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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A critical analysis of working partnerships aimed at increasing the quality of life for all population groups with special reference to urban and rural development in the Western Cape Province

Steyn, Johanna Wilhelmina January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (DTech (Public Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2007 / This thesis explores, inter alia, initiatives, proposals, directives, programmes and projects aimed at increasing quality of life for all population groups via rural and urban developments in the Western Cape province. The study traces the roots of philosophy in the social sciences, provides a philosophical basis for public management and development, before proceeding to a discussion of relevant legislative- and structural frameworks for development in the Western Cape province. These are followed by an exposition of rural and urban development programmes in the province, within the nodal areas selected for this study. In addition to the above aspects, the research report identifies and explains elements of model theory, discusses a number of applicable models, as well as presenting an adapted normative, input-output transformational systems model for change, with a feedback mechanism, in terms of which given dysfunctionalities can be transformed to higher degrees of functionality in order to achieve, maintain and enhance the general welfare of society with specific reference to current problematic rural and urban developmental issues. As part of the recommendations, a number of methods are suggested in the study whereby rural and urban development in the Western Cape province can be improved and which could be universally applicable, particularly in the rest of South Africa. The results of the research show the need for practising constitutionally-based political, legislative, executive and administrative accountability with a developmental approach by all relevant role players and participants in the policymaking and implementation processes. The raison de etre of the developmental approach is explained, supported by a number of recommendations aimed at bringing about a higher degree of development in the nodal areas selected for this study.

Local residents' perceptions of community-based tourism : a survey of key stakeholders at Twyfelfontein Uibasen Conservancy in Namibia

Auala, Sisco Lovisa Ndapanda January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Tourism and Hospitality)))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2010. / Local communities in Namibia have few options for alternative income apart from selling crafts and livestock farming. The main objective of this study was to create an in-depth understanding of the perceptions of the local community at Twyfelfontein Uibasen Conservancy regarding community based tourism (CBT), and to develop strategies that could be used to influence these perceptions with the main goal of using CBT as a vehicle towards the improvement of local peoples' livelihoods. The study also examined structures and institutions that impact the direction of CBT development at Twyfelfontein Uibasen Conservancy. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed for data gathering. A survey was undertaken by means of 67 structured questionnaires among local community members and key stakeholders, which resulted in a 100% return rate. Five in-depth interviews with stakeholders from government, NGOs, the private sector and financiers were also conducted. The findings reveal that local community measure development in line with socio-economic issues since 39% strongly disagreed that their needs are being met through CBT project implementation. They feel that the infrastructure for tourist is well developed for international standards, whilst conversely, community members live in squatter camps, burn candles and live in squalid conditions. Whilst the Namibian government has recognised tourism as a potential means of poverty alleviation, issues of ownership of cultural heritage resources are still not yet in the hands of locals. The study argues that tourism development has been pursued more for economic purposes than for sustainable tourism development. Whilst the conservancies were set up as a strategy for poverty alleviation, the study concludes that development has not yet filtered down to the needy. Therefore, perceptions among the local community are negative towards CBT as a vehicle for socio-cultural and economic development. This study recommends that in order for CBT development to be meaningful, local participation through ownership, capacity building and control should have precedence over pure economic issues. Currently, the biggest beneficiaries seem to be the private tourism sector and, to some degree, foreign investors. Further research should be conducted to evaluate the impact of community perceptions on the tourist in the long - run, since tourist arrival figures continue to increase at Twyfelfontein.

