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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deciding the Word Problem for Ground and Strongly Shallow Identities w.r.t. Extensional Symbols

Baader, Franz, Kapur, Deepak 22 February 2024 (has links)
The word problem for a finite set of ground identities is known to be decidable in polynomial time using congruence closure, and this is also the case if some of the function symbols are assumed to be commutative or defined by certain shallow identities, called strongly shallow. We show that decidability in P is preserved if we add the assumption that certain function symbols f are extensional in the sense that f (s₁, . . . , sn) ≈ f (t₁, . . . , tn) implies s₁ ≈ t₁, . . . , sn ≈ tn. In addition, we investigate a variant of extensionality that is more appropriate for commutative function symbols, but which raises the complexity of the word problem to coNP.

Lobbyingerfolg im europäischen Policy-Making: Wer gewinnt wo und warum? / Ressourcen, Framing, Arenen, Issuetypen und Koalitionen

Ehrenberg-Silies, Simone 18 November 2015 (has links)
Wie kann Lobbyingerfolg von Interessengruppen erklärt werden? Lange Zeit standen ausschließlich Ressourcen als Explanans für Lobbyingerfolg im Zentrum der theoretischen Auseinandersetzung. Später traten weitere unabhängige Variablen zur Erklärung von Lobbyingerfolg hinzu: Framing, Arenen, Issuetypen, Koalitionen und die politisch-ideologische Ausrichtung der Entscheidungsträger als intervenierende Variable. Die empirischen Beobachtungen am Beispiel der EU-Emissionspolitik zeigen, dass keine der genannten Variablen Lobbyingerfolg alleine erklären kann. Die Kongruenzanalyse wird belegen, dass die Erklärungs- und Prognosekraft der Variablen in den einzelnen Arenen variiert. Ressourcen sind ein guter Prädiktor für Lobbyingerfolg in der Arena der Kommission. In der Arena des Europäischen Parlaments ist vor allem das Lobbyingziel der einzelnen Interessengruppen entscheidend. In der Arena des Rats hängt der Lobbyingerfolg von einem komplexen Zusammenspiel aus Lobbyingziel, formellen Abstimmungsregeln und der Positionierung der Mitgliedstaaten ab, die wiederum von der Zusammensetzung der jeweiligen Regierungsexekutiven und der Ressourcenstärke einzelner Interessengruppen in den Mitgliedstaaten beeinflusst wird. In der Arena des Vermittlungsausschusses entscheidet die politisch-ideologische Position des Berichterstatters. Darüber hinaus kann gezeigt werden, dass sowohl in der Arena des Europäischen Parlaments als auch in der Arena des Rats bestimmte Framing-Strategien erfolgversprechend sind. Wohingegen die Zugehörigkeit eines Issues zu einem bestimmten Issuetypus von vornherein die Erfolgsaussichten mindert. Lobbyingerfolg am Ende des Mitentscheidungsverfahrens ist also das Resultat von Lobbyingerfolgen, die in den einzelnen Arenen auf unterschiedliche kausale Effekte zurückzuführen sind. Bemerkenswert ist, dass Lobbyingerfolg von einer Reihe von Faktoren abhängt, die von Interessengruppen selbst nicht unmittelbar beeinflussbar sind. / How can lobbying success of interest groups be explained? For a long time, solely resources were at the centre of the theoretical debate. Later, other independent variables were added to explain lobbying success: framing, arenas, types of issues, coalitions and the political-ideological position of decision-makers as an intervening variable. Empirical observations using the example of the EU emissions policy however show that none of the above variables can explain lobbying success alone. A congruence analysis demonstrates that the explanatory and predictive power of the variables varies in different arenas. Resources are a potent predictor of lobbying success in the arena of the Commission. In the arena of the European Parliament, it is the lobbying goal of stakeholders, which determines success. In the arena of the Council, lobbying success is the result of a complex interplay of lobbying goal, formal voting rules and the political position of the Member States. The political position of Member States, in turn, is influenced by the political-ideological composition of the government executive and the resources of individual stakeholders in the Member States. In the arena of the Conciliation Committee, the political and ideological position of the rapporteur is pivotal. In addition, it can be shown that both in the arena of the European Parliament and of the Council certain framing strategies support lobbying success. In contrast, the nature of an issue can diminish the chances of lobbying success right from the outset. Thus, lobbying success at the end of the co-decision procedure is the result of the combination of lobbying successes in the co-decision arenas, which are due to different causal effects. It is noteworthy that lobbying success depends on a number of factors, which cannot be directly influenced by interest groups themselves.

