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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à l'étude du transfert en solution

Rakotoniriana, Miarana 26 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Le transfert en solution est un mécanisme de déformation des roches sédimentaires, qui se traduit par une réduction de porosité et une compaction de la roche. A de grandes profondeurs d'enfouissement (environ 3km), les minéraux des grains se dissolvent dans le fluide du contact intergranulaire, sont transportés par diffusion dans le contact vers le pore, et se déposent sur les surfaces libres des grains. Notre étude est basée sur un modèle de deux grains en contact ayant subi un début de dissolution, et modélisés par deux sphères tronquées. Le contact entre deux grains est simplement représenté par une zone limitée par deux interfaces planes, bien que cette zone soit en réalité constituée de contacts solides et de fluide libre interconnecté, structure connue sous le nom d'îles et chenaux. A cette échelle, une loi de contact phénoménologique permet de relier la vitesse de raccourcissement du grain à la force thermodynamique du transfert en solution, qui est fonction de l'énergie libre d'Helmholtz, de la contrainte normale intergranulaire, et d'un terme relatif à la diffusion. La contrainte normale intergranulaire peut être ainsi exprimée en fonction des quantités relatives à la dissolution et à la diffusion, et en fonction du taux de raccourcissement des grains. Cette contrainte intergranulaire constitue la condition aux limites sur l'interface solide/solide, du problème mécanique. La pression de fluide est la condition de chargement appliquée sur l'interface solide/pore.<br />Une approche analytique de la résolution de ce problème permet de comprendre que la singularité en contrainte au point de jonction entre la zone de contact et le pore, a pour origine la discontinuité du chargement, entre le chargement sur l'interface solide/solide (la contrainte normale intergranulaire), et la pression de fluide sur l'interface solide/pore. Cette singularité est retrouvée par les calculs éléments finis.<br />La méthode numérique permet de constater que l'approximation qui consiste à négliger l'énergielibre d'Helmholtz dans la force thermodynamique est valable pour les différentes tailles de grains considérées dans ce travail (entre 0.1mm et 2mm). On montre également que la distribution de la contrainte intergranulaire est de moins en moins parabolique lorsque le grain s'aplatit. Il en est de même lorsque la taille de grain est plus faible, donc lorsque la diffusionest le processus dominant.<br />La loi de fluage (approchée) qui donne la vitesse de raccourcissement du grain en fonction de la force thermodynamique (sans l'énergie d'Helmholtz) permet de constater que plus la taille de grain diminue, plus le processus de diffusion est rapide : la dissolution est dans ce cas le mécanisme qui gouverne le transfert en solution.<br />A une échelle plus petite, on s'intéresse à la stabilité d'une interface solide/fluide en faisantune analyse de stabilité en 3D. Le mode d'instabilité dominant est une onde dont le front est perpendiculaire à la direction de la contrainte effective de compression maximale. Les résultats de cette analyse sont cohérents avec les observations expérimentales en ce qui concerne l'orientation et la longueur d'onde de l'instabilité. La non-conformité concernant les gradients des longueurs d'ondes et le taux de croissance sont discutés.

Synthesis and Characterization of Bulk Metallic Glasses, Composites and Hybrid Porous Structures by Powder Metallurgy of Metallic Glassy Powders

