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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustainable Arsenic Mitigation A Strategy for Scaling-up Safe Water Access : A Strategy for Scaling-up Safe Water Access

Hossain, Mohammed January 2015 (has links)
In rural Bangladesh, the drinking water supply is mostly dependent upon manually operated hand pumped tubewells, installed by the local community. The presence of natural arsenic (As) in groundwater and its wide scale occurrence has drastically reduced the safe water access across the country and put tens of millions of people under health risk. Despite significant progress in understanding the source and distribution of As and its mobilization through sediment-water interactions, there has been limited success in mitigation since the problem was discovered in the country’s water supply in 1993. This study evaluated the viability of other kinds of alternative safe drinking water options and found tubewells are the most suitable due to simplicity and technical suitability, a wide acceptance by society and above all low cost for installation, operation and maintenance. During planning and decision making in the process of tubewell installation, depth of the tubewell is a key parameter as it is related to groundwater quality and cost of installation. The shallow wells (usually &lt; 80m) are mostly at risk of As contamination. One mitigation option are deep wells drilled countrywide to depths of around 250 m. Compared to safe water demand, the number of deep wells is still very low, as the installation cost is beyond affordability of the local community, especially for the poor and disadvantaged section of the society. Using depth-specific piezometers (n=82) installed in 15 locations spread over the 410 km2 area of Matlab (an As-hot spot) in southeastern Bangladesh, groundwater monitoring was done over a 3 year period (pre- and post-monsoon for 2009-2011 period). Measurements were performed for hydrogeological characterization of shallow, intermediate deep and deep aquifer systems to determine the possibility of targeting safe aquifers at different depths as the source of a sustainable drinking water supply. In all monitoring piezometers, As was found consistently within a narrow band of oscillation probably due to seasonal effects. Hydrogeochemically, high-As shallow groundwaters derived from black sands are associated with elevated DOC, HCO3, Fe, NH4-N and PO4-P and with a relatively low concentration of Mn and SO4. Opposite to this, shallow aquifers composed of red and off-white sediments providing As-safe groundwater are associated with low DOC, HCO3, Fe, NH4-N and PO4-P and relatively higher Mn and SO4. Groundwaters sampled from intermediate deep and deep piezometers which were found to be low in As, are characterized by much lower DOC, HCO3, NH4-N and PO4-P compared to the shallow aquifers. Shallow groundwaters are mostly Ca-Mg-HCO3 type and intermediate deep and deep aquifers’ groundwaters are mostly Na-Ca-Mg-Cl-HCO3 to Na-Cl-HCO3 type. A sediment color tool was also developed on the basis of local driller’s color perception of sediments (Black, White, Off-white and Red), As concentration of tubewell waters and respective color of aquifer sediments. A total of 2240 sediment samples were collected at intervals of 1.5 m up to a depth of 100 m from all 15 nest locations. All samples were assigned with a Munsell color and code, which eventually led to identify 60 color varieties. The process continued in order to narrow the color choices to four as perceived and used by the local drillers for identification of the targeted As-safe aquifers. Munsell color codes assigned to these sediments render them distinctive from each other which reduces the risk for misinterpretation of the sediment colors. During the process of color grouping, a participatory approach was considered taking the opinions of local drillers, technicians, and geologists into account. In addition to the monitoring wells installed in the piezometer nests, results from 87 other existing drinking water supply tubewells were also considered for this study. A total of 39 wells installed in red sands at shallow depths producing As-safe water providing strong evidence that red sediments are associated with As-safe water. Average and median values were found to be less than the WHO guideline value of 10 μg/L. Observations for off-white sediments were also quite similar. Targeting off-white sands could be limited due to uncertainty of proper identification of color, specifically when day-light is a factor. Elevated Mn in red and off-white sands is a concern in the safe water issue and emphasizes the necessity of a better understanding of the health impact of Mn. White sediments in shallow aquifers are relatively uncommon and seemed to be less important for well installations. Arsenic concentrations in more than 90% of the shallow wells installed in black sands are high with an average of 239 μg/L from 66 wells installed in black sediments. It is thereby recommended that black sands in shallow aquifers must be avoided. This sediment color tool shows the potential for enhancing the ability of local tubewell drillers for the installation of As-safe shallow drinking water tubewells. Considering the long-term goal of the drinking water safety plan to provide As-safe and low-Mn drinking water supply, this study also pioneered hydrogeological exploration of the intermediate deep aquifer (IDA) through drilling up to a depth of 120 m. Clusters of tubewells installed through site optimization around the monitoring piezometer showed a similar hydrochemical buffer and proved IDA as a potential source for As-safe and low-Mn groundwater. Bangladesh drinking water standard for As (50 µg/L) was exceeded in only 3 wells (1%) and 240 wells (99%) were found to be safe. More than 91% (n=222) of the wells were found to comply with the WHO guideline value of 10 µg/L. For Mn, 89% (n=217) of the wells show the concentration within or below the previous WHO guideline value of 0.4 mg/L, with a mean and median value of 0.18 and 0.07 mg/L respectively. The aquifer explored in the Matlab area shows a clear pattern of low As and low Mn. The availability of similar sand aquifers elsewhere at this depth range could be a new horizon for tapping safe drinking water at about half the cost of deep tubewell installation. All findings made this study a comprehensive approach and strategy for replication towards As mitigation and scaling-up safe water access in other areas of Bangladesh and elsewhere having a similar hydrogeological environment. / <p>QC 20151211</p> / Sida-SASMIT project (Sida Contribution 75000854).

