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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A importância da conservação do meio ambiente cultural para a construção de uma sociedade sustentável : o caso de Laranjeiras/SE

Santos, áurea Jaciane Araujo 25 February 2015 (has links)
This research versa basically on two points, the conservation of the cultural environment and the development of the municipality of Laranjeiras/SE. The main objective is to examine how the municipal urban and environmental legislation contemplates its tangible and intangible assets with respect to environmental issues. The aim is to verify if the right to the city (LEFEBVRE, 2008) is respected, in order to assist in the understanding of issues relating to the valuation of tangible and intangible heritage for a better sociability. The aim is to finally expand the thinking about the size of environmental protection through a discussion that demonstrates that the artificial and cultural environment are as important as the natural environment in the construction of sustainable societies. The hypothesis is that the strengthening of ties of identity is the basis for the expansion of the vision of the importance of cultural heritage and is a determining factor for the perpetuation of local culture as an asset to be preserved so that future generations can meet you. And, it seems, the municipal legislature in the process of urban laws of Laranjeiras/SE, did not take into account the issues and the complexity of social and environmental problems of the city, so that they do not respond effectively to the demands concerning the preservation, conservation and use of this heritage. Justified this work as a way to prove that when it comes to historic cities, culture should always be the center of attention, so all laws of a city with rich cultural material and immaterial as Laranjeiras is under direct influence of its framework cultural, aimed at environmental development. This research uses the dialectical method, considering the need to address the facts in the political, social and economic context, in order to promote a dynamic and totalizing interpretation of reality (PEREIRA, 2010). To achieve the goal, a bibliographic and documentary survey was conducted, in addition to interviews with several segments at the municipal, state and federal, and several site visits (of the place) aiming at the social reality. This is a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research with a view to appear problematic. The final text was structured in three parts: Theoretical framework, divided into three (03) chapters. Next is presents the methodology used. Finally, the final chapter with the compilation of collected and processed data on Laranjeiras/SE and the formation of the material and immaterial cultural heritage of the city throughout its history. After which it was concluded that the undoubtedly identity ties are the basis for the expansion of the vision of the importance of cultural heritage and is a determining factor for the perpetuation of local culture as an asset to be preserved so that future generations can meet. The hope is that the results of this research contribute to a comprehensive way of thinking the community of Laranjeiras, so that it can reduce social contrasts as well as strengthen ties between the people and place. / Esta pesquisa versa basicamente sobre dois pontos, a conservação do ambiente cultural e o desenvolvimento do município de Laranjeiras/SE. O objetivo principal é analisar de que forma a legislação urbanística e ambiental municipal contempla seu patrimônio material e imaterial no que concerne às questões socioambientais. Pretende-se verificar, se o Direito à cidade (LEFEBVRE, 2001) é respeitado, de modo a auxiliar na compreensão das questões relativas à valorização do patrimônio material e imaterial para uma melhor sociabilidade. Busca-se enfim ampliar o pensamento acerca da dimensão da proteção ambiental através de uma discussão que demonstra que o ambiente artificial e cultural são tão importantes quanto o ambiente natural na construção de sociedades sustentáveis. A hipótese é que o fortalecimento dos laços de identidade constitui a base para a ampliação da visão da importância do patrimônio cultural e é fator determinante para a perpetuação da cultura local como um bem a ser conservado de modo que as futuras gerações possam conhecê-la. E, ao que tudo indica, o legislador municipal no processo de elaboração das leis urbanas de Laranjeiras, não levou em conta as questões e a complexidade dos problemas socioambientais da cidade, de modo que estas não respondem de forma eficaz às demandas concernentes à preservação, conservação e uso deste patrimônio. Justifica-se esse trabalho como uma forma para comprovar que em se tratando de cidades históricas, a cultura deve ser sempre o centro das atenções, logo, toda a legislação de uma cidade com riqueza cultural material e imaterial como Laranjeiras sofre influência direta do seu arcabouço cultural, visando o desenvolvimento socioambiental. Esta pesquisa se utiliza do método dialético, considerando a necessidade de abordar os fatos dentro do contexto político, social e econômico, de modo a favorecer uma interpretação dinâmica e totalizante da realidade (PEREIRA, 2010). Para alcançar o objetivo, foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico e documental, além da realização de entrevistas com diversos segmentos no âmbito municipal, estadual e federal, além de diversas visitas in loco visando conhecer a realidade social do lugar. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva tendo em vista a problemática apresentada. O texto final foi estruturado em três partes: a Fundamentação teórica, dividida em 03 (três) capítulos. Em seguida é apresenta a metodologia utilizada. E por fim, o capítulo final com a compilação de dados coletados e tratados sobre Laranjeiras/SE e a formação do patrimônio cultural material e imaterial da cidade ao longo da sua história. Após o que foi possível concluir que os laços de identidade sem dúvida são a base para a ampliação da visão da importância do patrimônio cultural e é fator determinante para a perpetuação da cultura local como um bem a ser conservado de modo que as futuras gerações possam conhecê-la. O que se espera é que os resultados desta pesquisa contribuam para uma forma abrangente de se pensar a comunidade de Laranjeiras, de modo que possa se diminuir os contrastes sociais bem como estreitar os laços entre o povo e seu lugar.

