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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Homeschooling Parents' Perceptions of Resources for Curriculu Development

Bradford, Vance Tasker 01 January 2018 (has links)
Homeschooling families in the state of Texas face challenges when developing their children's learning curriculum as they attempt to address state mandates with only limited guidelines for developing effective curricula and evaluation strategies to measure student learning. The resulting problem is that homeschooling parents are left to develop their curricula with little guidance. The absence of such guidance may create undue pressure for both the homeschooling parent and their child, while simultaneously creating the possibility of limiting student achievement. The purpose of the project study was to explore the challenges parents face in developing their homeschool curriculum in the state of Texas. Using the theoretical framework provided by Bronfenbrenner's process-person-context-time model, 10 homeschooling parents from 10 different families shared their experiences to address the guiding research question, which explored motivational factors in the design of homeschool curricula, including the use and sharing of resources. Through the use of a qualitative case study that employed semistructured interviews and field notes as sources of data, 5 themes emerged following a narrative analysis process to code the data: (a) time with family, (b) safe learning environment, (c) practical and meaningful lessons, (d) socialization, and (e) biblical training. The findings were developed into a white paper to provide parents with strategies to embed these 5 themes into a useful, quality homeschool curriculum. This project study has implications for positive social change by providing homeschooling parents in the state of Texas with curriculum design guidance from fellow homeschooling parents that can provide a basis for developing quality curricula that reflects common core values within their community.

Kommunikatören inte bara ”nice to have” utan ”need to have” : En jämförande studie av kommunikatörens upplevda yrkesstatus i privat respektive offentlig sektor / The communicator not only ”nice to have” but ”need to have” : A study that compares the experienced professional status among communicators working in the private respective the public sector

Kjerrman, Charlotta, Larsson, Maria, Vorkapic, Nikolina January 2008 (has links)
Vårt samhälle idag präglas av ett ökat flöde av varor, tjänster och information och avståndet till världen runt omkring oss krymper. För organisationer innebär detta att kravet på effektivitet har blivit ett faktum och i samband med information kan begreppet strategisk kommunikation vara nyckeln till framgång. Vi som studerar medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap funderar ofta på vilka krav och förväntningar kommande arbetsgivare har på oss kommunikatörer som snart ska ut på arbetsmarknaden. Vi har också funderat på vilka arbetsgivare som bäst kommer att kunna möta vår strävan efter intressanta och utvecklande arbetsuppgifter. I den diskussion som just nu pågår har vi uppmärksammat att många ser organisationer inom den privata sektorn som mer attraktiva än organisationer inom den offentliga. Denna förutfattade mening gjorde oss intresserade av att undersöka om det finns några skillnader av upplevd yrkesstatus mellan kommunikatörer anställda inom de olika sektorerna. Är det någon skillnad och i så fall vilka faktorer är det som påverkar och orsakar dessa skillnader? För att vi skulle kunna belysa och diskutera frågan om det fanns någon skillnad av upplevd yrkesstatus hos kommunikatörer i privat respektive offentlig sektor, valde vi att studera tillfredsställelse och stolthet i yrkesrollen. Ett mål för studien var även att ge förslag på åtgärder som kunde höja kommunikatörers yrkesstatus oavsett vad den är idag. Vi utgick från en kvalitativ ansats och genomförde åtta intervjuer med yrkesverksamma kommunikatörer inom de båda sektorerna. Resultatet av studien visar att samtliga intervjupersoner upplever tillfredsställelse och stolthet i yrkesrollen men att faktorerna som påverkar denna upplevelse skiljer sig åt mellan de båda sektorerna. Inom den privata sektorn tenderar intervjupersonerna att sträva efter yttre bekräftelse medan intervjupersonerna inom den offentliga sektorn tenderar att sträva efter inre bekräftelse. I resultatet kan vi även skönja en förändring i klimatet inom den privata sektorn. Den tidigare så goda tillgången på resurser har minskat och har fått konsekvenser för intervjupersonerna. Kravet på lönsamhet gör att några organisationer inom denna sektor har koncentrerat och flyttat sina kommunikationsenheter till storstäder. Därmed har möjligheterna till personlig utveckling och till avancemang inom organisationen begränsats. En tolkning som vi gör utifrån diskussionen kring centralisering är även att den externa kommunikationen har prioriterats på bekostnad av den interna. För den som är intresserad ser vi här en möjlighet att bygga vidare på vår studie genom att undersöka hur kommunikatörens yrkesstatus har förändrats i organisationer som har centraliserat sina kommunikationsverksamheter. / Today’s communities are characterized by a torrent of goods, services and information and the world around us is getting smaller. That leaves consequences for organisations by demands on effectiveness and the concept strategic communication may be the key to success. We who are studying media and communication are often thinking about which demands and expectations our future employers have on us as communicators. Other thoughts we have around this are which employees that best can meet our endeavor after interesting and developing working tasks. We have noticed that the discussion about employees among students often includes that it is more interesting to work in the private sector than in the public sector. The discussion made us more curious about how the communicators working in respective sectors experienced their own professional status. We wondered if there was any differences, and if, which factors the possible differences was affected and caused by? To be able to discuss and illustrate the question about differences in experienced professional status between communicators working in the public or private sector, we chose too study satisfaction and pride in the professional role. One further goal was to give proposals on measures that could raise communicator’s professional status irrespective of what it is today. We had a qualitative approach and we interviewed four professional communicators in each sector. The result from our study shows that all of the interview persons experience satisfaction and pride in their professional role but the factors that affects the experience is different between the two sectors. The interviewed persons working in the private sector tend to strive against outer confirmation and the interviewed persons in the public sector tend instead to strive against inner confirmation. We can also discern a change in climate in the private sector. The organisations in the private sector are concentrating their communication units to big cities as a result of high demands on profitability. With that has the opportunities of individual development and the chance to advance within the organization been restricted. Our interpretations about concentrating the communication units to bigger cities are that we believe that the external communication will be prioritized on the expense of the internal communication. For those who are interested we here see an opportunity of further studies about the professional role and status of communicators that works in organisations that has concentrated their communications units and see if a difference can be seen.

