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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Why Don't Consumers Care about CSR?" - A Qualitative Study Exploring the Role of CSR in Consumption Decisions. Empirical Paper

Öberseder, Magdalena, Schlegelmilch, Bodo B., Gruber, Verena 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
There is an unresolved paradox concerning the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in consumer behavior. On the one hand, consumers demand more and more CSR information from corporations. On the other hand, research indicates a considerable gap between consumers' apparent interest in CSR and the limited role of CSR in purchase behavior. This paper attempts to shed light on this paradox by drawing on qualitative data from in-depth interviews. The findings show that the evaluation of CSR initiatives is a complex and hierarchically-structured process, where consumers distinguish between core, central, and peripheral factors. This paper describes these factors in detail and explains the complexity of consumers' assessment of CSR. These insights then serve as a basis for discussing the theoretical and managerial implications of the research findings. To this end, the paper contributes to a better understanding of the role of CSR in consumption decisions.

Analýza CSR v energetickom sektore / Analysis of corporate social responsibility in energy industry

Sýkora, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Master's Thesis deals with issue of corporate social responsibility in the energy industry. The work is divided into four chapters. In the first one author describes basic concepts related to this issue, focusing on the current understanding of corporate social responsibility from a global and European perspective and of course from the perspective of the Czech Republic. Criticism, barries and the future of CSR are not missing as well. The second and the third chapter is dedicated to a detailed analysis of CSR in an example of global and regional company from the energy industry. Focus is on economic, social and environmental pillars of corporate social responsibility, together with the strategic objectives and innovation. Last fourth chapter compares the global and the regional energy company based on the tripple bottom line of the CSR and finally, strategy of the global and regional representative is confronted with a reality.

Grönmålning inom Svensk hållbarhetsredovisning

Avasjö Kuess, Christine, Person, David January 2016 (has links)
Hållbarhetsredovisningen har utvecklats allt mer de senaste åren. Allt fler företag hållbarhetsredovisar och många länder väljer att reglera hållbarhetsredovisningen genom lag. Den mest använda standarden ges ut av Global Reporting Initiative, GRI. Deras senaste standard, G4, kom 2013 och dess utveckling går mot att företagens intressenter ska bli allt mer involverade och att hållbarhetsrapporten bör granskas av tredje part. Allt för att öka trovärdigheten på rapporten samt för att minska grönmålningen, aktiviteter där företagen framställer sig som mer hållbara än vad de är. Teorin lyfter fram ökad reglering, ökad involvering av intressenter samt granskning av hållbarhetsrapporten som aktiviteter för att minska grönmålningen och öka trovärdigheten hos ens intressenter.   Vi har i denna studie försökt visa på skillnader i balansen på positiva och negativa nyheter utifrån vilken redovisningsstandard företagen använder, G3 eller G4 samt utifrån om hållbarhetsrapporten granskats eller ej. Genom en innehållsanalys har vi kodat nyheterna i hållbarhetsredovisningarna som positiva eller negativa, som text, tabell eller diagram samt som hård eller mjuk. Vi har sedan gjort t-tester på vårt material för att se om eventuella skillnader finns. De skillnader vi finner påvisar ökad grönmålning i rapporter uppställda enligt G4, samt i granskade rapporter, varför vi ifrågasätter deras förmåga att hindra företag från att grönmåla. Tidigare forskning kring hållbarhetsredovisning har visat att de rapporterande företagens storlek har stor inverkan på deras rapportering, varför vi också valde att testa denna aspekt. Resultatet vi fick av dessa tester tyder på att större företag i högre grad grönmålar sina hållbarhetsrapporter jämfört med mindre företag. / Corporate Social Responsibility reporting has developed further over the past years. More and more companies publish CSR reports and several countries have passed regulations enforcing CSR reporting. The most commonly used reporting standard is published by the Global Reporting Initative, GRI. Their latest standard, G4, was released in 2013 and it is more focused on the involvement of stakeholders in the reporting process. It also encourages external assurance of reports. This is to increase credibility for the reports and to counter greenwashing, activities that companies use to seem more sustainable than they really are. Previous research has put forward increased regulation, increased involvement of stakeholders, and external assurance of CSR reports as activities capable of mitigating greenwashing and increasing credibility.   In this study we have sought to proove differences in balance between positive and negative news based on the reporting standard companies are using, G3 or G4, as well as based on wheather the report has been externally assured or not. We have conducted a content analysis of CSR reports and coded their contents based on value, type, attribution, and wheather the information is hard or soft. We then ran t-tests on our material to discover differences. The differences we found point to an increase in greenwashing for reports made according to G4, as well as for reports that are externally assured, which makes us question their ability to counter greenwashing. Previous research have proved that the size of the reporting company has a big effect on their reporting behaviour, something we also tested. The results from these tests show that larger companies tend to greenwash their CSR reports more than smaller companies.