As representações da morte no meio ambiente cultural e sua influência na efetivação dos transplantes de órgãos: por uma justiça social em termos de cidadania

Lionço, Marcia Helena Caprara 12 May 2008 (has links)
A biotecnologia trouxe grandes transformações para a saúde, a doença e a morte e sua influência modificou conceitos e o meio ambiente cultural. Os ritos de morte do passado, que aconteciam na família e na comunidade mudaram para os hospitais e para as unidades de tratamento intensivo, de modo que a morte ficou invertida ou medicalizada. A tecnologia permitiu um afastamento da morte e um prolongamento da vida, especialmente, na moderna técnica de transplantes de órgãos. Assunto polêmico mundialmente, o momento do morrer tem significância ímpar para a sociedade, visto tratar-se de um processo incerto e complexo que tem necessidade de determinantes legislativas. Pontuar uma reflexão na esfera ética, jurídica e biológica sobre a morte, tem grande atualidade e significado para a comunidade em geral e para aquela que espera pela doação de órgãos a fim de ter recuperada a saúde e a vida. O tema deste estudo focaliza a compreensão do conceito de saúde e as representações sociais da morte e como elas exercem influências no momento da morte encefálica, indispensável para que se realize a remoção dos órgãos vitais para transplantes. O estudo, atento aos princípios da justiça, autonomia e beneficência, princípios bioéticos relacionados aos princípios constitucionais e refletidos sob a luz da Constituição Federal 1988, da Declaração Universal de Bioética e da legislação específica para transplantes aponta para uma possibilidade integradora com o direito à informação, na tentativa de refletir-se sobre um novo conceito de cidadania. O fulcro do estudo é a presença do princípio da dignidade humana, como formatador do novo conceito de cidadania em relação à saúde, doença e morte em tempos de pós-modernidade. Tem relevância para a sociedade que vivencia estes conflitos e incertezas, quanto às possibilidades do acesso aos órgãos necessários para a cura de doenças graves e fatais. Analisa-se a responsabilidade da assistência à saúde como dever do Estado e ônus da sociedade, concluindo com algumas soluções para o ambiente da saúde e de vida com qualidade tanto para os que estão no final da vida como para os receptores em espera por mais vida; todos sujeitos de direitos fundamentais protegidos pela Constituição Federal. / Biotechnology has brought about great transformations in health, disease, and death, and its influence has modified concepts and the cultural environment. The rites of death from the past, which took place in the family and the community, have shifted to hospitals and intensive care units, so that death has become inverted, or medicalized. Technology has allowed a step to be taken back from death, and the prolonging of life, especially in the modern organ transplant techniques. Controversial all over the world, the moment of death has unparalleled significance for society, as it is an uncertain and complex process that requires legislative determinants. Reflection in the ethical, legal, and biological sphere on death is of great current significance for the community in general and for those waiting for organ donation to recover their health and life. This study focuses on comprehension of the concept of health and social representations of death, and how they excise influence at the encephalitic moment of death, which is essential to the removal of vital organs for transplant. The study, respecting the principles of justice, autonomy, and beneficence, bioethical concepts regarding constitutional principles and reflected on in the light of the Brazilian Federal Constitution 1988, the Universal Declaration of Bioethics, and specific legislation for transplants, indicates the possibility of integration with the right to information, in an attempt to reflect on a new concept of citizenship. The fulcrum of the study is the principle of human dignity, as the formatter of a new concept of citizenship in regard to health, disease and death in post-modern times. It is of relevance to society living through conflict and uncertainty over the possibility of access to organs needed to cure serious and fatal diseases. Finally, it analyses the responsibility held by health assistance as a duty of the State and its onus on society, concluding with some solutions for the health environment and for a life of quality both for those who are at the end of their lives and those receptors in waiting; all people with fundamental rights protected by the Brazilian Federal Constitution.

