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Ocenění podniku Spolek pro chemickou a hutní výrobu, a. s. / Valuation of Spolek pro chemickou a hutní výrobu, a.s.Pokorná, Martina January 2008 (has links)
The thesis concerns with the valuation of Spolek pro chemickou a hutní výrobu, a.s. (Spolchemie, a.s.). It is divided into two separate parts - the first one is rather theoretical and it summarizes the methodology used. The second part, which is practical one, provides the valuation of the company based on the methodology mentioned before.
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Oceňování úvěrových pohledávek pro účely jejich postoupení / The evaluation of credit loansSchönfeld, Jaroslav January 2006 (has links)
V posledních letech zažívá Česká republika nevídaný boom v oblasti řešení problémových a nedobytných pohledávek. Patří už k tradicím českého hospodářství, že ne vždy jsou pohledávky splaceny řádně a včas. Jednou ze stále více používaných alternativ jak tyto pohledávky řešit, resp. vymáhat je jejich prodej třetí osobě. Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na oblast problematiky interního oceňovaní úvěrových pohledávek v České spořitelně, a.s pro účely jejich prodeje. Výsledkem je návrh metodiky, která je rozpracována do třech základních modifikací. První modifikací je hodnota pohledávky odvozená ze schopnosti dlužníka splácet při využití rizikových parametrů, jako je pravděpodobnost selhání dlužníka a míry výtěžnosti pohledávky. Druhou modifikací je hodnota pohledávky stanovená pomocí simulace konkurzního řízení. Třetí modifikací je pak hodnota pohledávky odvozená z hodnoty zajištění při využití interní metodiky pro oceňování nemovitých a movitých zástav či jiných druhů zajištění a z bohaté zkušenosti České spořitelny, a.s. při jejich realizaci.
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Ocenění společnosti BAEST / Evaluation of the company Baest, a.s.Kuna, Ladislav January 2008 (has links)
The thesis focuses on evaluation of the company Baest for its shareholders. The paper contains strategic analysis including PEST analysis and SWOT analysis. For financial health estimation financial performance analysis is used. Before the evaluation process a financial plan is made. The company is evaluated using free cash flow to the firm method and value of the company estimated as of 1.12.2008 is 620848000 Kč.
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Ocenění Agentury Student / Valuation of Agentura STUDENTStrohwasser, Filip January 2009 (has links)
In the context of this thesis was carried out valuation of Agentura STUDENT, which operates in the field of personnel services. Specifically, it is providing temporary workers in the region of Prague. During the process of valuation has been carried out a strategic analysis which describes the situation on the relevant market in the years 2001 - 2008. After subsequent examination of the financial health of the company was valued by DCF equity method and as an additional method has been chosen market comparison.
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Ocenění koncernu Philip Morris ČR / Valuation of Philip Morris ČR GroupDvořák, Petr January 2009 (has links)
The goal is to determine the value in use of Philip Morris ČR Group at 1 January 2009. For this purpose, I made the strategic analysis, financial analysis and the financial plan for the period 2009-2019. The non-market value of equity of Philip Morris ČR Group at 1 January 2009 is 12 405 million CZK.
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Ocenění závodu Poděbradka, a.s. / The valuation of the company Poděbradka, a.s.Hollý, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to estimate the market value of czech soft drink producing company Poděbradka, a.s. to the date of 31rd December 2013. The thesis is divided to two logical units -- theoretical and practical. The teoretical unit describes principles, theories and generally recognized ways of corporate valuation in the Czech Republic and in the world. Practical unit continues and expands the theory in its application. Due to the extent of the thesis, just two main yield methods of valuation will be used -- method of discounted cash flow, which is used mainly in Anglo-American valuation praxis and method of capitalized netto earnings, which is mainly used in German-speaking countries. Master thesis ends with terminal valuation statement, which defines the market value of the valuated company.
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Stanovení hodnoty podniku / Determination of value of the companyMičková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this Master's Thesis is to determine the value of cheese factory Orrero to December 1, 2013 for yet unknown buyer. The first part of the thesis deals with a theoretical basis for company valuation, there are stated reasons for evaluating the company and there is described a valuation procedure, followed by a description of strategic and financial analysis, financial plan and valuation methods. In practical, core part of the thesis I have presented Orrero enterprise and then I have worked out its valuation in accordance with the theoretical part of the work. As a valuation method there was chosen free cash flow to the firm.
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Ocenění podniku Modelárna Liaz, spol. s r.o. / Valuation of the company MODELÁRNA LIAZ spol. s r.o.Matějček, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the valuation of MODELÁRNA LIAZ spol. s r.o. The main business of the company is focused on development, production and construction of components, tools and products for automotive, energy and aerospace industries. The main goal is to estimate the market value of this company with using DCF Entity method. As a supportive method was used method of sector multipliers. The diploma thesis also includes financial and strategic analysis, analysis and forecast of the main value drivers and financial plan for the future.
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Ocenění Fortuna Entartainment Group NV / Valuation Fortuna Entertainment Group NVLernerová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the valuation of the Fortuna Entertainment Group NV, which is leader in sports betting market in central Europe. Analyzing, describing and predicting methods are used for determination the adequate corporate value. The master´s thesis defines theoretical framework, which is a starting point for finding the value of the company. The basic used methods include PESTLE analysis describing factors, which affects Fortuna externally, Porter´s five forces analysis characterizing internal factors, financial analysis capturing financial condition and financial plan created as support for the valuation. For the valuation purposes author assumes functioning of the group based on going concern principle, therefore the yield methods, specifically DCF entity, are used. Using the identified assumptions and methods in this thesis the value of the group at 31th December 2014 is established. The calculated value of the Fortuna exceeds market value resulting from market capitalization. This fact is presumably caused by different level of information used for each of these methods.
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Ocenění společnosti Sokolovská uhelná, právní nástupce, a.s. / Valuation of company Sokolovská uhelná, právní nástupce, a.s.Dobrovický, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to estimate objectivised value of company Sokolovská uhelná, právní nástupce, a.s. on valuation date 31 December 2011. Thesis starts with introduction and overview of basic information about the company. Key part, strategic analysis, deals with analysis of sectors in which company operates, defines relevant markets, indentifies company's position on the market, forecasts prices of commodities and at the end presents forecasts of sales. In part financial analysis, complex financial health is verified. In Part generators of value and financial plan prediction of financial statements is forecasted. On these bases, discounted free cash flow valuation method is used to determine the value of company.
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