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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Méthodes fréquentielles pour la reconnaissance d'images couleur : une approche par les algèbres de Clifford / Frequency methods for color image recognition : An approach based on Clifford algebras

Mennesson, José 18 November 2011 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la reconnaissance d’images couleur à l’aide d’une nouvelle approche géométrique du domaine fréquentiel. La plupart des méthodes existantes ne traitent que les images en niveaux de gris au travers de descripteurs issus de la transformée de Fourier usuelle. L’extension de telles méthodes aux images multicanaux, comme par exemple les images couleur, consiste généralement à reproduire un traitement identique sur chacun des canaux. Afin d’éviter ce traitement marginal, nous étudions et mettons en perspective les différentes généralisations de la transformée de Fourier pour les images couleur. Ce travail nous oriente vers la transformée de Fourier Clifford pour les images couleur définie dans le cadre des algèbres géométriques. Une étude approfondie de celle-ci nous conduit à définir un algorithme de calcul rapide et à proposer une méthode de corrélation de phase pour les images couleur. Dans un deuxième temps, nous cherchons à généraliser à travers cette transformée de Fourier les définitions des descripteurs de Fourier de la littérature. Nous étudions ainsi les propriétés, notamment l’invariance à la translation, rotation et échelle, des descripteurs existants. Ce travail nous mène à proposer trois nouveaux descripteurs appelés “descripteurs de Fourier couleur généralisés”(GCFD) invariants en translation et en rotation.Les méthodes proposées sont évaluées sur des bases d’images usuelles afin d’estimer l’apport du contenu fréquentiel couleur par rapport aux méthodes niveaux de gris et marginales. Les résultats obtenus à l’aide d’un classifieur SVM montrent le potentiel des méthodes proposées ; les descripteurs GCFD se révèlent être plus compacts, de complexité algorithmique moindre pour des performances de classification au minimum équivalentes. Nous proposons également des heuristiques pour le choix du paramètre de la transformée de Fourier Clifford.Cette thèse constitue un premier pas vers une généralisation des méthodes fréquentielles aux images multicanaux. / In this thesis, we focus on color image recognition using a new geometric approach in the frequency domain. Most existing methods only process grayscale images through descriptors defined from the usual Fourier transform. The extension of these methods to multichannel images such as color images usually consists in reproducing the same processing for each channel. To avoid this marginal processing,we study and compare the different generalizations of color Fourier transforms. This work leads us to use the Clifford Fourier transform for color images defined in the framework of geometric algebra. A detailed study of it leads us to define a fast algorithm and to propose a phase correlation for colorimages. In a second step, with the aim of generalizing Fourier descriptors of the literature with thisFourier transform, we study their properties, including invariance to translation, rotation and scale.This work leads us to propose three new descriptors called “generalized color Fourier descriptors”(GCFD) invariant in translation and in rotation.The proposed methods are evaluated on usual image databases to estimate the contribution of color frequency content compared with grayscale and marginal methods. The results obtained usingan SVM classifier show the potential of the proposed methods ; the GCFD are more compact, have less computational complexity and give better recognition rates. We also propose heuristics for choosing the parameter of the color Clifford Fourier transform.This thesis is a first step towards a generalization of frequency methods to multichannel images.

Discrimination of color copier/laser printer toners by Raman spectroscopy and subsequent chemometric analysis