Belyi pairs and scattering constants

Posingies, Anna 27 September 2010 (has links)
Diese Dissertation behandelt nicht-holomorphe Diese Dissertation behandelt nicht-holomorphe Eisensteinreihen und Dessins d''Enfants. Nicht-holomorphe Eisensteinreihen entstehen aus Untergruppen der Modulgruppe, indem man über alle Elemente der Gruppe modulo dem Stabilisator einer Spitze aufsummiert. Die zweite Struktur, Dessins d''Enfants, sind bipartite Graphen die in topologische Flächen eingebettet sind. Dessins d''Enfants stehen in Korrespondenz zu Belyi-Paaren und Untergruppen der Modulgruppe von endlichem Index. Deshalb bestehen zwischen Eisensteinreihen und Dessins d''Enfants Verbindungen und ein Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit ist es, Informationen und Wissen über das eine Objekt in das andere zu übertragen. Bezüglich Dessins d''Enfants beschäftigen wir uns mit Symmetrien. Wir waren in der Lage, Automorphismen von algebraischen Kurven im assoziierten Dessin, in der zugehörigen Untergruppe sowie insbesondere auf den Spitzen zu interpretieren. Außerdem beschreiben wir die Zusammenhänge zwischen Dessins für Untergruppen, dadurch können wir für zwei Untergruppen anhand ihres Dessins entscheiden, ob sie in einander enthalten sind. In Kombination mit hier erbrachten Resultaten zu den Hauptkongruenzuntergruppen führt dies zu einem implementierten Algorithmus, der prüft, ob eine Gruppe eine Kongruenzuntergruppe ist oder nicht. Auf der Seite der Eisensteinreihen untersucht dieser Text Streukonstanten, Greensche Funktionen und Kroneckergrenzformeln. In der Streumatrix fanden wir Symmetrien (für bestimmte Gruppen). Für Greensche Funktionen wurde eine Spurformel bewiesen. Wir zeigten, dass Eisensteinreihen eine Identität erfüllen, die wir Kroneckergrenzformel nennen; sie vergleicht den konstanten Term der Eisensteinreihe mit Funktionen, die von ausgezeichneten Modulformen kommen. Die Dissertation gipfelt in der Berechnung der Streukonstanten für die Untergruppen assoziiert zu den Fermatkurven, die fast alle Nichtkongruenzuntergruppen sind. / In this dissertation non-holomorphic Eisenstein series and Dessins d''Enfants are considered. Non-holomorphic Eisenstein series are created out of subgroups of the modular group by summing up over all elements modulo the stabilizer of a cusp. The second main object, Dessins d''Enfants, are bipartite graphs that are embedded into topological surfaces. There is a correspondence between Dessins D''Enfants, Belyi pairs and subgroups of the modular group of finite index. Therefore Eisenstein series and Dessins d''Enfants are related and a focus of this work is how to use the one to find information about the other. The main results concerning Dessins d''Enfants in this thesis are investigations of symmetries of Dessins. We have been able to interpret automorphisms of algebraic curves on the associated Dessin, the subgroups and in particular the set of cusps. Furthermore, we describe the relation of Dessins for subgroups. Therefore, with help of the Dessins we can decide if two subgroups are contained in each other. Together with our results on the Dessins for principal congruence subgroups this leads to an implemented algorithm that checks if a subgroup is a congruence subgroup or not. On the side of Eisenstein series we consider scattering constants, Green''s functions and Kronecker limit formulas. We found symmetries in the scattering matrix for certain groups. For Green''s functions we established a trace formula. We showed that Eisenstein series fulfill an identity we call Kronecker limit formula in which they are compared with functions coming from certain modular forms. Most of the work done in this thesis culminates in the calculation of the scattering constants for the subgroups associated to Fermat curves; most of these groups are non-congruence.

