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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les Amérindiens à l'arrivée des Blancs et les débuts de l'effritement de leur civilisation

Parent, Raynald 11 April 2018 (has links)
Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2012

L'étude des relations entre les Basques et les Premières Nations du nord-est de l'Amérique du Nord au XVIe siècle par l'analyse de l'histoire, de la linguistique et de l'archéologie

Andueza Rota, Iratxe 10 February 2024 (has links)
Les Basques ont été parmi les premiers Européens à être en contact et à pratiquer le commerce avec les Premières Nations du nord-est de l’Amérique du Nord. Leurs activités de pêche et leurs relations avec les Premières Nations au XVIe siècle demeurent peu et mal connues dans la mesure où elles ont laissé peu de traces écrites et qu’il y a très peu de travaux traitant de la question. Notre étude porte principalement sur l’analyse de la langue et de la culture matérielle pour appréhender les relations nouées entre ces deux groupes car les premiers contacts entre eux ont été caractérisés par des échanges linguistiques et des échanges d’objets matériels. C’est essentiellement par les travaux historiques menés sur les ports basques, par les cartes anciennes, par les récits de voyage français, qui font souvent référence aux Basques, et par les collections d’objets provenant de sites basques et autochtones en Amérique du Nord que nous pouvons mieux connaître les activités des Basques et leurs relations avec les Premières Nations. Nous avons donc privilégié une approche multidisciplinaire et transversale qui mobilise l’histoire, la linguistique et l’archéologie dans un même travail de synthèse. / The Basques were among the first Europeans to be in contact and to trade with the Native people of north-eastern North America. Little is known or understood of their activities and relationships with the First Nations in the 16th century in so far as few printed records of their activities have survived and the scholarly works dealing with the topic are scarce and far between. The study focusses on language and material culture because the first contacts between these two groups are characterised by the exchange of words and material objects. The aim of this study is to reach a better understanding of the activities of the Basque and their relations with First Nations through historical research carried out in Basque ports, maps of the period, French travel accounts, which often refer to the Basques who preceded them, and collections of objects from Basque and First Nations archaeological sites in North America. This study is, therefore, a multidisciplinary undertaking which combines history, linguistics and archaeology in a single analytical work. / Euskaldunak lehenengoetarikoak izan ziren Ipar Amerikako ipar-ekialdeko Lehen Nazioekin harremantzen eta salerosketan aritzen. Haien XVI. Mendeko arrantza eta harremanen aztarna idatziak eskasak dira, idatziriko idazki gutxi geratu baitira eta ikasketa oso gutxi baitaude gai honi buruz. Hizkuntz eta kultura materialaren trukaketa izanen dira bide Euskaldun eta Lehen Nazioetakoen arteko harremana ulertzeko, horiexek izan baitziren haien harremanari hasiera eman zioten bi kontaktu motak. Gehienbat euskal portuei buruzko idazki notarioak aztertzen dituzten lan historikoak, mapa zaharrak, frantsesen bidai liburuak eta euskal zein Lehen Nazioen indusketa lekuetan aurkitu diren zenbait objektu landuko ditugu, euskaldunek Ipar Amerikako ipar-ekialdean zituzten zereginak eta bertakoekin zuten harremana hobe ulertzeko. Lan hau, beraz, jakintza-alor anitzeko lan bat izanen da, historia, hizkuntza eta arkeologia aztertuko dituena, analisi lan bakarrean.

Zigzag Phase Transition in Quantum Wires and Localization in the Inhomogeneous One-Dimensional Electron Gas

