissions from 'business as usual'. In consumption, credits are equated with a quantity of emissions released elsewhere. The 'Instituted Economic Process' framework (Randles and Harvey, 2002) is used to distinguish the various classes of agent involved in these exchanges and identify the economic and non-economic relationships that constitute these institutions. Inspired by the economic anthropology of Karl Polanyi, this approach asks how economic activity is organised and stabilised within society without presuming that there are universal economic laws of 'the market', that there are essential properties of commodities and agents, or that all economic transfers are conducted within markets.I argue that crediting is a socially contingent process of commodification of atmospheric pollution which is both ontologically and normatively problematic. Extant institutions are shown to be precarious by appealing to neutral techno-scientific justifications but remaining reliant on subjective judgement. However, they are sufficiently consistent and credible that they persist and expand. These findings are of interest to the academic communities of political economy and environmental and economic geography, climate change policy makers and the environmental movement more broadly.

Climate policy delaying discourse by an American think tank

Nilsson, Tova January 2021 (has links)
A case study of the conservative and allegedly climate denying think tank American Enterprise Institute and its usage of climate policy delaying discourse. By applying William Lamb et al.'s model of the discourse climate delay, this essay seeks to describe and analyse if and how American Enterpise Institute uses climate delaying discourse. The study is based on published texts from the American Enterprise Institute and the analysis is performed in two steps. Firstly, by conducting an argumentation analysis using the Toulmin model on the material to discern the main arguments of the texts. Secondly, by applying Lamb et al.'s model on the arguments to discern if any of the climate policy delaying discourses are used. This study finds that almost all of Lamb et al.'s described discourses are used by the think tank and that they are used in several different ways and with different implications. This study can expand the understanding of how climate denial focused on climate policy manifests and how climate delaying discourse is used. Moreover, the results of this study further proves what previous research has indicated: That climate denialists are changing tactics and are focusing on how to affect climate policy for their own benefit.

The Concept of ‘Freedom’ in the Climate Policy Discourse : A Discourse-Conceptual Analysis of Mediated Political Debates During the German 2021 Federal Election Campaign / The Concept of ‘Freedom’ in the Climate Policy Discourse : A Discourse-Conceptual Analysis of Mediated Political Debates During the German 2021 Federal Election Campaign

Worm, Maya January 2022 (has links)
The thesis examines the different conceptualizations of ‘freedom’ in mediated climate policy discourse during the 2021 German parliamentary election campaign using a method of Discourse-Conceptual Analysis. Analyzing three TV debates on climate policy between the leading candidates of the major German parties, the thesis investigates how journalists and politicians deploy references to ‘freedom’ in service of different agendas and how this affects the discursive construction of climate policy. The research shows that the concept of freedom is central to the German climate policy discourse. However, the majority of journalists and politicians does not construct freedom as the central goal of climate protection measures, as it was interpreted, for example, by the German Federal Constitutional Court in early 2021. Rather, the concept enters the discourse via the counter-concept of bans that potentially restrict freedom. Thus, climate policy does not become a means to achieve freedom, but an obstacle to its execution. Since freedom is conceptualized primarily as freedom of consumption and market freedom, the concept becomes a central vehicle for capitalist ideology in German mediated climate discourse.

Svaret är 42, men vad är frågan? : En analys av EMEC-modellen och dess effekter på svensk klimatpolitik