Attraktivare miljörum. En studie i hur ett miljörum kan göras mer användbart, som ett led i att öka intresset för källsortering.

Alexandra, Björsell January 2015 (has links)
Detta är en studie i hur ett miljörum kan användas för att kommunicera ochunderlätta för användare att sortera sitt avfall. I det långa loppet är målsättningenatt ytterligare motivera och öka deras intresse för källsortering.Till denna studie har ett miljörum tillhörande SGS Studentbostäder i Göteborgvalts ut. För närvarande kommunicerar inte rummet tydligt sitt syfte och har flerabrister som orsakar låg användbarhet.Fokuset i studien har varit att förbättra användbarheten av rummet och också göradet mer attraktivt. Frågeställningen som har besvarats är ”Hur kan ett miljörumutformas så att det på ett effektivt sätt kan kommunicera och underlätta föranvändaren att snabbt sortera rätt och därmed bli mer användbart?”Genom att kombinera resultaten från litteraturstudien och den empiriskaundersökningen har denna studie resulterat i två olika designförslag på detundersökta rummet. Båda designförslagen föreslår hur de problem somidentifierades under den empiriska studien av rummet kan lösas men på lite olikasätt beroende på förutsättningar för det specifika rummet. Den övergripandedesignidén har varit att introducera en tydlig och genomgående färgkodning medomsorg för små detaljer med stor betydelse. / This is a study in how a room for recycling can be designed as a way tocommunicate and make it easier for users to sort their waste. The long-termgoal for the room is to further encourage the users and increase their interestfor recycling. For this study a room for recycling at SGS Studentbostäder inGothenburg has been chosen. Currently, the room does not communicate itspurpose clearly, and has several problems causing low usability.The main focus of this study is to improve the usability of the room, and also tomake it more attractive. The research question that has been answered is “Howcan a recycling room be designed so that it can communicate and make it easierfor the user to quickly and efficiently sort their waste; and thus become moreusable?”By combining the results of both a literature review and empirical investigations,this study have resulted in two different design suggestions for the investigatedroom. Both design suggestions addresses the problems that were identified duringthe empirical study of the room, but in slightly different ways depending on thelevel of change that is wanted by the property owner. The overarching design ideahas been to introduce a clear and thorough color coding, with attention to smalldetails that have big impact.

