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Exploring Co-management : A Minor Field Study on Lake Victoria Beach Management Unit in Ggaba, Kampala, Uganda / Hantering av Victoriasjön som gemensam fiskeresurs : En MFS-studie om samförvaltningen vid Ggaba Beach Management UnitLundström, Linnéa, Nordlund, Sara January 2016 (has links)
To manage common resources such as water bodies, forests and the air is complex since several stakeholders are involved and affected by the use of the resource. One way to manage common resources is through co-management. Co-management is a decentralized method that empowers the local level and enables collaboration between the government and the local community. Co-management within fishing communities can be realized through so called Beach Management Units (BMUs). Around Lake Victoria, there are 1087 BMUs. One of these BMUs is located in Ggaba, Kampala, Uganda and the purpose of this study is to highlight benefits and shortcomings connected to co-management within fisheries. The study aims to explore if and how sustainability aspects are tackled through the co-management of fisheries. The data was collected using qualitative semi-structured interviews where six BMU members contributed with their experiences. In addition, data was collected from a qualitative content analysis on two BMU guideline documents, representing the central level. The results showed that the Ggaba BMU provides a platform for creating control through collaboration. The local levels’ perception on co-management within fisheries seems to correspond with the central level’s aim of the management. Another indication is that the BMU has brought upon positive effects on economic, social and ecological aspects on the society of Ggaba. However, corruption and illegal fishing are two identified barriers which seems to limit the function of the Ggaba BMU and the level of co-management. / Gemsamma resurser så som vattendrag, skogar och atmosfären är komplexa att hantera eftersom flera aktörer är involverade och påverkas av resursanvändningen. Ett sätt att hantera gemensamma resurser är genom samförvaltning. Samförvaltning är en decentraliserad förvaltningsmetod som möjliggör ett samarbete mellan den lokala och statliga nivån vid beslutsfattande. Omkring Victoriasjön realiseras samförvaltning genom så kallade Beach Management Units (BMUs). Dessa utgörs av 1087 stycken varav en BMU är lokaliserad i Ggaba, Kampala, Uganda. Syftet med denna studie är att belysa fördelar och brister kopplade till samförvaltning av fiske. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka om och hur aspekter inom hållbar utveckling kan tacklas genom det decentraliserade styret av fiske. Data insamlades genom sex stycken kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer. Dessutom gjordes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av två BMU-riktlinjedokument, vilka representerar den centrala nivån. Det empiriska materialet visade att Ggaba BMU utgör en plattform för strukturering, kontroll och samarbete. Den lokala nivåns syn på samförvaltning inom fiske verkar överensstämma med den centrala nivåns avsikt av samförvaltning. Resultatet indikerar även att BMUn har påverkat ekonomiska, sociala och ekologiska aspekter i Ggaba på ett positivt sätt. Problem med korruption och olagligt fiske identifierades dock, vilka verkar begränsa BMUns funktion och möjligheterna till samförvaltning.
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Le développement durable et le secteur des pêches et de l'aquaculture au Gabon : une étude de la gestion durable des ressources halieutiques et leur écosystème dans les provinces de l'Estuaire et de l'Ogooué Maritime / Sustainable development and the fisheries sector and aquaculture in Gabon : a study of the sustainable management of fishery resources and their ecosystem in the provinces of the Estuary and Ogooué MaritimeEkouala, Landry 31 January 2013 (has links)