André, Hampus, Jonsson, Max January 2015 (has links)
EMEC är en allmänjämviktsmodell som har använts av Konjunkturinstitutet för att beräkna samhällsekonomiska kostnader av styrmedel, och utvärdera kostnadseffektivitet som en del av det svenska klimatpolitiska beslutsunderlaget. Med anledning av kritik som har riktats mot modellen har detta examensarbete syftat till att analysera EMEC och dess effekter i klimatpolitiken, samt belysa och diskutera aspekter som eventuellt behövs utvecklas eller hanteras på ett annat sätt i den svenska klimatpolicyutvärderingen. En intervju - och litteraturstudie bidrog med ett kontrasterande aktörsperspektiv på olika identifierade nyckelaspekter som sedan utgjorde ett ramverk för analysen av en efterföljande empirisk studie. Resultaten visar att det finns starka skäl att påstå att modellen har överskattat kostnader av utsläppsminskningar vilket sannolikt har påverkat Sveriges klimatpolitiska inriktning. I direkt anknytning till modellen argumenteras detta bero på svårigheten i att göra antaganden om framtida teknik-och prisutvecklingar, samt på modellens statiska utformning. I samband med modellens klimatpolitiska roll kan det argumenteras bero på ett relativt kortsiktigt tidsperspektiv och en endimensionell bedömning av klimatomställningens nytta i relation till klimatfrågans långsiktighet och flerdimensionella nyttosida. Det kan också påpekas att detta fördyrar klimatpolitiken på lång sikt. En alternativ klimatpolicyutvärdering tillämpar ett bredare grepp genom att exempelvis inkludera de dynamiska kostnader som är förknippade med inlåsningseffekter i kolintensiva strukturer, vilket med en kontrafaktisk jämförelse sänker kostnaden av en klimatpolicy. Vid fortsatt styrmedelsutvärdering med EMEC föreslås en förändring av hur resultaten ska tolkas. Givet att det politiska sammanhanget också fortsättningsvis kräver kvantitativa underlag finns det ett behov av en mer varierad klimatpolicyutvärdering, där också kvalitativa aspekter och fler indikatorer än BNP beaktas som komplement. / EMEC is a computational general equilibrium (CGE) model used for calculation of societal costs and evaluation of cost-effectiveness in the decision basis of Swedish climate policy. The model has been criticized for exaggerating societal costs of policies, exemplified by Sweden's relative decoupling of GDP and carbon dioxide emissions during 1990-2010. Thereby, one could argue that the model results possibly have led to less ambitious climate targets in Sweden. With the model's suitability being questioned and an expressed need for better climate policy evaluation, this master thesis aims to analyse EMEC and its effects on Sweden's climate policy. It also aims to highlight key aspects for improved climate policy evaluation. Literature and interview studies were conducted in order to form a balanced framework of different actors' perspectives on the issue. This related to several identified aspects that were considered important by the authors in the context of the EMEC model. The subsequent empirical study of three periods of Swedish climate-political processes used these results as a basis for discussion. The results imply that the critique about exaggerated costs very likely is justified, which probably also has affected Sweden's climate-political direction. Regarding the model itself, the principal reasons are argued to be its static nature and the difficulties associated with predicting future technological- and world-market price developments. Connected to the model's role, the principal reasons are argued to be rooted in its relatively short-term perspective and one-dimensional definition of benefits, compared to the long-term and multi-dimensional nature of a transition to a low-carbon society. These features have, in this study, been argued to weaken the long-term cost-effectiveness of Sweden's climate policy. The EMEC-model's principal effects in this respect have been constituted in the arguments for general policies over sector-specific goals as well as emission reductions abroad. An alternative evaluation framework would include a wider range of benefits and costs associated with climate policy, for example dynamic costs of lock-in effects in carbon intensive structures. This would decrease the costs of climate policy in a counter-factual comparison. It could be argued that a qualitative decision basis would be more appropriate considering the complexities and difficulties associated with modelling a largely uncertain future. Especially, since model results are based on the same historic trends that need to be abandoned in order to reach future climate targets. However, considering that the climate-political process demands a quantitative decision-basis, qualitative aspects should function as a complement and gain increased emphasis in the Swedish climate- political decision basis. This would purposively broaden the framework and serve as a necessary balance to the indications given by results on GDP. Given that the EMEC model to some extent continues to constitute a basis for climate policy, suggestions for alternative interpretations of the model results have also been provided.

