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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Location based authenticated multi-services group key management for cyber security in high speed broadband wireless multicast communications. Multi-service group key management scheme with location based handover authentication for multi-handoffs participating in multi-group service subscriptions, its performance evaluation and security correctness in high speed broadband wireless multicast communications

Mapoka, Trust Tshepo January 2015 (has links)
Secure information exchanges over cyberspace is on the increase due to the convergence of wireless and mobile access technologies in all businesses. Accordingly, with the proliferation of diverse multicast group service subscriptions that are possible to co-exist within a single broadband network, there is also huge demand by the mobile subscribers to ubiquitously access these services over high speed broadband using their portable devices. Likewise, the Network Providers (NPs) invest hugely in infrastructure deployment to disseminate these services efficiently and concomitantly. Therefore, cyber security in any business is obligatory to restrict access of disseminated services to only authorised personnel. This becomes a vital requirement for a successful commercialisation of exchanged group services. The standard way to achieve cyber security in a wireless mobile multicast communication environment is through confidentiality using Group Key Management (GKM).The existing GKM schemes for secure wireless multicast from literature only target single group service confidentiality; however, the adoption of multiple group service confidentiality in them involve inefficient management of keys that induce huge performance overheads unbearable for real time computing. Therefore, a novel authenticated GKM scheme for multiple multicast group subscriptions known as slot based multiple group key management (SMGKM) is proposed. In the SMGKM, the handovers move across diverse decentralised clusters of homogeneous or heterogeneous wireless access network technologies while participating in multiple group service subscriptions. Unlike the conventional art, the SMGKM advances its security by integrating location based authentication and GKM functions. Both functions are securely offloaded from the Domain Key Distributor (DKD) to the intermediate cluster controllers, Area Key Distributors (AKDs), in a distributed fashion, using the proposed location based authenticated membership list (SKDL). A significant upgrade of fast handoff performance with reduced performance overheads of the SMGKM scheme is achieved. The developed numerical analysis and the simulation results display significant resource economy in terms of reduced rekeying transmission, communication bandwidth and storage overheads while providing enhanced security. The performance of the SMGKM in a high speed environment is also evaluated and has demonstrated that SMGKM outperforms the previous work. Finally, the SMGKM correctness against various attacks is verified using BAN logic, the eminent tool for analysing the widely deployed security protocols. The security analysis demonstrates that SMGKM can counteract the security flaws and redundancies identified in the chosen related art.

Hardware Implementation and Applications of Deep Belief Networks

Imbulgoda Liyangahawatte, Gihan Janith Mendis January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Advanced metering infrastructure reference model with automated cyber security analysis

