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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attitudes and practices of corporal punishment with ethnicity and religiosity as predictive variables

Rodriguez, Denise, Sackett, Allen Kay 01 January 2001 (has links)
This study explores the relationship between ethnicity and level of religiosity, and parental or caregiver practices of physical punishment as a discipline style.

Understanding and using multicultural literature in the primary grades: A guide for teachers

Williams, Shirley Ann 01 January 2001 (has links)
Many studies have shown that an overwhelming number of classroom teachers are encountering increasing diversity issues in both the content of what they teach and among the students they are teaching The purpose of this project is to provide elementary teachers with a resource of multicultural literature that can be integrated into any curriculum, whether it is Language Arts, Social Studies, or story time.

Taking a Chance: A Narrative Inquiry of Mexican Origin Immigrants Living in the American Midwest

Claudia Felisa Sadowski (11805170) 20 December 2021 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this narrative inquiry is to portray a complex picture of Mexican origin immigrants living in the United States. This study portrays their lives, their experiences, and their thought processes from the moment they made their life-changing decision to immigrate to the USA until their current realities of life in the American Midwest. The stories discussed and the interpretations made are the result of oral interviews with four families conducted in their native language of Spanish. The personal experiences of the seven participants are familiar to thousands of immigrants who arrive to the USA daily. Although these immigrants experience a great deal of hardship, they also develop a strong layer of resilience and solidarity with each other. The study also provides an in-depth analysis of key works of literature written by, and about, Mexican and Hispanic immigrants. These books are: <i>Con Respeto: Bridging the Distances Between Culturally Diverse Families and Schools, An Ethnographic Portrait </i>(Valdés, 1996); <i>Of Borders and Dreams: A Mexican-American Experience of Urban Education </i>(Carger, 1996)<i>; The Circuit: Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child </i>(Jiménez, 1997)<i>; The Undocumented Americans</i> (Cornejo Villavicencio, 2020)<i>; </i>and <i>The House on Mango Street</i> (Cisneros, 1984). The experiences portrayed within these masterful works are then connected to those of the participants of this narrative inquiry. Additionally, connections are made by the researcher, a scholar of Mexican origin living in the American Midwest. This work illustrates why people choose to emigrate, their family and gender roles, their focus on educating the next generation, and their strong religious faith. It also depicts their challenges, fears, and resilience as they navigate living “between two worlds.”<br></p><p></p>

An examination of Kenyan and U.S. American communication styles and value orientations in a U.S. American organization in Nairobi, Kenya

Cassini, Mark 01 January 2012 (has links)
This study describes cultural values and communication styles that are attributable to Kenyans and U.S. Americans. It examines how Kenyans and U.S. Americans experience these different cultural values and communication styles and how they contribute to intercultural misunderstanding and conflict while working together in an office setting. Ten Kenyans and ten U.S. Americans who work or worked together in Nairobi, Kenya were interviewed and surveyed. The goal of the study was to explore and identify the experiences of the participants relative to the following values: individualism and collectivism; power distance; time orientation; high and low context; and universalism and particularism. The methodology used for this study included phone interviews and an extensive survey, which provided anecdotal evidence on how individuals experience and interpret the differences in these values. The interpretation of the data offers insights into significant intercultural differences between these two groups. The need for effective intercultural communication is an everyday reality in Nairobi, whether at the office, in the market, or on the street. Recommendations are offered for both Kenyans and U.S. Americans to work through and manage the differences to enhance productivity and satisfaction in the workplace. Ultimately the findings from this study will facilitate a rich discussion for human resources and training departments of similar organizations whether in Kenya or elsewhere.

Návrh konceptu účinné přípravy expatriotů na jejich působení v České republice / Concept Proposal for Effective Preparation of Expatriates for an International Assignment in the Czech Republic

Engl, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
Diplomová práce má za cíl navrhnout koncept účinné přípravy expatriotů na jejich působení v České republice. K dosažení tohoto cíle byla zvolena kombinace studia relevantních teoretických rámců a provedení vlastního výzkumu v podobě dotazníkového šetření o délce 35 otázek. Dotazník byl předložen expatriotům působícím v České republice. Navržený koncept lze uplatnit na přípravu expatriotů vyslaných mezinárodními firmami a expatriotů, kteří mají záměr působit v ČR z vlastní iniciativy.

Návrh přípravného programu pro působení expatriotů v Albánii / Proposal of an Effective Preparatory Programme for International Assignments in Albania

Novosádová, Nikola January 2016 (has links)
Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce je navrhnout efektivní přípravu pro expatrioty na profesionální působení v Albánské republice. Pro dosažení tohoto cíle autorka práce naplní jednotlivé cíle. Nejprve bude prozkoumána teorie dané problematiky a také související výzkumy. Hlavním cílem analytické části práce je provést dotazníkový výzkum mezi expatrioty, kteří v současnosti pracují nebo v milulých letech pracovali v Albánii a analyzovat jeho výsledky.