Påverkar CSR konsumtion av fast fashion? / Does CSR affect consumption of fast fashion?

Johansson, Sara, Dahlström, Sara January 2020 (has links)
During recent years, a clear change in attitude related to how we view our shared responsibility towards our planet has been identified. Increased consumer involvement related to both environmental and social issues is forcing companies to take extended responsibility regarding the social impact they leave behind. This responsibility is defined as CSR and includes a company's environ­mental, social, and financial responsibilities. The fast fashion industry is often associated with environmental and social infringements, such as large carbon dioxide emissions or unethical working conditions, which are often debated in media. Previous research identifies a positive attitude by consumers towards CSR when purchasing clothes, but further studies indicate that CSR is not as important for consumers when compared to other product attributes, such as trends or quality. Keeping the identified attitude change in recent years related to increased social responsibility in mind, the purpose of the study is to create a greater understanding in which way these trends affect consumption of fast fashion. A quantitative method has been chosen and based on previous theory, appropriate variables have been selected to fulfil the purpose of the study. The collection of data was conducted through an online based survey where the sample consisted of 221 respondents between 18–77 years. Data were analysed in SPSS using a multiple linear regression analysis and in addition, several variance analysis (ANOVA). Findings in analysis indicates that CSR does not affect consumption of fast fashion after all. However, interesting differences in attitudes towards CSR between groups of samples could be identified. For example, the older respondents believed that CSR is more important than the younger ones did and when gender differences were analysed, it was identified that women had a more positive attitude towards CSR than the men had. Interesting findings were also found regarding the variable price, which in previous studies is pointed out to be the primary influencing factor when consumers buy clothes. Our study reveals that price do not influence consumption of fast fashion. The conclusion of our findings indicates that no noticeable change in attitude has occurred related to increased social responsibility by consumers who purchase fast fashion. This since there are still other attributes that the consumer evaluates as more important, such as trends or quality.

Kids These Days: Corporate Social Responsibility and Generational Influence on Consumer Intention

Mathis, Maya 01 December 2020 (has links)
Millennials are known for being a unique generation that places a high value on improving their community. They are also unlike any other generation because they are harder to market to since they are more aware of common marketing strategies used by companies today. Millennials want to improve the community and expect others to do the same. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a popular topic and has gained momentum in research over the years; understanding the relationship between CSR and millennials is important due to the generational shifts. Therefore, this study examines the importance of CSR to different generations and how companies can use that information to gain millennials as loyal consumers. This study examines the following constructs to evaluate CSR from a generational perspective: awareness, satisfaction, and loyalty. Although it is believed that millennials value CSR more than other generations, all generations appear to be aware, satisfied, and loyal.

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY I LIVSMEDELSHANDELN : En kritisk diskursanalys av tre livsmedelskedjors hållbarhetsrapporter

Boström Sandin, Freja January 2021 (has links)
Företag har ett samhällsansvar som går bortom deras ekonomiska intresse områden och vad som krävs av lagen. Detta innebär att företag behöver engagera sig i och bidra till samhällets sociala och miljömässiga utveckling. Kravet på att vara ansvarig kommer från intressenter vilka kan vara konsumenter, regering, myndigheter, anställda och så vidare. Tanken om att företag har ett samhällsansvar kommer av begreppet Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), eftersom CSR inte har någon bestämd definition kan företag tolka och integrera sitt samhällsansvar i verksamheten på olika sätt, begreppet överlappar även till stor del med begreppet hållbarhet. Hur företag arbetar med CSR och hållbarhet rapporteras årligen i hållbarhetsrapporter. I denna studie har företag inom livsmedelshandeln undersökts, mer specifikt tre livsmedelskedjor i Sverige. Detta för att livsmedelshandeln länge har arbetat med CSR eftersom konsumenter och myndigheter har tydliga krav på företag i den branschen. Med kritisk diskursanalys har tre livsmedelskedjors hållbarhetsrapporter analyserats i syfte att undersöka hur livsmedelskedjorna förhåller sig till sitt samhällsansvar och hållbara arbete. Ur analysen framträder tre diskurser om hållbarhet vilka belyser på vilket sätt som företagen förhåller sig till sitt samhällsansvar i sina hållbarhetsrapporter. Livsmedelskedjorna har höga mål och ambitioner med sitt hållbarhetsarbete, särskilt vad gäller miljömässiga frågor. Samtidigt finns inte viljan att göra avkall på den ekonomiska tillväxten i företagen för att bli hållbara. Vidare är det viktigt vad intressenter har för åsikter om hållbarhetsarbetet vilket livsmedelskedjorna förhåller sig till i hållbarhetsrapporterna. Att arbeta med CSR är komplext eftersom begreppet saknar en bestämd definition, viktigast för företagen är att leva upp till intressenternas krav för att inte gå i ekonomisk förlust och fortsätta vara relevanta i ett samhälle som är medvetet om hållbarhetsfrågor.

