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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jämställdhetsarbete i grundskolan / Gender equality in primary school

Hultman, Hanna, Bondza Olsson, Emma January 2022 (has links)
In today's schools, gender equality is a widely discussed topic among pedagogues. During our internship we had a differencing experience regarding the equality work done by each school. The aim of this study is to investigate how pedagogues teach gender equality in primary school and what difficulties that brings to the educational process. This was approached by gathering information from various papers published online in databases made available to us by Malmö University. We chose to restrict the search parameters to include mostly Swedish research as it’s mostly relevant for our line of work. The result shows research about how Swedish and some international schools work with gender equality. Most of the papers also include difficulties when teaching gender equality. The conclusion of the discussion is that pedagogues use different methods when teaching about the topic. For example value transmission, equality work is not included in regular teaching and to use books in gender equality work. Some difficulties have occurred. For example lack of competence, lack of time, a feeling that the assignment is difficult to interpret and that books contain the traditional gender roles, which complicates gender equality work. We have come up with how to further research the values.

Kooperativt lärande & matematiksvårigheter år 4–6 / Cooperative learning & mathematics difficulties grade 4-6

Persson, Daniel, Johnsson Fahim, Latifa January 2022 (has links)
I denna kunskapsöversikt har vi undersökt om det finns forskning som behandlar huruvida kooperativt lärande är att arbetssätt som gynnar elever i grundskoleåldern. Vi väljer att särskilt fokusera på elever i matematiksvårigheter. Kunskapsöversikten är systematiskt utförd genom sökningar i sökmotorer för akademiska texter. Vi har valt ut artiklar efter dess relevans i förhållande till våra sökord. Resultaten presenteras därefter tematiskt utifrån gruppindelning vid kooperativt lärande, problemlösning som arbetssätt och förmåga samt elever i matematiksvårigheter och deras progression i samband med kooperativt lärande. Resultat som visar på god progression vid kooperativt lärande när struktur och arbetsgång är välplanerat och tid för implementering funnits. I vår diskussion så resonerar vi kring hur användbara våra resultat är i en verklig kontext, d v s ett “vanligt” klassrum. Vi skriver om vikten av fungerande grupper för ett gott resultat av kooperativt lärande, detta med kopplingar till sociokulturell teori. Inom kooperativt lärande så används ofta problemlösning som arbetssätt. Det används som ett sätt att öva på förmågor som resonemang och metod. Det lyfter vi upp utifrån de studier vi har använt.

Hur förskollärare stödjer barn med inlärningssvårigheter : Med utgångspunkt från språk och matematik / How preschool teachers support children with learning difficulties : Based on language and mathematics

Emma, Adolfsson January 2021 (has links)
Syftet för detta arbete har varit att se hur personal inom förskolor kan stödja barn som har svårigheter inom matematik och språk. Men också om det går att tydligt se och om man kan diagnotisera svårigheterna. Samt vilka verktyg man kan använda sig av om man ser tecken på att något barn har några inlärningssvårigheter såsom dyslexi och dyskalyli. Studien utgår från två frågor som besvaras och den första lyder: Vilken typ av allmäna och särskilda inlärningssvårigheter inom språk och matematik erfar förskollärare hos barn som är 5-6 år? Den andra frågan lyder: Hur skapar förskollärare sätt för att stödja dessa barn med särskilda inlärningssvårigheter? Den metod som har använts för att besvara studiens forskningsfrågor är en enkätstudie som personal inom förskolan har svarat på. Det var åtta förskollärare som svarade på den utskickade enkäten. Efter analys delades svaren in i olika teman. Slutsatsen blev att det är enklare att se barnens svårigheter inom språk till exempel i formen av ett annat modersmål eller försenad språkutveckling. Det uppmärksammades också att det finns många olika stöd som förskolorna använder sig av såsom att läsa böcker eller att använda sig av bilder. Att se svårigheter inom matematiken upplevdes som mycket mer abstrakt men att det upplevdes som enklare att jobba med matematik utifrån barnens egen nivå. Exempel som lyftes var till exempel att använda sig av matematiska begrepp i vardaglga situationer. Dessutom lyfts vikten av att vuxna bör använda sig av de korrekta matematiska begreppen så att barnen lär sig dem.


Buie-Collard, Geoffrey 09 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.