Kim, Jin Young 18 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Metallic glasses exhibit many attractive attributes such as outstanding mechanical, magnetic, and chemical properties. Due to the absence of crystal defects, metallic glasses display remarkable mechanical properties including higher specific strength than crystalline alloys, high hardness and larger fracture resistance than ceramics. The technological breakthrough of metallic glasses, however, has been greatly hindered by the limited plastic strain to failure. Thus, several strategies have been employed to improve the intrinsic and extrinsic effects on the flow behavior of metallic glasses with respect to their fracture toughness and overall plastic strain. One of the suggested strategies is the production of a composite consisting of the brittle metallic glass along with a ductile second phase that either acts as an active carrier of plastic strain or passively enhances the multiplication of shear bands via shear-band splitting . Another approach for increasing plastic deformation consists of introducing pores as a gaseous second phase into the material. The pores are similarly effective in delaying catastrophic failure resulting from shear band localization. In metallic glasses with high porosity, propagation of shear bands can even become stable, enabling macroscopic compressive strains of more than 80 % without fracture. In this thesis, Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 glass and its composites have been fabricated using mechanical milling and consolidation by hot pressing followed by extrusion of Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 metallic glass powder or Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 metallic glass powder reinforced with 40 vol.% of brass particles to obtained bulk composite materials with high strength and enhanced compressive plasticity and to generate porous structure in Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 metallic glass using selective dissolution. The brass–glass powder mixtures to be consolidated were prepared using two different approaches: manual blending and ball milling to properly vary size and morphology of the second phase in the composites. Powder consolidation was carried out at temperatures within the supercooled Liquid (SCL) region, where the glassy phase displays a strong decrease of viscosity, with using the sintering parameters which were chosen after analysis of the crystallization behavior of the glassy phase to avoid its crystallization during consolidation. Ball milling has a significant effect on the microstructure of the powder mixtures: a refined layered structure consisting of alternating layer of glass and brass is formed as a result of the mechanical deformation. However, ball milling reduces the amorphous content of the composite powders due to mechanically induced crystallization and reaction of the glass and brass phases during heating. In addition, the milling of the composite powders and the following consolidation step reduces the amorphous content by about 50 %. The bulk amorphous Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 alloy synthesized by hot pressing exhibits higher strength (2.28 GPa) than that of the as-cast bulk amorphous Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 alloy (2.2 GPa). The mechanical behavior of the glass-brass composites is significantly affected by the control of the microstructure between the reinforcement and the nano-grained matrix phase through the different methods used for the preparation of the powder mixtures. The strength of the composites increases from 500 MPa for pure brass to 740 and 925 MPa for the composites with 40 and 60 vol.% glass reinforcement prepared by manual blending. The strength further increases to 1240 and 1640 MPa for the corresponding composites produced by ball milling caused by the remarkable effect of the matrix ligament size on the strengthening of the composites. The porous metallic glass was obtained by the selective dissolution in a HNO3 solution of the fugitive brass phase in the Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 composite. The microstructure of the porous samples consists of highly elongated layered pore structures and/or irregularly shaped pores. The average size of the pores depends on the processing parameters and can be varied in the range of 0.4–15 µm. Additional porous samples were prepared from different extruded composite precursors of blended and milled powder mixtures. This leads to customized hybrid porous structures consisting of a combination of large and small pores. The specific surface area of the porous Ni-based metallic glass powder measured by the BET method is 16 m2/g, while the as-atomized Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 powder has a specific surface area of 0.29 m2/g. This indicates a mechanical milling induced enhancement in surface area by refinement of the fugitive brass phase. However the specific surface area of the porous Ni-based metallic glass obtained from as-extruded precursors is 10 m2/g caused by a breakdown of the porous structure during selective dissolution of the nano-scale fugitive phase. Although milling of the present composite powders and the following consolidation step reduces the amorphous content by about 50 %, through the use of glassy phases with improved stability against mechanically induced crystallization along with reduced affinity with the fugitive phase to avoid unwanted reactions during processing, this approach using powder metallurgical offers the possibility to produce highly active porous bulk materials for functional applications, such as catalysis, which require the fast transport of reactants and products provided by the large pores along with high catalytic activity ensured by the large surface area characterizing the small pores. Accordingly, gas absorption ability tests of porous Ni-based metallic glass powders have been performed in order to evaluate the possibility of replacement of conventional support materials. From these first tests it can be conclude that additional opportunities should exist for nano-porous MGs with designed architecture of porous structures that are tailored to specific functional applications. / Metallische Gläser weisen viele attraktive mechanische, magnetische und chemische Eigenschaften auf. Aufgrund der fehlenden Kristallstruktur zeigen metallische Gläser