Spelling suggestions: "subject:"difficulties."" "subject:"ifficulties.""
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Stöd till föräldrar med autismspektrumtillståndDahlberg, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate what kind of support a parent with autism spectrum disorder receives from the municipality and further the purpose was investigate which possibilities and difficulties professionals are experience in their work with these parents. To answer this subject empirical material was collected with a qualitative method in form of four semi-structured interviews. Interviews wore made with four people, with three different positions of employment. To analyse the gathered material the method coding and thematization were used. The empirical material was later analysed using current knowledge in the field and Goffman's theory of stigma.The results showed that the professionals often do have a good picture of what type of difficulties the parents have. They all work to support the parents but they have got different possibilities to do so. Further the results show that most parents with autism spectrum disorder can be satisfying in their role as parent as long as they are given the right amount of support in a longer period of time. There is also signs that knowledge about these parent are varied and that there is some confusion about each others task assignments.
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Anmälningsplikten 14:1 SoL - Utmaningar och etiska överväganden vid processen av en orosanmälan- yrkesverksammas perspektivLjunggren, Siv, Bilal, Ernisa January 2020 (has links)
This study examines the convoluted challenges of different professions and their duty to report to Social Services if suspicion or knowledge of a child being in physical or mental danger occurs. In Sweden this is regulated by the law 14:1 SoL that requires personnel in their work with minors to report the slightest concern of danger without any circumstances. Previous research studies have found that there are noticeable lack of reports within the professions covered by this law. The degree of reporting differs between the professional groups that have a reporting obligation, but what all have in common is that the reporting rate is low in all. Therefore, the aim of this study has been to examine different professionals’ experiences of being in the process of reporting concern of a child, with focus on possible contexts that put professionals in ethically difficult situations. To answer these questions we’ve performed semi-structured interviews with six different professionals from four different organisations in Malmö. The analysis is based on two theories which are professional ethics and normative ethics. The final conclusions were that these theories combined with the empirical data generated in three different themes that causes difficulties within the process of reporting to Social Services. These themes were: relationships and trust, policies and guidelines, and norms and values. In decision-making, an internal ranking arises between norms, values and obligations in relation to the policies and guidelines that are relevant in the workplace. In the event of disruptions within these factors, it can be difficult to maintain a good and a legally safe work ethic which could lead to a lack of reports to Social Services.
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Upplevelsen av att få en ADHD-diagnos som vuxen : En kvalitativ studie / The experience of getting an ADHD diagnose as an adultJörgensen, Signe Rie Friis, Karaman, Mahir January 2020 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of the study is to see how different it can be to live with an ADHD, as well as how different it is to manage to get an ADHD diagnosis in adulthood. The information is gathered through several qualitative interviews with open questions. The thesis is based on a qualitative study and is based on five interviews with participants, who have been diagnosed in adulthood. The results show that the participants have different experiences of the symptoms and difficulties associated with the diagnosis. The usual symptoms such as attention disorders, impulsivity and hyperactivity are described in different ways by the different participants. Also, how different participants have experienced getting the diagnosis, and the importance of getting help. The conclusion is that the diagnosis manifests itself differently depending on the individual, and that more knowledge is needed and the subject needs attention. / Abstrakt Syftet med undersökningen är att se hur olika det kan upplevas att leva med en ADHD, samt hur olika det är att hantera att få en ADHD diagnos i vuxen ålder. Informationen är insamlad genom ett antal kvalitativa intervjuer med öppna frågor. Uppsatsen baseras på en kvalitativ undersökning och bygger på fem intervjuer med deltagare, vilka har diagnostiserades i vuxen ålder. Resultatet visar att deltagarna har olika upplevelser av de symtom och svårigheter som förknippas med diagnosen. De vanliga symtom som uppmärksamhetsstörningar, impulsivitet och hyperaktivitet beskrivs på olika sätt av de olika deltagarna. Även hur olika deltagarna har upplevt att få diagnosen, samt vikten av att få hjälp. Slutsats blir att diagnosen yttrar sig olika beroende på individen, samt att mer kunskap behövs och ämnet behöver uppmärksammas.
