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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation of expatriate adjustment and performance at the workplace : a social capital perspective

Liu, Xiangyang 01 January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Podnikání v Rusku: právní a obchodně kulturní podmínky / Business in Russia: legal and business culture environment

Andrusova, Marina January 2010 (has links)
The thesis discusses the fundamental differences between the legal systems of Russia and Czech Republic, the legal forms of business and process of establishing companies in Russia. The work also deals with the characteristics of the legal consciousness of Russians and Russian mentality traits that affect business communications. There are discussed not only the basic cultural dimensions but also the latest trends in the development of Russian business culture. The key to a successful business in Russia is willingness to solve problems, not only through formal (e.g. law enforcement), but also informal way - through personal relationships. In comparison with the Czech character the Russian one is distinguished by greater openness and emotionality, including readiness to open conflict, and greater interpenetration of personal and professional relationships. Establishment of a company in Russia is much simpler and cheaper than in Czech Republic.

Tradução e adaptação transcultural para a língua portuguesa do Brasil dos questionários Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) e Quality of Care in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-CARE) para idosos com disfagia neurogênica / Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the SWAL-QOL and SWAL-CARE questionnaires into brazilian portuguese for the elderly with neurogenic dysphagia

Leila Maria Gumushian Felipini 29 November 2016 (has links)
Na área da saúde, a grande maioria dos instrumentos de avaliação desenvolvida até o momento encontra-se no idioma inglês e foi elaborada com a intenção de ser utilizada em países falantes de língua inglesa. Os questionários de qualidade de vida Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) e Quality of Care and Patient Satisfaction (SWAL-CARE) em língua portuguesa do Brasil foram traduzidos para utilização em pacientes com disfagia por diferentes etiologias. É de extrema importância o uso desses protocolos de qualidade de vida específicos, ou seja, traduzidos, adaptados e validados para um público-alvo definido. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma nova tradução e adaptação transcultural dos questionários SWAL-QOL e SWAL-CARE originais para a língua portuguesa do Brasil, de acordo com a realidade de idosos acometidos por disfagia neurogênica. Em um primeiro momento, a tradução anterior dos questionários para aplicação em pacientes com disfagia por diferentes etiologias foi aplicada em 05 idosos para observarmos as dificuldades de compreensão relatadas pelas fonoaudiólogas que já aplicavam esses questionários na clínica de fonoaudiologia da FOB - USP. Gravamos os encontros em que os questionários foram aplicados a fim de comprovarmos a dificuldade por parte dos idosos de compreenderem o conteúdo dos questionários. Em seguida, iniciamos o processo de tradução e adaptação transcultural que seguiu as diretrizes para escalas de qualidade de vida relacionadas à saúde propostas por Beaton et al. (2000). Assim, para a tradução e adaptação transcultural foram considerados seis estágios: (1) traduções, (2) síntese das traduções, (3) retrotraduções, (4) comitê de peritos, (5) teste da versão prévia e (6) submissão dos documentos deste processo para um comitê de acompanhamento. No primeiro estágio, duas traduções foram elaboradas por tradutores distintos; no segundo estágio, essas duas traduções foram analisadas, e uma versão síntese foi estabelecida durante uma reunião entre os tradutores e um juiz neutro; no terceiro estágio, essa versão síntese foi retrotraduzida para a língua inglesa por dois falantes de língua inglesa; no quarto estágio, houve uma nova reunião envolvendo os dois tradutores, um dos dois retrotradutores, uma fonoaudióloga, um perito em Letras e um metodologista que estabeleceram a versão prévia a ser testada; no quinto estágio, aconteceram os testes e as adequações necessárias para que uma versão final em língua portuguesa fosse estabelecida. Fizeram parte do estágio 5, 10 pacientes pertencentes ao público-alvo desta pesquisa, idosos com disfagia orofaríngea neurogênica. Em um primeiro momento, esses 10 pacientes responderam à versão final dos questionários a fim de identificarmos a clareza e a compreensão da terminologia utilizada nos questionários. As questões que apresentaram 15% de respostas de difícil compreensão e não se aplica foram reavaliadas por uma banca de especialistas composta por 3 fonoaudiólogas especialistas em disfagia. A única questão apontada por dois pacientes como de difícil compreensão foi a questão 28 do SWAL-QOL. O conteúdo dessa questão foi discutido entre as fonoaudiólogas durante reunião da banca de especialistas e foi alterado. No sexto estágio, os documentos deste processo foram submetidos para acompanhamento pela pesquisadora e sua coorientadora. A pesquisadora revisou a versão prévia e foi estabelecida, então, a versão final em língua portuguesa do Brasil dos questionários SWAL-QOL e SWAL-CARE para idosos com disfagia neurogênica. / In the health field, most assessment instruments that have been developed so far are written in English and designed to be used in English-speaking countries. The SWAL-QOL, a dysphagia-specific quality of life questionnaire, and the SWAL-CARE, a quality of care questionnaire, were first translated and cross-culturally adapted into the Brazilian language to be used with patients with dysphagia by different etiologies. It is extremely important that these questionnaires be specific for a defined target public. Thus, the objective of this study was to translate and cross-culturally adapt both questionnaires, the SWAL-QOL and the SWAL-CARE, into the Brazilian Portuguese language according to the reality of the elderly with neurogenic dysphagia. First, the Brazilian Portuguese version of both questionnaires, developed to be used with people with dysphagia by different etiologies, were applied in 05 elderly people so that we could observe the difficulties patients have to understand the content as reported by speech pathologists that had been using the questionnaires in their clinical practice at FOB - USP. The meetings were filmed so that we could record the difficulties the elderly had to understand the content while trying to answer the questionnaires. After that, the process of translation and cross-cultural adaptation was initiated and followed the guidelines for the translation of health-related quality of life protocols recommended by Beaton et al. (2000). Thus, the process of translation and cross-cultural adaptation was conducted in 6 stages: (1) translations, (2) synthesis of translations, (3) back translations, (4) expert committee, (5) pretesting and (6) submission and appraisal of all written reports by developers/committee. In the first stage, two translations were done by two different translators; in the second stage, these two translations were analyzed by the two translators and a neutral judge in order to reach a synthesis version; in the third stage, this synthesis version was back translated into English by two native speakers; in the fourth stage, another meeting was held with the two translators, one of the two back translators, a speech language pathologist, a specialist in Languages and a methodologist that together reached a previous version to be tested; in the fifth stage, tests were performed and the necessary changes were made in order to reach the final version of the questionnaires. A total of 10 patients, who belonged to the target public of this study, elderly people with oropharyngeal neurogenic dysphagia, took part in this fifth stage. First, the previous version of the questionnaires was applied in these 10 patients in order to observe whether the content was clear and understandable for them. Items analyzed as hard to understand and content does not apply by more than 15 % of the participants were reconsidered by an expert committee composed by three speech pathologists. The only question marked as hard to understand by two patients was the question 28 of the SWAL-QOL. The speech pathologists discussed the content of such question during the expert committee meeting and decided on changing it. In the sixth stage, all documents were submitted and appraised by a committee composed by the researcher and her co-supervisor. Then, the researcher reviewed the previous version and we reached the final version of the SWAL-QOL and SWAL-CARE for the elderly with neurogenic dysphagia.

