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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La fabrique d'une compétence stratégique, proposition d'un modèle : une application aux impacts des usages des technologies de l'information en PME / The build of a strategic competence, proposal of a research model : an application to the impacts of IT use in SMEs

Thimon Bozec, Sophie 05 December 2016 (has links)
L’objet de notre recherche est double : comprendre le phénomène de fabrique d’une compétence organisationnelle stratégique induite par les usages des TI, d’une part, et aller au-delà des modèles existants d’analyse des impacts des TI en intégrant une approche multidimensionnelle, d’autre part. Nous avons privilégié une approche empirique qui a débuté par une étude de cas pilote qui nous a permis de délimiter un cadre théorique de manière abductive, par un aller-retour constant entre le terrain et les construits théoriques existants. Le cadre conceptuel se veut une synthèse des différents courants RBV intégrant le concept d’apprentissage organisationnel. Les résultats d’une étude multicas soulignent le caractère diffus et partiellement intentionnel d’un processus requérant l’interaction de ressources complémentaires fortement dépendantes du passé et aboutissant à l’amélioration de l‘efficience des routines et de la capacité dynamique d’apprentissage. Nous proposons une modélisation du processus et nous discutons des concepts significatifs quant à l'étude d'un tel phénomène. / Our research object is twofold: understand a strategic organizational competences bulding using IT, on the one hand, and go beyond the existing analysis of impacts of the IT models, integrating a multidimensional approach, on the other hand. We privileged an empirical approach beginning with a pilot case study that allowed us to define a theoretical framework of an abductive way, by a constant back and forth between the field and the theoretical existing constructs. The conceptual framework is a synthesis of the various RBV strands integrating the concept of organizational learning. The results of a multicase study underline the diffused and partially intentional character of a process, requiring interaction of additional resources highly dependent from the past, and leading to improve efficiency of the routines and dynamic adaptability. We propose a design of the process and discuss significant concepts for the study of this phenomenon.

Řízení změny v oblasti předávání kompetencí v malé firmě Procesia Zlín, s.r.o.- Případová studie / Managing of the competences transfer process in small companies, case study - Procesia Zlin, Ltd.

Kovaříková, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
Mgr. Šárka Kovaříková ABSTRACT The organization's success and development can be observed from different views and also judged with many different parameters. Basically, We can say that if an organization has developed successfully, many changes in process have been done in the past. The organization's management should be well versed regarding changes expected in the future. The authour of this diploma thesis deals with the issues of management changes based on practical experience dealing with the social enterprise PROCESIA Zlin s.r.o. This enterprise was established in 2011 as a civil association. Since the founding many changes in process where needed. There were indicated a need for changes in the organization structure. During interviews with workers it was found a need to change the competences of the workers. The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe managament process in PROCESIA's organizational structure. Description of change is written in recommendation form, which should help management of organization reveal inconsistent competences among employees and help to improve perfomance of organization. Management also expects aplication of recomended changes, simplifying of management process and making control and rewarding system transparent. The theory of a controlled organizational change...

Strategier vid kompetensbrist : Hur leverantörer i fordonsindustrin arbetar för att säkra sin kompetens i omställning / Strategies during Skills Shortage : How Suppliers in the Automotive Industry Secure Competencies during Workforce Transformation