Backaryds kyrka- Bevarande av golvbjälklag / Backaryd’s church- preservation of floor joists

Alashker, Basel, Lindström, Erik, Karimi, Aziz January 2021 (has links)
This study was carried out in Backaryd’s church following a proposal from Ankdammen konsult. Backaryd’s church was built more than 200 years ago in Ronneby municipality in Blekinge County. Due to changes in heating methods and energy requirements since the church was built, the church today does not meet the energy and comfort requirements of today’s buildings. The study of the Backaryd’s church aims to investigate the floor construction in the church and to find out what factors may be at risk of moisture damage. The study will analyse the church and mainly the condition of the crawl space. In addition, some improvement measures will be proposed to get a comfortable heating inside the church with an appropriate energy use. Both law and society place high requirements on the preservation of valuable and cultural-historical buildings for future generations. In addition, any changes to churches that have been built before 1939 must be approved by the county administrative board.Results from the study show that relative humidity does not reach critical levels either in the crawl space or the church room. There are also no injuries such as mold and rot attacks on the structure. The inventory is of good quality and lacks damage such as cracks and rots.The writers have come up with the following improvement measures:● An annual entertainment of water management systems in crawl space. ● Cover the stone walls with plastic wrap on the inside and make them as dense as possible. ● Place the base of the panty bottom from below up against the floor beam. ● Insulate the floor structure with mineral wool. ● Place a plastic wrap all over the ground in the crawl space. ● install a dehumidifier. / Studien har genomförts i Backaryds kyrka efter ett förslag från Ankdammen konsult. Backaryd kyrka byggdes för drygt 200 år sedan i Ronneby kommun i Blekinge län. Med anledning av att uppvärmningsmetoder och energikrav förändrats sen kyrkan byggdes uppfyller kyrkan idag inte de komfort och energikrav som ställs på dagens byggnader. För att skapa förutsättningar för att kyrkan ska kunna bevaras och brukas även i framtiden krävs underhåll och restaurering. Studien av Backaryds kyrkan syftar till att undersöka golvkonstruktionen i kyrkan och även till att ta reda på vilka faktorer som kan leda till fuktskador. I studien har analyser av kyrkans och främst krypgrundens skick genomförts. Dessutom kommer några förbättringsåtgärder att föreslås för att få en god komfort inne i kyrka med en lämplig energiförbrukning. Förbättringsåtgärderna är framtagna med hänsyn till att bevara så mycket som möjligt av den ursprungliga konstruktionen och för att kunna använda det ursprungliga trägolvet. Både lagen och samhället ställer höga krav för bevarandet av värdefulla och kulturhistoriska byggnader till kommande generationer. Kyrkan är skyddad av Kulturmiljölagen och får därför inte ändras så att det kulturhistoriska värdet minskas eller att utseendet och karaktär förvanskas (SFS 1988:950). Dessutom måste alla ändringar av kyrkor som uppförts innan 1939 godkännas av länsstyrelsen.Resultat från studien visar att den relativa fuktigheten inte når kritiska nivåer varken i krypgrunden eller kyrkorummet. Det finns heller inga skador så som mögel- och rötangrepp på konstruktionen. Inventarierna håller en god kvalitet och saknar skador så som sprickor och röta.Skribenterna har kommit fram till följande förbättringsåtgärder:● En årlig underhållning av vattenledningssystem i krypgrunden. ● Täcka stenmurar med plastfolie på insidan för att göra det så lufttät och fukttät som möjligt. ● Placera trossbotten underifrån upp mot golvbjälklaget. ● Isolera golvbjälklaget med mineralull. ● Placera en plastfolie över hela marken i krypgrunden. ● Installera avfuktare i krypgrunden.

