Spelling suggestions: "subject:"complete"" "subject:"komplete""
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Performance Modelling of GPRS with Bursty Multi-class Traffic.Kouvatsos, Demetres D., Awan, Irfan U., Al-Begain, Khalid January 2003 (has links)
No / An analytic framework is devised, based on the principle of maximum entropy (ME), for the performance modelling and evaluation of a wireless GSM/GPRS cell supporting bursty multiple class traffic of voice calls and data packets under complete partitioning (CPS), partial sharing (PSS) and aggregate sharing (ASS) traffic handling schemes. Three distinct open queueing network models (QNMS) under CPS, PSS and ASS, respectively, are described, subject to external compound Poisson traffic processes and generalised exponential (GE) transmission times under a repetitive service blocking mechanism and a complete buffer sharing management rule. Each QNM generally consists of three building block stations, namely a loss system with GSM/GPRS traffic and a system of access and transfer finite capacity queues in tandem dealing with GPRS traffic under head-of-line and discriminatory processor sharing scheduling disciplines, respectively. The analytic methodology is illustrated by focusing on the performance study of the GE-type tandem queueing system for GPRS under a CPS. An ME product-form approximation is characterised leading into a decomposition of the tandem system into individual queues and closed-form ME expressions for state and blocking probabilities are presented. Typical numerical examples are included to validate the ME solutions against simulation and study the effect of external GPRS bursty traffic upon the performance of the cell. Moreover, an overview of recent extensions of the work towards the analysis of a GE-type multiple server finite capacity queue with preemptive resume priorities and its implications towards the performance modelling and evaluation of GSM/GPRS cells with PSS and ASS are included. / ,
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Pour l’histoire du « discours bien construit » : le livre I du De contructione d’Apollonius Dyscole et les reprises chez Priscien / For the history of the "well constructed speech" : the first book of the De Constructione by Apollonius Dyscolus and the improvements by PriscianCallipo, Manuela 15 April 2013 (has links)
Le sujet de ce travail, c'est le De constructione d'Apollonios Dyscole, le premier traité de syntaxe de l'antiquité, et en particulier son premier livre, étudié par rapport au livre XVII de constructione des Institutions grammaticae de Priscien, qui s'est inspiré d'Apollonios au début du VIe siècle ap. J.-C. Le texte grec, imprimé selon l'édition réalisée par G. Uhlig en 1910, à l'occurence modifiée à cause de choix ecdotiques différents de ceux du philologue allemand, est suivi par sa première traduction en langue italienne ; de plus, pour permettre une comparaison avec le traité latin, on a imprimé et traduit en italien les passages correspondants du livre XVII de Priscien. Le commentaire a pour but d'expliquer les choix critiques, mais une attention particulière est aussi dédiée à l'ordre des parties du discours établi par Apollonios et à leurs rapports avec la tradition grammaticale grecque et latine, même sur papyrus. En ce qui concerne Priscien, on a transcrit - pour les parties traduites - le manuscrit Vaticanus lat. 3313, qui permet d'améliorer, ne fût-Ce que dans le détail, le texte de l'édition de Hertz (1855-1859). Textes et traductions sont précédés par une introduction qui, après un excursus sur la méthode analogique d'Apollonios, examine les rapports entre grammaire et philosophie, en particulier stoïcienne et platonicienne, à fin de montrer qu'il n'est pas possible de corriger Apollonios par Priscien et Priscien par Apollonios : l'arrière-Plan néoplatonicien de Prisicen ne semble pas agir chez Apollonios, qui vécut quatre siècles avant. Enfin, on a retracé l'histoire de la tradition manuscrite et des éditions modernes des deux traités De constructione. / The subject of this research is the De constructione by Apollonius Dyscolus, the first treatise on syntax written in classical antiquity, and in particular its first book, studied in comparison with the book XVII de constructione of the Institutiones grammaticae by Priscian, who looked back to Apollonius at the beginning of the VI century. The Greek text, printed according to the edition by G. Uhlig (1910), sometimes modifed because of different textual choices, is followed by its first Italian translation ; furthermore, to allow a comparison with the latin treatise, the corresponding passages of the book XVII by Priscian have been printed and translated too. The commentary aims to explain the critical choices, but particular attention has also been paid to the order of the parts of speech set by Apollonius and to their relationship with Greek and latin grammatical tradition, also on papyrus. With respect to the translated sections of Priscian, a new manuscript, the Vaticanus lat. 3313, has been transcribed ; this made it possible to improve, although only in the details, the text of the edition by Hertz (1855-1859). Texts and translations are preceded by an introduction which, after an excursus about Apollonius' analogical method, analyses the relationship between grammar and philosophy, especially Stoicism and Platonicism, to show that it is not possible to correct Apollonius through Priscian through Apollonius : Priscian's Neoplatonic background seems not to be active in Apollonius, who lived four centuries earlier. Finally, this work offers a short history of manuscript tradition and of modern editions of the two treatises De constructione.