bemerkenswerte mechanische Eigenschaften, einschließlich höherer spezifischer Festigkeit, höherer Härte und größerer Bruchfestigkeit als Keramik. Der technologischen Durchbruch metallischer Gläser wird jedoch bis heute stark von ihremspröden Bruchverhalten behindert. Deshalb wurden verschiedene Herstellungsverfahren entwirkt, um sowohl die plastische Verformung der metallischer Massivgläser zu erhöhen, als auch um die mechanischen Eigenschaften generell zu verbessern. Eine mögliche Methode, zur Erhöhung der Plastizität und zur Beeinflussung der mechanischen Eigenschaften der metallischen Gläser ist der Einbau zweiter Phasen, wie z.B. durch Fremdpartikel Verstärkung oder Poren in Kompositen. Die Scherband bewegung wird durch die Wechselwirkung mit zweiten Phasen behindert, und gleichzeitig werden durch die in den Grenzflächen entstehenden Spannungsspitzen zwischen der zweiten Phase und der Matrix neue Scherbänder initiert. Dies führt zur Bildung einer Vielzahl von Scherbändern, was eine höhere plastische Dehnung zur Folge hat, da die Deformationsenergie auf ein größeres Volumen verteilt wird. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 Massivglas und mit Messing- verstärkte Komposite durch Kugelmahlen und Heißpressen mit anschließender Extrusion von Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 Pulver oder Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 Pulver mit 40 vol.% Messing Partikeln hergestellt. Neben der Herstellung der Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 Komposite mit Messing Partikeln, wurden auch Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 Komposite mit definierter Porösität durch die selektive Auflösung der zweiten Phase erzeugt. Die verwendete Mischung von Messing und metallischem Glaspulver wurde über zwei verschiedene Ansätzen hergestellt: die Pulver wurden manuell gemischt oder gemahlen, um die optimale Größe und Morphologie der zweiten Phase in den Komositen zu erzeugen. Das Sintern der Pulver erfolgte bei Temperaturen im Bereich der unterkühlten Schmelze, wobei die Legierung eine starke Abnahme der Viskosität zeigte, mit Hilfe optimierter Sinterparameter, die nach der Analyse des Kristallisationsverhaltens der gläsernen Phase ausgewählt wurden, um deren Kristallisation während der Konsolidierung zu vermeiden. Kugelmahlen hat einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Mikrostruktur der gemahlenen Pulver: Eine verfeinerte Lamellare Struktur, teils bestehend aus Glas und teils aus Messing, wird durch mechanische Verformung gebildet. Kugelmahlen reduziert jedoch den amorphen Anteil der Komposite durch mechanische induzierte Kristallisation und die Reaktion der Glas- und Messing- Phasen durch Erwärmung. Das Kugelmahlen der Komposite (Pulver) und das darauf folgende Sintern führte zur eine Absenkung der freien Enthalpie der amorphen Phase um ca. 50%. Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 metallische Massivgläser, welche durch Heißpressen hergestellt werden, weisen eine höhere Streckgrenze von 2.28 GPa als das gegossene Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 Massivglas (2.2 GPa) auf. Die mechanischen Eigenschaften der mit Messing Ni59Zr20 Ti16Si2Sn3 verstärkten Komposite sind abhängig von der Kontrolle der Mikrostruktur zwischen den zweiten Phasen und der Matrixphase durch die verschiedenen Verfahren zur Herstellung von Pulvermischungen. Die Festigkeiten der Komposite, welche durch Handmischen und Heißpressen mit nachfolgender Extrusion hergestellt wurden, erhöhten sich von 500 MPa für reines Messing bis auf 740 und 925 MPa für die Komposite mit 40 und 60 Vol. % Glaspartikel- Verstärkung durch Handmischen. Die Festigkeiten erhöhten sich nochmals auf 1240 und 1640 MPa für die Komposite mit 40 und 60 Vol. % an Glaspartikel-Verstärkung mit lamellare Stuktur, die durch Kugelmahlen hergestellt würden. Die Ursache hier für liegt in der Wirkung der Ligamentabmessungen zwischen den Matrixbestandteilen hinsichtlich der Verfestigung der Komposite. Die Porösität im metallischen Glas wurde durch die selektive Auflösung der flüchtigen Messingphasen in den Kompositen mit Salpetersäure-Lösung erhalten. Die Mikrostuktur der porösen metallischen Gläser besteht aus stark elongiert geschichteten Porenstrukturen und/oder unregelmäßig geformten Poren. Die durchschnittliche Größe einer Pore hängt von den behandelnden Parametern ab und kann von 0.4–15 µm variieren. Weitere poröse Proben wurden ausgehend von verschiedenen extrudierten Komposit-Precursoren aus handgemischten und kugelgemahlenen Pulvermixturen erzeugt. Dies führte zu angepassten hybrid-porösen Strukturen bestehend aus einer Kombination von großen und kleinen Poren. Die spezifische Oberfläche des porösen Glaspulvers gemessen mit Hilfe der BET- Methode, beträgt 16m2/g, wohingegen das atomisierte Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 MG Ausgangspulver eine spezifische Oberfläche von 0.29 m2/g besitzt. Dies weist darauf hin, dass das Mahlen eine Vergrößerung der Oberfläche durch die Verfeinerung der flüchtigen Messingphase induziert. Die spezifische Oberfläche der porösen-metallischen Gläser beträgt 10 m2/g und entsteht durch die Zerstörung der porösen Struktur während der selektiven Auflösung der nanoskaligen flüchtigen Phase. Obwohl das Kugelmahlen der Komposite (Pulver) und die darauf folgende Konsolidierung zwar den amorphen Anteil um etwa 50% reduziert, bietet die Pulvermetallurgische Herstellung durch die Verwendung von gläsernen Phasen mit verbesserter Stabilität gegenüber mechanisch induzierter Kristallisation, sowie einer reduzierten Affinität mit der flüchtigen Messingphase zur Vermeidung von unerwünschten Reaktionen während des Prozesses eine Möglichkeit, hochaktive poröse metallische Gläser für funktionelle Anwendungen, wie z.B. Katalyse, zu entwickeln. Hier ist eine schnelle Transport von Reaktanten und Produkten, welcher von den großen Poren, sowie eine hohe katalytische Aktivität, die von kleinen Poren und einer großen Oberfläche sichergestellt wird wesentlich. Daher wurden Untersuchungen zur Gasabsorptionsfähigkeit von porösem metallischen Glaspulver durchgeführt, um die Möglichkeit der Ersetzung von konventionellen Trägermaterialen bewerten zu können. Diese ersten Versuche zeigen die grundsäLzliche Eignung nano poröse metallischer Gläser zur Herstellung von porösen Strukturen mit einstellbarer Porenarchitektur auf die Langfristig für spezifische funktionelle Anwendungen von Interesse sein könnten.