Perceptions of Duty and Motivations for Service of American Seagoing Officers During the American Revolution

Duerksen, Benjamin 2012 May 1900 (has links)
This study utilizes correspondence, memoirs, and secondary sources to explore the lives and careers of six Continental Navy captains?Esek Hopkins, Joshua Barney, John Paul Jones, Hector McNeill, Lambert Wickes, and John Barry?and reveal the motivational factors of patriotism, a desire for fame and professional advancement, and financial stability which underlay their decisions to seek commissions in the Continental Navy, and influenced their conduct while in the service. Additionally, it suggests that prewar interactions in an "Atlantic World" context influenced the ideological and personal motivations that formed the foundations for service in the Continental Navy. All three motivations played a role in each captain's career and affected their conduct in relation to their understandings of duty, but the degree to which they influenced the captains varied. Although the promise of a steady income helped motivate initial service, financial considerations played a larger role throughout Barney's and Barry's careers than they did for other captains. The desire for fame and personal prestige also affected the conduct and service of all six men, though Jones and Hopkins provide more concrete examples of its influence. Finally, experiences interacting with West Indies and Atlantic trade networks before the war likely influenced the captains' development of revolutionary principles, and their dedication to the United States. In addition to patriotism, Jones professed a devotion to universal principles of liberty and rights, and McNeill perceived the Revolution as an attempt to establish God's Kingdom of the Just. The degree to which each captain succeeded in achieving his goals, and the affect his Continental service had on employment after the Revolution, also varied significantly. Hopkins failed as the navy's commander-in-chief, but his performance did not negatively impact his social and political standing in his native Rhode Island. Unlike McNeill, Captains Barry, Barney and Jones also utilized their networks of friends and acquaintances well, helping them find prestigious and stable employment in other seagoing capacities after the war. Wickes died in 1777, but his brief service also suggests he would have achieved success had he survived.