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Investigation of the transient nature of rolling resistance on an operating Heavy Duty VehicleLundberg, Petter January 2014 (has links)
An operating vehicle requires energy to oppose the subjected driving resistances. This energy is supplied via the fuel combustion in the engine. Decreasing the opposing driving resistances for an operating vehicle increases its fuel efficiency: an effect which is highly valued in today’s industry, both from an environmental and economical point of view. Therefore a lot of progress has been made during recent years in the area of fuel efficient vehicles, even though some driving resistances still rises perplexity. These resistances are the air drag Fd generated by the viscous air opposing the vehicles propulsion and the rolling resistance Frr generated mainly by the hysteresis caused by the deformation cycle of the viscoelastic pneumatic tires. The energy losses associated with the air drag and rolling resistance account for the majority of the driving resistances facing an operating vehicle, and depends on numerous stochastic and ambient parameters, some of which are highly correlated both within and between the two resistances. To increase the understanding of the driving mechanics behind the energy losses associated with the complexity that is rolling resistance, a set of complete vehicle tests has been carried out. These tests were carried out on the test track Malmby Fairground, using a Scania CV AB developed R440 truck equipped with various sensors connected in one measurement system. Under certain conditions, these parameters can allow for an investigation of the rolling resistance, and a separation of the rolling resistance and air drag via explicit subtraction of the air drag from the measured traction force. This method is possible since the aerodynamic property AHDVCd(β) to some extent can be generated from wind tunnel tests and CFD simulations. Two measurement series that enable the above formulated method of separation were designed and carried out, using two separate measurement methods. One which enables the investigation of the transient nature of rolling resistance as it strives for stationarity, where the vehicle is operated under constant velocities i.e. no acceleration, and one using the well established method of coastdown, where no driving torque is applied. The drive cycles spanned a range of velocities, which allowed for dynamic and stationary analyses of both the tire temperature- and the velocity dependence of rolling resistance. When analysing the results of the transient analysis, a strong dependence upon tire temperature for given constant low velocity i.e. v ≤ 60 kmh−1 was clearly visible. The indicated dependency showed that the rolling resistance decreased as the tire temperature increased over time at a given velocity, and vice versa, towards a stationary temperature and thereby rolling resistance. The tire temperature evolution from one constant velocity to another, took place well within 50 min to a somewhat stationary value. However, even though the tire temperature had reached stationarity, rolling resistance did not; there seemed to be a delay between stationary tire temperature, and rolling resistance. The results did not indicate any clear trends for v ≥ 60 kmh−1, where the results at v = 80 kmh−1 were chaotic. This suggests that some additional forces were uncompensated for, or that the compensation for air drag was somehow wrongly treated at higher velocities. Several factors ruled out any attempts at proposing a new rolling resistance model. These included: the chaotic results for v = 80 kmh−1, the delayed rolling resistance response upon tire temperature stabilization, and the lack of literature support for the observed tendency. The results from the coastdown series on the other hand, showed good agreement with a dynamical model suggested in literature. The stationary temperature behaviour for the considered velocity range at assumed constant condition is also supported in literature. Finally, an investigation of the aerodynamic property AHDVCd inspired by ongoing work in ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association), was carried out assuming both zero and non-zero air drag at low velocities. The results indicated surprisingly good agreement with wind tunnel