認知年齡與品牌年齡一致性對不同產品類型品牌偏好程度之影響 / The effects of congruence between cognitive age and brand age on brand preference under different product types

黃昭蕙, Huang, Chao-hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的是探討消費者自我認知年齡 (Cognitive Age) 與品牌年齡之一致性程度,對其品牌偏好的影響。為使研究結果具一般性之參考價值,本研究不以單一產品為研究標的,而是將產品依其所滿足之消費者需求的不同,區分為功能型產品 (Utilitarian Product)、享樂型產品 (Hedonic Product) 與象徵型產品 (Symbolic Product) 三類,以產品類型做為調節變數,了解在不同產品類型下,消費者自我認知年齡與品牌年齡之一致性,對其品牌偏好之關係會有何種程度之變化。   有鑑於國內並未有類似之研究探討,本研究分兩階段進行,先透過次級資料探討確定消費者認知年齡與品牌年齡之差距,對消費者在品牌偏好度上之可能關係,在次級資料之研究結果與研究方向一致時,正式進行第二階段的調查,驗證研究假說。   研究結果顯示消費者之認知年齡確實不同於真實年齡,兩者間呈現正向相關之特性,顯示真實年齡高者,其認知年齡也會較高。在研究主效果上,消費者真實年齡與品牌年齡之一致性,以及消費者認知年齡與品牌年齡之一致性,都與消費者之品牌偏好度呈現正向影響關係,但其中以認知年齡之影響較為明顯,支持認知年齡對真實年齡與品牌偏好間之關係具中介效果。結果發現,消費者認知年齡與品牌年齡之一致性對品牌偏好度之關係,在象徵型產品上最為強烈,其次是享樂型產品,功能型產品最弱。   整體而言,認知年齡較傳統行銷所使用之真實年齡更能反映消費者之自我概念與品牌偏好,特別是對象徵型與享樂型產品。因此,若能妥善將認知年齡與其他人口統計變數搭配使用,將有助於行銷者掌握消費特性,擬定契合之品牌策略。此外,本研究建議象徵型產品廠商在其品牌管理上尤應注重目標消費者之認知年齡,諸如品牌年齡定位與代言人的選擇,都應配合其目標消費族群之認知年齡。 / The purpose of this study is to discuss the congruency of consumer’s cognitive age and perceived brand age on brand preference. In order to maximize the contri-bution of the study, this study examines 3 product types, namely functional, hedonic, and symbolic rather than choosing a single product. By using product types as mod-erator, the study shows the effect of consumer’s cognitive age and perceived brand age on brand preference changes under different types of products. Because there’s no similar study in Taiwan before, the study uses secondary da-ta to explore the relationship between a consumer’s brand preference and cogni-tive-brand age gap (the disparity between the consumer’s cognitive age and brand age). A second stage of investigation was conducted to verify the research assump-tions once the secondary data study and the results were found to be consistent. According to the results, the gap between consumer’s cognitive age and actual age actually exists, and the two of them are positively related, implying that older people have higher cognitive age. On the main effect, although “the congruency of consumer’s actual age and brand age” and “the congruency of consumer’s cognitive age and brand age” both have a positive relationship with brand preference, the relationship between “the congruency of consumer’s actual age and brand age” and “brand preference” is stronger, indicating that cognitive age has a mediating effect on the relationship between actual age and brand preference. Furthermore, the relationship between “the congruency of consumer’s cognitive age and brand age” is much more salient for symbolic products than hedonic products, while functional product consumer choices are the least affected by this relationship. To sum up, cognitive age tells us more about consumer self-image and brand preference than the traditional marketing variable, actual age. This is especially true for symbolic and hedonic products. Therefore, if marketers could combine cognitive age with other demographic variables, they will learn more about consumers and draw up the most appropriate strategy for their brand. Furthermore, this study re-commends that firms marketing symbolic products should take into account con-sumers’ cognitive age, when determining brand age positioning. The selection of ad-vertising actors should also be aligned with the target consumer’s cognitive age.