En djupdykning i kulturvärde : En fallstudie av Nyhamnen i Malmö rörande kulturmiljöanalyser i vår tids moderna arv / A Deep Dive in Cultural Value : A Case Study of Nyhamnen in Malmö Concerning Cultural Environment Analysis in the Modern Heritage of our Time

Aspelin, Felicia, Bjälkengren, Ellinor January 2021 (has links)
Kulturmiljöanalyser används idag som verktyg för värdering av kulturmiljöer. Det finns ingen bestämd mall i Sverige för hur kulturmiljöanalyser ska utföras. Kulturmiljö är ett brett begrepp som inte alltid är så lättolkat, men som är av vikt för framtida städers identitet och attraktivitet. Studien analyserar metoder som används vid kulturmiljöbedömning. Hur kulturmiljöanalysers utformning kan påverka resultat av planeringsarbete samt vilken roll planeraren bakom analysen spelar, undersöks i studien. Målet är att förstå på vilket sätt dessa faktorer kan vara av betydelse för hamnområdens ombyggnationer. Två kulturmiljöanalyser har utförts, DIVE-analys och Swecos stadsbild- och kulturmiljöanalys, genom en fallstudie i området Hullkajen och Hamnparken i Malmö. Området är del av vår tids moderna arv, som idag står inför omvandling. Kritik har riktats mot att planerare förväntas anta en objektiv expertroll vid bedömning av urbana miljöer, då tidigare forskning belyst planerares subjektivitet. Studien intresserar sig för planerares subjektiva roll. Autoetnografi har använts för att undersöka den egna rollen, som planerare, vid utförande av analysmetoder. Resultaten från kulturmiljöanalyserna framförde skillnader, främst kopplade till processen inom metoderna framför resultaten av metoderna. En subjektiv påverkan visades också inom processerna och belyser relationen planeraren och metoden emellan. Skillnader och likheter tyder på att en transparens och breddat deltagande inom processen för värdering av kulturmiljö behövs, för att stärka legitimiteten i planeringsprocesser. / Cultural environment assessments are used as tools for valuing cultural heritage environments. There are no specific guidelines in Sweden today for how cultural heritage assessments are to be performed. Cultural heritage as a concept can be difficult to interpret, it is however important for the identity and attractiveness of future cities. This research is interested in methods used for cultural environment assessments. How the structure of cultural environment assessments can affect results in city planning and what role the planner behind plays is examined, to understand why it can be important for the redevelopment of port- and industrial areas. Two cultural environment assessments are performed within the study, the DIVE analysis and Swecos cityscape and cultural environment analysis, through a case study in the area of Hullkajen and Hamnparken in Malmö. The area is part of our modern heritage, which today is facing transformation. Critics have argued that planners are expected to adapt the role as an objective expert, even though previous research highlights the subjectivity planners hold. This research is interested in the subjective role of planners in performing cultural environment assessments. Autoethnography is used to examine our role, as planners, in performing cultural environment assessments. The results presented differences, mainly linked to the process within the methods rather than the results of the methods. A subjective influence was also shown within the processes and sheds light on the relationship between the planner and the method. Differences and similarities indicate that transparency and broaden participation in the process of valuating the cultural environment is needed, in order to strengthen the legitimacy of planning processes.

Gendered moral rationalities in combining motherhood and employment. A case study of Sri Lanka

Kodagoda, Delapolage T.D. January 2011 (has links)
Over the last three decades, the impact of dramatic change in the social, religious, political and economic environment has led to a rapid expansion in the number of women entering the paid labour force in Sri Lanka as elsewhere. However, their identities and workload continue to be defined around caring work, especially for children. Not surprisingly, employed mothers endeavour to balance these two central spheres of their life, family and work. This research focuses on the contradictions of mothers¿ work-life balance. It does so through an analysis of how successfully (or unsuccessfully) professional and managerial mothers in Sri Lanka combine motherhood with paid work, and how they understand this in terms of gendered identities and social norms. This example also allows an evaluation of western derived theories about mothers¿ decision making in the context of a developing, Asian country. Grounded theory was used to examine mothers¿ narratives about life in the family and at work, drawn from in-depth qualitative interviews, along with data from some representative secondary sources, in order to explore these questions. This thesis demonstrates that working women¿s mothering leads to the formation of a gendered identity which varies according to different socio-cultural and religious opportunities and constraints. Using the Bourdieu approach the research suggests how everyday life operates in terms of habitus, field and capital. However, these working mothers have low capacity to achieve a work-life balance and this may lead to complex social problems.