À l'échelle mondiale, la pêche maritime est caractérisée par une surexploitation des ressources disponibles dans les différentes pêcheries ayant des impacts très importants sur l'écosystème marin et côtier. Cette surpêche est facilitée par le progrès technique et par une demande de consommation en constante augmentation, notamment dans les pays développés. Pour faire face à cette évolution, des politiques de gestion durable de ces ressources halieutiques sont progressivement mises en place, allant des approches conventionnelles (gestion des stocks exploités) à l'approche écosystémique des pêches qui prône la réconciliation de l'exploitation durable et de la conservation de l'écosystème. Notre thèse aborde les conditions de développement d'une telle gestion durable de la pêche dans le cas précis des provinces de l'Estuaire et de l'Ogooué Maritime au Gabon. Le diagnostic établi met en évidence une exploitation désordonnée des ressources halieutiques et une détérioration générale de l'état des écosystèmes côtiers, nécessitant des mesures d'ajustement de la pression de pêche. Cependant, beaucoup de lacunes restent à combler (politique d'exploitation durable, formation des acteurs, évaluation des ressources et de l'écosystème, etc.) pour une meilleure compréhension et un suivi plus rigoureux des mutations qui affectent la durabilité des pêcheries et la vulnérabilité globale des écosystèmes côtiers. Dans ces deux provinces du Gabon, nous montrons que l'application de l'approche écosystémique des pêches, prenant la forme d'une gouvernance concertée dans le secteur des pêches et de l'aquaculture, apparaît comme une nécessité pour donner à ce secteur une place de choix dans ce pays. / Globally, the maritime fishing is characterized by overexploitation of resources available in the various fisheries have major impacts on the marine and coastal ecosystems. This overfishing is facilitated by advances in technology and consumer demand steadily increasing, especially in developed countries. To cope with this development, policies for sustainable management of fisheries resources are gradually implemented, ranging from conventional approaches (management pf exploited stocks) to the fisheries ecosystem approach with promotes reconciliation and sustainable conservation of the ecosystem. Our thesis addresses the conditions for the development of such a sustainable management of fisheries in the specific case of province of the Estuary ans the Maritime Ogooué in Gabon. The diagnosis revealed a disordely exploitation of fisheries resources and a general deterioration of the state of coastal ecosystems, requiring measures to adjust fishing pressure. However, many gaps remain (sustainable policies, training of stakeholders, assessment of resources and ecosytems, etc...) for a better understanding and a more rigourous monitoring of mutations that affect the sustainability of fisheries and the overall vulnerability of coastal ecosystems. In these two provinces of Gabon, we show that the application of the ecosystem approach of fisheries, taking the form of collaborative governance in the fisheries and aquaculture appears as a necessity to give the sector a place in this country.
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這片土地是⸢我們的⸥: 台灣原住民族和政府共同管理的研究 / This Land is “Our” Land: A Study of Indigenous-State葛明麗, Emily Grubb Unknown Date (has links)
過去幾十年來,當地社區,科學家和政府官員不得不面對日益惡化的環境惡化以及對可持續發展和資源利用日益增長的需求。 近年來,為了解決日益增長的問題,土地和資源共同管理的概念越來越受歡迎。 共同管理通常被定義為⸢兩個以上的社會行為者之間談判,界定和保證公平分享給定領土,地區或一套自然資源的管理職能,權利和責任的情況⸥ (Borrini et al. 2000) 。 更具體地說,森林共同管理是指分享責任的領域和資源與森林有關的請況。 在理論上,森林共同管理的好處不僅應該是環境,而且應該是社會經濟。
在本論文中,我將對台灣的共同管理案例研究,十多年前成立的太魯閣國家公園合作管理委員會,以及另一個最近新出現的魯凱族和 台灣林業局。 為了提供台灣共同管理協議的示範框架,我還將討論加入加拿大國家公園管理的共同管理。 我將在台灣和加拿大的相關殖民時期追溯土著國家關係的歷史和演變,以更好地了解當前原住民族和國家共同管理工作的基礎。
本論文還將討論國際原住民族權利制度的出現在台灣制定本國原住民族政策方面發揮的作用。 我將了解原住民如何適應台灣國家公園和森林管理工作的政策和決策框架。 在評估原住民族與中央政府在這方面的權力關係的性質時,我的目的是回答以下問題:台灣當地原住民族如何與台灣政府達成共同管理協議? 在分析歷史和國際背景,政策框架和每個案例的具體細節時,我將就台灣當局與原住民部落未來的共同管理工作提出建議。 / Over the past several decades, local communities, scientists, and government officials have had to contend with increasing environmental degradation and the growing need for sustainable development and resource use. In more recent years, in order to address these rising concerns, the concept of co-management of land and resources has become increasingly popular. Co-management is commonly defined as “a situation in which two or more social actors negotiate, define, and guarantee amongst themselves a fair sharing of the management functions, entitlements and responsibilities for a given territory, area or set of natural resources” (Borrini et al. 2000). More specifically, forest co-management refers to situations in which the area and resources for which responsibility is being shared are forest-related. In theory, the benefits of forest co-management should not only be environmental, but socioeconomic as well.