Mehta, Abhijit C. January 2013 (has links)
<p>In this work, we study two important themes in the physics of the interacting one-dimensional (1D) electron gas: the transition from one-dimensional to higher dimensional behavior, and the role of inhomogeneity. The interplay between interactions, reduced dimensionality, and inhomogeneity drives a rich variety of phenomena in mesoscopic physics. In 1D, interactions fundamentally alter the nature of the electron gas, and the homogeneous 1D electron gas is described by Luttinger Liquid theory. We use Quantum Monte Carlo methods to study two situations that are beyond Luttinger Liquid theory --- the quantum phase transition from a linear 1D electron system to a quasi-1D zigzag arrangement, and electron localization in quantum point contacts. </p><p>Since the interacting electron gas has fundamentally different behavior in one dimension than in higher dimensions, the transition from 1D to higher dimensional behavior is of both practical and theoretical interest. We study the first stage in such a transition; the quantum phase transition from a 1D linear arrangement of electrons in a quantum wire to a quasi-1D zigzag configuration, and then to a liquid-like phase at higher densities. As the density increases from its lowest values, first, the electrons form a linear Wigner crystal; then, the symmetry about the axis of the wire is broken as the electrons order in a quasi-1D zigzag phase; and, finally, the electrons form a disordered liquid-like phase. We show that the linear to zigzag phase transition occurs even in narrow wires with strong quantum fluctuations, and that it has characteristics which are qualitatively different from the classical transition.</p><p>Experiments in quantum point contacts (QPC's) show an unexplained feature in the conductance known as the ``0.7 Effect''. The presence of the 0.7 effect is an indication of the rich physics present in inhomogeneous systems, and we study electron localization in quantum point contacts to evaluate several different proposed mechanisms for the 0.7 effect. We show that electrons form a Wigner crystal in a 1D constriction; for sharp constriction potentials the localized electrons are separated from the leads by a gap in the density, while for smoother potentials, the Wigner crystal is smoothly connected to the leads. Isolated bound states can also form in smooth constrictions if they are sufficiently long. We thus show that localization can occur in QPC's for a variety of potential shapes and at a variety of electron densities. These results are consistent with the idea that the 0.7 effect and bound states observed in quantum point contacts are two distinct phenomena.</p> / Dissertation

Contact mechanics and impact dynamics of non-conforming elastic and viscoelastic semi-infinite or thin bonded layered solids

Votsios, Vasilis January 2003 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with the contact mechanics behaviour of non-conforming solids. The geometry of the solids considered gives rise to various contact configurations, from concentrated contacts with circular and elliptical configuration to those of finite line nature, as well as those of less concentrated form such as circular flat punches. The radii of curvature of mating bodies in contact or impact give rise to these various nonconforming contact configurations and affect their contact characteristics, from those considered as semi-infinite solids in accord with the classical Hertzian theory to those that deviate from it. Furthermore, layered solids have been considered, some with higher elastic modulus than that of the substrate material (such as hard protective coatings) and some with low elastic moduli, often employed as tribological coatings (such as solid lubricants). Other bonded layered solids behave in viscoelastic manner, with creep relaxation behaviour under load, and are often used to dampen structural vibration upon impact. Analytic models have been developed for all these solids to predict their contact and impact behaviour and obtain pressure distribution, footprint shape and deformation under both elastostatic and transient dynamic conditions. Only few solutions for thin bonded layered elastic solids have been reported for elastostatic analysis. The analytical model developed in this thesis is in accord with those reported in the literature and is extended to the case of impact of balls, and employed for a number of practical applications. The elastostatic impact of a roller against a semi-infinite elastic half-space is also treated by analytic means, which has not been reported in literature. Two and three-dimensional finite element models have been developed and compared with all the derived analytic methods, and good agreement found in all cases. The finite element approach used has been made into a generic tool for all the contact configurations, elastic and viscoelastic. The physics of the contact mechanical problems is fully explained by analytic, numerical and supporting experimentation and agreement found between all these approaches to a high level of conformance. This level of agreement, the development of various analytical impact models for layered solids and finite line configuration, and the development of a multi-layered viscoelastic transducer with agreed numerical predictions account for the main contributions to knowledge. There are a significant number of findings within the thesis, but the major findings relate to the protective nature of hard coatings and high modulus bonded layered solids, and the verified viscoelastic behaviour of low elastic modulus compressible thin bonded layers. Most importantly, the thesis has created a rational framework for contact/impact of solids of low contact contiguity.