Experimentelle Untersuchung zur Auflösungskinetik von Kaolinit und Montmorillonit in Anwesenheit von Sulfat, Phosphat, Amino- und Carbonsäuren sowie Harnstoff im offenen und geschlossenen System / Experimental study on the dissolution kinetics of kaolinite und montmorillonite in the presence of sulfate, phosphate, amino and carboxylic acids as well as urea in open and closed systems

Hillebrecht, Jens 27 October 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Microstructural Evolution In As-cast Alloys during Plastic Deformation

Basirat, Mitra January 2013 (has links)
The effect of deformation on microstructural changes in metals and alloys is the subject of considerable practical interest. The ultimate goal is to control, improve and optimize the microstructure and texture of the finished products produced by metal forming operations. The development in the subject field is remarkable but a more in-depth study could lead us to the better understanding of the phenomena.   In the present work microstructural evolution during the plastic deformation of as-cast pure metals and alloys is studied. An experimental method was developed to study the material behavior under the hot compression testing. This method was applied on the as-cast structure of copper, bearing steel, Incoloy 825 and β brass at different temperatures and strain rates. The temperature of the samples was measured during and after the deformation process. The microstructure of the samples was examined by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The microstructural evolution during deformation process was investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). The samples were subsequently subjected to electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) to investigate the effect of the deformation on the microsegregation of Mo, Cr, Si, and Mn.   It was observed that the temperature of the samples deformed at strain rates of 5 and 10 s-1 increases abruptly after the deformation stops. However, compression test at the lower strain rates of 1 and 0.5 s-1 revealed that a constant temperature was maintained in the early stage of deformation, followed by an increase until the maximum temperature was obtained. This temperature behavior can be explained by the microstructural evolution during the deformation process. Micrograph analysis revealed the formation of deformation bands (DBs) in highly strained regions. The DBs are highly effective sites for recrystallization. The interdendritic regions are suitable sites for the formation of DBs due to the high internal energy in these regions. EMPA indicated a tendency towards uphill diffusion of Mo in the DBs with increasing strain. The effect of strain on the dissolution of carbides in the band structure of bearing steel was investigated by measuring the volume fraction of carbides inside the band structure at different strain levels. The results indicate that carbide dissolution is influenced by strain.    The microstructural evolution inside the DBs was studied as a function of several properties: temperature, internal energy, and microsegregation. Compression of β brass revealed that twinning is the most prominent feature in the microstructure. EBSD analysis and energy calculations demonstrated that the twinning is not due to a martensitic process but rather the order/disorder transition during the deformation process. The effect of heat treatment at Tc (650°C) prior to deformation on the microstructure of β brass was also investigated, which revealed a relationship between twin formation and the anti-phase domain boundaries / <p>QC 20131104</p>