In this thesis, I will conduct two case studies of co-management in Taiwan, the Taroko National Park co-management committee, which was established over a decade ago, and another more recently emerging case of co-management between Rukai indigenous peoples and the Taiwan Forestry Bureau. In order to provide a model framework for Taiwanese co-management agreements, I will also discuss co-management as it has been incorporated into Canadian national park management. I will trace the history and evolution of indigenous-state relations across the pertinent periods of colonization in both Taiwan and Canada to better understand the foundations upon which current indigenous-state co-management efforts have been constructed.
This thesis will also touch upon the role that the emergence of an international indigenous rights regime has played in shaping domestic indigenous policies in Taiwan. I will identify how indigenous peoples fit into the policy and decision-making frameworks of Taiwan’s national park and forest management efforts. In assessing the nature of power relations between indigenous peoples and the central government in this context, I aim to answer the following question: how do local Taiwanese indigenous peoples engage in co-management agreements with the state government of Taiwan? Upon analyzing the historical and international contexts, the policy frameworks, and the specific details of each case, I will posit suggestions for future co-management efforts between the Taiwanese state government and indigenous communities.
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Sustainable Development through Green Infrastructure: A Critical Evaluation of the Greater New Orleans Urban Water PlanBurchett, Olivia R 13 August 2014 (has links)
Sustainable development is achieved through the equal promotion of environmental protection, economic development and social equity. Urban planners play a key role in sustainable development through the mediation of tensions inherent between these priorities. Using urban planning theory that focuses on the conflicts between the priorities of sustainable development and lessons learned from planning practice provides a basis from which to evaluate the claims of sustainability present in the Greater New Orleans Urban Water Plan. Outreach initiatives, policy frameworks and ecosystem co-management are suggested to make the planning and implementation processes of the Greater New Orleans Urban Water Plan more feasible in terms of its ability to foster sustainability. Additionally, conceptualizing integrated stormwater management for Greater New Orleans within the context of the Louisiana coastal crisis can help to make the goals of the Urban Water Plan more realistic in the long term and boost institutional capacity to promote regional resilience.
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Le rôle des salariés dans le fonctionnement des entreprises / The role of employees in the functional operations of companiesDudin, Emeline 04 July 2017 (has links)
Le rôle des salariés dans le fonctionnement des entreprises trouve appui sur l’alinéa 8du Préambule de la Constitution de 1946 : « tout travailleur participe, par l’intermédiaire de ses délégués, à la détermination collective des conditions de travail ainsi qu’à la gestion des entreprises. ». La participation des salariés a pourtant été lente à s’imposer. La crise économique a révélé l’importance de leur association aux décisions sociétales. Les politiques publiques ont tenté de rééquilibrer les forces en présence afin de circonscrire les effets du capitalisme. Des lois successives ont accru les pouvoirs des salariés et des institutions représentatives du personnel dans l’entreprise pour en faire de véritables acteurs dans la gestion de celle-ci. Le paysage législatif révèle la volonté du législateur de faire de l’entreprise une démocratie dans laquelle toutes les parties doivent s’exprimer. Toutefois, que le salarié soit traité comme un associé ou un administrateur, salariés et entrepreneurs demeurent distincts. / The role of the employees in the management of the companies is based on paragraph 8 ofthe preamble of the Constitution of 1946 : « Every employee participates, through one of its delegates, to the collective determination of the working conditions as well as the company management. » The implementation of the employees’ participation has however been slow. The economic crisis has revealed the importance of the employees’ association in corporate decisions. Public politics have tried to rebalance current forces in order to circumscribe the effects of the capitalism. Successive laws have increased the powers of employees and of the representative institutions of the personnel in the company so that they could become real actors in the management of the company. The legislative landscape reveals the intention of the legislator to design the company as a democracy in which all the parties shall express themselves. However, regardless of whether the employee is a shareholder or an administrator, employees and entrepreneurs remain distinct.