Feldmann, Jeanna Marie 20 November 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Toner analysis has become an area of increased interest due to the wide availability of laser printers and photocopiers. Toner is most often encountered on paper in questioned document analysis. Because of this, it is important to develop methods that limit the interference of paper without damaging or destroying the document. Previous research using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) has differentiated toners based on their polymer resin components. However, Raman spectroscopy and chemometric analysis are not typically used for the examination of this material. Raman spectroscopy is a popular tool for the chemical analysis of pigmented samples and was used to characterize cyan, yellow, and magenta toners. Analyses were performed using a dispersive micro-Raman spectrometer equipped with a 785nm diode laser, a CCD detector, and an objective at 20X magnification. One hundred samples of each color toner were collected. Three different and separate methods were developed for cyan, yellow, and magenta toners on paper to optimize results. Further analysis of the magenta toners was excluded due to a weak signal and significant paper interference. The data collected from the analyses of the blue and yellow toners was then processed using a combination of statistical procedures, including principal component analysis (PCA), agglomerative hierarchal clustering (AHC), and discriminative analysis (DA). Ninety-six blue toners were analyzed by PCA and three classes of spectra were suggested. Discriminant analysis showed that the three classes were well-differentiated with a cross-validation accuracy of 100% for the training set and 100% cross-validation accuracy for the external validation set. Eighty-eight yellow toners were analyzed by AHC and four classes of spectra were suggested. Discriminant analysis showed good differentiation between the classes with a cross-validation accuracy of 95.45% for the training set, but showed poor differentiation for the external validation set with a cross-validation accuracy of 72%. While these toners were able to be discriminated, no correlation could be made between the manufacturer, printer make and model, and the toner sample.

Media Ethics and Violence Against the Transgender Community: An Exploration of Ethically Covering Homicides of Black Transgender Women

Wood, Kayla M. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Vertical Field Switching Blue Phase Liquid Crystals For Field Sequential Color Displays

Cheng, Hui-Chuan 01 January 2012 (has links)
Low power consumption is a critical requirement for all liquid crystal display (LCD) devices. A field sequential color (FSC) LCD was proposed by using red (R), green (G) and blue (B) LEDs and removing the lossy component of color filters which only transmits ~30% of the incoming white light. Without color filters, FSC LCDs exhibit a ~3X higher optical efficiency and 3X higher resolution density as compared to the conventional color filters-based LCDs. However, color breakup (CBU) is a most disturbing defect that degrades the image quality in FSC displays. CBU can be observed in stationary or moving images. It manifests in FSC LCDs when there is a relative speed between the images and observers’ eyes, and the observer will see the color splitting patterns or rainbow effect at the boundary between two different colors. In Chapter 2, we introduce a five-primary display by adding additional yellow(Y) and cyan(C) colors. From the analysis and simulations, five primaries can provide wide color gamut and meanwhile the white brightness is increased, as compared to the three-primary. Based on the five-primary theorem, we propose a method to reduce CBU of FSC LCDs by using RGBYC LEDs instead of RGB LEDs in the second section. Without increasing the sub-frame rate as three-primary LCDs, we can reduce the CBU by utilizing proper color sequence and weighting ratios. In addition, the color gamut achieves 140% NTSC and the white brightness increases by more than 13%, as compared to the three-primary FSC LCDs. Another strategy to suppress CBU is using higher field frequency, such as 540 Hz or even up to 1000 Hz. However, this approach needs liquid crystals with a very fast response time (

Förskolans rumsliga miljö : En studie utifrån färgens betydelse för barn i ett rumsligt perspektiv på förskolan / The spatial environment in kindergarten : A study about the importance of colors for children in a spatial perspective at kindergarten