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Working with Students with Learning DifficultiesHitt, Sara Beth, false, 01 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Att stödja amning på barnavårdscentralen. : En kvalitativ studie om BVC sjuksköterskans erfarenheter. / Supporting breastfeeding at the child healthcare center. : A qualitative study of the BVC- nurse's experiences.Zaporozhets, Elena January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under en längre tid har man sett sjunkande amningsfrekvens trots flera nationella satsningar för att skydda amningen. Idag vet vi mer om amningens påverkan på kvinnan och barn och därför är det av största vikt att utforska eventuella hinder samt befintliga styrkor som kan påverka amningen i positiv eller negativ riktning. BVCsjuksköterskan står för den senare del av vårdkedjan, där ett stort antal kvinnor väljer att avbryta initierad amning av en eller annan anledning, och har därmed en chans att påverka utfallet. Motiv: Trots allt sjunkande amningsfrekvens i Sverige återfanns få artiklar som berörde BVC sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av amningsstöd. Genom att undersöka BVCsjuksköterskans upplevelser av att ge amningsstöd på barnavårdscentralen görs det möjligt att lyfta fram hinder och styrkor i att ge amningsstöd till nyblivna föräldrar. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att belysa BVC sjuksköterskors erfarenheter kring amningsstöd på barnavårdscentralen. Metod: Individuella, semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Resultaten analyseradesmed kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Sex distriktssköterskor yrkesverksamma på barnavårdscentraler i en mellanstor svensk stad ingick i studien. Resultat: Studiens resultat visade att BVC sköterskornas erfarenheter kring amningsstödpå barnavårdscentralen varierar. Efter analys av intervjuer kunde tre olika kategorier identifieras: ”BVC sjuksköterskans utmaningar”, ” Det kan vara svårt att nå föräldrar med rätt information” samt ”Att stötta amning på föräldrarnas villkor”. Dessa kategorier kunde sammanföras i ett gemensamt tema ”Det är utmanande för BVC sjuksköterskan att ge amningsstöd”. Konklusion: Att ge amningsstöd på BVC är utmanande. Det framkom vara betydelsefullt med riktlinjer för likvärdig amningsrådgivning samt behov av bättre amningsutbildning och kompetensutveckling. Tidspress framhävdes i samtliga intervjuer vilket påverkade möjlighet till att upptäcka och förebygga amningskomplikationer. Det framkom som viktigt att nå kvinnorna med rätt information för att kunna stötta realistiska förväntningar kring amning, kvinnornas självkänsla samt mående. Det belystes hur viktigt det är för BVC sjuksköterskan att arbeta med föräldrar mot samma mål och stötta deras val kring amning. Att synliggöra utmaningar BVC sjuksköterskor står inför, kan ge en riktlinje om vilka somförändringar behövs för att BVC sjuksköterskor ska få det stöd de behöver för att vända amningsfrekvensen uppåt. Studien kan även hjälpa den enskilda BVC sjuksköterskan att reflektera över sitt arbete med amning. Mer omfattande forskning krävs för att få en djupare förståelse kring BVC sjuksköterskors erfarenheter kring amningsrådgivning på barnavårdscentralen. / Background: For a long time, declining breastfeeding frequency has been contribute to several national initiatives to protect breastfeeding. Today we know more about the impact of breastfeeding on women and children. Therefore, it is of most importance to explore obstacles and strengths that can possibly affect breastfeeding in a positive or negative direction. The BVC-nurse is responsible for the later part of the care chain, where a large number of women interrupt initiated breastfeeding for one or another reason, and thus have a chance to influence the outcome. Motive: Despite the declining frequency of breastfeeding in Sweden, few publications were found concerning the BVC-nurse's experience of breastfeeding support. By examining the BVC-nurse's experiences of providing breastfeeding support at the childcare center, it is possible to highlight obstacles and strengths in providing breastfeeding support for new parents. Aim: The aim of the study is to high light the BVC-nurse's experiences regarding breastfeeding