Blom, Rikard January 2017 (has links)
European Union has set a target to install nearly 200 million smart metersspread over Europe before 2020, this leads into a vast increase of sensitiveinformation flow for Distribution System Operators (DSO’s), simultaneously thisleads to raised cyber security threats. The in and outgoing information of the DSOneeds to be processed and stored by different Information technology (IT)- andOperational Technology (OT)-systems depending on the information. High demandsare therefore required of the enterprise cyber security to be able to protect theenterprise IT- and OT-systems. Sensitive customer information and a variety ofservices and functionality is examples that could be fatal to a DSO if compromised.For instance, if someone with bad intentions has the possibility to tinker with yourelectricity, while you’re away on holiday. If they succeed with the attack and shuttingdown the house electricity, your food stored in your fridge and freezer would mostlikely to be rotted, additionally damage from defrost water leaking could cause severedamaging on walls and floors. In this thesis, a detailed reference model of theadvanced metering architecture (AMI) has been produced to support enterprisesinvolved in the process of implementing smart meter architecture and to adapt to newrequirements regarding cyber security. This has been conduct using foreseeti's toolsecuriCAD, foreseeti is a proactive cyber security company using architecturemanagement. SecuriCAD is a modeling tool that can conduct cyber security analysis,where the user can see how long time it would take for a professional penetrationtester to penetrate the systems in the model depending of the set up and defenseattributes of the architecture. By varying defense mechanisms of the systems, fourscenarios have been defined and used to formulate recommendations based oncalculations of the advanced meter architecture. Recommendation in brief: Use smalland distinct network zones with strict communication rules between them. Do diligentsecurity arrangements for the system administrator PC. The usage of IntrusionProtection System (IPS) in the right fashion can delay the attacker with a percentageof 46% or greater. / Europeiska Unionen har satt upp ett mål att installera nära 200miljoner smarta elmätare innan år 2020, spritt utöver Europa, implementeringen ledertill en rejäl ökning av känsliga dataflöden för El-distributörer och intresset av cyberattacker ökar. Både ingående och utgående information behöver processas och lagraspå olika IT- och OT-system beroende på informationen. Höga krav gällande ITsäkerhet ställs för att skydda till exempel känslig kundinformation samt en mängdvarierande tjänster och funktioner som är implementerade i systemen. Typer avattacker är till exempel om någon lyckats få kontroll over eltillgängligheten och skullestänga av elektriciteten till hushåll vilket skulle till exempel leda till allvarligafuktskador till följd av läckage från frysen. I den här uppsatsen så har en tillräckligtdetaljerad referens modell för smart elmätar arkitektur tagits fram för att möjliggörasäkerhetsanalyser och för att underlätta för företag i en potentiell implementation avsmart elmätare arkitektur. Ett verktyg som heter securiCAD som är utvecklat avforeseeti har använts för att modellera arkitekturen. securiCAD är ett modelleringsverktyg som använder sig av avancerade beräknings algoritmer för beräkna hur långtid det skulle ta för en professionell penetrationstestare att lyckats penetrera de olikasystem med olika sorters attacker beroende på försvarsmekanismer och hurarkitekturen är uppbyggd. Genom att variera systemens försvar och processer så harfyra scenarion definierats. Med hjälp av resultaten av de fyra scenarierna så harrekommendationer tagits fram. Rekommendationer i korthet: Använd små ochdistinkta nätverkszoner med tydliga regler som till exempel vilka system som fårkommunicera med varandra och vilket håll som kommunikationen är tillåten.Noggranna säkerhetsåtgärder hos systemadministratörens dator. Användningen avIPS: er, genom att placera och använda IPS: er på rätt sätt så kan man fördröjaattacker med mer än 46% enligt jämförelser mellan de olika scenarier.

Modellering av en cyberattack på ett industriellt säkerhetssystem

Eriksson, Alma, Lindh, Oskar January 2020 (has links)
Stuxnet, Havex, BlackEnergy, Crashoverride, and now Triton/Trisis are all examples of cyber security incidents where industrial systems were targeted. The incident Triton/Trisis is new in it’s kind, as the attacker got all the way into the safety industrial system of an oil and gas refinery. Even if the final goal of the attack is still unknown the attacker had the power to put human life directly at risk. Details of the attack are still unknown and research and reverse engineering is still going on of the attack. The purpose of this study is to create an attack graph of the case. By collecting and combining information from publicly available material and grade all the sources by its trustworthiness the study resulted in a two-layered attack graph. Each node and vector in the graph have specified trustworthiness and the nodes contain related sources, tools, and network segments. The study shows that it is possible to construct an attack graph of the case even if details are still missing. Furthermore, it shows that the specific malicious code was tailor-made, but the steps needed to reach the safety industrial system itself were largely possible with the help of publicly available tools. As a result, the whole industrial industry needs to prepare for an escalation of cyber security incidents. / Stuxnet, Havex, BlackEnergy, Crashoverride och Triton/Trisis är alla exempel på cybersäkerhetsincidenter där industrisystem blivit angripna. Händelsen Triton/Trisis är ny i sitt slag, eftersom angriparen kom hela vägen in i det industriella säkerhetssystemet i ett olje- och gasraffinaderi. Ä ven om det slutliga målet för attacken fortfarande är okänt, hade angriparen möjlighet att sätta människor i fara. Detaljer av attacken är fortfarande okända och forskning samt rekonstruktion av attacken pågår. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en attackgraf över incidenten. Genom att samla in och kombinera information från allmänt tillgängligt material och betygsätta alla källor genom dess tillförlitlighet resulterade studien i en attackgraf med två lager. Varje nod och vektor i grafen har givits en tillförlitlighet och noderna innehåller relaterade källor, verktyg och nätverkssegment. Studien visar att det är möjligt att konstruera en attackgraf av incidenten även om det saknas detaljer. Dessutom visar den att den specifika skadliga koden var skräddarsydd, men stegen som behövdes för att nå det industriella säkerhetssystemet var till stor del möjliga med hjälp av offentligt tillgängliga verktyg. Som ett resultat behöver hela den industriella industrin förbereda sig för en upptrappning av cybersäkerhetsincidenter. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2020, KTH, Stockholm