Exploatering och utveckling av det gotländska kustlandskapet / Exploitation and development of the Gotland coastal landscape

Pettersson, Ida January 2021 (has links)
Plan- och bygglagen är den lag i Sverige som sätter ramarna för allt byggande, mark- och vattenanvändning i samhället. I enighet med bestämmelser i PBL ska varje kommun ha en byggnadsnämnd som handlägger och beslutar om enskilda bygglovsärenden. Byggnadsnämnden har även tillsynsansvar för att förändringar och nybyggnationer som utförs sker i samklang med gällande lagstiftning och föreskrifter i PBL.    Utifrån vad som står i olika artiklar i Gotlands lokaltidning och yttranden i kommunala handlingar är det tydligt att landsbygdsutveckling väcker stort engagemang hos många människor med anknytning till Gotland. Artiklarna ger uttryck för att det är många som är positiva till att utveckling sker men att det också finns en stor oro för att förstora och omfattande förändringar kan påverka den gotländska landsbygdens välbevarade kultur- och naturmiljöers olika kvalitéer och värden negativt.       Vid kustområdena på Gotland går det att skåda renoveringar och nybyggnationer som i vissa avseenden verkar avvika från bestämmelser som finns i PBL. Om en stor mängd olovliga förändringar går obemärkt förbi kan det medföra påtagliga konsekvenser för kustens säregna prägel, värdefulla natur- och kulturvärden, eftersom dessa då riskeras att byggas bort.        Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur olika kulturmiljöer vid kustlandskapet på Gotland påverkas av utveckling och exploatering. Vilka bevarandeintentioner beskrivs i kommunala handlingarna och hur efterlevs dessa i praktiken då områden utvecklas? Frågeställningarna i arbetet är “hur efterlevs bevarandeintentionen som beskrivs i kommunala handlingar i praktiken?” och “hur ser hanteringen av kulturarvet ut inom de olika utvecklingsområdena som undersöks? Finns det exempelvis några specifika skillnader mellan LIS-områdena och områdena som inte är LIS?”.         Arbetet avgränsas till att undersöka fem kustnära platser på den gotländska landsbygden. Platserna är Tofta strand, Slite Othem, Vändburg hamn i Hamra, Herrvik hamn i Östergarn samt Kyrkviken på Fårö. Vändburg, Herrvik och Kyrkviken utgör även utpekade områden som kan utvecklas genom LIS. Det är intressant att studera hur kulturarvet påverkas och hanteras vid olika former av utvecklingsområden (exempelvis LIS-områden och områden som inte är LIS) till följd av att hela Gotlands kust berörs av riksintresset enligt 4 kap. 2§ Miljöbalken.        Utifrån undersökningen som gjorts är det endast utvecklingsområdet Slite Othem som till viss del uppfyller de bevarandeintentioner som kommunen på Gotland har. Det visar på att målsättningarna som kommunen har gällande bevarandet av vårt gemensamma natur- och kulturarv inte uppnås och att utpekade bevarandevärda kultur- och naturvärden riskerar att gå förlorade. Att det ser ut så beror utifrån de slutsatser som dragits bland annat på att strategiska dokument inte bibehåller den vägledande funktionen som de är avsedda att ha då ekonomiska intressen gör sig påminda. Det är även problematiskt att enskilda bygglov beviljas intill strandskyddsgränsen och intill de föreslagna utvecklingsområdena eftersom det bidrar till att förändringarna i slutändan blir väldigt omfattande vid dessa områden.        Att finna balans mellan bevarande och utveckling är troligtvis lättare i teorin än vad det är i praktiken. Det tål dock att framhållas att det finns många goda exempel där det lyckats. Min uppfattning är att bevarandearbetet inte handlar om att förhindra utveckling, utan det handlar snarare om att hitta kompromisser som bidrar till att gamla kulturmiljöer kan finnas kvar samtidigt som nya skapas. Sammanfattningsvis är inte en förändring det största problemet utan det är sammantaget alla förändringar som på sikt kan bli riskfullt för kulturarvet. / The Planning and Building Act is the law in Sweden that sets the framework for all construction, land and water use in society. In accordance with the provisions of the PBL, each municipality shall have a building committee that handles and decides on individual building permit matters. The Building Board also has supervisory responsibility for ensuring that changes and new constructions that are carried out take place in accordance with current legislation and regulations in PBL.    Based on what is stated in various articles in Gotland's local newspaper and opinions in municipal documents, it´s clear that rural development arouses great commitment among many people related to Gotland. The articles express that there are many who are positive that development is taking place, but that there is also great concern about enlarging and extensive changes can affect the Gotland countryside's well-preserved cultural and natural environments' different qualities and values negatively.    At the coastal areas on Gotland, it´s possible to see renovations and new constructions that in some respects seem to deviate from the provisions contained in the PBL. If many illegal changes go unnoticed, it can lead to significant consequences for the coast's distinctive character, valuable natural and cultural values because designated values may be removed.    The purpose of this study is to investigate how different cultural environments in the coastal landscape on Gotland are affected by development and exploitation. What conservation intentions are described in the municipal documents and how are these complied in practice when areas are developed? The questions in the work are "how is the conservation intention described in municipal documents complied in practice?" and “what does the management of cultural heritage look like in the various areas of development that are being investigated? For example, are there any specific differences between the LIS areas and the non-LIS areas?”.    The work is limited to exploring five coastal sites in Gotland countryside. These places are Tofta beach, Slite Othem, Vändburg harbor in Hamra, Herrvik harbor in Östergarn and Kyrkviken on Fårö. Vändburg, Herrvik and Kyrkviken are also designated areas that can be developed through LIS. It´s interesting to study how the cultural heritage is affected and managed in various forms of development areas (for example LIS areas and areas that are not LIS) because of the entire Gotland coast being affected by national interest according to 4 ch. 2§ of the Environmental Code.    Based on the survey it´s only the Slite Othem development area that to some extent fulfills the conservation intentions that the municipality on Gotland has. This indicates that the objectives that the municipality has regarding the preservation of our common natural- and cultural heritage are not achieved and that designated cultural and natural values worthy of preservation risk being lost.    Based on the conclusions that have been drawn has the strategic documents not retain the guiding function that they shall have when economic interests are reminded. It´s also problematic that individual building permits are granted next to the shore protection boundary and next to the proposed development areas, as this contributes to the changes ultimately being very extensive in the area.     Finding balance between conservation and development is probably easier in theory than it is in practice. However it´s worth emphasizing that there are many good examples where it has succeeded. My view is that conservation work is not about preventing development, but rather about finding compromises that contribute to old cultural environments being able to remain while new ones are created. In summary is one change not the biggest problem, it´s all the changes that in the long run can be risky for the cultural heritage.