Ñembojera: \"como uma flor que se desdobra à luz do sol\" - rastros entre-poéticas

Patricia de Almeida Zuppi 05 November 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata dos processos que envolvem a experiência performática e os fluxos entre memória, resistência e criação no âmbito do entrecruzamento de culturas. Parte-se da instauração de interlocuções no contexto das aldeias indígenas Guarani da capital de São Paulo que, apesar das dinâmicas de contato com a metrópole, ainda mantêm vivos seu idioma e práticas ritualísticas tradicionais. O eixo de reflexão se volta para a percepção de possíveis fricções, intersecções e contaminações poéticas deflagradas neste contato. Performance é aqui compreendida com ênfase na experiência, como campo relacional. Ritual e Arte, e seus respectivos meios e processos, aproximados pela perspectiva da experiência liminar proposta por Victor Turner, são postos em deslocamento numa ruptura entre as fronteiras de distintos gêneros de performance cultural. À luz dos Estudos da Performance e da Antropologia da Performance é sugerida uma apreensão do intervalo entre culturas distintas, como um entre-lugar potencialmente transformador, gerador de novos sentidos. / This research deals with the processes which involve the performatic experience and flows between memory, resistance and creation within the crossing of cultures. It starts with the establishment of dialogues in the context of Guarani Indian villages from the capital of Sao Paulo that, despite the dynamic contact with the metropolis, still keep alive their language and traditional ritual practices. The axis of reflection goes to the perception of possible intersections and poetic contamination deflagrated in intercultural contact. Performance is understood here with emphasis on experience, as a relational field in the proposition of the meeting with the -other culturally different?. Ritual and Art, and their respective environments and processes, approximated by the perspective of liminal experience, proposed by Victor Turner, are put on the move on a rupture between the boundaries of different kinds of cultural performance. In light of Performance Studies and Anthropology of Performance is suggested an apprehension of interval between different cultures, as a potentially transformative in-between place, generating new meanings.