Informationsasymmetri och målöverensstämmelse vid implementering av ekonomistyrning : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie på Boliden Mineral AB

Hjelm, Fredrik, Persson, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
Inom ekonomistyrning utgår ekonomer oftast från att målöverensstämmelse existerar och att de anställda arbetar utifrån de uppställda målen med perfekt information. Men informationsasymmetri finns överallt och kan leda till ökade kostnader, att fel uppstår och försenade leveranser. Detta är särskilt intressant inom gruvindustrin eftersom den karakteriseras av komplexitet vilket ökar svårigheter med att förmedla styrningen. Frågan blir; under vilka förutsättningar uppstår informationsasymmetri inom styrning och målöverensstämmelse samt hur kan asymmetrin reduceras inom gruvindustrin? Syftet med examensarbetet blir därmed att öka förståelse och analysera hur informationsasymmetri påverkar ekonomistyrning och målöverensstämmelse inom gruvindustrin samt hur asymmetrin kan reduceras. Arbetet utgår ifrån principal-agent teorin som grundas på antaganden om informationsasymmetri och egen nyttomaximering. Utifrån den målkonflikten grundas hypoteserna om de begrepp som ökar och reducerar målöverensstämmelse genom ökad och minskad informationsasymmetri. De olika teoretisk begreppen som undersöktes var missanpassad information, opportunism, återkoppling, internutbildning och tid. Examensarbetet utfördes genom att använda oss av Cavaye (1996) modell för flerstudieansats (eng. Multifaceted research approach) där vi har först gjort Studie 1 som grundas på kvalitativa intervjuer för att få mer information om företaget och industrin. Sedan i Studie 2 testas begreppen genom en kvantitativ enkät som skickades ut till personer inom företaget utifrån ett strategisk urval. Resultatet från undersökningen var att hypoteserna bekräftades och att agenterna anser att målen är viktiga och internutbildning var de starkaste faktorerna för att reducera informationsasymmetri och öka målöverensstämmelse. / In management control systems economist usually assume perfect information and goal congruence from the top to the bottom of the organization. But information asymmetry is everywhere and often leads to increased costs, missed deadlines and other mistakes. This is particularly interesting in the mining industry as it’s characterized by complexity which increases the difficulty of communicating the control system throughout the organization. The research question then becomes; under which circumstances does information asymmetry occur in control systems and goal congruence and how can the asymmetry be reduced in the mining industry? The purpose of the study is therefore to increase the understanding and analyze how information asymmetry impact control systems and goal congruence in the mining industry and how the asymmetry can be reduced. The study is based on the principal-agent theory is based on the assumptions of information asymmetry and self-interest between the two parties. Based on that goal conflict our hypothesis of the variables that increase and reduce goal congruence through increased and decreased information asymmetry is formed. The investigated variables were miss adapted information, opportunism, feedback, workplace education and time. The study was conducted by using Cavaye (1996) model for multifaceted research approach by starting off with Study 1, which was based on qualitative interviews to get more information about the company and the mining industry. Study 2 later tested the variables impact by conducting a quantitative study though the use of a survey that was sent to people of interest within the company though a strategic selection. The result of the study was that the hypotheses were confirmed and that workplace education training and valuing the importance of the goals where the most important variables to reduce information asymmetry and increase goal congruence.

L'efficacité des sites web marchands destinés aux consommateurs culturellement divers : les effets de la congruence culturelle du site et de l'exposition répétée

Taieb, Besma 23 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectifs d'étudier les réactions des groupes majoritaires et minoritaires face au site web marchand congruent à leur pays d'origine et au site web incongruent (site congruent au pays hôte/étranger), de mieux comprendre les effets de la congruence culturelle des sites marchands et d'évaluer les conditions d'efficacité du site culturellement incongruent. Nous avons élaboré un plan expérimental comportant trois variables à manipuler : la congruence culturelle du site web (faible versus forte), la fréquence d'exposition (1 exposition versus 2 expositions) et la population (minoritaire versus majoritaire). Deux sites web expérimentaux ont été conçus (le premier site est congruent à la population majoritaire et le second est congruent à la population minoritaire). Grâce à une analyse de contenu réalisée sur les sites locaux de la population minoritaire, nous avons identifié et sélectionné les marqueurs culturels dominants (tels que les couleurs, les polices, les images et les symboles) que nous avons manipulés pour concevoir les sites web expérimentaux. Les résultats obtenus montrent que le site culturellement congruent par rapport au site incongruent améliore l'attitude vis-à-vis du site, la confiance envers le site et l'intention de recommander. Toutefois, les effets positifs de la congruence culturelle du site web sur l'attitude et la confiance vis-à-vis du site sont plus forts pour la population majoritaire que pour la population minoritaire / This thesis aims to study the reactions of the majority and minority groups towards commercial website congruent with their country of origin and culturally incongruent website (site congruent with host country / abroad), to better understand the effects of commercial websites cultural congruity and to assess the conditions of culturally incongruent website effectiveness. We developed an experimental design with three variables to manipulate: website cultural congruity (low versus high), exposure frequency (1 exposure versus 2 exposures) and population (majority versus minority). Two experimental websites were designed (the first site is congruent with the majority population and the second is congruent with the minority population). Through a content analysis performed on the local sites of the minority population, we identified and selected the dominant cultural markers (such as colors, fonts, images and symbols) handled in designing experimental websites. The results show that culturally congruent site compared to incongruent site improves attitude, trust toward the site and intention to recommend. However, the positive effects of website cultural congruity on attitude and trust toward the site are stronger for the majority than the minority population. The results also indicate that repeated exposure to incongruent website improves attitude and trust toward the site, but it should be noted that repeated exposure has a stronger influence on attitude toward the incongruent site