Han, Lu, 0000-0002-3145-4983 January 2022 (has links)
This dissertation study explored the feasibility of using authenticated spoken texts to test L2 Chinese listening comprehension. The spoken texts used in the study were created using an “authenticating” technique, in which scripted spoken Chinese texts were infused with characteristics of real-world, unscripted spoken Chinese. In the first part of the study, 101 “naïve” L1 Chinese speakers reported their attitudes toward various characteristics of the scripted spoken texts and the authenticated spoken texts in a survey questionnaire. Comparisons of the L1 Chinese participants’ attitudes showed that they believed that the authenticated spoken texts were more authentic-sounding than the scripted texts in every measure. This indicates that the authenticity of scripted spoken texts normally used in L2 listening tests can be enhanced by using the text authentication technique. In the second part of the study, L2 listeners’ test performance and listening and test-taking processes during the post-test were examined. For the quantitative data, 184 intermediate and advanced adult L2 Chinese learners completed two listening tests (one pre-test assessing their listening proficiency and one post-test) and questionnaires tapping into their use of listening strategies and test-taking strategies. For the qualitative data, stimulated verbal recalls and verbal reports were employed to elicit another 16 L2 listeners’ verbalizations of their listening and test-taking processes. The comparison of the test scores showed that the listening test using authenticated spoken text as listening input was significantly more difficult than the same test using scripted spoken texts. The comparisons of the questionnaire results showed that the test-takers did not differ in their use of listening strategies and test-taking strategies. Aligned with the quantitative results, the verbal recalls showed that the two groups, despite hearing spoken texts with different degrees of scriptedness, did not adjust their use of listening strategies and test-taking strategies. However, the authenticated spoken texts elicited a greater reliance on lower-level processes compared to the scripted spoken texts. The last part of the study involving the same 16 L2 qualitative participants investigated text-related sources of bottom-up listening difficulties of the two experimental groups through a series of diagnostic listening procedures using L2 oral and written (typing) repetition tasks. It was found that, first, compared to the scripted group, the authenticated group had more phonological decoding difficulties due to connected speech; second, even though the authenticated group had more word segmentation difficulties, this type of listening difficulty seemed to be less severe for both groups compared to the difficulty of phonological decoding; and third, other features commonly found in unscripted spoken Chinese such as filled pauses and false starts did not seem to greatly impede participants’ bottom-up listening processes. The results from the three parts of the study and my experience creating authenticated spoken texts suggest that L2 Chinese test developers should include at least some authenticated spoken texts in their listening tests, because (a) they are more “authentic-sounding”; (b) high-proficiency L2 listeners with extensive Chinese second language learning experiences find them harder to comprehend than scripted texts; and (c) they elicit cognitive processes that better represent the processes in real-world listening. Additional practical and theoretical implications pertinent to test development and L2 Chinese listening instruction are also provided. / Applied Linguistics

Amningssvårigheter vid kort tungband och tungbandsklipp : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av mödrars erfarenheter / Breastfeeding difficulties in relation to tongue-tie and frenotomy : A qualitative interview study of mothers' experiences

Andersson, Sofia, Elmersson, Pamela January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Helamning rekommenderas de första sex månaderna och har många hälsomässiga fördelar för både moder och barn. Svårigheter vid amning kan kopplas till tidiga amningsstopp och kort tungband kan vara en orsak till dessa amningssvårigheter. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa mödrars erfarenheter av amningssvårigheter relaterat till kort tungband och av tungbandsklipp. Metod: Kvalitativ studie med induktiv ansats baserades på semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio informanter via video- eller telefonsamtal, strategiskt utvalda utifrån inklusions- och exklusionskriterier. Materialet analyserades med en tematisk innehållsanalys. Resultat: Mödrarnas erfarenheter av amningssvårigheter relaterat till kort tungband och tungbandsklipp kan visa sig som både fysiska eller psykiska symtom så som smärtande bröstvårtor och ångest. Flera av mödrarna upplevde att deras amningssvårigheter inte blev hörda eller uppmärksammade av vårdpersonalen samt att de upplevde ett bristande stöd. Flera upplevde också att det fanns en kunskapsbrist beträffande kort tungband inom vården och ett fåtal av mödrarna visste inte vad kort tungband var eller vad det innebar. Flera av mödrarna upplevde även att informationen kring själva tungbandsklippet var bristfällig samt vad de kunde vänta sig för resultat efteråt. Slutsats: Mödrar och barn med amningssvårigheter relaterat till kort tungband och tungbandsklipp får olika bemötande, bedömningar och åtgärder beroende på vilken kunskap som den vårdkontakt de möter besitter. Det finns ett behov av att arbeta fram en nationell handlingsplan för kort tungband hos barn för att alla ska få tillgång till samma vård. / Background: Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended the first six months of life and has many health benefits for both mother and child. Difficulties during breastfeeding can be associated with early breastfeeding cessation and tongue-tie can be one of the causes leading to breastfeeding difficulties.  Aim: The aim was to elucidate mothers’ experiences of breastfeeding difficulties in relation to tongue-tie and frenotomy.  Method: A qualitative inductive study based on semi-structured interviews with 10 informants via video- or telephone calls was conducted. Purposive sampling with inclusion- and exclusion criteria was chosen. Data was analyzed using a thematic content analysis.  Result: Mothers’ experiences of breastfeeding difficulties in relation to tongue-tie and frenotomy appear as both physical and psychological symptoms such as nipple pain and anxiety. Many of the mothers expressed that their difficulties were not heard or acknowledged by the health care staff and they also experienced a lack of support. Many of the mothers also experienced a lack of knowledge in the health care system regarding tongue-tie and a few of the mothers did not know what tongue-tie was or what it meant. Several of the mothers also experienced a lack of information regarding the frenotomy and what result they may expect afterwards.  Conclusion: Mothers and children with breastfeeding difficulties in relation to tongue-tie and frenotomy are treated and assessed differently depending on the knowledge of the health care staff. There is a need to develop a national careplan for children with tongue-tie so that all children have the same access to equal care

