Spelling suggestions: "subject:"confidentiality"" "subject:"onfidentiality""
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Privacy trade-offs in web-based servicesBoyens, Claus 13 January 2005 (has links)
Rapide Fortschritte in der Netzwerk- und Speichertechnologie haben dazu geführt, dass Informationen über viele verschiedene Quellen wie z.B. Personal Computer oder Datenbanken verstreut sind. Weil diese Informationen oft auch sehr heterogen sind, wurde gleichzeitig die Entwicklung effektiver Softwaretechniken zur Datensammlung und -integration vorangetrieben. Diese werden beispielsweise in Online-Katalogen von Bibliotheken oder in Internetsuchmaschinen eingesetzt und ermöglichen eine breitgefächerte Suche von Informationen unterschiedlichster Art und Herkunft. In sensiblen Anwendungsgebieten kann der Einsatz solcher Techniken aber zu einer Gefährdung der Privatsphäre der Datenhalter führen. Bei der Erforschung häufig auftretender Krankheiten beispielsweise sammeln und analysieren Wissenschaftler Patientendaten, um Muster mit hohem Erkrankungspotenzial zu erkennen. Dazu werden von den Forschern möglichst präzise und vollständige Daten benötigt. Der Patient hat dagegen großes Interesse am Schutz seiner persönlichen Daten. Dieser Interessenkonflikt zwischen Datenhaltern und Nutzern tritt auch in anderen Konstellationen wie beispielsweise in Internetdiensten auf, die die Eingabe von persönlichen Finanz- und Steuerdaten erfordern. Oft kann ein qualitativ höherwertiger Dienst angeboten werden, wenn persönliche Informationen preisgegeben werden. Über die hierzu notwendige Abwägung von Datenschutz und Dienstqualität sind sich nicht alle Datenhalter im Klaren und neigen zu Extremverhalten wie der Übermittlung aller persönlicher Daten oder gar keiner. Diese Dissertation erforscht den Grenzbereich zwischen den scheinbar konträren Interessen von Datenhaltern und Dienstnutzern. Dabei werden insbesondere die technischen Möglichkeiten zur Modellierung und Beschreibung dieses Bereiches betrachtet. Die erarbeiteten Techniken sollen den beteiligten Parteien ermöglichen, den bestehenden Konflikt unter Einbeziehung ihrer Präferenzen zur beiderseitigen Zufriedenheit zu lösen. Die Beiträge dieser Dissertation sind im Einzelnen: - Eine Klassifizierung von Dienstarchitekturen im Hinblick auf Datenschutzprobleme Verschiedene Dienstarchitekturen werden nach ihrer Datenschutzproblematik klassifiziert. Für jede Kategorie werden praktische Anwendungen erläutert. - Entwurf, Analyse und Implementierung einer verschlüsselungsbasierten Dienstarchitektur in einer nicht vertrauenswürdigen 2-Parteien-Umgebung Es werden Gründe für Vertrauen von Datenhaltern in Anbieter von netzbasierten Diensten dargestellt. Für Fälle, in denen dieses Vertrauen alleine nicht ausreicht, wird eine Datenschutz garantierende Dienstarchitektur abgeleitet, die auf einem modifizierten Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus basiert. Wichtige Datenbankoperationen und arithmetische Elemente werden auf die verschlüsselten Daten übertragen und in beispielhaften Diensten zum Einsatz gebracht. - Entwurf, Analyse und Implementierung einer aggregationsbasierten Dienstarchitektur in einer nicht vertrauenswürdigen 3-Parteien-Umgebung Am Beispiel eines den Datenschutz verletzenden Gesundheitsberichts wird gezeigt, wie Methoden des Operations Research dazu eingesetzt werden können, aus veröffentlichten Statistiken enge Intervalle für vertrauliche numerische Daten abzuleiten ("Intervallinferenz"). Zur Lösung des Interessenkonflikts zwischen Datenhaltern und Dienstnutzern wird die Verwendung eines sogenannten Datenschutzmediators vorgeschlagen. Dessen Kernkomponente ist die "Audit & Aggregate" Methodologie, die das Auftreten von Intervallinferenz aufdecken und verhindern kann. - Quantifizierung der Datenschutzabwägungen und Schlussfolgerungen für den elektronischen Handel Es werden verschiedene Ansätze zur Quantifizierung der Datenschutzabwägungen betrachtet und Schlussfolgerungen für den elektronischen Handel gezogen. Zusammengefasst versucht diese Arbeit, (a) die Wahrnehmung von Datenhaltern und