Pettersson, Anders, Osmani, Blerta January 2022 (has links)
Studien har syftat till att bidra med kunskap om hur leverantörer inom fordonsindustrin arbetar med strategisk kompetensförsörjning för att hantera de pågående omvärldsförändringarna inom fordonsindustrin. Fordonsindustrin genomgår för närvarande en omfattande förändring med teknikutveckling och förändrade förutsättningar, vilket påverkar behovet av kompetens och hur industrin arbetar med sin kompetensförsörjning. Detta gäller såväl fordonstillverkare (OEMer) som dess leverantörer. Det finns idag en relativt god bild om hur kompetensomställning hanteras av större, ofta globala företag, men att det finns ett underskott i forskningen om hur små- och medelstora företag (SME) arbetar. Leverantörerna utgör uppemot 50 procent av den totala fordonsindustrin och av dessa är 80 procent SMEs. Mot bakgrund av detta finns det alltså ett behov av att närmare undersöka hur leverantörerna arbetar med strategisk kompetensförsörjning. Studien har haft en abduktiv forskningsansats innebärande att teoretisk referensram och insamling och bearbetning av data har skett iterativt i en cyklisk process. Detta för att säkerställa en hög grad av tillförlitlighet, relevans och pålitlighet i slutsatserna. Tidigare forskning har bl.a. visat att företag ofta har ett kortsiktigt perspektiv i sitt arbete med kompetensförsörjning där rekrytering, kompetensutveckling och vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare varit viktiga komponenter. Forskningen har vidare visat att det pågår en omställning inom fordonsindustrin med anledning av Industri 4.0 och Industri 5.0 och att detta medför att nya roller och arbetsuppgifter uppstått, vilket driver på ett behov av kompetensomställning. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från 17 leverantörsföretag inom fordonsindustrin har tre utmaningar som leverantörerna upplever och sju strategier som leverantörernas använder sig av för att säkerställa tillgång till rätt kompetens kunnat identifierats. Utmaningarna består av att behålla personal, kunna rekrytera personal med rätt kompetens och att kunna hantera förändringar av kompetensbehov som ett resultat av teknikförändringar. Bland de strategier som används finns utveckling av nya kompetenser, bl.a. genom rekrytering och kompetensutveckling samt att ingå partnerskap med andra företag. Sex övergripande slutsatser har dragits i studien. Dessa är att: 1) Leverantörerna i fordonsindustrin har utmaningar med sin kompetensförsörjning. 2) Det är en stor spridning bland leverantörerna i hur de arbetar med sin kompetensförsörjning. 3) Det är skillnader mellan produktionsföretag och tjänsteproducerande företag avseende utmaningar och strategier. 4) Det krävs ett flertal olika strategier för att leverantörerna ska kunna säkra sin kompetensförsörjning 5) Leverantörerna behöver arbeta med att säkerställa tillgången av flera olika sorters kompetenser för att fortsatt vara konkurrenskraftiga och 6) Kompetensutveckling av befintligt anställda är en central strategi att säkra tillgången till rätt kompetens. / This study has aimed to contribute with knowledge and understanding on how suppliers in the automotive industry works with strategic competence management to handle the ongoing technological changes in the automotive industry. These changes have implications on the competence needs and how the companies work with its competence management processes. This includes manufactures (referred to as OEMs – Original Equipment Manufacturers) and their suppliers. Today, it exists a relatively good understanding on how larger, often global, companies work with skills and workforce transformation, but there is less research on how these are handled by small- and medium enterprises (SMEs). The suppliers in the automotive industry constitute as much as 50 percent of the total industry and 80 percent of the companies are SMEs. Against this background, there is thus a need to further research how the suppliers work with strategic competence management. The study has an abductive research approach which means that the theoretical framework and the collection and processing of data have been carried out iteratively. This is to ensure a high degree of credibility, relevance and dependability of the conclusions. Previous research has shown, among many things, that companies often have a short-term perspective on their competence management initiatives whereby recruiting, on the job-trainings and being an attractive employer have been key components. Previous research further shows that there is an ongoing transition within the automotive industry as a result of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 where new roles and tasks emerge in working places. This drives a competence and skills transformation of the industry. Through semi-structured interviews with respondents from 17 suppliers in the automotive industry, three challenges that the suppliers are facing and seven strategies that they are using,have been identified related to their competence management work. The challenges consist of maintaining staff, recruiting staff with relevant knowledge and skills as well as managing the changes in competence needs as a result of technology changes. Examples of strategies used are development of new competences through recruitment, trainings and to develop partnership with other companies. Six general conclusions have been drawn in the study. These are that: 1) Suppliers in the automotive industry have challenges with their supply of competencies. 2) There is a large gap between different companies on how they work with competence management. 3) There are differences between production companies and service delivery companies. 4) Several strategies are needed for the suppliers to ensure access to relevant competencies. 5) The suppliers need a range of different competencies to stay competitive, and 6) Competence development training of employees is a key strategy to ensure access to relevant competence.

Gestão organizacional X educação a distância: um estudo de caso da gestão da EAD na Faculdade Ideal-Faci