The co-design of a visual arts-based intervention within the community of the Olifants River valley in South Africa

Brand, Desireé January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Design)--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2016. / The research was motivated by my lived experience in the Olifants River community of Namaqualand. In this community there are many diverse ethnic and social groupings with considerable potential to contribute to indigenous knowledge and creative practices. These groupings are, however, fragmented, with no platform for their varied and rich cultural assets to be displayed and acknowledged. In addition, the research was motivated by the call for a platform for the arts in the region. It is argued that visual art practice is an instrumental tool in the advancement of both creativity and social cohesion in this community. The research commenced with a pilot study, comprising workshops, which were run by art practitioners from various sectors in the region. Primary literature that influenced the emerging research design was that of Solomon (2007) as well as the holistic cultural viewpoints of Schafer (2014). The organic process of qualitative research methods as described by Ellingson (2009) was a natural personal directive. Body mapping was used during a preparatory phase that led to the creative exploration of community members’ own identity. Storytelling and dance were included in the design methodology since they enabled a psychosocial process of validating art practice as an economic asset within the community as well as enhancing social cohesion in the community. Crystallisation methods implemented in the process-driven body map workshops were held for grassroots -, town – and township sectors in the Olifants River valley. Each of the workshops comprised ten participants who were invited to participate in a subsequent do-designed collaborative event.

Social entrepreneurs as architects of community development in Cape Town : problems and prospects

Malunga, Portia January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Entrepreneurship))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2017. / Background and research problem: There have been claims in academic literature that social entrepreneurs, such as non-profit organisations and hybrid organisations that pursue social outcomes are architects or innovators of community development. However to date, there is no conclusive empirical evidence to support that claim. Main purpose of the study: The main purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the opportunities created by social entrepreneurs, as architects of community development, in communities they operate; identify the main challenges that the social entrepreneurs face and come up with recommendations of how social entrepreneurs can deal with these challenges. For the purpose of the study, the focus was on communities especially those ravaged by various social ills. Research methodology: A mixed method approach was adopted as the study was underpinned by two paradigms namely, positivist and interpretivist philosophies. The survey strategy was used in conducting the inquiry. Data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires which were self-administered to 150 community members selected randomly. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 respondents. Computer aided statistical method was used to analyse quantitative data while qualitative data was analysed using noncomputer aided thematic techniques. Main findings, conclusions and recommendations: The study found that the majority of social entrepreneurs studied have been making positive contributions to various aspects of community development. However, none of them has embraced the whole range of community development aspects that are needed for a holistic approach to comprehensive contribution. Reasons for failure to embrace a holistic approach include a lack of social entrepreneurship development framework, and various operational and political challenges. It is also important to mention that the research techniques used are not adequate to measure certain types of social impacts of the social entrepreneur's efforts. For these, additional social impact measuring techniques would need to be developed and employed.

A concepção de desenvolvimento da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná Câmpus Pato Branco