Dienstnutzern für den bestehenden Interessenkonflikt zu erhöhen, (b) einen Rahmen zur Modellierung der Datenschutzabwägungen bereitzustellen und (c) Methoden zu entwickeln, die den Interessenkonflikt zur beiderseitigen Zufriedenheit beilegen können. / Recent developments in networking and storage technology have led to the dissemination of information over many different sources such as personal computers or corporate and public databases. As these information sources are often distributed and heterogeneous, effective tools for data collection and integration have been developed in parallel. These tools are employed e.g. in library search catalogues or in Internet search engines to facilitate information search over a wide range of different information sources. In more sensitive application areas however, the privacy of the data holders can be compromised. In medical disease research for example, scientists collect and analyze patient data for epidemiological characterizations and for the construction of predictive models. Whereas the medical researchers need patient data at the highest level of detail, patients are only willing to provide data when their privacy is guaranteed. This conflict of interest between the data holders and the users occurs in many different settings, for example in the use of web-based services that require confidential input data such as financial or tax data. The more accurate and rich the provided private information, the higher the quality of the provided service. Not all data holders are aware of this trade-off and for lack of knowledge tend to the extremes, i.e. provide no data or provide it all. This thesis explores the borderline between the competing interests of data holders and service users. In particular, we investigate the technical opportunities to model and describe this borderline. These techniques allow the two opposing parties to express their preferences and to settle the conflict with a solution that is satisfactory to both. The specific contributions of this thesis are the following: - Privacy classification of service architectures We present a privacy classification of different service architectures after the number of involved parties and the reactivity of the data provision. For each class, we provide examples of practical applications and explain their relevance by discussing preceding cases of real-world privacy violations. - Design, analysis and implementation of an encryption-based service architecture in an untrusted two-party environment We analyze the foundations of trust in web-based services and point out cases where trust in the service provider alone is not enough e.g. for legal requirements. For these cases, we derive a new privacy-preserving architecture that is based on an adapted homomorphic encryption algorithm. We map important database and arithmetic operations from plain data to encrypted data, and we present sample services that can be carried out within the framework. - Design, analysis and implementation of an aggregation-based service architecture in an untrusted three-party environment Using a privacy-compromising health report as a running example through the thesis, we show how mathematical programming can be used to derive tight intervals for confidential data fields from non-critical aggregated data. We propose a new class of privacy mediators that settle the conflict between data holders and service users. A core component is the "audit & aggregate" methodology that detects and limits this kind of disclosure called interval inference. - Quantification of the privacy trade-off and implications for electronic commerce and public policy We analyze several frameworks to quantify the trade-off between data holders and service users. We also discuss the implications of this trade-off for electronic commerce and public policy. To summarize, this thesis aims to (a) increase data holders'' and service users'' awareness of the privacy conflict, (b) to provide a framework to model the trade-off and (c) to develop methods that can settle the conflict to both parties'' satisfaction.