measurements, especially when neglecting air drag at low velocities: as suggested by ACEA. / För att övervinna de motstånd som ett fordon utsätts för under drift krävs energi, vilket levereras genom förbränningen av bränsle. Genom att minska de körmotstånd som ett fordon utsätts för under drift, kan man öka dess energieffektivitet. Denna potential är idag högt värderad i fordonsindustrin, både ur ett miljömässigt och ekonomiskt perspektiv. På senare år har stora framsteg gjorts inom området energieffektiva fordon, men fortfarande råder det förvirring kring de energiförluster som förknippas med luftmotstånd Fd och rullmotstånd Frr, där luftmotståndet skapas av den omkringliggande viskösa luften, medan rullmotståndet genereras av hysteresen som uppstår när fordonets viskoelastiska pneumatiska däck utsätts för deformation. De energiförluster som förknippas med luft- och rullmotstånd motsvarar den största delen av de motstånd som ett fordon påverkas av, och beror på en mängd stokastiska och yttre parametrar, varav vissa är starkt korrelerade både inom och mellan nämnda motstånd. För att förbättra förståelsen kring dessa energiförluster, med fokus på förståelsen av rullmotstånd, har ett antal helfordonstest genomförts. Dessa genomfördes på provbanan Malmby Fairground med en R440 lastbil från Scania CV AB, utrustad med en mängd sensorer sammankopplade i ett mätsystem. Det uppbyggda mätsystemet möjliggjorde samtida mätningar av bl.a. drivande moment, motorvarv, fordonshastighet, däcktemperatur, omkringliggande lufts hastighet och dess riktning. Under specifika förhållanden kunde dessa parametrar möjliggöra analys av rullmotstånd genom en explicit subtraktion av luftmotstånd från den uppmätta drivande kraften. Denna metod är möjlig tack vare en förhållandevis bra modell av ekipagets aerodynamiska egenskap AHDVCd(β), som generats från vindtunneltest och CFD simuleringar. Två körcykler som möjliggjorde ovan formulerade separation designades och genomfördes. Dessa använder två skilda mätmetoder, varav den ena möjliggör analys av rullmotståndets övergående förlopp från dynamiskt till stationärt genom att hålla konstant hastighet. Den andra studerade det dynamiska förloppet genom den väletablerade metoden utrullning, dvs. utan något drivande moment. Dessa körcyklar genomfördes, för ett antal hastigheter, vilket möjliggjorde analys av både hastighets- och däcktemperaturberoendet hos rullmotstånd, under dynamiska såväl som stationära förlopp. Analysen av rullmotståndets dynamik i strävan mot stationära förhållanden visade på ett starkt temperaturberoende vid låga hastigheter dvs. v ≤ 60 kmh−1. Beroendet visade på att rullmotståndet avtog med ökande däcktemperatur och vice versa, tills dess att en någorlunda stationär temperatur för given hastighet uppnåtts. Däcktemperaturen stabiliserades till ett nytt stationärt värde inom 50 min från att hastigheten ändrats. Resultaten tyder dock på att även om stationär däcktemperatur uppnåtts finns det en fördröjning i rullmotståndets tidsspann innan rullmotståndet stabiliserat sig. För högre hastigheter, dvs. v ≥ 60 kmh-1, var dock inga klara trender synliga, varken i hastighet eller temperatur och resultaten vid v = 80 kmh-1 var kaotiska. Detta antyder att man missat att kompensera för någon kraft vid höga hastigheter, alternativt att man på något sätt kompenserar fel för luftmotståndet vid högre hastigheter. Flera faktorer hindrade försök att föreslå någon ny rullmotståndsmodell. Dessa faktorer inkluderar det kaotiska resultatet vid v = 80 kmh-1, tidsfördröjningen mellan stationärt rullmotstånd och däcktemperatur samt att resultatet för antagna stationära värden inte finner stöd i litteraturen. Resultatet från utrullningsprovet överstämmer dock bra med tidigare föreslagen dynamisk modell, samt att resultaten av beteendet hos stationär temperatur för olika hastigheter även de överensstämmer med och finner stöd i litteraturen. Slutligen har en studie kring den aerodynamiska egenskapen AHDVCd, inspirerad av pågående arbete inom ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association) utförts både med antagandet av ett noll- skilt och med ett försumbart luftmotstånd vid låga hastigheter. Resultatet visar på en överraskande god överensstämmelse med vindtunnelmätningar, framför allt under antagandet av försumbart luftmotstånd vid låga hastigheter i enlighet med förslagen metod från ACEA.
