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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Inward-Outward Connection of Internationalisation : A Case Study of a Turkish Firm

Rudqwist, Sara, Benalcázar, Susan January 2007 (has links)
In this thesis we wanted to investigate whether there is a connection between the inward and outward internationalisation of a firm. To do this we have conducted a case study on the Turkish telecom company Turkcell. To examine if Turkcell’s inward internationalisation has affected its outward internationalisation we have studied the relationship between Turkcell and Swedish Ericsson. To collect the primary data for our study we performed interviews in Istanbul Turkey with the procurement manager at Turkcell and the strategic manager at Ericsson. Since there is limited research on the inward-outward connection we have chosen to see this connection from Håkansson and Snehota’s relationship perspective. Further, to analyse the results of Turkcell’s outward internationalisation we compared the findings to the Uppsala Internationalisation Process Model to see if it Turkcell’s establishments abroad was affected by the inward internationalisation by Ericsson. We found that Turkcell and Ericsson have a very close relationship which has given Turkcell many resources such as know-how, opportunities and knowledge. Whether these resources have helped Turkcell in their establishments abroad or not is difficult to determine. However we found that Turkcell had ventured abroad relatively fast which indicates that they have gained the relevant knowledge from external sources. As our results show that Ericsson has transferred many resources to Turkcell it is reasonable to conclude that Turkcell’s success abroad is at least partly due to their relationship with Ericsson.

Push-pull’s factors influencing exchange student’s destination choice for study abroad : A case study of the students at JIBS

Vo, Mai-Thuy-Tien, Muntasira, Rafia, Jiang, Ming-ming January 2009 (has links)
‘Internationalisation of higher education’ is considered a significant issue in many countries.One effective way to achieve internationalisation is by having an exchange study program. Thisis something which has been promoted by universities all around the globe. It has been foundthat the experience of studying abroad is beneficial to the students. There has been a trend ofincreasing number of students going to study abroad. In Sweden, Jönköping InternationalBusiness School (JIBS) is one of the most internationalised business schools that promoteexchange studies extensively. To promote study abroad it is important to know what motivatesand influences the students to go on exchange. There has been previous research oninternationalisation and push-pull factors of student mobility which acted as a guideline for thisthesis. Thus it was appealing to study the reasons behind the phenomenon of students goingabroad for exchange studies.The purpose of this paper is to explore the push-pull factors influencing student’s destinationchoice for exchange study abroad. JIBS is the institution where the case study was conducted.The empirical data have been gathered by using a qualitative approach combining face-to-faceinterviews and focus groups with international exchange students and Swedish students. Toanalyse the findings, theories relating to marketing communications in service and productattribution were used.The results derived from the empirical findings show the push-pull factors which motivatestudents to go on exchange. The initial push factor is the promotion and encouragement tostudents for studying abroad by the university. Exchange studies helps to enhance students’personal development with intercultural communication, practicing language skills andtravelling. These skills and experiences add value to their CV.On the other hand the pull factors which the students take into consideration for deciding ontheir host countries and institutions are geographic location, weather, culture, and the economicand social position of the country. Living cost and the education system which includeslanguage used, courses offered, perceived image, communication and cooperation andrecommendations are factors influencing the choices of a student’s decision on the destinationfor studying abroad. The authors in this thesis summarised their findings in a model of pushpullfactors which is specialised only for exchange students. The process of considering thesefactors leads to the outcome of choosing the destination for studying abroad. The authorsbelieve the results of this study can be applied on other universities for further research andmay be appropriate for its own case to focus on areas where it needs to improve.ii