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Secure outspurcing of IT services in a non-trusted environmentEvdokimov, Sergei 10 October 2008 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden die Mšglichkeiten sicherer Ausgliederung von Datenbanken und inhaltsbasiertem Routing an einen nicht voll vertrauenswŸrdigen Dienstanbieter betrachtet. Wir untersuchen die Grenzen der Sicherheit, die in diesem Szenario erreicht werden kšnnen. Sicherheit wird dabei unter Zuhilfenahme aktueller komplexitŠtstheoretischer Arbeiten definiert. Dies ermšglicht die Verwendung formaler Methoden zur Untersuchung der Bedingungen, unter denen verschiedene Grade von Sicherheit mšglich sind. Die BeitrŠge dieser Dissertation sind im Einzelnen: - Wir untersuchen die Eignung sog. Privacy-Homomorphismen, welche die AusfŸhrung von Operationen auf verschlŸsselten Daten erlauben. Dies dient der Entwicklung von Protokollen zur sicheren Datenbankausgliederung. Weiter beschreiben wir ein allgemeines Framework fŸr sichere Datenbankausgliederung, das auf sog. Volltextsuch-VerschlŸsselungsverfahren basiert. Ferner stellen wir einen Beweis fŸr die Sicherheit und Korrektheit vor. - Wir beschreiben ein neues Volltextsuch-VerschlŸsselungsverfahren, das im Vergleich zu bekannten Arbeiten eine grš§ere Anzahl verschiedener Operationen fŸr das Datenbank-Outsourcing-Problem ermšglicht und signifikant niedrigere Fehlerraten hat. - Wir schlagen einen Ansatz vor, um im Kontext der sicheren Datenbank-Auslagerung Blanko-Zugriffe auf die verschlŸsselten Daten zu verwalten. Verglichen mit existierenden Techniken ist unser Ansatz anwendbar auf generellere Szenarien, ist einfacher und hat Šhnliche Effizienzeigenschaften. - Wir untersuchen die Mšglichkeit des sicheren inhaltsbasierten Routings, in dem wir ein formales Sicherheitsmodell konstruieren, existierende AnsŠtze in diesem Modell bewerten und eine formale Analyse der Mšglichkeit von Vertraulichkeit durchfŸhren. Unser Sicherheitsmodell deckt die UnzulŠnglichkeiten der bestehenden AnsŠtze auf. Schlie§lich beschreiben wir ein inhaltsbasiertes Routingverfahren, welches das Modell erfŸllt. / This thesis considers the possibilities of secure outsourcing of databases and of content-based routing operations to an untrusted service provider. We explore the limits of the security that is achievable in these scenarios. When discussing security, we refer to the state of the art definitions from cryptography and complexity theory. The key contributions of the thesis are the following: - We explore the applicability of cryptographic constructs that allow performing operations over encrypted data, also known as privacy homomorphisms, for creating protocols that could enable secure database outsourcing. We also describe a framework for secure database outsourcing that is based on searchable encryption schemes, and prove its correctness and security. - We describe a new searchable encryption scheme that exceeds existing analogues with regard to certain parameters: compared to the existing works, the proposed scheme allows for performing a larger number of operations over a securely outsourced database and has significantly lower chances of returning erroneous results of a search. - We propose an approach for managing discretionary access to securely outsourced and encrypted databases. Compared to existing techniques, our approach is applicable to more general scenarios, is simpler and has similar performance characteristics. - We examine possibilities of performing a secure content-based routing by building a formal security model that describes a secure content-based routing system, evaluate existing approaches against this model, and provide an analysis of the possibilities for achieving confidentiality when performing the routing. Compared to the existing works, which fail in providing complete confidentiality, our security model considers shortcomings of these solutions. We also describe a content-based routing system that satisfies this model and to the best of our knowledge is the first of its kind to provide a complete confidentiality.
