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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förankring av ett salutogent perspektiv och arbetssätt i ett äldreomsorgsteam i Kalmar kommun. : -En processanalys / Anchoring a salutogenic perspective and approach in an elderly care team in Kalmar municipality. : -A process analysis

Lindström, Alicia, Göthberg, Hanna January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe and analyse an elderly care team’s prerequisite to anchor a salutogenic perspective and approach in an elderly care team in Kalmar municipality. The study identifies factors that could impede or promote the anchoring and examine how the organisation aims to work in a single direction even if the multidisciplinary team processes a diversity of knowledge, education and abilities. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews from representatives of all professions in the multidisciplinary team; social workers, paramedical professions, nurses and care-givers. The theoretical frame consisted of a translating perspective, leadership and ideas of interaction and power. The anchoring will be impact by the team’s member’s background and relation to the new method and organization. Therefore is it vital that the multidisciplinary care team strive to achieve a consensus, a consensus of how the salutogenic perspective and approach in different ways will affect their work.

Ungas psykiska hälsa i form av hanterbarhet : En kvantitativ studie utifrån ett genusperspektiv / Mental Health and sense of being able to handle situations among young people : A quantative study from a gender perspective

Schölin, Elin January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this quantitative study was to from a gender perspective understand and measure the mental health among young people as a sense of managing to handle situations and also how satisfied young people are with their personal qualities. The study also aims to see if there is a connection between these two ways of explaining mental health. This study takes its standpoint from a gender theory and gender stereotypes. The study was conducted as a survey with 100 young girls and boys, all of whom was students of a Swedish upper secondary school. The result of the study show that young people in general has a good sense of being able to handle situations. There was as expected a difference between young girls and boys to be found, girls had in general a lower sense of managing to handle situations. Regarding the sense of being satisfied with the personal qualities, the girls and boys in this study show a general picture of being quite satisfied with their personal qualities. It has also shown that many of the results of this study is depending of gender and the beliefs and structures there is in society about how to be a “good” man or woman.

En manualbaserad relation? : En studie om personalens syn på metodanvändning, relationella aspekter och samstämmighet vid tre särskilda ungdomshem Författare

Norefalk, Anna, Pettersson, Julia January 2014 (has links)
När unga behandlas inom ramen för institutionell tvångsvård finns det några aspekter som är avgörande för behandlingsresultatet; att personalen arbetar samstämmigt och i enlighet med relevanta metoder samt att de upprättar en främjande relation till den unge. Det krävs en kombination av dessa aspekter för att på bästa sätt ge den unge förutsättningar att främja sin utveckling. Föreliggande studie syftar därmed till att undersöka hur personal på tre särskilda ungdomshem, drivna av Statens Institutionsstyrelse, ser på metodtillämpning, relationella aspekter och samstämmighet. Studien bygger på en kvantitativ del som innefattar en enkätundersökning där behandlingspersonalen besvarar hur de ser på dessa aspekter, samt en kvalitativ del där institutionschefer, avdelningsföreståndare och annan personal delger sin syn på hur metodanvändning, samstämmighet och relationella aspekter förhindrar eller möjliggör adekvat behandling. Av materialet framkommer att metodanvändningen uppfattas, av personalen, vara ett hinder för de olika verksamheterna. Detta är även något som påvisas av resultatet i enkätundersökningen där majoriteten av behandlingsassistenterna uppger att de arbetar med metoder som inte ska förekomma vid institutionerna. Relationen ses som viktig men det finns vissa svårigheter i upprättandet av den. Behandlingspersonalen anser sig vara samstämmiga i arbetet men av det kvalitativa materialet framkommer att även denna aspekt innebär vissa svårigheter. Genom att upprätta tydliga riktlinjer kring hur arbetet ska bedrivas vid de olika avdelningarna kan metodtillämpningen och samstämmigheten möjliggöra god vård.