Проблема интеграции трансграничных мигрантов в культурную среду современного российского города (на примере Екатеринбурга) : магистерская диссертация / The problem of integration of cross-border migrants into the cultural environment of a modern russian city (on the example of Yekaterinburg)

Мокроусова, А. Ю., Mokrousova, A. Y. January 2021 (has links)
Диссертация посвящена исследованию способов и стратегий успешной интеграции трансграничных мигрантов в культурную среду города на примере Екатеринбурга. Автор анализирует основные проблемы интеграции мигрантов в общество; дает характеристики основным стратегиям поведения мигрантов в процессе аккультурации; исследует основные причины проблемности интеграции мигрантов в культурную среду города, а также анализирует возможности интеграции трансграничных мигрантов в культурную среду города на примере Екатеринбурга. В работе представлен разработанный авторский образовательный проект курсов для мигрантов по проведению медиаторских экскурсий на выставках современного искусства «Место встречи», который может способствовать решению проблемы интеграции мигрантов в культурную среду города. / The dissertation is devoted to the study of methods and strategies for the successful integration of cross-border migrants into the cultural environment of the city on the example of Yekaterinburg. The author analyzes the main problems of integration of migrants into society; gives characteristics of the main strategies of behavior of migrants in the process of acculturation; explores the main reasons for the problematic integration of migrants into the cultural environment of the city, and also analyzes the possibilities of integration of cross-border migrants into the cultural environment of the city on the example of Yekaterinburg. The paper presents the author's developed educational project of courses for migrants on conducting mediation excursions at exhibitions of contemporary art "Meeting Place", which can contribute to solving the problem of integration of migrants into the cultural environment of the city.