Escala de desenvolvimento mental de Griffiths para crianças de 0 a 2 anos -  adaptação para a população brasileira / Griffiths mental development scale for children aged 0 to 2 years - adaptation for the brazilian population

Amanda Tragueta Ferreira-Vasques 11 December 2017 (has links)
Os primeiros anos de vida são fundamentais para a predição do desenvolvimento infantil normativo. Quando diagnosticada alguma alteração precocemente, a estimulação adequada irá reduzir, minimizar ou sanar as consequências deletérias desta alteração promovendo melhor qualidade de vida e desenvolvimento futuro do lactente. Para o diagnóstico precoce de alterações no desenvolvimento infantil é indispensável avaliação detalhada de todas as áreas do desenvolvimento. A Escala de Desenvolvimento Mental de Griffiths III é um instrumento de diagnóstico envolvendo cinco áreas: Fundamentos do Aprendizado, Linguagem e Comunicação, Coordenação Olho-Mão, Pessoal-Social-Emocional e Motora Grossa. O objetivo foi realizar adaptação transcultural da Escala de Desenvolvimento Mental de Griffiths III e sua normatização para os lactentes brasileiros. Após cumprimentos dos aspectos éticos, foi realizada adaptação transcultural do instrumento seguindo as etapas: tradução por dois tradutores juramentados, do inglês para o português brasileiro; síntese das traduções; retrotradução por dois nativos do idioma inglês e fluentes no idioma português brasileiro; análise por comitê de especialistas; aplicação da versão pré-final em estudo piloto; envio da documentação para os autores da Escala original. Para normatização foram avaliados 216 lactentes, com desenvolvimento típico, comprovado pelo histórico coletado na anamnese, aplicação do protocolo de Observação do Comportamento Comunicativo e do Teste de Screening de Desenvolvimento Denver II. As características quanto ao gênero e classificação socioeconômica da casuística foi proporcional à realidade brasileira. Foi realizada análise descritiva do processo de adaptação transcultural e tratamento estatístico com aplicação do Teste de Mann-Whitney e correlação de Spearman. A normatização do desempenho dos lactentes brasileiros na EDMG III foi realizada por meio da progressão linear de uma faixa etária para a seguinte (mês a mês), com a utilização de valores de média e desvio padrão suavizados. O processo de adaptação transcultural foi seguido, com necessidade de mínimas adaptações mantendo equivalência semântica, idiomática, experimental e conceitual. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre desempenho de meninos e meninas; houve correlação direta e significante entre escolaridade materna e condição socioeconômica; devido às particularidades da casuística, não foi observada correlação direta entre condição socioeconômica e desempenho na Escala; verificouse correlação forte, direta e estatisticamente significante entre o desempenho dos lactentes nas cinco subescalas. Após normatização dos dados, afirma-se que a Idade de Desenvolvimento se apresenta similar entre as Subescalas, seguindo um padrão de aumento na pontuação bruta de acordo com o aumento da idade cronológica, seguindo o curso do desenvolvimento típico. Concluiu-se que foi realizada a adaptação transcultural da Escala de desenvolvimento Mental Griffiths III de 0 a 72 meses, incluindo o Livro de Anotações e o Livro de Desenho. A normatização deste instrumento foi concluída para a faixa etária de 0 a 24 meses, com valores normativos referente à Idade de Desenvolvimento. / The first years of life are fundamental to the prediction of normative infant development. When an early diagnosis is made, adequate stimulation will reduce, minimize or remedy the deleterious consequences of this change, promoting better quality of life and future development of the infant. For the early diagnosis of changes in child development, a detailed evaluation of all areas of development is indispensable. The Griffiths Mental Development Scale III is a diagnostic tool involving five areas: Fundamentals of Learning, Language and Communication, Eye-Hand Coordination, Personal-Social-Emotional and Gross Motor. The objective was to perform transcultural adaptation of the Griffiths Mental Development Scale III and its normalization for Brazilian infants. After observing the ethical aspects, the transcultural adaptation of the instrument was carried out following the steps: translation by two sworn translators, from English into Brazilian Portuguese; synthesis of translations; back translation by two native speakers of the English language and fluent in the Brazilian Portuguese language; analysis by expert committee; application of the prefinal version in a pilot study; sending the documentation to the authors of the original Scale. For normalization, 216 infants were evaluated, with a typical development, as evidenced by the history collected in the anamnesis, application of the Communicative Behavior Observation protocol and the Denver II Development Screening Test. The characteristics of the gender and socioeconomic classification of the sample were proportional to the Brazilian reality. A descriptive analysis of the cross-cultural adaptation process and statistical treatment with Mann-Whitney test and Spearman correlation were performed. The normalization of the performance of Brazilian infants in the EDMG III was performed through linear progression from one age group to the next (month to month), using mean and standard deviation values smoothed. The process of cross-cultural adaptation was followed, with the need for minimal adaptations maintaining semantic, idiomatic, experimental and conceptual equivalence. There was no statistically significant difference between boys\' and girls\' performance; there is a direct and significant correlation between maternal schooling and socioeconomic status; due to the particularities of the sample, no direct correlation was observed between socioeconomic status and performance in the Scale; there was a strong, direct and statistically significant correlation between infant performance in the five subscales. After normalization of the data, it is stated that the Development Age is similar among the subscales, following a pattern of increase in the gross score according to the increase of the chronological age, following the course of the typical development. It was concluded that the transcultural adaptation of the Griffiths Mental Development Scale III from 0 to 72 months was carried out, including the Record Book and the Drawing Book. The normalization of this instrument was completed for the age group from 0 to 24 months, with normative values referring to the Age of Development.