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The right to confidentiality in the context of HIV/AIDSMtunuse, Paul Tobias 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the right to confidentiality in the context of HIV/AIDS through an interdisciplinary lens. This study indicates that whilst confidentiality is important and should be preserved in order to protect persons living with HIV/AIDS against stigmatisation, discrimination and victimisation, this should be balanced by other equally important interests, such as the protection of public health and individual third parties who may be affected by the intentional or negligent infection of others with HIV. As the consideration of the legal issues relating to confidentiality and privacy cannot be divorced from the social context in which HIV/AIDS plays out in South African communities, the study will examine, amongst others, the victimisation, discrimination and stigmatisation experienced by persons living with HIV/AIDS, followed by a critical exploration of the present legal and ethical framework governing privacy and confidentiality, including medical confidentiality, as well as the duty to disclose a positive HIV-status, in the context of HIV/AIDS. Possible limitations on the right to privacy in this context are also examined, which include, amongst others, a consideration of making HIV/AIDS notifiable diseases in South Africa. The study suggests that it is imperative that legal interventions aimed at curbing the spread of HIV will need to be mindful of the unique social, cultural and economic forces that impact on the duty to disclose a positive HIV-status to partners and other affected third parties. Insights gained from philosophical theories relating to Africanism, individualism, communitarianism and utilitarianism are valuable tools in facilitating a clearer understanding of relevant social and cultural factors that keep South African society locked in the present stalemate with regard to the disclosure of HIV status. / Public, Constitutional, & International law / LLD
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Criminalisation for sexual transmission of HIV : emerging issues and the impact upon clinical psychology practice in the UKRodohan, Eamonn Patrick January 2011 (has links)
Objective: Criminal liability for the sexual-transmission of HIV raises complex questions for both clinicians and service-users regarding their responsibilities and legal obligations to disclose information to others. This is the first research study to address the impact of these issues upon everyday clinical and professional management in the UK. The prevalence and incidence of clinical and HIV-legal issues reported by the 107 psychologists sampled are reported. Design: A cross-sectional approach comprising two components was utilised: Firstly, questionnaire survey (Response rate 22%) scoping the experiences of practice issues among psychologists from sexual-health and generic settings. Attitudes towards HIV-prosecutions and various measures of professional self-efficacy were also collected. Secondly, three focus groups (N=15) exploring the impact of practice issues upon clinicians’ likely confidentiality breaking behaviours. Methods: Clinical and legal issues are presented. Further statistical analyses explored the interaction of various demographic, clinical and attitudinal variables upon clinician’s perceived self-efficacy. Focus Group transcripts analysed using Thematic Analysis (Data-driven approach) with eight emergent themes. Results: Although no direct involvements in police investigations reported, two instances of psychology notes being subpoenaed plus multiple ‘near miss’ clinical experiences described. High proportions of sexual-health psychologists experienced HIV-clients disclosing problematic behaviours, including intentional transmission (9%; N=5) and/or ‘reckless’ behaviour (72%). Focus groups expressed high levels of anxiety regarding these scenarios associated to multiple influences (interpersonal, clinician, professional and service factors). Quantitative and qualitative results were triangulated to provide a detailed analysis of how psychologists manage the clinical impact of the issues. Conclusions: Psychologists broadly supported HIV-prosecutions for intentional transmission (81%) but only limited support around ‘reckless’ cases (44%), particularly among those sexual-health experienced. Those ‘critical’ attempted to mitigate the impact of legal issues by proactively raising awareness among HIV-clients and resisting overly-defensive service changes; whereas those ‘less-critical’ were more accepting. Clinical, training and therapeutic implications are briefly considered.