Ett integrerat perspektiv på litteracitetsundervisning för flerspråkiga elever / An integrated perspective on literacy teaching for multilingual students

Ylenfors, Mari January 2023 (has links)
Föreliggande licentiatuppsats undersöker skolors arbete avseende litteracitetsutveckling för flerspråkiga elever, med utgångspunkt i ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på undervisning och lärande. Syftet var att undersöka och bidra med kunskap om skolors arbete för att utveckla litteracitetsförmåga hos flerspråkiga elever som möter svårigheter i läs- och skrivutvecklingsprocessen, en kunskap som behöver utvecklas för att bidra till en likvärdig utbildning. Licentiatuppsatsen utgår från två forskningsfrågor, varav den första forskningsfrågan undersöker hur skolorna i en kommun arbetar med litteracitetsutveckling med särskilt fokus på flerspråkiga elever i specifika svårigheter med läsning och skrivning. Den andra forskningsfrågan handlar om hur förutsättningar skapas för litteracitetsutveckling hos flerspråkiga elever som möter svårigheter med läsning och skrivning på en skola som fått goda omdömen inom detta område, enligt en rapport från Skolinspektionen.Licentiatuppsatsen baseras på två studier, en webbaserad enkätstudie i en svensk kommun (Studie I) och en fallstudie på en skola i ett flerspråkigt område i en svensk kommun (Studie II). Fallstudien (Studie II), som bygger på metodtriangulering, omfattar deltagande observationer, intervjuer och dokumentanalyser. Analysen av enkätresultatet (Studie I) indikerar att det finns en tonvikt på kartläggning och träning av kodknäckande aspekter på andraspråket svenska och att det finns ett behov av att utveckla skolornas arbete med att tillvarata flerspråkiga elevers språkliga resurser vid identifiering av läs- och skrivsvårigheter.I studie II visar resultatet att litteracitetsundervisningen innehöll olika aspekter av läs- och skrivförmåga och ett flerspråkigt perspektiv på litteracitetsundervisning framträdde. Lärarna visade ett starkt engagemang för elevernas läs- och skrivutveckling och använde varierade uttryckssätt och arbetsmetoder för att utveckla elevernas litteracitetsförmåga. / This licentiate thesis examines schools’ literacy work for multilingual students, taking the sociocultural perspective of teaching and learning as point of departure. The purpose is to investigate and contribute knowledge about schools’ work to develop literacy skills in multilingual students who experience challenges with reading and writing. This knowledge needs to be developed to contribute to equity in education. The research is based on two research questions. The first investigates how, according to the schools in a municipality, report that literacy practices have been designed with a particular focus on multilingual students experiencing specific difficulties with reading and writing. The second question concerns how conditions are created for literacy development in multilingual students who encounter difficulties with reading and writing, in a school that has received good ratings in this field according to a School Inspectorate report. The licentiate thesis is based on two studies, a web-based questionnaire study in one Swedish municipality (Study I) and a case study in a school in a multilingual area in one Swedish municipality (Study II). In the thesis, a theoretical framework model has been developed based on Luke and Freebody’s four resources model (1997, 1999) and Cummins’ theoretical work on multilingual students’ literacy development (2000, 2016). This integrated model has been used for the analysis in Study II and has been further elaborated and explained in the licentiate thesis. The case study (Study II), using methodological triangulation, includes participant observations, interviews and document analyses. The analysis of the questionnaire data (Study I) indicates an emphasis on code-breaking aspects in the mapping and training of literacy skills in most schools. The results show that there is a need to develop schools’ efforts to utilise the linguistic resources of multilingual pupils when identifying literacy difficulties and also to develop cooperation with mother tongue teachers and study coaches. In Study II, literacy teaching included different aspects of literacy and emphasised a multilingual perspective on literacy teaching. The teachers demonstrated a strong commitment to the students’ literacy development and used a wide range of expressions and working methods to maximise the students’ literacy skills. The findings also indicate that the teachers’ efforts to identify emerging difficulties in reading and writing, based on close monitoring, resulted in supporting measures at an early stage, which may have prevented literacy difficulties. The findings further indicate that the school leaders’ organisation of resources and approaches to multilingualism influenced towards, and in different ways created conditions for, relational leadership and differentiated teaching, and provided support within the classroom in the literacy teaching to multilingual pupils.