Facebook & Brand Equity : Firm-created advertising and its effects on the consumer mindset

van Enckevort, Kaya, Ansari-Dunkes, Jasmin January 2013 (has links)
This research addresses an urgent contemporary problem within advertising and brand management in the new era of social networks - how do companies act on social networking platforms and how is this perceived by consumers? Being successful on Facebook is, seemingly, not as straight forward as many might think, and the misuse deriving from misperceptions can create negative brand impacts. This research aims to shed light on the yet under researched topic of firm-created Social Media advertising and its effects on the consumer mindset. This has lead to three overarching research questions, which provides a strong theoretical and practical contribution to the status quo:   RQ1:          What is the influence of the gap between motivational factors to “Like” a brand’s Facebook page and the subsequent firm-created Facebook advertising on perceived advertising value?   RQ2:          What is the influence of perceived advertising value on consumer brand-related activities?   RQ3:                      What is the influence of (1) perceived advertising value and (2) consumer brand-related activities on brand equity?   A quantitative research approach was adopted using a self-administered survey among 101 European Facebook users between 18 and 35. The framework of this research comes from four elements of theory; Uses and Gratifications (U&G) theory to identify the underlying motivational factors to engage with a brand on Facebook, advertising value by Ducoffe (1995), to measure how the brand’s advertising is perceived, consumer brand-related activities (COBRA) by Muntinga, et al. (2011) to classify the level of consumer involvement with the brand on Facebook, and the brand value chain by Keller & Lehmann (2003), which is closely related to consumer-based brand equity as developed by Aaker (1991) and Keller (1993).   The main conclusions of this research include that the gap between initial motivations to start a brand-relationship on Facebook and the subsequent activities performed by the firm is smaller for those in a currently active brand-relationship while it is considerable larger for those who have decided to exit the relationship. Moreover, while not statistically confirmed a clear tendency was identified that the perceived advertising value of a brand on Facebook is attributable to the extent of this gap. In the same vein, the decision to continue or exit a brand-relationship on Facebook is attributable by the level of perceived advertising value. The type and level of interaction with a brand is influenced by the perceived advertising value, however, can be influenced by targeting specific motivations to interact. Both the perceived advertising value and the level/type of interaction with a brand were found to influence the consumer mindset. Especially the form (entertaining, enjoyable) in which advertising is dispersed on Facebook proves to be important.

La dimensió pedagògica en els processos d’adopció internacional. Rellevància de la dimensió educativa en les motivacions inicials per a l’adopció internacional, i en el marc dels processos de formació i valoració de idoneïtat, a Catalunya