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The right to confidentiality in the context of HIV/AIDSMtunuse, Paul Tobias 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the right to confidentiality in the context of HIV/AIDS through an interdisciplinary lens. This study indicates that whilst confidentiality is important and should be preserved in order to protect persons living with HIV/AIDS against stigmatisation, discrimination and victimisation, this should be balanced by other equally important interests, such as the protection of public health and individual third parties who may be affected by the intentional or negligent infection of others with HIV. As the consideration of the legal issues relating to confidentiality and privacy cannot be divorced from the social context in which HIV/AIDS plays out in South African communities, the study will examine, amongst others, the victimisation, discrimination and stigmatisation experienced by persons living with HIV/AIDS, followed by a critical exploration of the present legal and ethical framework governing privacy and confidentiality, including medical confidentiality, as well as the duty to disclose a positive HIV-status, in the context of HIV/AIDS. Possible limitations on the right to privacy in this context are also examined, which include, amongst others, a consideration of making HIV/AIDS notifiable diseases in South Africa. The study suggests that it is imperative that legal interventions aimed at curbing the spread of HIV will need to be mindful of the unique social, cultural and economic forces that impact on the duty to disclose a positive HIV-status to partners and other affected third parties. Insights gained from philosophical theories relating to Africanism, individualism, communitarianism and utilitarianism are valuable tools in facilitating a clearer understanding of relevant social and cultural factors that keep South African society locked in the present stalemate with regard to the disclosure of HIV status. / Public, Constitutional, and International law / LLD
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Troubling Peer Support Institutionalization: A Mad Institutional Ethnography; Or, Everyday Documentation, De/Valuing, & Values Work in Institutionalized Peer Support / Peer Support Institutionalization: Troubling Everyday WorkProwse, Calvin 17 November 2022 (has links)
A short (11 page) plain language summary is available under the filename "Research Summary_Peer Support Institutionalization - Troubling Everyday Work.pdf" / This study explores how the everyday work of peer supporters working within institutionalized settings are shaped by institutional forces (“ruling relations”), through a series of four (peer support) focus groups and interviews with five peer support workers in Ontario.
I explore peer supporters’ approaches to writing, reading, and verbally sharing information about their peers (“documentation work”), and reveal how their experiences and “felt troubles” relating to documentation are shaped by ideas of (clinical) confidentiality constructed in the Personal Health Information Protection Act (2004). I also explore how both lived experience and peer support are devalued through the ways organizations and clinicians determine and describe the value of healthcare roles (“de/valuing work”), and reveal how peer supporters’ experiences of being (de)valued are shaped by discourses of “professional/ism” which equate being a professional to having a post-secondary education and working through clinical frameworks.
I describe the work that peer supporters, clinicians, and organizations (can) engage in to ground peer support workers within peer values and approaches (“values work”) through accessing peer community and fostering environments of peer culture. I draw on these suggestions and the findings of the study to provide recommendations for peer support workers, organizations and clinical workers, the peer support sector as a whole, and research/ers. / Thesis / Master of Social Work (MSW)
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Aspects of banker liability : disclosure and other duties of bankers towards customers and suretiesVan Rensburg, Hermanus Lourens Jansen 01 January 2002 (has links)
Suretyships given in favour of banks are being challenged in the courts on the basis of equitable doctrines of unconscionable conduct, undue influence, or statutory provisions dealing with unfair conduct or unfair contract terms.
This thesis is an enquiry into a bank's duties of disclosure or advice to an intending surety. Such an investigation also necessitates a study of the relationship between banker and customer, as the surety is quite often a customer of the bank as well, and, as a surety's obligation to the bank is an accessory obligation, the obligation is dependent on a valid principal obligation between the bank and the principal debtor - the customer.
The face of modern banking has, however, changed dramatically and most major banks have become multi-functional. As a result, the banker-customer relationship may often be seen as a fiduciary relationship. A major problem brought about my multi-functioning banks is that of conflicts of interest between the bank and its customer. Furthermore, the banker-customer relationship is providing much more scope for lender liability than in the past.
Various factors are currently having an impact on the law of contract, and this is expected to affect the legal policy makers in their assessments of whether a duty of disclosure of material facts exits or not.
A surety has long been a favoured debtor in the eyes of the law, and the courts have developed a plethora of technical principles on which a surety can be relieved of his obligation. The escape routes of the surety, especially if he is a consumer as well, on the new grounds of public policy, unconscionability, good faith or unreasonableness, are growing. The results of these trends is the expected demise of suretyship as an acceptable, cheap form of debt security in the banking sector. / Jurisprudence / LL.D.