Busato, Joelma 28 March 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo identificar a concepção de desenvolvimento da UTFPR Câmpus Pato Branco, localizado na região sudoeste do Paraná. Para isso, realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e de campo exploratória. Os dados foram coletados por meio de: documentos da universidade, sendo: a Lei n. 11.184/2005, de criação da UTFPR; o Estatuto da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná; o Projeto Político-Pedagógico Institucional (PPI); e o Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional (PDI 2009-2013); roteiro de entrevistas semiestruturado com os dirigentes do Câmpus, com coordenadores do Grupo Gestor do Território Sudoeste do Paraná (GGETESPA), e com representantes do Câmpus Pato Branco neste grupo. Para o tratamento dos dados nos documentos foram selecionadas algumas expressões relacionadas ao desenvolvimento: desenvolvimento local, comunitário, regional, do estado do Paraná, nacional, sustentável, econômico, político, social, ambiental, cultural, científico e tecnológico. A ideologia foi a categoria de análise que permeou a pesquisa. O estudo foi organizado em três partes. Na primeira, buscou-se contextualizar a região sudoeste paranaense, a UTFPR Câmpus Pato Branco e o GGETESPA. Na segunda, destacou-se o surgimento do conceito de desenvolvimento no mundo e como este se propagou no Brasil, inserindo-se nos mais diversos modelos de desenvolvimento. A terceira parte contém os resultados da pesquisa empírica. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa evidenciaram a carência de clareza do Câmpus em relação ao desenvolvimento, bem como a carência de uma política institucional consistente sobre desenvolvimento. As manifestações/atuações do Câmpus em prol do desenvolvimento estão mais centradas em pessoas e/ou em cursos específicos. Embora nas falas dos entrevistados tenham predominado menções que evidenciam uma visão economicista de desenvolvimento, o Câmpus apresenta iniciativas relevantes, como a atuação de grupos de pesquisa e pós-graduação, os quais vêm contribuindo com discussões e ações em torno do desenvolvimento da região sudoeste do Paraná. Pode-se concluir que, a UTFPR Câmpus Pato Branco, inserida nas contradições da sociedade capitalista, é reflexo dessas contradições, revelando a ideologia que perpassa no seu interior. Falar em desenvolvimento no interior de uma universidade é considerar o quanto esta última vem sendo influenciada, cobrada, pelas novas necessidades do capital e o quanto ela pode contribuir para o enfrentamento dessa realidade, apresentando, assim, possibilidades e limites à construção de um projeto emancipador de educação e desenvolvimento. / The goal of this research was to identify the conception of development of UTFPR Campus Pato Branco, located in the southwest region of Paraná. For this, it was carried out a bibliographical research and field exploration. Data were collected through: documents of the university, as follows: The UTFPR creation law no. 11.184/2005, the Universidade Técnológica Federal do Paraná Statute, the Institutional Political and Educational Project (PPI) and the Institutional Development Plan (PDI 2009-2013); set of interviews semistructered with the leaders of the Campus, with coordinators of the Manager Planning Group of the southwest of Paraná (GGETESPA), and representatives of the Campus Pato Branco in this group. In order to treat the data in the documents were selected some expressions related to the development: local development, community, regional, Paraná state, national, sustainable, economic, political, social, environmental, cultural, scientific and technological. Ideology was a category of analysis that has pervaded the research. The study was organized into three parts. At first, it was tempted to contextualize the southwestern Paraná region, the UTFPR Campus Pato Branco and GGETESPA. After that, the highlight was the emergence of the concept of development in the world and how it has spread in Brazil, inserting itself in various development models. The third part contains the results of empirical research. The results obtained in this research showed a lack of clarity of the Campus related to development, as well as the lack of a consistent policy on institutional development. The demonstrations / performances of the Campus for development are more people-centered and / or in specific courses. Although the speeches of respondents have prevailed entries that show an economistic view of development, the Campus presents relevant initiatives such as the performance of research groups and postgraduate studies, which have contributed to discussions and actions around the development of the southwest of Paraná. It can be concluded that, UTFPR Campus Pato Branco, inserted into the contradictions of capitalist society, is the reflect of these contradictions, revealing the ideology that pervades inside. Speaking in development within a university is to consider how the last one has been influenced, charged by the new needs of capital and how it can contribute to face this reality, showing then, possibilities and limits of the construction of an emancipatory project of education and development.