Computational modeling of materials in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells

Brunello, Giuseppe 16 September 2013 (has links)
Fuel cells have the potential to change the energy paradigm by allowing more efficient use of energy. In particular, Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) are interesting because they are low temperature devices. However, there are still numerous challenges limiting their widespread use including operating temperature, types of permissible fuels and optimal use of expensive catalysts. The first two problems are related mainly to the ionomer electrolyte, which largely determines the operating temperature and fuel type. While new ionomer membranes have been proposed to address some of these issues, there is still a lack of fundamental knowledge to guide ionomer design for PEMFC. This work is a computational study of the effect of temperature and water content on sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) and the effect of acidity on sulfonated polystyrene to better understand how ionomer material properties differ. In particular we found that increased water content preferentially solvates the sulfonate groups and improves water and hydronium transport. However, we found that increasing an ionomer’s acid strength causes similar effects to increasing the water content. Finally, we used Density Functional Theory (DFT) to study platinum nano-clusters as used in PEMFCs. We developed a model using the atom’s coordination number to quickly compute the energy of a cluster and therefore predict which platinum atoms are most loosely held. Our model correctly predicted the energy of various clusters compared to DFT. Also, we studied the interaction between the various moieties of the electrolyte including the catalyst particle and developed a force field. The coordination model can be used in a molecular dynamics simulation of the three phase region of a PEMFC to generate unbiased initial clusters. The force field developed can be used to describe the interaction between this generated cluster and the electrolyte.


FitzPatrick, Michael 26 May 2011 (has links)
In the last decade there has been increasing research interest in the value of bio-sourced materials from lignocellulosic biomass. The dissolution of cellulose by ionic liquids (ILs) has led to investigations including the dissolution of cellulose, lignin, and complete biomass samples and the in situ processing of cellulose. Rapid quantitative measurement of cellulose dissolution in ILs is difficult. In this work, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra of cellulose dissolved in 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate ([emim][OAc]) were subjected to partial least squares (PLS) regression to model dissolved cellulose content. PLS regression was used due to the ease in developing predictive models with this technique in addition to linear regression being ineffectual for modeling when applied to potentially thousands of variables. Applying a normalization data treatment, before regression, generated a model that estimated cellulose content within 0.533 wt%. The methods described provided the basis for a rapid methodology to determine dissolved cellulose content. Development of rapid and facile screening techniques to determine the effectiveness of various ILs as solvents for cellulose or lignin will aid in the development of lignocellulosic based bioproducts. In this work, optical microscopy with and without the use of cross-polarized lenses, was used to monitor cellulose and lignin dissolution in two imidazolium-based and two phosphonium-based ILs as well as n,n-dimethylacetamide/lithium chloride (DMAc/LiCl), demonstrating that this technique could be applied more broadly than solely for ILs. The described optical microscopy methodology was more rapid and sensitive than more traditional techniques, such as visual inspection. The viscosity of [emim][OAc] (162 cP) is 100 times that of water at 20°C and could inhibit its use as a solvent for cellulose. There is a need for simple, low-cost and environmentally benign methods to reduce the viscosity of ILs to aid in cellulose dissolution. In this work, 4 wt% cellulose dissolved in [emim][OAc] was subjected to 50 psi CO2 and 20 psi N2, as a control environment, at both 50°C and 75°C. After 24 hours a nearly 2-fold increase in dissolved cellulose over the N2 control was demonstrated through the application of a 50 psi CO2 environment for cellulose dissolution in [emim][OAc] at 50°C. / Thesis (Master, Chemical Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2011-05-25 22:58:17.744