Maria Yakushkina (8649474) 16 April 2020 (has links)
<p>Today’s highly globalized and mobile society can be characterized by constant interaction between dominant and minority groups in one space, where migrant communities manage multiple cultural and linguistic contexts, while remaining connected to their society of origin. While the field of transnationalism addresses both the behavioral (i.e., physical) and symbolic (i.e., emotional) ties to the origin community, the role that language plays in establishing and maintaining such transnational practices, and specifically symbolic transnationalism, is not well understood. Addressing this gap, the current project aims to investigate the interconnection between heritage language use and symbolic transnationalism through the analysis of 1.5 and 2<sup>nd</sup> generation Cubans in Miami. </p> <p>The Cuban community in the US, and more specifically, in Miami-Dade County, Florida, represents a relevant case for in-depth investigation. While this population is comparable to other Hispanic groups in the US on many levels (Duany, 2011), the long-standing political opposition between the U.S. and Cuba have largely limited behavioral transnational practices (e.g., visits to the country of origin, sending goods and remittances) of the Cuban population. This broad lack of behavioral transnationalism in the Miami Cuban community provides a unique opportunity to examine symbolic transnational practices, effectively isolating two concepts that are traditionally combined in the literature (Duff, 2015; Reynolds, 2006).</p> <p>To investigate the relations between language use and symbolic transnationalism, a mixed methods study was conducted with 75 young adults of Cuban origin (1.5 and 2<sup>nd</sup> generation), combining a quantitative questionnaire with face-to-face sociolinguistic interviews. Quantitatively, data analysis centered on the analysis of the degree of symbolic transnationalism and language use among 1.5 and 2<sup>nd</sup> generation groups, as well as statistical correlations between sub-components of language use (history, proficiency, choice, and value) and symbolic transnationalism (ways of doing and ways of belonging). Qualitatively, a thematic analysis was conducted to distinguish the most prominent external factors in the process of symbolic transnationalism maintenance or development that surfaced in the discourse of the participants. Finally, discourse analysis was used to investigate how symbolic transnationalism was reflected in linguistic structures, such as deixis (i.e., terms indicating distance) and stance (i.e., expression of feelings, judgement, and appreciation). </p> <p>The analysis of the data provides strong evidence for overarching links between the level of symbolic transnationalism and language, such that greater affiliation with the culture of origin is related to a greater use and importance of the heritage language. In addition, qualitative results show that the external factors of the family domain, the Miami environment and ethnic community, and the use of the Spanish language in Miami, are among the most important for the maintenance and development of symbolic transnationalism. Finally, discourse analysis revealed that both 1.5 and 2<sup>nd</sup> generation groups use deictic and stance markers to express personal and metaphorical proximity, as well as affect and appreciation of the ethnic community, Cuba as a land, Cuba of the past, and Cuban culture. In contrast, they express temporal and spatial distance as well as markers of judgement with respect to Cuba of the present and its current politics. </p> <p>This study systematically isolates the concept of symbolic transnationalism via a quantitative approach and investigates its connection with language. Their direct correlation, confirmed by the results, highlights symbolic transnationalism as a significant variable to consider in sociolinguistic research with migrant communities, and thus provides a solid theoretical base for bridging the disciplines of linguistics and transnationalism. Moreover, this work employs a structural linguistic approach (i.e., deixis and stance) to demonstrate how transnational ties may be represented through linguistic structures, and thus it provides new tools for understanding how minority communities express their transnational connections. </p> <p>On a practical level, this work emphasizes the importance of the context and cross-cultural awareness in language pedagogy. For heritage language learners, it underlines the bi-directional relationship: language maintenance for sustaining transnational ties, as well as development of heritage culture appreciation for more effective heritage language development. Moreover, the findings with respect to the interconnection between symbolic transnationalism and heritage language use, emphasize the role of such aspects as sense of belonging, ethnic community, family history and attitudes towards the country of origin on the process of heritage language maintenance and self-identification with the country and culture of origin. Finally, the findings of this work may be applicable to second language students as well, emphasizing the importance of a context-based approach to language acquisition, which plays a significant role in developing productive cross-cultural communication.</p>

Battle of Recruitment : A Comparative Study of German and Swedish Militaries’ Recruitment Films