Desenvolvimento socioambiental do Assentamento Oito de Junho

Cezimbra, Elemar do Nascimento 30 August 2013 (has links)
No Brasil já existem vários estudos sobre impactos de assentamentos da reforma agrária de diferentes regiões do país. Este estudo visa perceber os resultados sociais econômicos e ambientais de um assentamento de reforma agrária, na segunda região considerada mais pobre do Paraná, a região da Cantuquiriguaçu, situada no centro sul do Estado e que tem Laranjeiras do Sul como cidade polo. Uma região considerada pouco desenvolvida, por isso incluída nas políticas de desenvolvimento do governo federal como território da cidadania, onde deve-se efetuar mais investimentos públicos para equilibrar com o desenvolvimento das demais regiões. Começa-se por fazer um breve recorrido histórico sobre a ideia de desenvolvimento que surge após a segunda Guerra Mundial, como preocupação com a situação do não desenvolvimento dos países do terceiro mundo. É um conceito formulado nos países ricos, em especial nos EUA e desde esta percepção se articula todo um conjunto de instituições e políticas para levar o desenvolvimento aos países pobres. São feitas críticas a essa proposição, e a maneira como se percebe o desenvolvimento e a pobreza nos países do terceiro mundo, de onde surgem teorias que mostram e desnudam os laços entre desenvolvimento e subdesenvolvimento ou pobreza ou até da impossibilidade de desenvolvimento nos marcos dos controles do imperialismo, que surge com a concentração e centralização de capitais após o desenvolvimento industrial em grandes empresas dos países centrais do capitalismo, que subordinam os demais países. Busca-se mostrar como o desenvolvimento, na lógica proposta, chegou ao campo, no que se convencionou chamar Revolução Verde, com todos os problemas sociais, ambientais e econômicos, que provocou, modernizando e esvaziando o campo de forma “dolorosa”. Na atual fase da modernização, com as crescentes crises do capitalismo de forma generalizada, o termo desenvolvimento adquire formatos diversos e é proposto em diferentes escalas, evoca participação democrática, abre-se para as questões ambientais e sociais, etc. Os críticos em geral não avalizam estas proposições que querem controlar os processos sociais, mas põem-se do lado do multivariado campesinato e agricultura familiar, que emergiram nos últimos anos como sujeitos importantes, resistindo à exclusão, buscando alternativas ao projeto do capital. Para poder dialogar e definir posições ou caminhos, foi escolhido o Assentamento Oito de Junho, em Laranjeiras do Sul, para ver os resultados da reforma agrária nos aspectos econômicos, sociais e ambientais. E desde os resultados apurados tecer uma reflexão sobre as condições em que vivem as pessoas, se estão satisfeitas e se se pode tomar esta situação como uma perspectiva para o desenvolvimento do campo na ótica do campesinato. Também se procura inferir da situação apresentada, sobre a importância da reforma agrária e sua atualidade como solução para os pobres do campo e a contribuição social para o desenvolvimento do entorno municipal e regional e como tal para o país. / In Brazil there are many studies on the impacts of land reform settlements in different regions of the country. This study aims to understand the social, economic and environmental impacts of a land reform settlement, considered the second poorest region of Paraná, Cantuquiriguaçu region, located in the center south of the state and has Laranjeiras do Sul as a hub city. A re-gion considered undeveloped, so included in the development policies of the federal govern-ment as a territory of citizenship, which should make more public investment to balance the development of other regions. First a brief overview on the idea of historical development that arises after the Second World War it is made, as concern about the situation of non-development of third world countries. It is a concept formulated in rich countries, especially the United States and since this perception is articulated around a set of institutions and poli-cies to bring development to poor countries. Critical are made to this proposition and the way the development and poverty are perceive in third world countries, where theories that arise undress and show the links between development and underdevelopment or poverty or even the impossibility of development within the landmarks of the controls of imperialism, that comes with the concentration and centralization of capital after the industrial development in large companies in the core countries of capitalism that subordinate other countries. Seeks to show how the development in the proposed logic, arrived in the camp, the so-called Green Revolution, with all the social, environmental and economic factors that caused upgrading and emptying the field "painfully." In the current phase of modernization, with the growing crises of capitalism across the board, the term development takes many shapes and is offered at different scales, evokes democratic participation, opens to the environmental and social issues, etc. Critics generally do not endorse these propositions that want to control social processes, but they put up on the side of multivariate peasants and family farmers, which have emerged in recent years as an important subject, resisting exclusion, seeking alternatives to the project's capital. To discuss and define positions or paths was chosen Settlement Oito de Junho in Laranjeiras do Sul to see the results of agrarian reform in the economic, social and environmental. And since the results obtained weave a reflection on the conditions in which people live, whether they are satisfied and if we can take this as a perspective for the devel-opment of the field in the view of the peasantry or the family farm. Also seeks to infer from the situation presented on the importance of agrarian reform and its relevance as a solution to the rural poor and social contribution for the development of the surrounding city and region and as such for the country.