Uplatnění principů přístupu zaměřeného na člověka (PCA) v manažerské praxi / Application of the Person-Centered Approach (PCA) principles in management

Mitaczová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The basic objective of the theoretical part of this diploma thesis is to present Rogers' Person- centred Approach (PCA) in terms of its development, theory, basic principles and potential applications out of therapeutical context, with emphasis on leadership. The first chapter is devoted to general knowledge of the PCA and in the second chapter there is a more detailed description of possible applications of the PCA in management. The basic objective of the empirical part is to verify the relationship between main necessary conditions of PCA in people management (respectively in person-centered leadership) and employees' organizational commitment. The quantitative research in the form of correlation study has been carried out on a sample of 63 respondents, employees of various organizations in various fields. Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory (BLRI) and Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) were used as research methods. The results show the significant correlation between organizational commitment and measures of empathic understanding, congruence, and level of regard expressed by managers towards employees. The significant relationship between organizational commitment and unconditionality has not been confirmed. Besides the hypotheses linked to the basic goal there are some other...

老人居住安排-居住安排轉換、年歲增長與居住安排、居住安排滿意改變之探討 / The Living Arrangements of the Elderly: An Analysis of Living Arrangement Transitions, Aging and Living Arrangement, and Changes in Satisfaction with Living Arrangements