Hagman, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
Färger som vi omges av påverkar oss i det vardagliga livet. Vi reagerar olika på färger som finns i ett rum utifrån färgens intensitet, textur och hur ljuset faller in. Däremot är färgen likaså ett subjektivt fenomen som förankras till våra preferenser och känslor. Tidigare forskning visar även på att färg är viktigt och att det har olika effekter på vårt mående och hur vi agerar. Problematiken idag utifrån min egna erfarenhet av att ha arbetat på förskolor grundar sig i att det saknas en mer färgrik kulör i den rumsliga miljön. Jag har ifrågasatt genom min egna upplevelse hur barn skulle reagera på en mer färgrik miljö och hur dem kommer till att stimuleras utav färg i den byggda miljön på förskolor. Att kombinera färg tillsammans med rummets utformning skulle kunna skapa en större inverkan på barnens beteende och sinnesstämning i deras lärmiljö eftersom färgen har en stor betydelse genom barnens uppväxt och utveckling. Syftet med studien är att belysa färgens egenskaper i rummets miljö på Bokebo förskola som utförs genom arkitektoniska aspekter , fullskaleförsök och genom teoretisk bakgrund inom färgpsykologi och tidigare forskningsstudier av färg och rumsligheter. Teorierna och fullskaleförsöket kommer sedan att förankras ihop med barnens svar på intervjufrågorna, där frågorna kommer ge svar på deras beteende och känslor i fullskaleförsöket, samt att observationerna kommer ge svar på deras stimulans i den rumsliga miljön. Detta kommer i slutändan att bidra till mer kunskap och förståelse för att kunna använda färg i förskolans fysiska miljöer på rätt sätt. Förutom intervjufrågor hos barnen kommer även pedagogerna på avdelningen att få genomgå intervjufrågor. Anledningen är för att kunna få svar på hur dem upplevde rummen och hur dem tror att det skulle kunna fungera för barnen. Intervjuer och observationer kommer att utvärderas tillsammans med tidigare forskning för att kunna se ett mönster i barnens beteende och sinnesstämning i den rumsliga miljön på Bokebo förskola. Resultatet av denna studie visar en övergripande positiv inverkan av färgen hos barnen. Däremot visade det sig skillnader i könen hos barnen. Ett mönster kunde tydas hos pojkar respektive flickor. Det ger ett resultat på att färgen är starkt kopplad till våra preferenser och känslor genom vår uppväxt , därför är det viktigt att flertalet aspekter tas i akt i utförandet av färg på förskolor. Resultatet upplyser även genom tidigare forskning att färgen bör användas i ett rum för rätt syfte och i rätt mängd, samt med rätt intensitet och dagssljus. Färgens applicering ska utföras med försiktighet och genom kunskap för att kunna uppnå ett bra resultat i den rumsliga miljön för barnen på förskolor. Det som är viktigt att tänka på är hur vi använder färgen och vad rummet har för form av syfte att användas till. Därför har fullskaleförsöket en stor betydelse i studien , den används för att få fram resultat på barnens reaktioner, beteende och stimulering av sinnen i rummet. Studien tar fram mer kunskap och förståelse i färgens betydelse som ska agera som inspiration till att vi ska våga använda mer färg, som ett kompletterande arkitektoniskt element till en bättre lärmiljö för barnen. / Colors that surround us affects us in everyday life. We react differently to colors in a room based on the color’s intensity, texture and how the light falls in. However, color is also a subjective phenomenon that is connected to our preferences and feelings. Previous research also shows that color is important and it has different effects on our mood and how we act.  The problem today based on my own experience of having worked in kindergarten is based on the lack of a more colorful color in the spatial environment. I have questioned through my own experience how children would react to a more colorful environment and how they will be stimulated by color in the built environment at kindergartens. Combining color together with the design of the room could create a greater impact on the children’s behavior and mood in their environment because color has a great importance through the children’s growth and development. The purpose of the study is to highlight the properties of color in the room environment at Bokebo kindergarten which is carried out through architectural aspects, full-scale experiments and through theoretical background in psychological color and previous research studies of color and spatiality.  The theories and the full-scale experiment will then be set together with the children’s answers to the interview questions, where the questions will provide answers to their behavior and feelings in the full-scale experiment, and also the observations will provide answers to their stimulation in the spatial environment. This will ultimately contribute to more knowledge and understanding to be able to use color in the kindergartens physical environments in the right way. In addition to interview questions for the children, the educators in the department will also have to go through interview questions. The reason is to be able to get answers to how they experienced the room and how they think it could work for the children. Interviews and observations will be evaluated together with previous research to be able to see a pattern in the children’s behavior andmood in the spatial environment at Bokebo kindergarten. The result of this study shows an overall positive influence of the color in the children. However differences in the genders of the children were found. A pattern could be interpreted in boys and girls respectively. It shows that the color is strongly linked to our preferences and feelings through our growth, therefore it is important that several aspects are taken into account in the implementation of color in kindergarten.The result also informs through previous research that the color should be used in a room for the right purpose and in the right amount, as well as with the right intensity and daylight. The application of the color must be carried out with caution and through knowledge to be able to achieve a good result in the spatial environment for the children in preschools. What is important to think about is how we use the color and what kind of purpose the room is used for. Therefore, the full-scale trial has a great importance in the study, it is used to bring out results on the children’s reactions, behavior and stimulation of the senses in the room.The study brings out more knowledge and understanding in the meaning of color, which should act as inspiration for us to dare to use more color, as a complementary architectural element to a better learning environment for the children.