Microstructural Analysis of Linear Friction Welded Joint in Nickel-Base Inconel 738 Superalloy

Ola, Oyedele Temitope 19 January 2011 (has links)
Inconel 738 (IN 738), like other precipitation-hardened nickel-base superalloys that contain a substantial amount of Al and Ti, is very difficult to weld due to its high susceptibility to heat-affected zone (HAZ) cracking during conventional fusion welding processes. The cause of this cracking, which is usually intergranular in nature, has been attributed to the liquation of various phases in the alloy, subsequent wetting of the grain boundaries by the liquid and decohesion along one of the solid-liquid interfaces due to on-cooling tensile stresses. To address the problem of liquation cracking in weldments, recent developments in welding research have resulted in supposedly exclusive solid-state friction joining processes, such as linear friction welding (LFW), for joining crack susceptible structural alloys. The objective of this work was therefore to investigate the weldability of the difficult-to-weld IN 738 superalloy by LFW and to analyze the resulting microstructural changes in the alloy due to the welding process. LFW was performed on Linear Friction Welding Process Development System (PDS) at the Aerospace Manufacturing Technology Centre of the Institute for Aerospace Research, National Research Council (NRC) of Canada. In order to study and decouple the effect of non-equilibrium thermal cycle and imposed compressive stress during the joining, physical simulation of the LFW process was performed by using Gleeble 1500-D Thermo-Mechanical Simulation System at the University of Manitoba. Detailed microstructural study of welded and Gleeble-simulated materials was carried out. Correlation between the simulated microstructure and that of the weldments was obtained, in that, a significant grain boundary liquation was observed in both the simulated specimens and actual weldments due to non-equilibrium reaction of second phase particles, including the strengthening gamma prime phase. These results show that in contrast to the general assumption of LFW being an exclusively solid-state joining process, intergranular liquation, caused by non-equilibrium phase reaction(s), occurred during the process. However, despite a significant occurrence of liquation in the alloy, no HAZ cracking was observed. Nevertheless, the result showed that crack-free welding by linear friction welding is not due to preclusion of grain boundary liquation as has been commonly assumed and reported. Instead, resistance to cracking can be related to the counter-crack-formation effect of the imposed strain and to a concept observed and reported for the first time in this work, which is strain-induced rapid solidification. Furthermore, microstructural evolution during joining cannot be understood without considering the concept of non-equilibrium liquation reaction and strain-induced rapid solidification of the metastable liquid, which are carefully elucidated in this thesis.

Les inclusions magmatiques : des cinétiques de croissance cristalline à la formation des corps planétaires

