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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Au-delà des modèles standards en cosmologie / Beyond standard models in cosmology

Allys, Erwan 09 June 2017 (has links)
La description actuelle des interactions fondamentales repose sur deux théories ayant le statut de modèle standard. Les interactions électromagnétiques et nucléaires sont décrites à un niveau quantique par le Modèle Standard de la physique des particules, alliant théories de jauge et brisures spontanées de symétrie par le mécanisme de Higgs. À l'opposé, l'interaction gravitationnelle est décrite par la relativité générale,basée sur une description dynamique de l'espace-temps dans un cadre classique.Bien que ces deux modèles soient vérifiés avec une grande précision dansle système solaire, ils sont affligés d’un certain nombre de problèmes théoriques et manquent de force prédictive aussi bien à l'échelle de Planck qu’à l'échelle cosmologique ;ils ne sont par conséquent plus perçus comme fondamentaux. La cosmologie, dont la phénoménologie fait apparaitre ces deux échelles extrêmes, apparaît alors comme un laboratoire privilégié pour tester les théories au delà de ces modèles standards.La première partie de cette thèse concerne l'étude des cordes cosmiques, défauts topologiques se formant lors de la brisure spontanée de théories de grande unification dans l'univers primordial.J’y montre notamment comment étudier ces défauts en prenant en compte la structure complète des théories de physique des particules dont ils sont issus, ce qui représente une avancée importante par rapport à la description courante en termes de modèles ”jouets”très simplifiés. La deuxième partie de cette thèse consiste en la construction et l'étude de différentes théories de gravité modifiée liées au modèle de Galiléon, un modèle tentant notamment d'expliquer la phénoménologie liée à l'énergie noire. / The current description of fundamental interactions is based on two theories with the status of standard models. The electromagnetic and nuclear interactions are described at a quantum level by the Standard Model of particle physics, using tools like gauge theories and spontaneous symmetry breaking by the Higgs mechanism. The gravitational interaction is described on the other hand by general relativity, based on a dynamical description of space-time at a classical level.Although these models are verified to high precision in the solar system experiments, they suffer from several theoretical weaknesses and a lack of predictive power at the Planck scale as well as at cosmological scales; they are thus not viewed anymore as fundamental theories. As its phenomenology involves both these extreme scales, cosmology is then a good laboratory to probe theories going beyond these standard models.The first part of this thesis focus on cosmic strings, topological defects forming during the spontaneous symmetry breaking of grand unified theories in the early universe. I show especially how to study these defects while taking into account the complete structure of the particles physics models leading to their formation, going beyond the standard descriptions in terms of simplified toy-models. The second part is devoted to the construction and the examination of different theories of modified gravity related to the Galileon model, a model which tries in particular to explain the dark energy phenomenology.

Alguns resultados sobre cordas cósmicas em teorias de gravitação

Barbosa, Denis Barros 11 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:14:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1343904 bytes, checksum: e6a827a05ce6f44bfd65a1e4edd24434 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In this thesis we obtain the geometry associated with a cosmic string in two different models of modified gravity, namely: f(R) and Gauss-Bonnet theories. We Determined the solutions for static cosmic string and spinning cosmic string, with and without interior structure in f(R) and a static cosmic string in Gauss-Bonnet theory. For the static case, we solved the Dirac equation, and determined the fermionic current. We also found, in the context general theory of relativity, one solution with rotation corresponding to a rotation cloud of strings(Letelier spacetime), by using the method of Newman-Janis. / Nesta tese obtemos a geometria gerada por cordas cósmicas em dois modelos de gravitação modificada, a saber: Teorias f(R) e de Gauss-Bonnet. Determinamos soluções que correspondem ao espaço-tempo gerado pela corda cósmica estática e a corda cósmica com rotação, com e sem estrutura interna em f(R), e a corda cósmica estática na teoria de Gauss-Bonnet. Para as soluções estáticas, resolvemos a equação de Dirac, e determinamos a corrente ferminóica. Encontramos, também, no contexto da Teoria da Relatividade Geral, uma solução com rotação para a nuvem de cordas(Espaço-tempo de Letelier), usando o método de Newman-Janis.