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The role of the complete Coriolis force in cross-equatorial transport of abyssal ocean currentsStewart, Andrew L. January 2011 (has links)
In studies of the ocean it has become conventional to retain only the component of the Coriolis force associated with the radial component of the Earth’s rotation vector, the so-called “traditional approximation”. We investigate the role of the “non-traditional” component of the Coriolis force, corresponding to the non-radial component of the rotation vector, in transporting abyssal waters across the equator. We first derive a non-traditional generalisation of the multi-layer shallow water equations, which describe the flow of multiple superposed layers of inviscid, incompressible fluid with constant densities over prescribed topography in a rotating frame. We derive these equations both by averaging the three-dimensional governing equations over each layer, and via Hamilton’s principle. The latter derivation guarantees that conservation laws for mass, momentum, energy and potential vorticity are preserved. Within geophysically realistic parameters, including the complete Coriolis force modifies the domain of hyperbolicity of the multi-layer equations by no more than 5%. By contrast, long linear plane waves exhibit dramatic structural changes due to reconnection of the surface and internal wave modes in the long-wave limit. We use our non-traditional shallow water equations as an idealised model of an abyssal current flowing beneath a less dense upper ocean. We focus on the Antarctic Bottom Water, which crosses the equator in the western Atlantic ocean, where the bathymetry forms an almost-westward channel. Cross-equatorial flow is strongly constrained by potential vorticity conservation, which requires fluid to acquire a large relative vorticity in order to move between hemispheres. Including the complete Coriolis force accounts for the fact that fluid crossing the equator in an eastward/westward channel experiences a smaller change in angular momentum, and therefore acquires less relative vorticity. Our analytical and numerical solutions for shallow water flow over idealised channel topography show that the non-traditional component of the Coriolis force facilitates cross-equatorial flow through an almost-westward channel.
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La survie implantaire suite à une réhabilitation par mise en charge immédiate d’une prothèse totale mandibulaire reliée à deux implants non jumelés : une étude pilote expérimentaleAudy, Nicholas 04 1900 (has links)
Problématique : Les connaissances théoriques et pratiques au sujet de la mise en charge immédiate d’implants non jumelés chez les édentés sont limitées.
Objectifs : Cette étude avait pour but de : (1) déterminer le taux de survie implantaire de 2 implants non jumelés supportant une prothèse totale mandibulaire suite à une mise en charge immédiate, (2) évaluer les changements des niveaux osseux et de stabilité implantaire survenus sur ces 2 implants durant une période de 4 mois et les comparer à un implant témoin, et (3) décrire les complications cliniques associées à ce mode de mise en charge.
Méthodologie : Chez 18 individus édentés (âge moyen de 62±7 ans), cette étude de phase I avec un design pré/post a évalué les résultats cliniques suivant la mise en charge immédiate (<48 heures) de 2 implants non jumelés par une prothèse totale mandibulaire. À l’aide de radiographies périapicales, de sondages osseux et d’analyses de la fréquence en résonnance, les niveaux osseux péri-implantaires (en mm) et les niveaux de stabilité implantairte (en ISQ) de ces 2 implants insérés dans la région parasymphysaire ont été évalués à la chirurgie (T0) et au suivi de 4 mois (T1). Un implant non submergé et sans mise en charge inséré dans la région de la symphyse mandibulaire a été utilisé comme témoin. Les données ont été analysées avec des modèles mixtes linéaires, la méthode de Tukey ajustée, l’analyse de variance de Friedman et des tests de rang signés de Wilcoxon.
Résultats : De T0 à T1, 3 implants mis en charge immédiatement ont échoué chez 2 patients. Le taux de survie implantaire obtenu était donc de 91,7% (33/36) et, par patient, de 88,9% (16/18). Aucun implant témoin n’a échoué. Les changements osseux documentés radiologiquement et par sondage autour des implants mis en charge immédiatement étaient, respectivement, de
-0,2 ± 0,3 mm et de -0,5 ± 0,6 mm. Les pertes d’os de support implantaire n’ont pas été démontrées statistiquement différentes entre les implants avec mise en charge immédiate et les témoins. Les niveaux moyens de stabilité implantaire ont augmenté de 5 ISQ indépendamment de la mise en charge. Les niveaux moyens d’ISQ n’ont pas été démontrés statistiquement différents entre les implants avec mise en charge immédiate et les témoins à T0 ou T1. Cinq des 18 patients n’ont expérimenté aucune complication clinique, alors que 9 en ont eu au moins deux. Hormis les échecs implantaires, aucune de ces complications n’a entraîné de changements au protocole.
Conclusion : Les résultats à court terme suggèrent que : (1) le taux de survie implantaire suite au protocole immédiat est similaire à ceux rapportés lors d’un protocole de mise en charge conventionnel (2) les changements d’os de support implantaire et de stabilité ne sont pas différents comparativement à ceux d’un implant témoin, (3) un niveau élevé d’expérience clinique et chirurgicale est requis pour effectuer les procédures et pour gérer les complications associées. Ces résultats préliminaires devraient être confirmés dans une étude clinique de phase II. / Problem: There is a theoretical and practice knowledge gap in regard to immediate loading of unsplinted implants in edentulous individuals.