Dispositional factors, experiences of team members and effectiveness in self-managing work teams / Susanna Catherina Coetzee

Coetzee, Susanna Catherina January 2003 (has links)
Changes in South Africa's political and economic sphere demand the democratisation of the workplace, participation and empowerment of the work force. Flatter hierarchical structures, as a result of downsizing, enhance involvement but also demand that workers function in a more autonomous manner. The use of self-managing work teams has increased in response to these competitive challenges. Self-managing work teams are groups of employees who are fully responsible for a well-defined segment of finished work that delivers a product or a service to an internal or external customer. The functioning of self-managing work teams, in terms of the systems model, can be described as certain inputs that help the team to perform certain tasks and follow processes in order to achieve certain outputs. Inputs include the motivation, skills and personality factors of team members, while the tasks and processes refer to problem solving, conflict resolution, communication and decision making, planning, quality control, dividing of tasks, training and performance appraisal. These inputs and processes lead to outputs such as efficiency, productivity and quality of work life. To date empirical studies regarding self-managing work teams in South Africa focused on the readiness of organisations for implementing these teams. Little research has been done on characteristics of successful self-managed work group members. Findings regarding members of self-managing work teams elsewhere in the world couldn't uncritically be applied to South Africa, because of widely different circumstances. Research on dispositional factors such as sense of coherence, self-efficacy, locus of control and the big five personality dimensions could therefore help to identify predictors of effectiveness that can be validated in consecutive studies for selection purposes in a self-managing work team context in South Africa. The objective of the research was therefore to determine the relationship between dispositional characteristics of members of a self-managing work team and the effectiveness and quality of work life of these members. A cross-sectional survey design was used. The sample included members of self-managing work teams (N = 102) from a large chemical organisation and a financial institution in South Africa. The Orientation to Life Questionnaire, a Self-efficacy Scale, the Locus of Control Questionnaire and Personality Characteristics Inventory were used to measure the dispositional variables. Quality of work life (measured as consisting of satisfaction, commitment to the organisation and commitment to the team) and self-rated team member effectiveness were used as dependent variables. Descriptive statistics, Pearson and Spearman correlations, canonical correlations and structural equation modelling were used to analyse the data and investigate the relationships between the various dispositional characteristics quality of work life and effectiveness of the team members. The results showed practically significant positive relationships between sense of coherence, self-efficacy, autonomy, external locus of control and internal locus of control on the one hand, and quality of work life and effectiveness of the team members of self-managing work teams on the other hand. Of the big five personality dimensions only openness was associated with commitment to the team in terms of the quality of work life. Stability, extraversion and openness were associated with the self-rated effectiveness of the team members of self-managing work teams. The structural equation modelling showed that there is a positive path from the dispositional characteristics to the satisfaction, commitment and self-rated effectiveness of the team members. The dispositional characteristics will also enhance the members' experience of role clarity and mediate the effects of job-induced tension on the members' self-rated effectiveness. Satisfaction of the team members moderate the relationship between the dispositional characteristics and commitment, as well as mediate the effects of job-induced tension on the commitment of the team members. Organisations implementing self-managing work teams can benefit from developing and enhancing these dispositional characteristics in their selected team members and could also validate these dispositional characteristics in terms of selection criteria for self-managing work team members. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

Stimulus Coding and Synchrony in Stochastic Neuron Models

Cieniak, Jakub 19 May 2011 (has links)
A stochastic leaky integrate-and-fire neuron model was implemented in this study to simulate the spiking activity of the electrosensory "P-unit" receptor neurons of the weakly electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus. In the context of sensory coding, these cells have been previously shown to respond in experiment to natural random narrowband signals with either a linear or nonlinear coding scheme, depending on the intrinsic firing rate of the cell in the absence of external stimulation. It was hypothesised in this study that this duality is due to the relation of the stimulus to the neuron's excitation threshold. This hypothesis was validated with the model by lowering the threshold of the neuron or increasing its intrinsic noise, or randomness, either of which made the relation between firing rate and input strength more linear. Furthermore, synchronous P-unit firing to a common input also plays a role in decoding the stimulus at deeper levels of the neural pathways. Synchronisation and desynchronisation between multiple model responses for different types of natural communication signals were shown to agree with experimental observations. A novel result of resonance-induced synchrony enhancement of P-units to certain communication frequencies was also found.