張桂霖, Chang, Guey Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文首先介紹臺灣老人的居住安排基本概況。接著,以交換理論與家庭價值觀,分析居住安排的轉換。同時,從經濟因素與需要因素的推拉作用以及家庭價值觀與交換理論,分析老人「移與子女居」和「子女回居」。再接著,應用相同樣本探討年歲增長與居住安排的關係,分析一群老人從初老經過中老到老老三個階段的居住安排。最後,以人與環境一致模式、基本生活需求滿足假說,分析老人居住安排滿意與否的改變。 以往討論老人居住安排的轉換,大多以家庭價值觀解釋,強調感情因素,當老人有最大需要時,例如,健康惡化或從有偶變成無偶,更可能發生轉換為與子女同住。但現代化社會,經濟因素轉趨重要,可能需要以交換理論補強。因此,本論文使用我國行政院衛生署與密西根大學合作之「臺灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查」縱斷面調查資料,進行老人居住安排轉換的分析研究,觀察居住安排轉換行為,以檢視這兩種觀點對於居住安排轉換的解釋力。又,以往的相關研究大多以靜態變數為解釋變數,本論文貢獻主要在於以動態的變數-相關變數前後期的變化-為解釋變數,檢視其對老人居住安排轉換的影響。結果發現:以家庭價值觀或以交換理論解釋老人居住安排的轉換,都獲得部分支持;但沒有足夠的證據支持健康惡化或從有偶變無偶是影響老人轉換為與子女同住的關鍵因素;相反地,與交換理論相關的重大經濟決策權的改變變得比較重要,造成更可能發生轉換為不與子女同住或與子女同住。隱含著家庭價值觀對老人居住安排轉換的影響逐漸式微,而交換理論的影響力則越來越強,可彌補以家庭價值觀解釋之不足。 本論文亦使用縱斷面調查資料,以相關變數前後期的變化為解釋變數,檢視臺灣老人從不與子女同住變成「移與子女居」及「子女回居」的影響因素。結果隱含老人正向經濟因素的轉變更可能發生「子女回居」,需要因素及負向經濟因素的轉變則更可能發生「移與子女居」,而且沒有證據足認健康狀況轉差是影響轉換為與子女同住的關鍵因素。 有別於以往許多老人居住安排的文獻常將65歲以上的人當作一個群體,或有的橫斷面研究使用不同樣本,抑或即使以縱斷面研究亦使用不同樣本,進行老化研究,本論文利用相同樣本縱斷面研究分析老年人在初老、中老、老老階段的居住安排,回答「隨著年齡的增長,老人與子女共住的比例是呈U型或直線下降的關係?」、「老化對居住安排有何影響?」的問題。研究結果顯示隨著年齡的增長,老人與子女共住的比例呈直線下降。本論文發現一些因素在某階段有顯著影響,而在其他階段未發現有顯著影響,此即與老化有關;除此,對三個階段的居住安排均發生顯著影響的因素,其影響程度亦隨著年齡的增長而有不同,均為預測老人各階段居住安排決定的良好指標。 本論文為檢視究竟何因素影響老人居住安排滿意與否之改變,使用縱斷面調查資料,應用人與環境一致和基本生活需求滿足之理論基礎,以動態的變數-相關變數前後期的改變-為解釋變數,檢視其影響。結果發現:以人與環境一致或基本生活需求滿足,解釋居住安排滿意與否之改變,都獲得部分支持,同時,「愛屋及烏」假說亦獲得支持。顯示居住安排滿意與否之改變,主要歸因於環境與個體間之一致及合適與否。 總結而言,老人隨著年歲增長,居住安排從滿意變為不滿意者的比例增加,健康狀況亦呈直線下降,但不與子女同住的比例遞增,與子女同住的居住安排則呈直線下降,許多影響因素已顯示老人由家庭照護的傳統價值日漸式微。無論老人採行何種居住安排,理應以提高居住安排滿意度,提昇老人福祉為依歸。此際,除了由政府提出有效對策以為改善之外,老人宜自求多福,例如,改善居住環境、移居良好醫療環境,家庭重大決策放手由子女承擔,多多參與社交性或拜訪親友、鄰居的活動,快樂邁向成功老化。 / This dissertation, firstly, introduces the basic overview of living arrangements of the elderly in Taiwan. Then, it analyzes the transitions in living arrangements among elderly of family values and exchange theory, meanwhile, it also analyzes “moving to be with children” and “returning to the nest” from needs factors and economic factors as well as family values and exchange theory. Then, it uses a panel study to examine the living arrangements of young-old, old-old, and oldest-old. Finally, it applies a theoretical basis of person-environment congruence and basic-needs content to analyze the changes in satisfaction with living arrangements of the elderly. The value placed on family was often used to explain the influence on living arrangements transitions in previous literature. Yet economic factors have become important in modern society, therefore we need to use exchange theory to strengthen the explanation on transitions. This dissertation, therefore, attempts to compare these two explanations through analyzing transitions, and to examine the effects of these two viewpoints on transitions. Using a longitudinal data source, the Survey of Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan, produced by the Department of Health (Taiwan) and the University of Michigan, a binomial logit model is used to observe the behavior of transitions. The contribution of this dissertation mainly lies in taking the dynamic variables, the changes of related variables between baseline and follow-up, as independent variables to examine the influence on the transitions. Empirical results show that both family value and exchange theory cause the living arrangements transitions, but lack evidence to prove that a senior’s health deterioration or the loss of a spouse was the major determinant of the transition to live with children. Contrarily, transitions of living arrangements are more likely to occur when a senior changes her/his role as the economic decision-maker into the non economic decision-maker of the household or vice versa. That implies the influence of family values on transitions is decreasing, and the influence of exchange theory is increasing. This dissertation also uses a longitudinal data source and takes the changes of related variables between baseline and follow-up as independent variables to examine what factors are associated with “moving to be with children” and “returning to the nest” among those living apart from children at baseline of Taiwanese seniors. Empirical results imply that “returning to the nest” is more likely to occur when a senior’s positive economic factors are changed; while “moving to be with children” is more likely to occur when a senior’s needs factors and negative economic factors are changed, and lacking evidence to prove that health deterioration was the major determinant of the transition to live with children. Most previous research on elderly living arrangements examined all people aged 65 and over as a whole. Some cross-sectional studies on aging employed different samples, as did some longitudinal studies. This dissertation examines the living arrangements of young-old, old-old, and oldest-old in Taiwan. A panel study was used to answer the following questions: Is the proportion of coresidence with increased age U-shaped or decreased linearly? What influence does aging have on living arrangements? Analytical results show that the proportion of coresidence decreased linearly among the same samples for the young-old, old-old, and oldest-old. Empirical results show that some factors were significant at some stages, while not significant at other stages, that is, they were affected by aging. Additionally, some factors related to living arrangements for all three age groups, and their effects differed with increased age. All of them are good indicators in predicting the determinants of elderly living arrangements for the three groups. This dissertation also uses a longitudinal data source, applies a theoretical basis of person-environment congruence and basic-needs content, and takes the dynamic variables, the changes in related variables between the baseline and follow-up, as independent variables to examine the determinants of changes in satisfaction with living arrangements of the elderly. Empirical results indicate that both person-environment congruence and basic-needs content partially cause changes in satisfaction with living arrangements, and the “love me, love my dog” hypothesis is also fulfilled. This dissertation suggests that changes in satisfaction with living arrangements are mainly attributed to the congruence or fit between the environment and the individual. Summarily, the proportion of dissatisfaction with living arrangements increases as age increases, the condition of health worsened linearly and the proportion of living with children is decreased with increased age, many factors have been implied the influence of traditional values on family care is decreasing. No matter what kind of living arrangement the elderly adopted, they should improve the living arrangement satisfaction, and enhance the welfare. At this time, beyond the improvements through effective measures of the government, the elderly should fend for themselves by improving the living environment, moving to a good medical environment, transferring the power of decision-making to children, and more involving in sociability or visiting relatives, friends and neighbors. And then they achieve successful aging happily.