Cordas cósmicas girantes na gravitação de Brans-Dicke / Spinning cosmic strings in Brans-Dicke gravitation

Santos, Sérgio Mittmann dos 23 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Sérgio Mittmann dos Santos (smittmanns@gmail.com) on 2018-04-13T23:20:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_SMdS.pdf: 14966593 bytes, checksum: 50aeb1b3bc772ed3ff21708296193489 (MD5) / Rejected by Pamella Benevides Gonçalves null (pamella@feg.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize correções na submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: É necessário revisar a formatação das referências seguindo a ABNT 6023:2003, por exemplo, o que ocorre em sua Tese é a ausência da indicação de autoria segundo as normas, abaixo orientação da ABNT. entre outros elementos. 8.1.1 Autor pessoal Indica(m)-se o(s) autor(es), de modo geral, pelo último sobrenome, em maiúsculas, seguido do(s) prenome(s) e outros sobrenomes, abreviado(s) ou não. Recomenda-se, tanto quanto possível, o mesmo padrão para abreviação de nomes e sobrenomes, usados na mesma lista de referências. Os nomes devem ser separados por ponto-e-vírgula, seguido de espaço. Sobre a elaboração das referencias e citações favor solicitar orientação com a bibliotecária Juciene (juciene@feg.unesp.br) Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2018-04-16T18:47:09Z (GMT) / Submitted by Sérgio Mittmann dos Santos (smittmanns@gmail.com) on 2018-04-18T17:12:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_SMdS_2.pdf: 4371571 bytes, checksum: cd4208377d9640590e86974e7a28bc7c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Pamella Benevides Gonçalves null (pamella@feg.unesp.br) on 2018-04-19T19:05:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 santos_sm_dr_guara.pdf: 4371571 bytes, checksum: cd4208377d9640590e86974e7a28bc7c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-19T19:05:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 santos_sm_dr_guara.pdf: 4371571 bytes, checksum: cd4208377d9640590e86974e7a28bc7c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A partir da teoria da gravitação de Brans-Dicke, são obtidas soluções exatas para as cordas cósmicas girantes. As soluções são para cordas retas, que preservam a simetria de Lorentz ao longo do eixo longitudinal de simetria, e para as não retas, com simetria aproximadamente cilíndrica e que violam a simetria de Lorentz. Essas soluções permitem verificar se os espaços-tempos das cordas são regulares ou apresentam singularidades. Além disso, a possibilidade de que as cordas sejam fontes de curvas tipo-tempo fechadas também é analisada. Exclusivamente para as cordas retas, é verificado se essas se mantiveram estáveis após as suas eventuais formações, e se uma escolha adequada para as constantes de integração das soluções impede a existência das curvas tipo-tempo fechadas. Desde a década de 1930, as observações mostram que as velocidades tangenciais das estrelas das galáxias têm um comportamento que contraria o que é previsto quando se considera somente a presença de matéria visível: à medida que as distâncias até os centros das galáxias aumentam, as velocidades também aumentam, até que começam a tender para valores aproximadamente constantes. A razão para esse fenômeno ainda está sob debate. Por enquanto, é justificado pela presença de matéria escura nos halos das galáxias, mas a própria matéria escura ainda não é bem entendida. Em 1980, para 21 galáxias do tipo Sc, as observações mostraram que esse crescimento das velocidades até atingirem os valores constantes ocorre quando as distâncias crescem por 2 a 3 ordens de grandeza. Com as soluções da teoria de Brans-Dicke para as cordas não retas, é proposto um espaço-tempo com a mesma simetria aproximadamente cilíndrica, que descreve adequadamente esse comportamento nas velocidades das estrelas daquelas 21 galáxias / From the Brans-Dicke theory of gravitation, exact solutions are obtained for the spinning cosmic strings. The solutions are for straight strings, which preserve the Lorentz symmetry along the longitudinal axis of symmetry, and for the non-straight strings, with nearly cylindrical symmetry and which violate the Lorentz symmetry. These solutions allow us to verify if the spacetimes of the strings are regular or have singularities. In addition, the possibility that the strings are sources of closed timelike curves is also analyzed. Only for the straight strings, it is verified if these have remained stable after their eventual formations, and if a suitable choice for the integration constants of the solutions prevents the existence of the closed timelike curves. Since the 1930s, observations have shown that the tangential velocities of galaxies’ stars have a behavior that goes against what is predicted when considering only the presence of visible matter: as distances to the centers of galaxies increase, velocities also increase until they begin to tend to approximately constant values. The reason for this phenomenon is still under discussion. For now, it is justified by the presence of dark matter in the halos of galaxies, but the dark matter itself is still not well understood. In 1980, for 21 Sc-type galaxies, observations showed that such velocities growth until reaching constant values occurs when distances grow by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude. With the solutions of the Brans-Dicke theory for the non-straight strings, a spacetime with the same nearly cylindrical symmetry is proposed, which adequately describes this behavior in the velocities of the stars of those 21 galaxies