Les effets de l'encadrement et de la collaboration sur la motivation et la persévérance dans les formations ouvertes et à distance soutenues par les TIC

Poellhuber, Bruno January 2007 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Método numérico para determinação do coeficiente de atrito ao longo da superfí­cie em contato lubrificado. / Numerical method for the evaluation of the coefficient of friction along the surface in lubricated contacts.

Lima, Arnaldo Oliveira 08 May 2019 (has links)
A eficiência dos sistemas mecânicos é influenciada diretamente pelo coeficiente de atrito local, sendo este relacionado com os regimes de lubrificação. O coeficiente de atrito pode ser estudado usando o método de elementos finitos (MEF) com a finalidade de substituir ensaios experimentais e reduzir tempo de análise. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia para avaliar o coeficiente de atrito em um par tribológico e seu efeito na eficiência por simulação numérica. Para esta modelagem foi definido um sistema composto por um par de engrenagens helicoidais. Em uma primeira análise, foi empregado o programa AVL Excite Power Unit, que utiliza a ferramenta MBD (Multi-Body Dynamic - Dinâmica de Multi-Corpos), possibilitando a simulação da transmissão com seus principais elementos em um modelo 1D, que leva em consideração a teoria da lubrificação elastohidrodinâmica (EHL). Também foi utilizado o programa Abaqus®, da Dassault Systèmes, para a criação de um modelo 3D, que considera o par engrenado e sendo necessário o desenvolvimento de uma subrotina para a aplicação do modelo de lubrificação da literatura. Em todas as simulações foram considerados condições de operação de um banco de provas e três diferentes acabamentos superficiais dos dentes das engrenagens em função do processo de fabricação: fresamento, retificação e polimento. Além da rugosidade, avaliou-se o efeito da velocidade angular nas perdas do sistema. O modelo 3D foi comparado com o modelo 1D e com resultados de eficiência de ensaios de banco de prova. O modelo 3D permitiu avaliar o coeficiente de atrito local na linha de contato do dente engrenado. Maiores velocidades angulares aumentaram a espessura de específica de filme, diminuindo assim o coeficiente de atrito e promovendo uma melhoria na eficiência do sistema. Os menores valores de coeficiente de atrito estão na região do diâmetro primitivo, onde o SRR é nulo. A velocidade angular influenciou mais do que a rugosidade. As análises dos modelos 1D e 3D indicaram que o modelo 1D superestima a eficiência da transmissão, enquanto que o modelo 3D apresentou resultados compatíveis com o banco de provas. / The efficiency of mechanical systems is influenced directly by the local friction coefficient, which is related to the lubrication regimes. The coefficient of friction can be studied using the finite element method (FEM) to replace experimental tests and reduce analysis time. This dissertation had the objective to develop a methodology to evaluate the coefficient of friction in a tribological pair and the effect on the efficiency by numerical simulation. In this model, a system composed of a pair of helical gears was defined. In a first analysis, the AVL Excite Power Unit software was used, which uses the tool MBD (Multi-Body Dynamic), enabling the simulation of the transmission with the main elements in a 1D model, which takes into account the theory of elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL). The Abaqus® software was used to create a 3D model, which considers the pair of helical gear and a developed subroutine for application of the literature lubrication model. In all simulations, the conditions of operation of a rig tests and three different surface finishes of the gear teeth were considered, depending on the manufacturing process: milling, grinding and polishing. Besides the roughness, the effect of angular velocity on the losses of the system was evaluated. The 3D model was compared with the 1D model and with the results of rig tests efficiency. The 3D model allowed to evaluate the coefficient of local friction in the contact line of the tooth. Higher angular velocities increased the film specific thickness, thus reducing the coefficient of friction and promoting an improvement in the efficiency of the system. The lowest values of coefficient of friction are in the region of the primitive diameter, there the SRR is zero. The angular velocity influenced more than the roughness. The analyzes of the 1D and 3D models indicated that the 1D model overestimates the transmission efficiency, while the 3D model presented results compatible with the rig tests.