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Anmärkningar i revisionsberättelsen : Vad anmärker revisorn på innan konkurser?Larsson, Tobias, Stenberg, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Revisionsbranschen är en starkt reglerad bransch och styrs i dagsläget av många lagar som har som avsikt att värna om intressenter samt ge riktlinjer om god redovisningssed. Trots att dessa lagar existerar, är det många företag i obestånd som manipulerar bokföringen, vilket gör revisorns arbete att granska bokföringen mycket viktigt. Att företag får anmärkning på bokföringen är inte ovanligt och det kan finnas många orsaker till att företag som gått i konkurs får revisionsanmärkningar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka revisionsanmärkningar i ett företags sista årsredovisning innan konkurs. Vidare är syftet att undersöka om det finns något samband mellan företagens storlek och antal revisionsanmärkningar. I studien har den kvantitativa metoden använts där ett urval på 350 företag som gick i konkurs under 2015 och som haft revisor valts ut. Revisionsberättelser från dessa 350 har därefter samlats in från databasen Retriver för att sedan analyseras. Den genomförda studien visar att 61 % av alla företag har fått åtminstone en anmärkning i revisionsberättelsen. Enligt studiens empiriska material är den vanligaste anmärkningen att bolaget inte i rätt tid och med rätt belopp har redovisat samt betalt mervärdesskatt, avdragen skatt eller sociala avgifter. Därefter är det vanligt att årsredovisningen inte har upprättats i sådan tid att det varit möjligt att hålla årsstämma inom sex månader efter räkenskapsårets utgång och att en kontrollbalansräkning inte har upprättats. Det som vidare framkommit i studien är att i 22 % av företagen har revisorn anmärkt på företagets fortlevnad. Genom en analys av det empiriska materialet har det även framkommit att det finns ett samband mellan företagets storlek och antal anmärkningar då större företag får färre anmärkningar än vad mindre företag får. / The audit industry is highly regulated and controlled of many laws that seeks to protect stakeholders and to provide guidelines for companies so they can use generally accepted accounting principles. Although these laws exist, many companies in insolvency manipulates records, making the work of the auditor to review the accounts very important. That companies get notes on their accounting is not uncommon and it might be different causes to this. The purpose of this study is to investigate auditors notes in a company's last annual report before the bankruptcy. Furthermore, the purpose is to investigate whether there is any correlation between company size and number of notes. In this study, the quantitative method is used where a sample of 350 companies that went bankrupt in 2015 and who had an auditor has been selected. Audit reports from these 350 companies have been collected from the database Retriever and then analyzed. The survey shows that 61 % of all companies have gotten at least one note in the audit report. According to the study's empirical material, the most common complaint is that the company hasn’t, in the right time and with the right amount reported and paid tax, deducted tax or social security contributions. Next, it is common that the annual accounts have been prepared in such time that it has been impossible to hold the annual general meeting within six months after the financial years ending. The third commmon note in the audit report is that a company hasn’t done a balance sheet for liquidation. What further emerged from the study is that in 22 % of the companies the auditor have criticized the company's going concern. Through an analysis of the empirical material, it has also emerged that there is a correlation between company size and number of notes as larger companies get fewer notes from accountants than smaller companies gets.