Closed Timelike Curves in Exact Solutions

Vitos, Timea January 2017 (has links)
This project aims to study general relativity to the extent to understand the occurrence and behaviors of closed timelike curves (CTCs) in several exact solutions of Einstein’s field equations. The rotating black hole solution, the Gödel universe and the cosmic string solutions are studied in detail to show how CTCs arise in these spacetimes. The chronology-violationing paradoxes and other unphysical aspects of CTCs are discussed. The spacetimes where CTCs arise possess properties which are argumented to be unphysical, such as lack of asymptotic flatness and being innite models. With quantum computational networks it is possible to resolve the paradoxes which CTCs evoke. With all these attempts of resolving CTCs, our conclusion is that CTCs exist quantum mechanically, but there is a mechanism which inhibits them to be detected classically. / Detta projekt åsyftar att studera allmän relativitet i den grad att kunna förstå uppkomsten och företeelsen av tidsliknande slutna kurvor (CTC) i några exakta lösningar till Einsteins ekvationer. Dessa lösningar inkluderar Gödel universen, kosmiska strängar och det roterande svarta hålet, där CTC studeras i mer detalj. CTC är kronologi-kränkande företeelser och paradoxen som uppstår presenteras, samt de argument som ligger till grund till att CTC inte är fysikaliskt verkliga objekt. De tidrum där CTC uppkommer delar gemensamma egenskaper som anses ofysikaliska, som att vara icke asymptotiskt platta tidrum, samt att vara oändliga modeller. Med kvantinformatiska nätverk kan CTC illustreras och de klassiska kronologi-paradoxen kan rättas ut. Slutsatsen är att CTC existerar kvantmekaniskt, men det fnns en mekanism i verkligheten som förhindrar dessa att bli detekterade klassiskt.

The power spectrum and bispectrum of inflation and cosmic defects

Lazanu, Andrei January 2016 (has links)
Much of the recent progress in cosmology has come from studying the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The latest results from the Planck satellite confirmed that the inflationary paradigm with the $\Lambda$CDM six-parameter model provides a very good description of the observed structures in the Universe. Even so, additional parameters, such as cosmic defects, are still allowed by current observational data. Additionally, many of the inflationary models predict a significant departure from Gaussianity in the distribution of primordial perturbations. Higher order statistics, such as the bispectrum, are required to test and constrain such models. The late-time distribution of matter in the Universe - large-scale structure (LSS) - contains much more information than the CMB that has not yet been used. In this thesis, we look at both problems: the effects of cosmic defects, in particular cosmic strings and domain walls on the CMB power spectrum through numerical simulations, and the dark matter bispectrum of large-scale structure. Topological defects are predicted by most inflationary theories involving symmetry breaking in the early Universe. In this thesis we study the effects of cosmic strings and domain walls on the CMB by determining their power spectrum. We use Nambu-Goto and field theory simulations for cosmic strings and domain walls respectively, and we determine the power spectra they produce with a modified Einstein-Boltzmann solver sourced by unequal time correlators from components of the energy-momentum tensor of the defects. We use these spectra together with CMB likelihoods to obtain constraints on the energy scales of formation of the cosmic defects, finding $G\mu/c^{2} < 1.29 \times 10^{−7}$ and $\eta < 0.93$ MeV (at 95% confidence level) for cosmic strings and domain walls respectively, when using the Planck satellite likelihoods. For the matter bispectrum of LSS, we compare different perturbative and phenomenological models with measurements from $N$-body simulations by using shape and amplitude correlators and we determine on which scales and for which redshifts they are accurate. We propose a phenomenological ‘three-shape’ model, based on the fundamental shapes we have observed by studying the halo model that are also present in the simulations. When calibrated on the simulations, this model accurately describes the bispectrum on all scales and redshifts considered, providing a prototype bispectrum HALOFIT-like methodology that could be used to describe and test parameter dependencies.