Making Socio-Technical Transition Pathways : The establishment of the Swedish Climate Policy Council, an Argumentative Policy Analytical case study

Engström, Eskil January 2021 (has links)
In recent years, several nations have adopted institutional framework laws, so-called Climate Change Acts (CCAs), as means to enforce Paris-compliant mitigation pathways. A key institutional feature to ensure policy stability and compliance with CCAs has been the establishment of independent advisory bodies, tasked with advising on mitigation targets and policy instruments, as well as the, monitoring and evaluation of target attainment. These advisory bodies are endowed with a crucial role in the long-term evaluation and planning process: examining how the low-carbon transition pathways might be achieved. Calling attention to the question of how transition pathways should be conceived and approached, whether it is in 'bio-physical' (climate science), 'techno- economic' (technology assessment/economics) or 'socio-technical' (socio-technical transition field) terms. Recent studies have indicated that a socio-technical transitions is increasingly framed as a question of removing carbon energy from various practices and infrastructures, challenging the dominant techno-economic approach of emissions reductions using carbon-pricing instruments. This thesis explores this challenge, drawing upon a case study of the establishment of the Swedish Climate Policy Council, by means of analyzing the process of institutionalization and how transition pathways are (re)produced discursively through the practices of climate policy evaluation and planning. The main findings of this thesis is that a cross-party consensus behind the Swedish CCA was formed around institutionalizing a 'bio-physical’ mitigation pathway, monitored and safeguarded by the Council which could assign 'political embarrassment' to governments failing to comply with the interim and long-term GHG mitigation targets. Beyond this consensus, the institutional design of the Council is the result of discursive struggles between actor-coalitions supporting techno-economic versus socio-technical transition pathways. However, the recently formed Council has come to challenge previously dominant techno-economic practices of forecasting cost-efficient emissions reductions. This has been accomplished by introducing a novel socio-technical approach to climate policy evaluation: the backcasting of interrelated technological and institutional shifts believed to be necessary in bringing about a low-carbon transition or transformation. Nevertheless, as this socio-technical practice primarily backcasts upon a number of key technological innovations, with limited changes to current industrial patterns of production and consumption, doubts are raised if this approach is to be considered as constitutive of transformative transition pathways.

Vad är det (klimat)frågan om? : En diskursanalys av Sveriges klimatpolitiska handlingsplan / What is the (climate) matter?

Karestrand, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att klarlägga de diskurser som förekommer i Sveriges klimatpolitiska handlingsplan 2019/2020, i relation till perspektiven ekologisk modernisering, säkerhetisering och miljörättvisa. Genom en kritisk diskursanalys påvisas att handlingsplanen, som antas vara en produkt av de diskurser som förekommer i det svenska politiska samtalet generellt, i hög grad reproducerar en diskurs om ekologisk modernisering. Texten relaterar i mindre utsträckning till perspektiven säkerhetisering och miljörättvisa, och den förhärskande diskursen om ekologisk modernisering väcker frågor om hur exempelvis målkonflikter och rättighetsproblematik vid resursutvinning kommer att hanteras av politiken i framtiden. / The purpose of this thesis is to expose what discourses are present in the climate policy action plan presented by the Swedish government in 2019. The material is analysed through acritical discourse analysis, with the three theories of securitization, ecological modernizationand environmental justice as a theoretical frame. The results of the study show that in this particular document, the discourse of ecological modernization is highly present, whereas the discourse of securitization is only present in small parts. The discourse of environmental justice is hardly present at all, and this raises questions about how potential goal conflicts regarding resource extraction, in the name of green transitioning, will be handled by the political sphere in the future.

Tailoring interventions: How individual differences influence perceptions, motivation, and behaviour

