Spelling suggestions: "subject:"criminal procedure"" "subject:"kriminal procedure""
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Techninių priemonių naudojimo baudžiamajame procese teoriniai pagrindai ir reglamentavimas / Theoretical fundamentals and regulations of the use on technical means in criminal procedureBelevičius, Linas 03 October 2005 (has links)
Pastaraisiais metais Lietuvoje buvo priimti svarbiausieji baudžiamieji ir baudžiamojo proceso įstatymai- Baudžiamasis kodeksas, Baudžiamojo proceso kodeksas, Bausmių vykdymo kodeksas bei juos lydintys poįstatyminiai aktai. Šie įstatymai dar ilgai turėtų lemti valstybės nuostatas dėl formų ir procedūrų bei būdų, naudojamų tiriant nusikalstamas veikas bei nagrinėjant bylas teisme. Nusikalstamų veikų tyrimas, jas įvykdžiusių asmenų nustatymas ir nubaudimas yra itin svarbi valstybės veiklos rūšis, o kovos su nusikalstamumu sėkmingumas, rezultatyvumas turi didžiulės įtakos kitoms socialinio gyvenimo sferoms. Tačiau ši valstybės veikla dėl objektyvių ir subjektyvių priežasčių pakankamai ilgai trunka ir kainuoja brangiai, reikalauja didelių žmogiškųjų bei materialinių išteklių, bet to, nėra pakankamai rezultatyvi. Kuriant naująjį baudžiamojo proceso įstatymą buvo siekiama nustatyti optimalias procesines formas, užtikrinančias, kad teisingumas baudžiamosiose bylose būtų įgyvendinamas mažiausiomis procesinėmis sąnaudomis, siekiant sudaryti įstatymines prielaidas, įgalinančias “greičiau suktis teisingumo mašinai”. Tačiau siekiant supaprastinti, atpiginti ir pagreitinti baudžiamąjį procesą negalima nukrypti nuo pagrindinės baudžiamojo proceso paskirties - ginant žmogaus ir piliečio teises bei laisves, visuomenės ir valstybės interesus greitai, išsamiai atskleisti nusikalstamas veikas ir tinkamai pritaikyti įstatymą. Taigi siekiant užtikrinti greitą, ekonomišką ir maksimaliai... [to full text] / In recent years main criminal legislation and laws on criminal procedure together with the relevant regulatory enactments were adopted in Lithuania. These laws are considered to determine forms, procedures and methods of state’s position towards crimes. Moreover, those forms, procedures and methods shall be used in the investigation of crimes or hearing of cases in courts for a long time. Investigation of crimes is one of the most significant state’s activity fields. The success in combat against crime and its good results shave a great influence on other spheres of social life. However, due to various factors, this state’s activity field requires much time, considerable expenses and enormous human and material resources. However, this activity does not provide satisfactory results. When a new law on criminal procedure was adopted, the focus was on establishment of effective procedural forms that would ensure implementation of justice in criminal cases with the least procedural expenses and precondition a more accelerated operation of ‘the mechanism of justice’. Seeking to simplify and accelerate criminal procedure and decrease its expenses, the main purpose of criminal procedure, namely, to solve crimes in detail and in the shortest possible time, to apply an appropriate law at the same time regarding human rights and freedoms and interests of society and state should be regarded. Therefore, to ensure an accelerated, economical and good-resulting criminal justice, it is... [to full text]
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Slaptieji tyrėjai ir jų veiklos ribos įrodymų rinkimo procese / Secret investigators and the limits of their procedural activity within the collection of evidencesLosis, Egidijus 31 May 2005 (has links)
The perfectnes of crime and the forms of crime difficult their investigation. In order to protect humans and citizens rights and freedoms the state is obligated to apply even such methods, that restrict criminals rights. The subject of this work is ambiguously considered application one of these forms, to be exactly, the form of application secret agents during the investigation in criminal procedure. The participation of secret agents investigating crimes, the results of this investigation are looked over the prism how these results could be used in criminal procedure as the poof of quilt. Considering this question is settled that legal application of secret agents and the conception of proof allow to use this form of investigation and their results as the proof in criminal procedure. It has to be noted, that secret agents as the form of investigation is restricted and allowed in very particular cases, if secret agents don’t go beyond law and settled sanction by court. In conclusion it can be also mentioned, that in this work were identified the problems of regulation of applying this criminal – procedural investigation method, that can cause the slip of efficiency of the investigation and its results.