Programmation de mouvements de locomotion et manipulation pour robots humanoïdes et expérimentations / Programming humanoid robots for locomotion and manipulation with experiments

Vaillant, Joris 28 May 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une approche pour générer un mouvement corps complet avec contacts non coplanaires, permettant à un robot de se déplacer dans un environnement, de manipuler des objets complexes ou de collaborer avec différents agents. Les méthodes développées dans cette thèse tentent de prendre en compte une grande variété de robots, de l'humanoïde au manipulateur à base fixe en passant par les objets sous actionnés. En premier lieu, nous abordons le problème du choix des positions des points de contacts qu'un robot sous-actionné doit prendre pour se déplacer dans l'environnement. Nous calculons, en un seul problème d'optimisation non-linéaire, une séquence de postures qui satisfait une séquence de contacts donnés. Cette formulation permet de trouver la position des contacts optimale, car le choix de la position d'un contact d'une posture va prendre en compte les postures précédentes et suivantes. Elle permet aussi d'effectuer des tâches pour certaines postures qui prendront en compte l'aspect prioritaire du déplacement. Nous introduisons ensuite une méthode de génération de mouvement qui, en se basant sur la programmation quadratique, permet de résoudre le problème de géométrie inverse et de la dynamique inverse pour un robot à base fixe ou mobile, tout en satisfaisant des contraintes d'égalités et d'inégalités.Cette génération de mouvement est assez rapide pour fonctionner à la vitesse de la boucle de contrôle des robotsHRP2-10 et HRP4, et peut donc être utilisé en temps réel. À l'aide d'une machine à état, nous transformons la séquence de postures calculée à priori en une série de tâches à effectuer par le générateur de mouvement, ce qui permet à notre robot de se déplacer dans un environnement complexe. Nous étendons alors notre méthode de génération de mouvement pour calculer la commande d'un nombre arbitraire de robots. Cette extension nous permet de gérer des tâches de manipulation d'objets complexes, de collaboration entre plusieurs agents et de mouvement dans un environnement dynamique. Nous pouvons aussi spécifier directement les tâches dans le repère de l'objet manipulé pour faciliter l'élaboration de notre consigne. Dans l'optique de valider cette méthode sur un robot réel, nous formulons le problème d'estimation des paramètres inertiels d'un objet manipulé grâce à l'algèbre vectorielle spatiale. Finalement, nous validons nos travaux sur les robots HRP2-10 et HRP4. Sur le premier robot, nous validons la génération de posture et la génération de mouvement mono-robot sur le scénario demonté d'une échelle verticale aux normes industrielles. La manipulation d'objets et l'estimation des paramètres inertiels sont validées par la suite sur le robot HRP4. / This PhD proposes a whole body motion generation approach with non coplanar contacts that allowsa robot to move in an environment, manipulate complex objects or collaborate with differentagents.Methods developed in this PhD try to manage many kinds of robots, from the humanoid to thefixed base manipulator and also handling underactuated objects.Firstly, we address the problem contacts positioning that an underactuated robot should taketo move in its environment.We compute in one non-linear optimization problem a sequence of postures that fulfill aninputed contact list. This formulation allows to find the optimal contact placement regardingprevious and next stances. It also allows to execute a task for some posture while taking into accountthe priority of the motion.Next, we introduce a motion generation method that uses quadratic programming to solveinverse kinematics and dynamics problems for a fixed or mobile base robot under equality andinequality constraints.This motion generation is fast enough to fit the HRP2-10 and HRP4 control loop andcan be used in real-time.With a finite state machine we turn the posture sequence into a list of tasks that should beexecuted by the motion generation to allow a robot to move in a complex environment.We extend this motion generation scheme to compute the motion of an arbitrary number of robots.This extension allows us to manage complex object manipulation tasks, multi-agent collaboration andmotion in a dynamic environment. We can also specify a task in the manipulated object frameto ease motion design.To validate this method on a real robot, we formulate inertial parametersestimation of manipulated objects with spatial vector algebra.Finally, we validate our works on the HRP2-10 and HRP4 robot. On the first one,we validate the posture and mono-robot motion generation on a scenario where the robot climbs anindustry standard vertical ladder.On the second one, we validate object manipulation and inertial parameters estimation.