Cognitive Dynamic System for Control and Cyber Security in Smart Grid

Oozeer, Mohammad Irshaad January 2020 (has links)
The smart grid is forecasted to be the future of the grid by integrating the traditional grid with information and communication technology. However, the use of this technology has not only brought its benefits but also the vulnerability to cyber-attacks. False data injection (FDI) attacks are a new category of attacks targeting the smart grid that manipulates the state estimation process to trigger a chain of incorrect control decisions leading to severe impacts. This research proposes the use of cognitive dynamic systems (CDS) to address the cyber-security issue and improve state estimation. CDS is a powerful research tool inspired by certain features of the brain that can be used to study complex systems. As two of its special features, Cognitive Control (CC) is concerned with control in the absence of uncertainty, Cognitive Risk Control (CRC) uses the concept of predictive adaptation to bring risk under control in the presence of unexpected uncertainty. The primary research objective of this thesis is to apply the CDS for the SG with emphasis on state estimation and cyber-security. The main objective of CC is to improve the state estimation process while CRC is concerned with mitigating cyber-attacks. Simulation results show that the proposed methods have robust performance for both state estimation and cyber-attack mitigation under various challenging scenarios. This thesis contributes to the body of knowledge by achieving the following objectives: proposes the first theoretical work that integrates the CDS with the DC model of the SG for control and cyber-attack detection; demonstrates the first experimental work that brings a new concept of CRC for cyber-attack mitigation for the DC state estimator; introduces a new CDS architecture adapted for the AC model of the SG for state estimation and cyber-attack mitigation which builds upon all the research efforts made previously. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / The smart grid is forecasted to be the future of the grid by integrating the traditional grid with information and communication technology. However, the use of this technology has not only brought its benefits but also the vulnerability to cyber-attacks. False data injection attacks is a new category of attacks targeting the smart grid that can cause serious damage by manipulating the state estimation process and starting a chain of incorrect control decisions. The cognitive dynamic system is a powerful research tool inspired by the brain that can be used to study real time cyber physical systems. The key goal of this thesis is to apply cognitive dynamic systems to the smart grid to improve the state estimation process, detect cyber-attacks and mitigate their effects. Simulation results show that the proposed methods have robust performance in both state estimation and cyber-attack mitigation under various challenging scenarios.

An Investigation of People’s Perception of Digital Threats / Formalisering av inneslutningstrategier i ett ramverk för probabilistisk hotmodellering

Rabbani, Wasila January 2024 (has links)
This project examines cyber threats and their impact on individuals and organizations. The thesis focuses on a thorough literature review and uses surveys for primary data collection. The quantitative method was chosen to gather numeric data on these threats. The methodology classifies digital threats and analyzes survey results about these threats. It also gathers data on the perceived difficulty of these threats and compares general beliefs with expert opinions and statistical data from literature. Surveys targeted individuals aged 20-45 with a university degree, obtaining 86 responses. Interviews with five security professionals followed a standardized format, aiding in a comparative analysis with the survey data. The questions addressed several cyber threats, including phishing, ransomware, insecure passwords, malware, traffic sniffing, and denial of service. Notably, many respondents lacked a clear understanding of the significance of insecure passwords and traffic sniffing. By using quantitative methods and integrating survey results with expert opinions and literature findings, this study deepens the understanding of cyber threats. The results spotlight misconceptions and knowledge gaps about cyber threats, underscoring the need for better cybersecurity awareness and education. / Detta projekt undersöker cyberhot och deras påverkan på individer och organisationer. Avhandlingen fokuserar på en grundlig litteraturgranskning och använder enkäter för primär datainsamling. Den kvantitativa metoden valdes för att samla numeriska data om dessa hot. Metodiken klassificerar digitala hot och analyserar enkätresultat om dessa hot. Den samlar också in data om den upplevda svårigheten av dessa hot och jämför allmänna uppfattningar med expertåsikter och statistiska data från litteratur. Enkäter riktade sig till individer i åldern 20-45 med en universitetsexamen, och gav 86 svar. Intervjuer med fem säkerhetsprofessionella följde ett standardiserat format, vilket underlättade en jämförande analys med enkätdata. Frågorna behandlade flera cyberhot, inklusive phishing, ransomware, osäkra lösenord, skadlig programvara, trafikavlyssning och denial of service. Framför allt saknade många svarande en tydlig förståelse för betydelsen av osäkra lösenord och trafikavlyssning. Genom att använda kvantitativa metoder och integrera enkätresultat med expertutlåtanden och litteraturfynd fördjupar denna studie förståelsen för cyberhot. Resultaten belyser missuppfattningar och kunskapsluckor om cyberhot, vilket understryker behovet av bättre medvetenhet och utbildning inom cybersäkerhet.

