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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A descriptive analysis of the fourteen mid-American conference athletic band programs

Aho, Eric W. 24 August 2005 (has links)
No description available.

A Case Study of Ohio State University Extension’s 2009 Organizational Restructuring: Perceptions from Area Leaders and Regional Directors

Harker, Frances M. 19 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Stories of life and death: undertakers' perspectives

Nel, Elsie Petronella 25 August 2009 (has links)
Like death, the defining human reality underlying our relationships and views of life's meaning, the experiences and activities of undertakers, remains an uncommon subject for psychological research. Existential anxiety roots a society-wide denial of the fundamental nature of death. which necessitates the development of institutions to take responsibility for the dying and dead. As the image and service of the stigmatised funeral industry improves, society's experience of death should become more meaningful. The overview of the research into these topics noted the need for further studies. Within a holistic, ecosystemic epistemology, this study adopted a qualitative approach and case study method, which provided descriptions of the ecology, contexts, and relationships characteristic .of the undertaker's vocation by focussing on patterned expressions of views and attitudes. The aim was to gain insight into the undertaker's experience of the many faces of death, with a genuine interest and deep respect for their world. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

保戶行動主義制度及其於兩岸應用之研究-以反思法及制度公民為視角 / A Study on the Policyholder Activism and Its Application in Taiwan and Mainland China –A Perspective from the Reflexive Law and Institutional Citizenship

陳哲斌, Chen, Che Pin Unknown Date (has links)
保戶行動主義,也可以說是保單持有人行動主義,係指為因應保險監理國際化,兩岸監理平台的建立,及長年期保險商品的特殊性,對於積極的保單持有人,經由參與公司治理的方式,保障自身的權利。 保戶行動主義的內涵,為將相互保險公司中,保單持有人參與公司治理的模式引導至股份保險公司之中。其目的為促成保單持有人、監理官及保險公司三贏的局面。對於保單持有人而言,為積極性的權益維護,可分為三個方面:第一,因應投保後所產生的問題;第二,取代現行機制對於保單持有人保障可能的失靈或僅是消極性的事後補救措施;第三,鼓勵保單持有人與公司溝通,符合國際上的治理原則。對於監理官而言,則可降低政府對於保險業的監理成本,也就是,政府為維護保單持有人的權益及維護資金的安全性,對於保險業採用高度監理所衍生的成本。對於保險公司而言,除了經由保戶行動主義,得以降低監理強度,而增加公司的市場競爭力之外,也可藉由與保單持有人的溝通而建立正面形象,設計符合客戶需求的商品,進而創造新業績。 本研究將保戶行動主義的制度設計分為規範與架構兩方面,在制度規範形成上,採用寇恩所倡議的反思法法理;在架構設計上,則採用史特姆所建議的制度公民及觸媒組織的架構。公司治理分為內部治理與外部監理,經由反思法的自反性、同源互生性與原則性,將能加強內部治理的自律性,進而降低外部監理的強制性。然而因自發性或反思性形成規範必須經由多數人的討論,為達對話效率,則輔以電子治理網站為對話平台,並在觸媒組織中提出以「核心專家群」為網站的主導者,且為充分對話後的主要決策者,如此將可有效率的形成與廣大保單持有人的對話機制,並尋求多數人的共識,並可增加資訊揭露的透明度。 保戶行動主義中,保戶公民選任保戶董事作為代表,而對話機制則為整體制度成效的關鍵,總共分為四個層面,第一稱為保戶行動主義與法律的對話,論述保戶董事委任關係的法律性質,以及對核心專家群委任的法律性質;第二為保戶公民間的對話,著重對話品質的管理;第三為為保戶行動主義與監理的對話,藉由監理策略形成監理法規的二元規範;最後以保戶董事與股東董事間的對話機制,作為保戶行動主義與股東行動主義對話的代理行為。 為驗證保戶行動主義的有效性,本研究建構其對於治理效率與治理賽局的實證模型以用於未來的實證研究,最後並以兩岸間的弱體保險公司為個案作為說明保戶行動主義應用上的利益實效,為質性上的說明。 / Policyholder activism is to cope with the globalization of insurance supervision, the establishment of the supervision platform between Taiwan and Mainland China, and the special features of the long term insurance, in order for the active policyholders protecting their rights by participating the corporate governance. The connotation of policyholder activism refers to introduce the role of policyholders in mutual life company into the corporate governance for the stock life insurance company. It is of the all-win purpose among the policyholders, the regulator, and the insurance company. For the policyholders, it is to actively safeguard the interests of policyholders, and could be achieved by three aspects, first of all is to avoid the arguments after issuing policy; secondly is to provide an alternative to current mechanisms for the policyholders which might be failure or just a passive response afterwards; the final is to comply the global governance principle by encouraging policyholders to communicate with the corporate. For the regulator, it is to reduce the supervision costs which mainly maintain the rights of policyholders, and the security of the funds. For the insurance company, it is not only by reducing supervision power, in order to increase the market competitiveness, but also by communicating with the policyholders, in order to create the positive image, to know the needs of customers and then to increase the performance. In this study, the structure of policyholder activism is divided into the aspects of norms and framework. This study adopts the reflexive law proposed by Jean Cohen for the norms strategy, and the concepts of institutional citizenship and catalyst group proposed by Susan Sturm for the framework design. Basically, the corporate governance system can be separated into internal governance and external supervision. By three properties of the reflex law, the reflexive, the co-original and the principled, will strengthen the regulated self-regulation of internal governance into norms, thereby reducing the enforcement of external supervision. However, reflex law requires through the democracy process from people discussion to complete the norms, to improve efficacy of discussion, the platform of electronic governance (e-governance) is supposed to be applied. For this purpose, this study introduces “core expert group” in the organizational catalysts as a manager and the decision maker after fully discussion. Then it will become an efficient dialogue mechanism for the consensus with the majority of policyholders, and for the more transparency of the disclosed information. For policyholder activism, the policyholder-director(s), on behalf of the institutional citizenship of policyholders, is(are) elected, therefore the dialogue mechanism is the key of the all, it can be separated into four levels; the first level is called the “dialogue between policyholder activism and the law” which discourses the issues of the legal nature for policyholder-director who appointed by two parties, and the core expert group; the second level is called the “dialogue among policyholders” which focuses on the management of quality; the third level is called the “dialogue between policyholder activism and supervisors” to build the duality of norms by regulation strategy; and the final level is called the “dialogue between policyholder activism and shareholder activism” which represented by the dialogue mechanism between the policyholder-director and the shareholder-director. To validate the effectiveness of policyholder activism, this study constructs the models of performance and game theory for future empirical study. This study finally selects two cases of the impaired insurance companies each in Taiwan and Mainland China, and then discusses the qualitative benefits for the application of policyholder activism.