A concepção de desenvolvimento da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná Câmpus Pato Branco

Busato, Joelma 28 March 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo identificar a concepção de desenvolvimento da UTFPR Câmpus Pato Branco, localizado na região sudoeste do Paraná. Para isso, realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e de campo exploratória. Os dados foram coletados por meio de: documentos da universidade, sendo: a Lei n. 11.184/2005, de criação da UTFPR; o Estatuto da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná; o Projeto Político-Pedagógico Institucional (PPI); e o Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional (PDI 2009-2013); roteiro de entrevistas semiestruturado com os dirigentes do Câmpus, com coordenadores do Grupo Gestor do Território Sudoeste do Paraná (GGETESPA), e com representantes do Câmpus Pato Branco neste grupo. Para o tratamento dos dados nos documentos foram selecionadas algumas expressões relacionadas ao desenvolvimento: desenvolvimento local, comunitário, regional, do estado do Paraná, nacional, sustentável, econômico, político, social, ambiental, cultural, científico e tecnológico. A ideologia foi a categoria de análise que permeou a pesquisa. O estudo foi organizado em três partes. Na primeira, buscou-se contextualizar a região sudoeste paranaense, a UTFPR Câmpus Pato Branco e o GGETESPA. Na segunda, destacou-se o surgimento do conceito de desenvolvimento no mundo e como este se propagou no Brasil, inserindo-se nos mais diversos modelos de desenvolvimento. A terceira parte contém os resultados da pesquisa empírica. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa evidenciaram a carência de clareza do Câmpus em relação ao desenvolvimento, bem como a carência de uma política institucional consistente sobre desenvolvimento. As manifestações/atuações do Câmpus em prol do desenvolvimento estão mais centradas em pessoas e/ou em cursos específicos. Embora nas falas dos entrevistados tenham predominado menções que evidenciam uma visão economicista de desenvolvimento, o Câmpus apresenta iniciativas relevantes, como a atuação de grupos de pesquisa e pós-graduação, os quais vêm contribuindo com discussões e ações em torno do desenvolvimento da região sudoeste do Paraná. Pode-se concluir que, a UTFPR Câmpus Pato Branco, inserida nas contradições da sociedade capitalista, é reflexo dessas contradições, revelando a ideologia que perpassa no seu interior. Falar em desenvolvimento no interior de uma universidade é considerar o quanto esta última vem sendo influenciada, cobrada, pelas novas necessidades do capital e o quanto ela pode contribuir para o enfrentamento dessa realidade, apresentando, assim, possibilidades e limites à construção de um projeto emancipador de educação e desenvolvimento. / The goal of this research was to identify the conception of development of UTFPR Campus Pato Branco, located in the southwest region of Paraná. For this, it was carried out a bibliographical research and field exploration. Data were collected through: documents of the university, as follows: The UTFPR creation law no. 11.184/2005, the Universidade Técnológica Federal do Paraná Statute, the Institutional Political and Educational Project (PPI) and the Institutional Development Plan (PDI 2009-2013); set of interviews semistructered with the leaders of the Campus, with coordinators of the Manager Planning Group of the southwest of Paraná (GGETESPA), and representatives of the Campus Pato Branco in this group. In order to treat the data in the documents were selected some expressions related to the development: local development, community, regional, Paraná state, national, sustainable, economic, political, social, environmental, cultural, scientific and technological. Ideology was a category of analysis that has pervaded the research. The study was organized into three parts. At first, it was tempted to contextualize the southwestern Paraná region, the UTFPR Campus Pato Branco and GGETESPA. After that, the highlight was the emergence of the concept of development in the world and how it has spread in Brazil, inserting itself in various development models. The third part contains the results of empirical research. The results obtained in this research showed a lack of clarity of the Campus related to development, as well as the lack of a consistent policy on institutional development. The demonstrations / performances of the Campus for development are more people-centered and / or in specific courses. Although the speeches of respondents have prevailed entries that show an economistic view of development, the Campus presents relevant initiatives such as the performance of research groups and postgraduate studies, which have contributed to discussions and actions around the development of the southwest of Paraná. It can be concluded that, UTFPR Campus Pato Branco, inserted into the contradictions of capitalist society, is the reflect of these contradictions, revealing the ideology that pervades inside. Speaking in development within a university is to consider how the last one has been influenced, charged by the new needs of capital and how it can contribute to face this reality, showing then, possibilities and limits of the construction of an emancipatory project of education and development.