Oplevelse af sammenhæng hos bærere af Meticillin Resistente Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) : Et kvalitativt studie. / Meticillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus (MRSA)colonizationand sense of coherence of carriers : A qualitative study

Løvendahl Sørensen, Alice January 2012 (has links)
Baggrund: At være bærer af MRSA er en udfordring for et stigende antal borgere. For den enkelte indebærer det at være bærer at skulle leve med en viden om, at man kan smitte og fremkalde infektion hos den nærmeste familie eller andre, man kommer i tæt berøring med. For samfundet indebærer forekomsten af et reservoir af resistente bakterier en risiko for spredning fra det omgivende samfund ind på sygehusene med efterfølgende problemer ved behandling af akutte og alvorligt syge patienter. Formål: At opnå en dybere forståelse af, hvilken betydning det har for bærernes oplevelse af sammenhæng og dermed for sundheden for den enkelte, at være bærer af MRSA ieget hjem. Metode: Et kvalitativt studie med åbne interview af 12 bærere og 4 pårørende med anvendelse af Grounded Theory som analysemetode. Resultater: Borgerne oplever det at være bærer af MRSA som en uklar og forvirrende tilstand mellem sundhed og sygdom. Undersøgelsen identificerer kernekategorien ”Mangelfuld information”, som udløser følelser som forvirring og utryghed, meningsløshed, stress og vrede. Dette resulterer i manglende compliance, bekymringer for fremtiden og stigmatisering. Øget stress påvirker oplevelsen af sammenhæng hos bærerne og deres nærmeste i negativ retning. Særligt tyngede er bærere og pårørende, som arbejder indenfor omsorgs-og plejeområdet. Konklusion: Arbejdet afdækker mangler i primærsektorens håndtering af opgaven, specielt vedrørende korrekt information til MRSA-bærerne og deres nærmeste, som i nogle tilfælde kan påvirke bærernes oplevelse af sammenhæng og egen sundhed i negativ retning. Stigmatisering og grov diskrimination af MRSA-bærere kan være et resultat af manglende viden i MRSA-bærernes netværk og lokalområde. / Background: More and more citizens are carrying MRSA. Consequently, they mustcope with the knowledge of being a potential health risk for their families and close relations. For society,the carrierembodiesa reservoir and a risk of spreading resistant bacteriafrom the community into hospitals, resulting in problems with the treatment of patients in intensive and acute care wards. Purpose: This qualitative study aimed to deepenknowledge of the impactof MRSAon the Sense of Coherenceand Healthfor carriers living at home. Method: Thisqualitative study used Grounded Theory to analyze interviews with twelve carriers and four relatives. Results: The carriers describedthe experience of colonization with MRSA as a strange,unclear,and confusing state between sickness and wellness. The studyidentifiesacore category(i.e., “Inadequate information”)that causes emotional reactions among carriers and family members, including anxiety, insecurity, confusion, inadequate compliance, worries aboutthe future,and stigmatization. Increased stress negatively influences carriers’ and family members’sense of coherence. This was especially true infemale carriers and relatives who work in health and social carebecause they risk becominga health risk to their patients or clients. Conclusion: Thisstudy reveals inadequacy in the Primary Health Care System regarding the quality of information provided to MRSA-carriers and their relatives. Such inadequacynegatively affects carriers’Sense of Coherenceand health. Lack of knowledge in the network and local area can stigmatize MRSA carriers, making them susceptible tosevere bullying / <p>978-91-86739-51-5</p>

Patienters upplevelse av delaktighet i vård i livets slut : En systematisk litteraturstudie