Feministische Filmtheorie

Gradinari, Irina 27 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Feministische Filmtheorien erforschen Kino als kulturelle Institution und untersuchen vor allem seine geschlechtsspezifischen Repräsentationsstrategien, seine Subjektivitätskonzepte und seine geschlechterdifferenten Produktions- und Rezeptionsbedingungen. Ihre Anfänge nahmen sie während der zweiten Frauenbewegung der 1960er Jahre. Gesucht werden u. a. Gegenentwürfe zur männlichen Perspektive populärer Filme, in denen Frauen als passive Objekte fungieren.

Режије Боривоја Ханауске у Српском народном позоришту / Režije Borivoja Hanauske u Srpskom narodnom pozorištu / (1945-1967)

Leskovac Milena 09 May 2016 (has links)
<p>Позоришни редитељ Боривоје Ханауска незаобилазан је у проучавању делатности Српског народног позоришта у периоду после Другог светског рата. Ханауска је од 1945. до 1967. (са прекидом од 1948. до 1952) у Српском народном позоришту режирао тридесет представа. Овај рад приказуке редитељски рад<br />Боривоја Ханауске у СНП, једног од најзначајнијих редитеља СНП-а, и на најбољи<br />начин показује његовог значај и допринос развоју режије у српском послератном<br />позоришту. Методи истраживања били су историјски, театролошки, реконструкција и<br />анализа свих тридесет представа које је Ханауска режирао у СНП, као и синтеза<br />добијених резултата. Овај рад на основу доступне грађе обухвата сваки сегмент<br />његовог рада на представи. У раду му је био важан сваки детаљ представе, залагао да домаћи драмски текст буде што више присутан на сцени, да се са сцене чује домаћи текст, а посебно је водио рачуна о визуелном аспекту. Један је од зачетника новог приступа драмској режији. Из сваке његове представе, у мањој или већој мери, излазила је поетичност, коју је носио дубоко у себи. Рад је илустрован палкатима и фотографијама из представа, а доноси и попис свих представа које је режирао са пописом свих актера, бројем извођења у СНП и на гостовању, као и бројем гледалаца.</p> / <p>Pozorišni reditelj Borivoje Hanauska nezaobilazan je u proučavanju delatnosti Srpskog narodnog pozorišta u periodu posle Drugog svetskog rata. Hanauska je od 1945. do 1967. (sa prekidom od 1948. do 1952) u Srpskom narodnom pozorištu režirao trideset predstava. Ovaj rad prikazuke rediteljski rad<br />Borivoja Hanauske u SNP, jednog od najznačajnijih reditelja SNP-a, i na najbolji<br />način pokazuje njegovog značaj i doprinos razvoju režije u srpskom posleratnom<br />pozorištu. Metodi istraživanja bili su istorijski, teatrološki, rekonstrukcija i<br />analiza svih trideset predstava koje je Hanauska režirao u SNP, kao i sinteza<br />dobijenih rezultata. Ovaj rad na osnovu dostupne građe obuhvata svaki segment<br />njegovog rada na predstavi. U radu mu je bio važan svaki detalj predstave, zalagao da domaći dramski tekst bude što više prisutan na sceni, da se sa scene čuje domaći tekst, a posebno je vodio računa o vizuelnom aspektu. Jedan je od začetnika novog pristupa dramskoj režiji. Iz svake njegove predstave, u manjoj ili većoj meri, izlazila je poetičnost, koju je nosio duboko u sebi. Rad je ilustrovan palkatima i fotografijama iz predstava, a donosi i popis svih predstava koje je režirao sa popisom svih aktera, brojem izvođenja u SNP i na gostovanju, kao i brojem gledalaca.