support at the childcare center. Methods: Individual, semi-structured interviews were conducted. The results wereanalyzed using qualitative content analysis. Six district nurses working at a childcare centers in a medium-sized Swedish city were included in the study. Result: The results of the study showed that the BVC nurses' experiences of breastfeeding at the childcare center varied. After analysis of interviews, three different categories were identified: "BVC nurse's challenges ", “It can be difficult to reach parents with the right information" and "Supporting breastfeeding on parental terms". These categories could be brought together in a common theme "It is challenging for the BVC nurse to provide breastfeeding support.” Conclusion: Providing breastfeeding support at BVC is challenging. It turned out to be important with guidelines for equivalent breastfeeding counseling and the need for better breastfeeding training and competence development. Time pressure was emphasized in all interviews, which affected the ability to detect and prevent breastfeeding complications. It emerged as important to reach the women with the right information to be able to support realistic expectations about breastfeeding, women's self efficacy and well-being. It was highlighted how important it is for the BVC nurse to work with parents towards the same goal and support their choices about breastfeeding. By highlighting the challenges BVC nurses face, can provide a guideline on what changes are needed for BVC nurses in order to receive the support they need to turn the frequency of breastfeeding upwards. The study can also help the individual BVC nurse to reflect on her work with breastfeeding. More extensive research is needed to gain a deeper understanding of BVC nurses' experiences of breastfeeding counseling at the childcare center.
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En förenklad modell avintensivundervisning.- Modellens påverkan på en elev i matematiksvårigheter och modellens möjligheter och utmaningar för lärareNordqvist, Louise January 2021 (has links)
It is the school's responsibility to give the students teaching that can encourage theirdevelopment and learning. One teaching method that has proven to be beneficial for studentsin math difficulties is intensive instruction. The purpose of this study was therefore to study,through a case study, how a simplified model of intensive instruction can impact a student inmath difficulties and his/her learning. The case study also highlights opportunities andchallenges with using the simplified model as a teacher. The results showed that the intensiveinstruction model had a positive effect on the student in several ways, but that the teacher shouldnot be too guiding if the teaching is going to be beneficial for the student. The results alsoshowed that the teacher needs to have good mathematical competence and that the teachingshould adapt the instruction to the student's conditions and needs. Another valuable result isthat the intervention gave positive learning effects in a relatively short time which might makeschools and teachers more willing to try using the simplified model of intensive instruction. / Det är skolans ansvar att erbjuda en undervisning som främjar alla elevers utveckling och lärande. Ett arbetssätt som visat sig vara fördelaktigt för att främja lärandet hos elever i matematiksvårigheter är intensivundervisning. Den här studien har därför haft till syfte att, genom en fallstudie, undersöka hur en förenklad modell av intensivundervisning kan påverka lärandet hos en elev i matematiksvårigheter. Fallstudien undersökte även de möjligheter och utmaningar som finns med att som lärare genomföra en förenklad modell av intensivundervisning. Resultatet visade att intensivundervisningen påverkat eleven positivt i flera avseenden men att läraren inte får vara för lotsande om undervisningen ska bli fördelaktig för eleven. Resultatet visade även att läraren behöver ha en god matematisk kompetens och att undervisningen bör anpassas till elevens förutsättningar och behov. Ytterligare ett värdefullt resultat utifrån fallstudien är att interventionen gav resultat på kort tid och det kan bidra till att allt fler skolor och lärare vågar pröva denna undervisningsform.