Objectives: This study aimed to: (1) determine the implant survival rate of 2 unsplinted implants supporting a mandibular complete overdenture following an immediate loading protocol, (2) assess marginal bone level and implant stability changes of these immediately loaded implants in a 4-month period and compared them to a control implant, and (3) describe the clinical complications associated with this mode of loading.
Methods: In 18 edentate individuals (mean age 62±7 years), this phase-I trial with a pre/post design assessed the clinical outcomes following the immediate loading (<48 hours) of 2 unsplinted implants supporting a mandibular overdenture. Periapical radiograhs, bone probing measurements and resonance frequency analysis were used to assess marginal bone losses and implant stability changes of these two implants inserted in the mandibular parasymphyseal region, at baseline (T0) and 4-month follow-up (T1). A non-submerged and non-loaded implant inserted in the mandibular symphysis was used as a control. Data were analyzed using linear mixed models, adjusted Tukey tests, Friedman’s analysis of variance and Wilcoxon signed-ranks tests.
Results: From T0 to T1, 3 immediately loaded implants failed in 2 patients. This resulted in an implant survival rate of 91.7% (33/36), and, per patient, of 88.9% (16/18). No control implant failed. The marginal bone losses around loaded implants were -0.2 ± 0.3 mm for radiographic measurements and -0.5 ± 0.6 mm for probing measurements. There was no statistically significant difference between immediately loaded and control implants in regard to the supporting marginal bone losses. The implant stability levels increased of 5 ISQ units regardless of loading. There was no statistically significant difference in the mean ISQ levels between immediately loaded and control implants at T0 or T1. Five out of 18 patients experienced no clinical complication, while 9 of them had at least two. Apart from implant failures, none of these clinical complications led to changes in the protocol.
Conclusion: The short-term results suggest that: (1) the implant survival rate following the immediate protocol is similar to those reported during a conventional loading protocol, (2) marginal implant supporting bone and stability changes are not different compared to those of a control implant, (3) a high level of clinical and surgical experience is required to perform the procedures and to manage the associated complications. These preliminary results should be confirmed in a phase II clinical trial.
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[pt] Neste trabalho estudamos a teoria clássica das superfícies mínimas em
R3, focando na representação de Enneper-Weierstrass e suas consequências.
São exibidos vários exemplos, incluindo as superfícies de Jorge-Meeks e de
Jorge-Xavier. Também mostramos princípios do máximo para superfícies
mínimas e várias aplicações como, por exemplo, o teorema do semi-espaço.
Em seguida, nos concentramos na teoria das superfícies mínimas completas
de curvatura total finita e, com esta, podemos analisar o desenvolvimento
assintótico de fins mínimos completos mergulhados de curvatura total finita.
Por fim, a dissertação culmina com o teorema de Schoen, que afirma que
as únicas superfícies mínimas completas, conexas, de curvatura total finita
e apenas dois fins - ambos mergulhados - são um par de planos e o
catenoide. / [en] In this work we study the classical theory of minimal surfaces in
R3, with special focus on the Enneper-Weierstrass representation and
its consequences. We exhibit many examples, including the Jorge-Meeks
and Jorge-Xavier surfaces. We also show maximum principles for minimal
surfaces and many applications as, for instance, the half-space theorem.
Afterwards, we focus on the theory of complete minimal surfaces with finite
total curvature, with which we can analyse the asymptotic development
of complete minimal embedded ends with finite total curvature. This
dissertation culminates with the Schoen s theorem, which states that the
only complete, connected minimal surfaces with finite total curvature and
exactly two ends - both embedded - are a pair of planes or a catenoid.