</p> / <p>The theatre director Borivoje Hanausca is an unavoidable figure in the study of the Serbian National Theatre (SNP) activities in the period after the Second World War. Hanausca directed thirty plays in the Serbian National Theatre from 1945-1967(with a break from 1948-1952). This study describes the work of the theatre director Borivoje Hanausca in the Serbian National Theatre being one of the most significant directors in it and in the best way presents his contribution to the development of directing in the Serbian post-war theatre. The research methods in this work are historical and<br />theatrical; reconstruction and analysis of all the thirty plays Hanausca directed in the Serbian National Theatre as well as the synthesis of the results that were obtained. This study includes each part of his work in his plays, on the basis of the material which was available. He considered every single detail of his plays important; he supported Serbian plays to be both present and heard from the stage as much as possible and he particularly took care of visual aspects. He is one of the<br />creators of the new approach to theatre play directing. Poetics he had deep within himself came out and was present, more or less, in his plays. This work is illustrated with posters and photographs from his plays and there is a list of all plays he directed and the names of all the people involved in the performances, the number of performances in the Serbian National Theatre and performed on tour, as well as the number of audiences.</p>

董監候選人提名制度: 對公司治理提升之影響關係 / Candidates Nomination System and Corporate Governance

盧皓偉 Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 公司治理的強化已成為世界各國所共同重視的議題,我國亦不落其後自1997年起逐步推動各項公司治理政策,若仔細觀察其發展過程,主管機關應是甚為期盼公司治理能正本清源的從董事、監察人獨立性的強化這個源頭紮實做起。 惟自民國94年起引進了董監候選人提名制度,特別是上市櫃公司的獨立董事,更強制採候選人提名制度,然近幾年我國上市櫃公司掏空、內線交易、不正當利益輸送、背信、董事自肥、財報不實等案件仍時有所聞,究竟我國引進董監候選人提名制度是改進公司治理的有效解決方案嗎?即是本文探討的主題。 首先,本文先研究公司治理與董監選任制度的關聯程度,分析公司治理的意義、目標、監督機制、架構以及董監選任於公司治理的重要性。隨後簡介美國及日本的董監選任制度,希望能對我國的現行董監選任制度有所借鏡。 接著,分析我國現行董監選任制度的主要問題,包括第192-1條第1項限制股東應就董事候選人名單中選任之,係對股東權的限制而非強化;允許股東選任自己認定的理想人選與董監候選人提名制度並不衝突,在現行制度下,所當選之董監較公司法第192條之選任方式更不具獨立性,對公司治理的提升並無助益,故實無限制之必要。第192-1條第3項對於無表決權之股份,為避免計算基礎過度膨脹,保障真正少數股東之權利,應限縮解釋。第216-1條監察人選舉準用第192-1條之規定,監察人之候選人可由董事會提名,將違反公司治理精神,恐造成監察人成為董事會之附屬而無法執行監督義務。而上市櫃公司依公開發行公司獨立董事設置及應遵循事項辦法第5條強制採候選人提名制度選任獨立董事,依新近大法官釋字第733號精神涵攝,關於選舉方式之強制,恐有限制團體內部組織與事務之自主決定已逾必要程度,而有違反憲法第二十三條所定比例原則及侵害基於結社自由所含的自治精神之嫌。另現行主管機關發佈董事、監察人提名委員會組織章程參考範例,也可能因獨立性不足、權限劃分不明等原因而形同聊備一格。同時,本文亦將現行公開發行公司出席股東會使用委託書規則(以下簡稱委託書規則)其與董監候選人提名制度法律條文進行比較,發現主要差別除持股比例之要求外,委託書規則對董監資格限制可謂更為嚴謹。此外,委託書規則遇有股東會董監選舉徵求時,被選舉人資格審查無須經董事會或提名委員會審議,亦無強制公司股東僅能就委託書徵求人本人或所擬支持之候選人名單選任,但反而強制將候選人經營理念予以公開,故本文以為委託書規則不僅有董監候選人提名制度之實,又不失為一種更直接訴諸「股東民主」的制度,同時也是對股東行動主義正面回應的一種機制。 最後,本文認為,董監選任應回歸公司法第192條規定,使董監選任更具獨立性, 也無違反大法官第733號解釋之虞。若希望對散戶股東進行董監選舉時能有參考依據而堅持採董監候選人提名制度之精神,亦無需疊床架屋,另立新法條,只需放寬或廢除徵求門檻及上限,回歸現行委託書規則即可。否則,至少現行制度應針對董事會等審查機關若違法濫權等,授權審理法院得在股東會召開前或召開後,視情況採取緊急保全處分,以保障股東提名權。同時對獨立董事形式或實質獨立要件亦宜擴大認定,並可考慮拉長獨立董事的冷卻期間,來淡化利害關係並強化獨立董事之獨立性。