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Le 1 % logement : la participation d'une institution paritaire à la production de l'action publique : genèse, perte de légitimité et reprise en main par l'Etat / The 1% housing tax system : the involvement of an institution co-managed by social partners in the elaboration of public policy : creation, loss of legitimacy and the reimposition of state controlMeunier, Jules 26 November 2013 (has links)
En transférant aux pouvoirs publics la capacité de décider l'emploi de la Participation des employeurs à l'effort de construction (PEEC), la loi de mobilisation pour le logement et la lutte contre l'exclusion du 25 mars 2009 a transformé en profondeur l'organisation du 1 % logement. L'objet de la recherche est de mettre en lumière les facteurs à l'origine d'une telle inflexion. Pour cela, l'analyse s'efforce d'explorer le passé de l'institution afin d'en extraire les éléments à même d'éclairer cet épisode récent. Elle montre que les mécanismes à l'origine de la transformation du 1 % logement – processus ancien et graduel dont la réforme de 2009 constitue la dernière manifestation en date – alimentent deux dynamiques qui influent historiquement sur la forme du gouvernement et la production des règles relatives à l'emploi des fonds du 1 % logement. La dégradation de la légitimité de l'institution, conséquence de l'impuissance des syndicats à développer une capacité de représentation dans le secteur du logement, entraîne une remise en cause de la présence des acteurs paritaires à la tête de l'institution. L'émergence au sein de l'Etat d'une volonté de reprendre en main le dispositif, effet indirect du tournant opéré pendant les années 1980 dans la conduite de l'action publique, se traduit par le transfert sur le 1 % logement d'une part croissante du coût de la politique du logement en substitution au budget de l'Etat. Dans un contexte marqué par la crise du syndicalisme et le renforcement de la contrainte budgétaire, la permanence de ces deux processus interroge aujourd'hui sur la capacité du 1 % logement à conserver un espace d'intervention dans la politique du logement / By transferring to public authorities the capacity to decide on the employment(use) of the Participation of the employers in the effort of construction ( PEEC), the law of mobilization for the accommodation(housing) and the fight against social exclusion of March 25th, 2009 transformed in depth the organization of the housing 1 %. The object of the search(research) is to bring to light factors(mailmen) at the origin of such an inflection
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Co-management as an option for private protected areas : a case study of the Shongweni Resource Reserve.Anongura, Moses. January 2006 (has links)
Since the establishment of the first protected area in 1872, the Yellowstone National
Park, the concept of protected areas and their management have witnessed several
controversies and conflicts. Generally, ownership and management of most of these
protected areas has in the past been restricted to state -governments. Other stakeholders
and particularly local communities neighbouring these areas were excluded from their
management and ownership. Since the last three decades, however, conservation
bodies have been trying to encourage various other protected area governance
(management) approaches to address failures in the existing management approach (in
which state governments almost solely managed and owned these protected areas ) to
achieve the conservation goals. Some of these include co-management and private
protected area management approaches.
In Component A of this study, "Co-management as an option for private protected
areas: A case study of the Shongweni Resource Reserve", attempts were made to
explore a selection of literature in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the
concepts of private protected areas and co-management. Through this documentary
review of literature from various sources (internet, libraries, personal communication,
etc) the study identified, examined and documented various issues associated with the
concepts. It also explored and documented the historical and current perspectives as
well as the legal and policy context of these concepts in South Africa. In addition, the
study examined the study area and the methods explored in the study.
The study concludes in this Component that:
1. Protected area co-management is a pluralistic approach to the management of
protected areas. It recognises a variety of stakeholders that are conducive to the
achievement of sustainable conservation goals.
2. Private protected areas have tremendously increased in South Africa, with a total of
13% of the land surface under private protected area management. This is more than
double the land surface under public protected area management.
3. South Africa has adequate legal and policy framework provisions that encourage comanagement
as well as private protected area management. / Thesis (M.Env.Dev.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.
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Conhecimento ecológico, regras de uso e manejo local dos recursos naturais na pesca do alto-médio São Francisco, MG.Thé, Ana Paula Glinfskoi 09 October 2003 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2003-10-09 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / The use of nature by local communities is based in a set of knowledge, practices and
believes, developed through human culture and historical experience with the environment.