Svenska storbankers hållbarhetsarbete : En jämförelse mellan svenska storbankers hållbarhetsrapporter och arbetet med hållbarhet i den dagliga verksamheten

Josefsson, Emilia, Gunnarsson, Jonna January 2021 (has links)
Titel: The sustainability-work of the major banks in Sweden Authors: Jonna Gunnarsson & Emilia Josefsson Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, Sustainability, Sustainability report, Business model. Background: In recent decades, societal development has been faster than ever, and joint work towards sustainable development is therefore necessary (FN, 2016). The banking sector is seen as an important driving force in the transition to a more sustainable and inclusive society (FI, 2020), therefore the banks' purpose should include responsibility for the society and its development (FI, 2016). For this reason, it is important that banks, like other companies, take their responsibility and integrate sustainability aspects into the business model and day-to-day operations. Research question: In what way do major Swedish banks present their business model in their sustainability report and is it in accordance with how they work with sustainability in day-today operations? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how major Swedish banks integrate sustainability into their business model by analyzing their sustainability reports, and to compare whether this is consistent with how they work with sustainability in day-to-day operations. Theoretical framework: The theory chapter presents theories on sustainability, sustainability reporting and business models. Based on the theory, an analysis model was developed to facilitate the analysis of the empirical material. Method: A qualitative research has been used with an abductive approach in this study. Data has been collected in two ways; through six semi-structured interviews and review of sustainability reports. The choice of major Swedish banks is based on the banks' unique position in society and their opportunity to influence sustainable development. Conclusion: The study shows how banks actually work to follow the overall positions of sustainability reports. Furthermore, some differences have been demonstrated between how the banks work. What has been established is that how the banks present their business model in the sustainability report largely mimics the sustainability work in day-to-day operations. / Titel: Svenska storbankers hållbarhetsarbeteFörfattare: Jonna Gunnarsson & Emilia Josefsson Nyckelord: Corporate social responsibility, Hållbarhet, Hållbarhetsrapport, Affärsmodell.Bakgrund: De senaste årtiondena har samhällsutvecklingen gått snabbare än någonsin, ett gemensamt arbete mot en hållbar utveckling är därför nödvändigt (FN, 2016). Banksektorn ses som en viktig drivkraft i omställningen mot ett mer hållbart och inkluderande samhälle (FI, 2020), därför bör det i bankernas syfte ingå ett ansvar för samhället och dess utveckling (FI, 2016). Det är av den orsaken betydelsefullt att banker likt andra företag tar sitt ansvar och integrerar hållbarhetsaspekter i affärsmodellen och den dagliga verksamheten.Frågeställning: På vilket sätt presenterar svenska storbanker sin affärsmodell i hållbarhetsrapporten och är det i enlighet med hur de arbetar med hållbarhet i den dagliga verksamheten? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur svenska storbanker inkluderar hållbarhet i sin affärsmodell genom att analysera deras hållbarhetsrapporter, samt jämföra om detta stämmer överens med hur de arbetar med hållbarhet i den dagliga verksamheten.Teoretisk referensram: I teorikapitlet presenteras teorier om hållbarhet, hållbarhetsrapportering och affärsmodeller. Utifrån teorin utformades sedan en analysmodell som var till hjälp vid analysen av det empiriska materialet.Metod: Det är en kvalitativ studie som är genomförd med en abduktiv ansats. Datainsamling har skett på två sätt; genom sex semistrukturerade intervjuer samt granskning av hållbarhetsrapporter. Valet av svenska storbanker baseras på bankernas unika position i samhället och möjlighet att påverka hållbar utveckling.Slutsats: Studien visar hur banker faktiskt arbetar för att följa hållbarhetsrapporternas övergripande ståndpunkter. Vidare har det påvisats vissa skillnader mellan hur bankerna arbetar. Vad som har konstaterats är att hur bankerna presenterar sin affärsmodell i hållbarhetsrapporten till stor del efterliknar hållbarhetsarbetet i den dagliga verksamheten.