Investigating the potential correlations between metal and metalloid concentrations and soil color : A Minor Field Study on the island province of Marinduque, Philippines / Undersökning av potentiella samband mellan metall- och metalloidkoncentrationer och markfärg : En Minor Field Study på ö-provinsen Marinduque, Filippinerna

Saric Söderholm, Ivana Pia, Readwin, Erik January 2023 (has links)
This study was carried out as a bachelor's thesis at KTH Royal Institute of Technology during the spring of 2023, investigating the correlation between the color with the concentration of various metal and metalloids (MMs) in the soil of Marinduque, The Philippines. With a history of mineral exploitation, notably copper and gold, the island has faced persistent environmental challenges, exemplified by the catastrophic waste spills in 1993 and 1996 that contaminated the Boac and Mogpog Rivers. These incidents have left lasting consequences on the environment and human health. The research methodology involved an analysis of soil samples collected from Marinduque, using portable equipment such as Olympus Vanta X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), color scanning using the Nix Pro 2 Color Sensor, followed by data processing through MATLAB version R2023a. The latter involved statistical methods such as Pearson correlation and p-value, which produced correlation coefficients and identified which correlations were statistically significant. The correlations yielded were those between varying MMs concentrations in the soil and CIE L*a*b* soil color parameters across different municipalities in Marinduque. These correlations offer insights into potential causal relationships between arsenic (As), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn), and soil discoloration. Based on correlations between MMs concentrations and soil color, future studies can encompass a broader range of soil assessment and contamination risks analysis, thus offering valuable guidance to local communities and authorities in devising effective strategies for mitigating MMs pollution in the natural environment. / Denna studie utfördes som en kandidatuppsats vid Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (KTH) under våren 2023 och undersökte korrelationer mellan färg, metalloid- och metallkoncentrationer i marken på Marinduque, Filippinerna. Med en historia av mineralutvinning, särskilt koppar och guld, har ön stått inför pågående miljöutmaningar, såsom katastrofala avfallsutsläpp som förorenat floderna Boac och Mogpog. Dessa händelser har lämnat långvariga konsekvenser för miljön och människors hälsa. Forskningsmetoden omfattade en analys av jordprover från Marinduque, med användning av laboratorieutrustning som röntgenfluorescens (XRF), färgskanning med Nix Pro 2 Color Sensor, följt av databehandling genom MATLAB version R2023a. Den senare involverade statistiska metoder som Pearson-korrelation och p-värde, vilka genererade korrelationskoefficienter och identifierade vilka korrelationer som var statistiskt signifikanta. De erhållna korrelationerna var mellan varierande metallkoncentrationer i jorden och CIE L*a*b* markfärgsparametrar inom olika kommuner på Marinduque. Dessa korrelationer ger insikter i potentiella kausala samband mellan arsenik (As), järn (Fe), bly (Pb), mangan (Mn) och zink (Zn), samt jordfärg. Baserat på korrelationer mellan metalloid- och metallkoncentrationer i mark och markfärg kan framtida studier täcka en bredare räckvidd av risker för markförorening, och därmed erbjuda värdefull vägledning till lokala samhällen och myndigheter för att utveckla effektiva strategier för att minska förorening av tungmetaller i den naturliga miljön.