"Local roots, Global reach" : En fallstudie av Pernod Ricards förvärv av Vin

Ericsson, Carina, Noresved, Malin January 2008 (has links)
Syftet är att analysera integrationen i förvärvsprocessen mellan Pernod Ricard och Vin&Sprit genom att göra en fallstudie för att se vilka förutsättningar de har för att lyckas. Undersökningen är en fallstudie och har en kvalitativ ansats. Metoden i denna uppsats kommer att bestå av intervjuer och skriftliga källor. Till största delen används primärdata men även sekundärdata kommer att förekomma. Erfarenhet och tidigare kunskap om internationella förvärv spelar en stor roll vid internationella förvärvsprocesser. Kulturella skillnader verkar inte spela en så stor roll som det ofta sägs. En decentraliserad affärsmodell kan dock förhindra att de eventuella kulturella skillnader som finns inte påverkar förvärvsprocessen negativt. Andra viktiga faktorer vid ett internationellt förvärv är ledarskap, kommunikation och utformandet av en ny vision. / The purpose is to analyze the integration of the acquisition process between Pernod Ricard and Vin&Sprit by making a case study to see what conditions they have to succeed. This study is a case study with a qualitative approach. The method in this paper consists of interviews and written sources. For the most part primary data is used, but secondary data will also occur. Experience and previous knowledge of international acquisitions play a major role in international acquisition processes. Cultural differences do not seem to play as large a role as it is often said. A decentralized business model can, however, prevent potential cultural differences from affecting the acquisition process in a negative way. Other important factors in an international acquisition process are leadership, communication and the creation of a new vision.

Psychic Distance and Emerging Country Multinationals : -a study on the internationalisation of a Chilean multinational company

Karama, Shawgi January 2011 (has links)
This study aims to test the Uppsala Internationalisation model and one of its crucial elements, the concept of psychic distance. The evidence is drawn from a Chilean multinational Business to Business manufacturing company, AJ Ing which has gone international since 1997, 14 years after its inception. The Uppsala model and the concept of psychic distance are discussed and explored as well as other relevant literature. This is followed by a computation of psychic distance between Chile and some of the countries AJ Ing is established in, as well as Kenya where it seeks to establish itself soon. Interviews were then conducted with the Assistant Director of Operations at the company in order to give insight into the company's internationalisation process. The results show that the Uppsala model was followed to some extent. The internationalisation was done in incremental steps and after gaining knowledge and experience, but the notion of psychic distance played a minor direct role in the process.

A Retail Expansion in the UK : A qualitative analysis of smaller Scandinavian fashion companies' expansion options and market potentials in the UK market

Fast, Sara, Ling, Mirjam January 2011 (has links)
The fashion industry has become an industry with high attention, and in recent years Swedish fashion has become a strong name internationally. At the same time, it is a competitive industry where smaller fashion companies are competing with big clothing chains. For these actors it is important to internationalise and enter foreign markets to be able to grow. This requires resources and capital that many of the smaller fashion companies today is missing; market knowledge, export knowledge and commercial knowledge.  This makes it interesting to see what factors are important for smaller Scandinavian fashion companies to succeed in establishing on the international market. The purpose of this dissertation is to evaluate and analyze conditions for three smaller Scandinavian fashion companies' internationalisation process. The study is based on case studies of these fashion companies. Theories have been chosen according to the background. These highlights the importance for companies to have knowledge of their market, and how internationalisation is a process of knowledge in which they learn something from each step. Furthermore, how companies in some cases follow a particular pattern and how the establishment can be done in specific steps. It may be important to develop relations with actors in their environment.  By different theories, the authors have designed an assumption about what is important for the smaller fashion companies.  In the dissertation we have found that the most significant and important factors are collaborations, available resources internally or externally, and to have knowledge of the market. The expansion of the business as a foreign establishment means that companies need to seek help outside their organization to succeed internationally.

A Subcontractors Dilemma : Two Case Studies of Subcontractors' Internationalisation / Underleverantörens Dilemma : Två Fallstudier av Underlevernatörers Internationalisering