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Specialpedagogiskt perspektiv på komorbiditet : Hur arbetar speciallärare och specialpedagoger vid komorbiditet; dyslexi och ADHD? / Special Educational Perspective on Comorbidity : How Do Special Needs Teachers and Special Educators Work with Comorbidity; Dyslexia and ADHD?Dunlop, Ulrika January 2019 (has links)
Följande studie undersöker speciallärare och specialpedagogers arbete med och kring elever vid komorbiditet; dyslexi och ADHD. Studien utgår från tre frågeställningar. Syftet är att frågeställningarna ska belysa vilken betydelse diagnoser har för speciallärare och specialpedagoger i arbetet för och med elever vid komorbiditet. Studien undersöker dessutom vilka insatser som underlättar skolsituationen för elever vid komorbiditet samt vilka arbetssätt som främjar lärandet vid komorbiditet. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metodansats och baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre speciallärare och trespecialpedagoger från grundskolan årskurs-f6. Resultaten från studien visar att samtliga informanter menar att en diagnos aldrig får avgöra om elever har rätt till stöd och anpassningar i skolan. Diagnoser, menar informanterna, kan vara användbart som ett verktyg för åtgärder. Informanterna menar samtidigt att ett alltförstort fokus på diagnoser kan leda till ett kategoriskt perspektiv på skolsvårigheter. Speciallärare och specialpedagoger, som deltagit i studien, menar att de har en central och avgörande roll att, med sin kompetens, handleda personal och stötta skolelever vid komorbiditet. Det kan ske i form av utveckling av lärmiljön, extraanpassningar, kompensation och färdighetsträning. Resultaten i denna studie synliggör att det specialpedagogiska uppdraget, enligt informanterna, består i att ta hänsyn till olika perspektiv och behov som finns i skolan.
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Asymmetric information, principal-agent behaviour and governance mechanisms in the South African lamb supply chainVan der Merwe, Melissa January 2017 (has links)
The recent addition of Karoo Lamb to South Africa’s repertoire of products with a regional
identity attracted extensive publicity. The news headlines that spoke of challenges to protect
the geographical name, discrepancies among supply chain stakeholders and the outright
opportunism and exploitation of the geographical name made Karoo Lamb a particularly
interesting case study to examine.
Regrettably, the niche product “Karoo Lamb” has not yet come to its own. In an effort to
support the development of this initiative, the thesis sets out to address the central question;
“How do we increase farmer participation in differentiated product supply chains, whilst
discouraging opportunistic behaviour so that the performance of these chains can be
The overarching question, mentioned above, is addressed in four independent but related
research papers by using the differentiated Karoo Lamb supply chain as a case study. The
specific questions considered in these papers are:
What are the claims most vulnerable to opportunistic behaviour?
What drives a farmer’s tendency to behave opportunistically, and how can these
drivers be used to prevent opportunistic behaviour? What factors encourage a farmer to participate in a differentiated supply chain?
What enforcement mechanisms are best suited to prevent the opportunistic behaviour
of farmers?
What governance mechanisms are currently employed to govern the supply chain?
Are the governance and enforcement mechanisms properly aligned to guarantee the
authenticity of the differentiated product?
The thesis employed the principals of agency theory, transaction cost economics, and
contract theory to address the practical problems faced by the Karoo Meat of Origin
certification scheme.
The thesis combined quantitative and qualitative research methods to analyse the data
collected from four primary stakeholders involved in the Karoo Lamb supply chain. From
the total population of 209 certified Karoo Lamb farmers, 73 farmers were interviewed on
their farms in the Karoo region. In addition to the farmers, five abattoirs, two processors
and/or packers and five retail outlets were interviewed.
Results supported the expectation that a farmer’s decision to invest in the collective
reputational capital of a product is shaped by his/her relationship with the abattoir, and the
ease with which business is conducted. The easier it is for the farmer to do business with the
abattoir the more likely the farmer is to invest in the Karoo Lamb initiative. Other, more
personal attributes, such as the farmer’s risk profile, education and his/her network also
proved to influence his/her willingness to invest in the collective reputation.
The efforts to increase the membership base of Karoo Lamb contributes to the success story
of Karoo Lamb. The success of the initiative, however, remains threatened by opportunism.
The investigation revealed the “from the Karoo” and “free range” claims as the most
vulnerable to opportunistic behaviour specifically during times of droughts. The study
further revealed a lack of information exchange between the farmers and abattoirs,
specifically regarding droughts, feeding practices and disease treatments, as the leading
driver for opportunistic behaviour. An increase in information sharing, within the farmer
network, and with the abattoir, is therefore recommended. This is the main strategy to reduce
or eradicate the opportunistic behaviour of farmers. In addition to broadening farmer investments in the reputational capital of Karoo Lamb and
to preventing the opportunistic behaviour of farmers, the success of the Karoo Lamb
initiative also requires an alignment between the enforcement and governance mechanisms.