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Liudytojo procesinių interesų apsauga baudžiamajame procese: problemos ir perspektyvos / Protection of the witness’s procedural interests in criminal procedure: problems and perspectivesJurka, Raimundas 20 March 2008 (has links)
Daktaro disertacijoje tyrinėjami liudytojo teisinės padėties baudžiamajame procese sampratos ir šio subjekto procesinių interesų apsaugos klausimai. Disertacinio tyrimo objektas – liudytojo teisinė padėtis baudžiamajame procese, liudytojo instituto istorinė raida, liudytojo teisinė prigimtis, jo procesinio statuso klausimai. Ne mažiau svarbi tyrimo objekto dalis yra ir liudytojo procesinių interesų apsaugos tema, apimanti apsaugos paskirties, apsaugos priemonių sistemos, šių priemonių mechanizmo klausimus. / The doctoral thesis deals with the understanding of witness‘s legal position in criminal procedure and the questions of protection of its procedural interests. The object of the study – the witness‘s legal position in criminal procedure, historical development of the witness‘s institution, his legal nature, other questions of procedural status. The theme of protection of the witness‘s procedural interests, which enhances the questions of the purpose of protection, the system of protection and the mechanism of protection measures, is important as well.
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Procesinės prievartos priemonės baudžiamajame procese / Measures of Coercion in Criminal ProcedureLosis, Egidijus 16 March 2011 (has links)
Mokslo darbo temos aktualumas ir problematika.
Žmogaus teisių varžymas baudžiamajame procese vykdomas Lietuvos
Respublikos baudžiamojo proceso kodekse nustatytų prievartos priemonių forma
ir nulemtas aplinkybės, kad baudžiamojo proceso dalyviai ne visuomet tinkamai
vykdo baudžiamąjį procesą reglamentuojančių teisės aktų nustatytas
Tarptautiniuose ir nacionaliniuose teisės aktuose deklaruojami teisinės,
demokratinės valstybės, žmogaus teisių apsaugos principai bei tarptautinių teisminių
institucijų (Europos Žmogaus Teisių Teismo, Europos Teisingumo Teismo)
formuojama praktika riboja prievartos taikymą nustatant proporcingumo
principą, reikalaujantį įvertinti ir nustatyti tinkamą balansą tarp žmogaus teises
varžančių priemonių ir šiomis priemonėmis siekiamų tikslų.
Disertacijos temos aktualumą lemia prievartos priemonių taikymo procese
egzistuojantys probleminiai klausimai, susiję su žmogaus teisių apsaugos užtikrinimu,
į kuriuos atsakymų ieškoma šioje disertacijoje.
Disertaciniame darbe tiriama problema susijusi su baudžiamajame procese
vykdomu žmogaus teisių ir laisvių varžymu taikant prievartos priemones. Darbe
siekiama nustatyti valstybės galių ribas baudžiamajame procese taikyti prievartos
priemones, ištirti ir pasiūlyti mažiau žmogaus teises ir laisves varžančius
būdus. Disertacinio darbo problematika apima tris aspektus: pirma, – prievartos
priemonių sampratos, funkcijos baudžiamajame procese suvokimą, antra,
– proporcingumo principo, jo turinio, kriterijų ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Topicality of the theme of the scientific work and the problems.
Constriction of human rights in the criminal proceedings is exercised via
the coercive measures, which are fixed in the Criminal Process Code (CPC),
and is determined by the circumstance, i.e. that the participants of the criminal
proceedings do not always appropriately fulfill their duties, which are fixed in
the legal acts, regulating the criminal proceedings.
The principles of protection of human rights, which are declared in the international
and national legal acts of the lawful, democratic state, and the practice,
which is being formed by the international justiciary institutions (the
European Court of Human Rights, European Court of Justice) constrict application
of coercion by setting the principle of proportionality, according to which
the fair balance between the measures, which constrict human rights, and the
goals, which are being pursued by these measures, must be considered and
Topicality of the theme of the doctorial dissertation is conditioned by the
problematic items, existing in the proceedings of application of the coercive
measures, which are related with securing protection of human rights; the solutions
of the latter are being searched for in the present dissertation.