Dicomplemented Lattices / A Contextual Generalization of Boolean Algebras / Treillis Dicomplementes. Une Generalisation Contextuelle des Algebres de Boole. / Dikomplementaere Verbaende. Eine Kontextuelle Verallgemeinerung Boolescher Algebren

Kwuida, Leonard 23 October 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es die mathematische Theorie der Begriffsalgebren zu entwickeln. Wir betrachten dabei hauptsaechlich das Repraesentationsproblem dieser vor Kurzem eingefuehrten Strukturen. Motiviert durch die Suche nach einer geeigneten Negation sind die Begriffsalgebren entstanden. Sie sind nicht nur fuer die Philosophie oder die Wissensrepraesentation von Interesse, sondern auch fuer andere Felder, wie zum Beispiel Logik oder Linguistik. Das Problem Negationen geeignet einzufuehren, ist sicher eines der aeltesten der wissenschaftlichen oder philosophischen Gemeinschaft und erregt auch zur Zeit die Aufmerksamkeit vieler Wissenschaftler. Verschiedene Typen von Logik (die sich sehr stark durch die eigefuehrte Negation unterscheiden) unterstreichen die Wichtigkeit dieser Untersuchungen. In dieser Arbeit beschaeftigen wir uns hauptsaechlich mit der kontextuellen Logik, eine Herangehensweise der Formalen Begriffsanalyse, basierend auf der Idee, den Begriff als Einheit des Denkens aufzufassen. / The aim of this investigation is to develop a mathematical theory of concept algebras. We mainly consider the representation problem for this recently introduced class of structures. Motivated by the search of a "negation" on formal concepts, "concept algebras" are of considerable interest not only in Philosophy or Knowledge Representation, but also in other fields as Logic or Linguistics. The problem of negation is surely one of the oldest problems of the scientific and philosophic community, and still attracts the attention of many researchers. Various types of Logic (defined according to the behaviour of the corresponding negation) can attest this affirmation. In this thesis we focus on "Contextual Logic", a Formal Concept Analysis approach, based on concepts as units of thought.

Discrete and Profinite Groups Acting on Regular Rooted Trees / Diskrete und pro-endliche Gruppen, die auf regulären Bäumen mit einem Fixpunkt operieren

Siegenthaler, Olivier 28 September 2009 (has links)
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