Navarro Segura, Lisette 12 July 2012 (has links)
Les adopcions internacionals s’han convertit en una realitat normalitzada a la nostra societat. Aquest fet, fins l’actualitat, s’ha estudiat des de disciplines psicològiques o sociològiques però no pedagògiques. El nostre treball té per objectiu, per tant, avaluar la rellevància de la dimensió pedagògica tant en la motivació inicial dels pares adoptius com en els processos de formació d’aquests per a l’adopció internacional, a Catalunya (Espanya). Concretament la nostra recerca està formada per dos estudis, un sobre les motivacions inicials per adoptar i un altre sobre les activitats formatives per a l’adopció internacional. En el primer estudi s’analitzen qualitativa i quantitativament les motivacions inicials expressades per 362 unitats familiars. El resultat de l’anàlisi és un arbre categorial de motivacions inicials que està estructurat en tres grans categories, que són: a) motivació generalista del desig de ser pares; b) motivacions centrades en els pares, i c) motivacions centrades en l’infant i en l’exercici de les funcions parentals. Respecte el nostre objectiu obtenim que les motivacions inicials dels sol•licitants estan centrades, majoritàriament, en les motivacions focalitzades en els pares i les seves necessitats, i per tant, no en l’exercici de les funcions parentals. Quant al segon estudi, hem analitzat la formació prèvia a l’obtenció del certificat d’idoneïtat, a través de diferents tècniques i instruments com l’observació no participant, entrevistes als professionals, qüestionaris als sol•licitants, i entrevistes a famílies adoptives. El resultat obtingut és que els continguts de la formació vinculats a l’aptitud educadora representen només el 32% dels continguts treballats. Aquest percentatge és major en els equips on hi ha professionals de l’educació, com ara educadors socials i pedagogs. En canvi, aquests continguts s’haurien de treballar més en tant que les famílies adoptives un cop ha arribat el menor tenen problemes associats a l’aptitud educadora que es podrien reduir amb formació. Com a conclusió final, destacar que la dimensió pedagògica no està present de forma rellevant en els inicis dels projectes adoptius i tampoc és l’eix central sobre el que giren els processos formatius dels sol•licitants. En canvi, és una variable determinant per garantir la bona adaptació dels menors adoptats. / Las adopciones internacionales se han convertido en una realidad normalizada en nuestra sociedad. Este hecho, hasta la actualidad, se ha estudiado desde disciplinas psicológicas o sociológicas pero no pedagógicas. Nuestro trabajo tiene por objetivo, por tanto, evaluar la relevancia de la dimensión pedagógica tanto en la motivación inicial de los padres adoptivos como en los procesos de formación para la adopción internacional, en Cataluña (España). Concretamente, nuestra investigación está formada por dos estudios, uno sobre las motivaciones iniciales para adoptar y otro sobre las actividades formativas para la adopción internacional. En el primer estudio se analizan cualitativa y cuantitativamente las motivaciones iniciales expresadas por 362 unidades familiares. El resultado del análisis es un árbol categorial de motivaciones iniciales que está estructurado en tres grandes categorías, que son: a) motivación generalista del deseo de ser padres; b) motivaciones centradas en los padres, y c) motivaciones centradas en el niño y en el ejercicio de las funciones parentales. Respecto a nuestro objetivo obtenemos que las motivaciones iniciales de los solicitantes están centradas, mayoritariamente, en las motivaciones focalizadas en los padres y sus necesidades, y por tanto, no en el ejercicio de las funciones parentales. En cuanto al segundo estudio, hemos analizado la formación previa a la obtención del certificado de idoneidad, a través de diferentes técnicas e instrumentos como la observación no participante, entrevistas a los profesionales, cuestionarios a los solicitantes, y entrevistas a familias adoptivas. El resultado obtenido es que los contenidos de la formación vinculados a la aptitud educadora representan sólo el 32% de los contenidos trabajados. Este porcentaje es mayor en los equipos donde hay profesionales de la educación, como educadores sociales y pedagogos. Sin embargo, estos contenidos se deberían trabajar más en tanto que las familias adoptivas una vez ha llegado el menor tienen problemas asociados a la aptitud educadora que se podrían reducir con formación. Como conclusión final, destacar que la dimensión pedagógica no está presente de forma relevante en los inicios de los proyectos adoptivos y tampoco es el eje central sobre el que giran los procesos formativos de los solicitantes. En cambio, es una variable determinante para garantizar la buena adaptación de los menores adoptados. / International adoptions have become a reality in our society. This, until now, has been studied from psychological or sociological disciplines but not in pedagogy. Our main objective is assessing the relevance of the pedagogical dimension in the initial motivation of adoptive parents and in the training process for international adoption, in Catalonia (Spain). Specifically, our research consists of two studies, one on the initial motivations to adopt and one on the training activities for international adoption. The first study analyzes qualitative and quantitative the initial motivations of 362 families. The result of the first research is an initial motivation category, inside this, there are three main sections. These are: a) a general motivation to want to be parents; b) motivations focusing on parents, and c) child-centered motives and the exercise of parental functions. The obtaining results in the first study shows that the initial motivation focusing on parents is the highest mark of the three sections. On the second study, we analyzed the training to become adoptive parents, through different techniques and tools such as non-participant observation, interviews with professionals, questionnaires to applicants, and interviews with adoptive families. The result is the training content related to “educational ability” represents only 32% of the training. This percentage is higher in teams where there are professionals like social workers and educators. However, the “educational ability” content should be worked harder because the adoptive families have problems related to these abilities, and these difficulties would solve with the help of training. The final conclusion is, emphasize that the pedagogical dimension is not relevant in the beginning of their adoptive project, and the focus on training processes either. Nevertheless, it is a determining factor to ensure the successful adaptation of adopted children.