Sonzogni, Yann 14 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Décrypter les mécanismes et cinétiques de croissance et dissolution des minéraux dans les liquides silicatés est indispensable à la compréhension des processus magmatiques fondamentaux. La migration transcristalline des inclusions magmatiques sous l'effet d'un gradient thermique permet de quantifier une loi cinétique de croissance et dissolution du minéral hôte dans des conditions proches de celles qui prévalent le plus souvent dans la nature. L'objectif principal de ce travail de thèse était : i) d'étudier l'effet de la composition du liquide piégé sur le processus de migration dans l'olivine et ii) d'exploiter systématiquement le processus de migration afin de quantifier les lois cinétiques pour d'autres couples minéral-liquide. Lorsqu'elles sont soumises à un gradient thermique, les inclusions siliceuses (SiO2 ≥ 60pds%) piégées dans les olivines mantelliques et les inclusions basaltiques piégées dans les clinopyroxènes volcaniques migrent à travers leur hôte en direction du point chaud de la zone de travail. La migration s'effectue à une vitesse constante et, dans les olivines, sans modification de la composition du liquide piégé ; les inclusions des clinopyroxènes subissent en revanche une rééquilibration chimique transitoire en début de migration. Les cavités, subsphériques avant la migration, évoluent vers la forme en cristal-négatif du minéral hôte en cours d'expérience. L'achèvement de l'évolution morphologique nécessite un temps caractéristique gouverné par la diffusion chimique dans le liquide. La bulle de gaz exsolvé dans les inclusions n'est pas entraînée dans la migration. Elle se sépare du liquide magmatique et donne naissance à une inclusion fluide isolée au sein du cristal hôte. Les résultats expérimentaux indiquent que la migration procède par dissolution du minéral hôte à l'avant et recristallisation à l'arrière de l'inclusion. La vitesse de migration est limitée par les mécanismes à l'interface cristal-liquide, non par la diffusion chimique. Les taux de croissance et dissolution de l'olivine et du clinopyroxène que nous obtenons sont respectivement trente et quinze fois inférieurs à ceux déterminés dans une étude antérieure à partir d'expériences de migration d'inclusions basaltiques dans des olivines volcaniques. Ils obéissent cependant à la même forme de loi cinétique, qui peut être aisément transposée à des environnements de cristallisation ou de fusion naturels, similaires ou de plus faible déséquilibre. Le taux de croissance et dissolution de l'olivine lors des migrations n'a pas de lien simple avec la composition du liquide piégé ; il est peut-être aussi en grande partie contrôlé par la densité de dislocations du cristal hôte. Le phénomène de migration n'a pas été observé dans le quartz et le plagioclase pour les durées d'expériences réalisées. Il est néanmoins probable que l'absence de migration lors des expériences ne soit qu'apparente. Notamment, la prédominance de liaisons de forte énergie dans la structure du quartz et du plagioclase est susceptible de rendre les processus interfaciaux, et donc aussi la dissolution, particulièrement lente. Au cours de ce travail de thèse, l'opportunité s'est présentée d'étudier les inclusions magmatiques piégées dans les cristaux d'olivine de la pallasite Brahin. En particulier, deux familles d'inclusions ont été identifiées. La première consiste en des plans d'inclusions secondaires contenant de nombreuses chromites et des assemblages à métal-sulfure et olivine phosphorée ; la seconde correspond à des inclusions isolées renfermant pour la plupart de la stanfieldite, une bulle de gaz et de l'olivine phosphorée. Les inclusions secondaires se seraient formées suite à un choc ayant eu lieu alors que l'assemblage minéralogique actuel de Brahin était déjà formé, ou en cours de formation. En revanche, les inclusions de stanfieldite témoigneraient d'un choc prépallasitique.

Etude des alternances récurrentes dans les skarns et des instabilités du front de dissolution/précipitation

Jiang, Chongjun 16 December 1993 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse se propose de discuter la formation des alternances récurrentes dans les skarns et la précipitation oscillante par métasomatose en contexte métamorphique. On commence par discuter deux types d'alternances de Rio Marina (Ile d'Elbe, Italie). Les directions des bandes sont parallèles à la zonation des skarns ou au contact entre le skarn et le calcaire. Les études géochimiques montrent que les skarns à alternances et les skarns ordinaires sont formés sur des calcaires massifs et homogènes et que la formation des skarns nécessite des apports importants de silice et de fer et de lessivages de calcium et de gaz carbonique. La comparaison des alternances de Rio Marina avec d'autres exemples d'alternances a permis d'énoncer les règles suivantes: (1). Les alternances apparaissent généralement sous 2 formes: des strates alternantes ou des structures orbiculaires. (2) Les épaisseurs des bandes varient de 0,2 mm a 6 mm ; les épaisseurs des bandes claires et des bandes sombres sont les mêmes dans la plupart des cas. (3) Dans les alternances, il y a au moins un minéral qui est constitué non seulement d'un élément provenant de la dissolution des carbonates comme Ca et Mg mais aussi d'un élément provenant du fluide comme Si et Fe. le deuxième minéral dans les alternances est compose essentiellement d'éléments provenant du fluide comme Si et Fe. La formation des bandes requiert le couplage de la précipitation des minéraux en alternances et de la dissolution de la roche carbonatée. Des modèles qualitatifs sont établis pour discuter le mécanisme possible d'apparition de ce type de structure spatiale.