Small-scale commercial fishermen from Upper-Medium São Francisco River, object of this
study, are influenced by the dynamics of the environment cycle and by the ecology and
biology of fishery resources, maintaining a very close relationship with them, for developing
new knowledge and understandings which can provide better conditions of survive. More
than that, the small-scale fishermen have self-organized for planning and practicing local
management of fishery resources, which include local rules or institutions which define the
rights and duties in the access and use of resources. The study of local ecological knowledge
and common property systems developed by these communities are the mainly goal of
ethnoecology science and of researches in common property systems, which support them as
alternatives to the traditional scientific ecology and management of natural resources. This
research was carried out between 1999 and 2001 with 7 field trips of 15 days each. Open and
structured interviews were carried out, complemented by direct observation of the fishing
activity, and the collect of fishery yield. The small-scale fishermen of Upper-Medium São
Francisco River have demonstrated to pursue a detailed comprehension about the ecology and
biology of the aquatic system and its fishery resources, on which they have based their
fishery practices and common property systems, expecting to guarantee efficiency with
sustainability. These local ecological knowledge and practices can contribute to develop a
new interdisciplinary scientific view about ecology and management, putting together
scientific and local experiences to produce a better use of natural resources, for these and the
next generations. / A exploração da natureza por comunidades locais se fundamenta num conjunto de
conhecimentos, práticas e crenças humanas para o uso dos recursos naturais, fundado nas
tradições culturais e na experimentação empírica do ambiente próximo. Pescadores artesanais
comerciais do trecho mineiro do Alto-Médio São Francisco, alvos deste estudo, dependem
diretamente das variações dos ciclos ambientais e da biologia e ecologia dos recursos
pescados. Mantêm uma associação íntima com o sistema aquático e com os peixes,
desenvolvendo conhecimentos e compreensões imprescindíveis para a sua sobrevivência
através da pesca. Além disso, os pescadores artesanais têm se auto-organizado para o
exercício de manejos locais dos recursos pesqueiros, que abrangem regras ou instituições
locais definidoras de direitos de acesso e uso dos recursos pesqueiros, assim como, deveres e
formas de monitoramento do uso dos recursos estabelecidos pelas próprias comunidades. O
levantamento deste saber e manejo local é função da ciência etnoecologia e da teoria da
propriedade comum, que defendem o aproveitamento de ambos, conhecimento e manejo
local, como práticas alternativas ao manejo convencional dos recursos naturais. Este trabalho
foi desenvolvido em quatro comunidades de pescadores do Rio São Francisco, situadas nos
municípios de Três Marias, Pirapora, Buritizeiro e Januária, no estado de Minas Gerias. Os
dados foram coletados através de entrevistas livres e semi-estruturadas, aplicadas a um
número mínimo de 16 e a um número máximo de 30 pescadores em cada comunidade, em
visitas quadrimestrais com duração média de 15 dias, entre os meses de fevereiro de 1999 a
fevereiro de 2001. Os pescadores do Rio São Francisco em Minas Gerais partilham um
modelo percebido de seu ambiente de pesca que contempla os comportamentos biológicos e
ecológicos dos peixes e do rio, e que determinam diferentes práticas de pesca e sistemas de
propriedade comum dos recursos pesqueiros. Tais compreensões e práticas locais são
essenciais para um enfoque interdisciplinar da ecologia, necessário para a implementação de
ações de manejo verdaderiamente eficazes e participativas.