The impact of the NIS 2 directive on subcontractors in the transportation sector

Sandström, Isabel January 2024 (has links)
This study examines the impact of the NIS2 Directive on subcontractors in the transport sector, a critical infrastructure. By focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating as subcontractors, the study analyzes the challenges and obstacles these companies face in implementing the NIS2 requirements in their supply chain. The study also highlights the strategies used to ensure adequate cyber security within the transport sector's supply chain. A qualitative research method was used, where data was collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews and document analysis. The results show that companies with ISO/IEC 27001 certification have a solid foundation to meet the NIS2 requirements, while companies without such certification face greater challenges. The study also identifies the need for cooperation and knowledge sharing between companies to effectively navigate the new regulations and strengthen collective cyber security within the EU. The conclusions show that the NIS2 directive will require significant adaptations for SMEs, but also that it offers opportunities to improve their cyber security capabilities and strengthen the trust of customers and partners. The study emphasizes the importance of implementing robust information security to ensure continuity and protection of critical services, and that proactive adaptation and collaboration are key to achieving full compliance with NIS2 requirements.

Cyberepidemiologi : Hur kan utbrottsdetektion inom folkhälsa hjälpa IT-incidentsövervakning?

Richter, Andreas January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to shed light on what a comparison between cybersecurity intelligence and public health surveillance systems can yield in practical improvements. The issue at hand is best described by the amount of threats both systems must detect. Intelligent malicious software, malware, designed by humans to spread and reap havoc in the abundance of unprotected networks worldwide and contagious diseases with millions of years of evolution behind their design to bypass human defences, infect and multiply. These two threats stand as mighty competitors to actors who try to monitor their presence to be able to give advice on further action to hinder their spread. The sheer amount of experience in public health of dealing with surveillance of contagious disease can contribute with important lessons to cyber intelligence when malware is becoming an even more alarming threat against everybody who uses the Internet. To compare them both this study uses high reliability theory to understand how Folkhälsomyndigheten, Sweden’s main authority in public health surveillance, and CERT-SE, Sweden’s national computer emergency response team, operate to make their surveillance as reliable as possible to detect emerging threats. Some key findings of the study points to the lack of regional or global binding policy’s to share information in the cyber security sector of which CERT-SE takes part in. The major roll of trust-based information sharing can be subject to shifts in relationships between states and excludes states with which no bilateral arrangements are made, but who may possess information of urgent necessity. The lack of arrangements in the cybersecurity sector, correspondent to the International health regulations by World Health Organization in public health, stands as a major difference between the two sectors access to information. However, this study may not stretch as far as to prove that the greater access to information would have proved to be of ease in a specific cyberincident. Case studies of this kind or further research of how agreements can be made in an anarchistic domain like the Internet are to be continued from this study.

Management informační bezpečnosti ve zdravotnickém zařízení / Information Security Management in Healthcare Organization

Hajný, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on implementation and deployment of information security management system (ISMS) into healthcare organizations. Specifies what is required to include in this process and what not to forget. It includes a risk analysis of a branch of the selected company, and for it is written a safety guide. Safety guide provides advice and recommendations regarding security in terms of human resources, physical security, ICT security and other aspects that should be included in the ISMS deployment in healthcare organizations. The work also reflects the newly emerging law on cyber security. It is expected that the law will also address cyber security in healthcare.

Real-world Exploitation and Vulnerability Mitigation of Google/Apple Exposure Notification Contact Tracing

Ellis, Christopher Jordan January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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