Desenvolvimento socioambiental do Assentamento Oito de Junho

Cezimbra, Elemar do Nascimento 30 August 2013 (has links)
No Brasil já existem vários estudos sobre impactos de assentamentos da reforma agrária de diferentes regiões do país. Este estudo visa perceber os resultados sociais econômicos e ambientais de um assentamento de reforma agrária, na segunda região considerada mais pobre do Paraná, a região da Cantuquiriguaçu, situada no centro sul do Estado e que tem Laranjeiras do Sul como cidade polo. Uma região considerada pouco desenvolvida, por isso incluída nas políticas de desenvolvimento do governo federal como território da cidadania, onde deve-se efetuar mais investimentos públicos para equilibrar com o desenvolvimento das demais regiões. Começa-se por fazer um breve recorrido histórico sobre a ideia de desenvolvimento que surge após a segunda Guerra Mundial, como preocupação com a situação do não desenvolvimento dos países do terceiro mundo. É um conceito formulado nos países ricos, em especial nos EUA e desde esta percepção se articula todo um conjunto de instituições e políticas para levar o desenvolvimento aos países pobres. São feitas críticas a essa proposição, e a maneira como se percebe o desenvolvimento e a pobreza nos países do terceiro mundo, de onde surgem teorias que mostram e desnudam os laços entre desenvolvimento e subdesenvolvimento ou pobreza ou até da impossibilidade de desenvolvimento nos marcos dos controles do imperialismo, que surge com a concentração e centralização de capitais após o desenvolvimento industrial em grandes empresas dos países centrais do capitalismo, que subordinam os demais países. Busca-se mostrar como o desenvolvimento, na lógica proposta, chegou ao campo, no que se convencionou chamar Revolução Verde, com todos os problemas sociais, ambientais e econômicos, que provocou, modernizando e esvaziando o campo de forma “dolorosa”. Na atual fase da modernização, com as crescentes crises do capitalismo de forma generalizada, o termo desenvolvimento adquire formatos diversos e é proposto em diferentes escalas, evoca participação democrática, abre-se para as questões ambientais e sociais, etc. Os críticos em geral não avalizam estas proposições que querem controlar os processos sociais, mas põem-se do lado do multivariado campesinato e agricultura familiar, que emergiram nos últimos anos como sujeitos importantes, resistindo à exclusão, buscando alternativas ao projeto do capital. Para poder dialogar e definir posições ou caminhos, foi escolhido o Assentamento Oito de Junho, em Laranjeiras do Sul, para ver os resultados da reforma agrária nos aspectos econômicos, sociais e ambientais. E desde os resultados apurados tecer uma reflexão sobre as condições em que vivem as pessoas, se estão satisfeitas e se se pode tomar esta situação como uma perspectiva para o desenvolvimento do campo na ótica do campesinato. Também se procura inferir da situação apresentada, sobre a importância da reforma agrária e sua atualidade como solução para os pobres do campo e a contribuição social para o desenvolvimento do entorno municipal e regional e como tal para o país. / In Brazil there are many studies on the impacts of land reform settlements in different regions of the country. This study aims to understand the social, economic and environmental impacts of a land reform settlement, considered the second poorest region of Paraná, Cantuquiriguaçu region, located in the center south of the state and has Laranjeiras do Sul as a hub city. A re-gion considered undeveloped, so included in the development policies of the federal govern-ment as a territory of citizenship, which should make more public investment to balance the development of other regions. First a brief overview on the idea of historical development that arises after the Second World War it is made, as concern about the situation of non-development of third world countries. It is a concept formulated in rich countries, especially the United States and since this perception is articulated around a set of institutions and poli-cies to bring development to poor countries. Critical are made to this proposition and the way the development and poverty are perceive in third world countries, where theories that arise undress and show the links between development and underdevelopment or poverty or even the impossibility of development within the landmarks of the controls of imperialism, that comes with the concentration and centralization of capital after the industrial development in large companies in the core countries of capitalism that subordinate other countries. Seeks to show how the development in the proposed logic, arrived in the camp, the so-called Green Revolution, with all the social, environmental and economic factors that caused upgrading and emptying the field "painfully." In the current phase of modernization, with the growing crises of capitalism across the board, the term development takes many shapes and is offered at different scales, evokes democratic participation, opens to the environmental and social issues, etc. Critics generally do not endorse these propositions that want to control social processes, but they put up on the side of multivariate peasants and family farmers, which have emerged in recent years as an important subject, resisting exclusion, seeking alternatives to the project's capital. To discuss and define positions or paths was chosen Settlement Oito de Junho in Laranjeiras do Sul to see the results of agrarian reform in the economic, social and environmental. And since the results obtained weave a reflection on the conditions in which people live, whether they are satisfied and if we can take this as a perspective for the devel-opment of the field in the view of the peasantry or the family farm. Also seeks to infer from the situation presented on the importance of agrarian reform and its relevance as a solution to the rural poor and social contribution for the development of the surrounding city and region and as such for the country.