An exploration of the intercultural competence and the cross-cultural experiences of educational psychologists in the United Kingdom

Anderson, Aaron January 2018 (has links)
The United Kingdom (UK) is becoming increasingly diverse (Office for National Statistics, 2013). Educational psychologists in the UK will need to feel competent in providing services to an increasingly multicultural population. This research study used a mixed method, two-phase, sequential, explanatory study design to explore the self-perceived intercultural competence of UK educational psychologists and trainee educational psychologists (EP/Ts). The study also explored EP/Ts experiences of working with culturally diverse populations. The first phase of this research study used an online adapted version of the MCCTS-R (Holcomb-McCoy & Myers, 1999; Munoz, 2009), and the second phase built upon the first phase with follow-up semi-structured interviews, analysed using Braun & Clarke's (2006) thematic analysis. The results of this research study present a breadth and depth of information. EP/Ts generally perceived themselves to be competent to work cross-culturally with particular areas of competence including knowledge of assessment bias, poverty effects, and positive attitudes towards diverse cultures. EP/Ts also reported areas of lower competence including theories of racial/ethnic identity development, limited experiences of community work and limited knowledge of community resources. However, EP/Ts perceptions about development needs depended upon their awareness. The process of participating in the study raised awareness of gaps in knowledge and limitations in practice. The study concludes with a discussion of implications for the practice of EP/Ts.

Expatriatehantering i Sverige : En kvantitativ studie om hur man kan minska expatriate-failures i landet som korats som ”årets förlorare”

Wu, Yuan-Qi January 2018 (has links)
Trenden visar på att expatriates världen över fortsätter att ökas och värderas mer. Ett allmänt problem i hanteringen av expatriates är att de slutar i förtid och att de kan känna sig hindrade av att prestera till sina fulla kapaciteter. Årets resultat i en omfattande undersökning av expatriates världen över, där man mäter hur lyckliga de är, visade på att Sverige är årets förlorare. Syftet med den här studien är att ta reda på vilka sätt det finns för HR-ansvariga att använda, för att sänka risken för expatriate-failures i Sverige. Utifrån syftet formulerades två frågeställningar som undersökningen baserades på, på vilka sätt kan man minska risken för att expatriate-failures ska ske i Sverige och är de etablerade tillvägagångssätten giltiga i Sverige. Metoden bestod av en enkätundersökning som undersökte vad anledningarna för övervägan att sluta i förtid var för expatsen i Sverige samt hur deras besittning av vissa attribut korrelerade till att ha en risk för expatriate-failure. Undersökningen visade på att kulturshockar var huvudanledningen för att expatriate-failures sker i Sverige och att besittning av eftertraktade attribut skulle minska risken för expatriate-failures. Resultatet visade då på att de etablerade tillvägagångssätten är giltiga i Sverige för att minska risken för expatriate-failure. Andra effektiva tillvägagångssätt gavs också som förslag för att motverka frekventa anledningarna som emprin visade på.