Granlund, Henrik, Wållgren, Carl-Fredrik January 2005 (has links)
<p>Subcontractors today find themselves in an increasingly fierce competitive environment, much due to the famous or should we say infamous globalisation. When the big important clients of subcontractors expand over boarders the subcontractor might be obliged to follow them, especially if holding competences of particular value to the outsourcing principal. A subcontractor that thus follow a client abroad might take a great leap, both in regards to what cultural differences or geographical distance might exist as well as the risk associated with such an investment. In this thesis we have highlighted the situation of these so-called client-following subcontractors. The purpose is to investigate how well client-following subcontractors take advantage of opportunities in a new market and how the relationship with the client has affected this.</p><p>We found that a qualitative study would best serve our purpose and to be more specific we chose the method of case studies. Two Swedish subcontractors was selected through certain criteria and contact via an outsourcing principal. These two cases was researched through in-depth interviews but also by gathering secondary data such as financial reports. To further increase our understanding of the research area we put significant focus on building a sound frame of reference. Three main theoretical areas was emphasized; first the internationalisation process, second customer relationship and trust, and third strategic choices for subcontractors.</p><p>In conclusion we found distinct differences in the underlying strategies of the two cases that could be connected to just what laid behind the decision to internationalise. We could develop this picture by looking at the relationship between the subcontractor and its major client in both instances. A relationship in which more long-term objectives are taken into account had a positive effect on the expansionary strategy of the subcontractor.</p> / <p>Underleverantörer idag möter allt hårdare konkurrens vilket till mångt och mycket beror på den välkända, eller ska vi säga den ökända, globaliseringen. När stora och viktiga kunder till underleverantörer expanderar över gränserna kan underleverantörerna vara tvungna att följa efter, speciellt i de fall där dessa har kompetenser av särskilt värde för uppdragsgivaren. En underleverantör som följer efter sin kund kan därför ta ett stort steg, både gällande kulturskillnader och geografiskt avstånd men också den risk som är förknippad med en sådan investering. I denna uppsats har vi belyst situationen för dessa så kallade klientefterföljande underleverantörer. Syftet är att undersöka hur väl klientefterföljande underleverantörer utnyttjar möjligheterna i en ny marknad och hur relationen med klienten har påverkat detta.</p><p>Vi fann att en kvalitativ studie bäst tjänade vårt syfte, för att vara mer exakt valde vi att göra fallstudier. Två svenska underleverantörer valdes utifrån vissa kriterier och via kontakt med en uppdragsgivare. Dessa var sedan undersökta genom djupgående intervjuer men också genom sekundärdata som exempelvis finansiella rapporter. För att ytterligare öka vår förståelse av ämnet lade vi extra vikt på att bygga en gedigen referensram. Tre teoretiska huvudområden identifierades; först själva internationaliseringsprocessen, sedan kundrelationen och tillit, och sist strategiska val för underleverantörer.</p><p>Sammanfattningsvis fann vi distinkta skillnader i de underliggande strategierna av de två fallstudierna vilka kunde kopplas till vad som låg bakom beslutet att internationalisera. Vi kunde utveckla bilden genom att titta på relationen mellan underleverantören och dess huvudkund i båda fallen. En relation som tog mer hänsyn till långtgående mål hade en positiv effekt på den expansiva strategin hos underleverantörerna.</p>

Who am I and where do I belong? Cultural identity conflict, negotiation and intercultural competence among Chinese international students

Yu, Yiting January 2015 (has links)
In order to improve international student enrolment, universities have to tackle challenges of ensuring satisfying experience of enrolled international students that is perceived to greatly impact future recruitment. Accordingly, this research aims to provide valuable insights into Chinese international students’ cultural identity conflict that hinders their obtainment of a positive overseas experience. An online survey assessing a range of predictors of cultural identity conflict involving personality traits, ethnic and host cultural identity strength, intergroup factors and strategies of negotiating ethnic and host cultures, and how identity conflict and various identity negotiation strategies influence intercultural competence, was distributed to the entire pool of Chinese students enrolled in a New Zealand university and an Australian university. A total of 255 students completed the survey. Multiple regression analysis revealed that conscientiousness, secure attachment, commitment to ethnic identity, low perceived discrimination, easy access to academic activities with host students significantly protected Chinese students from experiencing cultural identity conflict, whereas preoccupied and fearful attachment, assimilation strategy increased the risk of identity conflict. Additionally, Alternation between cultural demands as one of variations of integration strategy was surprisingly found to exacerbate identity conflict and led to lower levels of intercultural sensitivity, while the other variation, blending strategy significantly resulted in greater intercultural sensitivity. Managerial implications for educational institutions were discussed based on these results. To advance this field of study, limitations of the current research and future research avenues were also presented.