Moraes, Larissa Melo January 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2012-01-17T19:11:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 1417124.pdf: 7771929 bytes, checksum: cf2244cca45dc8deb5d0fc119521db55 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2012-01-17T19:11:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 1417124.pdf: 7771929 bytes, checksum: cf2244cca45dc8deb5d0fc119521db55 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2012-01-17T19:11:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 1417124.pdf: 7771929 bytes, checksum: cf2244cca45dc8deb5d0fc119521db55 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-01-17T19:11:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 1417124.pdf: 7771929 bytes, checksum: cf2244cca45dc8deb5d0fc119521db55 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / This qualitative study conducted in 2009 aimed to examine the process of Management of Distance Education held in the Higher Education Institution Faculdade Ideal in order to ascertain customer satisfaction (students) and the management team (clerks, teachers and principais) in relation to the quality (efficiency and effectiveness) of the processo In this sense, through a case study, the research was conducted in two stages: first, a bibliographic and documental researches were done for theoretical base documental appropriation that allowed the knowledge of the IES in question, in the second stage were performed participant observation, interviews and questionnaires and the submission of those involved in the process to questionnaires at the IES, which provided data collection and subsidized the development of the theoretical and textual analysis performed. After the investigation, we come to the conclusion that the IES develops some strategies of knowledge management that enable the development and sustenance of competences that can promote it. We also observed that the management model adopted promotes quality education (EAD) - efficient and effective -, satisfying the participants of the process, who assessed the areas of responsibility as good and excellent. Furthermore, it was discovered that the strength of the management model adopted is sustained in the areas of quality associated with technology. The analysis of the data allowed some inferences: the quality and technology fields with high leveis of approval by the management team whereas the students evaluated the quality as great and the other fields as good, that is, three out of four students are satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of distance education offered at the IES. It shows that they are fulfilled and satisfied customers as for the quality of services offered and their educational needs. However, it was discovered that the respondents could not identify the type of management adopted by the IES. We also found that the company has no way of reward or recognition for managing the knowledge of institutional intellectual capital. Therefore, the conclusion is that this work enabled the researcher this intense reflection, leading her to rethink her own professional-academic work. It is also necessary to inform you that we did not have claim to address ali the issues that permeate the discussion of this issue, bringing up, quite simply, pointing them out as relational. Thus, it is expected that this research will serve as guidance for other researchers in the field of educational management of EAD and that it, unlike becoming just another production on the shelves of academia, will raise further discussions and further debates in the area, some disquieting awakening and shed a new light on distance education quality (efficient and effective). / A presente pesquisa de caráter qualitativo, realizada no ano de 2009, teve como objetivo examinar o processo de Gestão da Educação a Distância, promovido na Instituição de Ensino Superior Faculdade Ideal, a fim de averiguar à satisfação dos clientes (alunos) e da equipe gestora (funcionários da administração, professores e diretores) em relação à qualidade (eficiência e eficácia) do processo. Nesse sentido, mediante um estudo de caso, procedeu-se a pesquisa em duas etapas: na primeira desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental para a fundamentação teórica e apropriação documental que possibilitou o conhecimento da IES em questão; na segunda etapa foram realizadas a observação participante, as entrevistas e a aplicação dos questionários na IES objeto deste estudo ao envolvidos no processo, o que proporcionou a coleta dos dados e subsidiou a elaboração do referencial textual e as análises realizadas. Após a investigação, chegaram-se as considerações de que a IES desenvolve algumas estratégias de gestão do conhecimento que viabilizam o desenvolvimento e a sustentação de competências capazes de promovê-Ia. Também se observou que o modelo de gestão adotado promove uma educação (EAD) de qualidade (eficiente e eficaz), satisfazendo os participes do processo, os quais avaliaram os domlnios de competência como bom e ótimo. Além disso, detectou-se que o ponto forte do modelo de gestão adotado está sustentado nos domlnios de qualidade associado à tecnologia. A análise dos dados permitiu algumas inferências: os domlnios qualidade e tecnologia apresentaram altos nlveis de aprovação pela equipe gestora; já os alunos avaliaram o domlnio qualidade como ótimo e os demais como bons, isto é, três em cada quatro alunos estão satisfeitos ou muito satisfeitos com a qualidade da EAD ofertada na IES, disso resulta que se sentem atendidos e satisfeitos como clientes em relação à qualidade dos serviços ofertados e as suas necessidades educacionais. Entretanto, detectou-se que os respondentes não conseguiram identificar o tipo de gestão adotado na IES. Também se verificou que a empresa não possui nenhuma forma de recompensa ou reconhecimento para gerir o conhecimento do capital intelectual institucional. Conclui-se, portanto, que este trabalho possibilitou a esta pesquisadora reflexões intensas, levando-a a repensar o seu próprio exerclcio profissionalacadêmico. Faz-se necessário também informar que não se teve pretensão em abordar a totalidade das questões que permeiam a discussão deste assunto, intentando-se, tão-somente, apontá-Ias como relacionais. Assim, espera-se que esta pesquisa sirva de orientação para outros pesquisadores na área da gestão educacional da EAD e que a mesma, diferentemente de se tornar mais uma produção nas prateleiras da academia, suscite novas discussões e novos debates na área, inquietando alguns e em outros despertando 'novos olhares' em direção a uma educação a distância de qualidade (eficiente e eficaz).

Difusão do sistema de gestão de pessoas por competências em instituições federais de ensino superior na região nordeste do Brasil / Diffusion of the system of people management by competencies in Federal Institutions of Higher Education in northeastern Brazil.