The Effect of Color in Computer Assisted Instruction on Vocabulary Retention Rates and Computer Attitudes of Selected Upward Bound Students

Latham, Charles V. (Charles Vernon) 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect on selected Upward Bound students' vocabulary retention rate and attitude toward computers when using color in a computer assisted instructional (CAI) program. Past research on the use of color in the educational process does not answer questions about possible effects it may have when used in CAI programs. Specific areas addressed by this study include: (1) differences in color computer assisted instructional software and achromatic versions of the lesson, (2) differences in the short-term vocabulary retention rate for color versus achromatic versions, (3) differences in the long-term vocabulary retention rate for color versus achromatic versions, (4) differences on the affective attitude scale for color versus achromatic versions, (5) differences in short-term memory based on gender and computer experience, (6) differences in long-term memory based on gender and computer experience and (7) differences on the affective attitude scale based on gender and computer experience. Subjects in the experiment were high school students participating in Upward Bound programs at Texas Christian University and the University of North Texas. A pretestposttest design was used and data were obtained from seventy-one students. A CAI program presented students with twenty words and definitions via a drill and practice mode. The words came from Schuster's list of rare and seldom used words considered easy to learn. Two computer systems were used in this study, achromatic and color. Students completed the Computer Attitude Scale at the beginning and end of the CAI lesson. A pretest, immediate posttest and two week delayed posttest were administered to both experimental groups. Analysis of the data revealed a significant difference in long-term memory based on gender and computer experience. Girls using the color version of the lesson scored significantly higher on the delayed posttest than girls using the achromatic version.

Färgassociationer i environmental storytelling : En undersökning om uppfattningen av färg på 3D-modeller i dataspel / Color Associations in Environmental Storytelling : A study on the interpretation of color on 3D models in computer games

Hellsten, Felicia January 2017 (has links)
Denna undersöknings syfte var att undersöka hur en 3D-scens val av färger skulle kunna påverka spelarens uppfattning av scenens environmental storytelling. I undersökningens bakgrund presenteras olika metoder, teorier och tillvägagångssätt för att skapa environmental storytelling, samt forskning kring färgassociationer, färgers kontext och kulturella skillnader gällande tolkning av färger. För att svara på undersökningens frågeställning skapades två olika 3D-scener med narrativ baserade på environmental storytelling genom spår och ledtrådar. Dessa delades upp i tre färgvarianter vardera. En gul, en röd och en blå scen. Sammanlagt sex scenvarianter. Semi-strukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer utfördes sedan med 18 informanter som fick spela en av scenerna vardera. Detta för att ta reda på om informanterna uppfattade dessa scener olika beroende på scenens färgval. Resultatet visade på en eventuell påverkan av uppfattningen genom färger, men ytterligare informanter och data krävs för att kunna få fram några storskaliga slutsatser.

Approche de l'équilibre dans les collisions hadroniques à haute énergie / Approach to equilibrium in high energy heavy ion collisions

Epelbaum, Thomas 18 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les premiers instants d'une collision d'ions lourds. Juste après cette collision, il a été démontré que la matière produite -- appelée Plasma de Quarks et de Gluons (PQG) -- est très loin de l'équilibre thermique. On voudrait donc savoir si le PQG thermalise, et quelle est l'échelle de temps caractéristique pour cela. Le manuscrit expose l'étude de ces questions dans deux sortes de théories.Dans un premier temps, on étudie une théorie scalaire. En initialisant cette dernière dans un état hors équilibre, on peut étudier l'approche de l'équilibre pour un système de volume fixe ou un système en expansion unidimensionnelle. Dans les deux cas, des preuves d'une possible thermalisation peuvent être observées : une équation d'état se forme, le tenseur des pressions devient isotrope et le nombre d'occupation tend vers une distribution d'équilibre thermique classique. Ces résultats sont obtenus à l'aide de l'approximation classique statistique (ACS), qui permet d'inclure des contributions au-delà de l'ordre dominant de la théorie des perturbations.Dans un second temps, le "Color Glass Condensate", une théorie effective basée sur la Chromodynamique quantique adaptée à l'étude des premiers instants suivant la formation du PQG, est utilisé pour étudier de manière plus réaliste l'approche de l'équilibre thermique dans les collisions d'ions lourds. Après avoir établi quelques prérequis pour l'utilisation de l'ACS, les simulations numériques effectuées avec les équations de Yang-Mills semblent indiquer que le PQG devient rapidement isotrope, tandis que son rapport viscosité sur entropie est très petit, ce qui est la caractéristique d'un fluide quasi idéal. / This thesis deals with the theory of the early stages of a heavy ion collision. Just after such a collision, the matter produced – called the Quark-Gluon-Plasma (QGP) – has been shown to be far out of thermal equilibrium. One would like to know whether the QGP thermalizes, and what is the typical time scale for this. Proving that the QGP thermalizes would also justify from first principles the hydrodynamical treatment of the subsequent evolution of a heavy ion collision. After having recalled some essential theoretical concepts, the manuscript addresses these questions in two different theories In a first part, we study a scalar field theory. Starting from an out of equilibrium initial condition, one studies the approach to equilibrium in a fixed volume or in a one-dimensional expanding system. In both cases, clear signs of thermalization are obtained: an equation of state is formed, the pressure tensor becomes isotropic and the occupation number approaches a classical thermal distribution. These results are obtained thanks to the classical statistical approximation (CSA), that includes contributions beyond the Leading Order perturbative calculation. In a second part, the Color Glass Condensate – a quantum chromdynamics (QCD) effective theory well suited to describe the early life of the QGP – is used to treat more realistically the approach to thermalization in heavy ion collisions. After having derived some analytical prerequisites for the application of the CSA, the numerical simulations performed with the Yang-Mills equations show evidences of an early onset of hydrodynamical behavior of the QGP: the system becomes isotropic on short time scales, while the shear viscosity over entropy ratio is very small, which is characteristic of a quasi perfect fluid.