Rosén, Anton, Hamrin, Charlotte January 2020 (has links)
Studien syftade till att undersöka skillnader i framställning i två militära rekryteringsfilmer från Tyskland och Sverige. Syftet uppfylls genom multimodala analyser av filmerna och genom en fokusgruppsintervju beståendes av tyska och svenska studenter. I den multimodala analysen kartlades relevanta meningsbärande modaliteter för att ta reda på hur organisationerna framställer sig själva i filmerna. Fokusgruppsintervjun gav underlag till en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där publikens tolkning av filmerna kartlades med ett särskilt fokus på hur kultur har för betydelse för tolkningen. Studiens teoretiska bakgrund utgörs dels av Althussers teori kring ideologier och statliga anordningar och interpellationskonceptet som det vidareutvecklas av Judith Williamson. För tolkning av fokusgruppsintervjun applicerades Stuart Halls teori om Encoding/Decoding och Kim Schröders multidimensionella mottagarmodell. Studien kommer fram till att filmerna syftar till att interpellera, tilltala, publiken på skilda vis vilket leder till att två olika ideologier reproduceras. Innehållsanalysen av fokusintervjun pekade på att den kulturella bakgrunden kan vara en central faktor som förklarar varför filmerna tolkades olika av deltagarna. Ur ett samhälleligt perspektiv är studien relevant då den påtalar militära organisationers reproduktiva makt över ideologier i samhället. Förslagsvis kan framtida forskning undersöka kulturens roll för avkodning av militära rekryteringsfilmer på en mer detaljerad nivå. Till exempel skillnader i mottagande mellan landsorts- och stadsbefolkning. Studiens begränsningar utgörs främst av den korta tidsram inom vilken den genomförts och bristen på triangulering av data

Intercultural Experience: Eine Studie über die Auswirkungen von Auslandsaufenthalten am Beispiel der Projektarbeit in Khamlia, Marokko

Ritter, Monique 14 May 2018 (has links)
Die vorliegende Masterthesis beschäftigt sich mit den Auswirkungen des Auslandsaufenthaltes von deutschen Studierenden in dem kleinen Wüstendorf Khamlia, Marokko. Grundlage für diese qualitative Forschungsarbeit bildeten interkulturelle Schul- und Begegnungsprojekte mit einer Dauer von vier Wochen. Während der Projekzeit lebten die Student_innen mit der lokalen Bevölkerung der Gnawa und Berber Ethnie zusammen. Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurden verschriftlichte Selbstreflexionen der Projektteilnehmer_innen ausgewertet, in denen die Studierenden beachtliche Auswirkungen auf die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, das Selbstwirksamkeitserleben, die Einstellungen gegenüber fremden Kulturen und die interkulturellen Kompetenz reflektieren.:1. Einleitung 2. „Back to the roots“ – Projektarbeit am Rande der Sahara 2.1 Das Dorf Khamlia und die Ethnie der Gnawa 2.2 Das interkulturelle Schul- und Begegnungsprojekt „Afrika macht Schule' 2.2.1 Projektarbeit 2013 2.2.2 Projektarbeit 2014 3. Zum aktuellen Forschungsstand über die Auswirkungen von Auslandsaufenthalten 3.1 Zum Stand der Theorie 3.2 Vergleichbare Studien 4. Methodik der Untersuchung 4.1 Methodologie des qualitativen Forschungsprozesses: Aktualität, Kennzeichen und forschungsrelevante Hintergrundtheorien 4.2 Die Methodik der Datenerhebung 4.2.1 Qualitative Datenerhebung mittels Selbstreflexionen nach Ingulsrud et al. 4.2.2 Bestimmung des Ausgangsmaterials 4.3 Die Forschungsfrage der Untersuchung 4.4 Die Methodik der Ergebnisdarstellung: Die zusammenfassende qualitative Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring 4.5 Die Gütekriterien 5. Ergebnisdiskussion 5.1 Auswirkungen auf das Ich/Selbst, die Identität und das Selbstwertgefühl 5.2 Auswirkungen auf die „Big 5“ der Persönlichkeit 5.3 Auswirkungen auf die Kreativität 5.4 Auswirkungen auf die Leistungsorientierung 5.5 Auswirkungen auf das Wissen 5.6 Auswirkungen auf das soziale Netz 5.7 Auswirkungen auf die Fremdsprachenkenntnisse 5.8 Auswirkungen auf die Bewusstheit über die eigene Kultur 5.9 Auswirkungen auf die Vorstellungen und Einstellungen gegenüber dem „fremden“ Land, der „fremden“ Kultur 5.10 Auswirkungen auf die Zukunftspläne und Zukunftsziele 5.11 Auswirkungen auf die interkulturelle Kompetenz 5.12 Sonstige Auswirkungen 6. Zusammenfassung und Schlussfolgerungen 6.1 Zusammenfassung der Forschungsergebnisse 6.2 Schlussfolgerungen 7. Epilog 8. Anhang / This master thesis deals with the effects of stays abroad in the small village Khamlia, Marokko, where german students initiated intercultural school- and encounterprojects. This qualitative research is based on a four week stay in Khamlia. During this time the students lived together with local people of the ethnic groups gnawa and berber. In the content of this research the project participants were asked to self-reflect and the results were analyzed. This thesis discovers distinct positive effects on personality development, self-esteem, attitude towards foreign cultures and intercultural competences.:1. Einleitung 2. „Back to the roots“ – Projektarbeit am Rande der Sahara 2.1 Das Dorf Khamlia und die Ethnie der Gnawa 2.2 Das interkulturelle Schul- und Begegnungsprojekt „Afrika macht Schule' 2.2.1 Projektarbeit 2013 2.2.2 Projektarbeit 2014 3. Zum aktuellen Forschungsstand über die Auswirkungen von Auslandsaufenthalten 3.1 Zum Stand der Theorie 3.2 Vergleichbare Studien 4. Methodik der Untersuchung 4.1 Methodologie des qualitativen Forschungsprozesses: Aktualität, Kennzeichen und forschungsrelevante Hintergrundtheorien 4.2 Die Methodik der Datenerhebung 4.2.1 Qualitative Datenerhebung mittels Selbstreflexionen nach Ingulsrud et al. 4.2.2 Bestimmung des Ausgangsmaterials 4.3 Die Forschungsfrage der Untersuchung 4.4 Die Methodik der Ergebnisdarstellung: Die zusammenfassende qualitative Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring 4.5 Die Gütekriterien 5. Ergebnisdiskussion 5.1 Auswirkungen auf das Ich/Selbst, die Identität und das Selbstwertgefühl 5.2 Auswirkungen auf die „Big 5“ der Persönlichkeit 5.3 Auswirkungen auf die Kreativität 5.4 Auswirkungen auf die Leistungsorientierung 5.5 Auswirkungen auf das Wissen 5.6 Auswirkungen auf das soziale Netz 5.7 Auswirkungen auf die Fremdsprachenkenntnisse 5.8 Auswirkungen auf die Bewusstheit über die eigene Kultur 5.9 Auswirkungen auf die Vorstellungen und Einstellungen gegenüber dem „fremden“ Land, der „fremden“ Kultur 5.10 Auswirkungen auf die Zukunftspläne und Zukunftsziele 5.11 Auswirkungen auf die interkulturelle Kompetenz 5.12 Sonstige Auswirkungen 6. Zusammenfassung und Schlussfolgerungen 6.1 Zusammenfassung der Forschungsergebnisse 6.2 Schlussfolgerungen 7. Epilog 8. Anhang