Evaluation and comparison of the physical properties and drug release characteristics of directly compressible lactose–based filler/binders / Bettie van der Walt Erasmus (Alta)

Erasmus, Bettie van der Walt January 2010 (has links)
Direct compression has gained significant interest since its advent in the late 1950's due to its potential ease compared to wet granulation. The primary prerequisites for powders used in direct compression are (i) good flow properties (ii) good compressibility and (iii) an acceptable dilution potential to accommodate a relative high percentage of active ingredient. Several filler/binders have been manufactured especially for direct compression and co–processing is one of the recent methods used to produce good compressible excipients with acceptable flow properties. In this study, lactose–based filler/binders were used which included simple and modified lactose materials (Granulac, Lactopress, Flowlac and Tablettose) as well as co–processed excipients (Starlac, Cellactose and Microcelac). A comprehensive literature study on direct compression revealed the importance of the physical properties of filler/binders such as interparticle forces, particle shape, particle size and distribution, powder density, particle surface structure and particle packing geometry which influence the flow of powders. All the materials were subjected to the various tests available to evaluate powder flow, namely (i) angle of repose (AoR), (ii) critical orifice diameter (COD), (iii) flow rate and percentage compressibility (%C) in terms of the powders' bulk and tap densities. The results of these tests confirmed the expected flow properties of the various filler/binders, with only one material exhibiting extremely poor flow properties. The following rank order in terms of all flow tests conducted was established; Starlac >> Microcelac ~ Flowlac >> Cellactose > Tablettose > Lactopress >>> Granulac. The co–processed filler/binders presented with superior flow compared to the other lactose–based materials. During the next phase of the study, the compaction properties of the various fillers were evaluated, employing direct compression. Compacts of pure filler were tabletted on an eccentric tablet press at different compression pressures (manipulated by the upper punch setting of the tablet press). The modified lactose filler/binders (Lactopress, Flowlac and Tablettose) exhibited unexpectedly poor compression profiles, where the co–processed filler/binders (Starlac, Cellactose and Microcelac) produced compacts with acceptable appearance and compact properties. Two lubricants (Mg–St or Pruv), which were tested separately in formulations were added since no compacts could be produced from the pure filler/binders. None of the modified lactose filler/binders, in combination with a lubricant, were able to produce an acceptable compact, since lamination occurred during compression. The co–processed filler/binders produced satisfactory compacts with the addition of a lubricant, but lactose–cellulose fillers (Cellactose and Microcelac) also required the inclusion of a disintegrant (Ac–Di–Sol) to induce satisfactory compact disintegration. Poor compressible active ingredients (paracetamol), which exhibit very poor flow properties, are usually difficult to use during direct compression. Many excipients (tested in this study) are formulated to accommodate these drugs and produce acceptable functional tablets. After identifying the best filler/binders (co–processed fillers), according to their flow and compressible properties, paracetamol was added to the formulations. During a pilot study, the percentage paracetamol these fillers could accommodate in a 400 mg tablet was determined. Both Microcelac and Cellactose could accommodate 24.5% w/w paracetamol, whilst Starlac could only accommodated 19.5% w/w. Paracetamol is well known for its tendency to cause tablet capping and lamination. An acceptable upper punch setting range (20–22) was chosen for tabletting, followed by quality control tests done. All three formulations produced suitable tablets for testing and exhibited good tablet properties. All tablets disintegrated within two minutes, with hardness profiles between 120 N and 148 N and friability percentages less than 1%. Dissolution studies, however, are probably the ultimate test to distinguish between the capability of filler/binders to release the optimum percentage drug after disintegration. Dissolution studies were done on all three formulations using the AUC (area under the curve) and IDR (initial drug release) as parameters to evaluate drug release. All tablets exhibited high initial dissolution rates (between 0.018 - 0.023 mg/min/ml) and 100% drug release was observed. Starlac presented with a lower amount of drug released compared to the other two, but can be explained by the lower percentage (19.5%) paracetamol present in the formulation. It was once again confirmed that the physical and compressible properties of potential directly compressible filler/binders play a major role in direct compression. It was concluded that co–processed filler/binders (Starlac, Microcelac and Cellactose) definitely exhibited better tabletting properties during direct compression. They were able to accommodate a certain percentage of paracetamol, although it was expected that they would accommodate a higher amount (at least 50% of total tablet weight). / Thesis (M.Sc. (Pharmaceutics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

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