Sociala fotografer : En studie av bilddelning på sociala medier / Social photographers : A study of image sharing through social media networks

Wigren, Marcus, Carlsson, Johan January 2011 (has links)
Dagens teknik erbjuder en mängd olika sätt för människor att kommunicera och interagera med varandra. Denna uppsats är en studie i bilddelning på sociala medier med fokus på amatörfotografers användande av tekniken i syfte för att nå ut med sina fotografier. Huvudfokus lades på vad för strategier de använde sig av, men även på användarnas olika målsättningar. Med hjälp av tidigare forskningsarbeten och djupgående intervjuer har vi lyckats återkoppla den egna empirin med våra teoretiska utgångspunkter och dragit slutsatsen att användandet av sociala medier i syftet för att nå ut med sina bilder till andra människor varierar väldigt stort från person till person. Hur tekniken används för detta syfte är därmed unikt för den individuelle användaren, dock har vi lyckats identifiera vissa likheter i användandet av sociala medier i dessa syften. / Today’s technology offers a variety of ways for people to communicate and interact with each other. This paper is a study of photo sharing through social media networks with a focus on the amateur photographers’ usage of this technology in order to widen the spread of their pictures. A key focus was placed on what kinds of strategies were used, but also on what kind of motivations the photographers had. Using previous research and in depth interviews we’ve managed to combine our own empirical data with our theoretical interpretations and have come to the conclusion that the use of social media in the purpose of reaching out with photos to other people varies greatly depending on the person being asked. Thus, how this technology is used depends wholly on the individual user. However, we have managed to identify some similarities in the usage social media for these purposes.

Kommunikatören inte bara ”nice to have” utan ”need to have” : En jämförande studie av kommunikatörens upplevda yrkesstatus i privat respektive offentlig sektor / The communicator not only ”nice to have” but ”need to have” : A study that compares the experienced professional status among communicators working in the private respective the public sector

Kjerrman, Charlotta, Larsson, Maria, Vorkapic, Nikolina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Vårt samhälle idag präglas av ett ökat flöde av varor, tjänster och information och avståndet till världen runt omkring oss krymper. För organisationer innebär detta att kravet på effektivitet har blivit ett faktum och i samband med information kan begreppet strategisk kommunikation vara nyckeln till framgång. Vi som studerar medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap funderar ofta på vilka krav och förväntningar kommande arbetsgivare har på oss kommunikatörer som snart ska ut på arbetsmarknaden. Vi har också funderat på vilka arbetsgivare som bäst kommer att kunna möta vår strävan efter intressanta och utvecklande arbetsuppgifter. I den diskussion som just nu pågår har vi uppmärksammat att många ser organisationer inom den privata sektorn som mer attraktiva än organisationer inom den offentliga. Denna förutfattade mening gjorde oss intresserade av att undersöka om det finns några skillnader av upplevd yrkesstatus mellan kommunikatörer anställda inom de olika sektorerna. Är det någon skillnad och i så fall vilka faktorer är det som påverkar och orsakar dessa skillnader?</p><p>För att vi skulle kunna belysa och diskutera frågan om det fanns någon skillnad av upplevd yrkesstatus hos kommunikatörer i privat respektive offentlig sektor, valde vi att studera tillfredsställelse och stolthet i yrkesrollen. Ett mål för studien var även att ge förslag på åtgärder som kunde höja kommunikatörers yrkesstatus oavsett vad den är idag. Vi utgick från en kvalitativ ansats och genomförde åtta intervjuer med yrkesverksamma kommunikatörer inom de båda sektorerna.</p><p>Resultatet av studien visar att samtliga intervjupersoner upplever tillfredsställelse och stolthet i yrkesrollen men att faktorerna som påverkar denna upplevelse skiljer sig åt mellan de båda sektorerna. Inom den privata sektorn tenderar intervjupersonerna att sträva efter yttre bekräftelse medan intervjupersonerna inom den offentliga sektorn tenderar att sträva efter inre bekräftelse. I resultatet kan vi även skönja en förändring i klimatet inom den privata sektorn. Den tidigare så goda tillgången på resurser har minskat och har fått konsekvenser för intervjupersonerna. Kravet på lönsamhet gör att några organisationer inom denna sektor har koncentrerat och flyttat sina kommunikationsenheter till storstäder. Därmed har möjligheterna till personlig utveckling och till avancemang inom organisationen begränsats. En tolkning som vi gör utifrån diskussionen kring centralisering är även att den externa kommunikationen har prioriterats på bekostnad av den interna. För den som är intresserad ser vi här en möjlighet att bygga vidare på vår studie genom att undersöka hur kommunikatörens yrkesstatus har förändrats i organisationer som har centraliserat sina kommunikationsverksamheter.</p> / <p>Today’s communities are characterized by a torrent of goods, services and information and the world around us is getting smaller. That leaves consequences for organisations by demands on effectiveness and the concept strategic communication may be the key to success. We who are studying media and communication are often thinking about which demands and expectations our future employers have on us as communicators. Other thoughts we have around this are which employees that best can meet our endeavor after interesting and developing working tasks. We have noticed that the discussion about employees among students often includes that it is more interesting to work in the private sector than in the public sector. The discussion made us more curious about how the communicators working in respective sectors experienced their own professional status. We wondered if there was any differences, and if, which factors the possible differences was affected and caused by?</p><p>To be able to discuss and illustrate the question about differences in experienced professional status between communicators working in the public or private sector, we chose too study satisfaction and pride in the professional role. One further goal was to give proposals on measures that could raise communicator’s professional status irrespective of what it is today. We had a qualitative approach and we interviewed four professional communicators in each sector.</p><p>The result from our study shows that all of the interview persons experience satisfaction and pride in their professional role but the factors that affects the experience is different between the two sectors. The interviewed persons working in the private sector tend to strive against outer confirmation and the interviewed persons in the public sector tend instead to strive against inner confirmation. We can also discern a change in climate in the private sector. The organisations in the private sector are concentrating their communication units to big cities as a result of high demands on profitability. With that has the opportunities of individual development and the chance to advance within the organization been restricted. Our interpretations about concentrating the communication units to bigger cities are that we believe that the external communication will be prioritized on the expense of the internal communication. For those who are interested we here see an opportunity of further studies about the professional role and status of communicators that works in organisations that has concentrated their communications units and see if a difference can be seen.</p>