Adevåg Guagliano, Sofia, Nilsson, Johan January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Palliativ vård utförs i hela vårdkedjan, från hemsjukvård till specialistvård på institution. Palliativ vård bygger på en helhetssyn som tryggas genom patientcentrerad vård där patientens delaktighet har en central roll. Syfte: Belysa vuxna patienters upplevelser av delaktighet då de vårdas i livets slutskede. Metod: Studien är en systematisk litteraturstudie främst baserad på metodik beskriven av Forsberg och Wengström (2013). Resultat: Temat möjligheter och hinder i upplevelsen av sin delaktighet växte fram, med fyra kategorier under sig: hantering av sin sjukdomssituation, överväldigande ny levnadssituation, bli sedd som individ och inte bli sedd som individ. Det framkom att patienter i livets slutskede fann möjligheter att vara delaktiga i sin vård genom införskaffandet av kunskap om sin sjukdom och sin framtid. Denna kunskap skapade förståelse över situationen hos patienterna, vilket gav dem redskap att lättare hantera och delta i sin vård. Upplevda hinder till delaktighet visade sig vara då patienterna upplevde sig förbisedda av vårdpersonal. Slutsats: Vuxna patienters upplevelser av delaktighet då de vårdas i livets slutskede går inte att beskriva som ett ensamt fenomen, utan behöver beskrivas utifrån en helhetssyn av patienten.  Den unika patienten bildar en dynamisk helhet, och behöver bemötas som den unika individ den är. / Background: Palliative care is performed throughout the continuum of care, from home care to specialized care in an institution. Palliative care is buildt on a holistic approach that is secured through patient-centered care where the patient's participation is central. Objective: Highlighting adult patients' experiences of participation when they are cared for in late stage palliative care. Method: The study is a systematic literature review mainly based on the methodology described by Forsberg and Wengström (2013). Results: The theme opportunities and obstacles in the experience of their participation emerged, with four categories below: the management of their disease situation, overwhelming new living situations, be seen as an individual and not to be seen as an                                    individual. It was discovered that patients in the late stage palliative phase found opportunities to participate in their care by gathering knowledge about their disease and their future. This knowledge created understanding, giving them the tools to manage and participate in their care. An obstacle to patients’ participation appeared to be when the patients experienced neglect by health professionals. Conclusion: Adult patients' experiences of participation when they are cared for in late stage palliative care cannot be described as a single phenomenon, but needs to be described by an integrated approach of the patient. The unique patient forms a dynamic whole, and needs to be treated as the unique individual he/she is.

En förändrad livssituation : Upplevelser av att leva nära Alzheimers sjukdom: En litteraturöversikt / An altered life situation : The experiences of living near Alzheimer's Disease: A Literature Review

Bäckman, Josefine, Carlson, Stina, Danielsson Örtenblom, Linn January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Alzheimers sjukdom är den vanligaste demenssjukdomen. Anhöriga tar ofta ett stort ansvar över sin närstående med sjukdomen. Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskan uppmärksammar samt ger stöd och information till anhöriga för att möjliggöra en vardag med god livskvalitet. Syfte: Att beskriva anhörigas upplevelser av livet tillsammans med en närstående som har Alzheimers sjukdom. Metod: En litteraturöversikt innefattande 16 artiklar med kvalitativ design. Artiklarna analyserades genom induktiv analys vilket resulterade i två huvudkategorier och sju underkategorier. Resultat: Anhöriga upplevde en förändrad livssituation fylld av starka emotioner såsom sorg, skuld, skam, rädsla och oro. Även känslan av att vara isolerad och förlora sitt normala liv uttrycktes. Att ta ett vårdande ansvar för sin närstående innebar förändrade roller i relationen. Anhöriga utvecklade strategier i vardagen för att hantera tillvaron och uttryckte ett behov av stöd och kunskap. Slutsats: Ett samband kan ses mellan komponenterna begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet och anhörigas upplevelser av känsla av sammanhang. För att få en ökad förståelse för närståendes förändrade beteende behövs information och stöd. Vidare forskning kring information och stöd till anhöriga gällande Alzheimers sjukdom anses relevant. / Background: Alzheimer's disease is the most common dementia disease. Family members often take great responsibility over their close relatives with the disease. It's important for nurses to pay attention and provide support and information to family members in order to manage good quality of life. Objective: To describe family members experience of everyday life together with a close relative who has Alzheimer's disease. Methods: A literature review including 16 articles with a qualitative design. The articles were analysed by an inductive analysis, resulting in two main categories and seven subcategories. Results: Families experienced an altered life situation filled with strong emotions such as sadness, guilt, shame, fear and concern. Feelings of being isolated and losing their normal life was expressed. Taking a caring responsibility for their close relative involved changing roles in the relationship. Families developed strategies to handle everyday life and expressed a need for support and knowledge. Conclusions: A connection is seen between the components of comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness, and relatives' perceptions of sense of coherence. To gain a better understanding of the changing behaviour of close relatives, information and support are needed. Further research about information and support to family members regarding Alzheimer's disease is relevant

Coherence between National and International Environmental Policies – the case of Sweden