Exploring the relationships between Corporate Social Performance (CSP) and institutional shareholding for JSE-listed companies

Maliwa, Bonga January 2017 (has links)
Globally institutional investors are taking an increased interest in companies' environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure and their corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance. Although the relationship between a company's Corporate Social Performance (CSP) and its institutional shareholding has been studied in a number of developed economies, this study fills a gap in the literature by investigating this link for JSE listed companies. Using Bloomberg's ESG and individual environmental, social, and governance disclosure scores as proxies for CSP, panel data regression methodologies are applied to a sample of 98 companies (254 company years) listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange from 2013 to 2016 to investigate the link between the different forms of CSP and institutional shareholding in South Africa. The study fails to establish a relationship between institutional shareholding and environmental and social based CSP, but finds a statistically significant positive relationship for governance based CSP. The results imply that, of the three CSP components, South African institutional shareholders in the studied sample mainly consider the governance component in their investment decisions, possibly because good corporate governance is associated with improved financial performance and the adoption of sustainability policies by the company.

Shareholder Values and a Story of Corporate Social and Environmental Negative Events

Aurin, Shaila Nusrat 30 August 2021 (has links)
This dissertation considers the entire process originated by corporate events that impact the environment and the society (ES events). Using a rich hand-collected dataset with 1139 chronological incidents originating from negative corporate social responsibility (CSR)-related events, it explores stock market reactions to each stage within a chain of successive events triggered by negative ES events, including the recurrent, follow-up (either favorable or unfavorable), as well as companies’ response events. We find that the investors respond strongly negatively to negative events (origin, negative subsequent, and negative responses) and strongly positively to positive events (positive subsequent and positive responses). We also find that investors react more negatively to the negative subsequent and recurrent events, as well as company negative responses when they occur sooner after the origin events, whereas promptness of positive subsequent events and positive responses heighten the favorable market reaction. The study also reveals the presence of expectancy violation as investors of high-CSR firm react more negatively to the negative events. In addition, it provides observations suggesting that: (1) investors do not regard positive responses as agency-motivated events, instead they are more concerned about the availability of financial resources when a firm makes remedial responses to a negative ES event; and (2) the market cares about CSR events not solely due to their financial implications, but also because it considers socially responsible operations as a value-enhancing corporate duty.

Decoupling of Corporate Social Investment in South Africa: Optics over Impact

Morkel, Dayne L 29 January 2020 (has links)
Examining corporate social investment (CSI) in South Africa through a lens of institutional theory, this study investigates the validity of criticisms found in literature and society of the practice of CSI in the country. Using a two-phase explanatory sequential research design, an initial quantitative study of archival data provides insights into the current state of CSI in South Africa. Regression and principal component analysis are then used to investigate the relationship between CSI levels and indicators for corporate financial performance and social need. A subsequent qualitative study utilising thematic analysis of interview data addresses questions arising from the quantitative analysis. Semi-structured interviews are conducted with leading corporate executives and academics in the field of CSI regarding their perceptions of the efficacy of CSI and the motivations driving corporate funding of CSI, including their concerns regarding CSI and suggestions for improvements. This study reveals profound concerns amongst corporate practitioners and in academia regarding the practice of CSI, including perceptions that the social impact of CSI is low and that the quality of many CSI programmes is poor. The motivations behind the funding of CSI were also seen to be largely inauthentic, with companies driven primarily by regulation or self-interest in their funding of CSI, rather than a sense of moral imperative. Companies appear to embrace CSI in an attempt to adhere to the social expectations and laws of society, thereby gaining legitimacy, stability, and improved long-term survival prospects. The formal structures and rhetoric surrounding CSI have become decoupled from the underlying activities that characterise its practice, however, a result of relative corporate indifference to its social impact. This ceremonial commitment to the practice of CSI has led to an emphasis on the optics rather than the impact of CSI activities. The results of this study suggest that enhanced incentives or disincentives and greater accountability may be required in order to make CSI contributions more impactful, as may improvements to best practices in the field.

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