Chu, Yi-Zen January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Cosmological probes of the early universe with Axions &amp; Gravitational Waves

Ramberg, Nicklas January 2019 (has links)
This thesis uses theoretical studies, and numerical simulations to provide results of the experimental reach to detect the QCD axion as dark matter in a Non-standard cosmological background. Assuming that the QCD axion constitutes the full CDM abundance of the universe, this thesis elaborates on its potential detection from experimental setups for the mass window of the axion. The set of results that is obtained here are the relic CDM energy density of axions produced by the vacuum realignment mechanism and the CDM energy density of axions produced from the decay of a network of cosmic strings. This thesis provides results regarding the possibility to detect a primordial gravitational wave relic, which is possible within some favorable cosmological scenarios for the background.

Influência das Cordas Cósmicas não-Abelianas na Geometria do Espaço-tempo

Santos, Antônio de Pádua 25 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Vasti Diniz (vastijpa@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-12T13:00:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2334284 bytes, checksum: c3d087bb8f68c3b8f619b05f161a3e77 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-12T13:00:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2334284 bytes, checksum: c3d087bb8f68c3b8f619b05f161a3e77 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-25 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / In this thesis, we study the influence of gravitating non-Abelian cosmic strings on the spacetime geomerty. In order to develop this analysis, we constructed a set of coupled non-linear differential equations. Because there is no closed solution for this set of equations, we solve it numerically to determine the behaviour for the Higgs, gauge and metric fields. This model under consideration present two bosonic sectors, besides the non-Abelian gauge field. The two bosonic sectors may present a direct coupling. So, we investigate the relevance of this coupling on the system, specifically in the linear energy density of the string and on the planar angle deficit. We also analyze the behaviors of these quantities as function of the energy scale where the gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken. We have extented this analysis to de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spacetimes. In order to do that we construct the complete set of equations of motion considering the presence of a cosmological constant. By using numerical analysis we provide the behavior of the Higgs and gauge fields and also for the metric tensor for specific values of the physical parameters of the theory. For de Sitter case, we find the appearance of horizons that although being consequence of the presence of the cosmological constant it strongly depends on the value of the gravitational coupling. In the anti-de Sitter case, we find that the system does not present horizons. In fact the new feature of this system is related with the behavior of the (tt) and (zz) components of the metric tensor. They present a strongly increasing for large distance from the string. / Nesta tese estudamos a influência das cordas cósmicas não-Abelianas na geometria do espaço-tempo. Para este fim, utilizamos um modelo de Higgs não-Abeliano acoplado com a gravidade e obtemos um sistema de equações diferenciais não-lineares. Como este sistema de equações diferenciais não possui solução analítica, realizamos análise numérica para obter o comportamento dos campos de Higgs, de gauge e métricos em função da distância à corda cósmica. O modelo considerado apresenta dois campos bosônicos e um campo de gauge não-Abeliano. Como os dois setores bosônicos podem apresentar um acoplamento direto, investigamos a relevância deste acoplamento no sistema, especificamente na densidade linear de energia e no déficit de ângulo planar. Também analisamos o comportamento destas quantidades como função da escala de energia onde a simetria de gauge é espontaneamente quebrada. Ampliamos este estudo para as cordas cósmicas não-Abelianas no espaço-tempo de de Sitter e anti-de Sitter. Para isto, construímos um sistema de equações de campo considerando a presença da constante cosmológica. Utilizando a análise numérica, fornecemos o comportamento dos campos de Higgs, de gauge e dos campos métricos para valores específicos dos parâmetros físicos do modelo. Para o caso do espaço-tempo de de Sitter, salientamos o surgimento do horizonte cosmológico que, embora seja consequência da constante cosmológica, está fortemente relacionado ao acoplamento gravitacional. Para o espaço-tempo de anti-de Sitter, encontramos que o sistema não apresenta horizonte. Esta característica do sistema está relacionada às componentes (tt) e (zz) do tensor métrico, que divergem para grandes distâncias da corda cósmica.

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