The investigation supported the notion that the State-appointed third party is relatively
unsuccessful when it specifically comes to the monitoring of the Karoo farmers for
compliance with production standards. Due to the failure of the third party, the thesis made
an attempt to explore alternative monitoring and enforcement mechanisms. The results
indicate that the majority of the Karoo Lamb stakeholders preferred monitoring and
enforcement mechanisms that include more frequent monitoring and stricter prosecution
strategies to deal with non-compliant stakeholders.
Owing to many years of commodity style operations throughout the supply chain, the correct
vehicle for ensuring the proper implementation of the enforcement mechanisms remains a
challenge. The assessment of the Karoo Lamb supply chain reveals non-contractual
arrangements with qualified partners as being the most frequently utilised governance
mechanism. However, this mechanism is not sufficient when the third party fails to monitor
and enforce the production standards accurately. Therefore, with a view to ensuring the
credibility of Karoo Lamb, a move to toward more hierarchical arrangements, are expected,
which would provide a stronger focus on private or mutual enforcement mechanisms. This
means that the stakeholders in the supply chain would be jointly responsible for the
credibility of the product and therefore jointly responsible for the enforcement of quality and
origin standards. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Red Meat Research and Development SA / Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation / Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development / PhD / Unrestricted
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An investigation into teachers’ abilities to engage parents of learners to assist their children with learning difficultiesMtonjeni, Mlamli Christopher January 2020 (has links)
Magister Artium (Child and Family Studies) - MA(CFS) / Parental involvement in the process of implementing inclusive education is one of the major considerations for ensuring support, especially to learners with learning difficulties. The involvement of parents in their children’s education has been found to have a positive contribution and results in good learning outcomes. In the South African context, the Education White Paper 6 (EWP 6) and the policy on Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support (SIAS) emphasizes the importance of the role of parents in the process of implementing inclusive education. This study aimed to explore the ability of teachers to engage parents to assist their children with learning difficulties. A qualitative research method with a phenomenological research design was deemed suitable for the nature of this study with Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological systems theory as a theoretical lens to underpin this study.
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Med språkstörning på Gymnasiet : Elevers uppfattningar av sin skolsituationRamström, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Forskning visar på att det är svårt för elever med språkstörning att ta till sig undervisningen i skolan. Deras svårigheter kan te sig på olika sätt, men det är vanligt med svårigheter kring att tänka språkligt, läsa och skriva. Behovet av stöd är stort och skolan är skyldig att anpassa undervisningen efter elevernas och behov. Många lärare är dock osäkra på hur de ska tillmötesgå dessa elevers olika behov. Genom denna uppsats undersöker jag hur elever uppfattar sin skolsituation på gymnasiet samt vilket stöd de upplever att de är hjälpta av. Det framkommer att eleverna uppfattar diagnosticeringen på olika sätt. En del beskriver den som en möjlighet medan andra uppfattar den som ett hinder. De svårigheter eleverna upplever i skolan gäller läsning, skrivning, ordförståelse samt trötthet. Beroende på vilket behov eleverna har och vad skolan erbjuder så använder de sig av olika stöd i skolan. Det handlar om speciallärare, tekniska hjälpmedel och lyhörda ämneslärare. / Research shows that it is difficult for students with language disturbance to attend school classes. Their difficulties can teem in different ways, but it is common with difficulties in thinking linguistically, reading and writing. The need for support is large and the school is obliged to adapt the teaching to students and needs. However, many teachers are uncertain how to accommodate these students' different needs. Through this essay, I investigate how students perceive their school situation in high school and what support they feel they are helped by. It appears that the students perceive the diagnosis in different ways. Some describe it as an opportunity while others perceive it as an obstacle. The difficulties students experience in school concerns reading, writing, word understanding and fatigue. Depending on the needs of the students, they use different support in school. It is about specialist teachers, technical aids and attentive subject teachers.
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