The problem, which is being investigated in the dissertation work, is related
with constriction of human rights and freedoms, which is being exercised
in the criminal proceedings via application of coercive measures... [to full text]
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Sentencing sexual assault : a study of mitigation and aggravationDinovitzer, Ronit January 1995 (has links)
In an effort to establish a clearer understanding of the sentencing of sexual assault offenders, this study analyzes data generated from a content analysis of sexual assault cases, using feminist theory as a backdrop for the analysis. The sample consists of ninety-seven sexual assault cases from across Canada for the period of August 15, 1992 through August 15, 1993. Using a statistical analysis, the data were analyzed for evidence of whether certain factors aggravated or mitigated sentence length. The findings indicate that factors not affecting sentence length include breach of trust, sex of the judge, sex of the complainant, plea and show of remorse. Factors that work to mitigate sentence length include the youth or old age of an offender. Finally, variables that, when present, aggravate an offender's sentence length are prior offences, force, sexual intercourse and psychiatric considerations. These findings indicate that while there has been some response to feminist concerns regarding criminal justice processing of sexual assault, some of the myths that have been traditionally associated with its victims and offenders are still influencing the judiciary.
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Proving genocidal intent and the policy element :genocide in Darfur?Eva Bohle. January 2009 (has links)
<p>The International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur (Commission) began its work in October 2004 and provided its final report only three months later on 25 January 2005.2 There, it concluded, inter alia, &ldquo / that the Government of Sudan has not pursued a policy of genocide&rdquo / and that at least the central Government authorities did not act with genocidal intent.3 However, these findings would not exclude the possibility that the atrocities committed by individuals against victims were carried out with the specific intent to destroy and therefore could possibly fulfil all necessary requirements of the crime of genocide.</p>
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An historical study of a criminal defendant's right to exculpatory information under the protection of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States ConstitutionWhitehead, Daniel K. January 1996 (has links)
This study has presented a comprehensive historical overview of the context and significance of a, criminal defendants constitutional right to due process of law. The evidence suggests that, in many circumstances, a criminal defendant is not being afforded our most basic constitutional guarantee of fairness and justice for allOne of the primary objectives of this study was to develop a working definition for journalists to better understand the fundamental concepts of a defendants right to exculpatory evidence during criminal proceedings.Since 1791, the Supreme Court has had to continually broaden a criminal defendants right to exculpatory information. In case after case, a similar fad pattern has shown that pauper criminal defendants with court appointed attorneys having to compete against state or federal prosecutors with unlimited investigative and legal research funding This disparity is further compounded when the state or government prosecutors define to turn over information or evidence which could help the defendants case.Further analysis identified other problem areas within the scope of due process which deserve significant attention such as: the grand jury process, plea-bargains, probable cause warrants, and post-conviction hearings. / Department of Journalism
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Effects of pleading the fifth amendment on juridic decisionsHeinsohn, Brian D. January 1997 (has links)
This study examined the effects that a defendant's pleading of the fifth amendment during a criminal trial had on simulated juror's decisions regarding verdict, likelihood of guilt, certainty of guilt, sentence severity, and perceptions of the defendant's character. One hundred fifty-five undergraduate psychology students read one of three versions of a transcript, based on a trial of a man charged with theft, in which the defendant did not plead the fifth (control), plead the fifth, or plead the fifth possibly for reasons other than hiding involvement in the crime (i.e. having an affair). Results showed that the two fifth amendment conditions found the defendant to be more likely guilty than the control condition. Also, a factor analysis suggested that an honest and a relaxed dimension best described the defendant's character. In addition, it was discovered that perceptions of the defendant's honesty mediated the effects of perceived likelihood of guilt. / Department of Psychological Science
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"Death is Different" Jurisprudence and LWOP: Rethinking Life Without Parole in American Criminal JusticeEvrigenis, Amelia 01 January 2015 (has links)
My thesis critically examines the role that the U.S. Supreme Court's "death is different" jurisprudence has played in the development of life without parole (LWOP) sentencing.
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To cause or not to cause, that is the question : the prosecutorial standard for incitement at international criminal lawSchuetze, Jennifer Johanna January 2005 (has links)
The prosecutorial standard for incitement is subject to different approaches in the common law and civil law traditions respectively. The most crucial difference lies in the role attributed to the result as a definitional element of the offence. While the civil law generally characterizes proof of results as a prerequisite to liability, the common law views it as significant but not determinative of guilt. This divergence is expounded at the international level, which condones both approaches with respect to different crimes, employing the common law approach only to genocide and relegating all other crimes to the purview of the civil law approach. The practical effect is a focus on the gravity of the substantive crime to which incitement attaches, rather than on the crucial role of incitement itself. This thesis will seek to elucidate the parameters of this debate with the aim of deconstructing and redrawing preconceived barriers in international criminal law.
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