'n Verkennende studie oor die aard van vrywillige werk binne die konteks van maatskaplike ontwikkeling

Grové, Sanet Susan 17 October 2008 (has links)
M.A. / The role of volunteerism in South Africa and more particularly in the welfare system tends to be underestimated. Possible reasons are that the value of volunteers is lost due to bad management and utilisation, as well as misconceptions of what “volunteerism” is and who the “volunteer” is. Another reason is that the relationship between social workers and volunteers is based on preconceived ideas and distrust. Greater awareness and broadening of the concepts “volunteerism” and “volunteer” are needed to describe the nature of volunteerism. Welfare organisations are also forced by cutbacks in state subsidies as well as having a broader client system (communities) to find more creative ways to deal with these challenges. The transformation process regarding social work that came into being in 1994 led to the implementation of a national welfare policy in 1997. This shifted the focus to social development. On ground level the focus shifted to an integrated community development approach and intervention strategies that focus on prevention, empowerment and development to a level of self-help. The aim of this study is to explore the nature of volunteerism within the context of the new dispensation, since 1994 and develop guidelines for the establishment of a formal volunteer programme. A qualitative approach, using an inductive strategy, was followed to achieve the aim of the study. Since 1994 the scope of literature regarding the nature of volunteer work within the context of the new dispensation in South Africa, as well as the development of a national volunteer policy and a formal volunteer programme for the welfare system seems to be non-existing. The study focuses on the social work practice as departure point in exploring the research theme. A focus group discussion, in-depth interviews and semi-structured interviews were conducted with social workers and management of welfare organisations on the West Rand and in Pretoria and also with two experts in the field of volunteerism, from Cape Town and Nelspruit. Results focused on the nature of volunteer work as part of the welfare organisations’ community development programmes and projects. Through the interviews and the focus group discussion, intensive explorations of the respondent’s own reality regarding the subject in the social work practice was possible. The data was gathered by means of transcribed audiotapes. The researcher and a co-coder both did colour coding and through the use of a schedule, categories were created. Patterns appeared from which central themes were extracted as the result of the study. The results were compared to a relevant literature control. Connections were made between the results and the literature control by means of direct quotations of the responses in the transcripts. / Prof. J.B.S. Nel

Domicide: concept, experience, planning

Smith, Sandra Eileen 26 August 2015 (has links)

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