A ocupação pré-colonial do alto Rio Uruguai, SC: contatos culturais na Volta do Uvá / Pre-colonial occupation of the upper Uruguay River, SC: cultural contacts at Volta do Uvá

Carbonera, Mirian 12 March 2015 (has links)
No alto rio Uruguai, pesquisas arqueológicas são realizadas desde 1950 e apontam a importância desse rio para os povoamentos pré-históricos. A variabilidade artefatual arqueológica encontrada nessa região, como ocorreu para outras áreas brasileiras, foi inicialmente organizada em fases e tradições, no âmbito da Ecologia Cultural. Nas últimas décadas, as pesquisas têm levantado novas informações sobre os caçadores-coletores relacionados à tradição Umbu e seus sistemas técnicos, que ocuparam a região na passagem Pleistoceno-Holoceno e sobre as sociedades ceramistas, Guarani e Itararé-Taquara, que colonizaram o alto Uruguai no último milênio. Com esta pesquisa, procuro trazer novos elementos sobre os contatos culturais estabelecidos entre as sociedades de agricultores ceramistas Guarani e Itararé-Taquara, que ocuparam a Volta do Uvá (alto rio Uruguai), durante o Holoceno tardio. O contato cultural é entendido aqui não somente como mecanismo de intercâmbio de bens já manufaturados, mas também de métodos e técnicas para elaborar a cerâmica. As análises tecnológicas e estilísticas realizadas nos conjuntos cerâmicos Guarani e Itararé-Taquara, evidenciam duas tradições culturais bem diferenciadas que, mesmo ocupando a região num mesmo bloco espaço-temporal, parecem ter tido um baixo grau de interação cultural, ao menos no que se refere aos conjuntos cerâmicos. / In the region Alto Uruguai River, archeological research have been deveolped since 1950 and reinforce the importance of that river for the pre-historical people. The archeological artifactual variability found in that region, as it had occurred to other Brazilian areas, was initially organized in phases and traditions, according to Cultural Ecology field. Over the last decades, research has been raising new information about the collector-hunters related to Umbu tradition and their technical systems, which had occupied the region in the passage Pleistocene-Holocene and about the ceramist societies, Guarani and Itararé-Taquara, which colonized the region Alto Uruguai in the last millennium. By doing this research, it is aimed to suggest new elements on the cultural contacts established beteween the agricultural ceramist societies Guarani and Itararé-Taquara, that occupied the Volta do Uvá (Alto Uruguai River), during Late Holocene. The cultural contact is understood hereby, not only as mecanism for interchange of manufactured goods, but also methods and techniques to elaborate the ceramic. The technological and stylistic analysis performed in the ceramic sets Guarani and Itararé-Taquara, left evident two of the cultural traditions differenciated, which even occupying the region in the same space-time block, they seem to have had a low degree of cultural interaction, at least related to ceramic sets.

Divergence évolutive et isolement reproducteur chez les ascidies du genre Ciona, introduites et indigènes en Europe. / Evolutive divergence and reproductive isolation of ascidians (genus Ciona), introduced and native to Europe