Lacroix, Karine 24 December 2019 (has links)
Climate change mitigation requires changes in greenhouse gas emitting behaviours. This dissertation aims to provide insights into the influences of behaviour change for two high-impact pro-environmental behaviours: climate policy support and consumption of animal products. It does so by using quasi- and randomized experiments and by monitoring changes in behaviour over time. Study 1 examined changes in climate policy support and climate change risk perception over the course of a naturally occurring event: seasonal forest fires. It employed growth curve modeling techniques in a structural equation modeling framework to analyze longitudinal relations between these two constructs over time, and to examine growth in climate change risk perception while controlling for the effect of exposure to forest fires and other extreme weather. Indirect exposure to forest fires (e.g., media) had a modest effect on climate change risk perception. Climate change risk perception for individuals with above-mean perceptions of scientific agreement tended to increase faster than for those with below-mean perceptions. Individuals whose climate change risk perception grew at a faster-than-average rate tended to also grow at a faster-than-average rate for climate policy support. Study 2 provided insight into the psychological influences on consumption of animal products and on willingness to reduce. Following a comprehensive literature review, known influences were examined using Latent Profile Analysis to identify groups of individuals with similar perceptions of facilitators of meat consumption and obstacles to reducing it. Three groups were identified: strong-hindrance meat eaters, moderate-hindrance meat eaters, and reducers. Validation variables confirmed the practicality of the three profiles: groups differed in their current consumption of animal products and in their willingness to reduce. Using these findings, three group-matched interventions were designed in Study 3. Intervention design was informed by four behaviour-change frameworks. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four conditions: control condition, implementation-intention condition, information-and-healthy-recipe condition, and information-and-substitution condition. Then, they completed up to 28 days of food diaries. Multilevel model analyses were employed to examine changes in the consumption of animal products over time. Participants reduced their consumption by 20 grams of CO2 per day on average. Individuals that were randomly assigned to an intervention condition that matched their meat-eater profile reduced their consumption of animal products by 40 grams CO2 per day on average. Taken together, these studies highlight the importance of considering individual differences (i.e., tailoring) when designing pro-environmental behaviour interventions. / Graduate

"Většině lidí globální oteplování nevadí": Klimaskepse v české politice mezi roky 2018-2021 / "Most people don't mind global warming": Climate change denial in Czech politics between the years 2018 - 2021

Růžičková, Dagmar January 2021 (has links)
"Most people don't mind global warming": Climate change denial in Czech politics between the years 2018 - 2021 This thesis deals with the topic of climate change denial in contemporary Czech politics. It aims to describe how the narrative of climate change denial is formed and reproduced. The first part captures the origins and the background of climate change scepticism in both Czech and international context with the special stress laid upon ideology. Based on the critical discourse analysis of the rhetorics of Alexandr Vondra, Jan Zahradník, Václav Klaus Jr., and Tomio Okamura, the second part of this paper aims to contribute by unravelling the key symptoms of climate change denial discourse of the above mentioned politicians as well as the dominant frames and discursive strategies used to deny both the anthropogenic climate change and the climate change politics. The last goal of the analysis is to describe in what aspects the linguistic means of selected right-wing populists differ or intertwine with the language of right-wing conservatives. Keywords: climate change denial, right-wing populism, climate policy, discourse, rhetorics

Mexico a klimatická změna v mezinárodním kontextu dle politických agend / Mexico and climate change in the international context according to political agendas

Iturbe Perez, Marjhory Melissa January 2022 (has links)
1 CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Mexico and climate change in the international context according to political agendas Master's Thesis Author: Marjhory Melissa Iturbe Perez Study Programme: International Economics and Political Studies (IEPS) Supervisor: Mgr. Lukáš Perutka, Ph.D. Academic Year: 2019-2021 2 Declaration of Authorship 1. The author hereby declares that he compiled this thesis independently, using only the listed resources and literature 2. The author hereby declares that all the sources and literature used have been properly cited. 3. They author hereby declares that the thesis has not been used to obtain a different or the same degree. Prague … 27 July 2021 Marjhory Melissa Iturbe Perez 3 Acknowledgements I Thank my mom for being my driving force in every step of my life. I would like to thank Dr. Lukáš Perutka for his supervision and direction as well as Dr. Vilém Semerák for his clarity support and guidance in this analysis I thank my family for their encouragement and support throughout my master's degree. 4 Bibliographic Annotation Iturbe Perez Marjhory Melissa, Mexico and climate change in the international context according to political agendas. Prague 2021: Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences. Department of North American Studies. Supervisor Mgr....

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