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O extrativismo de castanha-do-brasil Bertholletia excelsa (Humbl. & Bonpl.) no rio Madeira, Rondônia: bases para uma gestão ambiental participativaSantos, Raquel Rodrigues dos 25 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:31:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-03-25 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The approaches of socio-ecological systems, resilience, and adaptive management suggest new forest governance arrangements that include the participation of marginalized rural people in territorial management. These approaches require efforts of scientists and managers to deal with local knowledge and with the social institutions that govern resource access and use by these people. This research was conducted in two communities of the Lower Madeira River (São Carlos and Cuniã) and the objectives were: (i) to characterize the Brazil nut Bertholletia excelsa (Humb. & Bonpl.) harvest based on harvest practices and local knowledge; (ii) to characterize the official land tenure and the customary property rights regimes in the harvest areas within and around the protected areas where co-management between government and local communities is officially assumed; (iii) to determine whether there are discrepancies between official land tenure and customary property rights regimes in those areas; and (iv) to verify the influence of customary property rights regimes on specie's management, and which regime or regime arrangements are more likely to promote the conservation of the harvest areas and the species. Qualitative and ethnographic methods were used with semi-structured and open-ended questionnaires, participatory observation, and mapping with Brazil nut harvesters from the two communities and other stakeholders. The data were interpreted from the perspective of ethnoecology ("etnoecologia abrangente"), human ecology and property rights regimes. The results suggest that: (i) the existing local knowledge in the region is extensive and driven by environmental feedbacks and therefore should be considered for adaptive comanagement; (ii) the organization and dynamics in the harvest areas are complex and differ from the official land tenure; (iii) the management practices that contribute to conservation of B. excelsa are more likely to remain in property regime arrangements between state and community, since these regimes have less conflicts and uncertainty in relation to harvest areas access and use. / A visão dos sistemas socioecológicos como resilientes e cíclicos incita o manejo adaptativo e novos arranjos de governança sobre os recursos florestais que incluem a participação das populações rurais marginalizadas na gestão territorial. Essa abordagem requer esforços de cientistas e gestores para lidar com os conhecimentos locais e visão de mundo desses povos, incluindo o reconhecimento das instituições sociais que regem o acesso e uso à esses recursos. A presente pesquisa foi realizada nas comunidades de São Carlos e Cuniã, no Baixo Rio Madeira e pretendeu: (i) fazer uma caracterização das práticas e conhecimentos locais relacionados a atividade extrativista da castanha-do- Brasil Bertholetia excelsa (Humb. & Bonpl.); (ii) caracterizar a situação fundiária oficial e os regimes de direito de propriedade vigentes em áreas de coleta da espécie dentro e no entorno de áreas florestais protegidas que oficialmente assumem a gestão compartilhada do governo com a comunidade; (iii) verificar se existem discrepâncias entre situação fundiária oficial e os regimes de direito de propriedade vigentes nessas áreas; (iv) verificar se existe influência dos regimes de direito de propriedade no manejo da espécie e qual regime ou combinação de regimes é mais propício para a promoção da conservação de suas áreas. Foi feito um trabalho qualitativo e etnográfico- com questionários semi-estruturados e abertos, observações participantes e elaboração de mapas com extrativistas de castanha-do-Brasil das duas comunidades e stakeholders. Os dados foram interpretados sob a ótica da etnoecologia abrangente, ecologia humana e regimes de direito de propriedade. Os resultados sugerem que (i) o conhecimento local existente na região associado à atividade de extrativismo de castanha e áreas de coleta é extenso e alimentado por feedbacks ambientais cotidianos, devendo ser considerado para o co-manejo adaptativo; (ii) a organização e dinâmica dos territórios de coleta são complexos e divergem da situação fundiária oficial; (iii) as práticas de manejo que contribuem para conservação de B. excelsa são mais propícias de se manter em arranjos de regimes de propriedade mistos entre Estado e comunidade nos quais há menos conflitos e incertezas em relação ao acesso e uso das áreas de extrativismo.
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Farmers' participation in conservation of rural landscapes : A case study of the Menorca Biosphere Reserve (Spain)Torrents, Pau January 2014 (has links)
In an European context of agricultural land abandonment, the role of the farming community as landscape stewards is crucial for maintaining the rural landscape as well as the ecosystem services provided by this landscape. Such stewardship is studied here by assessing the participation of the farming community in the management of Menorca Biosphere Reserve, a small Mediterranean island with very well conserved and rich rural landscape which is not escaping this tendency of land abandonment. A survey of 41 farms and interviews with 15 stakeholders were performed in order to assess the role of the farming community in participatory management processes and the effectiveness of the Menorca Biosphere Reserve Agency (MBRA) in facilitating their participation.The results show that the participatory activities of the MBRA are effective and highly valued by participating stakeholders but could be improved by: 1) engaging non-associated farmers and traditional farmers in the MBRA activities 2) finding a consensual and long-term solution on issues related to the access to private rural land 3) providing rapid feedback to participants after meetings and 4) transforming the MBRA structure in order to deal with changes and an uncertain future. Failing to do this could illegitimate further participatory activities, erode trust among stakeholders and alienate the farming community and the society, thereby affecting the maintenance of the rural landscape.This case study highlights the importance of appropriate management structure for adaptive co-management to benefit from the participation of stakeholders in general and farmers in particular. The findings should be of interest to managers, scholars and practitioners using adaptive co-management approaches to manage complex social-ecological systems such as rural, cultural landscapes.
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