Strindevall, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Policy coherence is receiving increasing attention due to the interconnectedness, urgency and global character of the challenges that humanity faces today. Policy coherence provides an effective approach to tackle the complex macrochallenges of today since it entails achieving policies from different levels and sectors striving towards the same objectives in a supportive and reinforcing manner, producing an effective and long-lasting response to the challenges. Considering the broad, ambitious and universal Agenda 2030, policy coherence is of greater importance than ever before. This study investigates the policy coherence between Agenda 2030 and the national level looking into the case of Sweden with focus on the environmental dimension of sustainable development by evaluating the coherence between the environmental SDGs and Sweden’s national environmental quality objectives. Coherence between the two policy levels is evaluated using a qualitative data analysis by comparing official policy documents from respective policy agenda and applying the OECD’s (2016) Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development framework to Sweden. The conclusion indicates that the policy agendas fit together in a reasonable way but has the potential to be more coherent. Urgency is seldom addressed, but rather challenges are pointed out as critical and taking action is noted as significant. Both of the policy agendas address the interconnectedness of the challenges, the SDGs in a vague manner pointing out ‘links’ and the national environmental quality objectives in a more detailed manner pointing out more specific examples. The global character of the challenges is addressed in both of the policy agendas, more so in the SDGs than the national environmental quality targets. Incoherence is at times difficult to point out due to the vague terms used in Agenda 2030 compared to Sweden’s national policy. However, the vagueness of Agenda 2030 seems to serve a function whereas the country specific goals go into further detail according to the context. Despite the difficulty, results show that a broader perspective would benefit both policy agendas in addressing the global challenges coherently, since it consequently implies that the concept of policy coherence is applied at a larger scale.

Optique statistique pour l'émission synchrotron : calcul numérique en modes de cohérence / Statistical optics for synchrotron emission : numerical calculation of coherent modes