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Combination of stem cells from deciduous teeth and electroacupuncture in dogs with chronic spinal cord injury / Associação de células-tronco de polpa de dente decíduo e eletroacupuntura em cães com lesão medular crônicaPrado, César Vinicius Gil Braz do 20 December 2016 (has links)
Previous studies have reported that combination of electroacupuncture (EA) and mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSC) promoted survival, differentiation and functional recovery in spinal cord-transected rats. In this study, it was examined the therapeutic effects of stem cells from canine exfoliated dental pulp (SCED) combined with EA treatment in dogs with chronic naturally occurred spinal cord injury due to intervertebral disc herniation (IVDH). Dogs were randomly assigned to four experimental groups (n=4 for each group; total of 16 animals): SCED, EA, SCED + EA) and control. Mild increase in the neurological scoring was found in one animal from SCED group (1/4; 2 points gained), one from EA group (1/4; 8 points gained), three from SCED+EA group (3/4; 16 points gained) and one from control group (1/4; 2 points gained). Functional outcome improvements were observed two animals from SCED group (2/4; 3 points gained), two from EA group (2/4; 4 points gained), one from SCED+EA group (1/4; 1 point gained) and two were from control group (2/4; 6 points gained). However no statistical differences were observed. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings did not suggest improvement comparing pre- and post-treatment within groups, excepted from one animal from SCED group (1/4), and 10 animals from all groups (10/16) presented signs of injury progression in the SCI in post-treatment exam, which could not be associated to the procedures from study, but could be related to the natural evolution of the disease. Limitation such as number of transplanted stem cells, delivery route, injury chronicity and intrinsic variation among naturally spinal cord injured dogs could have influence outcomes negatively. Moreover, canine deciduous exfoliated teeth were easily obtained and SCED were simply isolated, and no mortality followed up 7 month from procedure were observed. / Estudos anteriores demonstraram que a associação da eletroacupuntura e células-tronco mesenquimais/estromais (CTMs) pode promover a sobrevivência e diferenciação das CTMs, assim como recuperação funcional em ratos com transecção da medula espinal. Neste estudo, foram avaliados os efeitos terapêuticos da associação de células-tronco derivadas de polpa de dente decíduo esfoliado de cães (CPDEc) e eletroacupuntura (EAP) em cães com lesão de medula espinhal crônica causada de forma natural por herniação do disco interververtebral. Os cães foram divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos experimentais (n=4 para cada grupo; total de 16 animais): CPDEc, EAP, CPDEc+EAP e grupo controle. Foram encontradas pequenas melhoras na pontuação do exame neurológico em um animal do grupo CPDEc (1/4; 2 pontos ganhos), um do grupo EAP (1/4; 8 pontos ganhos), três do grupo CPDEc+EAP (3/4; 16 pontos ganhos) e um do grupo controle (1/4; 2 pontos ganhos). Na avaliação funcional, pequenas melhoras também foram observadas em dois animais do grupo CPDEc (2/4; 3 pontos ganhos), dois do grupo EAP (2/3; 4 pontos ganhos), um do grupo CPDEc+EAP (1/4; 1 ponto ganho) e dois do grupo controle (2/4; 6 pontos ganhos). No entanto, não foram encontradas diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos. Os achados ressonância magnética não sugeriram melhoras comparando os exames pré e pós tratamento entre os grupos, com exceção de um animal do grupo CPDEc (1/4), e 10 animais dentre todos os grupos (10/16) apresentaram sinais de progressão na lesão da medula espinhal, que não puderam ser associados com os procedimentos do estudo, mas podem estar relacionados à progressão natural da doença. Além disso, os dentes decíduos esfoliados foram obtidos facilmente e as CPDEc foram isoladas de forma simples, ademais, não foi observada nenhuma mortalidade foi observada até 7 meses após o procedimento.
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Algumas aplicações de jogos topológicos à análise / Some applications of topological games to analysisMaguiña, Juan Luis Jaisuño Fuentes 17 May 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho apresentamos alguns jogos topológicos e suas aplicações à análise. Com esse fim, se fornece condições necessárias para que funções aproximadamente contínuas se tornem contínuas, se caracteriza os conjuntos estritamente pseudo-completos nos espaços de Banach e, assim também, se constrói um espaço de diferenciabilidade Gâteaux que não é Asplund fraco. / In this work we present some topological games and their applications to analysis. For this purpose, necessary conditions are given for nearly continuous functions to become continuous, we characterize the strictly pseudo-complete sets in the Banach spaces and we also construct a Gâteaux differentiability space that is not weak Asplund.