A multi-year study of summer diatom blooms in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre

Brown, Colbi Gabrielle, 1984- 22 December 2010 (has links)
In the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, a nearly-annual phytoplankton bloom forms near the subtropical front at ~30° N. Mixed communities of nitrogen-fixing diatom symbioses (diatom-diazotroph associations) increase 10²-10³ fold in these blooms. In July 2008 (31.46˚N 140.49˚W) and August 2009 (25.18 °N 154 °W), two blooms were sampled to determine diatom-diazotroph association species composition, physical, and chemical characteristics of the water column. In both 2008 and 2009, the dominant diatom-diazotroph association was the Hemiaulus hauckii-Richelia intracellularis symbiosis. The 2009 subtropical front bloom was missed; however, another bloom closer to Hawaii was sampled where diatom-diazotroph association abundance was 10-fold lower (10² cells Lˉ¹) than 2008 despite surface chlorophyll a values that were 3 times greater. Both blooms showed substantial changes in phytoplankton size structure with the >10 μm size chlorophyll a fraction increasing from 10 to 40 % in 2008. In the 2009 bloom, the non-symbiotic pennate diatom Mastogloia woodiana numerically dominated (>150,000 cells Lˉ¹) and formed aggregates that resulted in substantially higher % of netplankton chlorophyll a fractions. Summer open ocean blooms from the two years share a common trend of Hemiaulus dominance of the diatom-diazotroph association population and size structure changes. However, non-symbiotic species can dominate the overall bloom, and diatom-diazotroph association species may not be responsible for the chlorophyll a increase. These two years may represent different types of blooms or temporal changes within summer diatom blooms. The increased biomass in the larger-size fraction suggests these blooms are potential sites for carbon export from the surface layer. / text

Αιμοδυναμικές παράμετροι σε ασθενείς με χρόνια ηπατοπάθεια και κίρρωση ήπατος (κλινική μελέτη με έγχρωμο doppler υπερηχογράφημα σε συνδυασμό με κλινικοεργαστηριακά χαρακτηριστικά και ιστολογική συσχέτιση) / Haemodynamic parameters in patients with chorinic hepatitis and cirrhosis (clinical study with color doppler ultrasonography and histopathologic correlation)

Ηλιόπουλος, Παναγιώτης 21 July 2008 (has links)
H παρούσα μελέτη είχε σαν στόχο την μελέτη και τον προσδιορισμό των αιμοδυναμικών αλλαγών που συμβαίνουν στο ηπατικό παρέγχυμα με τη βοήθεια της απλής (Gray Scale Ultrasonography, GSU) και της έγχρωμης Doppler υπερηχοτομογραφίας (Color Doppler, CDU), στην διάρκεια της χρόνιας ηπατικής νόσου. Ο απώτερος σκοπός ήταν ο διαχωρισμός της χρόνιας νόσου του ήπατος από την αρχόμενη καλά αντιρροπούμενη κίρρωση σε ομάδα ασθενών με ένα καλά τεκμηριωμένο ιστολογικό profil. Για τον λόγο αυτό, έγινε προσπάθεια να απομονωθούν εκείνες οι GSU και CDU παράμετροι που με μεγάλη ακρίβεια διαχώριζαν τους ασθενείς με τη χρόνια ηπατίτιδα από αυτούς που έπασχαν από καλά αντιρροπούμενη κίρρωση αρχικού σταδίου (CIR). / To assess the value of gray scale (GS) and colour Doppler ultrasonography (CDU) in differentiating the progression of chronic viral hepatitis (CVH) and compensated liver cirrhosis (CIR).

The Influence of Cinematic Elements in Pierre Jodlowski's Works Based on Colour

Owyang, Angela January 2014 (has links)
Pierre Jodlowski's Works Based on Colour consist of three pieces: Série Noire (2005), Série Blanche (2007), and Série Rose (2012) pour piano et dispositif électroacoustique. According to the composer, "each colour provides an opportunity to investigate a particular link of music with imagery." The pieces serve as a musical representation of cinematic elements through the synchronization of music and sound effects. The musical language of the cycle draws influences from various sources including the music of expressionism, musique concrète, as well as standard soundtrack scoring. The intermingling of various melodies, harmonies, and rhythms creates a synthesis between the piano and the electroacoustic soundtrack (tape).In Pierre Jodlowski's Works Based on Colour, he seeks to form an interdisciplinary collaboration between music and visual multimedia. The composer's interest in cinematography and mental processes is evident through his selective mixing of audio effects, sounds (real sounds versus synthesized sounds), and piano. According to Jodlowski the visual aspects, or mise-en-scène, of cinema should surface in the minds of the listener after hearing each of the works. Jodlowski's method of mixing involves several techniques: the insertion of fragments of dialogue from various films, tinkering with inanimate objects, pre-recorded sounds of nature, and the distortion of sonic effects and instrumentation. Aside from the use of color as a symbol, Jodlowski's cycle contains extra-musical ideas that cover a wide range of cinematic themes, including atmospheric elements of film noir, the gradual shifts and changes in our mental processes, as well as love discourse and sex from erotic cinema and pornography. Jodlowski's Works Based on Colour stirs the listener's imagination through the clear delineation of contrasting sections, the dialogue-like interaction between the tape and the piano, and the inclusion of dialogue and sound effects from various films. A performer should have knowledge of cinematic elements, understand the purpose of cinematic concepts and their significance for a cinematic viewer, and recognize their function in Jodlowski's works before performing the Works Based on Colour.