`n Ondersoek na die gebruik van geselekteerde inisiatiefaktiwiteite in diverse jeuggroepe

Yates, Charl 30 November 2004 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / This research has shown that young people of different cultural groups have had and still have limited contact due to the history of our country. This contributed to the fact that there were, and still are, very few opportunities to build relationships. An introductory chapter in which the research methodology is explained, is followed by a discussion utilizing recent literature, of the question how the building of relationships can take place within the context of a diverse youth ministry (chapter 2). It became clear that the church, in its ministry to diverse youth groups, should create opportunities where the quality of relationships can be enhanced. In the research it was found that experiential learning activities, such as initiative activities, could have a positive influence on interpersonal skills in intercultural relationships (chapters 3 and 4). In chapter 5, firstly, certain conclusions were drawn. Secondly, recommendations were made and guidelines formulated regarding the building of relationships in the ministry to diverse youth groups. / Die navorsing vir hierdie studie het getoon dat jeugdiges van verskillende kultuurgroepe vanwee ons land se geskiedenis beperkte kontak gehad het en nog steeds het. Dit het meegebring dat geleenthede om verhoudinge te bou min was en steeds is. Na 'n inleidende hoofstuk waarin die navorsingsmetodologie uiteengesit word, volg 'n bespreking, aan die hand van resente literatuur oor die vraag hoe verhoudingsbou kan plaasvind in 'n diverse jeugbedieningkonteks (hoofstuk 2). Daaruit het dit duidelik geword dat die kerk in sy bediening aan diverse jeuggroepe geleenthede behoort te skep waartydens die kwaliteit van verhoudinge verbeter kan word. Die navorsing het bevind dat ervaringsleeraktiwiteite, byvoorbeeld inisiatiefaktiwiteite, 'n positiewe invloed kan he op interpersoonlike vaardighede in interkulturele verhoudinge (hoofstukke 3 en 4). In hoofstuk 5 is eerstens bepaalde gevolgtrekkings gemaak. Tweedens is aanbevelings gedoen en riglyne geformuleer met die oog op verhoudingsbou in die bediening aan diverse jeuggroepe. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Youth Work)

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