Исследование этнической идентичности и толерантности у студентов из России и Казахстана : магистерская диссертация / Study of ethnic identity and tolerance among students from Russia and Kazakhstan

Шпехт, Н. С., Shpekht, N. S. January 2022 (has links)
Объектом исследования являются этническая идентичность и толерантность. Предметом - специфика этнической идентичности и толерантности у студентов из России и Казахстана. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (64 источников) и приложения. Объем магистерской диссертации 82 страницы, на которых размещены 7 рисунков и 15 таблиц. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируются основная и дополнительные гипотезы, указываются методы и эмпирическая база, а также этапы проведения исследования, научная новизна, теоретическая и практическая значимость работы. Первая глава включает в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по теме этнической идентичности и толерантности. Представлены разделы, посвященные исследованию показателей, структурных составляющих толерантности и идентичности. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методикам: опросник «Этническая идентичность и стратегии межкультурного взаимодействия» (А.Н. Татарко, Н.М. Лебедева), методика «Типы этнической идентичности» (Г.У. Солдатова, С.В. Рыжова), экспресс – опросник «Индекс толерантности» (Г.У. Солдатова, О.А. Кравцова, О.Е. Хухлаев, Л.А. Шайгерова), анкета «Этническая аффилиация» (Г.У. Солдатова). Также в главе представлен корреляционный и факторный анализ результатов исследования. Выводы по главе 2 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам, обоснована практическая значимость исследования. / The object of the research is ethnic identity and tolerance. The subject is the specifics of ethnic identity and tolerance among students from Russia and Kazakhstan. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (64 sources) and an appendix. The volume of the master's thesis is 82 pages, which contain 7 figures and 15 tables. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the development of the problem, sets the goal and objectives of the study, defines the object and subject of the study, formulates the main and additional hypotheses, indicates the methods and empirical base, as well as the stages of the study, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the work. The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the topic of ethnic identity and tolerance. Sections devoted to the study of indicators, structural components of tolerance and identity are presented. The conclusions on the first chapter are the results of the study of theoretical material. The second chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It presents a description of the organization and methods of the study and the results obtained by all the methods used: the questionnaire "Ethnic identity and strategies for intercultural interaction" (A.N. Tatarko, N.M. Lebedeva), the method "Types of ethnic identity" (G. U. Soldatova, S.V. Ryzhova), express questionnaire "Index of tolerance" (G.U. Soldatova, O.A. Kravtsova, O.E. Khukhlaev, L.A. Shaigerova), questionnaire "Ethnic affiliation" ( G. U. Soldatov). The chapter also presents a correlation and factor analysis of the results of the study. Chapter 2's conclusions include the main findings of the empirical study. In the conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work are summarized, as well as conclusions on the hypotheses put forward, and the practical significance of the study is substantiated.

Kulturmiljövård och arkeologins roll för "ett rikt odlingslandskap" / Archaeology for a diverse agricultural landscape