Chinese students' perception of, orientation towards and identification with English through transnational higher education

Du, Xiangping January 2009 (has links)
Given the international status and importance of English, English language study has attracted millions of Chinese learners. Apart from those who study abroad, more and more Chinese students are motivated to study in English-medium Transnational Higher Education (THE) programmes inside China. English is a diversifying and fragmenting language that has various functions and can be used for different purposes. Whilst, according to many scholars, English has broken free from the ownership of ‘native English’ speakers, Chinese learners of English are still worried about conforming to ‘native-speaker models’ of English and so falling victim to an English linguistic imperialism project, driven by English-medium THE programmes. Accordingly, this research sets out to investigate, the extent to which Chinese learners, in a UK affiliated THE programme in China, feel the need to orientate to or identify with ‘native English’ and its speakers, and run the risk of becoming victims of English linguistic imperialism. Results from a combination of methods: questionnaires, focus group discussions and interviews, show that students’ orientations towards and identification with English and its speakers are diverse, complex and multi-dimensional, and have gone beyond affiliation with ‘native English’ speakers. Studying in English-medium THE programmes does not necessarily lead to English linguistic imperialism, but is a process of interaction where learners may consciously mediate ‘native English’ norms and express individual, local, national or international identities, literally taking advantage of the programmes’ material benefits and deliberately learning the language for international communication. This research suggests that learners in THE programmes are conscious of the overall context individually, nationally and internationally and feel free to orientate to English in ways that are suitable for their own purposes and which represent their preferred identity.

Influence et facteurs incitatifs de la participation des parents dans un programme d’éducation à la nutrition implanté en milieu scolaire : Petits cuistots – Parents en réseaux