Cultural identity in Hong Kong as reflected through demeanor.

January 2011 (has links)
Yau, Sin Yee Christine. / "November 2010." / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 210-229). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Abstract --- p.i / Acknowledge --- p.iii / Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1 / Background: --- p.6 / What is Demeanor? --- p.6 / What is Resistance? --- p.8 / Who are they? --- p.9 / Chapter - --- Heunggongyahn --- p.9 / Chapter - --- Daaihlohkyahn --- p.10 / Chapter - --- Gwailou --- p.11 / Research Significance --- p.12 / Literature Review: --- p.13 / Demeanor: Cultural Knowledge --- p.14 / Demeanor: Embodiment and Presentation of Cultural Identities --- p.16 / Politicizing Demeanor: Struggling for Power and Conveying Messages --- p.17 / Hong Kong Identity: Its Shaping Process --- p.19 / Methodology: --- p.21 / Entering the Field: Daily Observation --- p.21 / Pilot Test --- p.22 / "In-depth, Semi-structured, and Structured Interviews" --- p.23 / Participant Observation --- p.24 / Organization of the Thesis --- p.25 / Informants' Details --- p.28 / Chapter 2. --- Heunggongyahn and Daaihlohkyahn --- p.30 / Introduction --- p.30 / "Pride: Certain Demeanor as ""Superior"" Prestige" --- p.31 / The Prestige in Not Disturbing Others --- p.32 / "The Prestige in Sitting ""Properly"": Preserving City's Image" --- p.34 / "The Prestige in Having Gungdaksam, Public Virtue" --- p.41 / The Prestige in Keeping some Distance from Strangers --- p.43 / The Prestige in Endurance and Keeping Quiet: Saving Face --- p.44 / "Prejudice: Certain Demeanor as ""Inferior"" Stigma" --- p.47 / The Stigma of Squatting --- p.48 / The Stigma of Public Excretion --- p.56 / The Stigma of Nose Picking --- p.62 / The Stigma of Spitting --- p.63 / Conclusion --- p.67 / Chapter 3. --- My Informants' Everyday Life --- p.69 / Introduction --- p.69 / "The Civilizing Process: Demeanor as a ""Linear Evolution""" --- p.70 / "Using Seat-Toilets ""Properly""" --- p.71 / Lining up --- p.76 / Demeanor as Capital --- p.81 / Cultural Capital --- p.81 / Symbolic Capital --- p.83 / Social Capital --- p.86 / "My Informants' Sense of ""Shame""" --- p.88 / """We are from Hong Kong""" --- p.89 / Cultural Identity is Presented: Conscious Performance --- p.92 / Cultural Identity is Embodied: the Practice of Eye Contacts --- p.98 / General Rule: Avoid Eye Contact --- p.98 / Complaints Conveyed: Be (睥),Stare --- p.101 / Conclusion --- p.103 / Chapter 4. --- Hong Kong Cultural Identity --- p.105 / Introduction --- p.105 / Changing Relationships --- p.106 / Political Situation --- p.106 / Economic Situation --- p.113 / Social Situation --- p.118 / The Cultural Identity of Heunggongyahn --- p.123 / "Senses of ""Superiority"" and ""Inferiority"":" --- p.135 / Economic Differences --- p.136 / Levels of Corruption --- p.138 / Mass Media's Portrayals --- p.139 / Freedom and Rights --- p.140 / The Long Separation --- p.142 / "The ""Middle Class"" Mentality of Heunggongyahn" --- p.143 / The Return of Sovereignty: Double Colonization --- p.146 / "The Border in Our Heads: One Country, Two Castes" --- p.149 / Conclusion --- p.152 / Chapter 5. --- "Demeanor, Emotions and Resistance" --- p.154 / Introduction --- p.154 / Double/ Multiple Standards --- p.155 / Squatting Practiced by Non-Mainlanders --- p.155 / Nose Picking Practiced by Non-Mainlanders --- p.157 / Jumping the Queue Practiced by Non-Mainlanders --- p.159 / Complicated Emotions --- p.162 / Love --- p.163 / Anxiety --- p.165 / Hatred --- p.167 / Discontent --- p.168 / Demeanor as Social Marginalization: Mainlanders as Scapegoats --- p.170 / The Official Discrimination against Mainland Chinese --- p.170 / The Malignant Portrayal of Mainland Chinese --- p.172 / Vitriolic Criticisms towards Mainlanders --- p.174 / Consequence: Social Marginalization of Mainlanders --- p.177 / Fears and Concerns of Heunggongyahn: --- p.179 / 1949-1976 --- p.179 / After 1976 --- p.181 / "Identity, Emotions and Resistance" --- p.184 / "Demeanor as ""Weapons of the Weak""" --- p.187 / Demeanor as Symbolic Violence --- p.189 / Conclusion --- p.192 / Chapter 6. --- Conclusion --- p.194 / The Case of Hong Kong --- p.197 / """Mainlander"" as an Adjective" --- p.199 / "The ""Residue"" of Political Wants?" --- p.200 / Would the Repugnance Be Alleviated? --- p.201 / Power Struggle --- p.202 / Forms of Resistance --- p.203 / The Politics of Cultural Identity --- p.204 / Afterthoughts: The Reproduction of Cultural Identity --- p.205 / Appendix I --- p.207 / Appendix II --- p.208 / Glossary --- p.209 / Bibliography --- p.210