Nilsson, Linnea January 2024 (has links)
Arkeologins långtidsperspektiv på relationen mellan människan och naturen har en lovande potential att bidra till kampen mot klimatförändringarna. Flertalet studier har visat på arkeologins spännande potential som ett ämne vilket kan hjälpa till att överbrygga det dualistiska perspektivet mellan natur och kultur. Fram till nyligen har mycket av miljöforskningen i andra ämnen än arkeologi fokuserat på biologiska mångfald. Genom att inkludera kulturell mångfald som en faktor för samhällens motståndskraft kan nya insikter ges. Flertalet författare påpekat att arkeologin inte har haft den genomslagskraft som behövs när det kommer till att omsätta denna kunskap i handling. Därför kommer denna uppsats att analysera arkeologins roll i det svenska miljökvalitetsmålet’’ett rikt odlingslandskap’’. Genom att göra en tematisk innehållsanalys av rapportmaterial och djupintervjuer med aktörer inom målet vill undersökningen spegla det dualistiska förhållningsättet mellan natur och kultur påverkar forskningens möjliga kunskapsspridning, syftar denna studie till att ge arkeologi ett visst erkännande för dess potentiella användning och att peka ut olika perspektiv som kan hjälpa arkeologin att bättre inkluderas i frågor om klimatanpassning. / Archaeology with its long durée perspective on human-nature interrelationships have a promising potential to contribute to the fight against climate change. Many recent studies have shown its intriguing potential as a subject that could help overcome the dualistic perspective of nature vs culture. Until recently a lot of environmental research has focused on biological diversity alone. By including cultural diversity as a factor for societies resilience we can enrich our understanding.  However, as pointed out by many authors, it has not had the recognition needed when it comes to bringing the archaeological knowledge into action. Therefore, this thesis will analyze how archaeology is represented in the Swedish environmental quality goal towards a more rich and diverse agricultural landscape. Through reports and deep interviews this thesis will point out how this dualistic concept of nature vs culture affects the use of archaeological knowledge; this study aims to give archaeology some recognition for its potential use and to point out different perspectives that might help archaeological knowledge be better included in questions regarding climate adaptation.

Världsarv eller inte världsarv? : En komparativ undersökning om kulturmiljö i den kommunala översiktliga planeringen / World heritage or not world heritage? : A comparative study on the cultural environment in municipal comprehensive planning

Lunderquist, Anja, Miketinac, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
Kulturmiljö är den del av kulturarvet som främst nämns inom den fysiska planeringen, som inkluderas i planprocessen och som kommuner arbetar med i samhällsutvecklingen. I denna uppsats undersöks hur två olika kommuner, varav en utpekad som världsarv och en inte, arbetar med kulturmiljöer och hur det implementeras i deras översiktliga planprocesser. Detta studeras genom två fallstudier, en av Karlskrona kommun och en av Helsingborgs stad, inkluderande dokumentgranskning och intervjustudier. Det finns en tvetydighet i de befintliga styrdokumenten som används i den översiktliga planeringen, vilket gör det lättare för kommunerna att motivera utveckling på sina egna premisser. Därmed krävs en effektiv och stark samverkan mellan olika aktörer för att intresset för kulturmiljöer ska få ta plats och vägas mot andra intressen på ett likvärdigt sätt. Uppsatsens resultat bidrar med en ökad förståelse för att avvägningar kommer att variera och motiveras med olika grunder. Diskussionen som arbetet innefattar visar på att det både tillkommer förutsättningar och utmaningar med att ha världsarvsklassificerad kulturmiljö som kan upplysa andra kommuner i deras arbete. Ur vårt perspektiv är undersökning relevant då den syftar till att navigera i ett komplext ämne inom de översiktliga planprocesserna, som behöver hanteras rättvist för framtidens hållbara utveckling. / The cultural environment is the part of cultural heritage that is primarily mentioned in physical planning, included in the planning process and what municipalities work with in community development. This paper examines how two different municipalities work with cultural environments and how it is implemented in their comprehensive planning processes. This is studied with two case studies, one by Karlskrona municipality and one by Helsingborg city, including document reviews and interview studies. There is an ambiguity in the existing policy documents used in comprehensive planning, which makes it easier for municipalities to justify development on their own terms. Thus, an effective and strong collaboration between different actors is required in order for the interest in cultural environments to take place and be weighed against other interests in an equal way. The results of the thesis contribute to an increased understanding that trade-offs will vary and be justified on different grounds. The discussion that the thesis includes, shows that there are both opportunities and challenges associated with having a World Heritage-listed cultural environment, that could enlighten other municipalities in their work. From our perspective, the study is relevant as it aims to navigate a complex topic within the comprehensive planning processes, which needs to be handled fairly for future sustainable development.

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