The internationalisation of software firms : evidence from Brazil : an integrative framework for the study of the impact of business network collaboration on international engagement through exports and imports

Rossiter, Raissa A. January 2011 (has links)
Many studies have recognised the importance of a variety of factors in the internationalisation of firms. Only a few, however, have attempted to integrate these factors into a comprehensive framework. In this study, taking the network approach as its main analytical foundation, an integrative theoretical framework is developed and tested empirically to assess the impact of a wide range of factors on the internationalisation of firms. The internationalisation phenomenon is examined in a more comprehensive manner than in many previous studies, as a two-sided process of both inward and outward international operations. Using logistic regressions in the analysis of empirical evidence gathered through a national survey sample of 148 Brazilian software firms, the theoretical framework proposed in this study obtained substantial support. The findings expand previous knowledge through a comprehensive explanation that incorporates determinant factors from four distinct dimensions - contextual, organisational, network, and entrepreneurial - in examining the internationalisation of firms from emerging markets. The findings indicate that business networks are indeed strategic mechanisms for a firm in developing its internationalisation trajectory, as hypothesised. The results of this research suggest that studies based on the business-network model of internationalisation can no longer ignore the impact of other factors at the contextual, organisational, and entrepreneurial level. Incorporating these elements into research that seeks to explain the internationalisation of firms could provide a more sophisticated understanding through new insights and allow scholars to go beyond one-dimensional and static theorising.

The performance of the internationalization process of Mexican manufacturing firms : an empirical study

Rodriguez-Valle, Alejandro 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
L'étude scientifique de l'internationalisation de la firme est sur le point d'arriver à ses cinquante ans de recherche, toutefois durant tout ce temps, un volume et une variété de matériel considérables ont été réalisés. Il est clair que la recherche réalisée et celle qui est en cours, visent à expliquer, démontrer et créer une nouvelle théorie autour de l'activité internationale des entreprises dont les centres de décisions se situent dans les pays du « monde occidental développé ». Ce qui signifie que presque tout le travail académique, autant la partie théorique qu'empirique, s'efforce de remplir les vides perçus dans les différentes explications de l'internationalisation de la firme de ces pays, à supposer que n'importe quelles généralisations obtenues soient applicables dans le monde, autant développé que non développé. En tout cas, de cet effort de la communauté académique ressort une concurrence fermée afin de réussir à imposer une théorie générale d'internationalisation de la firme, tout en créant dans le processus « écoles de pensée » qui prétendent apporter « la » théorie générale et qui explique le phénomène de l'internationalisation de la firme. Il est indubitable que les apports en matière d'internationalisation, venant des pays appelés « pays développés », ont été diffusés, avec une certaine réussite, tout en impliquant que ces apports sont universellement éminents et applicables. Ceci n'est pas du tout passé inaperçu et de cette manière, des organisations comme la Conférence des Nations Unies pour le Commerce et le Développement (CNUCED) a lancé un appel pour une rencontre d'experts afin d'explorer l'élargissement de la capacité des « pays en voie de développement » à travers l'internationalisation de leurs compagnies (CNUCED, 2005). Cette thèse argumente que la théorie de l'internationalisation de la firme a besoin d'une recherche scientifique du phénomène dans des contextes alternatifs, comme dans les pays appelés « pays non développés ». Une telle activité de recherche doit éclairer la discussion sur le fait que pour être comprise, il faut que l'internationalisation soit d'abord mise en contexte. En suivant cette réflexion, nous avons étudié l'internationalisation de la firme mexicaine. Le Mexique fait partie des quinze plus grandes économies mondiales, c'est aussi un participant actif dans le commerce et les investissements mondiaux et le Mexique, en collaboration avec le Canada et les États-Unis, a fondé le Traité de Libre Commerce d'Amérique du Nord (A.L.E.N.A) et pourtant la communauté académique des affaires internationales a travaillé de manière limitée sur une théorie de l'internationalisation de la firme mexicaine. Dans ce projet de recherche, nous nous sommes concentré sur la firme mexicaine manufacturière internationalisée et en voie de l'être car cela représente un des secteurs économiques qui possède l'information statistique disponible la plus sophistiquée et complète (Holtbrügge, 2003 ; INEGI, 2005). Nous avons vérifié la littérature correspondante dans le but de positionner notre projet et nous avons développé un cadre conceptuel préliminaire. De la même manière, nous en avons déduit une série de propositions théoriques ou d'hypothèses à démontrer par rapport à ces entreprises mexicaines. Il est utile de mentionner que notre recherche a été éminemment empirique, y compris l'application d'un sondage à partir de bases de données nationales de firmes manufacturières mexicaines. De même, une série d'entretiens a été réalisée auprès de cadres et de chefs d'entreprises en voie d'internationalisation. Ce travail de recherche a eu pour but de produire de nouvelles perspectives théoriques et pratiques sur le phénomène de l'internationalisation de la firme manufacturière mexicaine. Il s'avère que cette recherche a signalé une zone d'études dans laquelle nos travaux de recherche s'inscrivent et qui devraient produire de nombreux résultats. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Internationalisation de la firme, firme industrielle, firme mexicaine, intensité des ventes étrangères, satisfaction avec la performance, entreprenariat.