The Effects of the Images of Women of Color in Mainstream Hip Hop and Reggaeton on Body Satisfaction and Body Mass Index in Mexican Descent College-Age Women

Hackman, Anna January 2009 (has links)
There are potentially negative health impacts of women's internalization of representations of women of color in mainstream on body esteem and weight. This study explores the relationships between mainstream hip hop, body satisfaction and body mass index (BMI) in Mexican descent college-age women. The study predicts that women who regularly listen to mainstream hip hop will be more likely to internalize the images of women. Internalization will predict body satisfaction and body satisfaction will predict BMI. Sixty-five participants completed a self-report survey with these measures. Regularly listening to mainstream hip hop was associated with higher hip hop internalization. Higher internalization was associated with less body satisfaction which, in turn, was associated with a higher BMI. Thus, women who regularly listen to mainstream hip hop and who internalize the images of women seem more critical of their body, which negatively affects their weight.

Single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy of the structure and dynamics of the spliceosome

Prior, Mira 31 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Timbre perception of cultural insiders : a case study with Javanese gamelan instruments

Serafini, Sandra 11 1900 (has links)
It has recently become more common to combine methodologies from the fields of ethnomusicology and psychoacoustics to address fundamental questions concerning music perception. Ethnomusicology emphasizes cultural context when examining the different ways musical sounds are organized. Psychoacoustics explores the relationships between perceptual processes and physical properties of sound. The methodologies of both disciplines are crucial in developing a cross-cultural cognitive theory of music. A perception experiment was performed on two groups of Western musicians: one with training in Javanese gamelan music (the Gamelan group), and one without training in Javanese gamelan (the Western group). This study examined whether changes in timbre perception occurred in adults who were trained in another culture's music compared to naive listeners. The two groups' perceptions were also compared between an isolated tone and a melodic context to determine where the effects of training were most salient. A mathematical technique known as Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) showed that all subjects based their ratings on two factors during both contexts. In the isolated tone context, the two subject groups did not differ in their timbre perception. In the melodic context, the subject groups diverged in a statistically significant manner. Multiple regression analysis showed that in the isolated tone context, attack centroid (a measure of the spectral energy distribution during the initial 50 milliseconds of the tone) was emphasized almost equally by both groups, along with an unknown psychological factor. In the melodic context, the Gamelan group focused their attention almost completely on the attack centroid while the Western group focused their attention roughly the same between the attack centroid and the middle portion of the amplitude envelope. These results indicate that timbre perception in the music of another culture is modified when a listener has received training in that music, even as an adult. A musical context is needed for these modifications to become apparent, however, otherwise training has no effect on processing timbre. It would appear that attention is directed to acoustical properties that provide meaning to a musical context by those listeners who are familiar with that context. Conversely, listeners who are naive of another culture's musical contexts do not focus their attention on those specific acoustical properties.