Adaptace pedagogických pracovníků v mateřských školách / Adaptation of teaching staff in kindergartens

Zumrová, Jiřina January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis to describe the adaptation process. The theoretical part to preserve the ntegrity of the topic briefly decribes the stages of development of the technical terms (personnel administration, personnel management, human resources) and human aktivity. The main part is focused on the adaptation process, defining the objectives of the adaptation process, species adaptation and the factors influencing an adaptation process, Following part of this chapter is dedicated to the participants of the adaptation process, the adaptation plan and feedback, which is an essential and integral component of the adaptation proces. The research is focused on the adaptation process of teachers in kindergartens. The research method is a survey and subsequent interviews with several randomly selected Director kindergartens. The result of the survey is to determine the course of adaptation in kindergartens and directors approach to this issue. KEYWORDS Personnel work, personnel management, human resources director, adaptation, social adaptation, working adaptation, adaptation plan, adaptation formal, informal adaptation

Srovnání povinnosti péče řádného hospodáře člena statutárního orgánu v České republice a odpovídající povinnosti člena statutárního orgánu v Irsku / A comparison of due managerial care of a member of governing body in the Czech Republic and a comparable duty of a member of governing body in Ireland

Pečinka, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This paper deals with a comparison between the Czech duty of due managerial care of a member of governing body of limited company and the Irish non-fiduciary duty to exercise care, skill and diligence of a director of limited company (hereinafter also referred as "duty of care"). The paper aims to find out a possible way to improve legislation of the duty of due managerial care on the basis of comparison with the duty of care. The duty of care sets the ground for the comparison, therefore the paper deals first with the Irish legal status of the duty of care, which has been recently changed by the Companies Act 2014. Despite of the codification of the directors' duties, the core of interpretation and application of the duty of care still rests in judicial decisions. Nevertheless, the change of source and statutory wording of the duty means that the substance of Re City Equitable [1925] does not represent a good law anymore. The standard of care of Re City Equitable [1925] has been replaced by the minimal objective standard based on the British judgment Re D'Jan of London [1994]. The content of the duty of care is determined on the case by case basis, but in any event it consists of conclusions of the British judgment Re Barings [1999], which has been accepted by the Irish courts in restriction...

Opatření Krajského ředitelství policie Jihočeského kraje při vzniku radiační mimořádné události na Jaderné elektrárně Temelín / Measures of Regional Police Directorate of the South Bohemian Region by an occurrence of a radiological emergency in the Temelín Nuclear Power Station

HRNEČEK, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to clarify fundamental principles of activities of police officers of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region in the case of radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. These principles are concentrated in compact documentation with practical tasks for respective organizational segments of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region. This documentation will be consequently used as a methodical guide for concerned police officers. Fundamental terms are defined in the theoretical part of the diploma thesis, concerning and usable in the course of measures in the case of solving radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. The analysis of legal standards and technical bibliography is also performed in this part. The External Emergency Plan of the Temelín Nuclear power station is presented in detail, and a comparison of the previous and current atomic law is drawn. Last chapter of this part is devoted to the actual documentation of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region to manage the radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. Necessary number of legal regulations, agreements and internal acts of management concerning the current topic was used for elaboration of this thesis. Information and findings of employees from the Department of Emergency Management of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region are also included. The practical part of the diploma thesis is devoted to the concentration of all materials and previous findings of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region in the case of measures for radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station into individual chapters. Each of these chapters presents particular activities of police officers of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region during performation of tasks in connection with managing the radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. When listing particular tasks and processes, some of activities of other subjects participating together with members of the Police of the Czech Republic in measures concerning the radiological emergency are also mentioned in this part. The result of this thesis is a focused overview and operative material for police officers of the Police of the Czech Republic, usable for making them acquainted with questions of managing the radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. It also serves as a background for regular practices and training courses on this subject.

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