Buitinės technikos gamybos įmonių produkcijos eksporto galimybių didinimas / The Enlargement of the Opportunities of the Export of The Production of the Domestic Engineering Companies

Žiogelytė, Laura 29 June 2007 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe teoriškai ir remiantis konkrečios įmonės pavyzdžiu buvo išanalizuotos įmonės produkto eksporto išplėtimo galimybės, pasitelkus mokslinę literatūrą, nagrinėjančią pasaulyje vykstančius globalizacijos ir įmonių veiklos internacionalizavimo procesus, pateikti tikslūs ir jau pasaulinės praktikos patvirtinti įmonės eksporto plėtros metodai ir su tuo susiję strateginiai pasirinkimai. Baigiamajame magistro darbe atlikta įmonės internacionalizavimo proceso etapų tipologija ir lyginamoji analizė, suklasifikuoti įmonės vidiniai ir išorinės aplinkos veiksniai, lemiantys įmonės produkcijos eksporto plėtros galimybes ir motyvai, skatinantys įmones plėsti veiklą užsienio rinkose. Išanalizuoti įmonės produkcijos eksporto didinimo būdai, akcentuojant eksporto marketingo strategijos parengimo būtinumą, aprašyta įvairių užsienio šalių patirtis šioje srityje. Išnagrinėti garsiausių autorių įmonės produkcijos eksporto plėtros planavimo proceso etapai. Pateikta eksporto plėtros efektyvumo įvertinimo metodika. Pateikti autorės siūlomi įmonės produkcijos eksporto didinimo proceso etapai. Išanalizuoti ir pagal svarbą surūšiuoti veiksniai, lemiantys buitinės technikos pardavimų apimtį. Pateiktas buitinės technikos gamybos įmonės produkcijos eksporto plėtros modelis, siejantis įmonės veiklos planus su jos galimybėmis. Išnagrinėta konkrečios buitinės technikos gamybos (šaldytuvų) įmonės veikla tarptautinėje rinkoje. Atlikta šaldytuvų gamybos įmonės produkcijos eksporto... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This Master paper is an attempt to discuss strategies, methods, motives and possibilities of the international development of Snaigė SC as well as to present the results of the research. Snaige SC is the only producer of household refrigerators and freezers in Lithuania and the Baltic States. The main objective of this work is to analysis and understand the importance of export readiness for the development of the company in theory and use this information in practice for Ltd. Object of the study: development of export. The aims of the paper are the following: 1. To provide theoretical description of the strategies, essential for the Company’s integration into international business, reveal the methods and motives for international development and give emphasis to potential advantages of such a development. 2. To analyse the international markets in which Snaigė SC participates and introduce the policies and goals of the Company. Export is globally extending the boundaries of the business world. Once a company has decided to sell products overseas, it is necessary to develop an export plan. An effective export plan will help evaluate your strengths and weaknesses when entering the export market. But before preparing an export plan economists recomment making export analysis, as with any other business practice, exporting comes with its own set of opportunities and challenges that you must know beforehand. The export Diagnostic will help to evaluate your export readiness and... [to full text]

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