Oliveira, Márcio Medeiros 22 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-16T14:48:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 3355704 bytes, checksum: b1706c4f55eeed1a0b1b704dbb36d574 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The federal government instituted a series of legal provisions normalizing professional development, in order to improve its framework for servers. Thus, introduced Decree no 5.707/06, which regulated the implementation of policies for the development of federal public administration. Specifically in the context of Federal Institutions of Higher Education (FISHE), a regulated legal framework was to guide the management of persons which culminated in the need to implement a policy for the career development of servers. Based on this context, the main objective of this study was to analyze the diffusion of the system of personnel management by compentencies in some FISHE of northeastern Brazil. The theoretical approached the historical evolution and legal context of people management in public organizations, the management of people competencies and a theoretical proposal of the system of personnel management by compentencies in FISHE. The study, exploratory and qualitative, used the method of multiple cases study. This study was conducted in three FISHE located in northeast Brazil. Data were collected through the analysis of institutional documents, realization of a focus group with servers and interviews with managers. Data analysis of focus group and interviews were performed by means of content analysis, besides documentary analysis. The results allowed to analyze the diffusion of competency management system in each FISHE and then the level of diffusion in three FISHE together. The study results revealed: (a) the mobilization of institutional actions that enabled sustainable means for future installation of system of personnel management by compentencies (SPMC); (b) the management of people added, in first place, value servers and only then, the institution itself, however, the society consisted of a point unclear or non incorporated by human resources professionals within the FISHE, (c) people management was not biased by a competency management system and level of preliminary efforts to spread the SPMC was incipient, ie, was in a step that preceeds the mapping of compentencies. The study provided a new look on the dimensions of the SPMC, and thus enabled to set them in a different way to what was originally proposed. / O governo federal instituiu uma série de dispositivos legais normatizando o desenvolvimento profissional, com o intuito de aperfeiçoar o seu quadro de servidores. Dessa forma, introduziu o Decreto nº 5.707/06 que regulamentou a implantação de políticas para o desenvolvimento da administração pública federal. Especificamente no contexto das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior (IFES), um arcabouço legal foi regulamentado para orientar a gestão de pessoas que culminou na necessidade de implantação de uma política para o desenvolvimento da carreira dos servidores. Baseado nesse contexto, o objetivo principal deste estudo residiu em analisar a difusão do sistema de gestão de pessoas por competências em algumas IFES da região nordeste do Brasil. O referencial teórico abordou a evolução histórica e o contexto legal da gestão de pessoas nas organizações públicas, a gestão de pessoas por competências e uma proposta teórica do sistema de gestão por competências nas IFES. O estudo, de natureza exploratória e qualitativa, utilizou o método de estudo de casos múltiplos. Tal estudo foi realizado em três IFES localizadas no nordeste brasileiro. Os dados foram coletados por meio da análise de documentos institucionais, realização de grupos focais com servidores e entrevistas com gestores. A análise destes dados foi realizada por meio da análise de conteúdo, além da análise documental. Os resultados permitiram analisar a difusão do sistema de gestão por competências em cada IFES para, em seguida, avaliar o nível de difusão nas três IFES de forma integrada. Os resultados do estudo revelaram: (a) a mobilização de ações institucionais que possibilitaram meios sustentáveis para a implantação futura de um Sistema de Gestão de Pessoas por Competências (SGPC); (b) a gestão de pessoas agregou valor, prioritariamente, aos servidores e somente depois, à própria instituição, entretanto, a sociedade consistia em um ponto pouco claro ou não incorporado pelos profissionais do recursos humanos dentro da IFES; (c) a gestão de pessoas não foi balizada por um sistema de gestão por competências e o nível dos esforços preliminares desencadeados para a difusão do SGPC encontrava-se incipiente, ou seja, em uma etapa anterior ao mapeamento das competências. O estudo permitiu um novo olhar sobre as dimensões do SGPC e, consequentemente, possibilitou configurá-las de uma maneira diferente ao que foi proposto inicialmente.

Process-Orientation and Core Competence Management – The Contribution of the Process-Oriented Core Competence Management to the Integration of the Market-based View and the Resource-based View

Walter, Fábio 30 June 2008 (has links)
The initial motivation of this work was the understanding that the two views of competitive advantage of strategic management - the Market-based View (MBV) and the Resource-based View (RBV) - need a theoretically structured combination. Moreover, another problem considered is the perception that the literature on process-orientation does not explicate its linkages with strategic management. Following these theoretical demands, this work offered a proposal that integrates the process-orientation into a model of core competence management (CCM).

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