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"Avaliação da alteração dimensional da base de prova permanente da prótese total de resina acrílica ativada termicamente, processada em forno microondas, por meio da imagem digital" / Evaluation of the dimensional alteration according to the permanent proof base for complete denture made of thermally activated acrylic resin, in microwave process, using digital imageLima, Ana Paula Barbosa de 11 August 2006 (has links)
Foram confeccionados 50 corpos de prova, divididos em 30 próteses totais superiores e 20 bases de provas permanentes, padronizados, para se avaliar a alteração dimensional da base de prova permanente, com dupla polimerização, processada em forno de microondas convencional; base de prova permanente com dupla polimerização, processada no método convencional; e a prótese total em uma única polimerização. Para essa análise, essas próteses foram divididas em 5 grupos: grupo I prótese total convencional banho de água (controle); grupo II base de prova permanente processada convencionalmente; grupo III base de prova permanente processada em forno de microondas convencional; grupo IV prótese total superior padronizada com base de prova permanente processada convencionalmente, com as bases do grupo II; grupo V prótese total superior com base de prova permanente, processada no forno de microondas convencional, com as bases de prova do grupo III. Para avaliar essa alteração foi usado o recurso do scaneamento da região posterior das próteses, Post-dam", desses corpos de prova. Após esse processo, a imagem capturada foi levada para o programa Photoshop 8.0 determinando a região de avaliação. Após essa seleção, a imagem é acessada no CorelTrace 11 para ser transformada em preto e branco e vetorizada, sendo, então, levada para o CorelDraw 11 para ser feita a medição do espaço da região posterior, entre o modelo e a base de prova/prótese total, para permitir a análise dos valores da alteração dimensional dos corpos de prova em questão, após o processamento. Os resultados mostram que: 1) a diferença da variação média para os lados esquerdo, centro e direito, respectivamente, na ordem de décimos ou centésimos de milímetros, para o grupo IV e I (0,07; 0,08 e 0,09); para o grupo V e I (0,10; 0,32 e 0,25) e para o grupo V e IV (0,17; 0,24 e 0,16) não pode ser considerada relevante clinicamente para afetar o ajuste da prótese na boca e promover a ocorrência de maiores transtornos clínicos; 2) A alteração média das áreas do lado esquerdo e direito para o grupo I, II e IV obtiveram uma homogeneidade na alteração, diferindo os Grupos III e V em relação aos outros, não existindo porém, diferença significante a nível de 5% entre as áreas desses segmentos; 3) A análise da variância do índice da área dos cinco (5) grupos não apresentou resultado significante que desabonasse a utilização de qualquer um dos métodos para a confecção da prótese total. No entanto, mais estudos devem ser realizados com o intuito de se aprimorar o uso do forno de microondas para o processamentos da prótese. / The 50 samples of pattern maxillary complete denture were processed, divided in 30 maxillary complete denture and 20 permanent proof base, to evaluated of dimensional changes in the permanent proof base with twice polymerization, process in microwave oven, to compare with the others two groups, the complete denture with conventional process and the complete denture with permanent proof base with twice polymerization in a conventional process. To evaluated this complete dentures they were divided in 5 groups: group I conventional complete denture; group II proof base conventional process; group III proof base in microwave process; group IV complete denture using the proof base of the group, with the conventional process and the group; group V complete denture using the proof base of the group III, microwave process. To evaluated this alteration used the scanner in the Post-dam", in this samples. After this proceding the image was putting in the Adobe Photoshop 8.0 program to determinate what region was evaluated. After this selection, the image access in the CorelTrace 11 program and transformed in black and white, and after to access in the CorelDraw 11 that was measured the region between the cast and the complete/permanent proof base, to allow the analysis of the values the dimensional alteration of the proof body, after the process. The results show: 1) The linear dimensional alteration the difference mean variation for the left, center and right sides, respectively, it was in decimal order or centesimal of millimeters, for the group IV and I (0,07; 0,08 and 0,09); and for the group V and I were (0,10; 0,32 and 0,25) and for the group V and IV (0,17; 0,24 and 0,16) and it cannot be considered clinically relevant to affect the prosthesis adjustment in the mouth, and promote the occurrence of more clinical disruptions; 2) The dimensional alterations in the areas (left and right side) of the proof bodies of the three groups I, II and IV were uniform, and the groups III and V werent homogeneous, but there is not a statically significant difference, about 5%, between the segment left and right areas; 3) The variation of the area index about five groups there is not a statically significant that couldnt use of the both method to build the complete denture. Although, more studies are important to realize with the objective to improve the use the microwave over to process the denture.