Ñembojera: \"como uma flor que se desdobra à luz do sol\" - rastros entre-poéticas

Zuppi, Patricia de Almeida 05 November 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata dos processos que envolvem a experiência performática e os fluxos entre memória, resistência e criação no âmbito do entrecruzamento de culturas. Parte-se da instauração de interlocuções no contexto das aldeias indígenas Guarani da capital de São Paulo que, apesar das dinâmicas de contato com a metrópole, ainda mantêm vivos seu idioma e práticas ritualísticas tradicionais. O eixo de reflexão se volta para a percepção de possíveis fricções, intersecções e contaminações poéticas deflagradas neste contato. Performance é aqui compreendida com ênfase na experiência, como campo relacional. Ritual e Arte, e seus respectivos meios e processos, aproximados pela perspectiva da experiência liminar proposta por Victor Turner, são postos em deslocamento numa ruptura entre as fronteiras de distintos gêneros de performance cultural. À luz dos Estudos da Performance e da Antropologia da Performance é sugerida uma apreensão do intervalo entre culturas distintas, como um entre-lugar potencialmente transformador, gerador de novos sentidos. / This research deals with the processes which involve the performatic experience and flows between memory, resistance and creation within the crossing of cultures. It starts with the establishment of dialogues in the context of Guarani Indian villages from the capital of Sao Paulo that, despite the dynamic contact with the metropolis, still keep alive their language and traditional ritual practices. The axis of reflection goes to the perception of possible intersections and poetic contamination deflagrated in intercultural contact. Performance is understood here with emphasis on experience, as a relational field in the proposition of the meeting with the -other culturally different?. Ritual and Art, and their respective environments and processes, approximated by the perspective of liminal experience, proposed by Victor Turner, are put on the move on a rupture between the boundaries of different kinds of cultural performance. In light of Performance Studies and Anthropology of Performance is suggested an apprehension of interval between different cultures, as a potentially transformative in-between place, generating new meanings.

The relationship between socio - cultural factors and sport participation in schools : a case study of Germiston High School in the Gauteng Province

Rakgole, Molatelo Walter January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (M. Dev.) -- University of Limpopo, 2018 / The post-apartheid socio-cultural, economic and political dispensation in South Africa have prompted a high-level perceived potential inclusion in sport-participating in different aspect of self-development regardless of culture, economic and social difference across the nation. However, little is understood, from an empirical viewpoint, about the potential challenges and limits towards the successful participation in sport in South Africa. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between socio-cultural factors and sport participation at Germiston High School in the Gauteng Province. A quantitative research was conducted using case study research design method. A Non-probability sampling method was done through purposive sampling method to select Grade 8 to Grade 12 students from. Data collection was done using self-administered questionnaires. There were one hundred and forty-seven students that participated in a survey of self-administered questionnaires at Germiston High School. The findings of the study reveal that sport-participation is highly linked to socio-cultural and economic aspects among students. For students, teachers are expected to be involved in sport-participation and be of the forefront of inclusiveness. It also was found that sport preference among students is linked to their important others. Thus, a full experience of sport-participation through resources available at school is compromised for many students. Schools, the Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture together with sponsors and parents are encouraged to intervene in promoting sport participation.

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