Nativist fiction in China and Taiwan: A thematic survey

Haddon, Rosemary M. 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation comprises a historical survey and thematic analysis of the various regional and temporal expressions of Chinese and Taiwanese xiangtu wenxue (“nativism” or “homeland literature”). Chapter One traces Chinese xiangtu wenxue from the rural stories of Lu Xun through the 1920s generation of writers of xiangtu wenxue (xiangtu zuojia f’g). These writers used two different narrative modes to analyze China’s deepening rural crisis. One of these was the antitraditionalist mode inspired by Lu Xun; the other was a positivist mode formulated from new concepts and intellectual thought prevalent in China at the time of May Fourth (1919). The narrative configuration established by this decade of xiangtu writers is characterized by nostalgia and is based on the migration of the Chinese village intellectual to large urban centres. This configuration set the standard for subsequent generations of writers of xiangtu wenxue who used an urban narrator to describe a rural area which was either the author’s native home, an area he/she knew well or one which was idealized. Chapters Two and Five discuss Taiwanese xiangtu wenxue from the 1920s to the 1970s. The emergence of this fiction is linked with Taiwan’s insecure status in the forum of international relations. In Taiwanese xiangtu wenxue, the countryside is a refuge from the forces of modernization; it is also a storehouse nurturing ancient traditions which are threatened by new and modern ways. Taiwan’s xiangtu writers valorize traditional culture and seek in rural Taiwan a transcendent China predating Taiwan’s invasion by the West. These works are all narrated by an urban narrator who rejects modernity and desires to counteract foreign influences. The focus of Chapter Three is China’s rural regional xiangtu wenxue of the 1930s. In this decade, rural fiction became a general trend in China with the rise of the Chinese Communist Party, Japanese aggression and China’s increasing urbanization. The shift away from China’s urban-based fiction is characterized by an increasing concern for the peasants, regional decay under the onslaught of Westernization and the life, customs and lore of China’s hinterland. In many of these regional works, concern for the nation is interwoven with non-nationalistic interests. Chinese xiangtu wenxue of the 1940s and 1950s is discussed in Chapter Four. The xiangtu wenxue of this period took on a distinctly Communist guise in the wake of Mao Zedong’s 1942 Talks at the Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art. Chinese Communist xiangtu wenxue is primarily defined as revolutionary realism and is concerned with the construction of Chinese socialism which takes place in the countryside through the forced implementation of draconian Party policies. The peasants in this fiction often attempt to evade these policies. Occasionally, these stories and novels slip into a hardcore realistic mode conveying a peasant reality which strongly dissents from the orthodox Party view. At least one writer of this period was persecuted and killed for his putatively disloyal beliefs. Finally, with the passing of Maoism in China, a new form of xiangtu wenxue emerged in the mid-1980s. This is the subject of Chapter Six. In these works, traditional Chinese culture supercedes Maoism as the basic fabric unifying Chinese life. Many of the writers in this period evince a psychological bifurcation arising from their conflicting views about the value of traditional Chinese culture. This bifurcation stems from the narrator in this fiction who is caught up in the process of urbanization and is unable to fully integrate his vision of the countryside into a larger vision of modernity. The ambivalence about Chinese culture in xiangtu wenxue is a leitmotif which underlies xiangtu wenxue’s many, disparate forms.

Exploring the Experiences of African American Women in an Undergraduate Research Program Designed to Address the Underrepresentation of Women and Minorities in Neuroscience: A Qualitative Analysis

Reid, Ericka L. 20 November 2009 (has links)
African American women compose a critical proportion of the potential science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce of the future, yet are disproportionately represented and largely underutilized. While various programs and initiatives have been designed and implemented to target women and underrepresented minorities, the voices and experiences of African American women have been insufficiently heard or studied. This study investigates the experiences of four African American female students who participated in a 10-week undergraduate research experience (URE) program designed for the recruitment and retention of women and underrepresented minorities in STEM disciplines. Through autobiographical narratives and interviews participants shared how and in what ways the URE program influenced their career development (namely academic/career interests and choices), what they learned about their interests and choices, and what it means to them to be African American women pursuing science-related careers. Using a qualitative case study analysis, this study focuses on the unique stories of young African-American women participating in their own career development. Seven major themes emerged from the analysis of the data. Each of the participants initially entered the URE with an established interest in science, with an expressed desire for research experience, and with an interest in exploring career options in science. Through their involvement in the URE program, participants experienced a significant increase in self-knowledge and confidence, recognized the existence of social and/or science communities, and either discovered or clarified career interests and possibilities. All participants recognized value in their participation and expressed gratitude for having had the opportunity. Overall, the URE program provided a vital opportunity for participants to play an active role in their own career development. The results of this study emphasize the importance of and need to expand the URE as an avenue for career development and exploration in order to address the lack of such programming for African American women in STEM disciplines.

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