Vilken vacker klang hon har! : En intervjustudie kring begreppen klang, timbre och klangfärg hos sopraner / What a beautiful timbre! : An interview study about soprano timbre

Andersen, Hedda Lund January 2019 (has links)
I föreliggande studie är syftet att studera några högskolelärares upptattningar angående-, innebörden av och arbete med en sopranklang på en högskolenivå. Tidigare litteratur och forskning visar på olika svar om hur begreppet kan användas, innebörden av begreppet samt nyanseringen av begreppen klang, timbre och klangfärg. Arbetet är kvalitativt och utgår från det teoretiska perspektivet designteori och socialsemiotik. Metoden som används är stimulated recall-intervjuer som i föreliggande fall innebär en videoobservation av en sånglektion och ett intervjutillfälle där läraren i en semistrukturerad intervju berättar om uppfattningar och arbete med en vacker klang, med videon som underlag för intervjun. Resultatet delas in teman om uppfattningar om och arbetet med klang. Gällande uppfattningar angående klang framkommer att klang ses som en medfödd, utvecklingsbar och kommunikativ förmåga samt som ett ej användbart begrepp. Resultatet visar att Arbetet med klangen utgår ifrån verbala, sångliga, fysiska och känslomässiga representationer. I diskussionen diskuteras aspekten om en vacker klang kan tyckas vara medfödd eller utvecklingsbar. Även vikten av multimodalitet i arbetet med klang diskuteras. I diskussionen lyfts även aspekter av arbetet med klang som direkt eller indirekt eller som ett fysiskt fenomen kontra ett abstrakt fenomen. / This study is about the soprano timbre, how university teachers defines the term and how the work with it in teaching. Previous research presented different answers about the meaning of the term timbre. It’s a qualitative study and based on the theoretical perspective design theory and social semiotic. The method used is stimulated recall interviews, which in the present case is both a video observation of a singing lesson and an interview occasion where the teachers are interviewed one by one. The interview is semi-structured and the teachers got to tell about their opinion about a beautiful sound, and the work with timbre. The video is used as a basis for the interview. The result is divided into the categories "The opinion of" and "the work with" timbre.The opinion of timbre is also divided into the headings: sound as innate, developable and communicative ability and also the term timbre being not useful. The work with the timbre is based on verbal, singable, physical and emotional representations. In the discussion, the aspect is further discussed if a beautiful sound can seem to be innate or developable, as well as the multimodality and its resources. The discussion also discusses aspects of the work with the sound as direct or indirect or as a physical phenomenon versus an abstract phenomenon. In addition, the beautiful timbre of the multimodality is discussed.

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