Diallo, Fatoumata Binta 11 1900 (has links)
Au cours de leur croissance, les jeunes sont exposés à des facteurs de risques de maladies associés aux habitudes de vie, notamment celles alimentaires. Les interventions scolaires mises en place en vue de modifier leurs comportements nutritionnels sont plus efficaces lorsque les parents prennent part aux activités. Toutefois, les travaux réalisés dans ce domaine font état d’un faible taux de participation des parents dans les activités proposées. Les recherches effectuées sur la participation parentale dans les interventions d’éducation nutritionnelle à l’école, révèlent des lacunes importantes quant à la définition du concept. L’investissement parental y est défini par la fréquence d’apparition des parents à l’école et le rôle de ceux-ci dans les interventions; ce qui constitue, à notre avis, une vision réductionniste des dimensions du concept. De plus, ces études répertoriées dans la littérature mettent l’emphase sur la proportion de parents participants et l’influence de celle-ci quant aux effets sur les enfants, sans se préoccuper de ce qui pourrait expliquer leur implication aux activités proposées. L’objectif de cette thèse est de documenter les mécanismes qui sous-tendent la participation des parents dans les programmes de promotion de la santé dispensés en milieu scolaire. Plus spécifiquement, notre étude vise à identifier la relation entre les différentes dimensions de l’implication parentale et les comportements alimentaires des enfants suite à l’exposition de ces derniers à un projet d’éducation à la nutrition mis en place dans huit écoles primaires de milieux défavorisés de Montréal, le Projet PC-PR, tout en appréciant l’influence de certaines caractéristiques familiales sur ce lien. Puis, explorer la relation entre des facteurs qui motivent les parents à participer et l’investissement de ces derniers dans le projet. La présente recherche est conduite grâce à une analyse secondaire de données d’un échantillon de parents d’enfants fréquentant les écoles qui participent au projet PC-PR (N=502). La participation parentale est conceptualisée en quatre dimensions faisant référence à la notion du mésosystème proposée par Bronfenbrenner (1979), alors que les motifs d’implication sont définis en s’inspirant des travaux de Hoover-Dempsey et Sandler (1995, 1997). Des analyses descriptives, bivariées et multivariées sont effectuées. L’analyse du discours des parents montre une association positive entre la participation parentale aux activités (soit l’investissement à la maison, la communication et la connaissance intermilieu) et le développement de comportements alimentaires des enfants. Des effets modérateurs de certaines variables familiales (la langue, le nombre d’enfants à la maison, l’âge et l’opinion du parent sur la nécessité que l’enfant sache faire à manger) sur cette relation sont aussi identifiés. Les raisons qui poussent un parent à participer (la compréhension du rôle, le sentiment de compétence et les occasions offertes par les ateliers) sont liées à la participation de ce dernier aux activités de cuisine-nutrition. Les résultats de cette recherche contribuent non seulement à l’avancement des connaissances dans le domaine, mais servent de prémisses à une réflexion visant à mieux orienter les interventions en promotion de la santé. / In the course of their growth, young people are exposed to disease risk factors associated with lifestyle, including food. Evidence has shown that school-based interventions implemented to change their dietary behavior are more effective when parents take parts in the activities. However, studies carried out in this areas show a low level of parental involvement in the suggested activities. Research on parental involvement in school nutrition education interventions reveals significant gaps regarding the definition of the concept. Parental involvement is defined by the frequency of appearance of parents in school and the role of these interventions, in what in our view, constitutes a reductionist vision of the dimensions of the concept. Moreover, these studies in the literature emphasize the proportion of participating parents and its effect on children, without being concerned with what could explain their involvement with the suggested activities. The aim of this thesis is to document the mechanisms underlying the involvement of parents in health promotion school-based programs. More specifically, this study aims to identify the relationship between the different dimensions of parental involvement and children feeding behaviors following the exposure of the latter to a nutrition education project implemented in eight primary schools in disadvantaged neighborhoods of Montreal: Project PC – PR, while assessing the influence of certain family characteristics on this link. We also explore the relationship between factors that motivate parents to participate and their investment in the project. This research is a secondary analysis of data from a sample of parents of children attending schools participating in the Project PC-PR (N = 502). Parental involvement is conceptualized in four dimensions with reference to the notion of the mesosystem proposed by Bronfenbrenner (1979), while the factors associated with parental involvement are defined by drawing on the work of Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler (1995, 1997). Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed. Analyses of parental views show a positive association between parental involvement in activities (i.e. home-based involvement, intersetting communications and intersetting knowledge) and the development of children's eating behaviors. The moderating effects of family variables (language, number of children at home, parents’ age and views on the need that the child knows how to eat), on this relationship are also identified. Parents’ motivations for involvement (parental role construction, parents’ sense of efficacy and opportunities offered by the project to encourage parental involvement) are related to the latter's participation in food nutrition activities. The results of this research not only contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field, but provide grounds for a reflection to better guide health promotion interventions.