Malfant, Marine 08 December 2017 (has links)
Du fait de la complexité des processus de spéciation, l'étude des relations évolutives entre espèces nécessite une approche intégrative. Nous avons combiné croisements expérimentaux et études moléculaires (séquençage mitochondrial et RAD-seq) pour étudier les relations évolutives entre espèces indigènes et introduites du genre Ciona, en Europe. Nous avons examiné deux mécanismes post-zygotiques restant à explorer pour expliquer l'absence d'introgression de C. robusta et C. intestinalis dans leur zone de sympatrie en Manche : 1) la contre-sélection des hybrides par l'environnement (température et salinité) et 2) des incompatibilités de type Dobzhansky-Muller (DMIs). L'absence de dépression hybride (étudiée chez 725 hybrides F1) nous a conduit à rejeter le premier mécanisme. Le second a été exploré grâce à l'étude de sept familles double-hybrides ou issues de rétrocroisements, analysées par RAD-seq. Une stérilité sur la fonction mâle des hybrides F1 et d'importantes distorsions de ségrégation sont en faveur de la présence de DMIs. Nous avons étendu notre étude à d'autres espèces du genre Ciona. Les principaux résultats, notamment soutenus par une approche phylogénomique (7 taxons - 89 individus), sont : 1) la remise en cause du statut d'espèce de C. roulei par rapport à C. intestinalis (probablement deux lignées allopatriques), 2) les premières données montrant la forte divergence évolutive de C. edwardsi avec les autres Ciona spp. et 3) la présence de variabilité génétique et/ou d'introgression chez C. intestinalis type C et type D. Ces résultats ouvrent d'intéressantes perspectives de recherches dont des études populationnelles des espèces présentes en Méditerranée. / Speciation is a complex process. Evolutionary relationships between close species thus required an integrative approach. We combined experimental crosses and molecular data (mitochondrial and RAD-tag sequencing) to investigate evolutionary relationships between native and non-indigenous species of the genus Ciona nowadays found in Europe. We studied two post-zygotic mechanisms, still to be examined, to explain the lack of introgression between C. robusta and C. intestinalis in their sympatric range –i.e. the English Channel: i) selection against hybrids, by the environment (here temperature and salinity) and ii) Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities (DMIs). The absence of outbreeding depression (over 725 F1-hybrids) makes unlikely the first mechanism. The second has been investigated with seven families of F2-hybrids and backcrosses, all studied with RAD-tag sequences. Male sterility on F1-hybrids and many segregation distortions are in favor of presence of DMIs. We then expanded our study to other Ciona species. The main outcomes, supported by a phylogenomic approach (7 taxa - 89 individuals) are: 1) a needed reappraisal of the species status of C. roulei and C. intestinalis, which are most likely two allopatric lineages of a same species (as defined by biological and phylogenetic species concepts), 2) the first data showing that C. edwardsi is strongly evolutionary divergent from the other Ciona species and 3) the presence of unexpected genetic variability and/or introgression in C. intestinalis type C and D. All together these results open new research perspectives, in particular based on population studies of the species nowadays found in the Mediterranean Sea.

Enseignement du français, altérités et contacts de langues : Imaginaires de professeurs mexicains / The Teaching of french, otherness and language contact : Imaginairies of mexican teachers

Torres Castillo, Claudia 05 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux contacts de langues présents dans la formation des enseignants de français langue étrangère. Depuis quelques années, l’enseignement des langues étrangères se répand au Mexique. En 2009, 22 licences formaient des enseignants de langues, sans compter les institutions privées, et ce chiffre continue d’évoluer. Les étudiants y débutent leur contact avec le français avec certains imaginaires sociaux, issus de deux siècles de colonisation et de traditions culturelles nées des contacts de langues. Ainsi, plusieurs images restent ancrées dans l’imaginaire collectif, notamment celles de Malinche, et certaines idées sur l’altérité perdurent, suscitant des postures enseignantes particulières. À partir des imaginaires des langues et des locuteurs, nous analyserons les rapports de pouvoir existant dans le contact de langues en cours de français. Prenant en compte cet héritage comme un écran socio-culturel de perception de l’autre, notre étude repose sur les témoignages des enseignants et apprenants mexicains en licence de langues et en master de didactique du français, qui racontent leurs parcours linguistiques et leurs expériences lors des formations. / The main subject is the contact between languages present in the formation of French as a Foreign Language teachers. Globalization has fostered that teaching foreign languages, particularly French, spreads throughout Mexico. However, Mexican students have their first contact with the French language permeated by certain social imaginaries. Over time, the imaginaries -particularly those related to Malinche- have had a significant role. The different imaginaries surrounding foreign languages and their speakers bring back old conceptions and behaviours while interaction with the other and when we speak another language. Imaginaries also serve to analyse power relationships between languages. Thus, heritage can be considered a socio-cultural screen that shapes our perception of otherness.

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