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Sekretess och tystnadsplikt inom offentlig och privat hälso- och sjukvård : ett skydd för patientens personliga integritetSandén, Ulrika January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the protection of the patient’s privacy in health care in Sweden. It is crucially important that the patient has confidence in the health care and that patient data are kept secret from other persons and authorities. A patient who is unsure about secrecy and confidentiality may choose not to provide data that could prove necessary for health care personnel to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. Some individuals might even avoid seeking medical help from fear that data may be spread to outsiders. Inadequate protection of sensitive data may lead to the confidence of citizens in health care eventually eroding or vanishing completely. Protection of patient privacy is thus of fundamental importance in this area. In the area of health care, the intention of the legislator is that the regulations regarding secrecy in public health care and confidentiality in private health care will guarantee protection of patient privacy. Secrecy in public health care is regulated mainly in Chapter 25, Section 1 of the Swedish Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400). In private health care, confidentiality is regulated mainly in Chapter 6, Section 12, first paragraph, and Section 16 of the Swedish Act on Patient Safety (2010:659). The overall purpose of the thesis is to examine and analyse the legislator’s intentions and the juridical construction regarding the rules of secrecy and confidentiality, from the perspective of patient privacy. The starting point of the thesis is that the patient’s privacy should be strongly protected. One of the main conclusions is that the legal construction cannot be considered to be in accordance with the legislator’s intention that the regulation of patient privacy protection should constitute a strong protection for the patient’s privacy, be comprehensible, clear and easy to apply for health care personnel, as well as being the same in both public and private health care.
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Ar informacijos apie asmens sveikatos būklę atskleidimas tretiesiems asmenims pažeidžia asmens teisę į privatų gyvenimą? / Does the Disclosure of Personal Health Information to Third Parties Violate the Individual's Right to Privacy?Tamašauskaitė, Eglė 19 June 2014 (has links)
Informacijos apie asmens sveikatos būklę konfidencialumas yra svarbi įstatymų saugoma vertybė. Tačiau teisės doktrinoje, teisės aktuose ir teismų praktikoje pri¬pažįstama, kad teisė į privataus gyvenimo neliečiamumą nėra absoliuti. Kai ribojama asmens teisė į privatų gyvenimą, toks ribojimas turi būti numatytas įstatymų lygmenyje ir ad hoc analizuojama, ar toks ribojimas yra būtinas demokratinėje visuomenėje, siekiant ap¬saugoti teisėtą tikslą.
Darbe yra nagrinėjami ir vertinami informacijos apie asmens sveikatos būklę atskleidimo tretiesiems asmenims atvejai, identifikuojami pažeidimai ir pateikiamos rekomendacijos, kokių teisinių priemonių įgyvendinimas padėtų tinkamai užtikrinti asmens teisę į šią privataus gyvenimo sritį. Darbe pristatoma asmens sveikatos informacijos konfidencialumo samprata, aprašoma, koks yra asmens, kaip paciento, teisės į privataus gyvenimo neliečiamumą reglamentavimas Lietuvoje, pristatoma šalių praktika, identifikuojami sveikatos informacijos konfidencialumo principo ribojimai, pateikiami atvejai, kuomet informacija apie asmens sveikatos būklę yra atskleidžiama pažeidžiant teisės aktus, taip pat vertinami atvejai, kai galimai ultra vires įstatymų leidėjas priima įstatymus, kurie prieštarauja LR Konstitucijai ir tarptautinėms sutartims.
Darbe yra išsikeliamos dvi hipotezės: H1 – Lietuvoje be paciento sutikimo atskleidžiant informaciją apie paciento sveikatos būklę draudimo įstaigoms pažeidžiama asmens teisė į privatų gyvenimą; H2 – Lietuvoje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Confidentiality of personal health information is an important value which is protected by The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and other laws. However, the right to confidentiality is not recognized as absolute in the doctrine of law, legislation and legal cases. When there is the restriction of confidentiality of personal health information, it is necessary to emphasize the principle of necessity to protect a legitimate target which is necessary in a democratic society. It is important to notice that every restriction must be provided at the level of a piece of legislation.
In the paper there is analyzed and evaluated the cases of the disclosure of personal health information to third parties, identified violations and made recommendations what legislative measures should be implemented to ensure the patient's right to private life. In the paper there has set the following objectives: to analyze the current situation in Lithuania what there is the regulation of the patient's right to privacy; to present the practice of different countries about patient's right to privacy; to carry out a theoretical analysis by comparing the various scientific researches on the personal health privacy; to determine what is the restrictions for the principle of medical confidentiality; to identify privacy problems while disclosing personal health information; to reveal when information is disclosed in accordance... [to full text]
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