La résilience sous l'angle de l'autodétermination pour une meilleure santé psychologique des enseignants : déterminer des types de résilience

Zacharyas, Corinne 08 1900 (has links)
Ce projet propose une nouvelle approche de la résilience en vue d’assurer le bien-être chez les enseignants. Les raisons qui nous amènent à un tel intérêt sont notamment le stress intense ressenti dans le corps professoral où la tâche est lourde et particulièrement difficile. Sera donc abordé au chapitre premier, le fait que l’environnement de travail, par ses caractéristiques, génère du stress et des effets néfastes. Par la suite, la résilience étant sollicitée pour retenir les travailleurs en poste, nous décrirons son historique, ce qui nous amènera à soulever une problématique d’importance, notamment le fait qu’elle ne soit pas nécessairement accompagnée d’un bien-être salutaire. En contrepartie, un des indicateurs du bien-être est la motivation autodéterminée. Nous détaillerons ces notions et verrons comment elles sont atteintes par les conditions mêmes de travail. Cette mise en contexte nous permettra, en chapitre deuxième, de concevoir la résilience sous un autre jour grâce à la mise en lien avec les motivations autodéterminées. S’y dessineront deux types importants, dans lesquels motivation et bien-être devraient différer sensiblement. Cela pourrait expliquer la raison d’un bien-être mitigé. Nous terminerons ce chapitre par nos hypothèses. Nous aborderons ensuite la vérification de la proposition de types de résilience sous-tendues par la motivation. Au chapitre troisième, la méthodologie décrira l’échantillon de 465 enseignants québécois du primaire et du secondaire, les différents questionnaires de résilience, motivation et bien-être aux fins de l’étude transversale. Le chapitre suivant traitera des résultats des ANOVA , MANOVA et ANOVA factorielles entreprises. Notamment, les différences statistiques de bien-être et de motivation seront détaillées, ainsi que la non interaction entre motivation et résilience. Les effets principaux de résilience à tous les niveaux de motivation seront décrits. Les résultats obtenus nous permettrons une discussion au chapitre cinquième avant de conclure qu’effectivement, des différences sont observables, que la résilience pourrait s’opérer en deux formes durant lesquelles les motivations et le bien-être sont différents. Il sera possible d’envisager la résilience non pas comme une caractéristique personnelle stable ou un résultat statique, mais comme un processus pouvant prendre différentes formes qu’il serait alors possible de promouvoir. En découle également une mise en garde contre le fait de penser qu’il n’est plus nécessaire d’agir auprès des personnes étiquetées de résilientes. Le soutien semble encore nécessaire pour soutenir un processus efficace. / This project proposes a new approach to resilience in order to ensure well-being among teachers. The reasons which lead us to such an interest include the intense stress experienced by teachers in their work due to the heavy and difficult workload. In Chapter 1 we will discuss the work environment and its characteristics, which generate stressors and adverse effects. We then turn to the concept of resilience which is sought for in the effort to retain workers. We describe its history which will lead into the important issue that resilience is not necessarily accompanied by healthy well-being. One indicator of well-being is self-determined motivation. We explore these concepts and see how they are affected by the conditions in the workplace. This background will allow us in Chapter 2 to develop the concept of resilience in a different way by bringing it into relation with self-determined motivation. We will distinguish between two important types of resilience in relation to which motivation and well-being should differ significantly. We will then examine the proposed types of resilience underpinned by motivation. In Chapter 3 we describe the methodology in a sample study of 465 primary and secondary school teachers including the questionnaires on resilience, motivation and well-being used in this transversal study. The following chapter will discuss the results of ANOVA, MANOVA and factorial ANOVA. In particular, statistical differences in well-being and motivation will be detailed as well as the non-interaction between motivation and resilience. Principal effects of resilience for all levels of motivation will be described. The results will show that resilience can occur in two types in which motivation and well being differ. It will be possible to consider resilience not as a static characteristic but as a process which can take different forms which can be promoted. It follows as well that one should not think that resilient people will never be in need of further intervention. Support remains necessary to ensure an efficient process.

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