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Ensaio clínico randomizado de sobredentaduras mandibulares retidas por mini-implantes ou implantes convencionais: análise de parâmetros clínicos e custo / A randomized clinical trial of mandibular overdentures retained by mini or convencional implants: clinical parameters and cost analysisVecchia, Maria Paula Della 13 April 2015 (has links)
As próteses do tipo sobredentaduras mandibulares retidas por dois implantes convencionais têm sido consideradas como o tratamento padrão para o edentulismo completo. No entanto, muitos pacientes rejeitam essa modalidade de tratamento devido aos custos e desconforto associados à inserção dos implantes. Os mini-implantes têm grande potencial para a resolução dessas limitações, pois são potencialmente menos custosos que os convencionais e podem ser instalados por meio de técnicas cirúrgicas mais simples. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a taxa de sucesso dos implantes e das sobredentaduras, a qualidade das próteses e os custos do tratamento, após instalação de mini-implantes (dois ou quatro) ou de dois implantes convencionais para retenção de sobredentaduras mandibulares, por meio de um ensaio clínico randomizado. Cento e vinte participantes edentados totais (média etária 59,5±8,5 anos) foram alocados aleatoriamente em um dos três grupos conforme o tratamento recebido: (GI) quatro mini-implantes; (GII) dois mini-implantes; e (GIII) dois implantes convencionais (grupo controle). Durante seis meses, as seguintes variáveis de desfecho foram avaliadas: a taxa de sucesso dos implantes e das sobredentaduras (incluindo parâmetros de saúde periimplantar), a qualidade das próteses e custos diretos e indiretos do tratamento. Os grupos foram comparados por meio de ANOVA seguida do teste HSD de Tukey ou Equações de Estimação Generalizadas (EEG) (α=0,05). A taxa de sobrevivência dos implantes foi diferente entre os grupos avaliados: GI (n=152): 94%; GII (n=84): 84% e GIII (n=80): 99%. Apesar de não haver diferença para os outros critérios de sucesso clínico entre os grupos, GI e GII apresentaram menor índice de placa comparado ao GIII, no baseline e após seis meses. GI teve menos ocorrências de dor ao redor de implantes do que os outros grupos em seis meses. A qualidade das próteses também foi diferente para os tratamentos avaliados; as sobredentaduras mandibulares foram mais estáveis no GI comparado com o GIII, após seis meses de uso, com GII apresentando resultados intermediários. Uma tendência inversa foi observada para a estabilidade da prótese total superior, com resultados discretamente superiores no GIII em relação ao GI. Os gastos com os materiais de consumo e permanentes foram menores para o GII (custo médio: R$ 450,67), seguido pelo GI (R$ 778,92), e GIII (R$ 856,44). Os grupos não apresentaram diferenças significantes estatística ou clinicamente para nenhum outro critério avaliado. Concluiu-se que as sobredentaduras mandibulares retidas por quatro mini-implantes são tão eficazes quanto aquelas retidas por dois implantes convencionais. No entanto, as sobredentaduras mandibulares retidas por dois mini-implantes foram menos eficazes, devido à baixa taxa de sucesso dos implantes para este tratamento. / Mandibular overdentures retained by two conventional implants have been considered as the standard of care for complete edentulism. However, many patients refuse that treatment modality due to associated costs and post-surgical discomfort. Mini-implants are possibly able to overcome those limitations, due to their potentially lower costs and a relatively uncomplicated surgical technique. This study aimed to compare the success rate of implants and overdentures, denture quality and treatment costs, following the insertion of mini-implants (two or four) or two standard-size implants for the retention of mandibular overdentures, by means of a randomized clinical trial. One hundred and twenty edentulous participants (mean age 59.5±8.5 years) were randomly allocated into three groups according to received treatment: (GI) four mini-implants, (GII) two mini-implants, or (GIII) two standard implants. During six months, the following outcomes were evaluated: the success rate of implants and overdentures (including parameters of peri-implant health), denture quality and direct and indirect costs of treatment. Groups were compared by ANOVA followed by Tukey HSD test or Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) (α=0.05). Implant survival rate was distinct for the tested groups, as follows: GI (n=152): 94%; GII (n=84): 84%; and GIII (n=80): 99%. Although groups were similar for other criteria of clinical success, GI and GII presented lower plaque index compared to GIII, both on baseline and after six months. GI had less occurrences of pain around implants than the other groups in six months. Denture quality was also different for the tested treatments; mandibular overdentures were more stable for GI than for GIII following six months of wearing, with GII presenting intermediate results. This was accompanied by an inverse trend for maxillary dentures stability, with slightly better results with GIII compared to GI. Expenses with consumables and permanent materials were the lowest for GII (average cost: R$ 450.67), followed by GI (R$ 778.92), and GIII (R$ 856.44). Groups did not present statistically or clinically significant differences for other criteria of clinical performance or cost. It was concluded that the mandibular overdentures retained by four mini-implants are as effective as those retained by two conventional implants. Nevertheless, the mandibular overdentures retained by two mini-implants were less effective, due to the lower success rate of implants for such treatment.
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