Povinnosti člena statutárního orgánu kapitálové společnosti v hospodářských potížích / Duties of a member of governing body of a limited company in financial difficulties

Langr, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Duties of a member of governing body of a limited company in financial difficulties Abstract This thesis discusses duties of a member of governing body of a limited company in financial difficulties, specifically chosen institutes not only from corporate law but from insolvency law as well. The main goal of this thesis is to define period of financial difficulties and to create a basic overview of legal duties that are connected to this period. When analysing individual duties, where I take into consideration conclusions from specialised literature and from decisions of the courts, I focus on problematic parts of the enacted law. The thesis proposes de lege ferenda propositions and also reflects on the amendment to the Business Corporations Act. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter deals with the due managerial care and diligence. It is the key duty, which is imposed on the members of governing body of a limited company. In the second chapter I discuss the state of financial trouble of the company. The Czech lawmaker tries to reflect on this economical state by the institutes of insolvency and impending insolvency, which I focus on within this part. These institutes are linked to a number of legal duties. Chapters three and four constitute the core of the thesis. Chapter three...

Using a Cross-Cutting Theoretical Framework to Explore Difficulties Learning Human Anatomy and Physiology

Slominski, Tara Nicole January 2020 (has links)
Across the United States, Human Anatomy and Physiology (HA&P) courses typically have some of the highest withdrawal and failure rates on college campuses. These high enrollment course typically serve as gate-keepers for those individuals with aspirations of entering the medical field. In light of the growing national shortage of healthcare professionals, there is a pressing need to improve the state of HA&P education at a national scale. The goal of this dissertation is to understand why undergraduate students struggle to succeed in HA&P courses. I leveraged multiple frameworks from biology education research, physics education research, and cognitive psychology to understand the source of student difficulty in HA&P. I used a mixed-methods approach to unpack how students reason about the complex phenomena covered in HA&P classes. The data presented here suggest student difficulties in HA&P are not the product of a culmination of individual conceptual difficulties. Rather, this work suggests students have difficulty reasoning with the many complex systems that are at the heart of HA&P curriculum. Students appear to frame these complex systems in a manner that activates reasoning strategies that are often in conflict with course goals. The findings from this work advocate for a dynamic view of student cognition that recognizes the implications of context features on student reasoning of complex systems.

A Teacher's Guide to Academic Reading: Focusing on the Academic Reading Demands of ESL Learners

Stone, Rebecca Jean 13 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
With over 765,000 English-as-a-second-language (ESL) students studying in the United States, a greater understanding of the academic requirements and demands these students face while studying in the US is needed. Some of the biggest challenges they face include the amount of reading required and the various tasks employed with academic reading. University reading tasks require more than an understanding of the text. These tasks place a strong emphasis on text comprehension, summary, synthesis, and critical analysis. This is problematic as students, especially ESL learners, lack experience with academic tasks, and many additionally struggle with low metacognitive awareness, limited or low reading fluency, limited vocabulary, and difficulty understanding text organization. This article will present a research-informed website, A Teacher's Guide to Academic Reading, designed for teachers preparing ESL learners for the demands and difficulties of university reading. A Teacher's Guide to Academic Reading specifically informs teachers of academic reading demands and provides resources to help their learners develop fluent reading skills, critical reading skills, and general academic skills.

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