Glass, Mark 21 June 2017 (has links)
Le contexte de cette thèse est l'étude de la cohérence partielle dans les faisceaux synchrotron produits par les anneaux de stockage de basse émittance, comme l’ESRF-EBS. L'objectif principal est la compréhension et l'application de la physique sous-jacente pour l'implémentation et le développement d'outils de calcul.Nous développons d’abord une théorie de l'optique-statistique pour les radiations émisses par des anneaux de stockage qui est basée sur le théorème de Kim et sur les contributions de Geloni et al. Nous utilisons ces formules d'une manière détaillée et légèrement différente. Nous insistons sur l'importance des paramètres stochastiques des faisceaux d'électrons pour décrire les propriétés de cohérence. Nous observerons que la longueur du paquet des électrons n’affecte pas les propriétés de la cohérence s’il y a un couplage faible entre la position longitudinal de l’électron et ses autres paramètres.Nous avons construit une description de l'optique statistique pour l’émission synchrotron liée aux modes de cohérence. Nous voyons qu'un ensemble est complètement cohérent si et seulement si ses modes de cohérences se réduisent a un seul mode. Geloni et al. mentionnent que l’émission d’un synchrotron est un processus stochastique gaussien. Nous ajoutons qu’il a une moyenne nulle et il est symétrique circulaire. En conséquence nous pouvons donner une interprétation physique au degré de cohérence spectrale en termes de densité de probabilité conditionnée de forme gaussienne.Nous avons développé et implémenté un algorithme qui calcule la décomposition de la densité spectrale en modes de cohérences. Il peut être appliqué à un faisceau d'électrons avec un paramètre Twiss-alpha fini et une dispersion d’énergie. Nous avons implémenté deux versions de l'algorithme. La première résout l'équation de Fredholm dans une base de fonctions constantes par morceaux. Les calculs pour les hautes harmoniques d'un onduleur et pour des émittances relativement larges demandent une trop grande mémoire pour être calculées. Pour réduire la mémoire requise, nous avons développé une méthode en deux pas. On résout d'abord l'équation pour un faisceau d'électron de divergence nulle, puis on ajoute les effets de la divergence dans un second temps.Nous présentons des tests approfondis qui incluent une distribution des électrons du type fonction delta, des champs électriques gaussiens dont les résultats analytiques sont connus, ainsi qu'une comparaison avec des résultats Monte Carlo produits par SRW.Nous appliquons cet algorithme sur un nombre de cas particuliers. Nous déterminons combien de modes sont nécessaires pour inclure 95% de la densité spectrale et comment le degré de cohérence spectrale change. Nous trouvons que la dispersion d'énergie ajoute des modes de cohérence. Cet effet est négligeable pour des anneaux courants mais pour l’ESRF-EBS elle ajoute des nouveaux modes. Des onduleurs plus courts et des plus hautes harmoniques augmentent le nombre de modes. Une comparaison entre un onduleur placée dans un point avec alpha fini et dans un point symétrique ne montre pas de différences significative. Une réduction artificielle de l’émittance du anneau ESRF-EBS montre un décroit du nombre de mode jusqu’à arriver à un seul mode.Nous avons simulé une ligne de lumière simplifiée focalisant 1:1. Une réduction de la taille de l'ouverture change les valeurs propres du spectre vers des modes de plus en plus petits ce qui entraine aussi une réduction du flux. Nous présentons une comparaison entre la densité spectrale calculée avec l’approximation Gauss-Shell, l’approximation analytique et l’approximation de la séparation. Bien qu'il n'y a pas d'erreurs négligeables entre le calcul exact et l'approximation de la séparation, nous concluons que cette dernière peut être une bonne et rapide solution permettant des calculs sur des ordinateur portables.Nous terminons cette thèse par une discussion/des idées sur de futures recherches. / The context of this thesis is the study of the partial coherence in synchrotron beams produced by ultra low emittance storage rings, like the ESRF-EBS ring under construction. As main objectives we had the understanding, application and development of the underlying physics and the implementation of computer tools able to calculate the relevant parameters.In the first part of this thesis we develop a theory for statistical optics for storage ring radiation. It is based on the brightness convolution theorem by Kim and on the subtle but very important theoretical contributions from Geloni et al. We derive their formulas in a slightly different way or in more a detailed form.We emphasize the importance of the description of the electron beam stochastic for the coherence properties of storage ring emission. We observe that for weak coupling of the longitudinal electron position to the other beam parameters the bunch length is a free parameter in view of coherence properties.We build our description of statistical optics around coherent modes. We show that an ensemble is completely coherent if and only if its coherent mode decomposition is a single mode. Geloni et al. mentioned that the synchrotron storage ring emission is a Gaussian random process. We add that the process has zero mean and is circularly-symmetric. In consequence we can give the spectral degree of coherence a physical interpretation in terms of Gaussian shaped conditional probability densities.We developed and implemented an algorithm that calculates the coherent mode decomposition of the cross spectral density for a given wavelength. It can be applied to electron beams with finite Twiss alpha and with energy spread. We implemented two algorithms. The first version solves the Fredholm equation in a two-dimensional step function basis set. Because of its memory requirements high undulator harmonics or current lattices with high emittances cannot be calculated. To reduce the memory requirements we developed the two-step method that solves the problem first for an electron beam with zero divergence and adds the effects of the divergence in a second step. The algorithms use the eigensolver library SLEPc. The implementations of the algorithms are open source.We present extensive tests of the algorithms. They include a delta-function shaped electron beam, a Gaussian single electron reference electric field, whose results are analytically known, and comparisons to SRW Monte Carlo samplings.We apply the algorithm to some particular cases. We determine how many modes are necessary to incorporate 95% of the spectral density and how the spectral degree of coherence changes. We find that the energy spread adds extra coherent modes. This effect is negligible for current lattices but for the ESRF-EBS lattice it accounts for a significant fraction of the total modes. Shorter undulators and higher harmonics increase the number of modes. A comparison between an undulator placed at a point with finite alpha and at a symmetry point shows no significant differences. A reduction of the ESRF-EBS beam parameters show a decrease of the mode numbers until they reach a single mode. We simulate a simple 1:1 imaging beamline with an aperture in the image plane. A reduction of the aperture size changes the eigenvalue spectrum to fewer and fewer modes that is paid with a decrease of flux. We present a comparison of the calculated cross spectral density with a Gaussian Schell-model, an analytic approximation and a separation approximation. Although there are not negligible errors between the exact calculation and the separation approximation we come to the conclusions that the separation approximation might be a good and quick approximation that allows the calculation on portable computers.We end the thesis with some ideas for future research.

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